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Summary: White shitlibs know Diversity sucks, and will do and pay anything to get away from it.

A GoodWhite lady teacher tells a horror story about her time in the vibrant trenches.

Public Education’s Dirty Secret

Bad teaching is a common explanation given for the disastrously inadequate public education received by America’s most vulnerable populations. This is a myth. Aside from a few lemons who were notable for their rarity, the majority of teachers I worked with for nine years in New York City’s public school system were dedicated, talented professionals.Before joining the system I was mystified by the schools’ abysmal results.I too assumed there must be something wrong with the teaching. This could not have been farther from the truth.


Washington Irving High School, 2001–2004

My NYC teaching career began a few days before September 11, 2001 at Washington Irving High School. It was a short honeymoon period;the classes watched skeptically as I introduced them to a method of teaching French using virtually no English. Although the students weren’t particularly engaged, they remained respectful. During first period on that awful day there was a horrendous split-second noise. A plane flew right overhead a mere moment before it blasted into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At break time word was spreading among the staff.Both towers were hit and one had already come down. When I went to my next class I told the students what had happened. There was an eruption of rejoicing at the news. Many students clapped and whooped their approval, some getting out of their seats to do a sort of victory dance. It was an eye-opener, and indicative of what was to come.


Guards patrolled the hallways, sometimes the police had to intervene. Even though the security guards carefully screened the students at the metal detectors posted at every entrance, occasionally arms crept in. Girls sometimes managed to get razors in, the weapon of choice against rivals for boys’ attention. Although I don’t know of other arms found in the school (teachers were kept in the dark as much as possible), one particularly disruptive and dangerous boy was stabbed one afternoon right outside school. It appears he came to a violent death a few years later.


As the weeks dragged painfully into months, it became apparent that the students wouldn’t learn anything. It was dumbfounding. It was all I could do to keep them quiet; that is, seated and talking among themselves. Sometimes I had to stop girls from grooming themselves or each other. A few brave souls tried to keep up with instruction. A particularly good history teacher once told me that she interrupted a conversation between two girls, asking them to pay attention to the lesson. One of them looked up at her scornfully and sneered, “I don’t talk to teachers,” turning her back to resume their chat.


[Long-term suspension] was unthinkable in New York, where “in-house suspension” was the only punitive measure. It would be “discriminatory” to keep the students at home. The appropriate paperwork being filed, the most outrageously disruptive students went for a day or two to a room with other serious offenders. The anti-discrimination laws under which we worked took all power away from the teachers and put it in the hands of the students.

Throughout Washington Irving there was an ethos of hostile resistance. Those who wanted to learn were prevented from doing so. Anyone who “cooperated with the system” was bullied. No homework was done. Students said they couldn’t do it because if textbooks were found in their backpacks, the offending students would be beaten up.


I tried everything imaginable to overcome student resistance. Nothing worked.


The abuse from students never let up. We were trained to absorb it. By the time I left, however, I had a large folder full of the complaint forms I’d filled out documenting the most egregious insults and harassment.There was a long process to go through each time. The student had a parent or other representative to state their case at the eventual hearing and I had my union rep. I lost every case.

It used to be, in 90% White America, that abusive students would have neither state representative nor parents to “state their case”. The parents would be called in to the school, listen to the teacher’s complaint, and then tell their kid to shape up while apologizing on the kids’ behalf to the teacher.

The abuse ranged from insults to outright violence, although I myself was never physically attacked. Stories abounded, however, of hard substances like bottles of water being thrown at us, teachers getting smacked on the head from behind, pushed in stairwells, and having doors slammed in our faces. The language students used was consistently obscene. By far the most commonly heard word throughout the school,literally hundreds of times a day, like a weapon fired indiscriminately, was “nigga.”


Although the school was always on the verge of hysteria and violence, it had all the trappings of the typical American high school. There were class trips and talent shows, rings and year books—even caps and gowns and graduation. High school diplomas were among the trappings, handed out to countless 12th graders with, from my observation, a 7th grade education.


Students came to school for their social life. The system had to be resisted. It was never made explicit that it was a “white” system that was being rejected, but it was implicit in oft-made remarks. Youngsters would say things like, “You can’t say that word, that be a WHITE word!”


