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When her head nestles in my neck
and her fingers graze my ear
and her sleepy breath whispers hymns
my worldly worries disappear.



Obama’s post-blood libel “Let’s move past the hate that was completely generated by my side” speech which sent tingles up Rich Lowry’s khakied pants is a classic example of triangulation. Obama nods and winks for a few days as his ideological allies go on the offense smearing their political and cultural enemies, and then emerges from the fray to deliver an impassioned call for unity and civility, thus positioning himself as the savior with the efflorescent halo who can bridge the divide and turn those frowns upside down. Naturally, this bridging involves a lot of government largesse and leftist cultural brainwashing.

Is Obama a better triangulator than Clinton was? That remains to be seen, but there is no denying that triangulation is effective psy ops on the mediocre masses. Expect Obama’s poll numbers to jump and open borders amnesty to receive a modest osmotic boost in support.

If the right ever wants to win at this game they need to get it through their thick skulls that the way to victory is through the game concept of framing. Frame the debate, win the hearts and minds. Take a page from the Alinsky school for radical revolution: the best defense is a good offense.

Whenever these cultural blow-ups occur, the right is always left reeling on its heels, in the defensive posture. They need a little more of that irrational confidence and lack of scruples that the left has in spades. They need to be more proactively mischievous. Instead, the right continually plays the role of the qualifying girl to the leftist PUA. That’s a great way to get screwed, but doesn’t do much for avoiding pump and dumps.

This is one of the many reasons why Palin generates so much hate. She may not be the brightest bulb, but she knows how to set the terms of the conversation, and this drives the left insane, accustomed as they are to wielding the cultural bullhorn.

The right also needs to learn to deal with a media industrial complex that is almost wholly a propaganda arm of the left wing and Democrat party. Limbaugh and Fox have their followers, but in the scheme of things they are kazoos against the buzzsaw din that echoes from Hollywood, TV, the music biz, academia, the education racket, news organs, government, NGOs and workplace reeducation camps, all run to a great extent by leftist ruling class elites. This saturation megaphone may not conspire in the traditional sense of the word, but they coordinate by instinct, like fire ants converging on an El Paso picnicker.

Once the right grasps the fact of this stacked deck and what it means for them, they will understand that, despite Obama’s calculated call for unity, the left never intends to play cricket with them. Not as long as that bullhorn stays glued to their lips. The right can get its own bullhorn, but that doesn’t solve the problem; they need to learn to ignore, mock, satirize and NEG, in equal measure, the bleatings of the enemy’s bullhorn. And before that they need to pin their foes against the wall with their own brand of accusatory self-serving righteousness. In other words, set the frame.

It’s odd at first glance that a tiny cadre of high IQ elites can direct the national conversation with such precision, but it starts to make sense when you realize that most people want to be led by a strong band of alpha males. The apolitical middle will heed the hatchet job of the Associated Press and the siren lies of humanities professors and maudlin TV documentaries, and they will fall in line, and wearily assume the problem is now in capable hands and with people who have honest intentions. Meanwhile, the nation dissolves in an acid bath of deceit, a victim of its elite’s facility with psychological manipulation.

Game has taught me to see the unacknowledged, and often unperceived, machinations that govern the behavior of men and women. Not surprisingly, it has also allowed me to see the underlying forces that animate the political sphere, for that sphere is merely a subset contained within the larger sexual market.


Lara, presumably a girl, wrote the subject heading in the comments to yesterday’s post.

Lara may be a troll, or she may be a girl lying about what she sexually responds to in order to score retarded internet debate points, but her blurt has a kernel of truth. Dating advice columnists, a most loathsome breed, and marriage counselors are fond of telling the lovelorn how important it is for a man and woman to share interests and hobbies if they want to make a relationship work for the long haul. This meme has, in fact, become so imbibed by the general population that you cannot date a girl, or listen to a girl talk about what she wants in a man, without hearing her say that “he has to share my values“, or “he has to like the same things I like.”

