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Sometimes you want your perspective fortified with a dose of concentrated pessimism. Commenter Logic delivers the goods,

I have been following the latest outrage of the last three days. Apparently, Brett Kavanaugh pulled a girls ponytail at the playground when he was 9 or something to that effect, and everyone on the left is losing their minds. I’m not going to analyze the myriad of ways that this accusation makes no sense (notably timing, inconsistencies, age of people involved, and other things that came up).

My point is different in nature and the observation is more general.

The United States is in a civil war in every way short of using arms. The institutions won’t save us any more because they no longer mean anything. There are two sides which are equally unchangeable in their minds. Both sides are not driven by the same principles (you can call it a fight between “idealism” vs “realism” to give them both credit but that is giving the one side a little too much credit I guess) but in principle both sides are largely unmoved in their beliefs and direction.

The issue is that until very recently we thought that there was only one side that was rising every day (the Left) and another that was slowly dying (the Right). The leaders of the Right themselves were into some sort of pathological approval seeking path to appease the Left even to their own detriment (as long as they were not labelled as “-ists” of any kind). In a perverse sense, they were even more over-socialized in the kaczynskian sense then their Left counterparts and hence they were ok with killing their own movement as long as they were still invited to their Galas and Correspondents dinners (during which they were happy to be the butt of the joke). Meanwhile, their constituents, who are despised by the Left, were always feeling like there was only one way of doing things and that the best they could hope for was to slow down their eventual demise.

Trump changed all of this. The Right realized that they don’t owe the Left shit. They could still believe what their eyes and common sense dictated to them without going through any PC filter or seeking institutional approval. I’m not going to go into depth about the Trump phenomenon but if I can summarize it into a single soundbite it would be this: “Trump PERMANENTLY awakened half of the US population to the reality of what is happening to their nation”. The emphasis is on “permanently” and I explain why reaching my conclusion.

There is no way for the political situation in the US to become better. Let me repeat this. THERE. IS. NO. WAY. THINGS. GET. BETTER. It is total war at this point. It is a war of attrition. There is no scenario where everyone starts liking (or even accepting) everyone in the other side. The Left was so close to actually kill the dragon in it’s sleep. Trump awakened it but it doesn’t mean that the Right will win. It only means that it will either prevail or it will go down fighting. No middle ground.

Make no mistake that both sides are out to win this thing by any means necessary. Kavanaugh doesn’t matter. The Supreme court will not matter when 70 million people from one or the other side view it as illegitimate. Nothing matters anymore.

You are in the USA but it is no longer one country. It was beautiful while it lasted and it may be beautiful again. I am no prophet so I can’t say which side will be the best for this country in the long run. [ed: I can. If the Anti-White Equalist Leftoids win the war, in the long run there is no America as we know her. There is only misery, extremes of inequality, and the death of anything Beautiful and True] Human dynamics are so complicated that anyone who claims otherwise with extreme certainty is a fool. [ed: with extreme certainty, I know that Nature doesn’t suffer fools gladly for long] The Right is just more likely to use past experience and common sense about human nature as its guiding principles and insofar as the past can teach us about the future in complex situations, it is more likely that they have it right. However who knows? Maybe blind idealism and the Left’s values will be more useful for the country to survive and thrive in a changing world. Only time will tell.

You can choose the poolside or the battlefield. But don’t let anyone tell you that things will ever be the same again. The US, at least the way the founding fathers have envisioned it, is no more.

FYI, Creepy Joe Biden is now calling Trump supporters “dregs of society“. A bit more bite to it than thecunt’s “deplorables”, but the intended message is the same: “we don’t reason with those we consider our inferiors”. These are fighting words, dripping with dehumanizing bile. When the elites use terms like this to describe regular working stiff Americans, it is proof their hearts are blackened and they would laugh if you were killed, your children raped, and everything you hold dear reduced to ashes.

How would you compromise in good faith with enemies like that? You wouldn’t. The time for op-eds and lecterns and agitprop would end and give way to the clarifying battlefield.

PA adds,

Solid comment, glad it didn’t drown in mod.

The x-factor: White libs are not acting in their own rational self-interest. They don’t see it that way right now and there is no way of appealing to their reason the way you’d talk a friend out of making a disastrous purchase.

But they might realize this in time: No matter which side wins, they lose.

The key will be just how disloyal White women are to their White men, which is equivalent to asking how disloyal White women will be to their nation, for a nation is the sum total of men’s collective purpose and ambition, and America is the sum total of White men’s collective vision.

If our women embrace pussyhat careerist shrike catladydom, their loyalty will evaporate, and America’s end is fated. If somehow they return to the fold, it buys their men time to rescue America from an Abattoir of Babel demise.

