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The Sexiest Sex Positions

My list of the sexiest sex positions isn’t necessarily a list of the positions most likely to bring a girl to orgasm. A “sexy” sex position is one that mentally and emotionally arouses a girl beyond whatever she has experienced with any other man but you, you tiger. Sexy sex positions are often the same as or similar to those seen in classic steamy movies such as “9 1/2 Weeks” or “Secretary”. In contrast, the sex positions that maximally arouse a woman’s vagina and readily bring her to orgasm are in a different class than the sexy sex positions. Orgasm inducing sex positions are whatever gets the particular girl off, which for most girls involves hoisting her ankles over your shoulders and jackhammering her into bliss. If you want to know which type is more powerful, keep in mind the lovemaking sessions your girl will most remember — usually it will be those times your copulation was infused with a sexy Hollywood-ish vibe, where the real-life scene was cluttered with natural props and romantic lighting of the sort her memory can easily grasp and retrieve, and when the mood, tension, urgency and ambience were just right.

Sexy sex positions are often spontaneous; they are rarely planned, but they can be. If you attempt to blueprint a sexy sex position, you had better know what you’re doing. This is not amateur hour. Any whiff of calculated preplanning will ruin the memory for your girl.

The Venetian Blind Bang

It is 1 AM. The only light is that from a streetlamp streaming though the half-opened slits of a Venetian blind. You’re pulling your girl’s cocktail dress over her head as she writhes with anticipation. As one hand cups her breast, you push her back into the Venetian blinds, the street light painting shards of faint yellow across her face. Her fingers intertwine with the slats and her ass cheeks rattle the blind. Bonus: Exhibitionist thrill.

The Mighty Oak Rut

You’re in the deep woods. Small woodland creatures scurry. You press her body into the massive trunk of a majestic oak tree, yank her skirt up, and let her enjoy the pleasure of having two giant phalluses consume her. Species to avoid: Any smooth-barked tree. You want this to hurt her a little.

The Bearskin Rug Fuck

One white bearskin rug. Two glasses of red wine sitting on the floor nearby. One fireplace crackling with a winter fire. This is the setting for pure, intimate lovemaking. There will be no piston-like thrusting, only gentle, uninterrupted groin-to-groin missionary grinding. Yes, I once had a white bearskin rug and it was not a hipsterly ironic bearskin. Note: Do not try this during her period unless you have killed and bagged a red furred bear.

The Steamy Shower Sexytime

The shower is running. Her hair is wet and matted against her head and shoulders. She is facing away from you, into the shower stream, her hands awkwardly slipping against the tiled shower wall as she tries to steady herself from the onslaught of a powerful orgasm. You are doing her from behind, the natural lube of her pussy mixing with the warm water cascading down her belly and back. You push her harder into the wall, as her ass arches to meet your thrusts. Note: The trick to making shower sex memorable is to have one eye-catching curio or unique detail, such as oversized candles lining the tub. Or in your lustful haste you and her jump into the shower partially clothed.

Why this will leave an indelible imprint on your girl’s mind: I coaxed an amazingly sexy girl into the shower, her panties still clinging to her wet body. She was wearing black nail polish, and in the moisture and steam the nail polish had started to run, so that she left black streaks on the tiled shower wall where she had propped her hands for support as I fucked her from behind. The sex was so hot that afterwards I took a picture of the black streak marks she left on the tiles, as a memento:

The Muscle Car Straddle

You have parked your 1969 cherry apple red Mercury Cougar convertible in a deserted suburban park late at night. Swings from a children’s playground creak in the distance. Your girl straddles you in the driver’s seat, pushes aside her panties, and guides you in. She grinds into you as the sweet smelling humid summernight air enshrouds you and moonlight dances off the hood of your car. Bonus: Beep the horn with her backside at the moment of climax.

The Cemetery Fuck

This one will have to be planned by you. You are taking a nighttime stroll with your girl. The clock nears midnight. You “just happen” to walk past an old, creepy cemetery; the kind where the headstones have dates going back to the 1600s and thick vines wrap around everything. (Note: You may need to live in the Northeast to find these kinds of cemeteries). You locate an especially tragic gravestone, one where a young couple rests side by side in eternal sleep. You grab your girl’s fingers and trace the engraved names together.You lay her down in the leaf-covered grass, within view of the dead couple, and slide your hand under her pleated skirt. You keep your hand over her mouth and muffle her sex moans lest she wake ghosts in your presence. Bonus: If she’s superstitious, she will come in under 30 seconds.

The Nude Beach Stealth Bang

If you are on a nude beach in the Caribbean or on the island of Mykonos, You will want to wait until twilight to roll your girl onto her stomach and face plant her into the sand. Roll her over again like you are two rutting sea lions. Getting sand into her ass crack is a feature, not a bug. Thrillseekers: Do the same except during the day. Keep a minimum 20 yards from the nearest nudists and drape a large beach towel over your bodies. Grind, don’t thrust. Thrusting as your towel-covered ass goes up and down will be immediately visible to others.

