Feed on

I read this over at the Corner:

Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg says unmarried women made the difference for Obama. Back in 1994, when white male voters were said to be responsible for the GOP’s takeover of Congress, the media came up with a label for them: “angry white men.” Will the media now refer to Greenberg’s voting bloc as “bitter unmarried women”?

Hilarious and true. The more women get pumped and dumped along their journeys to find the elusive alpha male who will swoon for their fading looks, the more likely they are to vote Democrat.

Obama represents that fantasy alpha male figure they wish would marry them. His leftist policies represent the beta provider largesse they want in lieu of an actual beta husband they secretly loathe.

Maxim #2008: Socialists gain when single women who refuse to settle vote. They lose when single women forget to vote on their way to the mall.

Solution for a stronger America: Distract single women with game and shiny things so they forget to vote.


Obama The Master Seducer

Joe T. wrote this comment on the Is Obama Alpha? post:

Obama = inherently a beta who built himself up to “honorary alpha status” through smarts and good speaking skills.

Joe has nailed it. Obama is a great example of how a natural beta can acquire alpha mojo. And acquire it before ever actually achieving something that other men would admire. Obama seduced Michelle when she was higher status — his mentor.

I define an alpha male as one who is desired by many women because that is the best definition that accounts for men who aren’t alpha leaders by the standards of other men but still have what it takes to turn women on and get them to fall in love. Granted, there is a lot of overlap between leader of men alphas and seducer of women alphas, but there are also exceptions. Because fucking is the meaning of life, and because all the societally approved achievements in the world don’t mean a thing if you can’t figure out how to pry her vageen, my elegant definition is inclusive of ALL alpha males.

The one thing every alpha male has in common, and which is the basis for my universal definition: Lots of women desire them.

Obama’s tight game lies in his ability to offer himself up as an empty vessel into which his audience pours their deepest hopes and desires. He does this through a vaguely personalized conversational style (a la Bill Clinton) and cool, unflappable charm. His half-black, half-white background, natural smarts, unusual upbringing, cosmopolitan instincts, grace under pressure, and adaptability bolsters his mystique. He possesses that powerful Clintonesque combination of lulling his listeners into feeling like they are the most important people in the world while never losing sight of his goals and driving the agenda in the direction he wants it to go. The fact that women are swooning for him like he’s a rock star is no surprise to me. Back in 1992, women (and men to a lesser degree) swooned for Bill Clinton.

Obama is a master seducer. Guys who want to do well with women should observe and learn what Obama does to excite pussy across the land. Obama doesn’t have to act on his seductive power; he just has to show you what his power is capable of inciting.

I have written a lot about Obama in the past few days. I may write some more. He’s a fascinating figure — a once in a lifetime incarnation of the social zeitgeist — not just for who he is as a man, but for what he symbolizes about the country, about race, about gender relations, about seduction and game, and ultimately, about us.


… and what it portends for the next two years.


Arise, you branded by envy,
You whole world of the entitled and resentful!
Our quisling SWPLs boil,
Ready to lead us into a fight to your death.
We will destroy this anglo-saxon world
Down to the foundations, and then
We will build our new world — Zion!
He who was nothing will become everything!

This will be the final
and decisive battle.
With the Internationale
the brother will arise.

No self-reliance will grant us deliverance,
No God, no Law, no Reason.
We will win our liberation,
With the One’s very own handouts.
To throw down oppression with a compliant media,
To take back what is ours –
Fire up the furnace and hammer boldly,
while the tax code is still hot!

This will be the final
and decisive battle.
With the Internationale
the brother will arise.

Only we, the claimants of the world-wide
Great army of tax recipients,
Have the right to own the land,
But the productive – never!
And if the great thunder rolls
Over the heirs of the Enlightenment,
For us, victimhood will still
Shine on with its fiery rays.

This will be the final
and decisive battle.
With the Internationale
the designated oppressed will arise.


To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.

Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father

May the god of biomechanics bless this divided nation, every tribe of us.

ps: healing and unity is for betas. i have just begun to unsheath my sword.


Dating In The City: A Series

Zeets: Hey man, I just got this email from the chick I had a date with last night. Check it out.

Hello. Just a quick e-mail to tell you sorry, but I’m just not interested. Thank you for that show of immaturity in my car yesterday, it solidified my decision.

I wish you the best of luck in finding someone.


Me: What show of immaturity is she talking about?

Zeets: I stuck out my tongue and flicked it in and out like a snake. How is that immature? A new post?

Me: Yes, a new post.


If you are a man who has never rejected a woman for sex or dating, you are doing something wrong. You are, in fact, depriving yourself of one of life’s greatest pleasures and privileges, and avoiding a true test of your masculine mettle.

