Feed on

All the proof anyone should need that the typical beta male can rise above his SMV station and snag a girl “out of his league” (as SMV leagues are conventionally defined (often superficially)) is seen in the ease with which the same beta who wilts under the effervescent glow of a beauty will effortlessly interact with an unattractive woman.

This contrast is so stark that one may wonder if he is observing the same man at play, or if a charming mofo doppelbänger took his place to smoothly banter with the plain jane.

The awkwardness of our intrepid beta, as he bumbles and bobbles his chance with a cutie, sweating and spazzing and spitting the lamest lines, is defied with equal verve by the smoothness in body and nimbleness of bantz he brings to casual conversations with lesser girls.

And the girls’ reactions are predictable. The cuties will shuffle their feet, look embarrassed for the man, and lean away to make an exit on the slimmest pretext. But the mediocre missus’s, they are bewitched by the Lord Byron before ’em. Such a charmer!, they cream.

This, to me, proves that the spirit of a skirt chaser lurks within every beta male. He just needs to access it, to summon the ZFG-man from the depths when he’s most needed, during those times when the HBBubbleRear nears the boundary of his phallic frontier.

williamk independently corroborates the theme of this post:

Its important to underscore the subconscious roots of this stuff. Most guys assess themselves and then behave accordingly to their (often self-imposed) pecking order. Most guys will naturally have alpha body language around a guy a 6 inches shorter than them, or a girl they don’t find attractive. It takes these exaggerated status disparities for the average man to accept he can act with self-possession. The key is squashing the insecurity that happens when the status gap is closer, or even reversed.

Self-possession. That is the core concept. Some call it outcome independence. Some call it ZFG. Others, the “aloof alpha attitude“. Or, charming jerkboyhood. Old timers call it, “devil-may-care”. Hardliners use the term “uncaring assholery“. PUAs prefer the term “amused mastery“. Over time and space, the idea is the same: the man who wants it least is the man who gets the most.

Beta males have it in them to be great womanizers. They are at ease talking with plain women or or feminists or catladies or black women. They only freeze up and suffer mental cramps when they talk with hotties.

Now, the trick is to be that self-possessed man when it matters (courting hot babes). The smoothness that the beta brings to his face time with dull-looking girls is the same smoothness that will delight hotter girls.

The good news is that, if you know and recognize within yourself a fledgling ZFG-lord who makes an appearance when it *doesn’t* matter, then you know that the possibility exists — as assuredly as your Inner Cadboy exists — that you can be *THAT GUY* when it suits you. You just have to know how to coax your Inner Cadboy from his slumber when the need arrives.

The trick, then, condenses to something I’ve written about before, and which is stated explicitly in one of the less-heralded Poon Commandments:

X. Ignore her beauty

The man who trains his mind to subdue the reward centers of his brain when reflecting upon a beautiful female face will magically transform his interactions with women. His apprehension and self-consciousness will melt away, paving the path for more honest and self-possessed interactions with the objects of his desire. This is one reason why the greatest lotharios drown in more love than they can handle — through positive experiences with so many beautiful women they lose their awe of beauty and, in turn, their powerlessness under its spell. It will help you acquire the right frame of mind to stop using the words hot, cute, gorgeous, or beautiful to describe girls who turn you on. Instead, say to yourself “she’s interesting” or “she might be worth getting to know”. Never compliment a girl on her looks, especially not a girl you aren’t fucking. Turn off that part of your brain that wants to put them on pedestals. Further advanced training to reach this state of unawed Zen transcendence is to sleep with many MANY attractive women (try to avoid sleeping with a lot of ugly women if you don’t want to regress). Soon, a Jedi lover you will be.

Ignoring a woman’s beauty. Easier said than done? Eh, don’t be a pessimist. Sure, you’re trying to upturn millennia of evolutionarily-carved male limbic emanations, but vee haf vays to help you control your limbido.