The Warm Ocean Waters Intrusion

The Caribbean is a great place for fucking. As you and your girl bob on the gentle waves of azure waters, face the beach cove where your towel lays and people are sunning themselves, and gently nudge her bikini aside. Your dick should slide in like a buttered hot dog. You will want to be in neck deep water, because the Caribbean waters are very clear and you can see you feet even in five feet of water. You don’t want sunbathing Eurotrash to actually see the copulation. If your girl can tread water, wade out past the breakers where your feet don’t touch the sandy bottom. Bonus: Pulling out just before blasting to send spurts of your cum into the warm tropical waters will be a pleasure like none you’ve ever experienced before.

The Balcony Boff

Balcony. Nighttime. View of the city. Chair. Straddle. It works.

The Sheer Curtains Fuck

Do you have sheer, white, diaphanous floor length curtains in your home? If you do, you’ll want to have standing sex with your woman as the curtains wrap around you both, creating an exquisite tactile sensation against her skin. Bonus: Keep the window open so a breeze makes the curtain fabric dance around your beloved’s body.

Do all the above and she will compare all future beta boyfriends to the romantic, sexy moments she shared with you. They will never be able to please her like you did. You will have spoiled her for all other men. She will love you and hate you for this. Victory!


Why There Is A Gender Gap

Take a look at these charts of ill portent:

Since about 1964, the gap between women and men in their identification with the Democrat Party and their Democrat voting patterns has been steadily increasing, with the increase especially pronounced starting in the mid 1990s. And as a friendly reminder, single women voted for Obama by a canyon-sized margin of 70%-29%.

There are a few predominant reasons for the gender gap, which I explained lucidly in this post. In short, women are voting more Democrat because the Democrat Party is the prime force for turning the government into the world’s biggest provider beta. From the time of the “sexual revolution” (which was really a “sexual devolution” back towards pre-agricultural mating norms when 80% of the women and 40% of the highest testosterone men reproduced) women have been more free to choose mating opportunities based on their gina tingles and the economic and social empowerment granted, respectively, by their pointless humanities degrees and the disintegration of traditional slut shaming mechanisms. The life of serial monogamy and alpha cock hopping has never been more attainable for the average American woman, and the result has been predictable: Women are substituting the beta males they no longer want or need for marriage with a Big Brother Daddy government to help them foot the child-raising bills that their PUA, drug running and serial killer lovers won’t.

Lest you’re tempted to blame the badboy bandits for not contributing their share, remember that women enter into relationships with these types of guys KNOWING FULL WELL they cannot be depended upon for support, and not even bothering to expect support from them. How often have you wondered why jilted women express more animus for their dumped betaboy child support and alimony paying lickspittles than for the irresponsible jerks who pump and dump them? Thanks to me, now you know why.

My gender gap theory can be refined even further, to get at the very heart of the issue, the fundamental law expressed in nearly every political trend of the past 40 years:

Maxim #66: As men are becoming ever bigger pussies and betas in their dealings with women, they are losing the leverage to shape and push women’s child-like and selfishly amoral political opinions in logical, just and long-term oriented directions.

Eventually, the world created by women will collapse, as all worlds built strictly on conceited, single-minded pragmatism utterly blind to the bigger picture must. The Democrat Party is merely the fool’s tool that fully emancipated women use to craft their poison utopia. As there are more women and joyriding alpha males than there are beta males, this collapse is inevitable, barring a violent revolution that discredits the philosophy of the voting booth.

Questions arise. Is it good for humanity if a socially enforced monogamous marriage system gives 90+% of men access to pussy and the replication of their genes? Had this been the case throughout prehistory, we modern humans might never have evolved. We are here in our present form because a majority of men (and some women) were denied, often cruelly, often tragically, a chance at reproduction. The sacrifice in blood and in psychological torment and emotional despair of countless distant ancestors was required to make us human as we now know it. We are living monuments to bloodshed and pain. Praise God and all His glorious works.

So while a mating system where 90% of men reproduce and are thus invested in the outcome of their society, and where women’s dangerously wild sexual and social impulses are partly constrained, has given us the pinnacle of civilization in the West and the East Asian lands, it may also contain the seed of its own demise. The widening gender gap is the canary in the coalmine; it is telling us that the final demise has arrived.


The great thing about tearing the scales from your eyes and seeing the world for what it is rather than what you wish it to be, besides the additional poon such clear thinking offers up for pillaging, is that science eventually comes around to proving the validity of your personal observations, thereby boosting your ego major and giving you permission to gloat in a blog post to an audience of millions.

In my post “Hotter Women, Better Sex“, I wrote:

How your body responds to a woman during sex tells the tale.  The hotter I find the girl, the better the sex is, all else being equal.  Since men remember sex acts with crystal clear clarity, it’s easy for me to recall the exact specifications of my sexual encounters with each woman in my life.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but my jizzbombs were heavier and the distance ejected farther with the prettier girls.  Since this is something I cannot consciously control, it is proof of the innate characteristics of the male sex drive.