As we all know by now from the science, from common sense, and from reading my powerful words of genius, the default barter mechanism in the sexual market is female choice, male display. This is a natural consequence of the disparity between the scarcity of eggs and the surplus of sperm. But men are not entirely helpless to actively influence market prices; they choose as well. If men did not choose at all, women would not have evolved an instinct for improving their looks through fashion, makeup, and exercise. If I had to put a number on it, I’d say on average women do 70% of the choosing and men do 30% of the choosing. At the tails, the alpha-iest men do all the choosing and have to beat off their female suitors while the fattest, ugliest women must settle for whatever man will take them. The general trend, though, is upward dating for most women and a few men.

The fact of this mating dynamic explains why turning the tables and exercising male choice is such a powerful psychological game technique for seducing the minds of women. By behaving as if you are actively choosing women, and even occasionally rejecting them, you mimic the natural actions of the top 10% of men whose default mating strategy is choosing from an illimitable source of pussy and wielding the merciless power of sexual rejection.

Maxim #18: The two fundamental propositions upon which all game theory rests are male choosiness and female abundance. All alpha males have these two mindsets in common.

Corollary to the above: Male choosiness and female abundance do not necessarily have to be true for the strategy of behaving as if they are true to be effective at seducing women.

Try to put yourself in women’s shoes. When you are on a date, imagine you are a woman. Think like she would think. Feel like she would feel. Is this girl right for me? Are we compatible? What are her values? I’m just not sure if she’s the one; let’s see what else she has going for her. I need to keep my options open. I’m not ready to make a decision. I really need to be wowed, I wonder if she can do that for me. She seems kind of nervous. Is she dull? Am I out of her league? Damn, she just said something stupid. Maybe she’s not the one.

Keep thinking like this and soon your outward behavior will reflect your inward feelings. Suspend your disbeliefs long enough until they have become unshakeable beliefs. Once you have mastered the mindset of women, you will have mastered women themselves.

Maxim #19: The alpha male thinks and acts more like a woman than a man in matters of seduction. He understands his adversary’s psychology, and uses it to shatter her defenses.

The next time a woman who does not meet your attractiveness standards hits on you, humor her for a bit, lead her on, then politely reject her.

“What are you doing this Friday?”
“Oh, I should tell you I’m seeing someone.”

Do this even if you are hard up. Commanding the power of female/alpha male choosiness will enrich your soul and fortify your ego. You’ll feel bad for the girl for maybe 30 seconds, but the value-boosting afterglow will last for weeks. This is all about long-term thinking. Capture the female essence of sexual choice and make it a part of you.

Girls hitting on you is a rare event for most men, so you’ll need to be more active in your policy of preferential sexual consumerism. As long as you are dating two or more women simultaneously, you should have no qualms rejecting at least one of them for not being up to snuff. Choose one for dismissal and stop calling her for dates. It doesn’t have to be the least attractive chick; in fact, it’s more character-building and alpha-boosting to reject an attractive girl for an odd facial tic or bland personality. If she doesn’t get the hint, be candid and tell her she just isn’t right for you. Women, especially 7s and up, rarely hear this, so it will tear at her soul like the claws and teeth of an army of demons. If you can withstand the brief flicker of guilt and loss of sexual opportunity, her pain of rejection will actually feed your incipient alpha animal spirit, strengthening you, making you tougher, more appropriately detached, and able to clearly see and pursue your self-interest. Through the action of choosiness, your self-worth will skyrocket. And others’ evaluation of your worth will similarly follow.

If you believe there are “better” or more “moral” paths to alphaness, know this: Every alpha male is intimately familiar with the ego-stroking power of sexual choosiness. They have all, good and bad, enlightened and crass, rejected women in one way or another and crushed their souls, often on the flimsiest pretexts. Some are kind enough to dress it up in polite fictions; others are id monsters who flaunt their sexual despotism without regard for social convention or righteous preening. But all have lowered the boom. It goes with the territory.

The more women you reject, the more women will sense your radiating power to inflict pain and loss and subsequently want you. Buttress your inner game by being choosy, and rejecting freely.


Undecided voters are stupid.

These “deliberative” voters will choose our next President. Sweet.

Voting is a useless exercise. Your one vote will not change the result of a national election. Get over yourself.

If you wear an “I voted” sticker tomorrow, you are a status whore. And you can be bought cheap.

I support limiting the right to vote to net taxpayers and taking it away from net tax-recipients.

Obama’s grandmother died today. The bus Obama threw her under when he implied she was as hateful as the good Reverend Goddamn America will now be driving her to the special hell reserved for a politically convenient closet racist betrayed by the biracial child she spent her life raising. That’s the funny thing about kids — they’re ingrates!

Marxism still doesn’t work.

The Great Society failed. The Great Society 2 will also fail.

Some people will always be losers in life. Learn to be at peace with this reality.

If McCain loses, Palin did not cost him the election. The tanking stock market did.

