Feed on

A comment by 216, responding to SunBakedSuburb, over at Audacious Epigone’s Unz patch,

SunBakedSurburb: [Following a separation of Red and Blue America], Bluestans will also be characterized by constant ethnic friction, continued middle class white flight, Byzantine and corrupt governments, and eventually implosion. Here in California, I see your prophecy at work.

I agree with this, btw. Bluestans would be wealthier…for a while…until the low trust society that typically characterizes Diversitopias eats away at that blue-hued human and social capital. If Redstans encourage their Divershitty to abscond for Bluestans, and Bluestans continue clinging to their virtue signaling for social status points, then it wouldn’t take long for Bluestans to get overrun by dysfunction and overwhelmed by high taxes to pay the Danegeld to their vibrancy. The Bluestans would start richer, become poorer, and finish collapsed, while the Redstans would maintain an even keel of moderate economic health and very high social health.

Back to 216:

White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own society. Part of the reason they are so outgroup-favoring in our societies is the fear of us.

So if you never had to fear “The Handmaids Tale”, you would feel less inclined towards white guilt. Additionally, the Bluestan(s) could write constitutions that explicitly define the fundamental values of society as left-liberal, so White Bluestanis could have a strong civic nationalism.

Look over the border at President AMLO, a white leftist, but also a strong ethnic and civic nationalist.

216 is an interesting commenter, but I believe he inverts the underlying motivations of Bluestan shitlibs here.

First, you won’t get anywhere analyzing White shitlib (SWPL, for short) behavior without understanding that psychological projection is at the heart of it. White liberals don’t fear White conservatives. Not really, at any rate. They may virtue signal fear of us, but they don’t really feel it.

What White liberals are doing is projecting their own desire, to viciously and utterly rule over White conservative “intransigents”, onto the latter. White libs accuse White cons of doing to them precisely what White libs do to White cons. If any group has justifiable reason to fear a despotic overthrow of its cherished values and preferred social arrangements, it’s White conservatives who have been under relentless attack from White liberals for the better part of a century, and losing nearly every battle.

Case in point: there was never a “Handmaids Tale” in America. There has been, however, a “SlutPride Tale” and gay marriage and trannyfreak singing to schoolchildren and borderline infanticide and man-hating divorce courts and toxic masculinity conspiracy theories.

White liberals have in fact never had to fear “Handmaids Tale”, but White cons have had damned good reason to fear all of the above, because those things have actually happened. And yet, White cons aren’t “outgroup favoring”, presumably, as leverage to neutralize the power of White libs. White cons have had to fear all those White lib depredations on their preferred way of life, and yet don’t have any “White guilt”.

216’s theory doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

White liberals did not live in a constant state of fear in pre-Roe v Wade America that a patriarchy was about to force women into breeding camps. Any “fear” that White liberals express about America becoming a version of, in this example, The Handmaid’s Tale is either irrational or disingenuous. The purpose of the lib fear-mongering amongst themselves is 1. to juice their virtue signaling score (the more fearful, the more valuable one’s moral posturing against the thing causing the “fear”) and 2. to provide a phony justification to ram their shitlib agenda down America’s throat.

White liberals —  GoonWhites — aren’t outgroup favoring because they fear White conservatives — FreeWhites. No, White libs are outgroup favoring because

  • they have inherited an excessive altruistic feeling toward outsiders that is corrupted into a pathology by globalist mass migration
  • they get a tingle up their legs from playing the role of the beneficent enlightened betters patronizing POC lessers
  • they HATE HATE HATE FreeWhites for not sharing their r-selection-shaped worldview or their high disgust thresholds, and find it expedient to “adopt” nonWhites and their grievances and to use them as battering rams against FreeWhites.

For these reasons, I doubt White liberals would be more ethnocentric in their own societies. Instead, what I see happening is GoonWhites’ virtue signaling compulsion turned on each other, in the absence of FreeWhites to target, until the purity spiraling results in some sort of social breakdown or mass hysteria/mental illness.

I also foresee Bluestans eventually succumbing to their Diversity, which will eat at the White lib seed corn with increasingly ravenous disregard for the future. Remember, too, that “strong civic nationalism” and multiracialism are mutually exclusive; civic fellow-feeling is always and continually undermined by the very human and natural urge to tacitly or overtly identify with one’s own kind.

It’s possible that White libs, left to themselves, will concoct some rhetorical sophistry for keeping out the Diversity that doesn’t overload their egos, in essence creating a de facto White lib ethnocentrism, but I have a hard time envisioning a scenario in which the modren White shitlib can casually betray her ego without having an existential crisis. If FreeWhites aren’t around, maybe GoonWhites can easily and expediently dispose of every race equalism and White privilege belief they claim to cherish, just as they now easily and hypocritically contradict themselves to “score” political points against their FreeWhite enemies.