In the interest of science, I’ve put my beauty-to-cumload comparison in a handy chart:

hotness of woman               size of load               squirt distance
0                                            *                                *
1                                            *                                *
2                                            *                                *
3                                            pre-cum only           had to be squeezed out
4                                            droplet                      dribble
5                                            <5 grams                  2 cm
6                                            fills bellybutton        3 inches
7                                            1 tbsp                         8 inches
8                                            2 tbsps                       1.5 feet
9                                            1/4 cup                       3 feet
10                                          gallon**                      5 yards**

*insufficient data

Thought I was being glib when I wrote this? Maybe being controversial just for the sake of controversy? Oh no, I was telling it like it is, and now science has confirmed the truth of what I wrote in this study showing that sperm travel faster toward the eggs of more attractive women (hat tip: Kassam):

New research found that males can adjust the speed and effectiveness of their sperm by allocating more or less seminal fluid to copulations. The determining factor is whether the male finds the female attractive.

The study, conducted on red junglefowl, a director ancestor of chickens, adds to the growing body of evidence that males throughout many promiscuous species in the animal kingdom, including humans, can mate with many females, but chances of fertilization are greater when the female is deemed to be attractive. […]

“There was a strong relationship between sperm velocity and the volume of the ejaculate sperm came from,” Cornwallis and O’Connor determined, adding that males allocated “larger ejaculates to attractive females.”

The mechanism behind this remains a mystery for now, but the scientists have an intriguing theory.

“Males may alter the velocity of sperm they allocate to copulations by strategically firing their left and right ejaculatory ducts, which can operate independently,” they explained.

Stimulation from sexy, attractive females, therefore, leads to the double firing.

“Furthermore,” they added, “differential firing of left and right ejaculatory ducts may contribute to how males strategically change the number of sperm in their ejaculates, a phenomenon that is widespread, but for which the mechanism remains unknown.”

Guys, you want kids? Only blast inside attractive women. You’ll increase the chances of knocking her up with your turbocharged seed. You don’t want kids but hate condoms? Stick to rawdogging women a couple of points lower than yourself on the mate ranking scale. Your ennui during lovemaking will ensure your tepid jizztrickles never find their way to her unattractive eggs.

In another post, I wrote about the critical importance of the neg as a game concept in picking up women cold:

I’m coming to the conclusion that the best opener is a neg straight out of the gate. In order to set the right tone as soon as you begin talking to a girl, you want to establish alpha cred immediately before any of her beta-sniffing circuits have had a chance to subconsciously dress you down. The quickest way to sear alpha grill lines in a woman’s heart is through the neg.

Stop the presses! Reader Welmer has a post up at his blog about a study demonstrating that negging women, particularly highly anxious (read: flaky, attractive and under 30) women, will cause them to respond positively to you.

And what about when the boyfriends behaved negatively? Again unexpectedly, [high social anxiety] women behaved more negatively when their boyfriends behaved more positively to them. Among low-social anxiety women, there was no difference in behavior regardless of how their boyfriends behaved. Why did the highly-anxious women behave worse when their boyfriends were being nice?

I’ll answer that. Because women with options subconsciously register niceness, especially persistent, knee-jerk niceness, from a boyfriend as evidence that they can do better. To a woman’s mind, niceness often means “He’s placating me. I must be too hot for him.” This is why all men absolutely MUST learn game, if they want to find happiness.

I’ve no doubt science will continue to prove my theories, maxims and observations about men and women correct. If you are able to jettison the great lies that have been foisted on you from birth by nearly everyone around you, from your parents to your peers to the culture at large, you will discover that science eventually comes around to confirming at least 80% of your personal, anecdotal observations.

It’s a good feeling to live with truth.


A number of readers emailed me this photo:

U.S. President Barack Obama shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev after a joint press conference at the Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Monday, July 6, 2009. (AP Photo/Misha Japaridze)

[Today we have a guest appearance by famed Yankee sportscaster Phil Rizzuto, the voice behind the sexually suggestive play-by-play in Meat Loaf’s Paradise by the Dashboard Light, to give us the color commentary for this photo.]

