Feed on

Your ability to quickly identify and avoid social miscues, and to capitalize on power vacuums within shifting social arrangements, is more valuable to your success with women than your net worth or job status.

Thought experiment: You’ve been dating a girl for a couple of months, which means you should have been banging her for 7.5 weeks. She invites you to a house party being thrown by one of her friends. You mentally hesitate, knowing that the party will be filled with just her friends and you’ll be like an interloper adolescent male wolf trying to ingratiate himself to a new pack. But then you remember how good you are at working a room and decide there is little chance of an embarrassing faux pas.

At the party everything is smooth sailing. You’ve got her friends laughing and your girl is flitting about the room occasionally looking over her shoulder to establish your coordinates and magnitude of fraternizing with the competition (as an alpha male with keen insight of women, you know that it’s important to treat every attractive woman as your girlfriend’s potential usurper). Later, you are standing in a circle of ten or so people with your girlfriend and everyone is ricocheting conversational topics like a pong ball. One topic leads to another and your girl has started talking about how you wooed her on the second date.

“Oh yeah, he broke out the guitar and played ‘Spanish Ballad’. I thought it was so charming, but actually he just taught himself that one song. Ever since then I’ve asked him to play something else but he won’t. He sucks at playing guitar!”

The girls laugh, but a couple of the men in the group look over at you first before laughing nervously. Your girlfriend has just insulted you, though she may be sufficiently obtuse and/or conditioned by the feeble pantywaistage of past beta boyfriends as to not realize the gravity of her diss. Many girls are prone to this sort of behavior at social events, catapulting their own status and greasing their acceptance into the group on the backs of their hapless boyfriends. A woman knows she can engender female solidarity through the telling of humiliating tales about her lover.

What do you do?

I see six available options to the man in this scenario.

  1. Chuckle along. That will show you get the joke and can roll with the punches. You are TOO ALPHA to be moved by such an insult. You indifferent long time.
  2. Pierce her with the silent, icy stare of soul death. You communicate your displeasure with her without uttering any words. This course of action circumvents any possible verbal escalation and further awkwardness while still letting her know that she crossed a line.
  3. Directly call her out. “Yo, what’s with you shitting all over my hobbies? Check yourself.” Major awkwardness will ensue, but you’ll feel DAMNED GOOD and she’ll be a submissive kitten in bed for months.
  4. Indirectly call her out. “That’s funny. I was just thinking the same thing about that one and only meal you know how to cook.” If you’ve got the wit, this is an excellent option. You express your displeasure in a humorous, crowd-pleasing way that does not make too many people uncomfortable. Downside: Your thin-skinned girlfriend gets offended and a passive aggressive fight breaks out as spectators stare into their drinks.
  5. Nuke the vaj from orbit. “Fuck you.” Then walk out of the party. Yeah, you may have just spoiled any long term potential with your girl by permanently cutting off the reservoir of good will between her social group and you, but I guarantee she’ll come crawling on all fours back to you with her pussy so hot and bothered she sings an aria as you pound the bitch out of her.
  6. Change the subject. This is the go-to option for those men who want to avoid conflict and tension yet aren’t willing to play the genial butt of the joke.

Personally, I have opted for #4 when I’ve been in similar situations with a girl, but I trust my instincts to counterattack with the right amount of face-saving force. Not every man will react as smoothly. For the average guy who wishes to keep seeing the girl (and part of building an LTR is winning over each other’s social circles) I think #6 is best. #2 is also good, but you have to be careful to stare just long enough to make her face blush with shame, and not any longer. He might be best served saving his anger for later when he is alone with her.

#3 and #5 are great if the girl is nothing more than a fling to you, and you are happy being the Asshole to her Heloise. Really, it is a superbly satisfying power trip to walk out on a girl. I suggest all of you try it at least once in your life. I did it recently with a girl who said I was “pressuring her” for sex too soon (third date, my informal limit for delaying sexual gratification) and since that evening that I walked silently out of her life I’ve seen her three times in various spots around the city, and couldn’t help but notice her torment and yearning for my love in the way she nervously mumbled hello and tugged at her hair.

#1 is for two types of men:

a.  Established Alphas who dominate their girlfriends so completely that an occasional affront to his Lordship by his number one subject can be brushed off with a hearty, yet sinister, laugh. Oftentimes, a Master Alpha communicates his true intentions in subtext that only his girlfriend, accustomed as she is to the Macchiavellian delights of his power, will comprehend. The crowd hears him laugh along; she hears him laughing because she knows thoughts of how he will punish her for her transgression are going through his head. This makes her quiver with fear and arousal.

b.  Betas on a learning curve. It seems that every beta who has learned to avoid the worst fates with women — LJBF, cuckolding, dick sandwich, cockteasing, shit tests — reflexively retreats to Aloof and Indifferent game any time a girl tools him. “Go out and fuck ten other women” is simply not credible advice for most men without top notch game. “A and I” game is certainly superior to straight up beta chumpery, but it isn’t always the best course of action. However, a beta on the path to enlightenment may find it personally advantageous to minimize fallout rather than maximize opportunity. In the scenario I described, rolling with his girlfriend’s insult may prove to be the beta’s best option. An angry alpha will sound in command and someone to be respected, while an angry beta risks sounding bitter and spiteful. Unless you have a prior history of asshole game with your girl, you want to avoid the thunderbolt out of the blue FU option. A chuckle followed by an attempt to steer the conversation to an unrelated subject is how a man still grappling with his game and unsure of his authority over his girl should play it safe.


