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Another tale of marriage dissolution horror. Luckily, this one has a happy ending (i.e., the man didn’t get reamed by the State for once). From shivsnasty,

The mental gymnastics that women exercise to excuse what I would deem evil behavior is something I could never wrap my head around until I stumbled upon this blog.

That mental gymnastic has a name:

Many years ago, my older brother had three children with his now ex-wife. Great father, great provider. Worked a steady job plus extra gigs on the side to bring in extra income. Bought into a business and became the sole owner. Things were good, kids doing well in school, family vacations – the whole bit. He catches his wife in an affair, files for divorce. She goes crazy because Virginia is one of two states where infidelity voids all spousal support. She took him to court to sue for support anyway – and actually tried to make the argument that the amount of work and amount of hours he put into his business was proof that he had walked out on the marriage. Her argument was that her having an affair wasn’t really an affair because his “abandonment” was where the marriage really ended . The judge – who incidentally was a woman – gave her the most brutal verbal beat-down I’ve ever seen. She told her that she was the living embodiment of self-centeredness and had an over-inflated sense of self-importance. Found her guilty of infidelity. She had to get a job, sell the house and share custody. She also had to watch helplessly as he went on to expand his business and rake in even more.

It was divorce porn for men.

“Evil” is the right word to describe a woman who cheats and then tries to shift the blame onto her husband for working too hard to prevent her from cheating.

Learn Game, Wives Tamed. Game can spare the world of Evil!


Recall the classic CH post “Hotter Women, Better Sex“. It set off a firestorm of wow just wows from feminists and betaboys who wandered into the free fire zone. That post put forth a self-evident proposition that would seem profound and dangerous in our age of willful ignorance:

The hotter the woman, the better the sex will be for the man banging her.

I suspect the people who think that men chase hot girls the most feverishly so as to lord it over other men have an agenda.  They want to believe that human nature is not immutable; that with the right amount of peer pressure and fist-shaking at the media juggernaut men’s desires can be altered — tamed — to accommodate their conceit.  And pride is malleable where thermonuclear blasts of lust are not.

If, on the other hand, men pursue the best-looking women at the behest of hidden compulsions buried deep in the reptilian cores of their brains, then there is nothing can be done to change this fact of manhood and what it means for less attractive girls.

How your body responds to a woman during sex tells the tale.  The hotter I find the girl, the better the sex is, all else being equal.  Since men remember sex acts with crystal clear clarity, it’s easy for me to recall the exact specifications of my sexual encounters with each woman in my life.  Not to put too fine a point on it, but my jizzbombs were heavier and the distance ejected farther with the prettier girls.  Since this is something I cannot consciously control, it is proof of the innate characteristics of the male sex drive.

A dandy and indeed handy chart was included:

In the interest of science, I’ve put my beauty-to-cumload comparison in a handy chart:

hotness of woman               size of load               squirt distance
0                                            *                                *
1                                            *                                *
2                                            *                                *
3                                            pre-cum only           had to be squeezed out
4                                            droplet                      dribble
5                                            <5 grams                  2 cm
6                                            fills bellybutton        3 inches
7                                            1 tbsp                         8 inches
8                                            2 tbsps                       1.5 feet
9                                            1/4 cup                       3 feet
10                                          gallon**                      5 yards**

*insufficient data

Years later, SCIENCE would tardily catch up to Chateau wisdom and vindicate that handy dandy chart presenting the direct connection between female hotness and male lust:

Slimmer Women’s Waist is Associated with Better Erectile Function in Men Independent of Age.


I think the abstract speaks for itself. However, for the benefit of the short bussers: The men in the study got harder, stronger, bigger boners with the physically better-looking women. The men also had more frequent sex when they were having it with younger, hotter, tighter women. And finally, the men reported more sexual satisfaction when their sexual partners were hotter, thinner women with sexy hourglass shapes.

Young, slender, hot babes are nature’s Viagra, capable of inflating even an old man’s wrinkled wurst to heights of former glory.