Ok, here we go, we got a real pressure cooker
going here, two world leaders, nobody on, no score,
bottom of the American empire, there’s the walk-up and
there it is, a dead fish handshake tucked in close, look
at Obama try-hard. This boy can really fail!
He’s getting his fingers squeezed and really smiling a lot
now, he’s not letting up at all, he’s gonna
try for the shoulder pat; the alpha maneuver is bobbled off-center,
and here comes Medvedev’s response, and what a snub!
He’s not even gonna turn his head, here he comes, he’s alpha!
And, wait, a smirk–a smirk and a head cock, this Russian really
makes the amateur pay with his haughty disdain.
Obama steps up to the podium, here’s the greeting–
he’s leaning in, and what beta body language he’s got, he’s trying
too hard, here’s the shake, it’s by the fingertips–
dissed in public! Holy cow, stolen dignity!
Obama’s taking a pretty bad beating out there, almost
begging him to turn and face him directly. Medvedev
doesn’t even glance over, stands his ground, and it’s signaled, signaled
to the mass media, the new world order is on!
Here comes the new guy, alpha play, and it’s not even close,
here’s the match-up, there’s the play at the podium,
holy cow, Medvedev won’t even share a mic!
It’s a bad day for American leadership, folks!


I’m back. Thanks, Phil. Great JOOORB for a dead guy. The first time I analyzed the alpha-beta interplay of world leaders, it garnered a lot more controversy. But this photo leaves no doubt. Not since Kruschev’s theatrical shoe banging incident and his infamous “We will bury you” pronouncement, has there been such attempted disrespect of an American leader.

But, times have changed. Back then, though America was not as rich or decadent as she is now, she was a power on the rise. Perception matters, and right now the perception, justifiably, (thank you, massive third world immigration) is that America is a fading power. Which brings us to an interesting thought experiment. Judged only by the actions of Kruschev’s and Medvedev’s reactions to American leadership, in which time period was America more likely to be the alpha:

a. when Kruschev disrespected us, or

b. when Medvedev disrespected us?

You can sometimes better analyze who is the alpha male by the reactions of those around him. Are they deferential? Hostile? Disdainful? Indifferent? Hysterical? The answer to the above thought experiment is (A). Medvedev’s cocky smirk and Obama’s approval seeking body language tell us that Medvedev believes America is a has-been, a pushover, a laughingstock. In contrast, Kruschev’s paranoiac outrage is what you would expect from a lesser alpha trying desperately to unseat the top dog.

What makes this more humiliating for America is the fact that Russia is a basket case, drowning in alcoholics and oligarchs and demographically imploding. Obama was “big faced” by a second-rate thug.


Visualizing Herb

Oh man, this picture of a herb doing what comes naturally is almost too gruesome to contemplate:

[For this post we have a guest appearance by the judges from ‘American Idol’]

Simon: Paula, your thoughts.

Paula: I think they look cute together. He’s different, he’s unique. I like him.

Simon: [rolls eyes] Randy?

Randy: Dawg, this herb is doing his thing.

Paula: The chin cradle shows real love. [starts to cry] What the world needs are more herbs like him.

Randy: [addressing supine herb] I’m feeling ya, dawg, but dawg, maybe you could, you know, tone it down a bit, you know what I mean dawg?

Simon: Well, I think this herb is dreadful. His puffy face, his soft plush body of a woman, his chipmunk cheeks… just horrible. If I wanted to see something soft and cuddly lay down in the fetal position and rest its noggin in a woman’s lap to be stroked and petted I would get her a fluffy bunny rabbit. The rabbit would probably have bigger balls.

Paula: Simon! That’s mean.

Randy: [to herb] You know, he’s got a point dawg. In the hood, guys like you would get turned upside down by our bitches for your pocket change.

Simon: Randy speaks for the hood about as much as I do.

Paula: [to herb] I think you look fine. You are doing what two people in love do.

Simon: [to Paula] But does he make your gina tingle?

Paula: Simon!

Randy: That’s a “No”, dawg! [Randy high fives Simon]

Simon: [to herb] Look, a word of advice. If you want this girl to stick around, you need to stop acting like a bowl of Jell-O. That means stop planting your face in her lap like a cat. Man up! Her face should be in your lap, nibbling your knob. Especially in public, for god’s sake!

Herb: [fat cheeks quivering with anger] Simon, you suck. I love her, and that’s all that matters. Not everyone has to fit into your alpha-beta categories!

Paula: You tell him, herb!

Simon: [herb’s girlfriend crawls out from under the table by Simon’s chair, wiping her mouth] I’m sorry, I was busy. What was that you were saying?

Ryan Seacrest: [to herb] Congratulations, you’re going to suicide watch, my friend!


There are only two ways a man can act like this herb without suffering the consequence of major beta heartbreak over and over again:

1. Date an Asian girl, or

2. Date women less attractive than himself.

For those of us who prefer to grab the brass ring and date good-looking girls who have options in the sexual market, nauseating herbitude of the type shown in this photo should be avoided as much as possible. At the very least you shouldn’t snuggle up like an albino Smurf into your girl’s lap in public.


What Is And Isn’t Rape

On the subject of what *should* constitute rape (not what ugly lesbian feminists wish would qualify as rape), commenter “Game in BK” wrote:

If a girl is drunk and she says yes to sex- it isn’t rape.
If a girl is sober and she says yes to sex-it isn’t rape.

If a girl is sober and she says no- it is rape.
If a girl is drunk and she says no- it is rape.

