Where pretty lies perish.
Apr 19th, 2008 by CH
Apr 18th, 2008 by CH
I have a friend who is very self-critical. When we go out to meet girls he will handicap his game by being too hard on himself. When he isn’t weaseling out of approaching girls with every excuse in the book he is projecting an overly attentive vibe when he does manage to enter a set. In the field, I’d often hear him say:
“I wonder if she got my jokes?”
“I hope I didn’t come off as too needy.”
“She’s probably looking for a different type of guy.”
Poor inner game — what is known by other jargon as your state of mind or your self confidence — is inwardly directed. Good inner game is outwardly directed. It’s the difference between berating yourself for not winning over others and berating others for not winning over you. The men who are naturally good with women live outside their minds — they are externally focused. The downside is that they are usually not very introspective, but who cares about that shit when you’re getting pussy? Introspection is for dainty young women in sundresses picking buttercups in meadows.
If my friend had good inner game what he would have said is:
“She loses points for not having a good sense of humor.”
“She’s the kind of girl who hides her insecurity behind aloofness.”
“I’ll chat with her to see if she’s the type of girl I want in my life.”
I hear a lot of talk about how Game routines are going stale, and chicks see right through them. In fact, the problem isn’t typically with the routines, it’s with the confidence and congruence in which they are delivered. If your inner game isn’t solid then what you present to the outside world won’t match what you are feeling inside. Your inner game is reflected through your body language and voice tone, so however clever your routines they will strike a false note if you don’t internalize the confidence you are trying to portray. You will betray yourself with negative thinking.
Fake it till you make it means faking that internal confidence as well as the external behavior. This is not as hard as it sounds. Every time you feel self-doubt and talk yourself into inaction, yell “Stop!” out loud, and your brain will reboot. You then consciously reframe your thought processes to put the burden of approval seeking on those around you. With good inner game you can say just about any ridiculous routine and the girl will be intrigued.
The most important change in thinking you can make:
You are not there to win over women, they are there to win over you.
Keep saying this over and over until you begin to believe it. You are re-wiring yourself. Don’t worry about the truth or falsity of it. That’s irrelevant.
The beauty of this system is that it turns the seduction template on its head. Co-opting a woman’s natural choosiness and making yourself the chooser instead of the chosen is extremely attractive to women. Because it hardly ever happens this way, women will happily strive to win the approval of a man who is clear in his words and his actions that he is judging them for worthiness of his attention, and not the other way around.
Apr 17th, 2008 by CH
Take a look at this “man” (and I use the term loosely):
This twee little turd was photographed at the opening of the new Brooklyn Flea market, written about in this New York Times article. The annoyance level of this picture is a 9 on the Prickter scale. There’s so much hideousness to choose from that you’ll have to decide what’s most annoying. Personally, it’s a toss-up between the billowing flowered scarf and the gloves in April.
If you needed one picture to sum up everything that’s wrong with a once great nation, this will do. From the doughy flaccid face begging for a punch to the exquisitely scuffed boots, he’s a pure distillation of decadent pointlessness. An asexual globule of fey excess. A consumerist wastrel. He’s like the anti-Christ of virile manhood: the anti-man. The nearer you get to him, the more testosterone he sucks out of your soul. Ironically, the closer women get to him the more manly they become, probably out of spite. Women tend to take on the characteristics of men when the men in their lives forfeit the job.
Here’s the catch: If he’s straight, I bet he gets laid more than the average straight American man. Why? Because he’s not average. Stepping out of the mainstream, no matter how preposterous, gets a man noticed by women. Most will hate him, some will be indifferent, and a few will love him like a rock star. This equation adds up to more pussy than the average guy can get, since average men are hated by some women and unnoticed by all the rest. A bland average man never starts off with a small but firm base of aroused women.
It’s for this reason I define alpha males as those who can secure the best pussy in the greatest quantities on the most favorable terms. Bowling 300 is an alpha trait, but skipping the bowling competition to violate a hipsterette’s mouth in the back of a coat check of a dingy club is alpha itself.
ps: men should never go to flea markets. are you a gatherer, or a hunter?
pps: whitepeople love postscripts.
Apr 16th, 2008 by CH
Take me to the room where the red’s all red
Take me out of my head-‘s what I said yeah
Hey take me to the room where the green’s all green
And from what I’ve seen it’s hot it’s mean
If the Chinese have any sense of humor to accompany their embrace of manifest destiny they’d choose the above as their Olympics theme song. As this article insists, it’s the way things are shaping up for the 21st century.