The Self-Made Beta

Leaning against a pole as the train lurched forward, I noticed an older man, late 40s and clearly marked with the curse of the herb, standing with his young daughter by his side. He was talking with a curvaceous, big bosomed woman in her early 20s who looked like pre-meltdown Britney Spears. She was quite stimulating to the eyes and crotch. The man and Britney were having an energetic and friendly conversation which, when my ears were tuned to the words coming out of her mouth, was about the man’s daughter’s soccer team. Britney’s wide, C-shaped smile indicated she was enjoying this harmless herb’s company, while the herb’s studiously affected flat facial expression and stiff nodding movements suggested a swell of discomfort with his arousal that was threatening to lumber awkwardly through the polite veneer of their phony interaction.

I observed them for a few minutes, until the train reached my stop. A wave of bilious disgust curled my lips. I thought to myself that I never want to be that man who is so inoffensive — that man who has relinquished the last faint hope of his masculinity — that hot co-eds feel perfectly at ease shoving their bountiful breasts and plump, juicy flesh in my face to prattle on about the daily trifles of their lives or to chatter cloyingly about my kid’s soccer practice, taunting by their estrogenic proximity the ape-shaped contours of my cockcentric desire as the beast rattles the bars of its ganglial imprisonment, begging for release.

Only men know men. Women have no conception of the mind of man and what it is thinking at any given time. I know what was going through that family herb’s head. He was hearing her words but inside he was pawing her ass cheeks, his tongue flicking up the length of her vulnerable neck, his pudgy sausage fingers squeezing her tits then prying apart her legs to stroke the folds of her labia, his cock dribbling the pre-cum of urgency as it poised itself before the entrance to her womb. Straining against the silent symphony of his horniness and the feelings of uselessness and shame for the void with which the young women around him now perceived his once dangerously virile sack, he would shuffle home, shoulders sunk, to masturbate despondently in the bathroom. I imagined the wife he would go home to is the typical American fat, nagging sow. No doubt this brief platonic conversation with the cute young woman standing before him was the sad highlight of the last fifteen years of his life.

Did Britney know this was on his mind? Such a capacity for self-delusion women possess!

Here is my call to arms. I believe it is every man’s duty to impolitely flirt and pass sexual judgement on each attractive woman who crosses his path. I believe it is every man’s right, no matter what his age, to refuse to apologize for his natural desires, to make no excuses for his deviant wants, and to grab any opportunity to hit on women in his field of view. I believe it is every man’s mission statement at birth to disturb a woman’s banal self-satisfied sanctuary — her cultivated immunity from unsettling intrusions of the psychologically erectile form — whenever she cavalierly insults his primal urges with naive overtures toward tepid, desexualized friendliness. I believe in all this because a man is happiest when he is demonstrating by his actions a proper respect for his masculine prerogative. I want there to be no mental safe haven for sexually enticing women in public places where men are present. I want them forced to confront what men are truly feeling and visualizing underneath their threadbare civility, and to understand there is no walling off the ever-encroaching predatory chaos of the jungle. I want them to be psychologically groped, everywhere there are men like me at ease with our voracious sexuality.

If I were that herbly father figure, as soon as she attempted to box me in with bland, asexual chit chat I would have negged her.

“Hey you look like Britney Spears. Later years Britney.”

This would have made her go quiet, if it did not shake her into a tremor of attraction, and by the lascivious smirk on my face she would grow suddenly uncomfortable with the realization that I was seeing her as a sexual creature to be plundered. She would then gaze downward at the ugly carpeting, and scurry through the sliding doors when her stop arrived, reminded as she was of the crude fuckworthy animal object she ultimately is to this one man at least.

And I would walk out proudly, head held high, dignity intact. A victory for my balls. A defeat for polite society.


Which of these two women is more attractive?

Commenter Ben left a link in the comments from this post to an anthropology blog written by a guy named Dienekes, who posed the above question in a post comparing the beauty of top models and actresses in 2008 to leading actresses from the 1940s.

The pictures above are computer generated composites of, on the left, eight hot babes from Askmen.com’s Top 99 Women of 2008, and on the right, seven Best Actress Oscar winners from the 1940s. If you go to the Dienekes link, you’ll see photos of the individual women used to make the composites.

A couple thoughts…

Both women are attractive. This isn’t a comparison between beautiful and not beautiful; it’s a comparison between two beauties of nuanced facial differences. My jizzbombs would travel impressive distances with either woman in my bed of sin, though I’d feel more emotional satisfaction — more OWNAGE — spackling the woman on the right because she has the look of Bambi-fied innocence. The woman on the left is only superficially penetrable.

The 2008 composite hot babe is more masculine than the 1940s composite hottie. 2008 woman has smaller eyes, slightly thinner lips, more angular jawline, and a heavier brow ridge overhang — all indicators of masculinization. She has a smaller nose, which is more feminine, but with nose jobs being standard operating procedure for modern women in the looks-based industries (actresses included) it’s not revealing to compare the natural noses of past beauties with the manufactured noses of present beauties.