Yes, this sounds right. Drunkenness is no plenary discharge from personal responsibility. If you are a woman who is worried about getting “date raped” at a frat party filled with drunk horny guys where you will be drinking so much that you won’t be able to give consent or you give drunken consent, it’s up to you to make the choice not to binge drink in that environment. There should be no legally sanctioned “Get out of regret” rape card for women who wake up the next morning ashamed of their behavior.

Note that this does not absolve sober men who take advantage of drunk women who cannot give consent. If a girl is so drunk that she’s lying there comatose, a sober man having sex with her could be fairly charged with rape. But a drunk man would be off the hook. After all, if she is too drunk to consent to sex, he is too drunk to know whether or not she has consented. Which brings us round to personal responsibility again; if you are a woman who is afraid your inner slut might escape to have sex under the influence with a man at a party who is also under the influence, it’s up to you to refrain from drinking a lot or attending that party. The responsibility to remain sober — or at least avoid getting lights out drunk — should not rest solely with the man.

If feminists are truly interested in not being treated like morally undeveloped children under the law, they will agree to my definition of rape. But since feminism is about power dynamics and not at all about fairness or justice, they will never agree with me. That is why feminists are discredited.


More Porn Means Less Rape

Back in August 2007, I wrote in my seminal post on sexbots:

Some of the changes [with the introduction of sexbots] I foresee:

Omegas (geeks, nerds, dweebs, trolls, dregs, dullards, bums, street filth, etc.) – will finally have a satisfying release for their pent-up horniness.  Crime will likely drop as a result.  So will rape.  Widely available sexbots are analogous to cheap, legal prostitution, minus the STDs and needle tracks.  On the whole I think it is a social good to distract the losers from their grinding misery.

Then, in August 2008, I wrote the following in my “Universal Truths” post:

Legalizing prostitution will reduce the incidence of rape.

Well, once again science has vindicated the Chateau worldview. Widespread availability of porn (where porn is similar to prostitutes and hypothetical sexbots in that it provides men a sexual outlet) has reduced the prevalence of rape:


Aggregate per capita increase or decline in rape.

Four states with lowest internet access Increase in rape of 53%

Four states with highest internet access Decrease in rape of 27%

I find these results to be statistically significant beyond the .95 confidence interval.

[Reporter: That is measuring the changes in rape from 1980 (very definitely pre-internet) to 2000.]

Just as I surmised. Of course, this is all common sense to those with the eyes to see and without an ideological axe to grind. Yes, Jezebel-ers, rape really is about sex. The boner doesn’t lie.

The dark, dreary, ugly landscape of human nature that I drive like a stake through every happy heart holds dominion over us all, forever and ever, amen.


David Alexander, frequent blogosphere commenter, extraordinarily successful troll, and often self-contradictory advocate for the supposed virtues of the celibate omega male way of life, has started a church — The Church of David Alexander — and a new religion, Davidalexanderism.

Here is his First Article of Faith:

Article The First: Betas must not reproduce or impose themselves upon women. These women are unwilling, only wishing to steal your money perhaps or shower you with contempt.

Hey, if enlightened liberal SWPLs can invent a new cult religion worshipping Gaia and Her only begotten Sons, Anthropogenic Global Warming and Free Range Sea Salt, I don’t see why it’s any less irrational for David Alexander to have a church in His name where His flock goes to worship the greatness of His supernatural omegatude.

“I am the beta and the omega, the second from last and the last, the living end and the dead end.”

“I am beta am.”

“Go, be fruitless and masturbate.”

(Church of David Alexander website courtesy of reader Bhetti.)


Email #1: “I can’t help myself!”

I’ve been reading your blog for only a few short months now, so I’m not as polished on my alpha/beta (and their respective subsets) classification skills as I should be.

I presented clear and elegant definitions for the alpha/beta male in this post and for the alpha/beta female in this post.

I’m curious to know how you would understand this classic PUA who managed to wrangle me into bed. I wrote about the experience quasi-extensively here [REDACTED to protect reader’s privacy], but in the case you don’t want a serious case of TLDR, I’ll give you the long and short of it:

I’m a 20 year old woman. I’ve been with four men, that number including the aforementioned PUA. On the whole, I’m fairly responsible with my sexual decisions. Two of the men I’ve slept with have been relative long-term engagements, the third was short-term, but I did have feelings for him. I consider myself fairly shrewd and astute intellectually considering my age and station in life, and don’t often let myself get manipulated. The PUA I slept with initially presented himself as thoughtful and intelligent, but also arrogant, circumventing most everything I was saying. He was a 24 year old budding lawyer; I am a philosophy student, so I held my argument fairly well, but in spite of what I said, he would be altogether dismissive without substantiating his claims. Normally, this would infuriate me, but I perceived it as a challenge, and it created an erotic situation. I slept with him on the second date.

