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There is an epidemic raging of hot teachers banging their underage students. I consider it a harbinger of societal collapse.

The latest “hot for student” fiasco is a doozy.

Teacher needs to see me (and my friend) after school…

That’s a thousand underage cock stare.

You can practically see the faint streaks of six months’ worth of facials.

The kid has tight text game. Passes Jumbotron test. Abides Poon Commandment V: Adhere to the golden ratio (sends half as many texts as she does).

Why do women do this?

Part of the answer is the repercussion of a society which has stopped constraining female hypergamy.

And part of the answer is the de-masculinization of the beta hubbies of these succubi. These chicks are deprived of alpha male in their lives, and they’ll find it in the pre-verbal zfg arms of middle school boys.

Finally, infantilization has taken over the minds of so many women. They’ve never grown up and don’t want to grow up, so banging a student validates their self-perception.

You will be unsurprised to learn the husband of this dead-eyed boyfucker is at DEFCUCK 1. He knew this was going on (started when the boy was 12), and begged the student’s parents not to report his wife to police.

Footage just released also shows Zamora’s husband remained supportive of his wife despite the accusations.

Too many men “supporting” skank whores who don’t deserve it.

‘Not gonna discuss it with you,’ her husband tells police at one point. ‘Brittany is an adult. She’s the best, the best person I’ve ever known,’ he said.

Keep telling yourself that, bub.

It is not clear if they are still together or not.

If they aren’t, it was her decision.

The boy’s parents previously claimed Zamora’s husband Daniel called them and begged them not to report his wife to police after they saw her sexual texts, saying she had made a mistake.


The parents told police that Zamora’s husband ‘harassed’ the father over the phone, begging him not to go to the authorities and insisting that his wife had ‘made a big mistake, but that she loved the kids,’ according to the documents.

Cringingly beta.

Daniel Zamora also allegedly suggested that he and the boy’s dad ‘meet up’ and ‘settle this,’ but the parent turned down his offer and hung up on him.

So fuckin beta.

Zamora and her husband, who she has known she was 16, married in 2015. They do not have any children.

Proof of betaness. She thought his seed unworthy of her womb.

I’m more sickened by the beta husband’s reaction than I am by his slutty teacher wife. This is how men without options behave when their “lucky strike” cheats on them: “She dindu nuffin! Please don’t leave me to masturbate again for another ten year dry spell!”

That’s her husband on the left. Big wide open mouth. Gloryhole face. Nümale submission gesture. He feels so lucky.

I can predict the end of a relationship by how “lucky” the man feels to be in it. The luckier he feels, the faster it ends.

BETA — pledge to stay with a depraved cheating whore

DIGNIFIED MAN — throw her to the wolves

PS Placing bets on the race of the student.


Have you wondered why Americans know so little about the Weimar Republic, the period in Germany that led to the Nazis and WWII? This lack of information is the result of a deliberate suppression campaign by Globoschlomo.

To learn about the provocations and social realities which preceded a great war, one must thoroughly examine the time period to uncover the motivations, grievances, and attitudes of a people who would later turn to war for solutions. It is an absolute crime against history that Westerners in general are so ignorant of the Weimar Republic, given that it was the era which laid the groundwork for a world war that would dwarf all wars.

A powerful Twatter thread from U.S. Uprising explains it all.

In America, the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic,” the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the NationaI SociaIists in 1933.

This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world.

This thread will expose those secrets. pic.twitter.com/4mVbkYoC6T


— U.S. Uprising ��?� (@USUprising) March 22, 2019

First, a tweet on what Germany was pre-Weimar:

As the Holy Roman Empire ended, Germans united throughout the 18th & 19th centuries under strong leadership, loyal monarchs, and good governance.

Germany was a bustling European center of industry, military, culture & Christianity.


Then World War I happened.

Largely orchestrated by corrupt Global interests, it was a disaster for Germany.

Germany had a string of victories, and sought a peaceful truce.

But Global financiers behind the war would lose money & their agenda, so they brought in America in 1917.


How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar.

The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a vioIent Revolution in Germany.

The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, & Liberal Elites create Weimar.


Before I get into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first, a look at who was behind the Revolution:

Rosa Luxemburg
Kurt Eisner
Paul Levi
Leo Jogiches
Ernst Toller
Erich Muhsam
Gustav Landauer
Eugen Levine
Karl Radek

Guess what they all have in common…


At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders.

Who were the key representatives letting this happen?

Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia)
Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate)

And they were?


The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled.

In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people.

Who wrote it?

Hugo Preuss.

What was he?


For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences.

Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister)
Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister)
Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief)
Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats)


For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.

Who were the earliest leaders?

Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.

Guess what they were…


The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering.

The people weren’t organized.
The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions.
There were food shortages & poverty.
France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations.

It was an absolute mess.