But wait, there’s more! The “hotter women = better sex” CH aphorjism has, once again, been indirectly confirmed by scientific vigor (this time in a manner taken from the woman’s point-of-view, “bigger jizzbombs = happier women”). Courtesy of Rolf Degen, one of the few remaining bright spots on Twatter, a study shows

About half of all women reported getting off on men’s ejaculation.


The Importance of Male Ejaculation for Female Sexual Satisfaction and Function

That face you make when you came but ¡SCIENCE! still sucking.

I’ll unpack the goodness stuffed into that study.

  1. half of women have stronger orgasms when their men ejaculate first
  2. half of women have stronger orgasms when their men’s jizzbombs are fuller, thicker, farther
  3. women who considered their partner’s ejaculation an important part of their sex lives had better lifelong sexual functioning
  4. a significant minority of women considered jizzbomb volume, distance, and accompanying theatrics a reflection of their own attractiveness
  5. the size of a man’s load was especially important to a woman’s self-perceived SMV (“the perception of a large ejaculation volume can make the woman feel sexy and wanted”)

Talk about a BOMBSHELL of a study. The CH formulation — hotter women means better sex for men — is confirmed accurate by its inverse: more intense blasts of ropey jizz mean women with higher self-esteems because their desirability as sexual objects is expulsively validated.

Or: the reinforcing feedback loop runs both ways: men are more aroused by hotter women, and women feel hotter when men are more aroused, (especially if the male arousal takes the form of something that is outside a man’s conscious control, such as the size, strength, texture and distance of his ejaculate).

From this, we can safely conclude jizz volume and distance are predictive of relationship strength, because a woman who feels sexier and hotter with her man is a woman who won’t be eager to blow up the relationship. And a man who cums harder with a woman similarly won’t be cavalier about losing access to a rare pleasure-maximizing input.

The cosmic order is a harmonious thing of timeless beauty.

PS Short and tall women are sluttier and crazier than medium-height women. So if you want to make a lady your main, find a miss whose height isn’t a strain. (my guess is that short and tall women have to compete more for hsmv male attention, thus the sluttiness and craziness)



Zoomable links here and here.

It’s funny cuz it’s tragic.


Princess Privilege

This is an unsettling but all-too-real personal anecdote from Anonymous about how utterly self-entitled and, quite frankly, UNHINGED American women have become.

Oh, this is real. Your average modern woman is effectively a prostitute who dashes with your cash before delivering the gash.

A number of years ago, a good friend’s wife quit her six figure lawyercunt job to go learn Graphic Design. My friend, bless his heart, supported this both emotionally and financially as they dropped to just his income and she racked up $40k in tuition expenses over 2 years.

She graduates and now needs a job. Problem is, she’s terrible at design so no one will hire you.

At the time, I was building a startup and needed some branding. My friend asks if I could let her bid on the project, so as a favor, I throw her a bone. “I need a concept for branding and logo, get me some ideas and a proposal in the next month and if I like it, I’ll hire you.”

She’s on it, or so she says.

Three weeks in I inquire as to how it’s going as I haven’t heard a peep. “Working hard, it’s looking great!” She replies. I tell her I am looking forward to seeing the concepts and proposal next week and can we pin down a date to meet. I get no reply to this last one but whatever, it’s not a priority an this is favor after all.

The next week passes and then another and I make an inquiry. “Almost done! You’re gonna love it!” She says.

Three more weeks pass and my inquiries about the project go unanswered…

At this point, I need this done so I end up contacting a designer I’d worked with before and a week later we’ve got a contract for him to do the job.

Startup launches and I get a call from my friend’s wife, “What the fuck?!?!? You told me that was my job??”

I said that I was sorry I didn’t let her know earlier that I’d picked someone else but things are busy and she missed the deadline by a country mile and wasn’t responding so I had to pick someone else who could execute on time.

“But I worked so hard on this! It’s all ready to show you! I’ve put in 80 hours on this project, so you owe me!” She replied.

However, since she’s my friend’s wife, how about I take she and her husband out for dinner to say thanks for trying.