  1. Bang hotties. The more hotties you bang, the less each new hottie you meet will leave you tongue-tied. Penetrating hotties in the only way that matters strips them (heh) of their mystery, their allure, and their power. Every successful affair with a hottie will make you more comfortable in their company. Of course, this is putting the tart before the whores. It’s tough to learn how to bang hotties by…banging hotties. (Unless you get lucky and can springboard off a fortuitous lay to more strategically planned lays.) Which brings us to…
  2. Don’t bang uglies. The more uglies you bang out of desperation, the more you psychologically groom yourself to believe you can only get, or deserve, uglies. It’s a bad habit that you shouldn’t indulge. Which brings us to…
  3. Change your mental state. No more flattery, no more thirst, no more hot babes’ dirty looks. It’s easier to ignore a woman’s beauty when you stop mentally rehearsing how beautiful she is, and focus instead on slotting her in the same place you put everyone, male or female: a random stranger who must earn your curiosity.
  4. Total recall. When you approach a hottie, allow your eyes to cloud over as your mind drifts to sharp memories of the times you held court at a social event, or flirted like a champ with a girl you weren’t interested in. You will be at once in and out of the moment, acutely aware of your environment, but also “someplace else”, enjoying the warm glow of a memory of yourself as a king among cads. This memory will leach out and express itself in your attitude and behavior.
  5. Be cool. This takes practice, but it boils down to “don’t try so hard”. If you tell yourself, “I’m not here to impress anyone” — and saying these little motivations out loud to yourself is more effective than repeating them in your head — then you really will stop trying to impress people, because each moment you slip up and appease your target of interest, you will immediately be whisked back to that promise you made to yourself, and the silent shame will provide a rapid course correction.
  6. Focus on her flaws. It’s cheesy, but it works. Zoom in on a facial flaw, such as a mole or a funny earlobe. Do the same for a weird behavioral tic she might display. Smile to yourself as you mull on those flaws of hers. Your smile will aggravate her, and dilate her pussy. With practice, you’ll announce those flaws of her in the form of a backhanded compliment (neg), and completely flip the script.
  7. Date around. The more girls you concurrently date, the less each new girl will wow you. Fallback options defintely take the edge off meeting and seducing hot chicks.

From MattyIce,

“Invariably, [the men] all say they remember being cool as … they just wanted to shoo it away, or tell it to go find the nearest bug zapper.”

I remember distinctly as a young lad, 6th grade, this concept hitting me like a ton of bricks… “Why do all the girls I think are ugly ‘like’ me and not the ones I think are hot? I need to start treating the hot ones like I treat the ugly ones.” And the rest is history, a fond one at that!

Rule #8: Treat the hot girls like the ugly girls.

Remember it, burn it indelibly in your hippocampus, and let it guide you through life. As dictums go, this one is biblical.

Finally, some wise words from an older CH post on the topic.

  • Get into a line of work where you are ordering beautiful women to do your bidding.

If you can’t get sex with hot babes, the next best thing is authority. Fashion photographers are not known as casanovas for nothing.

  • Hang out with hot girls when they’re wasted and pissing themselves and vomiting.

This is a pretty good cure for one-itis. Don’t worry about supply. America is churning them out like cheap factory products lately.

  • Never stop macking.

The life of the lady’s man is always in forward motion. The day you slow down is the day you start misremembering your ex as hotter than she really was. By keeping women forever in your orbit, by hitting on them day and night and year after year, with intention or without, you remind yourself of the corporeal, earthly nature of women’s greatest asset, of their insufferable and dispiriting interchangeability, and your heart is steeled for the endless battle.

Finally, the Rule to Rule all Rules:

Rule #9: Act like you’ve banged her.

If Rule #8 is biblical, Rule #9 is primordial.

Approach every cute girl as if you have already supped of her tuft. This is the most valuable mental trick I can give you. Visualize her naked body succumbing in writhing pleasure to your pherocious phang. Visualize her spent body unable to walk afterward. Visualize the cocksureness you possess from soiling the purity of this princess. Smirk knowingly that you have known her in fullness. Visualization of this nature will inevitably manifest in a change in your mannerism, and in thrall she will come to believe almost as strongly as you do that you have banged her, though this will strike her odd, but nevertheless arouse her to make reality of imagination.


From Callmelennie, a hilarious glimpse at the misunderstandings and umbrage which occur when racially distinct dating markets commingle:

RE: True Racism in Online Dating

Engaged a woman on a senior online dating site (cause that’s the stage I’m at). We started in on a good conversation. At about ten minutes in, she texted, “Well I have to hand it to you; it’s been ten minutes and you have yet to say — Hey Momma, I’d love to put a dick in your face.”