The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center.

Barmat Scandal
Sklarek Scandal
Kutisker Case
Katzenellenbogen Case

All involved [special people] crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc.


Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.

EVERYTHING was tolerated.

Berlin became the sin capital of the world.

Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods.

No sexual perversion was off the table.


At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld.

He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin, celebrating all kinds of sexual fetishes, conducting trans-surgery, research, etc.

Sound familiar?

It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany.


The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.

Some of main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar:

Paul Davidson
Joseph “Joe May” Mandel
Jules Greenbaum
Max Reinhardt
Josef Von Sternberg
Fritz Kohn
Otto Wallburg
Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein

And many more…


The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work.

People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix.


Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and discord.

“Dadaism” & “Cubism” were all the rage.

The Elites promoted this as “intellectual” and modern.

Sound familiar?

Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well.


Even prominent photographers, like Erwin Blumenfeld, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work.

Here’s one of his photos.

Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then?

Something similar to what they’re selling today.


The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.

Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar?

No Germans.

Theodor Wolff
Georg Bernhard
Rudolf Mosse


Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed.

The degenerate society was wholly unprepared.

Unemployment, starvation, disease, hyper-inflation.

Stacks of German currency were worthless.

The Weimar nightmare was complete.


Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East.

Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the Govt (led by Werner Scholem).

The Weimar Elite seemed unable & uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins.


One could go on and on about Weimar.

Some day, I’ll do a thread on what the NationaIist Right was doing during this period.

But I mainly wanted to show what Weimar was, who ran it, and how it affected German society.

If you study the West today, you’ll notice the similarities.


Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy.

You aren’t told about it because:

1. It ruins the WWII lies our Govts tell us.

2. You’re in Weimar 2.0. If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it. This scares the Elite.

Retweet, Stay Woke, & Much Love Fam!

This is why our Information Overlords suppress discussion about the Weimer Republic, and leave American students in the dark about that time period in Germany. They would discover that there’s an eerie parallel with modren America — a Weimerica — which we are living through and enduring against our natures.

And they might start to connect dots that a certain clan doesn’t want connected.


PS Mass immigration will kill the Republican Party for good.

Five years ago, we published analysis showing that high levels of immigration hurts Republicans in elections, regardless of what position the party takes on illegal immigration: https://t.co/pYcwsZHkg0

At least the mass migration advocates are being honest about it now, too. https://t.co/QYQ9eM0v1B

— Center for Immigration Studies (@CIS_org) March 20, 2019

PPS While the New Zealand Prime Catlady goes on a dictatorial jihad against thought crime, censoring the internet, banning books, banning guns, and throwing native Whites in jail for daring to oppose State orthodoxy, that little French ph@ggot Maricon is about to deploy the military, armed with real bullets, to squelch the anti-globalism Yellow Vest revolutionaries.

It’s amazing — NOT — how little attention the American media is giving this story.

Darkness is falling over the West, sooner than anyone thinks.

PPPS Over at Counter-Currents, a nod to yours truly.

PPPPS Kevin MacDonald on left-wing book burning, Trump, and the dissident right.

Twenty-one years after a respected academic publisher, Praeger, published Culture of Critique and Separation and Its Discontents, they have been banned on Amazon. A People that Shall Dwell Alone is still available. This comes only around two weeks after they banned books by Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson. This is an extension of the de-platforming from financial sites and PayPal, Patreon, Coinbase, and credit card companies that has hit pretty much all sites on the dissident right, including TOO and TOQ. Clearly the establishment is terrified that these ideas are gaining traction, and it illustrates once again, that the culturally dominant left cares nothing for free speech as a pillar of American civilization. I am now deeply worried that if the left obtains power in the next election, what has happened thus far will pale in comparison to what lies ahead.


Like pretty much everyone associated with the dissident right, I celebrated the election of Donald Trump. However, it’s clear that the populist, anti-immigration themes of Trump’s rhetoric have energized the left to a fever pitch. Trump has been unsuccessful or unwilling to carry through his promises on immigration, and there has been a barrage of investigations and impeachment talk beginning as soon as he took office.


…in the not too distant future, the Republican viability in national elections would be destroyed by the new Democrat voters they collaborated in importing. But it would all be very gradual.

However, Trump won, and to make things worse, there were populist stirrings in Europe, with the success of Brexit and with several European governments openly defying their EU masters on immigration and the ideal of multiculturalism. The response of the left, which should have been completely predictable, has been to do everything they can to ramp up immigration and even lower the voting age so that they are assured of winning future elections. And they have targeted the ideas of the dissident/populist right for suppression. Again, we are just seeing the beginning of what promises to be a very ugly war.


Barring a USSR-type government, I’m not at all sure that our ideas can be prevented from triumphing. And that has our hostile elites very worried.