A conversation I had with Zeets the Throwback Barbarian comes to mind.

ME: Your parents have been together a long time. Do they go shopping at arts and crafts boutiques like other mature couples do?

ZEETS: Hell no. My Dad plays poker twice a week to get out of the house, and my Mom hangs out with her friends on the weekends.

ME: They’re not attached at the hip then?

ZEETS: Not even close. They need to get out of each other’s hair. They have different interests. They both like to swim in the pool, though.

ME: But you can really see the love they have for each other.

ZEETS: Exactly.

This “shared values and interests” chestnut is a load of horseshit. Lara is hitting upon something important in her throwaway quip. Men and women who like the same things and do a lot of activities together risk instilling the contempt of familiarity in each other. This is particularly the case for women, who must abide their genetic programming to find overly accessible men undesireable.

Women may squawk a big squawk about wanting men who share their interests, but in reality they most admire and love those men who have their own interests, and who pursue those interests without regard to the women’s participation. Women, in short, love to be spectators to men’s passions. They love to be dragged into a man’s world.

As with all things gender related, women want to look up to a man. They do not want an equal or a play time buddy. Feminists who claim otherwise are lying, not only to you and me, but, more importantly, to themselves.


Shades Of George Sodini

Jared Lee Loughner wrote in an online gamer forum:

On May 5, he started a thread titled “Talk, Talk, Talking about Rejection.” He solicited stories of rejection by the opposite sex. The next day he wrote, “Its funny…when..they say lets go on a date about 3 times..and they dont….go…” Three days later, he wrote, “Its funny when your 60 wondering……what happen at 21.”

Color me shocked that another mass murdering male shooter has a history of sexual rejection. Obviously, being mentally deranged can hurt your chances with women, but constant sexual failure tends to reinforce the mental instability. It’s a vicious celibacy feedback loop.

Give some of these guys with mental issues the tools of game to successfully meet and date women, and the improvement in the unrelenting loneliness and sexual frustration they feel will help tame the beast. Loughner may not have been a candidate for Total Game Intervention, as his mental state — he likely pulled a genetic bad hand of paranoid schizophrenia — was too far gone from all accounts, but for society’s underbelly of men who still have some of their marbles a knowledge of game may go a ways to reducing the number of these horrific random mass shootings.

By the way, Filthy Lying Shitsack of the Month Award should go to Sheriff Dupnik, the craven cur who tried to deflect any potential media attention from evidence that he ignored death threats made by Loughner as a token of favoritism to Loughner’s mother, a county employee, by blaming conservative politicians and talk radio hosts.

Dupnik has blood on his hands, and he knows it. That is why he lies so recklessly and obstinately. When cornered, a stuck pig will lash out with a fury.


A reader emails:

This is a picture of a girl I dated my last year of college (she was 2 years behind me).  The first pic is her right after we stopped dating, the second pic (purple shirt) is her after a year and a half of marriage… Tragic.

It’s scientifically proven that women pack on the pounds once they extract the wedding vows. It thus follows that married men enjoy much less satisfying sex than their single male counterparts. It all makes perfect sense from a game theoretic point of view: women show their best bodies when they are competing with other women for a man’s commitment, but once they have that commitment — and the power of the state to protect them from the consequences of breaking their implicit promise to please their husbands — they let themselves go.

This is why the hottest cougars are the ones who have never been married and have had to fight tooth and claw for male attention their whole lives.

So beware the gluttony hazard of marriage. If you’re a beta provider, the freezer will start filling up with Haagen-Dazs days after the honeymoon. She knows you’re not going to do anything about it. You have nowhere to run, and no other women to satisfy you. And you certainly don’t have the balls to tell her how much her rolls of blubber turn you off. Nope, you’ll grin and bear it when she commands you to dive down and snuffle around in her rhinoceros labia until she’s climaxed.

The sad photos above remind me of the time I dumped my wife for getting fat. I do hope she has managed to carry on without me.