What would those Victorian masters of old have made of the fact that Chinese security men were on the streets of London this week, ordering our own police about and fighting running battles with British protesters while bewildered athletes carried the Olympic torch on its relay through the capital?
It was a brazen display of how confident China has become of its new place in the world, just as the British Government’s failure to take a firm stand on Chinese abuses of human rights shows how craven we have become.
The West is weak, a willfully beached whale encumbered and suffocating under its own heaving mass, tired of living, growing old, losing faith, conceding surrender to legal and illegal invasions of foreign hordes with not the slightest bit of inclination or desire to assimilate, and I lay the blame for its critical condition and spiritual stupor squarely at the feet of those guilty Western equalists who got the vapors being Number One. The folly of the Iraq War was simply coda to decades of self-evisceration and puling retreat from national pride.
As it builds gleaming skyscrapers on its fields, China alone consumes half the world’s cement and a third of its steel.
What is happening is so extraordinary that economists have had to invent a new word for it – this is not an economic cycle, but a supercycle, a shift in the world economy of historic proportions.
When demand increases and supply stands still, prices shoot up. Iron, wheat and oil are all at record prices, despite slackening demand in the faltering Western economies.
A double whammy. Demand in the West for materials decrease but prices continue to rise on increased demand in China. A weakened economy could at least eventually benefit from a drop in prices due to weakened demand, but now that is denied us. I see a big hurt coming. Stagflation all over again.
China rises on these factors:
Remind you of countries past?
Yet there is audacious hope on the horizon.
But Western attitudes will change as well, with a likely shift to the political Right. White liberal guilt, the driving force behind political correctness, will subside as Westerners feel threatened by the global order changing, and their supremacy slipping away.
Anti-Americanism will disappear as Europeans realise how much better it was to have a world super power that was a democracy (however flawed) not a dictatorship.
There is even speculation that the intense economic pressure on countries such as Britain will cause them to trim down their bloated welfare state, simply because it will no longer be affordable at present levels.
I used to think that the physical death of the last wheezing remnants of the Boomer generation would be needed to finally slay the PC Eye of Sauron, but now I see that China’s triumph is the X factor that will re-energize American culture. Chinese supremacy may very well turn out to be a blessing in disguise for an anemic West. In the tribulation of real challenge, of growing powerlessness, America has the opportunity to toss off the shackles of navel-gazing self-doubt and deconstructionist -ism wallowing and reclaim a renewed sense of self. I foresee the Chinese Century ushering in a quietly robust Underground American Century marked by its jettisoning of postmodernist nihilistic silliness.
Real loss of power has a way of focusing the mind.
She’s low down
-She don’t take no prisoners
Go down
-Gonna give me the business
No time
-Yeah chained to the rack!
Show time
-Got a dragon on my back
Show down
-Go find another customer
Slow down
-I gotta make my way*
*yeah, i know this song is probably about drugs, but i liked how it worked as a china metaphor as well.
Apr 15th, 2008 by CH
Back in the day I lived in a group house with three other guys. It was a great time. As men, we really sharpened our joshing in this environment. I mastered the art of the cutting retort.
One of the guys, a physically imposing 6’7″ laid back dude, had a hot girlfriend – let’s call her Kay – with a great personality. She was every guy’s dream girlfriend. One night, all of us were sitting around in the living room splayed across dirty couches watching TV when Kay started gossiping about inconsequential private matters involving her boyfriend and his family. She meant no harm by it, and we weren’t really paying attention, but he obviously didn’t like the idea of her revealing personal details from his life. Out of the blue, he thundered
The room fell silent. Kay blushed a bright crimson and sat immobile, looking at him submissively from under her lowered eyes. She didn’t protest or attempt to defend herself. I think all she said was “OK alright” in a mousy half-exasperated, half-apologetic voice. After what seemed like hours but was only 30 seconds, one of us broke the tension by changing the subject to something stupid on TV.
Later that night, I was awoken by a steady thumping noise coming through the walls. It was loud enough to rouse me to investigate. I walked closer to the source of the thump on the other side of the house (this was a very large house) which was reverberating from one of the bedrooms. It sounded like a heavy appliance being dropped. As I neared the bedroom door I heard the unmistakeable grunts, moaning, and shrieks of delight of lovemaking. Mr. Shut The Fuck Up was fucking his girlfriend so hard that the bed frame was lifting off the floor. His thrusting tempo was precise — you could have practiced piano to the metronomic beat of the thumping.
