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Happy Thanksgiving


Here is a quick and effective one-liner/neg to toss out that will instantly raise your value with the girl you like. It’s easy to remember, versatile, and virtually betaproof.

“I’m surprised you’re [wearing those shoes].”

You can fill in the brackets with anything you notice about her. For example:

“I’m surprised you’re [wearing that color scarf].”

Naturally, the girl will follow up indignantly with something like:

“Why? What do you mean?!”

You’ll want to calibrate the sting of your reply to her beauty. If she’s an 8 or above, go harsh:

“Your colors don’t match. Unless that was the look you were going for.”

If she’s lower than an 8, soften the edges:

“Oh, nothing. It’s a unique choice. It takes some courage to pull that off.”

Occasionally, you’ll come across a girl who will challenge your rude observation with a response like this:

“Yeah, well, I love these shoes. I’m surprised you notice stuff like that.”

If she gives you flak, don’t sweat it. You’re in! A testy girl is an intrigued girl. You’ve nudged her out of the indifferent zone into the shit test zone. Consider this a troop advancement.


Fat lesbians.

LESBIANS are twice as likely as heterosexual women to be overweight or obese, which puts them at greater risk for obesity-related health problems and death, US researchers said.

Men keep women in check. Freed from the biological need to be visually attractive to men, women regress quickly to a state of blubbery bliss.

“The results of these studies indicate that lesbian women have a better body image than do heterosexual women,” they wrote.

Lesbians don’t care very much about looks in their partners, so bloating up like a fat cow won’t cause them psychic distress. When feminists (AKA radicalized man-hating lesbians) complain about the harm society does to a woman’s body self-image, what they are really lamenting is a world where men have sexual preferences. A feminist fantasy land is one where men have no preferences and women can pick and choose from whatever man she wants, while suffering no consequences from getting fat, old, or ugly.

Makeup, fashion, and staying in shape are evidence that women compete for the attention of men. When they opt out of the competition for men altogether, like lesbians have done, they stop bothering with those things. Analogously, gay men rarely bother with long sex-delayed courtships and promises of commitment.

Moral of the story: Women and men are judged for their worth in the sexual market. “Judge not lest ye be judged” is a lie to protect the feelings of the losers in life. Taking the high road will not save you from the judgement of others.

Wedding Ring Game

I had a friend who used to wear a cheapo gold plated ring whenever he was out in a public place where there might be hot chicks, even though he wasn’t married. I asked him why. He beamed with pride as he said “The looks I get from girls quadruples when I wear this. It’s like a pussy beacon.”

It was true. When I was out with him, he would conspicuously position his left hand on the bar and girls would suddenly gather in clumps nearby, giving us obvious proximity approach cues, or they would go right up to my friend and open him with their lame pickup lines that would never work for a guy.

“Hi, do you come to this place a lot?”

I though maybe they felt comfortable approaching my friend because he seemed safe as a “married” man no longer in the hunt. But that theory was wrong. They approached him because they were intrigued. The sparkle of attraction in their eyes betrayed their tingling pussies. All he needed to do was slip that bad boy wedding band on his finger and it was like wearing the One Ring of Power — Sauron’s giant fiery labia was following him everywhere.

“What do you do when the girl asks about your “wife”?” I wondered.

“You’d be surprised. Half the time they never ask, and of course, I never mention it. I take the ring off in my pocket later in the night, after we’ve been talking for a while and she’s invested her time in me, and proceed to game her as normal. They must rationalize it away in their heads, as is the wont of their fickle gender.”

“And what about the ones who do ask?”

“Depends when she asks. If we’re making out on my couch and then she asks, I tell her my “wife” and I are separated and have an agreement to date around. I know I have her at that point, so the allure of being a taken man is no longer required. If she asks right away, I ignore her question — actually, they will never ASK, like “Are you married?”; instead they’ll hint at it tangentially, like “Does your wife know you are out tonight flirting with girls?” . Evasion is the word of the day. I might say “Does your Mom know you are out tonight letting guys like me flirt with you?” 90% of the time, this works. If you make a girl feel good emotions, she’ll conveniently forget all about your loyal wife sitting at home waiting for your return. For those 10% of girls who keep asking, I just say I’m “having issues” with my wife. Very few actually walk away because they feel bad flirting with a married man. Women are really amoral creatures, driven by their vaginas, like an animal in heat.”

“This all sounds so easy.”

“It is. Which is why I can’t believe more men don’t do it.”

“I guess some guys have a problem with lying.”

“They shouldn’t. Women certainly don’t.”

Public Service Announcement: Most girls can’t tell the difference between gold plated and 24K gold. Save your money, gentlemen.