Just Say Something

You’re standing in front of a cute girl at the Trader Joe’s check-out line. You put the food on the conveyor belt, stealing glances at her as she fiddles with her phone. She looks up briefly at you, then looks back down. You want to say something, anything halfway clever, to get her smiling and a conversation rolling, with the ultimate intention of a phone number exchange, or even, dare you ponder it!, an insta-date to the nearest coffee shop.

But the moment evaporates silently, your mouth paralyzed except for the “I don’t need a bag” you say to the cashier. Another wasted opportunity. But you brush it off easily as soon as you are out the door, figuring you have years ahead of you and plenty of chances to meet girls in similar situations down the road.

The next day, you fumble another opportunity with a girl pumping gas next to you at the gas station. And again, you glibly excuse your inaction with the comforting thought that years of opportunities await you.

The same scene in different contexts is repeated… until those years have passed and the glib excuses don’t come so easily anymore. Regret weighs on you like a stone hung around your neck.


Does the above describe you? If you are like most men, it does, too often for your liking. There are many sticking points in game, from meeting to sex to relationship, but the one sticking point that nearly every man experiences, and which holds him back more than any other, is the inability to open his fucking mouth and say something… anything… to a girl he finds attractive. This is the Grand Hurdle, the obstacle that looms like an unscalable wall between him and any new girl.

Conquer this mental barrier, and you have improved your game a thousandfold from where you were before. Why do I say this?

Because every time you don’t talk to a girl is a failure. A failure to at least give yourself a shot at sex and love with her. Think about that for a second. Each one of the thousands upon thousands of good-looking girls who have attracted your attention over the years that you didn’t talk to out of fear and apprehension is your failure.

You have failed each and every one of those times, and your instances of failure now add up to the thousands, perhaps tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands if you live in a non-obese oasis of America.

That, my friends, is massive fail. No game technique can obliterate more failure, more effectively, than simply opening your mouth and saying something to the girl standing next to you.

Let the words flow. You must abide the words.

So powerful, and yet such a simple concept so universally rejected by the vast majority of men. See that cute girl in the aisle picking through the apples? You’re not the only man with lockjaw. Thousands of other men also stood stupefied as that same girl browsed apples all the other days of the year. Sure, there were a couple of men here and there who managed to say something to her, and now maybe one (or two) of those men are currently fucking her. But for the most part, your competition in the Just Say Something sweepstakes is laughably weak.

So you shouldn’t worry about formulating the perfect witty opener, or a great one-liner that will instantly attract her, if that worry is causing you to abandon any attempt. You’re better off saying something geeky than saying nothing at all.

Naturally, you will want to work at honing your JSS method so that what you do say is maximized toward piquing her interest. But if you’re tongue-tied, mentally masturbating about the cleverness quotient of the opener you are mulling in your head is worse than staying silent. If the choice is between sullen silence and blurting out whatever nonsensical crap comes to you, always go with the nonsensical crap.

In that spirit, here are some JSS openers you can use in various scenarios. Some of these are cheesy, and that’s the point. The goal is to get you talking in a natural, unforced way to a girl without dwelling too heavily on proper game technique.

I know many of you men have stood in that Trader Joe’s line in front of the cute girl with your mouths glued shut, hoping for a flash of inspiration which never came. Read these, and be inspired to pull out your iPod earplugs. These are your first step to defeating the silence.


“I hear frozen blueberries are in season this year.”

“That’s an excellent ice cream choice.”

“I’m going to read this tabloid and be proud of it.”

“I sometimes judge people by their food purchases. Don’t say you’ve never done that.”

Liquor store:

“Do you think it’s possible to buy single cans of beer? I like to pretend I’m not a lush.”

“That’s a good selection of bottom shelf liquor you got there.”

“Where’s the beer funnel?”

Book store:

“Do you know where the pop-up/color by numbers book section is?”

“I can’t believe this place doesn’t serve pizza.”

Mall clothing store:

“You ever notice how you always get more tired standing in a mall store than anywhere else?”

“Is purple the new black?”

“You look like the kind of girl who knows a lot about cufflinks.”