I bet if I could feel the cheeks of each woman the cheek of the 2008 composite would have a soft layer of vellous peach fuzz, while the cheek of the 1940s composite would be nearly free of vestigial ape fur. I’d also bet that the 2008 composite is sluttier than the 1940s composite, and more likely to make you eat a dick sandwich.

I found these composites fascinating for what it potentially reveals about American mating preferences of the last 60 years. Is it simply an example of marketers, agents, and producers in 2008 choosing women who look masculinized based on the whims of personal (read: gay) preference? Or is the genetic pool of beauties becoming more masculinized such that there aren’t many ultrafeminine women available to rise up the ranks of the looks-based industries? If the latter, is it possible for the genetic substrate of OBJECTIVELY DEFINABLE beauty to change so rapidly? Within a few generations? My belief is that it is equally likely that genetic change drives cultural change as the other way around, and this includes the average change in women’s facial bone morphology.

Stepping back to look at the big picture, it would make sense in a world of Western decline where white men are becoming feminized that white women should become masculinized. But why are women getting a harder, badass Lara Croftian look? I submit there are three primary reasons for the change:

1. Naturally sluttier women are enjoying greater rewards than long term commitment-oriented women as the sexual market since the 1950s has evolved toward advantaging short term hookups and disincentivizing settling down:

Avery Leake, 25, knows what this is like from the other side. He’s in a relationship now, but he says that, in general, most of the young women he used to meet “just wanted sex. They’re independent.” Being in a relationship was not important to them, especially if it interfered with their careers or their pursuit of advanced degrees, he says.

Leake found that he was also up against women who had as much money as he had, if not more, and he says dating had just become too expensive. “You used to be able to get away with paying $30 for a dinner and a movie,” Leake says. “Not anymore.”

As masculinization plays a major role in determining how eager a woman will be to ride the cock carousel, the single mother slut wave of post-nuclear family America has evolved a generally manlier disposition in both appearance and attitude.

2. Women living under the new rules of the polygyny-favoring modern sexual market are choosing alpha males at greater rates than women under the older, monogamy-favoring system. And naturally, the alpha males these women choose are more masculine than the betas they are no longer keen on settling down with. When they have kids with these alpha skittles men — and it’s the low class Idiocratic brood sows who are having more kids than the play-by-the-rules plush beta herbs — the thug genes are passed on and their sons are born with their fists already swinging or holding a beer and their daughters are born with lantern jaws and a propensity to fuck with piston-like efficiency.

Behold the future that single moms with a vaginal itch for tattoos, bikers, and pimpslap game bequeath us with their vile spawn:

Boys who carry a particular variation of the gene Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the “warrior gene,” are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members and to use weapons, according to a new study from The Florida State University that is the first to confirm an MAOA link specifically to gangs and guns.

3. Gender bending chemical sabotage is altering the sexual landscape. High carb, low fat diets are making women more masculine and the Pill is fucking with women’s mate selection filters. Estrogenic compounds in the water supply from urine secreted by women on the Pill may also be messing around with male hormonal profiles, contributing to the recent shift to dandyism.

Interestingly, the case can be made that it’s no accident the rise of the subculture of seduction science and its PUA practitioners follows closely the rise of the masculinized Western white woman. Ultimately, for a guy who has game, a sexual market filled with slutty, aggressive women is a pussy boon. But for the hapless beta male offering his thin gruel of a steady corporate income and clockwork dependability, the rise of the Terminatrix has been a dispiriting bust.


The range of answers by the commenters to yesterday’s post about how to handle an inconsiderate woman you’ve been dating for six weeks when she flies out of town on a mystery trip and leaves you in the dark were wide and varied, enough for me to choose representative samples of the worst and the best.

Almost every commenter got the first part correct. Do nothing. If a girl says she will call you over the weekend but doesn’t, you’ll only make yourself look worse by trying to establish contact with her. Either she can’t use the phone, and your repeated texts and voicemails pile up like a monument to your betatude and embarrass you, or she has decided not to call you, and any move you make to get in touch will validate her negative impression of you. When she does call back you’ll have your opportunity to recapture the upper hand. If she doesn’t call back… well, then you know she boffed the ex and you can stop fretting about her.

The second part of the test was a lot trickier.

askjoe wrote:

Put on my three-wolf moon t-shirt and wait for her to start beating down my door.

Never doubt the power of the three wolf t-shirt.
Grade: Chuck Norris

Aenigma wrote:

Getting angry and calling out her BS shows that she has direct control over your emotions- never a position you want a manipulative woman to know she has. Additionally it shows that you’re not the aloof alpha- so its a no go.

Bringing it up or asking about it will show you care directly- also a no go.

Your best bet is to pretend nothing happened. You’re the aloof Alpha remember?

The concept of alpha aloofness can be stretched to extremes, where it becomes not just counterproductive to your pussy goals, but corrodes your dignity as a man. How much are you willing to brush off? Everything, as long as you “Go out and fuck ten other women”? This principle taken to its logical end would mean that EVERY TIME a girlfriend or date did something you didn’t like you would dump her forthwith and move on to the next girl. You think you can have a normal relationship with a girl completely free of her typical female bullshit? You are living in a fantasy land if you think that’s so. Women weren’t designed by the Lord of Biomechanics to make men happy. They were designed to make themselves happy. It’s our job as men to train women to please us. We do this by satisfying her need for a strong man, just as she satisfies our need for a thin, sexual, feminine playmate.

