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How often does a generation witness the wholesale death of a religion? Not often, I’d guess, but it’s happening now, livestreamed and hashtagged in real time. The religion that is dying is Equalism, the doctrinal tenets of which are:

  • the races are biologically equal
  • the sexes are biologically equal
  • any inequality between the races and sexes is proof of heresy, cultural corruption, discrimination, and White male animus, but certainly not of innate, evolved biological differences

Modren White liberals (aka SWPLs aka shitlibs aka leftoids) are fervent disciples and proselytizers of Equalism. Their xenophilic devotion to the Word of ZOG is total. Nothing to date has shaken their proclaimed faith, not even the death of their own children at the hands of the Exalted Other.

Note that I wrote “Word” of ZOG, not “deed”, because in practice, in their personal lives, shitlibs quite often betray their beliefs, and just as with any guilty soul shitlibs have constructed mountains of rationalization and sophistry to reaffirm their faith and prostrate themselves before the altar of their grotesque god.

Zealots who have lost the will to tolerate or “forgive” apostates are often the wildest transgressors of their stated beliefs. They project their own self-flagellating shame and guilt onto nonbelievers, because it’s a lot more fun to flagellate infidels.

Religions usually die genocidally or from low fertility leading to attrition of followers. Rarely do religions die from conversions. (What typically happens is that the converted leave behind hardier believers, by a process known as “boiling off”.) Sometimes religions are demographically altered via conquest or adoption, but even then the essential nature of the religion continues reverberating in its new form, and the closer the religion’s adoptive followers are, genetically and hence culturally, to its founders, the more generationally durable the religion’s essential nature.

We wait to see how the shitlib religion of Equalism will die, but die it will, as must all Lies that can’t hide behind supernatural deniability. The shitlib religion is entirely earthly; it has no sustenance from divine provenance or guidance. When earthly reality collides with shitlib equalism belief, there’s nowhere for the shitlib to find succor. She has no heavenly God to affirm her beliefs. She has had ¡SCIENCE! to comfort her, but real science has not had her, not for a long while. If anything, science is now the Equalist’s serpent, offering poison fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Race and Sex that she bites at risk of banishment from Gentrificationland.

So she must find comfort in Ideology, and in the ululating embrace of her all-too-human Affirmation Allies. Her Father then, is her ego, her Son of Man her purified POC, and her Holy Signal her unassailable virtue.

But all three parts of that Trinity are conspicuously falsifiable. Destructible. Her virtue is belied by her superzip residence. Her purified POC is exposed as a charlatan upon close contact. Her ego…very strong, tough, but not impregnable….lacks any transcendence and is vulnerable to mockery and ostracism. Her ego is killable, which means she will do anything…ANYTHING…to guard her ego against the killing blow.

If the leftoid equalist’s ego is god, then don’t expect a peaceful surrender to apostasy. Any tentative steps toward reformation will be met with zealotry, bordering on zaniness. The death of the equalist’s god is akin to the death of the equalist herself. If her Ideology is her Identity, then abandoning her Ideology is abandoning herself, and all she has been, and believed, and perceived of herself for her entire life. Metadeath.

Remember, she has no succor in a divine being or a divinely inspired Word. She has nowhere to console herself when her ego dies; at the moment of ego death it’s the illimitable void for her, preceding her corporeal death. She will be a walking zombie, softly muttering shitlib platitudes to a tiny coterie of the Ego Dead who mutually masturbate each other’s self-conception as the world moves on from them.

So how do we know we are witnessing the death of the shitlib religion?

By their screeching.

By their despotic overreach.

By their enthusiasm to burn the heretics at the stake.

Believers of the European ancestry persuasion whose religion is unchallenged, or who have an unknowable divinity to whom they can subordinate their egos, are generally good-willed toward nonbelievers. They may defend their beliefs when insulted, but they won’t hound their interrogators and try to destroy their lives. Their belief is strong and therefore sturdy against attack.

Contrast with White shitlib believers in Equalism, a socially constructed religion which is daily challenged, and before which shitlibs cannot subordinate their egos, because their ego is their god. They lash out in a lunatic rage (what I call “wokebursts”) at heretics, chasing them from the public square and impoverishing them with the assistance of the State and Corporate priest caste.

Shitlib Equalists lash out at heretics not because they strongly believe, but because they begin to doubt.

It’s the creeping doubt which drives them to tyrannical inquisitions against nonbelievers and skeptics.

Shitlibs aren’t secure in their faith. They secretly, subconsciously worry that they have hitched their wagon to a false prophet. Their religious insecurity brooks no challenge or heresy, because it is paper-thin and fragile, and must be quarantined from even the cuckiest incursions of skepticism.

When one defends a fortress made of gossamer, the best defense is to prevent a single enemy from taking up arms against it. Once the enemy has amassed, it’s too late; the fortress will fall in an instant.

This is where equalist shitlibs are today: in that limbo between unchallenged rule and overrun by those who would cast off the shackles of freakqualism. The Lib Limbo is dangerous. It is Orwellian, dictatorial, oppressive. Evil. Now is when the brave dissident risks it all, running into the teeth of a Societal and State apparatus that has maxim guns pointed at him.

The shitlib knows the maxim gun is the only thing between losing her religion and continued rule over her Fake Fiefdom. She will aim all her whiny firepower at the scattered dissidents to prevent an army forming on the horizon. Desperation compels her to a malevolence that would have shocked her in tidier times when her power was uncontested.

Along the theme of this post, Patrick McDermott wrote a good post titled “How White liberals will wake up“.

White liberals can be maddening. They proceed through life happily proclaiming their devotion to progressivism, completely oblivious to the brewing demographic dangers on the horizon. Indeed, most polls show them doubling down on their beliefs in the era of Donald Trump. If you try to warn them, they will stare at you blankly. If you are a friend or relative, count yourself lucky that they still tolerate you and your beliefs.

I’ve gotten that blank stare from shitlibs. It’s the look of someone whose brain function temporarily stopped; a glitch in the wetware triggered by unauthorized inputs.

As for doubling down, yes that’s what ferocious believers in a discredited religion do, when renouncing their faith is the only alternative. There will be many more wokebursts before this religion has loosened its grip on the shitlib heart and mind. There may even be the ultimate wokeburst: war.

White liberals are neither evil nor irredeemable.

Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that blanket statement…

The road to perdition may be paved with good intentions, but most of them will awaken before we get there. Our collective struggle will be difficult, but they will be standing with us when we emerge on the other side.

I like McDermott’s optimism, but it’s more likely that the White shitlibs “standing with us” on the other side will be markedly fewer in number than the ones standing against us during the journey there.

Understanding how white liberals will change requires first understanding how their minds work.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, first proposed in 1943 by Abraham Maslow, explains human motivation as the product of a variety of competing needs.