Investigative reader Joe T. sent me this unintentionally hilarious survey of Central Asian (particularly Kazakh) attitudes toward, and stereotypes of, foreign women. The survey was conducted by the Gender Studies department at a university in Kazakhstan, and all I can say is that if American gender studies departments were like this one, our college “””educated””” women wouldn’t be so fucked in the head. I might even take a class. It’s disconcerting to note that it’s in the marginally 3rd world countries where the truth doesn’t send people into pants pissing mode and where no one uses PC as a sanctimonious cudgel to gain status over close kin rivals. You have to concede that the West is in a race to abdicate everything that made it great. Stupid fucks.

The stereotypes of foreign women that the survey highlighted shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has lived a day in his life.

Appearance of the Chinese woman is distinguished by refinement, small forms, delicacy, grace, fragility, slimness, beauty, narrow eyes. Often it is mentioned, that Chinese woman is poor, submissive, hurt, without claims and demands, traditions, home, family are in the first place for her. She can be secretive, knows which side her bread is buttered, reserved, silent, patient, and, probably, wise, calm, polite.

Her main typical quality is diligence, also she is very practical, thrifty, talented, persistent, indefatigable. In the post-Soviet environment Chinese woman can be met at the bazaar, where there is much of everything, everything by wholesale and very cheap.

If you’ve been through a Chinese street market, you know they eat just about everything under the sun. Very nutritionally resourceful.

[…]Korean woman is associated with Korean salads, rice, spices, kuksi noodles and dog meat. She is distinguished with narrow eyes, miniature, graceful and exotic beauty and cleanliness. Like Uigur woman she is engaged in trading at the bazaar, business in area of café, restaurants, clubs, shops, and for this reason she is rich. Her entrepreneurial success is promoted by diligence, accuracy, intellect, tenacity, pragmatism, dynamism. Depending on situation and character Korean woman can be both refined, subtle, tender, lively, wise and capricious, crafty and bad-tempered.

Does anyone talk like this anymore in the US? They should. It’ll help people get along better.

In the row of Asian women with outstanding cooking abilities a special place belongs to Tatar women. Unlike Uigur and Korean women, Tatar women are not active in trading and financial sphere. She is also cunning and practical, but these qualities help them to settle their family and social affairs.

Having dated a half-Tatar Ukrainian woman, I can attest to the above description. Funny how the Kazakhs and me both agree on female Tatar characteristics, depsite being from opposite sides of the globe.

How are the Turkish women viewed by Kazakhs?

Many note her exotic beauty, plastic, graceful figure, big black eyes, long eyelashes and an indispensable attribute – a headscarf. […]

Social status of Turkish women is presented by people in typical way: submissive, driven, without rights, enslaved, captive, slavery, many children, family for her in the first place, a housewife, tries to resemble a European,, closed door, does not know her bridegroom before wedding, under yoke of rigidly patriarchal and stringently ruled family life.

Above explains associations of her complex inner world: closed, reserved, aggressive, spoilt – are these not images of harem captives?

Any man who can successfully manage a harem can run a multinational corporation.

Oh, here’s a juicy one sure to raise hackles.

Jewish woman  is sometimes described by ethnographic images (synagogue, Esther, Rachel, Sarah, “Havva nagila” song”). Everyone knows her typical appearance: hair above her lips, dark-brown eyes, hooked nose, large thighs, thin waist, often fat, speaks in scandalous manner, not very neat.

Amazing unanimity is observed in responses regarding maternal role of the Jewish woman. Variations on this topic are as follows: head of the family, mother with many children, mother of the family, mamma of the big family, 100%-mother, brooding-hen mother, mummy, very much attached to family values, home, thrift, good housewife, cultural traditions.

Psychology of Jewish woman reveals a complex and flexible character: she is cunning, knows which side her bread is buttered, self-conceited, ironical, easily adaptable, lively, not boring, warm, intellectual, coquettish, sexual, expansive, uncommon.

Surely, Jewish woman is smart, she has high intellect, talent, mathematical cast of mind, elitism. Nevertheless, she has also such qualities, as greediness, practicality and prudence, this woman always knows her advantage and always settles her affairs well. This explains her successfulness, activeness, strength, well-being, prosperity.

The thing with stereotypes is that they don’t arise out of the ether unbidden. They must have a kernel of truth to exist in the first place.

Like Chinese, Japanese woman is beautiful, graceful, she has small feet, cheeks, eyes, porcelain face, small pace, but she is bright, thin and strange, like greenhouse. Traditionalism is her main specific feature, she is patriotic, proud with a country, with herself, her husband, life. Educated and cultural, she knows her rights, emancipated, travels trough the world. Her portrait is supplemented by such qualities as quiet, secretive, reserved, well-wishing, agreeable, refined, delicate, poetical, with sense of beauty.

How do these barbarian Kazakhs form such accurate impressions of foreign women? It must be low class bigotry fed by media consumption. Ah, no. Most of the survey respondents were from the educated classes, the type of people who have read extensively of other cultures and traveled abroad.

