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Category Archive for 'Ugly Truths'

The Hag-Political Activism relationship is a simple one: as a former beauty ages into a hag, her bitterness over her lost looks drives her into ideological zealousness. The ideology she typically embraces is a toxic stew of man-hate, denial of sex differences, and insipid platitudes glorifying the lie that beauty is a social construct. Hagtivists … Read more

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Limbicus corticus The Id is the truth of us Algorithmic sorticus The digital id exposes us Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming the Artificial Id, revealing through coded algorithms what we humans really think about taboo topics. Why does AI think Michael Obama and Scrotal Williams are men? Oh I dunno, it could be the hulking … Read more

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The Hatefulness Of The Hate Police

Relevant: We all know what happens. Scenario 1: “Yass, queen!” *one billion Likes* Scenario 2: “Burn the racist!” *quickly deletes tweet, is fired from job anyway* The violently disparate reactions have nothing to do with “historical minority under-representation” or “White privilege” and everything to do with the chilling knowledge that people instinctively grasp the truth … Read more

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Men tend to look better with age (up to an elderly point). Women, sadly, start looking worse not so long after their 25th birthday, and keep careening downhill. A lethal id-shiv from Ms. Bacon bandit, Both men and women become more manly as they age. In before some nerdhole whines about a still fuckable aging … Read more

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Evidence of the corrosive effects of subspecies diversity forced into close proximity is found everywhere in the human, animal, and now plant kingdoms. Via Uncensored Science, This is fascinating study on kin selection / inclusive fitness where it’s shown that plants show more cooperation with other plants to which they are more closely related. In … Read more

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On the topic of “good ones” among the general misfit population of third world vigrants in White nations, PA writes, The “good ones” can only exist in a state of peace. For example, when your country is exclusively yours and you visit India and meet your social peer there, with whom you find that you … Read more

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Augustus has an answer: The Special people, Umber people, etc THRIVE in the U.S because of White leeching. This is why talk of “separatism” is already being culled by the tech oligarchs. Minorities do not simply want to live in their own spaces. They want to live in their own spaces while leeching off the … Read more

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Deter Naturalist corners the shitlb enviro about his betrayal of his claimed principles. In the 1970’s endless ink was spilled about running out of landfill space and paving North America. Then the globalists bought off the Sierra Club (((globalists))) and suddenly America’s 200 million people needed to swell to 335 million and “who gives a … Read more

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A reader passes along this bombshell April 2019 study which I missed, CH, you’ve got to check out this recent study – high school aged girls who are around high-achieving guy are less likely to go to college and more likely to have kids. And the effect is even stronger for girls who go to … Read more

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The Great Men On Usury

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