By the third date, I was having unprotected sex with him (completely out of character), and allowed him to take my anal virginity with the full knowledge at this point, that he would be moving away to another city, and that he had slept with around 35 women. He wasn’t classically Alpha, in the sense that he didn’t play the aloof game. He would text me countless times in a day, call me at all times, and suggested, after only the second date, I stay over at his place to be able to greet him when coming home.

My venture is that he understood I normally didn’t go for the capital-A “asshole” type, so decided to humour me with semi-committal gestures. Semi-committal, in the respect that he would treat me with the complete familiarity of a significant other, but still managed to retain all of his arrogant airs. What breed of PUA is he exactly? I’m at a total loss.


Four partners by 20 years old? According to studies, the median number of lifetime sex partners for American women is three (so really, it’s six, since we have to double whatever number women claim it is). You’re pushing slut territory, be careful how many more cocks you stack up throughout your 20s if you want to snag a quality man and you wish to avoid numbing your capacity for love and infatuation. Judging by your full name which you included in your email to me, you are probably European, so adjust the slut threshold to your particular sexual market accordingly. For instance, Russian chicks are notorious sluts, so if you are Russian four partners is known as “a warm-up”.

I’ve dated many women like you, S. Washington DC is filled with overeducated smart chicks who get turned on by men who can joust with them intellectually. It sounds like this putative PUA played to your type perfectly. He knew your pride rests on your self-identification as a smartie, so his gameplan was to impress you with his “thoughtful and intelligent” game. Then, once your outermost defense shield was breached, he amped up the haughty arrogance. You got aroused, a natural consequence when a woman is challenged. This is especially true of lawyer chicks and philosophy students such as yourself, who wilt into a puddle of warm vaginal juice when intellectually challenged by a man who is so confident in his opinions he doesn’t feel a need to justify them. He just irrationally assumes he is the most learned man in the world.

In the sexual marketplace where men sell themselves and women browse the bazaar for the best deals, irrational confidence beats rational doubt every time. EVERY TIME.

By the third date, I was having unprotected sex with him (completely out of character), and allowed him to take my anal virginity with the full knowledge at this point, that he would be moving away to another city, and that he had slept with around 35 women.

You sound like you could be one of my exes.

He wasn’t classically Alpha, in the sense that he didn’t play the aloof game. He would text me countless times in a day, call me at all times, and suggested, after only the second date, I stay over at his place to be able to greet him when coming home.

If a man has enough alpha cred in reserve, he can get away with what you wrote here. A man overflowing with arrogant confidence can risk these normally game-killing maneuvers and still come out on top. A clue as to why he can do this is in the last few words you wrote: “I stay over at his place to be able to greet him when coming home”. He is issuing a command. Your gina tingles for dominant men issuing commands, so you forgot all about how quickly he was rushing along the courtship.

Maxim #51: Commanding women to do your bidding will give you a bigger beta margin of error.

It is also possible, as you mentioned in your email, that your PUA is masterfully manipulating you with “beta provider game“, holding out the promise of a great future together. A classic ploy of a great seducer is to ASSUME THE SALE, which is why his assumption of familiarity and deeper bonding than has yet occurred worked so well on you.

His breed of PUA is clear: He is Sir Stephen, from the novel “Story of O”.

Email #2: “Tips for building a harem”


I am 25 and cohabit with my girlfriend whom I knocked up. This is widely known. My female peers (other graduate students) have a habit of asking me “So, how’s your girlfriend?” in the next available conversational lull following even low level flirtation. I’ve taken the question as a brush off or as an opportunity to be a smart ass, depending on how it was said.

In general, what are the implications of a prospective girl asking about an established one?


Heil? So let me get this straight. You live with a chick you knocked up, and you continue flirting with other women as if they were prospects to add to your “established” girl who is carrying your child in her womb. Really, I don’t know what to say, except… well done! You, sir, have been reading the Sixteen Commandments of Poon.

What are the implications of all this? Well, keep in mind the following:

Maxim #20: The gina tingle is the principal moral code to which women subscribe. All other moral considerations pale in comparison.

When you are flirting with these prospects and turning them on, they forget to care that you’re living with your pregnant girlfriend. Do not be surprised at how far you can take it. You are in a good position for fucking around and, if your game is tight enough, for building a harem of lovers and mothers. Your pregnant live-in girlfriend is utterly beholden to your support right now, so if she catches you cheating she is not likely to walk out. She will suck it up and get turned on by you even more. As an unmarried man with options, you have all the emotional leverage. Push for pregnancy threesomes.

Email #3: “I don’t *feel* like an 8.”

Hey, I sent you the hangover game submission a month or so back, it went well for me, I am still banging one of the girls I met that day, but she’s starting to get a little too testy so it’s on borrowed time.  Thank god I’ve got options and game to spare.

But moving on…game as we know is essential, but in several posts (most recently the one about women’s insecurities) you make note of how women over 8 always need to be negged, 7’s need slight negging and 6’s barely need to be negged at all.  True advice, I’m with you, the neg is a very important tool.