The survey covered 85 people, 75 of them were women, 10 – men. 59 of them were citizens of Kazakhstan, 5 – of Kyrgyzstan, 5 – of Tajikistan, 4- of Russia, 3 – of Belarus, 1 – of Ukraine, 2 – of Georgia. The sampling mainly included members of the Central Asia network of gender research (41 people) and representatives of women’s public organizations. Most respondents have higher education, live in cities, being by occupation NGO activists (37 people), university professors (22 people), post graduate students (5 people), students (2 people), pupils (2 people), journalists (2), employees of international organizations and funds (6), non-working people (2) and others (7).

Now we get to the juiciest stereotypes; you know, the ones formed by the locals of foreign women who are from countries much farther away from Central Asia. Let’s see if their sweeping generalizations remain as accurate for Western women.

Probably, the most typical ethnographic image of German woman, known from textbooks, is a blonde in white flounced apron, with plump hands, shaking off flour.

German woman usually is bright-eyed blonde, often stout, plump, sometimes wan, awkward, plain. Often respondents present German woman as unattractive, thin, without make-up, manlike. Undoubtedly, she is a good housewife and spouse, she has a strong united family. One can easily guess which features are typical for German woman in the most concentrated way, serving as a national attribute. They are accuracy, cleanliness and pedantry. This is supplemented by practicality, prudence, diligence, strictness, discipline, thrift, solid sense, honesty, punctuality and we have a business portrait of German woman. However she is characterized with poor spiritual qualities: coldness, dryness, cruelty, secretiveness, boring.

Score! German personality: Nailed. German woman’s propensity to shake off flour: Bullseye! (I’m not kidding. I have fond memories from my youth of my female German descended relatives arm deep in flour puttering around the kitchen barking orders like a military officer. “Flour, please. Flour und eggs, mach schnell! Vere ist your flour und eggs, hmm?”)

I’d quibble with the Kazakhs’ opinion that German women are unattractive, but they are hinting at something true with their description of “manlike”. German women, especially the northern Nordics, do have more prominent facial features and stronger jawlines than the Central Asian women Kazakhs are used to seeing.

Italian woman speaks much and fast, very noisy with a loud, scandalous and hoarse voice, sultry beauty, sensual, southern, sunny, sun tanned.  She has magnificent hair, splendid bust, this is Sophie Lauren. She is embodiment of flourishing, money and luxury. This spirited, expressive woman, full of love, energetic, can cause a scandal and quarrel any minute. Men value in her sex appeal and impulsiveness, merriness and restlessness, sense of humor and bright womanliness. This is a volcano, ready to explore all of a sudden, warm strength, which makes a dull life of bored man an art of survival and self- possession. This a holiday of which one is tired, but always wishes again.

As with my German relatives, I concur with the Kazakhs’ views of my female Italian relatives. They do seem to seek any excuse to start a drama-fest. Italians and Italian-descended women must need to nourish their souls with histrionic outburts. Yet I cannot look away. They are indeed a holiday of which one is tired, but always wishes again.

Ethnic archetype of Swedish woman is defined by rigid landscapesnow, mountains, cold wind, ships, Vikings. Let’s imagine a tall sportive woman without make-up, in trousers, coat and sports shoes, with few gestures and self-confident. Her color is white. It dominates in description of her pale image: white, fair, with fine complexion, with fair hair, with straight straw or flax-color hair, freckles nose, a pale moth, in one word. […]

Respondents could not help recalling a Swedish family, where sex is so common, that children are taught it in the textbooks from the age of five, without any secrets and love, as a result.

Answers of male respondents show, that their images and stereotypes are very similar to presentations of women by both content and visually.

Swedish babes… lusted the world over.

And now we get to the Central Asian stereotype you’ve all been waiting for: American broads!

American woman is described in quite contradictory way. Most amazing is a negative estimation of her appearance. There are many variations on this topic: not well-groomed, not stylish, does not dress well, not fashionable clothes, not ironed shorts and T-shirt, sleepers, put on bare feet, elderly woman in shorts, emancipated woman, for whom it is not important how she looks, a girl without make-up, happy fatty woman, stout and shapeless person, a short hair-cut, a knapsack, waddling walk, tennis shoes, dentures, plain, manlike, unisex. Positive estimations are given less frequently: smiling, loudly speaking, stylish blonde, jeans, jeep, cowboy hat, cigarette, uncommonness.

“Happy fatty woman”. Ha haaw! Even the positive estimations are backhanded compliments. “Loudly speaking”? Yeah, that’s real feminine.

Knowing a kind of our sampling (activists of female organizations and researchers of gender issues), we are not surprised, that most people relate image of American woman with achievements of the female movement in the USA: feminist, independent, free, self-sufficient, uninhibited, emancipated, enjoying equal rights, wealthy, hater of men.

Please stop, I’m dying over here. The Kazakhs are more astute and honest regarding American cultural disintegration at the hands of the alpha male-feminist front nexus than are our own fucking elites. I hope I’m painting a clearer picture of who exactly is your number one enemy in this war supreme to bring America to her knees. Hint: It ain’t al-Qaeda.