Farmer’s market:

“An apple always tastes better outdoors.”

“I think my transformation to yuppie is complete.”

“Did you try the fig butter? No? Count your blessings.”

“The world would be a better place if we were all grass-fed.”

Pool hall:

“Don’t worry. That was just the stick.”

“I drink until I see twelve holes. That’s how my game gets better.”

Sidewalk, waiting for crosswalk signal:

Give her the stink-eye. “You look like the jay-walking type.”

“Hi, sidewalk stranger.”

Porta-potty line:

“Too late. I loaded my diapers.”

Just kidding on that last one.


Tolerance Immersion

The shooting of a Congresswoman by an unhinged schizophrenic anarcho-left winger with mental stability issues, and the predictable opportunistic reaction by the leftist MSM gleefully jumping the gun in assuming the shooter was a high ranking spokesman for the Tea Party, has got me thinking about big ideas. Specifically, the psychological motivations that drive the ruling class leftists to advocate for the strange things they do.

In between tacitly approving the repeal of the First Amendment in the wake of the shooting, leftists have been blaming the “climate of hate” (to which they no doubt contribute not one iota of hatefulness) on the inability of those “wrong” kinds of white people to get along with others not like them. This has been, in fact, the leftist chant for some forty odd years now, and their answer to this ever-growing problem of intolerance from those other whites-who-are-not-like-them-not-at-all-nosirree-these-aren’t-the-lily-white-gated-communities-with-monoracial-schools-you’re-looking-for has been to ramp up the antagonisms that provoke the bigotry they decry.

Logically, this makes no sense at all. If the leftists sincerely believe the “other whites” are intolerant bigots who foster a climate of hate every time they engage in the political process, then it’s counterproductive to advocate for increasing diversity which will, inevitably according to liberal logic, lead to more bigoted violence from the other whites. This is like wailing about drunk driving fatalities, and then throwing car keys at drunks and encouraging them to take the scenic route home.

Of course, the leftists aren’t much different than those they berate. We can tell this by the fact that those among them with options hightail it away from the vibrancy of the 50% gay 50% white hipster SWPL gentrified urban hood and into leafy, 5% gay 95% white yuppie suburbs when their precious tots are old enough to go to school, and too old to be used as stroller buffer to discourage would-be predators from targeting them.

Leftists are merely running status games through appeals to self-delusion, AKA PC. They need a bad guy upon which to project their own super secret bigoted thoughts and actions, and that bad guy happens to be commonsensical people who aren’t clever enough to fool themselves, and thus others, into believing utter bullshit.

But back to the leftist’s sincerity or lack thereof. Given enough self-deception, it is possible to begin to sincerely believe in blatantly stupid stuff. Leftists do sincerely look down their noses at the masses. But then, many leftists also sincerely believe that no human being is immutable; the average Joe’s hate and intolerance – through the power of government intervention – can be metamorphosed into something better, a world music listening Six Million Dollar Diversity Man who learns how to sip soy latte and mentally torture himself to find the most non-obvious explanation for FBI crime stats.

The overhaul and salvation of the Neanderthal bigot’s mind thus involves an orthodoxy that can be termed Tolerance Immersion. This is the leftist policy of immersing the white bigots in a swirling sea of diversity and platitudinal PC agit-prop, with the hopes that the heavenly light of tolerance would imbue the bigot as a sort of default immune response once he realized resistance was futile and his fate sealed. (You’ll notice in the leftist worldview, there is no such thing as a non-white bigot.) Similar to language immersion, it is believed by the leftist that radical tolerance immersion which leaves no room for dissent is the most effective way to help the bigot free himself of the last vestiges of primitive emotions, such as prejudice, racism, xenophobia, jealousy, envy, desire, joy and love.

Tolerance Immersion has been tried before, usually unintentionally, and history shows the wreckage that resulted. But history is socially constructed anyway according to leftist thought, so its lessons should be no impediment to their grand, and conveniently never quite finished, project utopia.