An alpha’s default mode should be amused mastery, in control of his emotions which remain torqued for retribution only when it advantages himself. But there is room in an alpha’s universe for uncontrolled blasts of passionate anger. Sometimes a girl wants to have her man piss on his territory.
Grade: B- for avoiding the worst beta temptations

Firepower wrote:

Thus, when fretting begins, it is a clear signal to use a man’s advantage: Game.

Go out hunting with the goal of acquiring new tail.

While on the call, wait for her to divulge her reasons. Hopefully, if she cares about the sudden damage she has caused to a budding relationship, she will be nervous in explaining her reason for traveling. If she clears the air satisfactorily – ok.

Regardless, I’d lay it out clearly that relationships are based upon trust and confidence. I’d state my expectations plainly. If she cannot abide – I am finished with her and will progress to the next female.

A solid answer. Six weeks is not enough time for a man to forfeit his prerogative to chase skirt up and down the city. Fretting will certainly gain him nothing. (Think about the kinds of people who fret. Gays and women. And lesser betas.) Don’t jump down her throat when she calls. Let her explain herself. The earnestness or circumspection with which a woman divulges her me-time will tell you a lot about how much she values your trust. If her story reeks of BS, dump her or demote her to fuckbuddy (without informing her of the demotion of course). The choice to dump or demote is highly dependent on her hotness and your options. If she gives a plausible reason and offers to come over right away to administer a black hole blowjob, then strategically drop the matter and wash the smegma off your junk. Later, when she thinks everything is copacetic, you may cooly inform her of your expectations for a relationship and your displeasure with her actions. The best time to lay down the hammer of hurt is when it’s least expected.
Grade: A

It’s My First Day wrote:

Don’t answer. Write her off. Go chase some new tail. If she really digs you, she’ll keep calling and eventually she will send you an email explaining herself. IF the email offers a decent explanation as to why she went MIA for 3 days and it is full of apologies, then you may consider taking her back. Otherwise, give her the heave-ho permanently.

A lot of commenters suggested the hardcore approach, like this one. Hey, if you’ve got a steady stream of progressively hotter chicks waiting expectantly, open-mouthed, for the blessing of your jizzbombs, then go ahead and be all the hardcore you wanna be. But what if she had a legitimate reason for her actions? What if you like the girl? Letting her Monday night call go to vmail is not a bad idea, maybe even preferable to picking up right away, but not calling back for days or waiting for her to send an apologetic email is unecessary overgaming on a girl who you have yet to hear out.
Grade: C

Schumpeter wrote:

I agree, it sounds like a shit test. Maybe there was a reason to take off, but not giving that reason up front is a shit test.

Maybe it was a shit test, maybe not. Given the information we have, we can’t make that determination with full confidence. If she was a one week fling, I’d say, yeah, assume the shit test and return to gaming her like the two-bit whore she is. But maybe she’s just an absent-minded numbskull? A lot of flaky, self-entitled urban girls are surprisingly obtuse in their grasp of social niceties. If she’s calling you, then that means you’re on her mind. Give her the opportunity to clear the air.
Grade: Incomplete

Days of Broken Arrows wrote:

I’m sure this is the wrong answer, but I would pick up the phone, listen, then call her on being weird: “Did someone die?” Then I would listen more. If the reasons for her departure were flaky bullshit I would do as follows:

I would put the relationship into second gear or on the back burner. When people behave like this early on, it doesn’t get better. It’s a sign of things to come.

Key word: weird. I will explain in my answer below.
Grade: A+

Paul wrote:

I am surprised how many people get so possessive and demanding so quickly in a relationship. Based on the scenario, this is just a fun relationship with a somewhat flakey girl that has zero LTR value. After dating such a girl for only six weeks you are already demanding that she account for all of her time?

This is a girl who has had your cock in every hole and your sperm sprayed all over her body. She has professed much affection for you. It is not an example of possessiveness to refuse her disrespect.
Grade: D for dodge

kam wrote:

if the grandmother died or the brother was hurt, she would have texted “grandma died” or “brother hurt”. the “i’ll call you with the explanation” means it’s not that simple, and probably emotional drama vs actual drama.

Grade: P for perceptiveness

Ari Hinkelberger wrote:

What a true Alpha would do is call her friend up… Tell her you don’t have much going on this weekend because the 6 week fling is out of town.

You then ask her friend if she wants to get a drink on Saturday night.

Her friend will want to get a drink with you if your girl is hot, because she considers you filet minon who only bangs hot chicks…

Since you are top shelf liquor who only bangs hot chicks and walks with an alpha limp, you go out with her friend on Saturday night – get her drunk – and fuck her on your couch…all the while your 6 week Wonder Women thinks she is playing you.

There is no way to nail a flaker to the wall harder then to bang her hot friend.

Then when your girl calls Monday night, you pick up the phone like an Alpha ask her how her weekend was. Tell her that you had GREAT active weekend and that you were sorry you didn’t call and check in.