Two of the needs in this framework are particularly important for understanding white liberals: self esteem and love / belonging. These needs can be evolutionarily traced to our status as a social species.

McDermott goes on to write that as long as White shitlibs’ Physiological and Safety needs are met, they will focus all their mental and emotional energy on satisfying their Self-Esteem and Love/Belonging needs, and that this is why shitlords can’t dissuade shitlibs from their Equalism religion using logic and reason:

In today’s Western societies, anti-racism has come to be viewed as the morally correct position and racism as the ultimate evil. This creates substantial incentives for conformity in our racial views and rewards status-seeking behavior (sometimes referred to as “virtue signaling”) on racial issues. In those cases where this dominant moral paradigm conflicts with an individual’s other needs, such as the desire to live in a safe neighborhood, rationalizations provide the necessary cover so that white liberals can avoid guilt and cognitive dissonance while simultaneously engaging in hypocritical behavior.


As challenging as these barriers may seem, however, it gets worse. Research has shown that human beings are highly resistant to facts that challenge their core convictions. They will seize on any information that confirms their preexisting beliefs and if their beliefs are challenged, they will simply ignore or disbelieve the source. Stronger challenges to core beliefs can even backfire, causing people to double down on their original position.

Troy Campbell, a researcher on the topic, explained it this way: “As causes become our identity, we don’t just believe we are right anymore; we need to believe we are right to maintain self-worth.”

The Missing Ingredient: Fear

Liberalism’s close ties to its own version of morality – combined with the universal human needs for self-esteem and social belonging – make this an exceedingly tough nut to crack. But crack it will. How do we break through these barriers? The answer can be found near the bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy: the need for safety.

To change White shitlib hearts and minds, attack their stunted amygdalae.

Most white liberals will not be convinced by rational arguments, no matter how strong or well-supported those arguments may be. They will only be convinced by threats to their basic safety. This, in turn, points to the real barrier. Most white liberals do not feel threatened.

Two points. First, I’m not certain shitlibs *can* be convinced by threats to their personal safety. Part of the shitlib psychology is a twisted masochism streak, a sort of cognitive Stockholm Syndrome by which shitlibs come to identify with their own insecurity, considering it a good thing in their lives. Related, I’ve seen shitlibs almost glow with smugness when describing the hazards they face living in the urban playground. They are proud of their powerlessness and lurking victimization.

Second, it is true that most White shitlibs don’t feel viscerally threatened by encircling Diversity™…yet. Gentrification and segregation in microcosm have done a great job insulating shitlibs from real fear. This insulation CAN be breached if the Diverse Hordes become numerically preponderant, but we aren’t quite there in the places where it would do the most “good”. The rapid gentrification and relocations of vibrancy to the exurbs of the past fifteen years has succeeded in putting off the “Escape from New York” awareness level needed to scare urban White shitlibs straight back to sanity. Lower White shitlib fertility and later marriage has also had a delaying effect on the return of shitlib sanity, because they don’t have to concern themselves with “good schools” until a couple of decades spent in the anonymous sex hedonistic plunderdome has fully marinated their dismissive, sanctimonious attitude toward racial reality.

This gets to the danger of allowing shitlibs too much power to control the discourse. In general, shitlibs are less forward-seeing that are non-shitlibs. If IQ tests could measure foresight and ability to see long-term consequences from present-day actions, conservative Whites would blow away shitlib Whites. Perhaps you wouldn’t even have to control for class or education to see this disparity.

The White shitlib perception of reality can thus be reduced to a narrow range of “the black guy I know is cool” and “oh, it’s a shame about that murder, but it happened in a different neighborhood and he was stupid to walk around there at night”, which naturally leads to “yeah, let’s invite more Vigrants into our country because they’d all be cool and chill and it torments those awful White nationalists!”.

In contrast, the White shitlord perception of reality is more inclusive of future possibilities and fallouts from current experiences. The shitlord knows “one cool black guy” is not a stand-in for “30 millions blacks” and that a murder in another neighborhood could just as easily have been a murder in his neighborhood, which leads to “it’s not a good idea to bring more antagonistic foreigners into my country which I have to bequeath to my posterity”.

Most [White liberals] do not see a civilization that is crumbling around them or a brewing threat on the horizon. They see a thriving economy and a skyrocketing stock market. Yes, race relations are not perfect, but they think those problems will sort themselves out as soon as we solve the challenge of poverty and get rid of Donald Trump. Immigration is beneficial. There are no meaningful differences between people. Trump voters are just suffering from irrational phobias and “white anxiety.” Times are good. What on earth is there to be afraid of?


The sad reality is that few people who are living in a bubble are able to see it until it pops. The rare iconoclasts who are right too soon are usually viewed as social outcasts and misfits. The liberal bubble is about to pop, however. The signs are all around us.

Number one sign: the social media censorship and boycott swarms of any public realtalker.

The coming awakening of white liberals, which in the United States will probably occur over the next decade, will be primarily due to five factors.

Meat and potatoes time. McDermott lists these factors as “instinctual ethnocentrism”, “growing direct contact [with nonWhites]”, “cultural threat”, “explicitly anti-White rhetoric”,  and “political threat”.

He thinks political threat holds the most promise for waking up White shitlibs,

The fifth factor, political threat, may be the most important because, unlike the others, it cannot be avoided or ignored. The principal source of this threat is the nation’s changing demographics, which are empowering minorities and shifting the Democratic Party sharply to the left.


The reaction of white voters to such hard-left ideological swings is well-established. Two of the most left-leaning presidential nominees in modern history, George McGovern and Walter Mondale, were trounced at the polls. More recently, moderate Republican gubernatorial candidates have a solid track record of defeating far-left Democrats in deep blue states. What accounts for this? Many white liberals, particularly those with high household incomes, are not as far left as they think.

White liberals may not feel threatened by the left today, particularly with Republicans controlling Congress and Trump dominating the news on a daily basis, but that will change in the coming decade. As the nation changes, the mainstream media and social media companies may try to clamp down on opposing views, but they are unlikely to repress the emerging voices of the far left, who will do far more to open the eyes of white liberals than conservatives ever could. They are our unwitting allies.

If you thought Trump 2016 was a bellwether, wait until Trump 2020. That’s the election which will tell us if White shitlibs are salvageable or if we have to go our separate ways.

One idea that needs to be a part of this discussion is the premise that White shitlibs may very well be *ethnically distinct* from White conservatives. Albion’s Seed gets into this, and the basic theory is that America was settled by four different strains of Anglo Whites, which persist to this day in voting patterns, habits, moral outlooks, and social organization preferences. If so, then White shitlibs possibly see themselves as *ancestrally* distinct from White conservatives, or at least feel it in their bones even if they don’t consciously acknowledge or express it. A feeling like this could mean that White shitlibs convince themselves that White conservatives are just as “alien” to their way of life as are nonWhites. It isn’t true, but the narcissism of small differences and the shitlib striver mentality of not wanting to be associated with “downscale” White cousins (and being embarrassed by downscale White culture and politics) empowers White urbanites to hold tight to their hatred of and bitterness against White flyovers.