Email #1 is telegrammed from “Assrange”:

What are alpha and beta fetishes?

I guess the most alpha fetish is rape or FFM gangang and the most beta fetish – being a woman’s toilet or cuckolding.

What is your say?

That rape should be a most despised intrusion under law and custom does not relegate it to the outer hells of our less desirable scoundrels. The average woman’s mind is teeming with the dirty detritus of rape fantasies, such fantasies the ultimate manifestation of their most female desire to submit wholly and unconditionally to a strong man with a will to match. Alpha men, for their part, are happy to oblige, but spare no fetish for the abomination. That is solely the reserve of the morally undeveloped sex and the diseased of mind.

In order of decreasing alpha coondoggery and increasing omega degeneracy, herewith a list of male sexual perversions:

FFFFFFFFFFFFM with hidden video recorder, doggy style, asses lined up in a row like ducks at a shooting gallery.
FFFFFFFFFFFFM with lights on.
Standard FFM.
Kinky FM wherein the lady is hogtied and ballgagged.
Public sexual congress.
FM while watching the vile pornography.
FM while she’s beholden to her womanly discharge.
Sitting in a corner and stroking balefully while watching FF scissor.
Sitting in a corner and stroking feverishly while watching F get nailed by M.
Sitting in a corner and stroking feverishly while watching F get nailed by BM.
Any of the bowel evacuation perversions, including but not limited to the Cleveland Steamer, the Pinched Julep, and the Choctaw Country Cornbread Cow Plop.
Animal intimacy.


Email #2 comes by way of a charming filly from the old country:

I’m a Hungarian-Romanian woman. I pretty much enjoy your blog because it has thaught me a lot about attraction and dating sociology. I want to evolve in every possible way and I believe you can help me answer some questions.

You’re saying that the alpha-monster should never get married, he has all the women he wants in a heart-beat. Who is his female counterpart? Is the alpha woman really allowed to change partners that often? Doesn’t it pull her in the slut category (which is to be avoided? – according to some other theorems of yours). And what is next up? Does a future of alpha-partnerships (or bangs) lead to the extinction of the human race (from what I see, having children is beta) ?

Two.  From my observations, one is able to have magnificent sex via perception altering. I know a case (alpha, slightly autistic guy + fat girl) where he strongly believed that the girl is hot (she was transmitting him great states of mind), they had 10-sex and eventually the girl became hot (physically), or better, BMI-altering sex. I believe post-alpha is the abillity to change anyone at will.

That’s all…for today.

For today? I have a mind to administer a lashing to your bare bottom for confronting my decency with your coyness, you gypsy temptress.

But I am in an inculcating mood. The “alpha monster”, or what we here in these parts call the rooster, has his psychological counterpart in the alpha hyena, the head of her cackling demon pack of predatory African savannah carnivores. But unlike that mangy beast, she is first and foremost an exquisite example of beauty, unparalleled in three counties’ range, and of such refined features that she drives even the most trailworn men to fits of romantic elegy.

She is certainly able to have as many male lovers as she can accommodate, mentally and physically, without rupturing an unseemly fissure in her nethers and risking the foul humours. But the alpha female does not have many partners, not nearly enough to qualify as a slut, because the very beauty that gives her the option to spread herself wide with the greatest number of suitors also enamors her with a honed prejudicial instinct, which she uses to great effect to make herself as unavailable as possible until a man of the highest quality courts her with the baubles and trinkets of a thousand kings.

It should be noted that the modern alpha female has chosen the whiskey and dance at the expense of brood, and the consequences for the people should be obvious. She spreads herself around a little more today than perhaps she did in yore, and our generations grow stupider and uglier under the misuse of the prophylactic by the lower classes.

Your point number two is absurd on its face, and requires no further discrediting but for that which I am generously inclined to offer in this forum. “Perception altering” is just another fancy university term of of art for saying a man with a bad hand has got to fold or bluff like he’s holding a pair of Aces. A man is as loathe to admit he’s fornicating with a hatchet-faced witch as he is to admit he can’t shoot a barn door at ten paces.