There are a few impressionable moments in a young man’s life that opens his eyes to the true nature of women. This was one of them.
Proposition: I challenge my male readers — particularly my beta readers — who have girlfriends to an asshole experiment. When your GF makes you genuinely angry I want you to yell at her “SHUT THE FUCK UP”. Credibility will be added if you do it in public. This will be tough for you to do, but my presence will be with you, like the unholy spirit. Visualize your balls physically growing larger when she says something that pisses you off.
Email me the results of this experiment, good or bad. What did she say/do? Did you back down or stand by your words? Did you break up or did you have the best sex of your lives afterward? For those of you who have already yelled like this to your girlfriends, your memory of the event will be accepted for consideration. After I have received a number of responses, I will put up a post in the future quoting each contributing reader’s experience. You will be credited for your bravery in the pursuit of truth and understanding.
I believe some of you will become intoxicated by the power of asshole.
PS: They got happily married.
Apr 13th, 2008 by CH
There have been some new sadomasochists readers here at the chateau lately, so I figured it would be helpful to acclimate them to the chateau’s delights with links to personal and fan favorite posts. (Plus, I forget what I write about five minutes after I write it, so this is a way for me to explore my mental state at various times this past year.)
My very first post on April 9, 2007: Endless Dating
Not one of my best efforts, but being the first I include it as a matter of curiosity.
The very next two posts happened to be two of my best:
How To Win Back An Ex-Girlfriend
Excerpt From The Book Of Alpha
Check out the comments which are chock full of valuable info.
A funny post that got me a date with a cat fancier: LolCat Game
Me being creative: Profiles in Scintillating Conversation
The scripture of this blog summed up in one post: Truth Day
An attempt to calculate the odds of a girl flaking: Flake Odds Point System
A real life pickup story from the underground biography: The Bachelor Party
Judging a woman by her cover (this post caught the eyes of the Wonkette crew): She Eats Her Peas One At A Time
My most viewed post (must be a lot of Dennis Kucinich fans out there): Dennis Kucinich: Alpha Male
My third most viewed post, and one I had to work hard to collect the data for: A Quick And Dirty Dating Guide To Foreign Girls
Dealing with a girl’s last minute resistance.
I give my future kids the lowdown: An Open Letter To My Hypothetical Future Kids
My thoughts on love and underwear parties.
This post generated a lot of anger and self-serving platitudes: From Kitten To Cougar
I enjoy rubbing the ugly side of life into the faces of the pretty lies crowd.
How bitter woman-hating betas are created.
Omegas and betas welcome their sexbot overlords.
Despite claims that it’s the intelligence and imagination two people bring to bed that makes for better sex, it’s the hotness of the woman that really counts.
Pushing a girl away will trigger her attraction for you.
The many ways to answer a girl when she asks you if you think she’s fat.
Second in a series of my popular girlfriend or fling posts.
My experience with something unnatural: Fake Tits
Getting our terms straight: Defining The Alpha Male and The Alpha Female
My second most viewed post, and one that caused a lot of consternation among lawyers. Again, this information required much time spent in the field collecting data. Like Jesus Christ, I suffer to enlighten my readers: What A Girl’s Job Tells You
I channeled Tyler Durden in this post. I must have been tripping.
Need to know what your chances are of landing your dream lover? Then check out my masterpieces and tally up your score: Dating Market Value For Men and For Women
A sad story from my life that contributed to making me the charming devil I am today: Dodged The Same Bullet Twice
My experience with jungle fever.
My anti-lawyer screed. I’m really proud of this post.
The things I will do for a girl if I really like her: Litmus Test
Always date at least two girls at once.
A very in-depth analysis of proper alpha body language.
A woman’s number one asset. Care to guess what it is?
The sweetness of robbing a girl of the satisfaction of dumping you.
A critical component of game is getting compliance from a girl.
A fine list of maxims.
My manifesto against marriage.
Cockblocked by Scientology.
This post on the sex appeal of younger vs older women cause much wailing and gnashing of teeth and probably cost me a few hookups through the blog. But I have to stay true to my art.