And, of course, no discussion about White shitlibbery is complete without a mention of the disproportionate contribution of those [very special] “White” shitlibs, who are in fact racially distinct from goylibs and goycons. (If you’re feeling charitable toward the specials (why would you extend them that which they rarely extend you, tho?), then you could substitute “ethnically distinct”.)

How will we know when white liberals have changed their views? It will probably not be immediately obvious. Most will not publicly proclaim their shift. There will instead be occasional calls for bipartisanship and arguments against the growing tide of identity politics. And then there will be silence as former liberals say less and less, daring only to whisper among friends about their growing concern about the direction of the country.

Ideally, the shitlib ego slowly and peacefully conforms itself to the coming Train of Truth.

Catastrophically, the shitlib ego snaps suddenly, convulsing our shared nation in a festival of reckoning.

Over time, it is not unrealistic to assume that voting patterns at the national level will begin to mirror those of the South, where white support for Republican presidential candidates commonly reaches 80-90 percent. In the long run, however, it will not be enough. Demographics are still political destiny.

Does anyone outside of dissident blogs and besides Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, and Stephen Miller understand the absolute certainty of this ugly truth?

The Soviet Union, one of the 20th Century’s two superpowers, was destroyed by its adherence to an ideology that ignored human nature. It should not be surprising that the world’s other superpower might also be destroyed by an unrealistic ideology, in this case one that willfully ignores the world’s long history of ethnic conflict.

Diversity + Proximity = War.

Equalism has been described as a “totalizing ideology”, which to me means conformism to it must be total or risk the wrath of the deranged priesthood and their mind-jacked foot soldier automatons. If so, then America’s anti-nature ideology of Equalism could just as assuredly destroy it as the Soviet Union’s anti-nature ideology of Communism destroyed its empire. Sad coda: The Soviet Union only lost ethnically different satellite states. The core Russia, comparatively homogeneous, remains and is by some measures growing stronger. In her eventual defeat, America would lose satellite *states* and *regions*. There would be Core Americas going their own way.

A comment from advancedatheist, including replies, deserves reposting here:

Working-class white American men tend to have more experience with blacks, Hispanics and other nonwhite groups because they compete for the same jobs and the same kinds of downmarket housing they can afford.

Whereas more affluent whites have the wherewithal to isolate themselves from having to deal with POC’s and their dysfunctions.

You can easily form misconceptions about the Other when you lack experience in dealing with them, so this can explain why better-heeled whites tend to hold unrealistic views about POC’s that blue-collar whites simply laugh at based on their daily reality of having to live among them.

One White-behaving POC can completely disorient a White shitlib’s worldview. So fucking gullible!

UrbaneFrancoOntarian replies,

Completely agree. Growing up, I lived in a 90% white neighborhood. Very left wing, lots of nice white people. We had a few “people of colour” – the friendly Japanese couple down the street; the happy Indian family – even a mixed race couple! Beautiful! Everybody smiling and getting along.

In school we were taught that white people are bad because of our “racist” past. We should feel bad for racism and treat all races with respect. Well, that made sense to me. I didn’t see anything wrong with the 10% of wealthy, well-adjusted minorities in our area. Racism is so stupid, I thought. These people are just like me!

My white friends often snarked at our “lame”, “white” neighborhood. No diversity, no culture!

Then came university….

Indians, Muslims, Chinese, Arabs, Africans. Wow, what a mix! Amazing diversity and spice! That’s when I started waking up. In small numbers, these people are okay. But in large numbers, they are invaders.

More precisely, “in small numbers, these people are deferential. But in large numbers, they are rapacious invaders”.

They hate us. They don’t care about “Canada” – they want our money and our women. Hostile foreign invaders.

Petty fights. Religious/ethnic disagreements. Cheating, corruption and nepotism. Rap music. All kinds of degenerate things, 3rd world things, that I was sheltered from in my early, white, life. There is no culture, nor cohesion. Your skin colour, language, religion and ethnic group determines who you talk to and make friends with. Just like the 3rd world.

This is our future. More of them are pouring in every day. I see the future now, because this level of diversity will soon spill out into every corner of North America. They will make Mexicans look like great people, believe me…

I’ve tried warning people back home, but they just don’t believe me. “Well I work with an Indian and he’s a great guy!” “I had an Arab taxi driver and he was a great guy!”. More rationalization. Our blindness will be our downfall.

White liberals are in for a rude awakening, of course. But when that happens, it will be too late. Our country is already gone. We just haven’t noticed yet.

The race is between Noticing and Dissolution. Tragically, enough Whites won’t notice until it’s futile to notice. At least, that’s the way to bet.

TTSSYF responds,

So much of life is driven by numbers or percentages. Just as the human body can tolerate small amounts of unhealthy foods, so can an otherwise healthy society tolerate small numbers of dysfunctional or unassimilable people. Both the body and society would be better off without these unhealthful inputs, but they can at least tolerate them and still thrive. Also, in the case of society at large, there can be intense pressure on otherwise dysfunctional or unassimilable people to suppress their nature and conform to the norms of the dominant population and make their presence even less of an issue (e.g., the few blacks who work in a predominantly white company will hide their resentment, if not outright hatred, for whites and save it for when they are at home and can speak in ebonics with black family members and neighbors; the lone Muslim family in the neighborhood will likely be friendly to the kafirs, etc.). But once the numbers and percentages change, all bets are off. And I am afraid we are on a collision course with this reality, which began with our importing African slaves but was held in check by their relatively small numbers, and which has been ramped up and likely made inevitable by the changes in the immigration laws in 1965, with our now allowing over one million legal immigrants each year from the Third World.

Quantity is its own quality.

And quality is its own quantity.

One Somali will impose a burden that a hundred Dutchmen could not.

Numbers and nature are of the essence, so it’s the height of insanity that White shitlibs eagerly press the open borders to the Dirt World pedal to the medal. The unrepentant destruction of their homeland is apparently worth it to them if it peeves the Deplorables.

Well, they had better enjoy the feeling now, because the bill will come due and they are gonna get a sticker shock like they’ve never had before.


First, let’s get something straight. Most alpha males are benevolent sexists. I have personally never known an alpha male who held feminist views. I have known plenty of alpha males who cracked bawdy sexist jokes and made fun of feminists, male or female.

You may be inclined to believe otherwise by the shrill feminist mewling of highly visible “alpha” male actors and politicians, but outside of the twisted, lunatic fringe hothouses of Challahwood and Temple DC, your run of the mill Chads laugh at feminists when they aren’t pumping and dumping them.