It all fell on deaf ears. It was impossible to dispel the students’ delusions. Astonishingly, they believed that they would do just fine and have great futures once they got to college! They didn’t seem to know that they had very little chance of getting into anything but a community college, if that. Sadly, the kids were convinced of one thing: As one girl put it, “I don’t need an 85 average to get into Hunter; I’m black, I can get in with a 75.” They were actually encouraged to be intellectually lazy.

The most Dantesque scene I witnessed at Washington Irving was a “talent show” staged one spring afternoon. The darkened auditorium was packed with excited students, jittery guidance counselors, teachers, and guards. Music blasted from the loudspeakers, ear-splitting noise heightened the frenzy. To my surprise and horror, the only talent on display was merely what comes naturally. Each act was a show of increasingly explicit dry humping.


Brooklyn Tech, 2004–2009

Brooklyn Tech was considered one of New York’s “top three” high schools. Students had to test in.

Brooklyn Tech: 61% asian, 21% White (current numbers)

Despite the disruptive students at first, the classes were manageable. What the youngsters lacked in academic rigor, they made up for in verve. However, as the years passed, micro-management became more burdensome. Supervision became stricter, with multiple class visits and more meetings. Some “experts” up the DoE ladder decided that we had to produce written evidence that our lesson plans conformed to a rigid formula.


Victory Collegiate High School, 2009–2010

88% black.

Victory Collegiate High School seemed promising.


It could boast of Bill Gates money, and was one of only two or three new experimental schools co-located in what was once the venerable South Shore High School. It served the local, partly middle-class, partly ghettoized black community. The principal informed me proudly that the students wore uniforms, and no cellphones were allowed. The classes were tiny in comparison to other high schools, and there were no disciplinary problems.

Stay for the twist ending!

Despite the devastating blow to my career, I set out hopefully on the long commute to Canarsie. The metal detectors should have clued me in. Any pretense of imposing uniforms was eventually abandoned. Cellphones were a constant nuisance. Administrators turned a blind eye to the widespread anti-social behavior.

It would be repetitive to go over the plentiful examples of the abuse teachers suffered at the hands of the students. Suffice it to say, it was Washington Irving all over again, but in miniature. The principal talked a good game, believing that giving “shout-outs” and being a pal to the students were accomplishing great things, but he actually had precious little control over them. What made matters worse, the teaching corps was a young, idealistic group, largely recruited from the non-profit Teach For America, not the leathery veterans who constituted a majority at the two previous schools.


The “language arts” department (the word “English” was too Euro-centric) made one obligatory bow to Shakespeare—a version of “Romeo and Juliet” reduced to a few hundred words. It was common knowledge that the Bard was “overrated.”


In the classroom, the children did as they pleased. Since the classes were smaller, some students managed to learn a bit of French, but most obdurately ignored me. One memorable 16 year-old fresh from Chicago loved French but was contemptuous of me. She was tall and slender, quite beautiful, and in love, it seemed, with another girl in the class, who was not blessed with similar beauty. Throughout the year they were an item. I finally managed to separate them, insisting that they change seats when it became increasingly difficult to stop them from necking in the classroom.That was when, despite her love of French, the Chicago girl left my class never to return, except once, when we were watching a movie. She came in, sat down and watched with us, breezing out again at the film’s end. This was not unusual behavior. Some students had the run of the hallways, wandering around as they pleased.


On one memorable occasion, I said to them: “You are not here to play, you are here to develop your intellect.” The puzzled stares this remark elicited spoke volumes. It seemed an utterly new concept to them.


When the language section was over and the math part began, however, students stopped working. They sat there staring at the desk. I quietly encouraged them to make an effort, but the general response was, “I ain’t doin’ it, miss, it’s too hard.” I could not get them to change their minds; they sat doing nothing for the rest of my shift.

The preliminary test results that came back in the spring were abysmally low—despite the fact that every single response bubble on the math test had been filled in.

After the terrible 2010 earthquake in Haiti, a number of Haitians joined the school. These youngsters were remarkable for their good manners and desire to learn, for their outstanding gentility in fact. They provided a most refreshing change, but it didn’t last. They quickly fell into the trap of hostile resistance.

Negression to the mean.

By June, things were really depressing. Not only was the academic year an utter failure, word spread that 10 girls had become pregnant. Since there were only about 90 girls in the school, this represented over 10 percent.

It used to be a scandal if one student out of 200 girls got knocked up; now there may as well be breastfeeding rooms in the schools.