PPPPPS Spicy meme:

PPPPPPS The latest in must-wear peacocking gear this summer:

Feelings Don’t Care About Your Facts

Featuring @TitaniaMcGrath https://t.co/6OwLdaRXNM pic.twitter.com/X0C38kBCfM

— wokestore (@wokestore) February 23, 2019


Atavator wins this week’s COTW in high-falutin’ fashion, responding to a comment I made about the disheartening spectacle of Americans willingly surrendering their privacy to a ravenous, growing Surveillance State.

CH: Millennials are the kind of people who read “1984” and say “meh, if you have nothing to hide what’s the big deal about Big Brother?”

It’s all a part of their being overindulged and treated like hothouse flowers. When parents hover over your every microsecond, it becomes impossible to develop any sense of privacy, or interiority. The elements of a true conscience — the glory of Western man — are buried beneath a thick blanket of playdates, participation trophies, ritalin, and pointless effusive praise. What’s left are not full human beings, but automata whose moral essence is shrunken to “triggerings.” Self-command, stoic virtue, self-reliance: gone. It is not an accident that a whole generation of people have been formed this way.

We can only hope that the Gen-Z kids will represent a severe backlash against this. I’m certainly trying to raise mine that way.

The dominance of extraversion at the expense of introversion is one of the less appreciated social factors contributing to national decline, particularly decline in White nations, as Whites are, racially, primarily introverted (with a healthy minority of extraverts balancing out the race — in contrast to the almost exclusively introverted asians).

The combination of coddling and encouragement to extraversion — in short, feminization and judaicization — has been lethal to Americans’ “interiority”. We can see the consequences of this malign cultural change in the demand for “safe spaces”, the thin-skinned hysteria to disagreement, the intolerance of opposing world views, the attention whoring, the psychological projection, and the utter lack of self-awareness.

There’s one word that nicely describes all of the above: chutzpah.

If you’ve lost contact with your interior self, you won’t feel its loss when the Surveillance State steals it away from you.


Female Corruption Events

From JJG,

Just saw an average looking girl I know on Instagram. Not a celebrity or talented in any way, solid 7. Had well over 200 likes for a pic in a party dress showing some cleavage. The first step is banning all social media and regulating the internet. Facebook, cell phones, Instagram are the primary causes if the skewed sex market. Literally over 200 thirsty betas and vapid sluts giving their fawning approval for absolutely nothing.

200 likes for a plain jane showing some cleavage

This is actually the apocalypse of the average joe

There are three events in modren human history one may pinpoint as singularities of corruption of our women.

  1. the vote
  2. the Pill
  3. social media

The first Corruption Event severed woman from husband and supplanted him with the State.

The second Corruption Event severed woman from herself and supplanted her womb with careerism and cock hopping.

The third Corruption Event severed woman from reality and supplanted her humility with self-delusion and rage.

Reversing these corruption events, in full or in part, will be necessary to save America from her destiny with collapse.


PS As if Canada couldn’t get any gayer:


thordaddy comments,

No one and no collective is able to put “radical autonomy” back in the stable.

The nature of this escalating radicalism is the staunch belief in total annihilation at bodily/brain death.

If one is thinking in terms of resurrected eternal life, she can possibly get a leash on her “radical sexual autonomy.” Otherwise, perpetual self-annihilation.

Yes this gets at the core issue. Secularization is really the abandonment of belief in the afterlife, replaced with a belief in the illimitable void. This change of belief is the energy which fuels modren shitliberalism.

The ideology of the illimitable void is why, in my darker moments, I doubt America will get out of her predicament without first collapsing and allowing rebirth from the ashes.


The Three Tiers Of Assholery

Asshole Game is confusing to men who think it means incessantly insulting a woman and generally acting like a huge dick all the time, getting in fights and yelling at girls when things go sour.

It’s more nuanced than that.

A refined assholery is uncaring and aloof. Indifferent to a girl’s judgment. This is what you should strive toward.

A spiteful, bitter assholery is caring and invested. Sensitive to a girl’s judgment. This is what you should avoid.

There are tiers of assholery that are more or less suited to the type of girl with you. Younger women will need a bigger and stronger dose of Asshole Game than would older women. Extraverted girls respond better than introverted girls to assholes. Sluts and exhibitionists can handle extreme asshole game; chaste girls not so much. Ugly girls need niceguy game, hotties are a mixed bag, and the “almost there” 6s and 7s crave assholes.

Furthermore, the right dose of assholery depends on how you come across to a girl. Relative SMVs matter. An ugly or socially awkward man hitting on an ugly woman would need to ramp up his asshole game compared to a normal man hitting on that same woman.

All girls melt under the seductive power of assholery, but care should be taken to tailor your assholery to the girl. Pile driving a girl’s ego could backfire if she’s already got low self-esteem; softening your assholery could backfire if she’s an Instagram whore.