Most male feminists are object lessons in soy overload. They look like this:


A small minority of total male feminists are “prestige alphas” from the entertainment fields. These are the “real men” whom women point to when they say they are attracted to sensitive, male feminists. What they are really attracted to are famous, rich men. These women are the same who will promptly #PleaseMeToo the hordes of “allied” soydweebs who toady at their feet and lick their unisex Vans.

However, the worst male feminist archetype isn’t found among the loser soys. He’s the rarefied backwash of the “prestige alpha” subset. A very specific kind of male takes the feminist lies to heart and adopts it as his religion: the brooding beta reluctantly thrust into the role of prestige alpha by a lifestyle menu of achievement, introverted personality, and fortuitous circumstance.

A prime example is the late Kurt Cobain. I was reminded of this connection when his manager, the very special Danny Goldman, retold a story about Cobain refusing to play “Smells Like Teen Spirit” at a concert in Argentina because Cobain didn’t like how the fans treated the opening act, the all-female band Calamity Jane.

Kurt later shared his memories of the gig:

“When we played Buenos Aires, we brought this all-girl band over from Portland called Calamity Jane,” Kurt recalled. “During their entire set, the whole audience—it was a huge show with like sixty thousand people—was throwing money and everything out of their pockets, mud and rocks, just pelting them. Eventually the girls stormed off crying. It was terrible, one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, such a mass of sexism all at once. Krist, knowing my attitude about things like that, tried to talk me out of at least setting myself on fire or refusing to play. We ended up having fun, laughing at them (the audience). Before every song, I’d play the intro to ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and then stop. They didn’t realize that we were protesting against what they’d done. We played for about forty minutes, and most of the songs were off Incesticide, so they didn’t recognize anything. We wound up playing the secret noise song (‘Endless, Nameless’) that’s at the end of Nevermind, and because we were so in a rage and were just so pissed off about this whole situation, that song and whole set were one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.

Our proto-pussyhatter and proud #Resistor Kurt Cobain, as is the wont of his barely male sex, misremembered the details of that show to validate his emotive ego.

If you watch the show (which is embedded below), you’ll realize that Kurt was misremembering or embellishing a bit here and there. While they did unearth a handful of rarities from their odds-n-ends collection Incesticide (which hadn’t been released yet), as well as “All Apologies” (it later turned up on In Utero), they also played most of Nevermind (but not “Teen Spirit,” which they teased before two songs), and a few of the highlights from Bleach. One thing Kurt failed to mention that they most certainly did do to annoy the crowd, was open with a strange, jam-like number that those in attendance had definitely never heard before.

There were, at the time, already a few all-girl bands in Buenos Aries. Most likely, the Argentine crowd wasn’t throwing stuff at the stage solely because it was an all-girl band, but because Calamity Jane sucked.

Anyhow, this gets me to my point about leaden, double-barreled male feminists like Cobain. Their anti-sexism virtue signaling is off the charts because of their fucked up psychologies that are a consequence of a lifetime of pussy pedestal polishing making sudden impact with pussy splooging fame and fortune. Many such cases end up resenting the hindbrain visit from nascent, boisterous, uncomplicated alpha maleness mocking their years of exquisitely ponderous, complicated beta forebrain-ness.

A beta brooder like Cobain wouldn’t have enough pre-fame experience with women to see the fairer sex in all its dirty, slutty glory, and when he is famous he would only see the best of women, who would treat him like a king while doing their damnedest to hide their personal flaws from him. I can’t think of a worse combination for misbelieving in the idea of emotionally evolved women laboring under the tyranny of sexist men than that found in the man who spent most of his life unacquainted with the seedy side of female nature, and then instantly acquainted with only the most lovingkindness and devoted side of women.

If you want to Believe All Women, have little experience with women and then have only good experiences with women. Skip over that part in the great, non-drug addled middle of your life where you tussle and tangle in the romance trenches with all-too-Darwinian women, getting eye- and thigh-opening experiences on the daily.

Make no mistake, Cobain was a beta at heart:

When the blond guy came over to thank her, she said she didn’t know at first that it was Kurt Cobain. Slight and soft-spoken, he certainly didn’t seem like the lead singer. She was expecting someone huskier, to match the big voice.

“I thought he was the roadie, I honestly did,” Lord said.

The beta brooder fetishizes women; to him, women are vulnerable dainty things — “n*ggers of the world”, as another beta brooder-turned-reluctant alpha male, John Lennon, put it — who can do no wrong and are constantly wronged by men. The pussy pedestal won’t tolerate any tarnishing.

Beta romanticization of transcendent women plus raw, immediate contact with earthly women (and consequently with his own primal instincts) produces an irritatingly earnest and aggressive male feminism that can and will lead innumerable follower beta males, who look up to such a man as a role model, down the path of interminable dry spells and shamefully emasculated behavior.

Another thing to be said for beta males thrust into alphahood is that they now find themselves able to easily afford the feminist posturing of their former beta selves without taking a hit to their sexual prospects, as they did back when they were nobodies futilely ingratiating themselves to women with vaginas as dilated as their ear gauges. This is the handicap principle at work; if a man can mouth inane feminist bromides and don a pussyhat without incurring a hit to his SMV, then he has hsmv to spare. Many soyboys try to ride the coattails of the handicap principle, mimicking the alpha male feminists who do get laid, only to discover that their innate soy-ness and lack of compensating fame, charm, or talent ensure that the handicap is real and the principle is discarded.

The soyboy male feminist supplicates to bluehairs to try and get laid easily. The reluctant alpha male feminist supplicates to womanhood to try and get laid not so easily.

The soyboy male feminist looks to save women to raise his status.

The reluctant alpha male feminist looks to women to save himself from his raised status.

FYI, these types of pedestalizing betas are mincemeat to conniving femme fatales like Courtney Love:

Lord and Cobain’s relationship has not been free of questions. They dated just before Cobain and Courtney Love, who has publicly accused Lord of harassment and trying to make a career off a fling with Cobain. Lord denies those claims, and says Love was the one who threatened her. …

A note faxed to the Boston Phoenix in 1993 and signed Kurt Cobain, in response to a profile of Lord in the newspaper, said Cobain was drunk in Boston when a “creepy girl came on to me.”

“I NEVER had a relationship with her,” the note read. “Please Mary whoever you are, leave me alone and see a therapist.”

Lord is convinced the note was a fake.

Lord’s instincts are right. Courtney Love wrote that note and shoved a pen in Cobain’s half-awake limp hand, guiding it to scrawl out his signature.

Lord’s story was also detailed by Cobain biographer Charles Cross and in the account of music writer and Cobain friend Everett True in his book “Nirvana: The Biography.” True says Lord “has almost been written out of the Kurt Cobain story.”

“Yet I have a strong memory from around this time of meeting a besotted Kurt going on and on about this girl called Mary Lou Lord, how in love with her he was, and how he was going to move to Boston to be with her,” True wrote. “A  fantasy perhaps, but he believed it at the time.”