Nevertheless, this is all moot speculation because White libs would prevent any peaceful separation solution to the eternal intra-White animosity that is burning hotter now than it has since the days before Civil War I. White libs don’t want White cons to go their own way; they want to lord it over White cons, to force them to submit to White lib rule, and to rub their faces in their humiliation and despair. The totalizing authoritarian streak is a mile wide and ten miles deep in GoonWhites. For White libs to allow White cons their own nation would be, in the White lib mind, tantamount to Nazis getting their lebensraüm.

White libs don’t want to run away to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution; what White libs want is to build their own nation and write their own left-liberal constitution RIGHT WHERE WHITE CONS LIVE, BECAUSE FORCING WHITE CON SUBMISSION IS HALF THE FUN.

This is why I predict that if there is a blood-drenched Civil War II, it will be the fault of White libs who won’t tolerate White cons attempting a peaceful separation from them. And, unlike Civil War I when White libs had a facsimile of moral high ground to prevent secession, this time around all the moral justification will be with the FreeWhites who just want to get out from under the yoke of White lib tyranny.


Kosher Nostra

I wrote,

Controlled opposition is BY FAR more dangerous to a revolutionary movement than any enemy could hope to be.

Enemies rage and threaten, and in so doing gird us for battle.

Controlled oppo (see: lil’ benny shapiro) gently and subversively release the pressure valve on our righteous rage, persuading the more weak-willed among us that kumbaya is still in the cards.

The Boomercuck is already disposed to fall in love with race-blind creedalism of the sort mouthed banally by shapiro, et al. The great mass of cucked normies WANTS TO BELIEVE in those quaint [specially]-weaponized nostrums, so just when you’ve dragged the cuck close to the edge of wokeness, the Kosher Nostra pulls him right back into his comfy cuddle zone.

There are other ways the Kosher Nostra operate besides feeding disinformation platitudes to a weak-willed audience. They declare certain topics forbidden and assassinate the character of those who would broach those topics. They use their social and economic privilege to pressure information and financial gatekeepers to silence and pauperize dissidents to their anti-White orthodoxy. They leverage their judicial over-representation to institute an anarcho-tyranny which severely punishes minor infractions committed by White Christians while protecting those who commit major crimes in service to their anti-White agenda.

Dionysus comments,

Kosher Nostra is great term. What the west has gone through over the last 70 odd years is nothing less than history’s largest protection racket writ large. Payments are made in submission to foreign ideologies and threats are made through either the courts or the possible public airing of accusations loaded with terms the normies have been indoctrinated to react to like pavlov’s dogs.

(Notice none of the force used is direct)

The Kosher Nostra is very similar to the Cosa Nostra in how it deals with its enemies and wagon circles when attacked. The only difference between the clannish, criminal groups is level of sophistication; it’s a difference of degree rather than of kind.


Reader CalvinDecline noted that our power tripping patel, Vagina Godawful, was on the Joe Rogan show, along with Jack Dorsey, mini Lucifer.

She was on Joe Rogan recently with Jack Dorsey (twitter founder)… Tim Pool was ripping them a new one.

In one instance, Tim asked her a gotcha question, and with nothing to say… she actually on camera said “we’ll take your feedback into consideration”.

“We’ll take your feedback into consideration.”

Hm. Reminds me of something…

(start at 2:30 if the timestamp doesn’t work for you)

“Well, it seems your terms, White man, are not acceptable.”

Baal, the Lord of Destruction, has a lot in common with Babu, the Interloper of Deconstruction.

Both are Prime Evils intent on overrunning a foreign land, stealing all its wealth, scoffing at its heritage, displacing its natives, and replacing its value system with their own.

Final Boss:



There are more than 50 Islamic countries with literacy rate below 40%. Still, Malala chose Japan to spread her education propaganda where literacy rate is above 99%

Japanese men literally work themselves to death at their desks but no the problem with Japanese corporate culture is clearly not enough women…

Japanese native fertility is below replacement. The last thing Japanese need is more liberated women and increased “female representation” in the workforce.

Ultimately, the problem is that civilized people gave their lessers power. We need to go back to that arrangement in which our lessers knew their place, before they go on to fuck everything up.

Trevor Goodchild aptly analogizes,

Thought experiment: perhaps lesser humanoids respond to this undeserved power over their betters exactly the way women do when a man refuses to have hand in a relationship and lets them run the show.

Spitefulness, total ingratitude and constant shit-testing due to unconsciously knowing they’re unworthy, and not really wanting the burden in the first place.