Now there is something to the idea that a blessed man in the way of women can exert a favorable influence upon his lovers, inasmuch as those women will feel the competitive fire from fairer ladies and perform judiciously to please him. But that is a risk I would not be willing to take with a fat woman, whose fat is only likely to grow as she succumbs to years of habit to reach for the bread and cheese in moments of self-doubt and despair.


Email #3 hails from “LW”:

I wanted to first thank you for dropping incredible amounts knowledge on this blog. I have learned quite a bit and think that I can outgrow my betadom soon. I wanted to run a scenario by you that you probably hear often, and see how you might approach it.

In High School, I was  pretty socially awkward. I wasn’t an outcast by any means, but I definitely wasn’t one of the popular kids.

Like most kids in my situation, I had a crush on a girl who I thought at the time was “out of my league”. She even tried to talk to me at one point in class, but I was way too awkward to maintain any form of conversation.

Now, I am in a much better stage in life; I have friends, a social life, and actually get laid on occasion. I am friends w/ this girl on Facebook, and I can tell that we are in a similar place on the dating market. She likes a lot of the same shit I do, is single, and is still very cute.

My question is, how do I initiate some sort of conversation with her without coming off as a total fucking stalker? Is this even possible? Or should I just wait for our next HS reunion?

Please let me know what you think. Any help would be appreciated.



Why don’t you have a swig of this devil water, young man. It’ll help steady your nerves as the weight of the wisdom I am about to indulge you with overworks your senses.

First, ignore your past mistakes. She doesn’t remember as much as you fear she does, and what she does remember will only serve to your advantage when the stark juxtaposition of your present state of mind clashes with her meager prejudice. Also, forget that she enjoys the same recreational pleasures as you; women do not respond in a desirous way to men with similar hobbies, whom they more often than not regard on the same level as charming pets. Shared interests only become important in a relationship of some strength and fortitude, which should never be the case until three months in the least have passed.

I would never tell you to wait for anything. Waiting is the mindset of — to use the modern parlance — the beta. The alpha goes for what he wants, when he wants it. Of course, he does so in a calculating fashion designed to maximize the benefit which will accrue to him.

You treat this girl like any hot girl whose virtue you want to immoderately violate. Scatter your profile with photos of you in poses of adventure, in foreign lands, peering at an unseen object offstage, and surrounded by nubile young ladies. Leave a comment to one of her pics, leavened with the insertion of a neg (contextually dependent, of course). Or start up a chat with her when she’s online, as you would any girl. Always be sure to end the chat first, so that she is stunned out of her self-absorption which is the wont of her mercurial gender.

Other than that, I can’t tell you much, because I am of the mind that Facebook is an emasculating nutgrinder which purpose suits the distaff sex completely and at the expense of the stripping away of your natural male advantage of imposing, virile body language and inscrutable ponderings.


Check out this video.

Bottom line: Ovulating women in loving relationships are the most likely to show a lot of skin and flirt with other men.

Every time I have a brief moment of weakness when I think God is possible and there is love for everyone in the world, studies like this one jolt me back to reality. Yep, those precious, perfect, beautiful women crave strange cock when they’re most likely to get pregnant. And they crave it the hardest — and do what is necessary to get it — when they are secure in loving relationships with chumps such as yourself.

This is yet more evidence on top of existing evidence for the Chateau prescription to instill dread in your relationship or marriage. Women who get too comfortable with their partners, get cocky. They take their beta boyfriends or husbands for granted and start to heed the call of their uncaged ids deep in their hindbrains, where even the hamster dares not tread. An emboldening sense of invulnerability overwhelms them, and they follow an age-old evolutionary script leading them to sample genetic pee pee platters when there is low risk it will cost them with their current beaus.

The solution for men to reign victorious over this female Darwinian impulse is simple, and one this blog has been writing about for some time: Never…


let her feel entitled to your love.