Smells Like Beta Romantic. Charming, in its way, but also revealing of the inner turmoil which would catalyze Cobain’s self-destructiveness. The idealizing soft-spoken beta stumbled into the loud, shockingly primal world of alpha male snatch surplus where romance goes to die, and couldn’t make peace with the utter repudiation of how he had always seen himself.

Lord went to visit friends in London, confused. That night, she watched as Nirvana came on a British television program. Before the performance, Cobain said, “I just want everyone in this room to know Courtney Love, the lead singer of the pop band Hole, is the best F*** in the world.”

Lord was shocked.

“I had been with him the night before,” Lord said. “I didn’t know who Courtney Love was.”

The reluctant alpha male still needs his thrill of the hunt and the taste of his prey, breaking hearts along the way (and then projecting his existential guilt onto all men).

“I didn’t have to see [loneliness] in Kurt, I knew that in Kurt, I felt that in Kurt,” Lord said. “I could hear it even in his voice when he said ‘Please don’t leave.’”

Unlike a rock star, Lord believes Cobain didn’t crave attention when he performed — rather, he wanted the listener to see themselves reflected back in his songs. Lord believes Cobain saw music as a way to connect with others, to feel less alone. She describes the same kind of loneliness in singer-songwriter Elliott Smith, whom she met five or six months after Cobain’s suicide.

This woman has survived what can only be described as a record-breaking case of Alpha Widowhood.

Like Cobain, Smith took his own life. He was 34 when he died in 2003. Cobain and Smith never met, but Lord is positive Cobain would have adored Smith’s music.

We can’t say as much for the survival prospects of the men in Mary Lou Lord’s life. (had to go there)

RIP Kurt Cobain, rest ex utero.


This is not a joke. It’s a comic book by the very special Bryan Caplan and Zach Weinersmith. (A parodist of Clown World couldn’t make up names that juicy.)

You ever notice in the fever swamps of border denialist fantasies how all the Dirt Worlders plopping onto America’s shores are these awestruck, wide-eyed, open-mouthed, child-like newcomers full of wonder, good will, and innocence? Nary a machete-wielder nor nepotistic throwback in the bunch. Just a sea of eyebrows arched to their highest, indicating an eager willingness to be absorbed by Globoschlomo and serve as the well-behaved props to Whites’ virtue sniveling.

This is how the typical shitlib sees the world: teeming with adult children who will by their presence here reinvigorate the shitlib’s flagging social (and sexual) life with their wonderment and neediness. Shitlib ennui and urge for psychosexual novelty is dispelled in one swoop by the arrival of a migrant caravan filled to brimming with the swarth version of this:

To the Bryan Caplans of the disintegrating USA, the infantilized invaders are part vibrator for their swollen egos and part inverted psychological projection of how caplanites prefer to see their own tribe, reflected onto equally corrosive tribes.

They want to remake America into a giant Gloryhole Face, achieving perfect submission to the penetrating cock of the aPOCalypse and, of course, to their own rule.

Anonymous[270] attacks the thermal exhaust port of caplanism:

This is a racial composition of the block on which Bryan lives in a rather expensive house (data from http://www.justicemap.org):

White 70.7%
Asian 17.8%
Black 3.4%
Hispanic 4.0%
Multi-Racial 6.9%
American Indian 0%
Islander 0%

Is anyone surprised?

It’s all just so goddamned tiresome. The lies, the manipulation, the self-regard, the sophistry, the slandering of better men….an endless sludge of levantine bullshit. Via bored identity,

Alfa158 wonders, with squinted, skeptical eyes,

They are all having a wonderful time right now; in the driver’s seat, fully in control, pedal to the metal, whizzing along at 100mph and still accelerating, running over their racial enemies like ducklings caught in the road. There are only a handful of them who realize what their joy ride is going to lead to in the future after their policies have destroyed the former US. Ilhan Omar and her ilk are just the first bump in the road. Sooner or later they will be coming up on a curve at 200mph, gently apply the brakes, and the pedal will go to the floor.
They’ll blame us for the crash.

AnotherDad closes out this post,

Various commenters complain when i mention the “J” word, but when it’s relevant it’s relevant.

I’m ready to buy that Bryan Caplan is a true autistic with no feeling for actual peoples and cultures and human life, and so actually sees people and nations as arbitrary fungible entities.

Still, there simply is no actual libertarian case for Open Borders. Open borders is not libertarian, but would be the most massive socialist project ever, stealing from some people to give stuff to other people. It’s classic a “tragedy of the commons” paradigm which libertarians all at least pretend to understand and use to argue for privatization.

An actual libertarian immigration model would be tradeable citizenship and/or a community selling citizenship. I.e. people who currently generate positive externalities would be free to realize those benefits, and people of quality who likely would generate positive externalities somewhere else are free to negotiate the best possible terms to do so. I.e. individuals get to realize the benefits–or incur the costs–associated with living around them. (The same way companies only make job offers to some people and don’t offer everyone the same wage.)

That is actual libertarianism, and it’s not the least bit difficult to grasp, and it flows right out of the sorts of models the libertarians build. But when it comes to immigration …. Caplan hates it.

I can only conclude that Caplan simply hates the white gentiles being allow to go off and do anything–including building nice nations–for themselves. It just … gets under his skin.

I see what AnotherDad did there.

PS Zach Weinersmith’s wife is a professor at Rice University, studying….wait for it…..

I study how host behavior influences risk of infection with parasites, and how parasites subsequently change host behavior and correlations between host phenotypic traits. I’m particularly interested in parasites that manipulate the phenotype of their hosts to increase the parasite’s likelihood of transmission.

From a paper co-authored by her,

Insidious wasps get ahead by tunneling through host’s head


“Rice researchers nicknamed it the “crypt-keeper” wasp and said it’s a rare example of hypermanipulation, in which a parasite is manipulated by another parasite.

“E. set and its gory emergence are described in two papers led by Rice evolutionary biologists Kelly Weinersmith and Scott Egan.”


Clown World is subconsciously desperate to be slapped down. Evidence for this comes from the warning flares constantly fired into the public domain, lighting up the night sky with a barrage of conspicuous and usually hilarious reminders of its malevolent presence.


Commenter “map” thinks the latest left-wing phenom is a Deep State Stooge,

It is truly astonishing what an obvious deep state stooge Buttigieg is. First, there is the obviously complicated last name that can be salaciously mispronounced. Remember John Boner? Second, there is the avant-garde paraphilia lifestyle: an openly-gay, yet devout Christian. Notwithstanding the fact that Christianity has a lot more to say about sex than homosexuality, this naked attempt to combine two hostile Houses is blatantly offensive. Third, there is the military background. Of course, it’s not “real” military. It’s Naval intelligence. Picture presidential candidate Egg McMuffin posing, squinting in the hot Iraqi sunlight, white as a sheet, with his pristine, never-fired M4 and clean clothing.