Re: the stock market meltdown. There is a difference between deregulation and bad regulation. The current financial problems are a result of the latter.

The most insightful book on Obama you will never hear about.

Nearly every mainstream media organ fully and utterly discredited itself in this election by moving from simple bias to becoming a functional propaganda arm of the Democrat candidate. This was not an easy thing to do. The days of an objective press are over. Long live the blogs! For now…

An Obama Presidency will be more entertaining than a McCain Presidency. “May you live in interesting times…”

If Obama wins, Europe will love us again. This matters to people for whom Europe’s love is important. We call these people betas.

I would rather have a glass of pinot noir with Obama than with McCain.

2010 will be a repeat of 1994.

We are in the midst of the End Days of America. There will be no Savior. There will be no President who can change our course. The killing blow was unleashed decades ago and the fist is only now beginning to strike.

I am not voting. Why does that bother you so much?


You Are NOT The Father

I was vegging out watching the cultural phenomenon that is Maury Povich’s Who’s The Daddy? specials. I can do this because I delegate all my work to underlings. This particular show was a treat — Maury had on girls who had been on previous Daddy shows and still hadn’t found the real daddy of their kids. One girl had brought two guys with her — numbers 7 and 8 — to see if either of them would pass/fail the paternity test as the father of her cursed child.

Needless to say, except for one glaring exception, the women were beastly. The real dregs of womanhood. One was so hideous the thing looked like a pumpkin placed on top a crumbling mound of feta cheese. The men were thuggish trash, all piercings, sloping brows, and vacant stares. The audience booed and cheered on cue. This is the modern version of the Roman Coliseum, with the physical bloodletting replaced by emotional bloodletting.

The girl who was currently testing numbers seven and eight for paternity of her future ward of the state had noticeably different reactions to the two guys on stage for the latest round. One guy barely muttered a word and looked like an alpha gangbanger. His eyes were beady and his face round. The other guy looked smarter, if smarts can be deduced by looking at a person. He was taller and better looking than the other guy, but not nearly as tough. Compared to the average Linux fanboy, he was an alpha, but next to the musclehead on his right, he was comparatively beta. He expressed some enthusiasm for assuming responsibility for the kid should he be proven to be the father. The alpha thug just shrugged his shoulder and smirked when asked what he would do if the kid turned out to be his.

Alpha was not the father. He jumped up and pumped his fist. A couple buddies greeted him on stage and they all chest bumped. Tongues were wagging. The girl didn’t seem too moved. When the next DNA test result was opened and the relatively beta good-hearted guy was declared free from 18 years of financial servitude, the girl totally lost it and ran screaming from the room.

It might’ve been staged, but if their reactions were close to the real deal, then it was obvious that women have a real fear… and a real need… for beta providers to help them raise their bastard children. When a child is sitting there in a stroller, this need is as encoded as the need to get fucked hard by a badass alpha.

I do not want to ever pay one red cent for any of these kids with my tax dollars. If they all die in the street it wouldn’t bother me one bit. I support exposure at birth.

I was rooting for the beta. In the flood of emotions, he may not have realized it at the time, but he dodged a bullet.


Vision Of A Feminist Utopia

I will now present to you a vision of hell as dreamed up in the minds of the man-hating women who litter internet toilets like Feministing and who live in countries like Sweden, once proud nation of Viking warriors. This is what the world would look like if feminists had their way.

Men commit most of the criminal violence against women so it only makes sense according to feminists to tax them for the stress they place upon the social order by their existence. Think tanks (and I use the term loosely) in the USA are seriously considering this measure. Naturally, law-abiding beta males would contribute the most to this anti-man wealth redistribution scheme from men to women. I’m assuming as part of the deal to win passage of this tax real criminals would be let out of prison to ravish the feminists and impregnate them with their dangerously sexy seed.

  • Thought Crimes

Let’s face it: Hate crime legislation is really a Trojan Horse for thought crime laws. These kinds of laws will never be applied fairly or objectively. They will be targeted against men, particularly straight white men, and the ultimate purpose of such laws will be to break their spirits, just like Big Brother did. The justice system was fine before “hate crimes” when criminals were prosecuted for the hateful acts they committed, and not the truly grievous sin of thinking bad thoughts. By the way, I’m wishing Whoopi Goldberg gets run over by a bus. Lock me up!

Porn, the coming sexbot revolution (and it will be a revolution greater than the advent of the Pill, mark my words), and sweet foreign ass all achieve, directly and indirectly, to chip away at female sexual market power. More sexual choice for men means less mating choice prerogative for women. Feminists loathe the idea of men having freedom of choice in the sexual market.

  • Mandatory Castration for Crimes Against Women

If a man hits a woman during a domestic dispute, it’ll be straight to the snippity snip chair for him. Sounds implausible? Oh, my naive readers, you just lack imagination. Given complete freedom to mold the world in the way they see fit, I predict the majority of self-declared feminists would passively welcome this kind of draconian anti-male society. Sure, the beta males would bitch and moan, but who cares about them?