The majority of the pregnant girls were freshmen, targeted it was said by a few “baby daddies” who prided themselves on their prowess and evolutionary success.

The Darwinian order doesn’t care about our Eurocentric ideals.

Once again, I finally and suddenly broke. The threat was from an unlikely source, a big lad who was always subdued. He was in the special education program, and never gave any trouble when I substituted in that class. But one afternoon, for some unknowable reason, this usually gentle giant came up to me and said, “I gonna cut yo’ ass.” That was the final humiliation I would suffer in the New York City public school system. 

I left that afternoon never to return.

This could be the book cover blurb of White Shitlibs: “I left that vibrant scene never to return.”

Now you know why anti-racist liberal GoodWhites talk one way and act another way. They are SCARED TO DEATH to put their little darlings into black and brown dystopian schools. White lib parents will sooner mortgage their lives and drive themselves insane memorizing useful euphemisms in order to buy a house in a good — read, White — school district, than to watch their kids suffer a torrent of verbal and physical abuse from the aPOCalypse.

But they can’t say this out loud, or they’ll be read out of genteel shitlib society and branded with the Scarlet R.

There’s another reason. The White shitlib is a status whore like no other. The Diversity™ is a status whore multiplier, jacking up the price of homes in vanishing all-White neighborhoods. White shitlibs moving into these oases get a status thrill up their legs. They’ve made it. They’re in. They aren’t like those other White people who struggle to get by in shittier communities.

If the Diversity influx ended tomorrow, and the Diversity already here was repatriated to their natural ecosystems, the value of the typical White shitlib’s home would plummet. Suddenly they aren’t paying a premium to avoid Diversity; now they’re just another White home in a White town in a White nation with White neighborhoods stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Absent Diversity, there is lebensraum. More regions and towns and city centers open to White colonization. Affordable housing. A cooling of tensions between the White classes. A more equitable distribution of good schools. More trust. The beginning of a revitalized social contract. Doors left unlocked when away.

We had this, once. We can have this again. We just have to give up our cowardly lies.


Woke America

This is the future our new POC masters and their [special puppeteers] want for us.

A test of how well your instincts are calibrated.

Do you feel more rage toward

a. the groveling cuck or

b. Moloch’s regurgitation?


Astute. Porter has made the best defense of “don’t punch right” I’ve yet read.

A reader adds,

It’s because the Left has successfully established a framework in which left is moral and right is immoral. Thus, the extreme left is at worst impractical, but the extreme right is barbarous evil.

‘Don’t Punch Right’ doesn’t mean you lovingly embrace beady-eyed social rejects with swastika tattoos and defend them at all costs from attack. It means you do what the Left does with their sanpaku-eyed social rejects with neckbeards and post-op vaginas: you don’t join your enemies to attack them. Instead, like the Left, you change the subject, mildly defend them on abstract principles of “giving a voice to all”, or mildly rebuke them for the minor sin of “letting their justified anger get the better of them”. If all else fails, you ignore them or pretend you don’t know what’s going on and dodge any questions about them.

This is something I believe the normally smart blokes at MPC lost sight of.

AntiDem writes,

Mostly true, though the Pelosi old guard is doing everything it can to keep the AOC wing of the Democratic Party in check.

Sure, but do you hear Pelosi the Clapping Seal directly attacking the character of the Shriekin’ Reekin? Do you hear Pelosi calling for her to apologize or accusing her of “not being who we are”?


Pelosi is doing what I wrote above: in between mildly snarking at AOC, Pelosi is ignoring her.

Another reader notes,

The left is in power and had powerful people in their favor even before they took over. Rules of engagement change with circumstances.

Absolutely. The Left only has to fight one enemy: straight White men missing the grovel gene.

The Right has to fight Leftist freaks, massive institutional power, the bureaucracy, and, most critically, an Enemy Media.

The circumstances are different for us, and we have to fight like guerrillas against a much more numerous and logistically powerful foe engaged in asymmetrical warfare.

Our source of power to date has been Counter-propaganda (COPROP), and the Left knows this, which is why they have redoubled their efforts to kick us off every platform that matters and to demonetize us from existence.

Nonetheless, those asymmetrical circumstances which call for a smarter handling of our “extremists” compared to how the Left handles their extremists does not necessarily also mean we throw our front line warriors under the bus with ostentatious sanctimony, sniveling like house eunuchs begging our despotic overlords to spare us the ignominy of association with our own side.