I thought Trump would buy us that time, and he still may, but with each day and each new low the Media-Deep State-Democortez Axis of Annihilation plumb my doubt grows that Trump can prevail. He has done much; it may not be enough. From where I stand, I don’t see White shitlibs coming around to reason any time soon, maybe not even when the rivers of blood flow. I see flickers of hope, of delayed realization from a few, but they won’t make the difference. We need an awakening that shakes the foundations of our institutions, rends post-WW2 orthodoxy, and shatters the neoliberal belief in Globohomo.

Pray for it, because what will emerge from a thwarted awakening is the stuff of nightmares.


The Dairy Stormer

If you have sons and you want them to grow tall and strong, make sure they drink milk, the White Man’s elixir.

A study of 105 countries found that male height was significantly correlated with quantity of protein (in developing countries) and with quality of protein (in developed countries).

The purpose of this study is to explore the main correlates of male height in 105 countries in Europe & overseas, Asia, North Africa and Oceania. Actual data on male height are compared with the average consumption of 28 protein sources (FAOSTAT, 1993–2009) and seven socioeconomic indicators (according to the World Bank, the CIA World Factbook and the United Nations). This comparison identified three fundamental types of diets based on rice, wheat and milk, respectively. The consumption of rice dominates in tropical Asia, where it is accompanied by very low total protein and energy intake, and one of the shortest statures in the world (∼162–168 cm). Wheat prevails in Muslim countries in North Africa and the Near East, which is where we also observe the highest plant protein consumption in the world and moderately tall statures that do not exceed 174 cm. In taller nations, the intake of protein and energy no longer fundamentally rises, but the consumption of plant proteins markedly decreases at the expense of animal proteins, especially those from dairy. Their highest consumption rates can be found in Northern and Central Europe, with the global peak of male height in the Netherlands (184 cm). In general, when only the complete data from 72 countries were considered, the consumption of protein from the five most correlated foods (r = 0.85) and the human development index (r = 0.84) are most strongly associated with tall statures. A notable finding is the low consumption of the most correlated proteins in Muslim oil superpowers and highly developed countries of East Asia, which could explain their lagging behind Europe in terms of physical stature.

Genetics, nutrition, and child mortality are the biggest factors correlating with stature. You can control the first two (bunz => tall ovens and THE WHITE ELIXIR). And if you’re a White man or woman, stay away from vegetarianism unless you want to look like a stunted pasty uptalker.

Here’s a link to a map showing the tallest and shortest countries in the world.

Central America -> squatemalans. lol

There are a couple of small tribes in East Africa noted for their extreme height and lankiness (the Dinka are one), but these tribes are lactose tolerant and drink a lot of milk.

There’s nothing quite as White as chugging cold, viscous whole milk on a hot summer day, straight from the gallon jug. MmmMMM!

PS I don’t know if milk is paleo, but I wouldn’t let a little fat gain deter you from towering over the world like an Aryan übermensch.


GOP will hold the Senate.

House race too close to call. Newly elected reps will be either Fuggernaut Freakazoids from the coasts or pro-Trump Dems.

If the House flips, blame suburban married White women and urban single White women. These dumb traitorous broads can’t resist the siren song of the lying scumbag Fake News media. The ZOGbeat of anti-Trump hysteria is taking its toll on the weaker sex.

As I’ve been saying for a while, our unregulated womenfolk will be the end of our nation. 2018 may seal the deal.


An emailer cheers me up:

If the Ds get the House in 2018, Trump gets to beat the shit out of them for inaction doing nothing for two years, while the Senate continues to appoint his judges.

He retakes the House with pro-Trump candidates in 2020 as part of his landslide reelection.

Don’t get depressed. All great movements have their ups and downs. The disintegration of the idiocy on the Left will be a long painful process, and the assertion of Trumpian values will take many years.

Marathon not sprint!

Stay happy!


Telegony Is Real (& etc)

That’s Madonna’s grown-up daughter, Lourdes. Who’s her daddy? No one knows.

Check out the linebacker shoulders, wormwaist, and boyhips. And that angular horse face. Poor girl must’ve stewed in a very high T neonatal environment. Sad!

She adds weight to my personal theory that tankgrrl, go-getter accomplished women have the hormonal profiles of men, and pass that on to their kids.

Or, as a reader says, it could be telegony.

noun, a former belief that a sire can influence the characteristics of the progeny of the female parent and subsequent mates.

In other words, poz loads from former lovers linger in the genetic code of children born to a current lover. It’s funny how, like physiognomy, many of these “former” beliefs are eventually (re)confirmed by ¡SCIENCE!, so we’ll see if telegony ends up getting re-validated.