A ripping good yarn about my time dating a woman I feared was a tranny.
As a connoisseur of young cooch, these two posts present rules for dealing with dating younger women.
Don’t say I’m not a giver. Here’s my post on game for girls.
A man’s state of mind is the most important thing for determining how much pussy he gets.
I discuss how fat women distort the dating market and create players.
Girls love assholes – news at 11.
Guarantee a healthy relationship with the fear of loss.
This was the number one commented post. Betas are hip.
The perfect woman. (Hint: that cropped pic wasn’t randomly chosen.)
Looking forward, I intend to steer this blog in a fresh direction while staying true to the core mission statement. Change is good.
Apr 11th, 2008 by CH
I’m sure some scoffed when I gave that advice to men, but it turns out I was right! To increase the likelihood of a happy relationship men should be with women who are more attractive than themselves.
Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a notch below them in the looks category. New research reveals couples in which the wife is better looking than her husband are more positive and supportive than other match-ups.
The reason, researchers suspect, is that men place great value on beauty, whereas women are more interested in having a supportive husband.
The mysteries of the herb factor solved.
The study involved asking couples a personal question and evaluating how supportive each partner was of the other. Couples were rated separately for hotness of looks.
Researchers videotaped as each spouse discussed with their partner a personal problem for 10 minutes. The tapes were analyzed for whether partners were supportive of spouses’ issues, which included goals to eat healthier, to land a new job and to exercise more often.
“A negative husband would’ve said, ‘This is your problem, you deal with it,’” McNulty said, “versus ‘Hey, I’m here for you; what do you want me to do?; how can I help you?’”
A group of trained “coders” rated the facial attractiveness of each spouse on a scale from 1 to 10, with the perfect 10 representing the ultimate babe. About a third of the couples had a more attractive wife, a third a more attractive husband and the remaining partners showed matching looks.
If my wife was getting fat I wouldn’t tell her it’s her problem. I’d be on her flabby ass like Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. I’m supportive like that.
Overall, wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking.
Men — bat out of your league. Not only will you be happier, but so will she.
In couples with more attractive husbands, both partners were less supportive of one another. McNulty suggests wives mirror, in some ways, the level of support they get from husbands.
I’ve seen this in real life. My good-looking buddies who slum it with borderline chicks treat their girls like shit. This proves it’s practically a moral imperative to sleep with girls who are hotter than you think you can get.
Physical attractiveness of husbands is not as important to women, the researchers suggest. Rather, wives are looking for supportive husbands, they say.
So it seems the mismatch in looks is actually a perfect match. “Equitable is unlikely to mean the same on every dimension,” Ariely said during a telephone interview. “It just means that overall two people make sense together.”
Aiming for hotter chicks than what everyone tells you you deserve is not only great motivation and a guaranteed way to improve your game, it is scientifically and morally justified. Since I am a font of human kindness and a light unto the world, I will only hit on 9s and above tonight.
Apr 10th, 2008 by CH
Several readers emailed me a link to this Camille Paglia article about Hillary Clinton surrounding herself with beta males and how this may be hurting her campaign.
First, a reader wrote to Paglia:
I would like to get your feedback on the subject of those who end up in Hillary’s orbit. Can you conceive of a strong, leader-type male ever working under her? An alpha, if you will. And if the answer is no, then why do you think that is?
The men you always see under her are to a person passive-aggressive, sadistic, mean, little, petty beta-male pieces of work who would not naturally succeed in a common male-type hierarchy. […]
Hillary’s persona is simply not compatible with another strong will, male or female — but definitely male, and that itself is a big red flag.
Paglia’s response in part:
I agree that the male staff who Hillary attracts are slick, geeky weasels or rancid, asexual cream puffs. (One of the latter, the insufferable Mark Penn, just got the heave-ho after he played Hillary for a patsy with the Colombian government.) If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say Hillary is reconstituting the toxic hierarchy of her childhood household, with her on top instead of her drill-sergeant father. All those seething beta males (as you so aptly describe them) are versions of her sad-sack brothers, who got the short end of the Rodham DNA stick.