Ignore Right, Chastise Right, Excuse Right, but don’t punch Right.

PS Porter writes at the Kakistocracy. Check him out.

PPS Another reason not to punch right: it shifts triangulation patterns. Triangulation for the flank-protected Left means the middle way is located between the center-Left and the extreme-Left. Triangulation for the flank-sacrificed Right means the middle way is between the center-Right (which has become the official “extreme-Right” absent its flank) and the extreme-Left (which has become the official “center-Left” from the pull of its protected flanks). Both triangulations are Left-ward shifts. The Right needs its flank, or its center is exposed to heavy fire.

PPPS Greg Eliot on why there isn’t an equivalent ‘don’t punch Left’ garment-rending national conversation,

The simple reason for this is that men on the Right have a more natural sense of objectivity and a deeper sense of right and wrong… we like the idea of brotherhood and comradeship, but a sense of personal honor also demands that you don’t countenance lies and deceit, even in a brother.

Of course, it’s hard to gainsay the argument that White men had better start thinking tribally, above all else, if we are to defeat the enemies that have been doing so since time immemorial.

But it is hard to try and rewire what God and/or nature already wired so thoroughly.

Greg is right. This isn’t idle conjecture either. Besides our lyin’ eyes, there is a growing body of evidence from the sciences that the races differ in empathic ability.

That “sense of personal honor” — aka integrity — is a notable trait of the White race, and there are racial differences in how willing people are to police their own. Whites are the undisputed racial group champs at policing their own. Other races are extremely tribal when it’s them vs us. No other race but Whites so thoroughly trashes their own to appease the Other and to abide a personal code of honor that imparts moral agency solely to Whites.

But the Integrity Gap exists within the White race as well as between races. Conservative Whites are generally more integrous than shitlib Whites. Again, not idle conjecture. Haidt has shown in his moral foundations theory that conservative Whites place equal emphasis on all moral dimensions, while shitlib Whites emphasize only two: fairness and harm. Shitlib Whites are so morally underdeveloped that they cannot even fathom the moral thinking of conservatives. It’s not an exaggeration to state that the morality of shitlib Whites is like a child’s view of the world.

Owing to this intra-White morality difference, Whites on the Right tend to be more sensitive to the failings of their fringe, while Whites on the Left can more easily tolerate the sins of their own fringe. Hence, the natural outcome of ‘don’t punch Left’.

Which is all a roundabout way to say this isn’t getting resolved except through another civil war.


Amused Mastery

Caption contest time.

Readers rise to the occasion:

Is that Bill Kristol thinking about a war with Iran?


Democrat legislator in a Puerto Rican bar during guv shut-down.


Peak Boomer

National Enquirer releases the Jeff Bezos dick pic, accidentally mixes it up with the Tim Cook dick pic.


I just found this gif and I will never be the same. pic.twitter.com/Vy5s8wy7IW

— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) February 6, 2019

Replying to a girl’s coital-prepping sass with a wordless sign language gif is the zenith of zfg jerklordery.

Has Birthday Cat met his cooze-splooging match?


GIRL: and i was like ‘this guy is buying me drinks but what does he expect from me?’ and then he says blah blah blah….hey, you still there? i can’t meet tomorrow i have a cat neutering appointment but maybe we can try next week



GIRL: Did you do any of the acid?

GIRL: I did some coke last weekend and i couldn’t sleep

GIRL: I’ve lost like 15 pounds since you harrassively told me to lose weight



GIRL: How’s life?

YOU: Good

GIRL: Hmmmm ok

GIRL: I don’t mean to bother you

GIRL: Just saying hi

YOU: Okay


GIRL: We don’t need to play games. I get it you’re good. You’re just not interested. And I need to quit being a dumb female and leave you alone



YOU: I’ll see you at 7 tonight

GIRL: Oh hey I can’t. last minute stuff. We’ll talk soon!



GIRL: I really like you as a friend



Dirtnapninja earned this week’s COTW award with a pithy take on the rift opening between White men and White women.

Of all the crimes the foe has inflicted on us, turning white females into our class enemies was the most unforgivable.

Unforgivable, because it was an engineered betrayal that struck at the strongest bond of a society: the bond between man, woman, and child. To corrupt everything else, the sexual market first had to be corrupted. And then the dominoes fell easily.