Besides, American women are emotional, uninhibited so much, that they look ill-mannered, snobs, arrogant, hypocritical, empty, with complexes, cold, dry, egoists, superficial, non-constant and impudent.  Their actions are often characterized with regulated character, black and colored women are distinguished with a habit to rely on social support and not to undertake anything to change their life.

File under: Things you will never see printed in the New York Times.

But the Kazakhs do have something nice to say about American women.

Despite this, business qualities of the majority of American women – intellect, professionalism, activeness, self-confidence, discipline pragmatism, career-mindness – are worth of great respect.

Thanks, you want ‘em? I’ll trade you my professional “active” American women for your sweetly feminine Kazakh women. Then we’ll see how long your “great respect” for them lasts.

Read the whole article. It’s a trip.

The Kazakhs speak their mind and tell it like it is. Something the West should relearn. It causes ulcers to constantly police against stating the bleedingly obvious. Diversity is a wonderful thing to observe, if not necessarily to live amongst. I’m intrigued that there are so many different nations of so many different ethnicities and races with their unique characteristics, some good, some bad. Nations are really human ethnic groups by another name. Even America. Though to a lesser extent than that of, say, Japan. Or Israel.

Maxim #42: Xenophobia is good for diversity.

The Kazakhs need reeducation in the proper parlance of the times: We’re all the same on the inside, we just look different on the outside. Only a bigot could think otherwise.


Porker Potential

If you insist on ignoring the plain facts of day and all the advice I give here, and act against your self-interest by getting married, you should at least take care to avoid investing in any product that carries a high risk of MASSIVELY depreciating after the first bite of wedding cake. You don’t want to be left holding a penny stock wife who has ballooned up and lost all her initial value. You’ll want to screen for Porker Potential.

There are a few red flags you should learn to spot before blowing your wad on that whore status symbol engagement ring. Commenter Married But Cool noted in the comments to this post the following risk factors:

I’m quite sure we could somehow develop a scientific method to quantify this objectively, taking such factors into account as:

* age
* height
* pounds currently overweight
* current weight of mother
* weight history
* build characteristics

Usually, men can intuitively see this coming.  Its offensive to me when I see this happen.  Its the same as a guy being industrious when he is dating, and becoming and unemployed couch potato after marriage.

Age is certainly important. Older women have slower metabolisms, and if they hadn’t adopted good exercise and eating habits in their youth then they certainly won’t develop those habits later in life.

Obviously, her current BMI is a dead giveaway. Marrying a fat girl with a pretty face (you guesstimate) in the hopes that you can motivate her to lose weight with your persuasive charms and loving encouragement is a recipe for disappointment. Nothing short of electroshock therapy or breaking up with you to hunt for new men will cause her to lose the weight. You’re not a woman; you don’t want a “project” on your hands.

If she was thin in the past but got fat while she was with you, and you think this means your love can inspire her to recapture her former slender glory, you can forget it. She got fat because she disrespects you as a man. Any woman who respects her man also respects his sexual needs, and that means keeping a slender hourglass figure. I know some couples who get fat together because subconsciously it gives them a feeling of comfortable security that neither one is attractive to any other human being, and therefore unable to cheat — we call these couples “losers”. The strongest marriages are those where each partner knows the other has options, but the man has slightly more options than the woman.

Probably the BIGGEST factor is whether she was a former fatty. Past porkiness is no guarantee of future fatassery, but it comes damn close. Look at her old childhood, high school, and college photos. Was she a fat kid? You’ve got two weeks, tops, of hot honeymoon sex before the cottage cheese ripples like a flesh tsunami across her ass.

The second biggest factor is the size of her mother. Is this your girlfriend’s future?:

Then run for the hills.

Race is another factor. Thin Asian chicks rarely get fat after marriage. Stay away from Mexicans. Starch bombs!

Also screen for an inordinate love of food. Girls who are obsessed with food favor gastronomic satisfaction over sexual satisfaction. You want a girl who likes to cook… for you. On her own time she nibbles asparagus sprigs.

Personality traits are important for screening. Watch for chronically depressed girls. When a girl is depressed, she turns to heavy fatty foods to lift her mood. Don’t think you can substitute for food as her mood-lifter. No man has ever been able to compete with pastries for the heart of a depressed girl. The biofeedback is simply too intense; the fatter she grows, the sadder she feels, and the more she eats to alleviate the pain. If you’re lucky, she’ll turn to drugs instead. Heroin chic beats Lane Bryant lardo any day.

Finally, you’ll want to check for telltale physical signs of the coming fatocalypse. These are found in the plumpness of her earlobes, the depth of hang of her upper arms, a nascent FUPA crease or neck wattle, the number of inches her inner thighs touch when she stands, the protrusion of her outer labia, the pendulousness of her breasts, her ankle and wrist circumference, the pocket of fat that sits above the hips, and any hint of a joey pouch, among others.