If Telegony Is Real, then you REALLY don’t want to hitch your lineage wagon to a slut; the kids might end up with odd body shapes and unsettlingly creepy faces that flicker with the ghostly visages of jerkboy lovers past.

Madonna, of course, was a notorious cock hopper, so Lourdes likely has the telegonic load of a thousand different sperm sources.

PS LIE: Trump dawdled, Puerto Ricans died
TRUTH: Puerto Rico is a corrupt and incompetent black-brown state that failed its own people.

PPS Newspeak has become Tweetspeak:

I’ll do Brit one better: “Foreign invaders”.

PPPS The Catholic Church doesn’t have a priest problem, it has a homosexual problem.

[Catholic priest] homosexuals [are] overrepresented among the [sex abuse] perpetrators by a rate of 39,000% relative to the broader adult population!

We need a Two Panic Buttons meme where a sweating shitlib has to choose between destroying the Catholic Church and covering up homosexual predation.

PPPPS One of the first female infantry Marines was kicked out for fucking a subordinate. Women in combat military units undermining troop morale and cohesion? Who’da thunk it! (no one but outposts like this blog, apparently)

PPPPPS Any shitlord left on twatter should just keep taunting jack dorsey with updates on his company’s collapsing share price.

PPPPPPS We are subjected to a Mass Gaslighting Campaign by the Deep State-Deep Media Axis of Weasel:

PPPPPPPS “[When speech is shut down] then men know for certain that the time for debate is done.”

PPPPPPPPS Definition of irrelevant: national review cucks arguing that the 1st amendment doesn’t apply to monopolistic tech companies that control the information gateways.

Kevin, you aren’t principled. You’re cowardly. Learn the difference, because it explains everything about you.


banning an increasing number of dissident thinkers from the internet will

a. make them angrier

b. calm them down?

PPPPPPPPPPS If we weren’t neck deep in negrolatry, i’d probably cut back on the dindudeath shivs, but since we are, balance has to be brought back to the force. So you can thank a virtue sniveling anti-white shitlib for the increase in hate. Heh.

PPPPPPPPPPPS How’s the Seth Rich murder investigation going?

And anyone know why the FBI closed down an AZ observatory?

PMS The Dalai Lama says, “Europe belongs to the Europeans”, and that refugees “must return to their homelands and rebuild them”. Questions: When did the Dalai Lama become a spokesman for the Maul-Right, and how quickly will shitlibs disavow their previous love for this man of peace?


Kin In The Game

Not much further commentary necessary. Tucker Carlson used to be a GOPe cuckservative, but his big, beautiful White family has wonderfully refocused his mind onto what’s important to preserve, and now he spends every evening sticking the righteous Trumpian shiv in the scabby hides of Leftoid Equalists and Globohomo.


If you were a member of the Deep State cabal (now bigger than ever and bipartisan!), and were utterly assured that 99% of media outlets were on your side and would cover for anything nefarious you might do….

…how likely would you be to do it?

This question was asked by Plato 2,500 years ago, in the story of the Ring of Gyges.

The Ring of Gyges…is a mythical magical artifact mentioned by the philosopher Plato in Book 2 of his Republic (2:359a–2:360d). It grants its owner the power to become invisible at will. Through the story of the ring, Republic considers whether an intelligent person would be moral if they did not have to fear being caught and punished for doing injustices.

From Plato to Tolkien…

Suppose now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unjust the other; no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice. No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a god among men.

Then the actions of the just would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point. And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust.

For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right. If you could imagine any one obtaining this power of becoming invisible, and never doing any wrong or touching what was another’s, he would be thought by the lookers-on to be a most wretched idiot, although they would praise him to one another’s faces, and keep up appearances with one another from a fear that they too might suffer injustice.

Are we intrinsically moral or conditionally moral? If I had the power of invisibility, there would be no bank vault nor women’s locker room safe from my predation. Or not. The answers to these philosophical riddles often come down on the side of “a little of A, and a little of B”.

Morality has a genetic root. We have evolved a moral sense in lockstep with our evolved senses of fairness and empathy. Morality is the emotional rationalization we lean on to influence our own behavior or the behavior of others. Morality co-evolved with tit for tat. And, the moral sense — the intensity and breadth of its feeling — very likely varies by racial group. Inner Hajnal Whites have a refined — some would say over-refined — moral sense, so that if the typical modren White man were presented with the Ring of Gyges, he may not act the way Glaucon posits in his parable. He may shun it. But it’s equally true that some proportion of otherwise moral men would choose injustice if they knew they would not be caught.

The Deep State, filled to the rafters with soyciopaths who lack a guiding inner morality, chooses to wear the Ring of Gyges, which in present day context is analogous to the Chaimstream Media. The accomplice media masks Deep State malice and perfidy, effectively making operatives invisible to justice.