This is a fair description of what’s happening all over the Cucked West: spiteful ingrate lessers running roughshod over the glory that their betters built without their help.

One microsubmission is an act of magnanimity. A million microsubmissions is surrender.

The West is a dysfunctional relationship of reversed sexual polarity. America a sniveling, supplicating beta male who doesn’t understand why his woman hates him, and through his appeasement only enrages her more.


The Manliest Song Ever?

Roll the Old Chariot

SteveRogers42 thinks it stands as the manliest song ever.

cortesar comments,

don’t know bout you yeggs (lolz) but I find the video and song beautiful
this old and famous sea chanty song takes on completely a different meaning in the context of the war declared upon us

Indeed it does. We all here might have reason to sing it for real, soon enough.


From Loki:

All women are Feds (spiritually).

That cut right to the quim.


COTW runner-up. It’s PA again.

Boomers are holding this shitshow together with their sheer numbers and old school know-how. For better and worse.

They are the inertial filler in the machine.

Once they go, it’s nihilism all the way down. Perils and possibilities.

I spy with my oracle eye…..chaos total.


5, 4, 6

fyi how did they fight back? they turned lezbo? GGTOW


Buttigieg, Booker, Beto

Only one of these men is comfortable with who he is.


Inner Hajnal vs Outer Hajnal


More Don Jr, less Ivanka, thank you very much.


Anyone who thinks swpl shitlibs have let go of their russia hoax fantasy needs to hang out with a representative sample of them. All they’ve done is pivot to garbage hour CTs like “the Deutsche Bank records are coming! That’ll stop drumphggh!”

It would be funny if it wasn’t pathetic.


I heard an interview with some Federal Reserve guy Trump just hired. The dude was basically a globalist free trader, shitting all over the idea of trump’s tariffs.

Tell me again why Trump hires people who conspicuously and loudly disagree with his campaign agenda?

I don’t think Trump was flim flamming us during the campaign, so I don’t believe he’s knowingly hiring these globalist stooges.

I think Trump is either too lazy to vet anyone, or he’s getting misinformation from traitors within his administration.

If personnel is policy, Trump has gimped himself in a big way. Here’s to hoping Bolsonaro — a man who knows a thing or two about cleaning house — gave Trump some advice during his visit to the WH.


Controlled opposition is BY FAR more dangerous to a revolutionary movement than any enemy could hope to be.

Enemies rage and threaten, and in so doing gird us for battle.

Controlled oppo (see: lil’ benny shapiro) gently and subversively release the pressure valve on our righteous rage, persuading the more weak-willed among us that kumbaya is still in the cards.

The Boomercuck is already disposed to fall in love with race-blind creedalism of the sort mouthed banally by shapiro, et al. The great mass of cucked normies WANTS TO BELIEVE in those quaint [specially]-weaponized nostrums, so just when you’ve dragged the cuck close to the edge of wokeness, the Kosher Nostra pulls him right back into his comfy cuddle zone.


92% of Biracial Children Born to Black Fathers Are Out of Wedlock; 82% on Welfare (link)


Remember when I said a vicious pathogen could cull r-selected, high disgust threshold shitlibs, opening the way for a new dawn of civilizational greatness?

The Worst Disease Ever Recorded


Broke: Black Pill

Woke: Rage Pill


My Rude Word is reaching the flock.

If white people disappear, freedom, liberty and real social justice all disappear along with them. It is no coincidence these rights & concepts shrink from state law and social life at a proportionate rate to the shrinking demographic of whites.


Spicy meme:


If, after all this Deep State subterfuge is exposed, gaymulatto goes down in an orange jumpsuit, I will do the happy dance of a million Snoopy’s.


Two submissions for Best Opening Line in the next Great American Novel.

First, Microchip.

she already looks like fucking dog shit, just wait until she’s 35 with 23 *****r children, she’s done

Second, BostonDave.

I dated an ugly Chinese girl in college. She gave great head and we ate at Chinese food restaurants that only had Mandarin menu’s.

I would keep the bad punctuation.


Alex Of-UncoloredBoyfriend is a loudmouthed bar skank with delusions of grandeur way out of proportion to her actual ability. She’s lucky she has Soros and a subversive brahmin feeding her a script. 100% TRUEFACT


James Woods for God Emperor

Sorry, Rev. We are never “working together” with these treacherous scum again. They drew first blood for no other reason than their besotted “queen” didn’t get “her turn.” We won’t stop til every single one of them is behind bars. Every. Single. One. https://t.co/7I2QPVw8oO

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 25, 2019


Catladies are unleashing gun confiscation across the Anglosphere. This won’t begin or end well.