  • Rape = Death Penalty

Feminists are usually leftwingers who are against capital punishment, but they’ll make an exception for rapists. This includes “date rapes” where the girl and guy were drunk and banged one out on a grimy couch in a frat house and she regretted it the next morning, and he neglected to be responsible for her morning-after feelings before he funneled eight cans of Miller Lite. But don’t worry, feminists will still be against the death penalty for mass murderers as long as their targets are mostly other men.

  • Better Pay

Even though the supposed injustice of “equal pay” is a farce, feminists in a perfect feminist world won’t be happy with anything less than “better pay”. They will justify this as a reparations plan to rectify the pain and suffering women have had to endure at the hands of men for thousands of years. And they will insist that women deserve higher pay for the same work because they juggle career and family.

  • Legalized Polygamy

The soft polygamy that has metastasized throughout Western society since the sexual revolution will be codified in law. The West will slowly return to a primitive state of nature, where 60% of the men got no pussy at all. Eventually, the pendulum will swing back once basic infrastructure begins to crumble as the betas decide their services are no longer appreciated. The masterworks of beta cooperation will be a relic of the past.

  • Ban on DNA Paternity Testing

This is as good as done if countermeasures aren’t taken. There’s a reason feminists are beginning to advocate against paternity testing — the smarter ones among their ranks understand that it shifts the balance of power decidedly in favor of beta males. Feminists want to retain the privilege of cuckolding. It is a power too good to abdicate, because it offers complete freedom from compromise with men to pursue sex and resources in the way they want. Paternity testing will mean an end to fucking alphas on the side and tricking betas into footing the bill. It will mean women will have to be more responsible and forward-thinking, instead of blindly following their vaginas.

  • Sexual Harassment Laws Expanded

If you are an unacceptable male who looks one second too long at a woman you can be tried for sexual harassment. The penalties, of course, will be more severe. If you are an alpha male who can read women’s minds and know which women will welcome your advances, you are free to harass with impunity. The laws are meant to make the job of attracting alpha attention and shaming beta attention more convenient for women.


Don’t think for a minute feminists wouldn’t welcome this dystopian femicentric world where betas are utterly emasculated and serve only as goo fodder for women and the alpha males they’d fuck on a rotating basis. I used to think such a world was an impossibity, but Sweden is now requiring that their men sit to pee. It’s no longer in the realm of fantasy.


LXXXXXX XXXX Fri 10pm – m4m (staircase to sidewalk)

Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2008-10-11, 9:16AM EDT

you walked down to the sidewalk from the west bldg, made eye contact, then went back inside your bldg….second staircase. you had a hat on and i was dog walking.

I got excited until I noticed it was from a dude. 😯


Would You Rather

have the power of:

Super strength?
Irresistible sexual magnetism?
A giant cock that never fails to please? (Perfect body and face if you are a woman)

Invisibility would let you enter girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms unnoticed. This is like Porky’s minus the peepholes. As an invisible person, you could pilfer cash registers and rob banks unmolested. You could film upskirt videos all day long.

Immortality — tough to top this. Like in the movie Groundhog Day, immortality would allow you to hone your game to perfection. Approach a thousand sets? Please, give me a real challenge! After a few millennia picking up chicks in cities around the world you’d be such a formidable PUA the bards will write songs about you. Johnny Depp would sign up for your bootcamp. The perfect age at which to acquire immortality? Men: 30. Women: 20.

Flight is cool. Flight is alpha. It is the ultimate DHV (demonstration of higher value. literally!). Heroes sucks because Nathan hardly ever uses his ability to fly. It’s like he’s ashamed of it. What a pussy. I’d be up in the air all the time. Having trouble closing the deal on that Day 2? Just lean in and whisper “Hey, lemme show you something”, put your arm around her waist, and glide over the city. Instant orgasm.

Super strength is another DHV, but one of limited applicability. Lift a car aside so your girl has room to parallel park? Awesome. Knock out a roomful of meatheads for the sheer joy of it? That’s try hard. You’ll get laid by sluts with high primitiveness, but the quality girls will roll their eyes.

Irresistible sexual magnetism means you would pick up the handful of chicks who aren’t turned on by flying in the air with the guy above. It’s big advantage is that you don’t need to do jack shit to get laid. Just sit on a chair and wait for the girls to come to you. There’s not much thrill of the chase, but it does make life easier. I predict a lot of betas would choose this power.

As I am blessed with an enormous, pussy pleasing cock, I can only tell you this power is as good as you’d imagine. My life would be so much easier if it was socially acceptable to unzip and let it roll to the ground on first dates. Unfortunately, I still have to go through the motions of courting women.


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