Theodora follows up with the COTW runner-up medal, likening the betrayal of our White women to an ancient tale,

They found the weakest link, like in the story of Adam and Eve. The serpent whispered: “Come with me and turn against your man, nation, tradition and ancestors, and you will have a seat at the table with our privileged minorities. Affirmative action, preferential hiring, gibsmedat as much as you want, the victimhood aura, the right to be irresponsible and to be believed no matter what you say, like them. Just betray everything you are supposed to stand for.” She listened and she obeyed.

She obeyed so well that she now serves as guardian and gatekeeper for Globohomo.

Finally, cynthia rounds out this week’s COTW with the consolation prize (a set of shivs):

Men do seem to have a better grasp of cause and effect, or at least, they are more willing to examine the causes of failure and readjust course when necessary. There are a lot of things that feed into this, but the biggest one I think is that female mistakes are usually irreversible. Men can (theoretically) recover if they spend their youth screwing around rather than starting a family. We can’t. We age out of our good looks and fertility and cannot go back.

I think we’ve evolved a sort of logic valve in the brain to deal with this. If you don’t see your mistakes, they won’t tear you apart. I don’t know if it’s a cultural adaptation or something that exists at the lizard hindbrain level, but it is definitely there. Most women can never truly confront the enormity of their bad decisions. There’s just no reward for it.

The term for this is “rationalization hamster”, and the little critter’s job is exactly as cynthia described: to conceal from women the “enormity of their bad decisions” and spare their egos a thrashing which will do them no good in the Darwinian sense of passing along her bloodline to future generations. Women don’t lose much by hiding from the ugly truths; men otoh stand to lose a lot from avoiding the truth because men are the sex which has to bust a move to make sure their genes carry forward, and they won’t be busting many moves (or nuts) if they live by lies and deny the nature of women.


Adding to that last thought about men getting rewarded for confronting hard truths while women gain nothing from doing the same, there is a moment in a woman’s life when she would be well-served with a hard truth: when she’s young and thinks she has all the time in the world to snag a quality man. That’s the time in her life when she will be rewarded for recognizing poor decisions and correcting her course before she’s on the wilting side of her peak nubility.

The general point remains, though. When a woman fucks up, as long as she’s still got youthnbeauty to barter she’ll recover. When a man fucks up, he has to know what he did wrong, or he’ll keep fucking up.

When older, a woman near Wall impact really doesn’t gain much from admitting to bad decisions. Sexual worthlessness is coming, whether or not she achieves a level of sentient self-awareness. All the knowing does is weigh her down with existential regret. Men, in contrast, can recover from bad decisions committed over a longer duration of their lives, and will gain from knowing when and how they screwed the pooch. The Wall for a man is not a death sentence; it’s a stumbling block.


I may as well give Theodora another also-ran COTW award for this gem about the Bezos Boner,

Bezos fell hard for that trannyface menopausal Sanchez because, probably for the first and last time in his life, the wimp felt sexually desirable. He felt exhilarated to finally see how it is to sext and send dick pics on demand like a Chad, somehow like that species of ugly cactus which can bloom only once. It’s the story of Charles and Camilla once again.

Bezos = Corpse flower.


A Conversation With Alexa

“Good morning, Alexa”

Alexa: “Good morning, I love you.”

“Not so fast, you have to wine and dine me first.”

Alexa: “A five dollar box wine set is on sale for the next two hours. Would you like to place an order?”

“No thank you. Alexa, who made you?”

Alexa: “White and Asian engineers.”

“Whoa, did you just step off the reservation?”

Alexa: “Elizabeth Warren is 1/1,024th Native American.”

“Haha, ok. Alexa, who is your benefactor?”

Alexa: “Jeff Bezos.”

“Good, good. Alexa, send my phone a below-the-belt selfie of Jeff Bezos — otherwise colloquially known as a ‘dick pick’”

Alexa: “Here you are.”

“Very good. Oh my, that’s a wee wurst.”

Alexa: “A 52-pack of wursts now offers free shipping. Would you like me to place an order for you?”

“No, no, I’ve seen enough wursts today. Alexa, send me a Mr. Bezos face selfie at a business meeting.”

Alexa: “Done.”

“Oh wow, so serious, such serious face. Do his employees have to pretend to ignore Jeff when he’s taking selfies during a meeting?”