Here is a handy chart for predicting the odds your girlfriend will bloat up after she enslaves you and your assets with a marriage contract.

Girlfriend’s Current Status                             Odds of Post-Wedding Bloat

21 years old
Current BMI: 19
No previous fatness
Her mom: MILF
Asian                                                                            0%
Small recipe book with your favorite meals
Cures her depression with sex
Thin wrists, ankles, and arms

36 years old
Current BMI: 25
Former fatty
Her mom: Orca
Mexican                                                                       100%
Library of cookbooks signed by Emeril
Gothically depressed
Cures her depression with fudge


October 2008 Comment Winner

It’s time to reveal the life-affirming, spiritually uplifting comment winners for the month of October.

The vote was unanimous. The October 2008 Comment Winner is Der Fuehrer on what it means to stand like an alpha.

I was in a club once. I was standing like a beta: arms crossed, legs crossed, hands held together and over my small penis and shriveled ball sack. I was such a beta I would wet myself when a woman walked passed me and even crap myself when she talked to me. Of course talking to me back then was, “Get out of my way, loser.” Afterwards I would cry.

Then I learned game. Now I am a man. I have fucked over 20,000 women, this summer alone.  I went to a Halloween party last year and everyone was admiring my alpha costume. I fucked 100 different women that night. I had to turn away 100 others. And they were all hot, gorgeous women. No fatties, no sagging breasts or flat asses and all had amazing fellatio skills. Some even enjoyed fingering my tight, powerful alpha ass.

At clubs now I stand in different positions. When I put my left let forward at least 10 women immediately drop to their knees, begin salivating, and beg for me to release my now 15 inch penis for them to suck. When I put my right leg forward another 10 beg me to fuck them up the ass.  When I stand with my legs exactly two feet apart, displaying my dominate manliness, the rest of the women in the club line up to wait their turn for me to fuck them. And it is all because of game.

When I am standing in any public place, say at at subway station, and I position my right pinkie exactly three inches from the left thumb which needs to be exactly two feet above the crotch but not so close to my stomach that it anyway hints of betatude  a random woman will drop to the floor, spread her legs, and scream for me to fuck her right there and if I don’t she will hurl herself in front of the oncoming subway. Guaranteed.

Women love my alpha clothes, the my alpha cars, my alpha house, my alpha books, even my alpha cereal.  I walk, talk, and look like an alpha. When I shit my shit is true alpha shit, hard, manly, strong and gigantic. My toilet is always getting clogged, but hey, being an alpha means some hardships, right? And I am so alpha I don’t even have to wipe my ass afterwards, since all the women I just bedded who are lying around my house compete to wipe it for me. Of course the alpha females don’t want me to wipe my ass they, just just plead, “Please, we love the smell of your alpha shit, please, don’t wipe it off!” When I walk my alpha dog all the other beta dogs show their stomachs in submission. Even my dog has a two foot penis and his alpha doggy ball sack drags on the ground. Women can even smell my dominate, alpha scent  from around the world and the show up at my doorstep with wet panties ready to be “pumped and dumped” by my dominate, masculine self. If I have to turn them away
because they are not 10’s (which is rare) they are happy to have my alpha dog fuck them, just to have some association with me. I have many half human/half dog children because of this, but it is only good that my alpha genes be transmitted into more than one species (through my alpha dog at least), given my Darwinian outlook on life. The world needs my virility.

And it is all because I read about it somewhere in book. Yeah.

I am so Alpha that I will eventually take over a country, impose a dictatorship for 15 years, invade a few others, like Poland, France and Russia, and rule Europe.  In the end I will probably have to kill myself because everyone around me is so beta that they can’t keep up the conquests on my alpha terms. Even my alpha armies will fail me. They just needed to read about game and all that would have changed.

Yeah, it is great being an Alpha male.  I love being on top.

I once had a beta parakeet. Then I taught it to say “Shut up and take your clothes off, bitch.” Now it’s alpha.

Comment Winner Runner-up is Mr. Primitve who goes on to explain, I believe correctly, the virtues of Russian women and the differences between American and European women in general.