Fourth, there is the Harvard education. Great. Another one. I am sure he knows many secret handshakes. Fifth, there is the seven languages. Gee, does he play the piano as well? I like how modern liberals rattle off the educational credentials of a 19th century girls’ finishing school. Is there another candidate out of Vanity Fair waiting in the wings? Well, at least he will be able to communicate directly with his foreign handlers or quickly go native in some other country’s bathhouse.

Finally, there is that face, that punchable face: Backpfeifengesicht

LOL, great comment.

I’ve noticed gheyhomersexuals like Pete Bottomgay have a bug up their asses about Mike Pence. I have never heard Pence say anything about gays during his entire tenure as Trump’s VP, yet gays can’t stop thinking about this guy and something he said about gay conversion, likely taken out of context, years ago.

Yep, just what the Democreep Party needs in the Age of Realignment: another fastidious, effete, snarky citizen of the world who really connects to the rootless cosmopolitan White urbanite class.


Decimus quips,

“Let’s ordain women and gays. How bad can it be?”

…a few years later…

That’s a woman? Good lord.


Baxter comments on the psychology of The Fuggernaut,

I once remarked in a comment ‘America is still a country where a man can find a niche for himself and live a happy, rewarding life, but you have to learn to distance your self from the daily distractions of a society in terminal decline.

I was wrong. Disconnecting from society led me into a sort of debonair nihilism. I mention this because I think it may be a defect inherent in the character of the liberal progressive. The culture of the globohomo, diversity, multiculturalism, feminism, queer rights, mass immigration-is not a natural culture. It was born and grew being attached to a stronger, natural host.

I think the left is made up of people who never felt a part of the greater society, they carry a hostility born of rejection. Perhaps. I on the other did grow up in a society I felt a part of, and separating from it (to save myself) felt unnatural and fatalistic.

I still haven’t resolved this conflict ‘be in the world but not of it” as J.C. said.
At any rate, this woman is going to taken out someday, by non Swedes who don’t give a damn about her ‘values.’

The modren Left is Revenge of the Nerds writ large, and in charge. They are taking a battering ram to normal, healthy, White society because they want dead what they could never convince to love them.


I can’t stand checking in with enemy propaganda anymore, so I only caught bits and pieces of the story that Congress got on a soapbox recently to self-righteously and ritualistically denounce the phantom existential threat of “White nationalism”. (“Racist” and “White soopremacy” must have lost some effectiveness in focus group polling.)

And by “Congress”, I mean three specials, three schw@rtzes, and one saracen.

Here’s the “House Judiciary committee” criminalizing self-determination and sovereignty (aka Nationalism) for White People:

* 3 Jews
* 1 Arab
* 3 Blacks

It’s a farce.

— GTO Judge (@V8POW) April 9, 2019

This wasn’t just empty grandstanding, either, that we could laugh off. This was a House Judiciary hearing on “hate crimes” (not a thing) and “White nationalism” (not a thing as misidentified by the media), which is basically table setting a near future in which White Americans are denied their free speech right, while nonWhites may continue to speak freely about their own tribal interests as well as the danger posed by Whites speaking freely.

It’s as if Elite Trash are *trying* to spark a Civil War 2.

Despite the real oppression against insufficiently submissive White Americans by those with a knapsack of POC Privilege, our People are rejecting the Hate Whitey agitprop in growing numbers. A revolution is forming right under the noses of the degenerate tyrants who deign to rule over us.

We have taken note of the rank hypocrisy of the Tyrant Trash, and are storing it to memory.

We have put the oligarchs, the bureaucrats, the “resistance”, the propagandists, the plutocrats, and the freak parade on notice: If you persist in denying us our equal rights under the law, if you insist that we are the devil incarnate, and if you DARE criminalize our thoughts and speech while our enemies are free to slander us ad nauseam…then prepare to lose control of the beast you created.

Meanwhile, where is Trump to defend his core supporters — Heritage Americans — from flagrant attacks on their civil rights by despots who hate them and hate Trump with a murderous fury?

What’s completely unacceptable is that white people (your core voting base) are being targeted by a Judiciary Committee and defamed and demeaned in front of Congress. Meanwhile, you’re writing your 500th tweet about a Muslim Congresswoman’s “antisemitism.”

— Rural American (@MiaVendetta110) April 9, 2019

Sad! Maybe Trump is ruing the day he agreed to give his daughter away to an antagonistic tribe to seal an uneasy alliance for mutual profitability. If he isn’t ruing that day, he should be. The central node of his matrix of weakness sits squarely in the heart of daddy’s little girl.

So now I wonder, given how close we are to a real and true Tyranny of the Tribals unfolding very rapidly in America, in which you and I will be lucky to suffer social ostracism instead of the impoverishment and imprisonment that is hurtling toward us, how much longer the Hate Whitey Hysteria will carry on, and if it will, in fact, ever end in anything remotely like a whimper rather than a bang?

As of now, I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. I only see this Train of Inclusion heading full speed to terminal impact with the Civilizational Wall.


The Whiplash President

Trump recently fired Scandicuck DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, because the border had become a slip n’ slide for hundreds of thousands of Central Americans under her watch. Even the enemy media noticed and had to act as if they didn’t report just a few weeks ago that there wasn’t a national emergency at the border.

Trump also did a 180 on legal immigration, recently stating that America “was full” and didn’t need more immigrants, contradicting the enthusiasm for legal immigration he displayed in his SOTU address.

Word has it Stephen Miller (PBU that most righteous and based of specials) is taking over all immigration related policy matters in Trump’s administration.

What gives? Is this more hot air from Trump? Did he get a fright from internal polling? Is he an amnesiac? Is he too lazy to remember his policy proposals from one week to the next and just wants to ride a wave of feelz on whatever banal thought enters his mind? Did Ivanka go on vacation? Did Jared? Did the maturing Barron give his dad a suddenly judgmental gaze and a warning about his legacy? Did Melania finally stop crying over separated beanlets and show Donald the sharp edge of her Outer Hajnal soul?

Did Trump catch an earful from…us? Does vanity preclude me from wondering if dissidents to the prevailing orthodoxy, threatening to abandon Trump for his MAGA betrayals, pulled President Trump back to the essence of Campaign Trump?

Last week, I lamented the impending demise of the Trump Presidency, but just like a crazy hot slut who knows when to offer up the golden pussy right at the moment you’re about to bolt, Trump pulls me back in with a reaffirmation of his devotion to immigration restriction.

It could be Lucy and the football, but this is still better than a president thecunt, from whom I would not even enjoy that morsel of recognition and would probably be hauled before a Ministry of Truth court by now.