By this I mean you need to keep your girlfriend (or wife!) on her toes, always in a state of suspended certainty. She has to be thinking, at least some of the time, “Does he really love me?” “Does he love me as much as I do him?” “Is he completely committed to me?” “Is he seeing other women?” “What’s he thinking?”

And my personal favorite:

Why does he leave after sex?”

And, trust me, she will love you more for making her feel this way, despite her inability to ever admit as much.

So, men, if you want to minimize the odds your lover is an infidelity risk, keep tabs on her cycle and monitor the level of comfort and security you are offering her in your LTR. If she is approaching her ovulatory phase, and you have been smothering her with affection and compliments…

back the fuck off.

Turn off your phone for a day. Decline a scheduled date with her. Call her from a noisy bar where girls can be overheard laughing in the background. If you live with her, show up very late from work a couple of nights in a week. Notice some trivial flaw about her looks. Grunt more than usual. Be laconic. Ignore her.

Naturally, the hotter she is, the more you will have to back off. Options = instability.

In this new year, let’s all make a resolution to improve the quality of our sex and love lives. Let’s make her work for it.


Fooling Golddiggers

Men universally overestimate the importance of money to attracting women. This is probably so because the relatively chaotic, amorphous nature of psychological game is harder for men to comprehend than is a hard objective metric like money. It’s much simpler to say to a man: “First you make the money, then you get the power. Then when you get the power, you get the women.”

The problem with this plan of action is that, one, it’s highly inefficient, and, two, most women — and this includes hot women — aren’t aroused by a man with money nearly as much as men think they are. Women are attracted to an alpha attitude — AKA game — which can be correlated with money. But money is not a necessary condition for embodying the alpha attitude. There are easier ways to attract women for sexual congress and loving LTRs than slaving for years in a corporate gig saving every penny to afford a monster mortgage or risking prison in the drug trade.

Furthermore, there is this misperception out there that money automatically equates to power, which is something that girls do indeed find very arousing in a man. But we all know souped-up IT and finance nerds making well into the six figures who struggle with their dating lives. Power is more a state of mind, or a will to attitude, than a blessing that flows from big bucks. The shiftless badboy with the motorcycle and smirk has more power over women’s hearts than the well-paid CFO who sucks up to women by throwing free meals and unearned gifts at them.

Naturally, all else equal, having money will help your pickup more than not having money. But the “all else equal” is the key qualifier. If you are looking to get more bangs for your buck, so to speak, working longer harder hours to amass bank is not the way to do it. When you realize that most women worth fucking don’t care all that much about how much money you make, you understand that the road to gratification leads away from the path laid down by conventional wisdom.

As long as you make a decent living (i.e. don’t live in a cardboard box), have a car (unless you reside in the heart of a major urban center or lead a traveling lifestyle), have some stylish threads, and keep a clean, cared-for home, the money factor evaporates for all but the most die-hard golddiggers. Remember, a man’s ambition is one of the traits women love. Whatever financial reward he has earned from his ambitious undertakings is almost irrelevant, like icing on the cake.

Maxim #49: Waving a roll of benjamins at a woman will not give her tingles. In fact, it will often do the opposite.

But this post is about that small minority of femme fatales who are dedicated golddiggers. They exist, especially in feverishly status conscious enclaves, and it’s in your interest as a man to smoke them out early and take advantage of them before they have a chance to take advantage of you. Once you get good at fooling golddiggers, you can corral them into loving relationships with you that monopolize many of their prime years, leaving them splintery husks on the downslope hustling pasty-faced betas with nothing but credit card game, while memories of you haunt their dreams.

None of the below tips are an acceptable substitute for tight game, but they will add to your aura of mystery and captivate golddiggers on the make for a sugar daddy.

  • The ATM receipt ruse.

There are services that will print up authentic looking ATM receipts with large dollar amounts. Leave a crumpled one lying around your place. She will notice it. (All women notice the smallest details of the men they date. It’s encoded in their DNA.)

  • Ditch the car for a boat.