“No way! I did this whole project as you asked. We had an agreement and I’m not letting you back out on it.”

I remind her that our “agreement” was that she would produce a proposal and concept for my approval and that if she chose to do a bunch of work I hadn’t approved nor agreed to, that this was going to be a very unfortunate lesson for her as without a contract or approval she was not even due a kill fee.

As I am on the phone with her, I receive an email from her with the “work.” Attached are a single page of childish sketches in black and white with what appears to be a branding proposal template on work to be done along with an invoice for 80 hours at $350 per.

I laugh.

“I’m serious! You HAVE to pay me!” She’s now apoplectic.

Actually, I tell her, I don’t. We don’t even have a verbal agreement for any of this. You missed the deadline for submission and you’ve done a bunch of work without getting client approval or any sort of contract so I don’t owe you anything. What you have sent me is not a finished product, it’s barely a proposal.

“Then I’ll sue!”

I mention that she certainly can but she would lose, badly and end up owing me legal fees. I tell her that I am not interested in continuing the conversation and say goodbye.

A few weeks later I get a text from my friend who is married to the shrew. Evidently we can’t be friends anymore. I tell him that I understand and wish him well with all that.

What post-modern feminism has wrought is not equality, but the demand to enshrine princess privilege in law.

Fortunate, friend saw the light and bailed on that marriage, I’m proud of that lad even if it took him long enough.

Women are miserable because their in-group think tells them to strive for the opposite of what their limbic system wants, which is a firm hand and a man who is not afraid to walk away from the table. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.

Be strong.

There is no “White Privilege”; there is, however, Princess Privilege, alive and fully operative, dragging Western Civ into the abyss with it.


Brazil’s Trump

It’s time to add another international shitlord to the select few who could qualify as ZFG Trumpian figures: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro. In this video, he confronts a Brazilian femcunt reporter after she falsely accuses him of being a rapist:

Bolsonaro is constantly on thot patrol pic.twitter.com/AUmnkRCY3a

— Vincent James (@RealVinceJames) October 10, 2018


“I’d never rape you because you don’t deserve it.”

That isn’t a neg, it’s a hamster nuke. I see nothing but tufts of fur bouncing around like tumbleweed. Bolsonaro just told this bitch that his cock is so good and she’s so ugly that she hasn’t earned a raping.

There’s more good stuff. He calls her a slut, tells her to “go play the victim now”, threatens a retaliatory slap if she slapped him, and pushes her on the shoulder when she gets in his face. All she can do in reply is sputter “What is this?!”. Which is what all nasty cunts would do if they were called out on their man-hating shit.

Bolsonaro is a hero for defending himself against the FRA Pussyhat cuntsortium. He’s more Trump than Trump. And last I checked, he was leading in the polls.

More Bolsonaro quotes:

Pinochet should have killed more people.


It’s my advice and I do it: I evade all the taxes I can.


I never hit my ex-wife. But many times I wanted to shoot her.


I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I’ll beat them up.


If one’s son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he’ll change his behavior.


Preta, I’m not going to discuss promiscuity with anyone. I don’t run that risk because my children are well educated and they don’t live in the promiscuous environment such as is, unfortunately, yours. [ed: LOL]


PSOL is party of dicks and faggots. I will respond to the senator with toilet paper.


I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn’t be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with a mustachioed man.


The day of losers. [About the United Nation’s International Human Rights Day]


The scum of the world is arriving in Brazil, as if we didn’t have enough problems to resolve.


If I were a cadet in the Agulhas Negras Military Academy and saw you on the street I would whistle at you.


This idea of oh poor little black person, oh poor little poor person, oh poor little woman, oh poor little indigenous person, everybody’s a poor little something!


Since we are a Christian country, God above all. This history of a secular state doesn’t exist, no. The state is Christian and the minority that is against it can leave. Let’s make a country for majority! The minority must bow to the majority. Law must exist to defend the majority! The minority suits itself [to the law] or just disappears. [ed: that’s what separate nations are for]


I was at a quilombo. The slightest afrodescendant weighed 7 arrobas [230 pounds]. They don’t do anything. I don’t think they even serve for procreation anymore. [ed: a quilombo is a black settlement in the Brazilian hinterlands]


Has anyone ever seen any Japanese begging? It’s a race that has shame in its face.