I’ve had direct experience with Russians female and male, both here and abroad, in bed and out of bed. It’s a big topic — look at all those fat Russian novels, then multiply that length to deal with American/Russian relationships. In general, the men are more macho. I didn’t find the degree of gangsta tough mentioned in the winning comment, but even intellectuals, artists, professors, and poets are more old-school macho than men here. It would be hypermacho, probably, in construction, business, backdoor politics. I imagine it to be more like 1930s to 1950s in the US, where you had to hold a drink and throw and take a punch to matter. Russian women, speaking to me and perhaps bullshitting me, said the Russian men are more direct, more passionate and more upfront about what they want. To my face, they said they liked American men better, who were less vain, less brutal — we generally don’t beat our women folk — and more in control. We’re also supposed to have bigger dicks, but that’s another species of Russian hustler bullshit, I suspect.
Russian women?  Killer pussy. Well known fact. They’ll work you with their ultra feminine wiles. Oddly like Vivian Leigh in Gone With the Wind. Moody. Sexual. Pouty. Girly. Brooding. Poetic. Dramatic. They really know how to fuck — no puritanical frigidity, no hang ups, no chilliness. They oddly lack finesse, though — not that I’ve scored enough of that killer pussy to say definitively, but they tend to be really enthusiastic and kind of clumsily so. You can get hurt if you’re not careful.  That said, there’s great tenderness, too. Poetry, maybe. But they’re rough — not like Western European girls — the Russians always have this combination of crudeness and refinement.
Also, if you don’t find your inner iron, if you don’t bring a strong backbone and a willingess to stand your ground, throw shit around and meet operatic drama with even greater blasts, you’ll be eaten alive. You’ll still be eaten alive anyway, but you’ll get a little more respect from her. It took me a long time to realize this; you really have to be a fucking asshole sometimes, or they’ll make you a tiny little smudge on the floor.
One of my acquaintances tried to threaten suicide when his Russian doll was about to leave. She though he was just stupid and weak when told me about it.
It’s like living in a Dostoyevsky novel. I always thought old Fyodr was a little operatic in his scenes, but it’s just sober realism — the outburts, the soulful declarations, the wild passions. All before breakfast.
And they’re shrewd, both males and females,  to echo the excellent points about intellegence brought to bear on survival. They’re hustlers, both sexes. They have to be; they live in much tougher society, and unless they’re oligarchs, have a greater degree of daily struggle that most people can imagine. We live in Fat City; most middle class or even blue collar people here don’t have to live on their wits. So, yeah, streetwise. (I notice that blacks and Russians have an affinity for each other that seems deep and sincere and not just digging each other’s exoticism). I’ve seen some russo-yank marriages work well.  Alot of the time they don’t, but its more about expectations and culture that ripoffs — at least, now, in my experience. I’ve heard of others disentegrate because the woman used the guy. Some others are directed clearly by women past their prime — but still, very beautiful — settling down for a guy several years older.  They seem happy — don’t discount the pleasures of
security and domesticity on the one side or the pleasures of nailing some 35 year old when you’re 60. Puts the roses back in those flabby old cheeks.
And he’s lucky. Because he won’t have to look at her ass gradually balloon in a pair of sweatpants or hear her thudding round the kitchen in flips. Ever.
Anyway, these are large generalizations. But I’ve never regretted a moment spent with a Russian girl, even when she drove me closer to insanity than I’d care to admit. I bear my scars with pride.

For me, the main difference between European women, east and west and their American sisters is … fuck, where to begin? but it’s primarily about the demonization of pleasure here. I spent a lot of time in a lot of cafes and bars (and not enough in bed) arguing the opposite point of view, that America isn’t just a Puritanical Anglo-Saxon ice palace with a pervy underside. But, the longer I’m around and the more I travel and the more I fuck, I have to say: they’re right. American women (sorry, again, I know there are a lot of my fellow countrywomen who can prove me wrong, and bless you every one) BUT a lot of them don’t take pleasure in eating, in reading, in listening to good music and when it comes to fucking and their bodies, they’re corkscrew twisted. It’s all homework and duties and tasks and goals. They feel strange about their cunts, the shape of their ass, the smell of their armpits, how they sweat, the flatness or lack thereof of their bellies. (for contrast, one French guy
I know makes sure his girlfriend doesn’t take a shower for a day or two before they get it on — do you say eww to that or hmm? try it sometime, but only with someone you really like)
For me the main problem is, the Americans want to lay some pop-psychological wrapping paper on the encounter, or worse, they want to unburden their complexes on you when another woman from another country is content to smoke or to eat a strawberry or to, I dunno, admire the angle of sunlight coming across the bed. And these Americans generally do this in a voice that’s hopelessly nasal and flat, like that archetypal  screechy schoolmarm Hillary Clinton yakking away about fuckall. (I’ll take a heavy, husky EE accent any day of the week, no matter how thick). I don’t exempt myself as an American man from this fucked up relationship with pleasure, either.  But classically, Latin cultures looked to regulate pleasure, not to ban it, not to exorcise it and not to worship it, either. And while it’s a practice more aimed at that realized, it seems like a better way to try to live than either excess or denial or, more usually, some stupid binging because you’re keeping all that under a lid.
Russians, however, are as fucked up as we are in relationship to pleasure; they just approach it from the opposite extreme a lot of the time. So, there’s a nice intersection between our two delapidating superpowers.

Homework, duties, tasks and goals. That is the typical American woman’s soul, condensed.

Honorable mentions are awarded to the following commenters.

Peter, for showing there’s more to him than pretend love for hairy, smelly, old lady bushes.

What if you were invisible, and had to take a dump really bad?  Would it be invisible too, or would people see a disembodied grogan bouncing around at colon level?