If you live in a place where it is acceptable to be car-less, you can substitute with a boat docked at the nearest marina. Sailboats earn doubleplusbonus points, and are often cheaper than new cars. Since cars are de rigueur among all classes, they don’t stand out anymore as markers of taste, unless you go luxury. But a cheap boat will open the golddigger’s cash register heart.

  • Fake Ivy League diplomas.

There are places where you can get these. Hang prominently on your wall. Ivy degrees and money are practically synonymous in the whore’s mind.

  • The expensive suit ruse.

If you are going to spend money, spend it on a couple of expensive suits. Clothing style is a relatively cheap way to signal wealth, and will often fool golddiggers into bed with you for at least a few months.

  • Housing amenities.

Can’t afford that 2,000 square foot apartment in SoHo? No worries. Get a smaller place, but make sure it has one or two stand-out amenities, like a Sub-Zero fridge or exquisite molding along the ceiling.

  • The cubic zirconia ruse.

Buy a pair of cubic zirconia earrings. Leave them somewhere in your bedroom where a golddigger will see them. When she asks, explain that you gave those diamonds to a former lover (“former lover” always sounds better than “ex”) who returned them to you when you broke up, because she couldn’t bear to wear them anymore. Women, despite their insistence, really cannot tell the difference between a real diamond and CZ, especially in your dimly lit, Quagmire-esque bedroom. This ruse is particularly effective because it pushes three buttons — the money button, the preselection button, and the “ambiguously available man” button.

  • The signed work of art ruse.

Buy a cheapo print, say of a Miro, and sign his name on the bottom in his signature style. Tell her you collect original works of art, and Miro is one of your favorites.

  • Always pay with hundreds.

This is kind of cheesy, but golddiggers are a cheesy lot, so they deserve it. Great for getting her to buy things for you. “Hey babe, I only have a hundred. Could you spring for me on that pack of gum?” As all Chateau guests should know by now, getting women to buy you things alters their perception of you to a higher value man, because they certainly wouldn’t buy things for a lower value man.

  • Keep a safe in your place.

Who knows what’s in that safe? Jewelry? Bonds? Cash? Guns? Back copies of Playboy? Her pussy squirms with the possibilities.

  • Learn how to decorate.

You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to properly decorate your pad. Why should a decent decorating job impress golddiggers so much? Because most men have no idea how, nor any inclination, to feng shui the shit out of their homes. When you do, you set yourself apart from the bachelor masses.

  • The vacation home ruse.

Put a framed photograph of your “country estate” or “beach house” on the wall. She doesn’t have to know it’s just a random photo you took of someone else’s house.

  • The stock market player ruse.

Always keep a stock market display on your monitor. She’ll think you are a big money risk taker.

  • The overseas business trip ruse.

Every couple of months, tell your newfound golddigger lover that you will be away for two weeks on an “international business trip” which you can’t talk about in detail. This serves the dual purpose of stoking her curiosity and giving you a break to pursue other girls for fun and profit.

PS: I don’t do any of the above things, because I’ve had no need to (unless I’m doing it for my own amusement). I’ve had no trouble meeting attractive girls who weren’t blatant whores pimping for financial support. The few times I’ve dealt with genuine golddiggers, I had some fun with their expectations, and they — I’m sure to their surprise — loved having the tables turned on them.


“Silver Fox” comments:

Grifter bags 2500 Women

I can attest to this; I bagged 6 models in 2001, when i was an unemployed i-banker for 18 mos. Meanwhile as a multi 6 figure employed banker I avgeraged 1/yr.

Just said “I am a consultant”…followed with silence and direct eye contact/

Avg women cant tell if you work in mailroom or boardroom at Goldman Sachs.

Silver Fox is right on two counts. It’s often the grifters with game who score more pussy than the workaholic ballers. And women really can’t know exactly what you do in the office. Unless she shows up at the front door of your building demanding entrance, you can keep her in the dark about your “boardroom” job for years. Women are extremely gullible on these matters because they *want* to believe you are the king of the world you slyly hint that you are.


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