Trump really should not need continual backlash from his base to do the right thing. He campaigned on a specific set of policy and government culture changes, and he sold us on those campaign promises. He didn’t need to keep selling us on them, and he didn’t need to keep hearing from us about what we wanted from him. The deal was sealed when we elected him president, under the assumption that he would proceed to work on our behalf and fulfill his campaign pledges without requiring a daily permission slip from us, and without reneging on his end of the deal before lurching back to honoring it.

Maybe Trump likes to test the loyalty of his base by frustrating his supporters to gauge the intensity of their commitment to MAGA. If so, that’s sadistic. And narcissistic. These aren’t necessarily bad traits IF THEY ARE DIRECTED AGAINST OUR ENEMIES INSTEAD OF US.

So we’ll see which Trump we get this week. And next week. And the week after that. But the clock is ticking. It’s all fun and games until time runs out.



farmlegend comments on the relative futility of online dating for men,

Broadly concur that OLD [online dating] is shit for 87% of men.
As a short, mature, average looking dude (though fit, successful and charmingasfuck) I’ve dabbled in it a few times over the years. What I put into it was wildly disproportionate compared to what I got out it – entitled women, less attractive than their pics, that STILL shit-tested me over being 5’8″. Never received an unsolicited message excepting warpigs, and few responses to my witty messages.

I do massively, repeat, massively better in real life encounters than I ever did on OLD.

From the woman’s side, OLD is perhaps the greatest validation machine of all time. I have a female friend who’s pushing 60 that takes a very nice picture – she literally cannot read all of the messages she gets. And another, early 50’s, who’d I score as an HB4, and she gets amazing OLD attention.

OLD presents a sort of “choice paradox” that’s overwhelming to any halfway attractive woman, and their minimum standards soar to way above and beyond what would ordinarily prevail on the ground. For all but the apex men, it blows.

If 60-year-old should-be grandmas are receiving dribbly jizztrickles of omega male thirst online, then the American sexual market is corrupted beyond salvation. Jelq it from orbit.

The choice paradox is real. There’s been a trend in the restaurant business toward pared-down menus and prix fixe, because patrons became overwhelmed by the huge number of choices in (usually foreign language) selections. I now breathe a sigh of relief when I see a menu that doesn’t have more than five entrees. I know the quality of each entree will be better than what I’d get from a place that had twenty or more entrees, just because there’s a higher chance that more entrees includes more shitty entrees. Also, I will linger over a multi-page menu for way too long, anxious I might miss a selection that is better than the first good selection which appealed to me.

Likewise with online dating. Women are both overwhelmed and initially thrilled by all the choice in thirsty men, but quickly get trapped in a validation machine of choice overload, unable to commit to any one man who appeals to them because there are a hundred other men making offers she can’t ignore. She is impelled to continue searching, and with each search and ego stroke the Wall approaches nearer.

It’s just as correct to say online dating is an Infertility Machine which robs a woman of the narrow range of choice in men that would motivate her to settle down and have kids earlier in life, while she still had prime nubility to barter. Furthermore, the quality of that limited choice in men will be higher, from a dependable beta male provider perspective, than would the quality of a million thirsty online quasimodos and fly by night cads practicing a “law of large numbers” approach to dating.

Unfortunately, solipsistic women (the narcissistic sex) are extremely susceptible to external validation, more so than men are, so they miss that they are just one node of a massive Thirst Blast Radius that targets hundreds and even thousands of other women. Women fool themselves into believing that beta thirst is for their gine only — that these sad sack betas masturbate constantly to the vision of *this one girl on Tinder* — when the reality is that these betas masturbate to hundreds of Tinder girls who share that sweet sweet 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio and sub-23 BMI.

Women really have no idea how interchangeable they are to horny men when the courtship is young. A woman only earns her exceptionality after she has proven her love and loyalty to a man.

All of this can be analogized to late stage American capitalism. Too much choice, too much dallying and menu sampling, too many hard-up LSMV third worlders, too much throwaway interchangeable ch1nkcrap, too few exquisitely PureWhite buns in ovens.

AKA Globohomo.

But this proves that meatspace pickup is the future. The ways of the past are making a comeback. Face to face, a woman can’t swipe. She has to take you in. No longer is all the world a stage; the only act is the one happening right there, between you and her. Denied her shekel of empty validation, her hamster is hijacked by your lordly presence. Your physical domination — at once alluring and threatening — reroutes her dopamine pathways to gravitationally converge, limbically, on your three-dimensional realness. Her hamster stops spinning, for just long enough, to gaze in wonder at the man gripping her id by the collar and pulling it toward himself.


Coming from the Fap Pill fapatorium is Burner Prime with this hackneyed take,

More retreaded recycled advice. Roosh is the real thot leader in this area and concluded years ago that the Game well was quickly running dry and achieving diminishing returns.

Does the youth and beauty well run dry and achieve diminishing returns for women?


Likewise, the Game well will always be a thirst quencher for men.

Problem is the overabundance of males available who meet the minimum criteria for those super-selective whamens, and are willing to do whatever it takes to secure the poon, including throwing their brothers under the bus. It will never end and womanz will adapt to any perfection of game techniques.

Have you adapted to sexy T&A? No, you haven’t.

Game deniers just don’t get it. Game — charm — is a timeless allure to women, as pert tits and a firm ass and clear supple skin and a feminine disposition are to men.

A few of you might succeed and lap up the scraps offered up by well-pounded and tenderized roast-beef-labia-wielding and tatted up, pierced sluts.

The age of virgins is long gone. Yes, there is a quality control problem with our women. They are wayward, lost (fat) lambs. Men can only improve themselves and get the best of what’s on offer, and work slowly toward re-instituting the benevolent but unapologetic patriarchy that is necessary to recapture our women and help them locate their vulnerable femininity again.

The usual answer is that the issue will only resolve itself when hundreds of millions of men perish in the coming world wars.

That’s one solution. There are others, less bloody, but requiring stronger will.

The news is not all bad, as the newest, youngest GenZ twat-nut – you can’t have missed them – everywhere sporting insane wild 3ft manes of hair, thin, smooth skin with zero tats, will likely survive in large numbers, rebelling against the previous Millennial monster’s ball, embracing femininity with gusto, and carry the next generation of champions. Though those champions might have darker skin than you assume…
Izz called: “Battle for the Planet of the Apes”.

Shrillennials are the nadir generation. It can’t get worse than Millennials without imminent collapse.

Generation Zyklon is the transitional generation. We will see the worst of the Insanely Woke and the best of the Shitlord Based within this generation. Intrageneration bifurcation will be followed by…

Generation Conan. The Conans may be swarthy, in which case the West will have been defeated for good. I’m less nihilistic. I see our own Conans taking up the mantle of revolution and renewal, to carve a new epoch for America, if not in name then in spirit.


In the middle of a rip-roaring comment section at Sailer’s, istevefan wrote,

Consider this. We have had more immigrants since 1965, than any other nation in history. Yet the people in charge are clamoring for an ever increasing number of immigrants. Even Trump is suggesting we need “record” immigration.