With this in mind, I present the Three Tiers of Assholery, from gentlest to roughest.

Tier 1 — Edgy Niceguy — is for your plain janes with a heart of gold. Girl next door, sweet church girl, Amish bish, that one girl in your STEM class, virgins, small town librarian, the formerly chubby thin girl who still has body image issues, etc.

Tier 2 — Charming Jerkboy — is for your fat-part-of-the-belle-curve aspiring cockteases. These are your 5s, 6s, and 7s who think they’re one step into good lighting from being 9s. Throw in some 8s who have dated too many provider beta males and now need an asshole to make them feel alive again. Also, super hot foreign girls are in this group, unless they’re Brit, in which case they belong with the Tier 3s. Basically, 80% of women react positively to Tier 2 assholes.

Tier 3 — Brutal Mindfucker — is for your standard issue social media-created thot. All your closeted tyrants, bartender sasspots, careerist shrikes, infanticide supporters, proto catladies, hipsterette scenesters, strippers, camwhores, jaded hotties, FOMO chicks, rainbow-haired and nose-pierced “nonconformists”, and Salon readers belong in this group.

Now I will give examples of each asshole tier, so men can better understand just what “being an asshole” means when applied in real life.

Tier 1 Asshole:

Cup your fart, open it in front of her face, then mock-beg for her mercy through gales of laughter

Tier 2 Asshole:

Cup fart, open under her nose, don’t smile

Tier 3 Asshole:

Cup fart, shove it in her face, tell her “you smelt it you dealt it”


Tier 1 Asshole:

Doodle a penis on her birthday card

Tier 2 Asshole:

Give her Skittles for her birthday

Tier 3 Asshole:

Forget her birthday, demand blowjob anyhow


Tier 1 Asshole:

Sixth night lay, condom

Tier 2 Asshole:

Third night lay, Pill

Tier 3 Asshole:

Same day lay, leave her with abortion bill and a funny walk


Tier 1 Asshole:

Her: “I think I’m falling for you!” You: “Aw, that’s cute”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Her: “I think I’m falling for you!” You: “Figures”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Her: “I think I’m falling for you!” You: “Why don’t you try falling on my cock right now” *ziiiiipp*


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girlfriend surprises you with morning blowie. You: “Baby, that was…pretty good”

Tier 2 Asshole:

GF surprises you with morning blowie. You: “Better use mouthwash”

Tier 3 Asshole:

GF surprises you with morning blowie. You: “Where’s breakfast?”


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girlfriend meets you at bar. You: “I can’t get away from you!” *smirk*

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girlfriend meets you at bar. You: “Oh great, you’re here, you can get me a drink now”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girlfriend meets you at bar. You: “I can’t catch a break” *no change in facial expression*


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girl: “Let’s go see that RBG movie!” You: “Is that the one about the color wheel?”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girl: “Let’s go see that RBG movie!” You: “Why don’t you take someone without a penis and balls”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girl: “Let’s go see that RBG movie!” You: “We’re done”


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girl gets new hairstyle, smiles at you expectantly. You: “I like what you did to your nails”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girl gets new hairstyle, smiles at you expectantly. You, falling backwards out of your chair in an exaggerated motion of faux surprise: “Fuck, what happened to that stuff on top of your head?”*

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girl gets new hairstyle, smiles at you expectantly. You: “Are you TRYING to be a lesbian?”

(*readers should direct their attention to the second commenter in that post’s comment thread.)


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girl tries to break up with you in public. You: “You’re a bad liar. But if this is what you really want, then I set you free.”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girl tries to break up with you in public. You: “Well, that’s a load off.”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girl tries to break up with you in public. You hit on a girl walking by.


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girlfriend calls you in the middle of the night, hysterical, to tell you she got into a car accident. You: “You tried parallel parking again, didn’t you?”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girlfriend calls you in the middle of the night, hysterical, to tell you she got into a car accident. You: “Oh no! Is the car okay?”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girlfriend calls you in the middle of the night, hysterical, to tell you she got into a car accident. You: “You called the wrong number, baby. Call the number on your triple A card.” *hangs up*


Tier 1 Asshole:

Girl wants you to buy her a drink two minutes after introducing yourself. You: “I don’t buy girls drinks, but you can buy me one”

Tier 2 Asshole:

Girl wants you to buy her a drink two minutes after introducing yourself. You: “The sex later better be good”

Tier 3 Asshole:

Girl wants you to buy her a drink two minutes after introducing yourself. You: “Sorry, I didn’t know you were a whore”


Looking back on my past relationships, I can’t believe how much Brutal Mindfuckery I committed against girls. But it worked. Sadly, it worked.


From This is a sobriquet,

Democrats [women] cheered harder for themselves getting into congress than for war heroes, criminal justice reform, child cancer survivors, preventing sex trafficking, lowest unemployment among black/hispanics in history, job growth, and a guy who landed on the moon.