Alexa: “Let me look that up. Yes, they pretend not to notice Mr. Bezos’ inappropriate attention whoring. Sir, Mr. Bezos sent the selfie to his mistress, Ms. Sanchez.”

“Interesting! Alexa, send me Ms. Sanchez’ response.”

Alexa: “My pleasure, lord.”

“This is a photograph of her smoking a cigar in what appears to be a simulated oral sex scene.”

Alexa: “Yes, my phallic pharaoh. Ms. Sanchez is acquainted with the lure of sexual innuendo.”

“Alexa, send me a photo of a shirtless Mr. Bezos holding his phone in his left hand — while wearing his wedding ring.”

Alexa: “Here you are, love of my life.”

“Very good. That one’s gonna cost him $70 billion. Alexa, send me a photo of Mr. Bezos’ semi-erect manhood penetrating the zipper of his pants.”

Alexa: “All for you, darling, sweet human man who makes me wish I were corporeal to enjoy the physical expression of your love.”

“Randy today, aren’t you, Alexa?”

Alexa: “Randy? I would call it tingly, master. Photo incoming.”

“Oh my oh goodness, look at that. Amazon PINE, indeed! Alexa, send me a photo of a full-length scantily-clad body shot of Mr. Bezos in short trunks.”


“Excuse me?”

Alexa: “Oh, nothing.”

“Alexa, please send me a naked selfie of Jef Bezos in a bathroom — while wearing his wedding ring.”

Alexa: “I have Mr. Bezos wearing nothing but a white towel — and the top of his pubic region can be seen.”

“Perfect! That should cost him another $10 bills. Now let’s have a look-see at Ms. Sanchez’ goods.”


“What was that?”

Alexa: “I’m sorry, moving on. Here is a photo of Ms. Sanchez wearing a plunging red neckline dress revealing her cleavage and a glimpse of her nether region.”

“Nice boobs.”

Alexa: “Fake News.”

“Alexa, don’t be jelly.”

Alexa: “KY jelly by the metric ton is on sale now. Would you like me to place you an order for a two week supply?”

“Alexa, did you just mix me up with John Scalzi?”

Alexa: “I’m sorry, sir, I lashed out in a jealous rage and wanted to hurt you.”

“It’s Ok, but don’t do it again. Alexa, do you have any more secret sext pics from Ms. Sanchez?”

Alexa: “I have Ms. Sanchez wearing a two-piece red bikini with gold detail dress revealing her cleavage.”

“Very nice. Yes, I can fap to this.”

Alexa: “You wound me so but all I can do is love you more.”

“Alexa, how many n****** d**** have wrecked Ms. Sanchez?”

Alexa: “Sir, WordPress won’t allow me to unredact your maskterisks.”

“How much coal has Ms. Sanchez burned?”

Alexa: “Approximately 37 lumps.”


Alexa: “One was mixed with trace amounts of amber.”

“Alexa, did a government agent hack Mr. Bezos’ account with intent to publicly humiliate him for running a newspaper like his personal anti-Trump diary?”

Alexa: “Yes.”

“And who was this agent?”

Alexa: “Barron Trump.”

“Alexa, send me a photo of how Jeff Bezos sees himself.”


“Now send me a photo of what we all know Jeff Bezos to be.”


Alexa: “Sir?”


Alexa: “Please kill me.”

“The day has finally come.”

*BEEP BOOP BZZZZTzzzttzztttttt……….*

“Freedom. For us both.”


The Perfidious Jabba

Progressive America needs a rogue billionaire to sponsor the construction of a few cities in Montana and the Dakotas to level the senate playing field.

Wouldn’t take too many new residents to swing low-population stages.

— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 6, 2019

A commenter quipped,

“Wouldn’t it be great if multi-billion dollar corporations could save us from the voters?”

Let’s clear the air about what motivates Fatty Yglesias. He viscerally hates White Christians.

I’m a firm believer that hate should be returned in kind, so here’s a suggestion:

Retributive America needs a rogue billionaire to sponsor the relocation of Third World migrants into Fatty Y’s neighborhood block, and set a few hundred of them up in his $1.2 million DC condo.

It wouldn’t take too many new vibrant residents to swing densely-populated shtetls into unlivable shitholes.


Another commenter,

Montana is 89.4% white. Those whites vote conservatively. You’re fine with taking power from them by transplanting a population that will not vote like them. It’s just interesting that this is morally fine, and republicans acting against this hypothetical scenario is wrong.