Well what does this indicate? If a nation is devouring more immigrants than any other nation in history, and still needs an ever increasing number of them to continue to be a going concern, then what does this say about that nation? Either that nation must be able to stand on its own, or it needs to be dissolved.

And if the US truly needs people, which I dispute, what else does this indicate? It shows something is the matter with our nation in which citizens don’t find the environment conducive enough to have many children. So if a nation has such an environment where the natives don’t reproduce, and it must continually prop itself up by siphoning off people from other nations, this too suggests the nation must be fixed, or dissolved into new nations.

Finland only has 5.5 million people, and yet by all accounts it’s a very nice country to live. How does Finland do it, when America with her 330 million people must have even more people to keep the lights on?

It’s a simple question for the globalist shysters which will be dutifully ignored.

In the meantime, allow me to go on record here, right now, in support of dissolving the US into smaller regions which honor the ideals of self-governance and internal sustainability.

Olorin responded to istevefan,

Endlessly expanding immigration is being used to prop up an unsustainable money/debt regime.

Unless money is fundamentally restructured, politics will never be.

He then quoted John Adams,

All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.

I’m not a religious man, nor given to superstition. My instinct is to agnosticism on matters that can’t be observed from the material plane. But the surfeit of almost preternatural wisdom and warnings from the Founding Fathers of America makes me wonder if there was divine intervention which guided their thoughts and attended the birth of America with a cosmically mysterious baptismal ordination.

Too bad about us turning our backs on that providence.


I still don’t understand how the Founders knew all this. They really were a cut above.

Yes, they were, and that is why the Fuggernaut wants to tear down their statues. The lowly can’t bear the rule of the divinely-touched.

Ingrates and ignoramuses, every last one of them.

PS GBFM read this post with a single tear streaking his cheek.


Paracelsus links to a book we should all read,

One book perfectly sums up how America was destroyed through banking.

“The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins

If that is too long, you could read Senator Charles Lindbergh, Senator McFadden, or Rep. Traficant’s speeches to Congress about the Federal Reserve. There were the vigilant few vocally opposing what has become this current system. But, they are usually met with intense criticism by people who call them conspiracy theorists. Thomas Jefferson knew what a central bank would lead to, which caused War of 1812. Andrew Jackson repealed the Second Central Bank’s charter and was almost assassinated. Lincoln issued interest free Greenbacks and was assassinated.


Ocasio-Cortez’s I.Q. wavers from double to triple digits on a good day. She is too goddamned stupid to do any meaningful damage to the system at large. I even doubt she is controlled opposition like Ben Shapiro, because she throws on those glasses and a skirt suit and pretends like she understands what she is doing. She strikes me as more Legally Blonde than House of Cards.

She’s so dumb she might be smart enough to put Globohomo against the breaking wheel.


dvorak asks a straightforward question that will never be answered on NPR,

steve sailer: You know, New York Times, there is this concept called “per capita” that’s useful for thinking about topics like this.

It would be interesting to determine when the media stopped talking about ‘standard of living’ (inherently per capita) and replaced it with ‘the economy’.

SFG provides the Ngram.

“Standard of living” was the guiding concern leading up to the Great Compression — mid-20th Century egalitarian and 90% White America — and was lapped by “the Economy” sometime around 1950, presaging the Great Divergence and 60% White America.

The Economy became the clarion call of the elite when their fellow Americans became ballast holding back the potential heights of the elite’s avarice. “Standard of living” is what we talk about when we actually care about the quality of life of fellow Americans.

Cohencidentally, the media began to idolize “The Economy” when both the media and the economy became the playground of one very small but extraordinarily privileged and powerful minority. You see, “Standard of Living” risks empowering the Cossacks; “The Economy” weakens them with the imported detritus of scab laborers and mercenaries.

This rhetorical and policy switch reminded me that the Corporatocracy is alive and well, and consuming the last bits of America’s carcass. (And, I’m afraid, Trump has no intention nor plan to curb the power of the Corporatocracy.) From Amon Ra,

One of the [special] inventions, corporate personhood, destroyer of nations.

– You elected them to write new laws. They’re letting corporations do it instead. –

”Corporations, special interests wrote bills. Politicians introduced them. 10,000 times”

Here is the link provided by Amon Ra, and which was working as recently as yesterday:


Today, the link is dead.



As if it never existed.

I was about to comment on the article, because it was a real eye-opener on the extent to which corporate lobbyists basically dictate policy to Congress. Naturally, these corporate whores get policies which benefit them and not regular Americans. This is why we don’t have a Wall today, and why the Trump Admin is considering, incredulously, cutbacks to the E-Verify program.

But the article was too hot to handle, so TPTB made it disappear.

Self-rule is dead in America.

We are ruled by billionaires.

By fat cats.

By a malevolent tribe.

By deracinated oligarchs.

And they will not allow dissent.

Suppression is the order of the day.

If they keep this up…

well, I’ll leave it at that.


FYI Tucker Carlson, rightfully, took Trump to the wood shed in his monologue yesterday.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who in a segment on his show wondered what it might look like if Trump had decided he didn’t want to be president anymore and was taking steps to ensure he didn’t win another term…

In this “hypothetical” scenario, Carlson ran through a number of things Trump could do so that his base would turn on him — all of which line up with actual Trump administration actions or reported proposals. He noted, for example, that if Trump wanted to lose, he could raise gas taxes, something the administration is reportedly considering and an idea that Carlson said is “so mindless and counterproductive there’s literally no way you could get re-elected after doing it.” Later, he told Trump he should definitely “go with the gas tax” if he secretly wants “to retire early” and is “really sick of the job.”

Proposing cuts to Medicare and E-Verify would also be ways Trump could undermine his re-election chances, Carlson argued, as well as continuing “our pointless military intervention in Syria.” These, again, are not hypothetical scenarios at all.

“If the president did all that, the message would be very clear: he has no idea what he ran on in 2016,” Carlson said. “He just wants out.”

Tucker 2020.


A Vatican Cardinal has warned the “West will disappear” as a result of mass migration.

“If the West continues in this fatal way, there is a great risk that, due to a lack of birth, it will disappear, invaded by foreigners, just as Rome has been invaded by barbarians,” said Sarah, adding, “My country is predominantly Muslim. I think I know what reality I’m talking about.”

The Cardinal also blamed the European Union for its “desire to globalize the world, ridding it of nations with their distinctive characteristics,” labeling the move “sheer madness”.

“The Brussels Commission thinks only about building a free market in the service of the great financial powers,” he continued. “The European Union no longer protects the peoples within it. It protects the banks.”

Here is a photo of the Cardinal:

Is anyone surprised? Realtalk has ceased being the province of pathologically virtue signaling White elites.


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