This to a woman who was 61 with two adult children, one of whom was 40 years old .. who had also lost a daughter in a car accident. And I responded, “Who’s saying this sort of thing …. as if I dont know” And she texted “LOL, how do you know?”

And I came back, “Well, I decided to check out my competition and I couldn’t help but notice (looking over both shoulders) a large grouping of melanin enriched gentlemen of a Sub-Saharan heritage on this site.” Turned out that every contact initiated by a bro started out exactly like that, and that she had been obliged to block hundreds of said individuals.

Zero Standards, Zero Charm, Zero Self-Awareness: there’s your MUH DIK.

Sadly, the ZERO BRO pickup method works a little too often on the thicker-filled of our sisters to write it off as a dickless threat. The good news is that, really, only black women think it’s the pinnacle of flirtatious charm.

Would it be correct to call ZERO BRO the epitome of beta male thirst?

The script sure reads like Thirst, The Trilogy.

  • hitting on old women
  • lunkheaded sexual solicitations
  • hundreds of come-ons

But what distinguishes purpa thirst from what we conventionally know as beta male thirst is the general lack of romantic sincerity.

Beta male thirst is a stain on the northern races of man. These are the pedestal polishers who throw themselves at the ASCII feet of HB6s, lavishing them with likes, compliments and offers of asexual cuddles. Beta male thirst also clings to a vestige of mate selection standards, and for that reason you will rarely see grandmas get slobbered over by Eurasian betas. Not even the desperate omega euros will sink to Emmanuel Macron’s level.

Purpa thirst is wild, chaotic, brutally sexual, nondiscriminatory, and devoid of subterfuge. It is the shotgun approach to courtship that uses stink pellets of which few women but the most desperate welcome the musk. Superficially, the two thirst types share traits — the shameless begging, the NPC flattery, the anti-Game — but the divergence is noticeable by how quickly purpa thirst abandons its uncooperative targets and by the stark difference in declared sexual intent.

That last reason alone is probably why purpa thirst manages to eke out a rare victory where beta male thirst always ends in a sad fap. There are a non-trivial number of women who will misinterpret brute force sexual come-ons as male dominance, and submit accordingly.


Dynamic Silence

Hat tip to Greg Eliot (and bolg) for alerting the commentariat of this piece of historical evidence that [the best people in the world] have had a knack for shutting down dissident viewpoints for a long while.

from metapedia:

Dynamic Silence was invented by Rabbi Feinberg of the American Jewish Committee in 1947 as a method of closing off all access to the public media – and thus the larger culture – for people or organizations deemed to have an unacceptable point of view. In spite of minor changes and adaptations, it can still be understood as being comprised of two parts. In the first part, unfavored individuals are denied unmediated exposure to the public. In the second part, only negative aspects of the unfavored individuals are reported. This starts a downward spiral of de-legitimization in the public eye in which the harder unfavored individuals try to get public exposure, the more negative and unflattering that exposure becomes until, finally, nobody wants to be associated with the ideas of beliefs of the unfavored individuals.

That’s some Final Boss level sy ops right there. Now you know what the Rebel Alliance is up against: a Council of Sid Lords mindfucking Jedi Whites into abject submission to the Empire’s goal of supreme galactic rule.

One has to say, it has worked quite well….until recently. (Convergence to alien norms is what you get for entrusting your revered institutions to an outsider tribe with a 10-15 point mean IQ advantage.) The unraveling of the Dynamic Silence Protocols has provoked blasts of bilious rage from media fascists. Great patriots, one and all, are our putative overseers of the Race Replacement Project.

Dynamic Silence is a weaponized application of the more general Lies of Omission that is the stock in trade of the Fake News media. Lies of Omission (LOO) leave the populace ignorant of contrary information to the anti-White Christian Narrative, and therefore susceptible to fully imbibing the schlock that the media pumps into the information vacuum. Whereas Dynamic Silence is a more proactive form of LOO, blocking dissidents from a public venue to air their views and then demonizing those silenced dissidents when they are unable to publicly answer the campaign of smears directed at them in absentia.

Does any of this sound familiar to current goings-on? It should. From commenter Ralph Stanley,

This is much worse than you think. I was listening to a satellite news program this morning and representatives of the Jewish community, described as “experts on the study of HATE”, were calling for outright de-platforming of all “hate websites”.