Take this and multiply it by 1 million. That’s what you’ll get in the U.S. if the government tries to force confiscation. The lives put in jeopardy, citizen and law enforcement alike, will be on a scale that is literally unimaginable. pic.twitter.com/rpGLULa43d

— PhilThatRemains (@philthatremains) March 28, 2019

The murder of this man is laid squarely at the feet of Prime Catlady Jacinda Ardern.


“as a grown ass person”
This is a college professor.
Let that sink in.


Spicy meme, redux:


The female rationalization hamster made it into Urban Dictionary.

No credit was given to this blog. *sniff*


This is what #Brimming looks like:


Is this so hard?


“Asylum seekers” will never go back. That was never the intent of Globohomo “asylum” laws. The intent is and was always to bring these shitholies here and keep them here.


I predicted right after Trump’s Inauguration that Javanka would be his Achilles’ Heel. My prescience is looking reliable now.


There should be a contest to determine which challahwood creampuff is most divergent IRL from his on-screen characters. De Zero and Chris Evans are neck and neck in the running.


If Trump

– closes the border

– builds the wall

– introduces some form of single payer health insurance or expanded Medicare

…he will coast to victory in 2020.

So far, he hasn’t done any of these things.

If you hate the idea of fixing healthcare with a socialist solution, think of the last one as the price to pay to get the first two. The Rust Belt is not (yet) fully racinated. Give them the single payer, and get implicit Whiteness leading to explicit Whiteness in return (at least for four more years). We should be thinking in terms of buying Heritage America more time, instead of Instant Victory.



A society that allows this is most certainly dying, if it’s not already dead. pic.twitter.com/ISal8FsmCH

— Roosh (@rooshv) March 28, 2019

The thing in that video has 270,000 Twatter followers.

This blog, on a good day, gets 60,000 views.

We aren’t winning.

And we have to prepare for the possibility that there won’t be a win.

Only a separation.

Pray it is peaceful.


Tough Love Wins

An extremely online wag posted this photo of a Trump supporter:

I sort of feel bad for how I replied.


A lady chastised me.

Now. Now. I giggled myself, at first. I must confess. However, she is a @POTUS and #Q Supporter! It matters NOT her looks OR her size! Right? She’s on the right side of history!

Well, to be honest, it DOES matter.

Our Q gal is on the right side, and that is admirable, but the fatness has to go. It indicates low self-esteem and poor character.
Think of me as a shepherd to a wayward flock. I want my flock to survive, to BE BEST, and that means being in good shape.
For the aesthetics.
For the self-worth.
For the physicality which will be needed in the coming holy war for the soul of America.
When I survey my army of Heritage Americans, I want to see warriors.
Only then will I know they are ready to join the battle.

Tough love wins.


Pence is such a cuck. He besmirched the men in the other three pics with that last pic.


I almost can’t believe what I read anymore, but it’s real.

Twatter considering labeling Trump tweets that violate rules

A Twitter executive on Wednesday said the company is considering a new feature that will label tweets from politicians, including President Trump, when they violate Twitter rules.

Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s head of legal, policy, and trust and safety, at a Washington Post event on Wednesday said the company might start annotating offensive tweets from public figures with a message about why they remain up.

Vijaya Gadde.

V I J A Y A  G A D D E

Vijaya Gadde, general counsel for Twitter Inc., stands for a photograph at the company’s headquarters in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014. Vijaya Gadde, who became Twitter’s general counsel in August 2013, helped lead the company through its initial public offering and its largest acquisition. She is the highest-ranking woman executive at the company. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

“One of the things we’re working really closely on with our product and engineering folks is, ‘How can we label that?’”

Shitlibs really love to label stuff. So much labeling. So much psychological projection.

Gadde said during the Post event. “How can we put some context around it so people are aware that that content is actually a violation of our rules and it is serving a particular purpose in remaining on the platform?”

Rules are made to appease tokens.

Gadde was responding to a question about whether Trump is allowed to say whatever he wants on Twitter.

“When we leave that content on the platform there’s no context around that and it just lives on Twitter and people can see it and they just assume that is the type of content or behavior that’s allowed by our rules,” Gadde said.

This smug arrogant foreign ingrate who deigns to silence the voice of the American people. My teeth are on edge.

Hey Mr. President, a few suggestions:


Trump has used his Twitter account to insult and berate his foes, including news organizations, Democrats, actors and more, raising questions from critics about why Twitter does not step in.

That’s a nice bit of editorializing from EMILY BIRNBAUM.

Hey, I wonder why Twatter doesn’t “step in” when all those chaimstream media whores and propagandists constantly insult and berate Trump and his voters?


We’re giving our country away to people who hate us, hate our principles, hate our ideals, hate our values, and hate our heritage.

And we’re still listening to these invaders in the year 2019. smh


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