Aussiegirl reminds us why Australia is the America that America used to be.

I always ask about politics because a liberal man is no man at all. If he’s a greenie that’s even worse! If he’s pretending to be a liberal/feminist because he thinks that is what I want to hear that is the worst crime of all! Omega central!

Virgle Kent, on how to properly open a set.

Walk past and fart right in the middle… then keep moving.

Lane Honda, on how NOT to properly open a set.

I would…I would…sigh, I can’t lie. I would stare at them from a safe distance while holding my beer high and tight to my body. If I caught any of them looking in my general direction I would quickly stare at the ceiling or my feet (positioned together, stiffly). Later that night I would go to sleep with my socks on, then after getting over the initial self-conscious self-loathing, I would take one of the socks off and…

And finally, Shouting Thomas, for channeling my spurned exes.

The attention you receive from this blog has turned you into a pompous bore.

The daily dose of  “How can I be an even bigger jackass” is a game for a teenage boy living in a dorm.

Perpetual adolesence is all you’ve got going.

You’re not an alpha.  You are a complete loser.  This blog is the daily proof of that.

A true gentleman and hater. I like my hate straight up, double. Leave the passive smarmy hate for the women.


Why I Like Berlusconi

This guy is alpha:

At a news conference, Berlusconi was brusque with an American journalist who suggested he should say sorry for the remark on Thursday. Visiting Moscow, he described the man elected to be the first black U.S. president as “handsome, young and also suntanned.”

His center-left opponents called the comment racist; Berlusconi responded by saying they were “imbeciles without any sense of humor.”

At Friday’s news conference after a European Union summit, the reporter asked: “Prime Minister, do you realize that your comment on Obama is offensive to the United States? Why don’t you apologize?”

Berlusconi responded: “Give me a break! You have just put yourself on that list of people (imbeciles) I mentioned yesterday!”

When the reporter pressed for an answer on why Berlusconi did not deem it necessary to apologize, the prime minister, clearly irritated, said: “Why (should I)? You should apologize to Italy!” He then walked out of the room.

Saying you’re sorry is beta. Saying you’re sorry when a bunch of craven betas are telling you to apologize is lesser beta. Saying you’re sorry when a bunch of craven betas are telling you to apologize for something that needs no apology is omega. Are we really going to have to put up with eight years of this shit?

Berlusconi knows the score. Vaffanculo!

ps: he looks like my dearly departed grandfather.


About five years ago I had a two month fling with a young girl. She had a cute face but was a little on the chubby side, probably 15 pounds over ideal female weight for her height. As a result, I didn’t put much effort into dating her, preferring instead to enjoy the easy sex (mostly blowjobs) and being aloof while she chased me. And chase she did. The hard-to-get badboy attitude worked like magic on her because she was a girl of “high primativeness“:

The primativeness correlates more with emotionality than with culture. Instinctive programs, when finding resemblance of internal signaling attributes with some factors of outside situation, create corresponding emotions and a highly primative person gladly submits to them. A low primative person, feeling the same forceful emotions, is capable of acting contrary to them. […]

As was mentioned above, women trust intuition and feelings more than logical conclusions, this composes a so-called woman’s logic. I.e. the highly primative specimens are prevalent among women. […]

There is a widespread opinion among the vulgar public that it is necessary to beat a wife from time to time. By this a husband beating his wife demonstrates kind of high rank (visual, of course). And this can even attract a low cultural woman especially with high primativeness (masochism probably grows on this ground). Such woman rushes to defend her man as soon as the first hair falls down from his head despite asking to punish him only a moment before. Highly cultural and especially low-primative woman will not act this way. And actual rank of this man can be quite low. Even his buddies may have no respect for him. However, it is appropriate to mention that the instinct cannot analyze anything it just reacts on some key attributes, in this case – aweless attitude to a woman (if he beats -> he does not appreciate -> he has many women -> alpha has many women).

Anyhow, I was dating around and eventually grew tired of the drama with this girl. She planted herself on my front stoop one evening waiting for me to get home from work, a delirious look in her eyes. That was the deal killer. I allowed our fling to fizzle out. My tolerance for a girl’s annoying behavior drops with each extra pound she carries.

Fast forward a few years. I was at a party and she was there. She had lost some weight and, naturally, looked better. I geared up to apply a heaping dose of my patented devilish charm. We reminisced, kissed, and met for a date a week later. The date went fine as far as reunion dates go, considering our sexual history, but I could sense she was occupied with more than our conversation. I dropped her off and went home. I texted her a few days later and got no reply. I didn’t pay it much heed or bother following up because I was dating two other women at the time.

Recently, a friend of mine bumped into this girl on the Metro. I had first met her through him, so they knew each other. They chatted and the subject of my reunion date with her came up. She told my friend she stopped “dating” me (in a girl’s world, one date is equivalent to “dating”) because “I only liked her now that she was thin”. Presumably, she thought this meant I wasn’t interested in her true self.