The primary thrust of one of the panelists’ argument was that “de-platforming works” and “hate speech is a form of violence” and, basically, “we know hate speech leads to violence”. Over and over again she stressed the importance of “taking away their community of hate”, while the female moderator acknowledged her points one by one with absolute reverence. Don’t scoff too soon at this approach. It tugs at instincts of basic decency among the general population. Normal people are rightfully disgusted and horrified whenever some Nazbol lunatic commits an act of mass violence.

We absolutely need a response to their line of argument, and it can’t simply be libertarian platitudes about free speech. Unfortunately, the Left is making an effective emotional appeal and spergy Reason Magazine-style articles only appeal to awkward manlets who still read comic books.

When the Left refers to the other side as “free speech absolutists”, they are painting us into a corner (“They are unreasonable spergs who don’t believe in reasonable limits to speech. I mean, look at what just happened!”). We need a response that tugs at people’s emotional need to express themselves freely. This means stocking fear — real, not imagined — in reasonable people that they will be subjected to more and more monitoring and repression.

Anti-free speech appeals are primarily a woman and [best people in the world] thing. It’s a lot of disingenuous sophistry that provides cover for continuing their dominance of the public communication square. It’s Suckup Conformity 101. They just don’t want dissidents upsetting their carefully manicured anti-White Christian virtue sniveling ecology. Sure, de-platforming “works” (for a short while, until war erupts) but so does tyrannical repression, which is exactly what these scumbags are calling for, because in practice and in theory there isn’t a lick of difference between de-platforming and impoverishing political dissidents and a dictatorial tyranny a la Orwell’s Ingsoc mercilessly subjugating free thinkers.

What these broads at Non-Player Radio are advocating, even if they don’t know it, is Dynamic Silence, first denying thought criminals a public platform, next slandering them until they are persona non grata and closed off permanently from the public discourse.

Greg adds,

Ah, I stand corrected, it was 20 years even earlier than I remembered.

Very cohencidental that the concept was officially stated right around the time when HUAC investigations were gaining momentum..

VERY cohencidental, amirite?

HUAC is the House Un-American Activities Committee, a House of Reps committee formed in 1938 to investigate communist infiltration of American institutions (Unholy-wood hardest hit). The history we have all IV’ed is that HUAC created a “climate of repression”, and the words “McCarthyism” and “Red Scare” were coined from it, but the unmediated facts, as usual, complicate the Ministry of Dupe narrative.

As Greg intimates, [the best people in the world] were disproportionate targets of HUAC (because they were and are disproportionate card-carrying members of commie front groups), and Dynamic Silence was, at first, a protective measure that would shield the commies within their ranks from exposure, and later, an actively hostile psy ops that would allow them to pursue their Globohomo agenda without resistance from Heritage Americans.

PS THE WHITEST OF PILLS: President Trump will sign an executive order ending the nation-wrecking scam known as birthright citizenship.

PPS Dynamic Silence is the reason why Trump exploits Twatter to go around the legacy media and reach normie eyes with his unmediated message of Love, Hope, and Realtalk.



Height Queens

A comment from farmlegend about short women and tall men,

Carve it into the granite, put the tablet in Moses’ hands, and behold the burning bush – the biggest height queens of all are very attractive, very short women.

Seen it over and over and over again my friends.

IME, short dudes, like me, do better with women of average height.

Yep, I’ve observed this too. Little spinners gyroscopically gravitate towards much taller men.

I’ve written about Short Man Game (including addressing an older farmlegend comment on the topic), and the executive summary is that short men generally should target women shorter than themselves, but not to rule out very tall women. The latter will not infrequently hook up with shorter men for a similar reason that very short women prefer very tall men: biological balance of any potential sprog.

Tall men do have it easier in the sense that they don’t (typically) have to worry about target acquisition based on female height, but short men can get around this snare by learning to identify which very tall women might be open to dating a shorter man, and otherwise sticking with women who are shorter than themselves.

But the very short pixies could prove intransigent to the short man’s long game. My theory is that there is a subconscious urge in very short women to mate with very tall men so that their issue inherits a height from the fat part of the bell tower curve. Average- or slightly below average-height women don’t have this concern percolating through their limbic labia, so they will be less closed off to dating a same-height or shorter man.