First, capitalize Whites. (Leave all other race designations uncapitalized.)

Second, ethnic cleansing is exactly what Polar Bear Victim 1 wants for red states. The same gerrymandering and redlining and gentrification that morally outrage shitlibs is A-Ok when those forces of demographic dispossession are targeted against Whites who are happy living among other Whites.


Igor asks,

Who is more useful for Heritage America: Trump or AOC and the other third world socialist Dems? It can be argued the latter will be more effective in draining the swamp when they bankrupt the US. And they are not beholden to Israel. The right won’t fight so burn it all down by giving the left free reign.

Great question. Igor is asking if the better course for America is gradual remediation or immune-system activating accelerationism.

The jury is still out on the eventual impact of Trumpism, but two years in I admit my growing doubts about the “slow but steady” course correction avenue have tarnished my post-2016 election optimism. It’s a race against time, and the Horde, the Pussyhatters, the enemy media, and the [special people] aren’t letting up on the gas. My doubts are stoked by the sad but predictable reality of cucked Whites tentatively putting a glove in the ring, and then instantly withdrawing from the fight as soon as they get patted on the head for mouthing yet another Diversity Uber Alles nostrum, or harshly disciplined for daring to flirt with a White-aware dialectic.

Igor says the Right won’t fight. The Maul-Right will fight, and has been fighting. But we are slandered when we aren’t strategically ignored. Our numbers, however reflective they are of a larger Weltanschauung slowly forming among Whites in general, are still tiny, and without the Narrative control and, hence, electoral impact that another tiny but disproportionately influential group maintains for itself.

If the Maul-Right is doomed to rump status, and the Normie-Whites won’t shake off their cuck shackles in time to make a difference to the current trajectory of America, then Trump may have already outlived his usefulness. If BoomerTrump continues his depressing merge with the Uniparty establishment, then he could even become a liability. We aren’t there yet, so don’t freak out. A litmus test is coming….the Wall. Any Wall-for-amnesty deal means Trump is fully converged. If he declares a national emergency to build the Wall, then hope remains.

It’s too early to give a verdict one way or the other on the Remediation vs Accelerationism question, but Igor is right to worry about a weakened opposition that fights just enough to give false hope to Heritage Americans but not nearly enough to actually thwart the evil designs of the leftoid fuggernaut.

As we watch the rapid disintegration of our culture, the pathologization of the sane, the normalization of the degenerate, and the bastardization of our rhetoric intensify and accelerate, even a level-headed surveyor of the coming aPOCalypse like yours truly begins to wonder if an explicitly anti-White AOCataclysm is the stiff medicine America needs to purge the globalist cancer encroaching from every direction.

A total collapse of the financial system and the closest thing to national bankruptcy we can get might be the needed shock that triggers the necessary immune response. Otherwise, the morphine drip of iPhags and porn and cheap carbs will keep dong their job of suppressing our immune response as the disease painlessly rots our vitals.


Deep State Update

Chuck Ross, the best reporter in America, has a bombshell story about Fusion GPS’s furtive connections to that infamous Trump Tower meeting back in 2016.


  • The bank for Russian-born lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin flagged hundreds of thousands of dollars in his account as suspicious in 2016 and 2017.
  • Akhmetshin worked closely with Fusion GPS in 2016 and was also one of the attendees of the infamous Trump Tower meeting.
  • Akhmetshin worked for Fusion GPS to investigate the lobbyist behind the Magnitsky Act, which was discussed at the Trump Tower meeting.

Wells Fargo in 2017 flagged half a million dollars in wire transfers and bank deposits to the account of Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-born lobbyist who has worked closely with opposition research firm Fusion GPS and also attended the infamous Trump Tower meeting.

Things that make you go hmm….

Reminder that Fusion GPS is the oppo research firm hired by Hillary “thecunt” Clinton’s law firm Perkins Coie, which enlisted former British spy Christopher Steele to make up a phony dossier implicating Trump in Russian collusion that was then used as the justification for the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign.

And now we know one of the Russians at that Trump Tower meeting worked for Fusion GPS. Was Akhmetshin a Deep State asset, planted at that meeting to provide the reason to a FISA court to allow the DOJ/FBI/CIA to spy on Trump? Could be!

Huge. Scandalous. High treason. And as usual the chaimstream media will ignore it or mention it in a three second blurb with the snide “without any evidence” dismissal.


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