Have you wondered why Americans know so little about the Weimar Republic, the period in Germany that led to the Nazis and WWII? This lack of information is the result of a deliberate suppression campaign by Globoschlomo.
To learn about the provocations and social realities which preceded a great war, one must thoroughly examine the time period to uncover the motivations, grievances, and attitudes of a people who would later turn to war for solutions. It is an absolute crime against history that Westerners in general are so ignorant of the Weimar Republic, given that it was the era which laid the groundwork for a world war that would dwarf all wars.
A powerful Twatter thread from U.S. Uprising explains it all.
In America, the public is given zero information on the “Weimar Republic,” the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the NationaI SociaIists in 1933.
This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world.
This thread will expose those secrets. pic.twitter.com/4mVbkYoC6T
— U.S. Uprising ��?� (@USUprising) March 22, 2019
First, a tweet on what Germany was pre-Weimar:
As the Holy Roman Empire ended, Germans united throughout the 18th & 19th centuries under strong leadership, loyal monarchs, and good governance.
Germany was a bustling European center of industry, military, culture & Christianity.
Then World War I happened.
Largely orchestrated by corrupt Global interests, it was a disaster for Germany.
Germany had a string of victories, and sought a peaceful truce.
But Global financiers behind the war would lose money & their agenda, so they brought in America in 1917.
How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar.
The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a vioIent Revolution in Germany.
The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, & Liberal Elites create Weimar.
Before I get into who comprised this new “Liberal Elite” in Germany, first, a look at who was behind the Revolution:
Rosa Luxemburg
Kurt Eisner
Paul Levi
Leo Jogiches
Ernst Toller
Erich Muhsam
Gustav Landauer
Eugen Levine
Karl Radek
Guess what they all have in common…
At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders.
Who were the key representatives letting this happen?
Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia)
Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate)
And they were?
The term “Weimar” comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled.
In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people.
Who wrote it?
Hugo Preuss.
What was he?
For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences.
Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister)
Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister)
Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief)
Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats)
For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.
Who were the earliest leaders?
Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.
Guess what they were…
The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering.
The people weren’t organized.
The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions.
There were food shortages & poverty.
France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations.
It was an absolute mess.
The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center.
Barmat Scandal
Sklarek Scandal
Kutisker Case
Katzenellenbogen Case
All involved [special people] crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc.
Accompanying Weimar’s broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.
EVERYTHING was tolerated.
Berlin became the sin capital of the world.
Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods.
No sexual perversion was off the table.
At the center of this sexual “revolution” was Magnus Hirschfeld.
He created the “Institute of Sexual Research,” located in Berlin, celebrating all kinds of sexual fetishes, conducting trans-surgery, research, etc.
Sound familiar?
It’s all happened before, in Weimar Germany.
The “German” Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.
Some of main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar:
Paul Davidson
Joseph “Joe May” Mandel
Jules Greenbaum
Max Reinhardt
Josef Von Sternberg
Fritz Kohn
Otto Wallburg
Peter “Lorre” Lowenstein
And many more…
The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work.
People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix.
Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and discord.
“Dadaism” & “Cubism” were all the rage.
The Elites promoted this as “intellectual” and modern.
Sound familiar?
Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well.
Even prominent photographers, like Erwin Blumenfeld, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work.
Here’s one of his photos.

Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then?
Something similar to what they’re selling today.
The German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.
Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar?
No Germans.
Theodor Wolff
Georg Bernhard
Rudolf Mosse
Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed.
The degenerate society was wholly unprepared.
Unemployment, starvation, disease, hyper-inflation.
Stacks of German currency were worthless.
The Weimar nightmare was complete.
Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East.
Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the Govt (led by Werner Scholem).
The Weimar Elite seemed unable & uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins.
One could go on and on about Weimar.
Some day, I’ll do a thread on what the NationaIist Right was doing during this period.
But I mainly wanted to show what Weimar was, who ran it, and how it affected German society.
If you study the West today, you’ll notice the similarities.
Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy.
You aren’t told about it because:
1. It ruins the WWII lies our Govts tell us.
2. You’re in Weimar 2.0. If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it. This scares the Elite.
Retweet, Stay Woke, & Much Love Fam!
This is why our Information Overlords suppress discussion about the Weimer Republic, and leave American students in the dark about that time period in Germany. They would discover that there’s an eerie parallel with modren America — a Weimerica — which we are living through and enduring against our natures.
And they might start to connect dots that a certain clan doesn’t want connected.
PS Mass immigration will kill the Republican Party for good.
Five years ago, we published analysis showing that high levels of immigration hurts Republicans in elections, regardless of what position the party takes on illegal immigration: https://t.co/pYcwsZHkg0
At least the mass migration advocates are being honest about it now, too. https://t.co/QYQ9eM0v1B
— Center for Immigration Studies (@CIS_org) March 20, 2019
PPS While the New Zealand Prime Catlady goes on a dictatorial jihad against thought crime, censoring the internet, banning books, banning guns, and throwing native Whites in jail for daring to oppose State orthodoxy, that little French ph@ggot Maricon is about to deploy the military, armed with real bullets, to squelch the anti-globalism Yellow Vest revolutionaries.
It’s amazing — NOT — how little attention the American media is giving this story.
Darkness is falling over the West, sooner than anyone thinks.
PPPS Over at Counter-Currents, a nod to yours truly.
PPPPS Kevin MacDonald on left-wing book burning, Trump, and the dissident right.
Twenty-one years after a respected academic publisher, Praeger, published Culture of Critique and Separation and Its Discontents, they have been banned on Amazon. A People that Shall Dwell Alone is still available. This comes only around two weeks after they banned books by Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson. This is an extension of the de-platforming from financial sites and PayPal, Patreon, Coinbase, and credit card companies that has hit pretty much all sites on the dissident right, including TOO and TOQ. Clearly the establishment is terrified that these ideas are gaining traction, and it illustrates once again, that the culturally dominant left cares nothing for free speech as a pillar of American civilization. I am now deeply worried that if the left obtains power in the next election, what has happened thus far will pale in comparison to what lies ahead.
Like pretty much everyone associated with the dissident right, I celebrated the election of Donald Trump. However, it’s clear that the populist, anti-immigration themes of Trump’s rhetoric have energized the left to a fever pitch. Trump has been unsuccessful or unwilling to carry through his promises on immigration, and there has been a barrage of investigations and impeachment talk beginning as soon as he took office.
…in the not too distant future, the Republican viability in national elections would be destroyed by the new Democrat voters they collaborated in importing. But it would all be very gradual.
However, Trump won, and to make things worse, there were populist stirrings in Europe, with the success of Brexit and with several European governments openly defying their EU masters on immigration and the ideal of multiculturalism. The response of the left, which should have been completely predictable, has been to do everything they can to ramp up immigration and even lower the voting age so that they are assured of winning future elections. And they have targeted the ideas of the dissident/populist right for suppression. Again, we are just seeing the beginning of what promises to be a very ugly war.
Barring a USSR-type government, I’m not at all sure that our ideas can be prevented from triumphing. And that has our hostile elites very worried.
PPPPPS Spicy meme:

PPPPPPS The latest in must-wear peacocking gear this summer:
Feelings Don’t Care About Your Facts
Featuring @TitaniaMcGrath https://t.co/6OwLdaRXNM pic.twitter.com/X0C38kBCfM
— wokestore (@wokestore) February 23, 2019