Likewise, very tall women may have a subconscious urge to mate with men shorter than themselves, on the 50/50 chance that they have a daughter together who will inherit a less SMV-handicapping average height.


Gab Update

Gab is still down. Despotic shitlibs rejoice over the crushing of another platform for political dissidents.

Maybe they shouldn’t rejoice too much. From Z-Man,

From what I understand, Gab will be down until the weekend. They expect to be up by Friday, or thereabouts. They have a host and they are transferring their domain. These things don’t happen overnight.

This is probably a good thing for a number of reasons. The most obvious being that the media has been unable to mine the site for material. You just know that lunatics like Patrick Little were salivating at the opportunity to get attention for their crazy rants. Now any mention of Gab leads the curious to a page explaining that the tech oligarchs shut down the site. I suspect that’s why the media crazies are strangely quiet about Gab now.

By the end of this week, the media will be fixated on the Brown Wave they are trying to wish into reality. The gaslighting will be so intense some of them may burst into flames. Even the Antifa members working at the Daily Beast and Estrogen Post will be too busy to notice Gab is back.

That said, Torba needs to think about how to police lunatics like Little, who are just attention seeking wackos. The normal self-policing tools don’t work with these guys. My suggestion is that he create a penalty box for those who come to his attention. They are on mute for everyone but those who choose to follow them. This would work for the Antifa people who go on gab trying to create trouble.

Yeah, this sort of policing violates the ideal of free speech, but he has a business to run too. No one is going to fault him for a minor hypocrisy like this.

In the Reign of the Censor, these sorts of free speech compromises are inevitable if a website dedicated to free speech wants to have a platform at all. As (temporary) compromises go, this idea by Z Man isn’t bad. The truly deranged (and tbh I have seen vanishingly few truly deranged posters on Gab, and the few I have come across I sensibly muted and stopped thinking about) are limited in their scope to harass people uninterested in reading them, yet a communications conduit is kept open so that the deranged can still interact with anyone who does want to read their genteel philosophical musings.

I say this is a temporary compromise, because once we Heritage Americans regain control of the communications gateways, there won’t be a need to try and sidestep tyrannical censors always looking to SHUT US DOWN.


ben tillman has a great comment about the delusions of GoodWhites who think they can sever themselves fully from BadWhites in America and not suffer any consequences for it:

This is a point that I’ve tried to make several times. For your typical NYT reading leftist – Jew and gentile – the destruction of bad whites will make the country look like California. They’re fine with that.

High-income liberals can buy their way out of the masses and live just fine.

For a generation or two. But each generation, the tax burden will go up, and the income will go down with the result that the situation of their white lineage will regress quickly. Not to mention the quickly expanding likelihood of intermarriage by their descendants. No, the destruction of “bad whites” is ineluctably connected to the destruction of “good whites”. “Good whites” absolutely cannot survive without “bad whites”. No way in hell.

This is exactly right. GoodWhites who think they can escape to coastal shitlibopolises and live a charmed life in perpetuity free from the “irredeemably foul“* BadWhites are fooling themselves. The bill for replacing White America with Third World America will come due, and it will be enormous. Payment will be made in one form or another, whether in higher taxes, safety, mental health, freedom of mobility, cost of living, lineage continuity, cultural familiarity, social trust, shared values, basic livability, or aesthetic pleasures.

That’s why it is always a laugh to me that there are SWPL shitlibs who enjoy stupidly snarking that BadWhites are paranoid for believing minorities are “coming for them”. Yes, they are. Maybe not with guns a-blazing (although they do that, too, disproportionately), but they come for us in myriad ways that make life less enjoyable. They come for our welfare, paid with our taxes. They come for our hospital services, paid with our insurance premiums. They come for our peace of mind, paid for with exorbitant housing costs, home security, and expensive school districts. They come for our vote, by diluting our political voice and forcing us to live under a government that only marginally, if at all, addresses our concerns, and is more often actively hostile to them. They come for our culture, corrupting it to suit their lowbrow preferences.

NonWhite Diversity costs Whites A LOT, and in my book that means they are, indeed, coming for us. They are coming for our way of life and twisting it, unconsciously, into a facsimile of the shitholes they left behind. And yet evil, hateful bitches like Michelle Goldberg express glee at the prospect! Love wins!