I have five children. There were four men, the fifth I got weak and a woman came out. [ed: LOL]


I used that housing allowance money to fuck people. Are you satisfied? Because that’s the answer you deserve.


What debt [of slavery]? I never enslaved anyone in my life. Look, if you really look at history, the Portuguese didn’t even step foot in Africa. The blacks themselves turned over the slaves.


With distance education, you help to combat Marxism. [ed: is this the brazilian term for home schooling?]


Jesus Christ was not totally passive. He drove the money changers from the temple. If he had a firearm, he’d have used it.

Congratulations, Jair Bolsonaro, you (along with Orban, Salvini, and Trump) have won a VIP guest pass to stay at Le Chateau Heartiste for as long as you’d like. OUR NUMBERS GROW

Jay in DC adds,

This man, Trump, Italian Prime Minister, Austrian PM, and Viktor Orban should sign a new agreement of some sort, The Great Reset. Call it whatever you want but it would allow for immediate consequences such as this for shit-lib cunts who think they are ‘safe’ when a news camera is there.

She just… like… COULDN’T EVEN… like, WOW, just wow. He almost bitch slapped her and would have been well within his rights. She will go home tonight and furiously flick her bean until its raw and bloody thinking about how he treated her like she secretly wishes to be treated.

Repeal the 19th worldwide indeed. White Sharia now. (Or whatever you want to call it, you get the idea)

PS Is this a perfect manifestation of the Trump Curse?


This is already old news, but worth posting about because it’s a showcase of the female id completely unleashed. Read on, and feel your horror and revulsion grow (and your boner run for hiding).

“For once, let me take the stage”  Just a hunch, but I’ll bet she’s taken the stage many times in her life.

Great, another single mom to add to the flowering dystopia that is America. When I read this excerpt, I’m reminded of that newspaper delivery boy in one of those ’80s John Cusack cult classic movies, who rides his bike furiously after Cusack’s character trying to collect his “$2” payment. MY TWO DOLLARS, I WANT MY TWO DOLLARS.


“CASH UP FRONT, CUNTS” ==> marriage material.

FYI, translating from Unholy Bitch-ese, “I’ve heard of people asking for worse” means “I have a lot of allies in email. I swear.”

The romance is dead in this soulless termagant. Men are the romantic sex, women are the avaricious sex. A man thinks a Vegas wedding, while cheesy, is also romantic. What better tribute to the love for each other than a vow made under financial constraints? Some women would agree, others would grin and bear it, and a few distilled cunts like this broad would break up an engagement over the merest suggestion.

“She KNOWS my fucking DREAM was a blowout wedding”

Lady, everyone has dreams, that doesn’t mean everyone deserves $60K to fulfill their dreams. If you want to realize your DREAM, then put in the work and don’t expect others to hoist you on a cloud of your own petulant megalomaniacal egotism.

“I just wanted to be a kardashian for a day…”

lol like it would only be a day. This bitch would be whoring it up with mace dindus until kid #2 was delivered to the sound of nurses dropping their trays in shock.

Do you hear the resignation in her voice? That’s what’s happening to shitlibs all over America in the age of Trump. It’s music to the ears.

Moral of the tale: American women have become insufferable. We need a Patriarchal Reset.


The NPC meme is the best meme since Pepe. This thing has legs.

SJWs and generic unaffiliated shitlibs have two thermal exhaust ports: they are most vulnerable to mockery which targets their fears of being conformist suckups and of being unoriginal, predictable bores.

The NPC meme — a humanoid graphic which substitutes a blank ASCII face for expressiveness, to which is attached standard neolib boilerplate — is the sort of soulkilling reminder that the SJW hordes don’t think for themselves and lean on digestible anti-White pabulum to help them feel unique. It’s a clever repurposing of the autism slur to apply to social media consumed leftoids who mouth late night talk show shibboleths thinking it makes them renegades.