BUT…and this has befallen me several times in my life; what if you have an 8 with self-esteem issues?  You know what I mean, the type of girl who is attractive, but constantly doubts herself and questions why you like her (answer: because she’s hot), shit like that.  An 8 who thinks she’s a 6.  I’ve had mixed results negging these girls; some of them acted like typical self-confident 8’s and loved it, others were just plain offended and never spoke to me again.  Since these girls are (usually) more educated, quieter and more cultured than your typical hot and flaunting it 8’s, they have greater LTR appeal, and I would really like to know how I can step my game up to avoid this situation in the future.


The neg is a fluid concept with results that will vary based on your market value as well as your target’s. Most 8s and above will need to be negged because most men are themselves ranked below 8 (and I don’t mean just based on looks). But men who are 8 and above might find it counterproductive to neg another 8. The same dynamic holds true the lower you go on the mate value scale. If your ranking as a man (taking all factors into consideration) is a 4, and you are hitting on a 6, you will need to neg her. If your ranking is a 9, you will only need to neg the very hottest babes to get your foot in the door. If you are David Alexander or Keith, you will need to neg everyone with a pulse.

A good rule of thumb: The larger the variance between the man’s mate value and the woman’s mate value, the stronger and more often he will need to neg her.

A corollary to the above rule is the Law of Hot Babe Entitlement: The hotter the woman, the less beta weakness she will tolerate in a suitor. What this means is that 8s, 9s and 10s will need at least one mild neg in the form of teasing from even high value men, simply because the hottest women know the value of their scarcity. Most men should be negging 8s and above by default.

(The opposite corollary is the Law of Alpha Man Entitlement: The higher value the man, the less commitment and ugliness he’ll tolerate in his targets.)

There are exceptions, and you listed one in your email. Some hot girls, especially foreign hotties who have immigrated from countries where the average man treated them like shit, don’t have a solid grasp of their sexual power. Hot girls (and by “hot” I use the ISO definition of 8 and higher) who date only assholes also suffer from this low self-esteem problem, as they are used to men treating them as if they were 6s and lower. If you are a high value man, truly low self esteem hot girls may become offended by your negs.

On the flip side, if you are lower status than her, she could become offended because you delivered your neg with a hint of bitterness. Many betas learning game have the most trouble nailing down the concept of the neg and putting it into action. I have seen too many guys deliver their negs with the wrong tone and timing. The neg is based in science, but its execution is an art. If you’re getting a lot of “That was rude!” comments to your negs, you are probably doing something wrong.

Unfortunately, there is no way to consistently predict which hot chicks will react poorly to your negs. You could try qualifying a hot girl — e.g.: “Would you say that you’re creative?” — early in the interaction, to coax out any low self esteem issues. If she reveals her inner basketcase, then hold off on the negs.

Educated hot girls are more likely than low class hot girls to have had LTRs with provider betas. If you are finding that the classy hot chicks you hit on don’t react well to your negs, it may be because they are accustomed to getting their asses kissed by men they dated. Your neg may be too much of a shock to her system, especially if it is based on something about her appearance. Try negging a smart, classy broad on her bloated ego, her sense of entitlement, or her useless humanities degree. (“Oh, you have a women’s studies degree? How cute!”)

The good news is that the exceptions you are encountering are rare. Most girls, including the educated ones, will respond very well to a neg. Your default mode should continue to be “Neg first, ask questions later”, because no matter how much a girl acts offended her pussy will have tingle-tangled when you negged her. They can’t help themselves.

The next time one of these snooty chicks acts offended, don’t backpedal; just ignore her protestations and plow as if her annoyance was irrelevant. Which it is. If she really acts pissed, wordlessly give her the backturn. She was just a bitch itching for a fight.

Email #4: “No skin off my pecker.”

Over the weekend, I opened a mixed group, acknowledged/introduced myself to everyone and started conversation with my targeted blonde.  we chatted for about 3 minutes, when her friends (both male and female) decided I wasnt worthy.  Essentially I was ousted by the group – the blonde dried up and the interaction ended.

My question, is there a tastefully, witty, alpha-like way to eject yourself from a situation like this??

I did leave the set with the “it was nice to meet you” line and immediately opened up another chick within an eyeshot of the first group.

Love the blog – I go under “3point5″ when I comment.

Thanks for your insight,

It sounds like you turned your attention to the target too quickly. If I had to guess, I’d say you could’ve stayed in set if you had included everyone else in your conversation longer than you did. Barring that assumption, they just didn’t like you. Even the top alphas can’t expect to win everyone over.

The line you used — “nice to meet you” — is fine. It’s the standard eject line for a busted set. And you reasserted your value by immediately hitting on another girl, so I don’t think you could have played it much better than you did, without sounding like you are trying too hard to rescue a bad situation.

You don’t want to use lines that draw any attention to your banishment by the group, so avoid trying to be humorous by saying stuff like “Well, I can see my jokes aren’t going over so well here!”. Also, don’t sound like a defeated man by saying “Well, I guess I’ll be going.”