This sounds right. The Supreme Cunt resents her experiences growing up with a strong-willed, domineering, verbally abusive alpha male father and her history of surrounding herself with wretched lickspittle lapdog beta males who probably had to pay to lose their virginity exemplifies her inward yearning to dominate the most important male figure in her life the way he dominated her. Just take a look at the amorphous, greasy, slimeball sexually neutered beta bitchboys she employs in her inner circle:
It is for this reason — the seething vengeance complex the Cunt On High nurses for all alpha males who remind her of her father — that Hillary cannot be trusted to act as President in the best interest of half the American population. See, for example, the way she LOATHES the military. Her Cunterrific Cuntastic Cuntery ensures that in her world it is always women first, women best, women forever victims and men relegated to an afterthought or natural born criminal perpetrators of Orwellian PC crimes, suitable only for reminding her of her ideological righteousness nurtured for decades during the height of the misandrist revolution in a fetid curdled soup of gender bender feelgood lies.
Bill Clinton, alpha male, gradually learned this, and found love and admiration in the arms of younger women unafraid of their femininity and sex roles. I respect him for that.
Ever notice how most alpha males — the guys who know how to give women what they want — are either indifferent to feminism or, when they’re not in polite company, hostile to it? And how many sniveling beta males lick up the runny shit of feminism and ask for more? Something worth pondering.
Apr 9th, 2008 by CH
This is a public service announcement.
End alimony and no-fault divorce.
If women were forced to deal with the financial consequences of failed marriages with high risk cads they would be more discerning about choosing provider betas for husbands. If women did not have the option to unilaterally walk away from a marriage no questions asked, then that would also create an incentive to marry carefully chosen partners who are more likely to possess traits of loyalty and faithfulness, and to be more circumspect about leaving beta husbands who’ve proven their worth as good providers.
This is a great example of how feminism has been most beneficial (inadvertently or deliberately?) for alpha males. The very male chauvinist pigs they rail against are reaping the rewards of living in the society these feminists have created. To that I say: oink.
*Update: Child support should not provide an incentive for a wife to leave a responsible beta husband, so its reward should be severely restricted only to those cases of fault divorce where the father has clearly reneged on his end of the deal.
Apr 8th, 2008 by CH
I don’t think people realize just how much condoms and the pill have altered human sexual behavior. To prove this, let’s examine the sexual history of the average alpha male with a healthy sex drive:
10 partners per year.
approximately 1.5 copulations per day for ~545 copulations per year.
about 55 copulations per partner.
Now of course none of this matters in the era of contraception since the odds of him getting any of these girls accidentally pregnant is near zero, assuming he is strict in his adherence to protecting himself from baby blackmail and the girl is not lying about being on the pill. Most guys, especially alphas who have high risk temperaments, aren’t that self-disciplined and get sloppy once in a while and blast inside, so the chance of fertilization is a little higher than zero. It’s probably more like an elevated risk of conception for 1% of the yearly 545 copulations, or 6 copulations randomly distributed have a better than zero chance of turning into 18 years of living hell. Extrapolating outward 10 years, the average alpha male would wind up with one unwanted child. Abortion being the cure for what ails ya, even that unlikely scenario wouldn’t come to fruition.
What are the consequences in a pre-contraceptive world? Using the copulation numbers above and assuming the same high risk and sloppy behavior of the average alpha, a girl who didn’t have access to the pill or abortion and a guy who didn’t have regular access to a reliable condom (which was the case for most of human history) would run a much higher risk of accidental pregnancy. Let’s say he pulls out successfully 80% of the time and the remaining 20% of copulations he isn’t fast enough and a little of his juice spills inside her. Of that high risk 20% (109 copulatory events) 5% result in conception. That’s 5 unwanted pregnancies per year, folks, spread out over five different partners.
If you don’t think that massively transformed risk-reward structure would have any effect on human behavior you are living in a fantasyland. Pre-contraception, women were probably more chaste and permitted internal blasts primarily with provider betas they could be sure wouldn’t leave them in case of pregnancy. Men, for their part, were less likely to pump and dump in favor of winning over these chaste girls with displays of resources. Alpha males still scored better than average amounts of pussy, but the sexual playing field was more level. With abortion, the pill, and ribbed condoms women exercised their liberation from reproductive consequence by rewarding the caddish alpha males with more sex than they knew what to do with.
The pill has been the beta’s worst enemy.
I made a rough calculation in my head how many kids I would have if contraceptives didn’t exist. The number is sobering. At least 125 mini-mes would be roaming the plains of America, and France, today. Luckily, I only have to spend a few hours each year visiting my nieces and nephews, which is a level of commitment that suits me well.