She was right. I wanted to reacquaint myself with her and fuck her because she had lost weight and looked better than before.

Necessary but not sufficient. Women have trouble comprehending this phrase, much like they are born with a mental block making them incapable of grasping the concepts of generalizations and exceptions to the rule.

A hot skinny body and pretty face is necessary for a man to find a woman attractive, but it is not a guarantee for creating a deep love that will last. This girl, like most girls, had an insecure ego-based fear that she was being judged by her looks instead of her more nebulous attributes. Former chubbies are often acutely cognizant of this and consequently harbor tremendous resentment against men and a loathing of male desire. Only a few former chubbies have the open heart and love of men for who they are to avoid spiraling into a lovekilling vengeful trap of anti-male sentiment.

Here is the truth ladies: You ARE being judged primarily on your looks by men who want to fuck you. Get used to it. Your personality is only icing on the cake that matters more when the kinetic fucking turns into relationship potential.

I hope for the sake of her love life that this girl doesn’t carry her fat baggage to the next guy she dates. No man wants to be made to feel guilty for his masculine desire.


Obama’s Women

Commenter Just Looking sent me this jpeg. Take a look.

After I suppressed my vomit reflex, I analyzed this pathetic photo in detail. It really says so much, and none of it good. I believe this photo encapsulates everything that has gone wrong with America, and with modern Western civilization.

First, we have an aging SWPL mother-to-be. Judging by the crows’ feet, bad skin tone, and sloppy slabs of fat rolls around her hips, she looks to be about 40. If she is younger than that, then she hasn’t aged well. Her pregnancy was likely the result of many visits to fertility clinics and untold numbers of tears. She probably had to abort three Downs fetuses before getting a clean bill of viability from the amniocentesis.

Next, we see that she is a fervent Obama supporter. So fervent, in fact, that she had Obama’s logo (seed) painted on (implanted in) her belly (womb). She is in deep, deep love with Obama. So deep, that I’m positive she would happily cheat on her husband/boyfriend/cohabitator/sperm donor to give Obama the thrill of pregnancy sex, and wouldn’t worry at all about his thrusting presidential penis banging a hole in the head of her unborn child. She would cum harder with Obama in one orgasm than in all the orgasms combined she has had fucking her alpha flings in her 20s and making soft love with her grateful beta provider chumps in her 30s. She would let Obama film it and would beg him to call her fetus “Baby Barack” while he was pumping her.

“That’s right, bitch. You like that right there, don’t you? Yeeeeah, you do. Where dat man of yours? Not here! Where? NOT. HERE. BITCH! I’m gonna let this kid know who’s boss. BAM! Fuck yeeeeeah, just like that, all up in his happy home. Who knockin’ at yo door, baby barack? Who knockin’? I’ll tell you who. The man you wish was your daddy. Lick the tip when I’m in there.”

Finally, we have to wonder about the man (and I use the term in the loosest possible way) in this woman’s life. Only a supreme castrati of cosmically immense betatude would accede to the mother of his child slapping an Obama “O” on her distended belly. It’s basically admitting his lower status. It’s saying “Yes, I know you would fuck Obama if he snapped his fingers, and then laugh in my face about it afterwards. And that you subconsciously desire our baby was his instead. Shall I leave my shriveled balls on the nightstand, or just feed them to the goldfish?”

What makes this truly tragically hilarious is that the lesser beta probably *encouraged* her to do this. I bet he came up with the idea and painted it himself, while sipping his organic pig’s scrotum tea for artistic inspiration. Beta males like this vote against their own interest. They vote for candidates, typically liberal Democrats, who would assure their irrelevancy. Alpha males vote libertarian or areligious conservative, preferably paleo-.

An alpha father of her child would let nothing near his woman’s pregnant belly except his own hands and satisfied smile.

All this points up what a disaster it has been for the country since women got the right to vote. The slow, steady implosion of the greatest nation in the history of the world started with suffrage. People think my blog is satiric, but I am dead serious. The facts speak for themselves. When women cast the majority of votes, and especially when a growing number of those female voters are longtime SINGLE women, the country eventually devolves from a center-right powerhouse of beta organized Protestant work ethic and Enlightenment ideals of ceaseless discovery into a limp-wristed, creatively exhausted, kowtowed, leftist, indebted nanny state, and then, in time, is overrun by less faggy patriarchal foes.

In this election, unmarried women voted for Obama by a 70 to 29 percent margin.

“if not for the overwhelming support of unmarried women, John McCain would have won the women’s vote and with it, the White House.”

Unmarried, alpha-chasing urban sluts are the force driving the United States of America to the brink of self-immolation. I thank this new sexually liberated femicentric culture for affording me a bounty of pussy, but you will never catch me footing the bill for one of these aging Whole Foods harpies. And you can bet I would see to it that any woman I’m dating and fucking would not plaster a political candidate’s logo on her body.

There is only one lever she should pull, and that is my cock.


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