If in the future in similar scenarios you want to eject with more alpha oomph than you did here, you could totally ignore your ousters and say directly to the target “I might talk with you when you’re more free.” This is direct and forceful, but also risky. Do not smile when saying it.

Another option would be to simply WALK OFF and say nothing. You’ve got to be perceptive of social dynamics and know when a set is starting to head south, so you give yourself a chance to walk away in silence before it becomes obvious the group is kicking you out.

Your email reminds me that the march of life can be summed up as a quest to save face and to get the upper hand. All done in service to nailing down the best deals we can get in the sexual market. That’s pretty much it, in a nutsack.


Spot The Alpha

A reader sent me this photo of a bunch of DC bartenders who won some sort of bartending awards for best in business. The quality of the photo is not good, but it’ll have to do. The previous “Spot the Alpha” post was a big hit with the ladies.

Usually the alpha male (or female) is the most comfortable-looking person in the room. Who looks most comfortable to you in this photo? Who is the alpha male?

The three guys on the left look the most uncomfortable. Their bodies are stiff and their faces are studies in expressionless reserve. Their fashion sense is conservative. Two of the men are holding their drinks with both hands above belt level. Verdict: Solid provider betas.

The tall, striped tie smiley guy in the back row looks like a frat boy. He’s confident and happy — currency he trades for female attention — but it’s the confidence of the class clown. Verdict: Greater beta.

The Disco Stu guy in the middle with the wide collared, unbuttoned shirt and spiky haircut is a PUA. Well, I don’t know this for sure, but that would be my guess. I bet he’s in the community. The telltale signs are there — regular tanning booth customer, extra-wide smile, looking straight into the camera lens, hands all over the ladies (the fat one is enjoying it). There are a lot of short guys in the PUA community. I leave it as an exercise for the reader why this is so. Verdict: Lesser alpha.

The fat girl should not be a bartender. You gotta have face to move product.

The semi-cute Latina looking girl definitely likes it in the pooper.

The goth dude with the intense gaze of a thousand Mongol warriors (or of a thousand brooding adolescents in detention for scratching devil symbols into school desks) has captured the essence of lone wolf, “I’m a rebel, Dottie” game. He is the Sneaky Fucker, or the Niche alpha. His dark style is deliberate, and he wears it well from years of welding it directly to his identity. He’s creepy looking, which I’m sure was his intention. He’s a natural peacocker, and in normal environments will stand out just enough to attract some female attention in the 4-7 range. (In his own environment — Black Cat perhaps? — he is more comfortable and probably has a stable of cokehead groupies.) Outside in the light, he cannot go head to head with a natural alpha, as most brooders are too introverted and retiring to exercise the necessary social dominance to attract the maximum number of hot babes. When he retreats from gaming the truly quality chicks in a normal, non-vampiric milieu, he will likely tell himself they were beneath him anyway. He may also be a PUA of the Mystery Method school. Verdict: Lesser alpha.

The droopy-faced man standing to the left of goth dude (to the viewer’s right) is vanishing. He’s representative of the mass of nondescript betas that swarm around women like so much dust in the wind. Verdict: Lesser beta.

The short, Harold Ramis looking guy with glasses to the left of invisible man is an interesting case study. He shares much on certain alpha metrics with Disco Stu guy. He seems to have a sense of style, confident body language, liberal use of resting his hands on other people, and a smiling, upbeat facial expression, but because he looks like a dork he is less alpha than Disco Stu. He needs to tone down the smile to avoid looking “try hard”. I would also tell him to get Lasik, and a new hair style. Judging by his high forehead, he’s a smart guy, and so will understand and heed my advice. Harold Ramis guy is your classic fun-loving, sociable nerd who sometimes annoys girls with his bold, but charmless, approaches. Verdict: Beta.

Finally, the Matthew McConaughey looking dude on the far right of the photo. He looks the most comfortable and self-assured of all the men. Note the perfect hint of a smile — not too forced, not too pinched. What does this say? It says “You, cameraman, have not yet won me over.” His style is good; fashionable without tipping over into silly peacocking. His chin is held slightly higher than parallel with the ground, which subcommunicates alphaness. His body stance is strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were standing contrapposto when this photo was taken. Also note he does not put his hands on anyone; he doesn’t need to. Guys who are constantly resting their hands on other guys’ shoulders are playing dominance games. True alphas do not need to do this. They have enough alpha credit to spare that lending their shoulders as a prop for lesser men to climb upon does not lower their value. One more thing to note: He is neither holding a drink nor shoving his hands in his pockets. It is alpha to keep your hands at your sides, relaxed, with a slight bend in the elbow to avoid the perception of stiffness. Verdict: Natural Alpha.

Interestingly, I would bet it’s not Natural Alpha who has banged the most girls. I would give that honor to Disco Stu.


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