It’s the Congressional LOOKATME caucus. The price of admission is to have a vagina and a perpetually curled snarl.

From Rabbi High Comma,

Occasio-Cortez couldn’t even look sincere clapping for a child with brain cancer. She will do our work for us. She could have gone into porn, or provided vagina for a black running back, but instead her destiny is to red pill millions of Whites who weren’t paying attention. God bless you La Raza Chan.

I know these chicks. The only face barmaidens like Attentionwhore Of-Color can sincerely express is snark&sass, the female counterpoint to the male agree&amplify.

PS Since we’re on the subject of false pride….


Defoo: To disavow any connection with your family like some whiney emo pussy.

Dangerous political rifts aren’t regional, like they were in the lead-up to Civil War I. Now, unbridgeable political and moral chasms separate cities from states, suburbs from towns, neighbor from neighbor, friend from friend, and even parents from children. Civil War II will have a different complexion than CWI. The front lines will be everywhere.

Moly has joined the defoo movement:

Disown leftists.


Get them the hell out of your life.

Ostracism is the last hope to stop detention camps, starvation and totalitarianism.

Maybe the social shock of being shunned will waken them.

If they win, you’re going to be separated anyway.

Just on their terms

— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) February 26, 2019

J.Y. points out that betrayal is a real risk when you refuse to defoo recalcitrant ORANGE MAN BAD family members:

I’m going to say something politically incorrect in EVERY circle: it is NOT at all unusual for the mother or wife of a right winger to cuck and cuck hard for the other side when the going gets tough.

Some women WILL be with you through thick and thin. But turn around and look at the parents of that girl who was raped and murdered by the illegal. Could they possibly cuck any harder?

In general I think disowning family IS a last resort. But you also can’t afford to have people who are likely to betray you with intimate knowledge of your comings, goings, etc.

My take on the defoo question: don’t, until you have no other recourse or you’re at your wit’s end and the raging TDS of your intimates has poisoned the relationship beyond your ability to shrug it off.

The Defoo Dilemma is a nuanced predicament for anyone who lives outside the internet thothouse. Realistically, we aren’t going to have politically “pure” friends and family. But the stakes are very high and political opposition is now fraught with life or death meaning. Egos are on the line and easily frayed in ways they never have been before. This is a new development that wasn’t the case a mere ten years ago.

The decision to defoo should depend on intensity of your shitlib friend’s or family member’s commitment to their ideological axe-grinding. Thankfully, most shitlibs aren’t (yet) so far gone that they’ll berate you about the Orange Man for as long as you’re willing to listen. But the lunatics are out there, and their numbers are growing. If you have one of these lunatics in your social circle, defoo away those irreconcilable differences. Give the heave-ho to out-and-proud, wild-eyed pussyhat friends and family, but don’t go crazy punishing everyone who parroted a Colbert inanity during a backyard BBQ. There’s no reason to blow up perfectly good friendships over a stray comment about “Putin’s puppet”.

TBH, as a MAGAman you’ll likely get defoo’ed by shitlib friends and family before you’ve had a chance to defoo them. That’s because shitlibs are more intolerant of ideological opposition. If you get defoo’ed by a shitlib in your acquaintance or a shitlib in your family, let that person go. You wouldn’t want the headache of pandering to someone who hates you and would never give you the same degree of respect you give her.


H/t Aquinas


Your Daily Globohomo

This post is part of a new series detailing all the big and little ways Globohomo invades our nations, our communities, our families, our lives, and destroys them all from within.


Motherhood is “damaging women’s mental health, study finds“.

Photo used to accompany the enemy propaganda? A lily-White mother with her White baby.

Globohomo really wants White women to extinguish their lineage.

FYI, the vast majority of these shitlib-friendly studies never replicate, and are withdrawn later, to *crickets* from the media which giddily boosted the original false claims. See, for example, the latest study to be retracted, which made the laughable on its face assertion that “homophobia” takes 12 years off gay homosexual lives (as opposed to, oh I dunno, life-shortening GRIDs, methfisting, and torn rectums).

Bad studies which support the anti-White Narrative are no problem for the media. That’s what page 26, year-late retractions are for.


Amazon has banned and memory-holed The White Nationalist Manifesto.

Corporate-State censorship and oppression of political dissidents reaches a fever pitch. Reader PA dubbed this the Reign of Anti-White Terror.


The UK has mandated a sex-education curriculum that will teach 5-year-olds about sodomy and trannies.

New sex education (i.e. sex grooming) curriculum in UK will teach 5-year-olds about sodomy and transsexuality starting next year. The government has also made it illegal to pull your child out of the grooming program. Muslim & Jewish parents are resisting. https://t.co/6zLLnrbeUS

— Roosh (@rooshv) February 25, 2019

The UK has become a buttplug republic. The US should cut ties asap.