Grade: A+++, just because

Lady Macbeth stayed true to form:

From a woman’s perspective I agree with Aenigma on the actual reaction. If you refuse to answer the call the first thing I’d think is: “uh oh drama queen needs to know every detail of my life or he’s gonna pout”

If your first reaction when he doesn’t answer the phone is to think he is pouting, then that means you did something cunty and you don’t like that he may be calling you out on it. If you had nothing to hide, you would just be a normal human being and assume he was busy when you rang.

So answer, act extremely cool and casual like you didn’t even realize there is something you SHOULD be angry about because the anger also proves to a woman that you care. (in my opinion).

Translation: Be a doormat. Let your woman disrespect you without fear of reprisal, because to refuse her this god-given right just shows you have not placed her on a high enough princess pedestal. See: Italian eunuch who cooks Cuntrag’s dinners and picks up her kid’s toys.

Sort of like “hey is everything okay with you?” and if she gives you a simple “yes” let it go and talk about something else. I disagree that women who don’t want to talk about “details” of an emergency are hiding something. When something happens in my immediate family I don’t share more than sketchy details even with long term friends.

The woman in my story didn’t even have the sense to share sketchy details. Any woman who explains away a mystery four day disappearance with a simple and incomplete “Yes” is presumed guilty of a Class A whore infraction. If a man takes your advice he will be a second class citizen in any relationship, which, I suppose, is just how you like it, because you’re a bitch control freak.

The part I disagree with about Aenigma is the “go out with other women” (or pretend to be too busy with other chicks). If a guy trys to make me jealous I always know and it’s satisfying for a woman because again….she knows you care enough to get upset and look for other chicks. An Alpha man doesn’t NEED an immediate replacement because he always has options. What’s the hurry?

In Cuntrag’s rapidly imploding universe, the man can’t win. If he’s a pouting beta, he loses. If he’s a player alpha, he loses. But if he does all her housework for no sex in return and pretends to enjoy her inane ramblings about the BMX biker doing a 180 handle spin into her anus, he’s the perfect man.

Here’s a clue, LR: An alpha man is not going to wait until you have thoroughly abused his trust before he exercises his options. The world does not revolve around you.

Not to mention that if she thinks you’ll run for another woman the moment she’s not available it will be easier for her to come to the conclusion that you’re not worth HER time (because you cannot be trusted).

When a woman skips town on her lover without even a cursory explanation, she has provided evidence that she is not worth HIS time. Whether she thinks he is worth her time is irrelevant.
Grade: C for… ah, I’ll let you finish the rest.

The_Judge wrote:

This is pretty simple, really. If you have been dating, vigorously I assume, for a month a half, then you should NOT tolerate a prolonged absence without an explanation. It doesn’t matter if her entire immediate family was killed in a freak RV trailer explosion; she should have let you know why she is leaving in the first place. Or if she left in utmost hurry, updated you the first chance she got with a very clear and concise explanation.

Anything short of the above is a clear and present sign of flakiness, which needs to be punished immediately. You don’t have to dump her right away, but a stunt like that requires complete detachment of empathy. If she starts talking some made up sob story (or even a true one, makes no difference at this point), you need to cut her down to size make it clear that you have priorities in life:

1. Me
2. A woman who cares for me and loves me unconditionally
3. My business
4. My affairs

A little bit of overkill, but basically this man grasps the deeper implications of the woman’s actions.
Grade: B+

Roosh wrote:

The answer depends on what you want from the girl. If only sex then who cares who else she fucks. She’ll return for the dick eventually and you’d probably have something else on the side anyway. But if you want something serious, then some type of dramatic call-out after a cooling off period will be required. If she doesn’t then verbalize how much she cares/likes you and wants to see you again then it’s done.

Context is king.
Grade: A+

anony (a chick) wrote:

You are wrong and LR is correct.
Confident women NEVER knowingly compete, because 1) it’s unnatural; men compete, not women

The existence of the beautification industry refutes you.
Grade: Goose Egg (one left)



First, I will reveal what happened to the friend in my story. Then I will offer what I believe is the best response to any similar situation to the one experienced by my friend.

He picked up the phone Monday night and she explained that a girl friend had an emergency and she had to fly out of state to be with her. She didn’t tell my friend the reason for her hasty exit because her girl friend had requested that her problem be kept secret. Having sworn to uphold her friend’s privacy, she probably thought that telling my friend she was visiting a girl friend with a personal problem would mean she would have to explain the details of that problem. She said she did not answer texts or voicemails because her phone had no reception where her girl friend lived (a small, lightly populated state). My friend accepted this plausible excuse because she has a history of sexually pleasing him and giving him lots of affection, and furthermore she sounded genuinely happy to speak with him again. There was no dumping or demoting based on this incident.

Later, I informed my friend that he should keep a wary eye on his woman because her behavior, despite the solid rationale given by her, was not the ideal behavior of a woman who respects and cherishes her man more than the whims of her own self-indulgent egotism. If I’m right in my assessment of this woman’s character, then their relationship will not last much longer.