Deep State operatives include those at the highest levels, such as thecunt, gaymulatto, and their immediate lackeys.

Socrates is more hopeful in reponse to the riddle of the Ring of Gyges,

Though his answer to Glaucon’s challenge is delayed, Socrates ultimately argues that justice does not derive from this social construct: the man who abused the power of the Ring of Gyges has in fact enslaved himself to his appetites, while the man who chose not to use it remains rationally in control of himself and is therefore happy.

Basically, we can choose to be immoral by not just acting immorally but also by cloaking ourselves so that we willfully introduce the temptation to be immoral.

The Deep State/Globohomo elitists didn’t have to choose to wear the Ring of an Accomplice Media, because the media presented itself as more than able and willing to cloak them from the public. Shielding from justice wasn’t a chosen artifact, it was a pre-existing condition leveraged to the hilt. A symbiotic relationship followed, so that now the media can’t walk back their complicity without incriminating themselves.

This is why it has been so important that Trump take down the legacy media, which he has done, and which only required a set of brass ones and a refusal to cuck for media shekels (hi dead mccain!). The media discredited itself, but Trump helped popularize and solidify in the public mind the media’s inherent corruption. As the media and Globohomo Inc work together as one unit, taking out the media de-cloaks Globohomo, so that the latter can then be defeated.

The Ring of Gyges has made unwitting slaves of the Deep State, and their chains will soon be evident.


If Diversity™ was a strength, it wouldn’t need to be propagandized. Its goodness would be self-evident.

The purpose of propaganda is to get us to believe lies that are exposed by contact with reality.

(propaganda based on truth is called hate speech)


ps from a selection of readers:

Propaganda is government sponsored advertising. When was the last time something from an ad was exactly how they portrayed it?


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Diversity is strength.


It’s a wrong to believe people won’t believe anything which is obviously false. People believe things that are obviously false all the time. Instead of looking down on the use of propaganda, we need more of our own propaganda because you will never convince the average person with reason nor can you expect the average person to always accept the obvious.


(((They))) are trying to force a meme by repetition. But a meme doesn’t spread organically unless it has an element of truth which resonates with people.

Diversity is the strife of life.

The Diversity agitprop is definitely a top-down phenomenon, which means its power is a mile wide and an inch deep. It won’t take much counter-propaganda to strip it of its artificial allure.


Google Hates You

Goolag is living down to its nickname. Everyone in charge of anything at Google hates you and hates Heritage America. They really do. You’re not imagining their contempt for you and your kind.

Anyone who’s half-aware of the baleful influence of Big Tech doesn’t need videotaped proof of Google’s malevolence, but here it is anyhow: an internal Google video taken right after the November 2016 election which ushered in divine retribution has been leaked to the public (and to *crickets* from the Chaimstream Media). Via:

It’s an astounding display of hubris, and it confirms everyone’s most cynical suspicions about Globohomo.

Breitbart did an excellent job of time-stamping the video and providing a synopsis, but it’s worth your time to watch the whole thing. Really drink it in. Topics discussed include: the creeping fascism of middle America, deploying AI and machine learning for political ends, corporate sedition of the incoming administration, white privilege, and how retarded proles were motivated to vote by “boredom” (excellent theory, Sergey, you’re a real clever mensch).

The hour-long video will be useful during the inevitable tribunals. For a sane and healthy society to return these people must be completely crushed. Their trusts must be ground into a million tiny pieces. And they should be made to answer for their crimes against the American people.

Goolag might have also broken the law by secretly working to help thecunt win the election. /ourTuck/ is on it:

ps duckduckgo. protonmail. firefox brave. stay away from anything google-related. Why would you support scumbags who want to drown you in spiteful H1Bs and dreary peasant labor and immiserate your posterity?

pps antitrust, ag sessions. Stop sitting on your southern gentleman hands.


Legend. pic.twitter.com/NmgKVP752g

— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) September 11, 2018

It’s exhilarating to have a Heritage President with a set of brass ones who isn’t afraid to slap them against Globohomo chin. Trump’s balls are a beacon that will coax America’s collective balls from its soy space.


If the look on a woman’s face says, “Who does this guy think he is?”, you may begin the cuntdown to the parting of her red sleeve. Sometimes, she will forget to keep it a thought and blurt it out.

THE DULCET NOTE OF QUIMDIGNATION: Who do you think you are?

THE BANE OF XIRS, XES, AND XOOPS: *innocently* A choirboy.

If a girl thinks you think of yourself very highly, she will too. It’s the vajitational pull of entitled alpha attitude.

Cock and awe. If she’s trying to figure out if you’re for real, she’s psychologically one foot across the bedroom threshold already. A proper tingle should always leave a woman pleasantly stunned.


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