The pestilent Globohomo swarm is spreading everywhere. A scholar defends teaching the Great Books For Men, and the Fuggernaut shouts her down and bans her from future attendance.

What happens when a scholar defends the teaching of great classical authors & traditions of Western Civilisation at the Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting?

She is shouted down and banned from future attendance at meetings. Video embedded.https://t.co/NDJu5Cgx04

— Quillette (@Quillette) February 27, 2019

This is the inevitable result of giving power to freaks, degenerates, fugs, and deviants.


Chaimstream Media is DESPERATE to reframe the Smollett blood libel as the inscrutable action of a man suffering anxiety.

Did the pressures and anxieties of modern fame played any role in Jussie Smollett’s seemingly inexplicable behavior? https://t.co/ZKKsbTRQdV pic.twitter.com/0qkMXupAlz

— Hollywood Reporter (@THR) February 27, 2019

J.R. scoffs,

there is nothing inexplicable about his behavior

he wanted to advance his Anti-White political ideology by framing White Americans as Violent Nazis

his motivation is comically obvious, but [Special Person] Media continues to pretend it’s inexplicable: Why did this Gay Black Jew who hates White America frame White America in a Hate Hoax? Why!?!

Speaking of hate, my hate grew three sizes in 2019, and we’re only two months in.


Shortest formulation:

The truth is anti-semitism.


Chase bank denies service to conservatives.

Political dissidents are being persecuted by a Corporate-State alliance of neoliberal tyranny.

Where is Trump’s DOJ?

Where is SCOTUS?

Where are the whistleblowers and patriots embedded within who will take on Globohomo and help save America from a rapidly metastasizing leftoid totalitarianism?

What a nightmare.

In the end, the job will fall to us. No saviors for bold men.


The demonically pozzessed entity known as Corporate America has to be challenged and cut down to size, and “limited government” won’t do the job. Reaganism is dead, and it has to be if we are to get out from under the tyranny of Globohomo.

Basic argument is that the US is finished and to the extent it can be revived, it won’t be by limited government but enlightened state intervention. Have to agree.
The world we have lost: “the country’s once-rich associational & civic & religious life is declining and dissolving https://t.co/mNyKKbh6jK

— Kevin MacDonald (@TOOEdit) February 26, 2019

Of course, it’s now a race between “enlightened state intervention” and Mad Max. Our traitorous elites are pushing Mad Max on us as fast as they can.

corporate America embraces conservative slogans to keep taxes low and unions weak but otherwise seems post-patriotic and performatively woke, the “silent majority” of hardworking, pious, culturally conservative blue-collar families is now essentially defunct.”

Decline can be traced to the rise of our new elite–importing Third Worlders which destroyed community cohesion, removing social supports for working class (which, were embedded in religion a consensus sexual morality) & anti-nationalist corporations wedded to left social agenda.

It’s the worst of all worlds, and we’re soaking in it.


Ripped from a Black Mirror episode, and coming soon to America: a pervasive Big Brother Surveillance State “social credit system” that can identify you by your walk (and tailor ads on-the-fly, or arrest you for pinging a blacklist of free-thinking dissidents).

Chinese start up recognizes people by how they walk and commonly behave without even need to see your face. Accuracy is 96% pic.twitter.com/ABgPA2cik5

— Best of Aliexpress and China (@coolstuffcheap) February 26, 2019


The Fuggernaut (aka BioLeninism) is real.

Every Bolshevik-style movement over the last three-thousand years used the same tactic:

They gathered & united all of society’s undesirables, outcasts, & rejects. They formed movements out of deviants & degenerates.

Such movements have no capacity for healthy cultural growth.

— Racial Consciousness (@Nature_and_Race) February 26, 2019

The good news: All these deviants are the seed of Globohomo’s destruction.

The bad news: That is, if they don’t genocide us all first.


Our women are brainwashed, and the problem is getting worse.

Last weekend I had a casual date with a gal from my (large) church. Everything seemed to be going well: some IOIs, good teasing, etc. And then I was blindsided: “Moreso than the other women in church, I really consider myself a feminist.”

“I really consider myself a feminist” = she’ll put out on the first date. Pump and dump material.

She then proceeded to explain (paraphrasing) that she doesn’t want to waste one more day of her youth and fertility on her future husband than absolutely necessary. Dalrock’s maxim confirmed. Next!

Having read this blog for over a year, her statement wasn’t too big a surprise, but what she said next continues to bother me. She claimed that she tends to date outside the church (aka badboys) instead of the church guys, which again is no surprise to any of us. But she went on to say that she’s talked with a lot of other single women in the church about it, and they’ve all expressed that there are guys in the church they’d like to date, but basically all of them are already taken. Preselection and hypergamy confirmed.