Likewise, the above empty-headed shitlib sarcasm is why I have no patience for that other trope shitlibs weakly trot out when the debate has taken a turn away from their control: “You’re just being played by rich White people who use divide and conquer to keep you focused on irrelevant issues like mass immigration and away from their greed”. Funny, they are always circumspect about exactly WHO comprises a healthy share of those “rich White people”. That aside, rich White people don’t have to play divide and conquer; the Diversity™ brings the divide and conquer on its own. All the rich White people have to do is make sure the Diversity™ can storm our borders. As for rich White person greed, it’s not a mutually exclusive concern; we can oppose both a greedy elite and open borders.

ben tillman again, on what WN really means, and how it’s been demagogued into a Fake White Supremacy:

I wonder how many times Goldberg had to go back and change “replace whites” to “replace white nationalists” while drafting this piece.


Good point. After all it was never about replacing white nationalists since that term has not been long in common usage. The immivasion and push to diversify were begun well before that term became popular, and were directed at White America, period, full stop.

The primary features of a white nationalist are that he (1) notices his people are being exploited while being replaced and (2) objects to it. Replacing “whites” and replacing “white nationalists” are precisely the same thing.

A “White nationalist” (as the term is deliberately mis-used by the media) is just a White person who has misgivings about the mass immigration of nonWhites into his homeland. A “White supremacist” (as the term is mis-used by the media) is a White person who dares to object to mass nonWhite immigration. This is how the media Anti-White Hate Machine works: it takes White people with reasonable and justified objections to open borders, and demonizes them as Nazis.

*Michelle Goldberg is irredeemably ugly.

PS Here’s Forbes on why birthright citizenship is a scam and what it should be replaced with (a truly beneficial replacement):

Children take on the citizenship of their parents, irrespective of where they’re born…it’s quite the same as children born to US citizens abroad. They take the citizenship of their parents, not that of the country of their birth. It’s the way citizenship works in most of the world.

Birth tourism, anchor babies, and illegal immigrants giving birth in the US for the purpose of citizenship is obviously a torturing of the 14th amendment, if not a fraud. The children of diplomats (temporary residents) born in the US do not become US citizens–why should other transients (not permanent resident visa holders) giving birth be granted citizenship to the new born?

Anchor babies and birth tourism are such a self-evident scam that only a full blown anti-American cuck like Paul Ryan could support it. Which he has, once again stabbing Trump and Heritage America in the back.

PPS Hey Michelle Goldberg, is this hate speech?


HAHA. Ok I’m not sure if this is infamous street artist Sabo’s handiwork, but it looks like his style. Nevertheless, #TheDefiance is by now getting deeply under the skin of shitlib curators of the public discourse.

Truly, an Ugly Truth in all its seedy glory. And yet, our putative betters want even MORE of this blight in every neighborhood in America. So generous of them!


Update: Commenter Alex says this isn’t Sabo’s work.

And it’s not Sabo, it’s a group of artists called “The Faction” (which has worked with him in the past).

I’ve corrected the post title with this new info about the source.


Reprinted in full, a comment from The Rebbe that reminds us just how strange and dangerous are the times we live in.

This is all very simple: you may not realize it, but you are living through the biggest event in the 3000+ years of the West, The Battle of Tours, Moses giving the laws on Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, Fall of Rome, etc., this is all washed away by the Islamic conquest of Europe and the Aztec/Islamic peoples conquering the USA. There is no pretext of rational benefit from this revolution, just raw power politics and malice. That we can’t even *discuss this revolution* in polite society is beyond comprehension. Instead, there’s unending gas-lighting and silencing. It’s a daily struggle for even the sober minded to maintain sanity. That people will resort to unhinged terrorism against this revolution is regrettable, but perfectly predictable.

I’ve feared this happening for years and my fellow Altjews have tried to mollify anger, but there’s not much you can do when the rest of US Jews are so maddening. Props to Netanyahu and his support of Orban, but the cold hard ethnohistory is that about 95% of US Jews are descended from Russian refugees. They arrived here impoverished and ignorant of Western politics. They were weaponized off the boat by an alleged Sabbatean (a Jewish Satanist) named Rabbi Steven Samuel Wise (the “Red Rabbi”), who converted Reformed and “Conservative” Judaism into the de facto “Democratic Party at Prayer.” Boss Tweed weaponized the Irish in a similar fashion, but Wise, through his impact on Reformed/Conservative theology, had a more profound and lasting impact. Many one to three generations from this cohort will sympathize with the Hondurans trying to invade our country and think it hypocritical not to back other refugees.