What I Would Have Done

I would have let the Monday night call go to vmail, then called her a couple hours later. As Roosh explained in his answer, if I liked the girl enough to consider her LTR material then it would have been acceptable, even required by the Code of Alphadom, to call her out on her disrespectful flakiness. It doesn’t matter if she was pulling a shit test or was simply absent-minded, her behavior sets a bad precedent for any potential relationship with her. Her excuse, while plausible, still leaves a bad taste in the mouth. She could have easily texted my friend that she was flying out to see a girl friend about a personal problem that she was not at liberty to discuss. Any man who wasn’t a beta paranoiac would accept that reasoning without argument, and with the patience to withhold judgement until she returned to fully explain herself and prove her continuing passion for him.

The method by which I would call out the woman in this story is one I have found works exceptionally well. I would first tell her I’m glad everything’s OK with her, then I would call her weird, or even creepy, for sending such a vague text in the middle of the night when it would have been no trouble for her to give a simple heads up why she was leaving. Girls use words like “weird”, “creepy”, and “loser” to describe men who repulse them, so by co-opting their own words of disgust to use against them you will strike deeper into the heart of their warped female souls. Girls understand the power of these words, so they will work to win your favor back if you tar them with the same brush they tar the betas of the world.

Then I would keep her at arm’s length for a month, hitting on other women and fucking her with a healthy dose of detachment, until she had earned the full measure of my trust again.

For those insisting that the woman in the story owes my friend nothing, your loose ethical standards are not helping her cause. The length of time of the relationship matters less than the vigor with which the passionate lust and loving affection has been exchanged. Any woman who has received your unprotected cock into her vagina on multiple occasions and taken loads of your hot seed to every square inch of her body has relinquished the freedom to behave selfishly and cavalierly without suffering a degradation of her worth as a girlfriend. By her cagey actions, she has announced that she is a rank slut. Her hole is open for business, no strings attached.

An important feeling every man wants in a relationship is the feeling of OWNING, in some part, his woman. This is a natural expression of the masculine essence, and is as undeniable, unassailable, and unalterable as is the feminine essence of wanting to love and be loved by a dominant man. The woman in my story has declared by her disrespect for my friend, whether intended or not, that she will not be owned. Stay away from women who think this way. They are at war with their feminine souls.


A Test Of Your Game

Pulled from a friend’s real life events!

You’ve been dating a woman for about six weeks. The sex has been great and you enjoy her company. Recently, she accepted into her furrow your unsheathed manhood. Things are heating up. She has showered you with adequate flattery and cooed sweet talk in your ear. (No L word yet.) Everything is going well.

Then, one Thursday evening, she sends you a cryptic text announcing there is bad news, she won’t be around for the weekend because she is flying out of town. She thinks she’ll be back Sunday evening. She gives no reason for the sudden departure. She signs off the text with a couple of perfunctory “xo”s.

You text her back immediately asking why she’s flying out of town, and if everything is OK. She texts an hour later saying she’ll call you sometime during the weekend.

Friday and Saturday pass with no word from her. Despite your best efforts to remain an alpha paragon of aloofness and indifference, you begin to fret, remembering those times she talked about the ex she dumped wanting to get back in her life. Then you muse about the aspects of her nature that you don’t relish so much — the fact that she’s just north of 30, has no decent career prospects, and still talks of moving to new cities for “life experience” like she’s a recently minted college graduate. She’s assertive and flaky, an all too typical combination in a single DC woman.

You consider your options. Call or text her once more demanding an explanation? Send another inquiring text gently wondering if she’s in trouble? Do nothing?

Sunday morning arrives, still no word.

As with previous posts testing your game, the question is simple:

It’s Sunday afternoon. What do you do?

Late Sunday evening, after midnight, she finally calls. You were sleeping. She leaves a voicemail telling you she just got back into town and she’s really tired. She’ll talk later.

It’s Monday evening. Your phone is ringing. It’s her. You consider your options. Get angry and call her out on her cagey bullshit? Remain calm and act as if nothing she did was abnormal? Comfort her in her time of need? Don’t answer the phone?

What do you do?

I will post the answer later.


#1 Herb

What do herbs carry in their satchels that they need convenient access to whatever is inside while at nightclubs? Grapes? A back issue of Wired? Naomi Wolf’s ‘The Beauty Myth’? E tabs? An Obama-shaped buttplug? Scientists are baffled.

Other trademarks of the species herbisaurus maximus:

He goes straight to the leg press machine at the gym because he has no upper body strength. And it’s easy to stack a lot of plates on the leg press without actually exerting much effort.

He only exudes confidence around women when he’s already in a relationship. The herb will turn into an unstoppable and slightly creepy parvenu of flirtatious banter when he knows he has a girlfriend to fall back on. If his practice target reciprocates, the herb will suddenly get nervous and start babbling about having to go to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy his girlfriend scented tub stickers.

Related to the above, the herb is happy when in a relationship, morose when single. A herb who has been in a rut for longer than six months will sweat droplets of pure estrogen.

The herb constantly white knights, subconsciously hoping it will lead to sex. It never does, and the herb never learns. This white knighting instinct can be particularly annoying to the herb’s buddies. Try it and see for yourself. Example: Herb’s friend negs girl. Herb intrudes, “Hey, man, that’s not cool. Her shoes are fine.” Friend loses pickup momentum as herb monopolizes convo with girl, emoting furiously about the latest indie band.