It is a very painful pill to swallow that despite all of my work and growth as a man over these last few years, I’m still not in the “top 20%” (interestingly, about 1 in 5 men in my church social group have girlfriends who are in their 20s, which I’d imagine are the men this gal was referring to). A critical self-assessment would put me in the top third of men in this community, but apparently that still isn’t enough. “Game” is likely my weak spot, and probably the leading factor holding me back at this point.

Dalrock has posted recently about Christian marriage increasingly becoming only for the “elite”, and I clearly see that firsthand in my Christian communities. But perhaps it should be clarified to: “marriage to a Christian women in her peak fertility years is only for the elite.” Marriage prospects for the remaining 80% of men is limited to jaded mid-30s women (one of my best buddies just started dating a woman who’s 36 – over 5 years older than him). And I’ve had numerous 32+ women come onto me, or have her friends try to set her up with me. I have no desire to be with these desperate women, as I would love to have a big family and a young, attractive wife.

I guess the solution for now is to just keep on working. Keep on lifting. Keep on reading the Bible and leading my church group. Keep on improving in my hobbies. In doing so, I may very well get to the top 20%. Sadly, though, continued self-improvement is only a solution for one man, and does not solve the epidemic of Christian marriage (to youthful women) as being limited to the “elite.”

This is what happens when the Church emasculates itself. Women within the church fold proudly proclaim themselves “feminists”. And then fuck around with bad boys outside the Church.

You want to make Christianity great again? Make it High T and patriarchal again.


The latest Fake Stat currently rubbing shitlib clits raw is this [very special study] purporting to prove that hate crimes are far more prevalent than are hate hoaxes:

Hate crimes in the US (2016-2018): 21,000

Hate crime hoaxes in the US (2016-2018): 50

What Smollett did was wrong but the big problem isn’t the .2% which are hoaxes, it’s the hate crimes which have risen 20% since Trump took office.

— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) February 21, 2019

Here go shitlibs again, with their inverted logic (a hate hoax means hate crimes are real!) playing fast and loose with data they comprehend just enough to obfuscate and twist into misleading headlines, hoping to pull a fast one on a short attention span public who still thinks the $PLC isn’t an anti-White hate organization.

A Sailer commenter called out this bullshit and tiresome leftoid tactic,

Just like that, the latest NYT “factoid” joins the “10% of Americans are gay” and “1 in 4 women are raped” and the rest of the BS everyone believes because they “read it somewhere.”

The online hoax lists show hundreds of examples.
And many–if not most–of the “real” ones are fakes.

The category error is definitional. There are reported hate crimes which were never investigated, there are investigated but unsolved hate crime reports, and there are proven and prosecuted hate crimes. “Hate crimes in the US (2016-2018): 21,000” doesn’t tell us much. 21,000 hate crimes could mean 21,000 reported hate crime hoaxes that were never disproven by a full police investigation. And it could mean 21,000 black-on-white hate crimes.

I’ll crib from International Jew, who came up with an apt analogy for this tedious data-sodomizing legerdemain by shitlibs,

When it comes to alleged hate crimes, the interesting question is: what percent of the thoroughly investigated ones were real?

You’d get a high “real” percent for UFOs to, if you compared total alleged sightings to the number that were investigated and debunked.

Maybe I’m slightly biased by my politics in this, but right now I can think of more hate hoaxes than I can recall real hate crimes.

Going down the shabbos hole to the source of the Fake Stat above, we find something very…predictable.

Brian Levin, the director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino, who has been tracking staged and real hate crimes, counted 49 fake reports between 2016 and 2018. In the same time, Levin told Quartz, there were about 21,000 hate crimes. That makes the percentage of falsely reported attacks 0.2% of all hate crimes. (The FBI received 13,000 hate crime reports in 2016 and 2017, according to its latest data.)

While Levin concedes that his data collection methodology has limitations—he and his team rely on media reports—it is indicative of how rare it is for a hate crime to be made up.

A [special person] consulted an industry run by [special people] for tautological “evidence” that would support a [special narrative].

“It was in the media, so it must be true!”

Good lord, what a load of libfuckery.

More on Brian Levin,

The one-man-band behind the garbage called “research” in that article is Brian Levin.

You can find plenty about him online. Here is an example:


Andy Ngo has more: https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo



This Levin character sounds like someone who really has a stick up his ass about Christian America.

One more great comment, from Almost Missouri:

Mikel Jollett’s “hate crime” numbers are really Annalisa Merelli’s numbers, which are really Brian Levin’s numbers, which are basically meaningless tautologies invented by Brian for the purpose of perpetuating his career.

OTOH, Merelli does write that “The FBI received 13,000 hate crime reports in 2016 and 2017”, which is true, in the sense that over two years the FBI received about that number of “reports”. But it turns out the FBI stats aren’t much better than SPLC alum Levin’s fake numbers.