It’s notable that all the deceased were elderly, and that young Jewish men are surprisingly right wing. The “Ostjuden” are finally learning the truth about the Left in the West. Hopefully times will change, and these cohorts of Jewry trapped in the past will leave the stage soon for a younger generation.

Is the willful invitation/imposition of Mass Diversity from shitholes and other lands filled with people antagonistic to Western values unprecedented in history? If it is, then throw away your Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire guidebook and your Turchin cycles, because we’re in uncharted territory. Where we go from here is anyone’s guess.

FYI I never understood the logical appeal of “If X in the past, then X^2 in perpetuity”. Just because we let in some bubbes eighty years ago doesn’t mean we have to let in Somalis until the earth is engulfed by a dying red giant sun. That’s not hypocrisy, it’s sane policy.

The Rebbe is an interesting commenter, but I’m skeptical of his “Russian Jews inculcated by a malevolent rabbi stateside are the root of the Globohomo problem” theory. Ashkenazi Jews of non-Russian East European provenance are, it seems to me, as rabidly globohomo as russian jews (accepting that perhaps many of those EE Jews were initially migrants from Russia). I lean toward the MacDonaldian theory that Jews psychologically evolved under very unqiue conditions in Medieval Europe to be extreme leftist universalists toward outgroups and clannish within the group. But I’m open to evidence for opposing theories (such as the high outmarriage rate of American Jews).


Great comment from anonymousse, providing a stiff shot of bristling perspective,

I’ve said this before (can’t remember-this blog or a different one?), but it is literally unprecedented in human history. Populations have been replaced-the Amerindians replacement is one obvious example. And populations have been replaced quickly-whether a Greek City state was wiped out and replaced, a population (French from Algeria, German settlers in the Baltics post WWII, and on and on) has happened.

But the replacement of Amerindians took 300 years (1600-1900, give or take). The quick replacements mentioned were in months or years, but involved thousands of people.

Today’s replacement-in scale and speed, is literally historically unprecedented.
The United States: the third largest country in the world: 220-300 million people in my lifetime.
When I was a 6 year old kid, that 220 million people had an insignificant number of Hispanics and a stark minority of blacks (roughly 11%). Today, I am not yet old (early 50’s). This country is now 1/3 Hispanic and an additional 1/6 black (and rising Asian/others). In 45 years-far less than a lifetime- the population of this continent has been, effectively, half replaced. If Russia were half replaced by Chinese (or Indians, or Congolese, etc etc) in 45 years, that would be incomprehensible. That is literally happening in this country.

Several decades ago, I marveled at what English of a certain age lived through. Winston Churchill went to Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee as a child. England at the time was the strongest its ever been, and the most dominant Empire in human history. Winston Churchill, as an old man, saw England literally reduced to an insignificant island nation in control of itself and effectively nothing else.

We are living through a similar transformation right now.


AM comments on the perpetual jewish war against the Catholic Church:

Prominent Jewish historians and authorities have spoken openly about their roles in either initiating or supporting most of the major movements against the authority of the (Catholic, i.e., only authentic) Church, going all the way back to antiquity. Maurice Pinay wrote an excellent book just before Vatican II, perfectly predicting what the aim and result of that Council would be; the book details subterfuge against the Church from Apostolic times through to Communism and the Modernist heretics preparing to attend the Council.

Most importantly, he does this by citing Jewish sources – Sir Cecil Roth, Rabbi Lewis Brown’s “Short History of the Jews,” the Judaeo-Hispanic Encyclopedia, etc., who in their own turn cite primary, Jewish sources – to demonstrate that, more than being mere “anti-semitic” assertions, Jewish authorities themselves recognize a prominent Jewish role in these events. Modernity would say the goodness or badness of that role is “in the eye of the beholder.”