The herb is more flexible than most female gymnasts. He does 1,500 Kegels a day, inadvertently.

The herb is not gay, but sometimes wishes he were, because he is that open-minded.

Herbs are vegetarians. Super herbs are vegans. Meat eating herbs will indulge in private, away from scornful female peers. Almost all the herb’s peers are female LJBFs.

Herbs have never — not ONCE — acquired a girlfriend by picking her up. All the herbs in the world met their girlfriends through social circles.

There are many subspecies of herbs, but the one thing they all have in common is lumpenbeta passivity. Not only does the herb have no concept of game, he will be actively repelled when you try to explain it to him. He doesn’t understand why men need game because he is happy with his chubby 4 girlfriend.

Now there are Japanese herbs! The herb has gone international!

Typically, “herbivore men” are in their 20s and 30s, and believe that friendship without sex can exist between men and women, Fukasawa said.

The term has become a buzzword in Japan. Many people in Tokyo’s Harajuku neighborhood were familiar with “herbivore men” — and had opinions about them.

Shigeyuki Nagayama said such men were not eager to find girlfriends and tend to be clumsy in love, and he admitted he seemed to fit the mold himself.

“My father always asks me if I got a girlfriend. He tells me I’m no good because I can’t get a girlfriend.”

Midori Saida, a 24-year-old woman sporting oversized aviators and her dyed brown hair in long ringlets, said “herbivore men” were “flaky and weak.”

“We like manly men,” she said. “We are not interested in those boys — at all.”

It can no longer be denied; I have my finger on the pulse of trends in first world decay. What will be the next meme to capture the world’s imagination? Stay tuned!

No herbs were harmed in the writing of this post.


Even Tom Brady Runs Game

db (a chick) left this comment to my alpha body language post:

re: alpha body language, check out most nfl quarterbacks, from their stance on the field while playing to how they conduct themselves in interviews and on the sidelines.  much more alpha than the typical preening wide receiver whinyboys.  and, though the offensive line guys are arguably tougher, have a more ‘james bond’ style.  think tom brady – who was quoted in an old issue of si when asked about how he got giselle saying something like “you have to shake her confidence; make her wonder ‘what’s wrong with me’.”

You’d think a guy like Tom Brady, an apex alpha, would have no need for any sort of game. He could show up and women would make his job easy. But even Tom sees a need to run game on a female uberalpha like Gisele. It sounds like Tom hit up Gisele with a well-placed neg. Tom, like me, understands the importance of leveraging a woman’s insecurities to boost one’s status and thereby raise a woman’s buying temperature. People who believe “natural alphas” don’t play these sorts of head games with women are wrong. Tom Brady has revealed that alphas use game, too, and oftentimes more cruelly and devastatingly than the typical enlightened beta on a path of sexual redemption. Some may argue an alpha doesn’t need to run game, but that’s not how alphas think. An alpha is always looking to amass more and hotter pussy than he knows what to do with.

This vignette illustrates clearly the power of game — it helped a natural alpha like Tom Brady, a man already in possession of the full suite of conventional male attractiveness traits, breach a supermodel’s panty barrier.

In other news, Mel Gibson has informed his much younger Russian girlfriend that he will have a paternity test done on her baby when it is born. Mel has been reading my blog. I’m glad to see him shedding the straightjacket of his beta religious sensibilities. A looming $500 million dollar divorce payout will do that to a man.

Maxim #666: All kneel before the god of biomechanics, by sword or by surrender.


Then And Now



Alpha Body Language

In my view, and in the view of much of the seduction community, the single biggest factor of early game success is body language. Women react viscerally to a man’s strong body language before he has said one word. The way he walks toward her, the way he smiles, the way he stands. It strikes me that the reason this is so is because it is harder to fake the subtle indicators of alphaness with your body than it is with your words. Women have evolved to be perceptive of a man’s emotional state and body language is the physical manifestation of inner game, so that’s what women key in on first.

I have written some posts on how to spot beta body language and how to mimic alpha body language. One of the most important points I have made is that it is imperative you avoid jerky, reactive movements. Well, the science is rolling in and, unsurprisingly to anyone who has lived a day in his life and finds corroborating evidence in what I write, the conclusions are vindicating my worldview.

Wimps have rapid reaction times

OREGON, U.S.: Unfit or weak people react sooner to sounds of approaching danger than strong, healthy people – which may be an evolutionary adaptation to allow them a larger margin of safety, says a new study.

Test subjects listened to a sophisticated sound system that mimicked an approaching object, explained John Neuhoff, an evolutionary psychologist at the College of Wooster in Ohio, U.S., and co-leader of the study.

The ‘virtual object’ sounded like a motorcycle passing on a highway, approaching the subject at 15 m/s and then whizzing past them. The subjects were asked to hit a key when they thought the sound was right in front of them.

Fitness was measured by two variables: heart rate after a bout of moderate cardiovascular exercise and muscular power, measured by the strength of their hand grips. […]

“It’s beneficial [for the weaker] to react sooner rather than later,” said Neuhoff. “The cost of responding too early is far less than the potentially fatal cost of responding too late.”