Once again, the fine volk at /pol/ earn the coveted Chateau Shiv of the Week for their NPC meme addition to the memescape.

PS How will you know the NPC meme has pierced shitlib vitals? By their wails of protest, of course:

ps NPC is a role-playing video game acronym meaning Non-Player Character. NPCs were stock characters inserted into games to help progress the storyline. They said the same lines every time you met them, which is where the humor of the meme originates.


The Fuggernaut

It’s a literal freak show:

Navy petty officer wins transgender bodybuilding contest

ATLANTA — It’s been 20 years since Charles Bennett took the stage to compete in bodybuilding. But at the age of 63, he’s now done something he’s never done before — compete as a man for the first time in what’s billed as the world’s only transgender bodybuilding competition.


I hope you haven’t eaten recently, because you know what’s coming next…




the photographic boof:

You put the deviant under your boot, or the deviants put you under their boots. There is no middle ground, no “tolerance”. The choice is civilization, or dystopia.

FYI above pic confirms stereotypes about black women’s inborn masculinity. It’s easier (more believable) for a black woman to pass herself off as a black man than it is for a White woman (even the butchest of dykes) to pass as a White man. White lesbo tranny freaks have the layer of wintry insulating fat that the tropical trannies don’t.

PS This is not a parody. Have we hit Peak Poz? (trick question, there is no peak, only a bottomless pit.)


Physiognomy Is Réal

This is a bronze death mask of Napoleon, cast 40 hours after his death. Examine the phyzz, and weep for our Current Year Soys, because degeneration is real.

Le 100% Shitlorde Visage.

Look at that manly mien. What do you think a man like that, if he lived today, would do with SJWs moaning about safe spaces and “White privilege”? Put them out of their misery, I bet, and then wipe his sword clean on their Harry Potter t-shirts.

This is the face of man in the pre-soy, pre-vidja, pre-pron, pre-endocrine disruptor age. All hard angles and manifest testosterone. Glory, not gloryhole face.

In contrast, a bronze death mask of an open-mouthed John Scalzi could double as a candlestick.

More tellingly, admire the size of Napoleon’s skullcap. He was a big-brained nibba. Maybe the augurs and geneticists are right…we Westerners really are getting stupider and softer.

PS Napoleon looks more frou frou in paintings than he does in his IRL death mask. It’s interesting that contemporaneous painters in Napoleon’s time tended to feminize the faces of male nobility and leaders. Maybe men were so damned high T back then that it was considered artful to “take some edge off” and present them in a less intimidating way to a predominantly aristocratic buyers’ market? Or maybe, given the fashion at the time of gaudy petticoats, wigs, and face powder, painters rarely painted their subjects in less pampered contexts?


Game literature as well as generic persuasion how-tos include a seduction technique known as “future pacing”. It is one of the most powerful persuasion tools and can rapidly intensify the comfort stage of a pickup.

Naturally, Trump the Master of Seduction is familiar with future pacing. From a Gabber,

we need to radicalize the White Wamens

and Trump showed exactly how to do that – use emotional language, not stats & facts

imagine it was your husband or father or brother or son that this [kavanaugh’s show trial] was happening to

imagine that it was someone you love who you know was innocent and some left-wing bitch decided to destroy his life over politics, cause he doesn’t agree with her on abortion

what would you do?

btw, that’s a key little Persuasion Phrase there, telling someone to imagine something

it works even if the person you’re trying to manipulate knows you’re trying to manipulate them

ppl can’t help but imagine something you tell them to imagine

imagine an elephant, imagine you’re an astronaut, imagine you’re old and dying, imagine you’re a kid again


The ease and simplicity of this powerful tactic is the word “imagine”. When you’re with a girl, start a sentence with “imagine”. Build a vajnette around it. Lead her where you want her mind to go…

“Imagine you get carried away on an ecstatic high from meeting someone new, someone exciting…”

The pussibilities are endless.


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