His chapter on the Arian heresy is one of the weakest in the book, though he does point out that, as at other times in history (Pelagian heresy, Julian the Apostate, etc.), it was the bishops of Palestine (the area with the largest Jewish population) who rehabilitated an already condemned heretic and gave succour to the heresy before the decisive, Roman condemnation was enacted. If the chapter on Arius is weak, the chapters showing the fundamentally Jewish origins, support and character of Protestantism, along with the logically pre- and post-Protestant ideologies (i.e., Albigensians, Waldensians, Hussites, Lollards & Freemasons, Liberals, Socialists and Communists, respectively, are stronger.

Protestantism as a fundamentally jewish breakaway sect. Interesting.


BrachaBenedicta on drawing distinctions between the Ostjuden and the Deutschjuden that are irrelevant in the current geopolitical configuration.

The Ostjuden angle may have been relevant a century ago, but right now it’s a moot point. There has been a de facto merger between the more genteel, outwardly assimilated German Jews and the loud, chutzpahdik Ostjuden.


Yeah, Ostjuden historically were prone to open commie-worship while German Jews busied themselves polishing up Reform Judaism, a movement invented with the goal of having your cake and eating it too (remaining nominally “Jewish” while basically assimilating. I mean, reformers call their synagogues freakin “temple” and have choir . There ain’t no more temple and choir is alien to traditional Jewish worship. But I digress).

As far as intermarriage, if anything it’s making it worse. A lot of them intermarry with high achieving nonwhites, which amps up their anti-heritage America hostility. As to those who marry heritage Americans, they are tortured by never ending inner conflict and guilt for having intermarried, and they take it out on their poor spouses and kids.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you are a diaspora Jew overwhelmed by identity conflict and inner turmoil, you need to go live in Israel. That’s the only answer. Sure, it ain’t as nice as living among civilized gentiles but what use is all this material comfort if you’re living in constant inner misery?

Everybody else, relegate your Jewish identity to the same role that ethnicity occupies among other heritage Americans. Assimilate not just in form but also in substance.

By the way, never trust anyone who refers to themselves as “culturally Jewish”. That’s code for “I’m an obnoxious SOB who’s too chicken to go live in Israel as a real Jew so I’ll keep living my comfortable life out here among you naive goyim”. You can be an observant Jew or merely an ethnic Jew. But not “culturally Jewish”.
Peace to all my goyische readers. I’m sorry. This all sux. I know.


The strongest man in the world recently got engaged to a petite minx.

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson plays Ser Gregor Clegane “The Mountain” on Game of Thrones. More importantly, he’s 6’9” and currently the strongest man in the world. Even more importantly, he got married this weekend in his native Iceland to a 5’2” Canadian, body-building woman named Kelsey Morgan Henson.

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Throwback to warmer days in Spain with this guy!!! . . . . . #travel #travels #trip#instatravel #benidorm #alicante #Spain #belvedere #terrace #patio #view #city #skyline #evening #date #beautiful #love #gorgeous #myman #happy #smiles #fordays #littleblackdress #heels #blonde #tan #beauty #beast #muscle #strength

A post shared by Kelsey Henson (@kelc33) on Nov 28, 2017 at 6:05pm PST

His arm is bigger than both of her legs together.

FYI, ladies, THIS is what a female body-builder should look like: in shape, not shape-shifted into a man.

A reader emails,

The BIG, strong guy gets the sweet, petite hottie.

How come she didn’t want a pasty little guy who respects her and would never proceed to first base without a signed, notarized consent?

How come he did not want a strong wahmon with blue hair, tats, and a muffin top instead of a waistline?


Big men are often found coupled with petite women. Naturally, big-framed or overly-muscled women psychologically project their preference for a big man to complement them onto men, fooling themselves that big men have the same tastes as big women. Nope. Big men, like medium-sized men and small men, prefer sexy lithe slender white hot foxy ladies.

And all women, big, medium, small, prefer men bigger than themselves.

It’s the God of Biomechanics once again making mockery of feminism and puling soyboyism.

Another little truth that feminists and soyboys run from: hsmv women LOVE LOVE LOVE to feel impotent and vulnerable in the arms of a physically powerful man. Candy is dandy, but tossing her around like a rag doll in bed makes her knickers slicker.


Shiv of the Week:

Democracy Dies in Darkness. pic.twitter.com/wLhdaGytK7

— Vasco Da Goyim (@VDagoyim) October 22, 2018


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