Corollary: It’s beneficial for the stronger to take their sweet time reacting to events. Not because it will lessen his chances of getting killed (mauled or bludgeoned in the ancestral environment), but because women are wired to associate a calm demeanor and stoic repose with an alpha male she wants to fuck.

Women typically responded sooner than men, who on average are physically stronger.

This is evidence that beta males behave more like women than men. No wonder they get LJBFed.

Here is another study proving the efficacy of my body language advice.

Women become less choosy when they, rather than men, move from table to table. […]

A study in Psychological Science points out that chivalric behaviour created by the speed-dating experience may be skewing the data.

Normally in speed dating, men walk around a room and visit a succession of seated women for mini dates just a few minutes long. Later, the participants note down whom they would like to meet again. If there is a match, the organizers help the people to get in touch. Psychologists have found that although men choose, on average, half of the women present, women choose to see only a third of the men again.

This isn’t really a surprise. Among animals, females are usually the picky ones, because they make the larger reproductive investment. However, the new research, by Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick, social psychologists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, demonstrates that tinkering with the speed-dating format alters human behaviour, dramatically changing the outcome. […]

The researchers established 15 speed-dating events for 350 young adults. During eight events, men rotated around the seated women, and during seven events, women moved between seated men. When men rotated, men said yes 50% of the time and women said yes 43% of the time. However, when women rotated, the trend for higher female selectivity vanished, with men saying yes 43% of the time while women said yes 45% of the time.

I have long contended that one of the reasons speed dating sucks (besides the surfeit of cougars) has to do with the retarded system organizers use requiring men to be the ones to switch tables while the women remain seated. This dynamic creates the impression that the men are slabs of meat in a butcher’s display case that women casually browse for the choicest cuts. It exacerbates an already lopsided intrinsic mating market mechanism.

The researchers think the reason for this phenomenon is related to embodiment — the idea that physical actions can alter perception. Pulling something closer makes the object being pulled more appealing, whereas pushing something away makes the object less desirable.

Finkel and Eastwick argue that approaching someone makes the mind want what it is approaching, because people are in the habit of moving towards objects that they want and moving away from objects that they don’t want.

Alpha body language, gentlemen. Learn it. It works and it’s a lot easier to integrate into who you are than is memorizing a long-winded routine. The above study proves that the ideal alpha position is back against the bar, looking outward and surveying your kingdom as girls approach from all directions. The study also reinforces the widely held PUA belief that indirect approaches are more optimal than direct approaches. Perhaps this is why the over-the-shoulder, “just passing through” approach coupled with a time constraint works so well. You are mimicking in vibe and energy, as best you can while in motion, the man sitting down at a speed dating event while rotating women walk up to his table to earn the pleasure of his company.

Body language tips

When a woman tries to get your attention, take a second longer to swivel your head to reply. The goal is to introduce a palpable, but not off-putting, tension to the interaction. In other words, make her sweat.

Keep your head cocked upward slightly. This will accentuate the heaviness of your brow ridge and the heft of your chin and jaw, both indicators of alpha testosterone levels. It also imparts you with a haughtiness that women find irresistible.

Scratch your balls in public once in a while.

If you say something stupid, goofy or impolite (hey, it happens) don’t backpedal or get flustered. Act as if nothing is wrong. Embarrassment is for the little people.

Be scandalous.

Rudely glance around the room every so often when a girl is talking to you.

Be inattentive. Betas focus like a laser beam when engaging a girl because she is the reason for his existence. Alphas exist for themselves.

Maxim #17: Be narcissistic. There is no greater divergence than that between a woman’s stated disapproval of male narcissism and the rapidity with which she jumps into bed with a male narcissist.

Keep a toothpick in your mouth if you don’t smoke.

Be judgmental. Say “Hm” and “I see” a lot when a woman talks to you, arching your eyebrows and frowning skeptically.

If a girl says something genuinely funny (rare, like a lunar eclipse), don’t boisterously laugh in appreciation. Snicker instead.

Be territorial. Spread those arms and legs out.

Learn to love the pregnant pause. When a girl shit tests you, don’t respond like a wind-up beta. Give her a blank, serial killer stare and wait… wait……. waiiiiit for it…. ANSWER! Wow, that was hot. I’m positive I just made a female reader squirm delightfully in her seat.

If you don’t have a witty answer ready for deployment, silence beats stilted conversation.

Lead with your crotch.

Don’t ever fall for the “tap on the shoulder” or the “something on your tie” gags.

Be imperious. The world is your harem.

Finally… use the power of your back. Turning your back on people who have displeased you is a great way to get them to qualify themselves. Girls will reopen. Guys will vamoose.


In this post I asked where I went wrong.  Some of you got the right answer (and some of you — feministx, omw — were wide of the mark).

While I can’t go back in time and tap the neural network of the stripper I tried to bang to find out what she was thinking, I have a pretty good idea where I dropped the ball. Those who said I waited too long to leave the strip club and join her at the after hours bar were correct. When I arrived, she was sitting there looking annoyed.

G Manifesto, Challenge, and Chuck had excellent tactical suggestions (don’t order beer, offer a different venue to meet her, dress in custom tailored suit, etc.) but the game killer was the overplay of my aloof and indifferent hand. The Big Mo’ was lost.

Maxim #84: Respect the momentum.


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