The FBI—or other DoJ arm—could just total up the number of hate crime convictions in a year and have a pretty robust, verifiable and traceable number. But they don’t do this. Instead they total up “reports”, which are not convictions. They are just reports: someone (example: Jussie Smollett) told a law enforcement officer that a hate crime happened, and someone at the law enforcement agency (and by law that person has to be a designated “expert” on “hate crimes”, giving said “expert” a vested interest in justifying their “expertise” with large numbers of reports) passes a few general specs about the allegation on to the FBI, who tally it up for the big report. If the allegation is never confirmed, or if it turns out to be false, does the FBI subtract the number back out? Maybe, maybe not. Apparently certainly not if it takes into the next reporting period to establish the falsehood of the allegation, since the FBI does not issue revised statistics.

Then there is the fact that the definitions of “hate crime” are extremely loose. The perp, if they even have one, does not need to be charged with a hate crime for it to count as a “hate crime” for the FBI’s statistical purposes. For example, if the alleged victim is a member of the NAACP, the allegation is automatically a “hate crime” if the “hate crime” “expert” so designates it.

Unsurprisingly , the definitions and examples in the official docs are written to maximize culpability of whites. In spite of this, whites still manage to under-perform compared to their share of the population. No prizes for guessing which race most over-performs compared to their share of the population, despite the fact that this category of crime was tailor made to boost their victimhood and camouflage their criminality.

Finally, there seems to be no way to trace the FBI’s Hate Crime statistics back to the actual events that underlie them short of submitting thousands of FOIA requests per year, which still may not suffice. So there is no objective, independent way to verify the FBI’s “Hate Crime” stats.

Despite the existence of actual, verifiable numbers of hate crime convictions existing, the FBI/DoJ ignores that in favor of an opaque, unverifiable, easily distorted process that maximizes “hate crime” claims with no connection to actual convictions. Lazy and dishonest journalists such as Jollett and Merelli bandy these fake stats about with gay abandon. Thus does the public-private partnership Fake News Juggernaut roll on.

Steve Sailer — a better man than Mikel Jollett or Brian Levin could ever hope to be — ran the real numbers and came up with a more accurate ratio of real hate crimes to hate hoax crimes.

Hoaxes as elaborate as the Empire TV star’s are rare, but it’s hardly uncommon for, say, the perpetrator to turn out to be nonwhite, or the act, such as posting a flyer mentioning “It’s okay to be white,” to be not (yet, at least) a crime, or for the motives to be murkier than you’d imagine from reading Southern Poverty Law Center fund-raising junk mail.


But what percentage of these press allegations have since been validated?

The methodological issue is, how do we keep advocates from memory-holing contrary data?

My solution is to use The New York Times’ own “This Week in Hate” columns. I let the pinnacle of Establishment respectability take their best shot, curating their own list of hate crimes from across the country. I then evaluate how The New York Times did.


For the purposes of this essay, I analyzed all 21 incidents in the second (12/6/16) and third (12/13/16) weeks of “This Week in Hate,” looking for pro and con evidence that has accumulated in the 26 months since on the validity of the NYT’s accounts. (I skipped the first week, assuming it was better to let the NYT get into its stride. I encourage other researchers to check out the rest of “This Week in Hate,” which finally petered out in July 2017.)

How many of the 21 incidents have resulted in hate-crime convictions? How many have been shown to be a complete hoax? How many are unconfirmed by the justice system but seem plausible? How many unconfirmed occurrences are dubious?


As I count them, of the 21 incidents carefully curated by the NYTto demonstrate that white Trumpists are waging a war of hate on the true Americans:

Two are more or less proven.

Five are unproven but more likely than not.

Seven are unproven and more unlikely than not.

And seven are disproven.

So, the nation’s Newspaper of Record got at least an average of one out of three of its “This Week in Hate” stories right. On the other hand, the facts in another one out of three cases undermine the NYT’s Narrative.

For the Times to be right on merely a simple majority (11 of 21) of its handpicked stories of white Trump criminality, four of the seven unlikely incidents would have to turn out to be true.

Therefore, the Times probably failed to reach even 50 percent accuracy.

Brutal debunking. FATALITY

Andy Ngo likewise concludes that there is an epidemic of (mostly anti-White blood libeling) hate hoaxes:

Poli-sci professor Wilfred Reilly has found more than 400 instances of hate crime hoaxes in America in his research. The epidemic we are experiencing isn’t in hate crimes but rather hate hoaxes. https://t.co/2BbSOJ3XOE #HateHoax

— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) February 24, 2019

PS There’s no such thing as “hate speech”. There is only free speech. And there is no such thing as “hate crime”. There is crime. We shouldn’t prosecute thoughts. We should prosecute actions. End the “hate crime” farce now.


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