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greginaurora wins this weeks COTW with a two-fer:

How to choose.
Guests turned Traitor

All of the groups are behaving exactly how you would expect them to act, excepting the traitors. Traitors always act with deception and lies. The Guests are the biggest problem, as they’re speaking pretty words of guests-good normal-bad.

The real problem is that Normals have chosen to believe the Guests, despite Millenia of evidence that the Guests are liars.


Our special Guests love the Constitution. They love rules. So long as the rules are written down, they know they’ll figure out how to go around them, doing what they want without breaking the rules.

We do our best to follow the spirit of the law. They follow the letter of the law. If the letter of the law isn’t violated, no matter how badly the spirit of the law is violated, then they’ll stand tall and claim they did no wrong.

That’s the difference between racial guilt and racial shame. Our people are motivated internally to do what’s right. Their people are motivated externally to avoid doing wrong. The results are strikingly different.

If they put that much effort into working around the spirit of the Ten Commandments, do you really think they’re going to try and obey the spirit of the Constitution? Even God gave up on them. Why do we still treat them like our equals?

I believe that NW European White Gentiles are nearly alone in the world for having inherited a genetic racial predisposition to a guilt-based, rather than shame-based, moral sense. And all the shame-based races take advantage of that White Gentile character trait when they are within subverting distance.


COTW runner-up is PA with a briskly arresting truth about blacks and their relationship to Whites and Fellow Whites.

Whites have the tendency to idealize blacks as beloved pets such as faithful dogs. Jews have a proclivity for idealizing blacks as their reciprocal. “Everything that they are not” vigor-wise. They also feel a kinship with them as fellow Resources Extraction Algorithm.

The biggest slavering sportscucks I know are Fellow Whites. It almost carries an undertone of vicarious sexuality. I think a part of it too is that FWs can say, “Look at all this previously untapped greatness you racist Gentile goyium stupidly discriminated against”, while conveniently ignoring the unleashed dystopian nightmares that past discriminations had helped to put a lid on.


When your wife buys you a @MagicMagid T-shirt and it gets hand delivered by the man himself! pic.twitter.com/0UgmwOV3QA

— Timm Cleasby (@timmcphoto) October 26, 2018

Magid Magid, for those just arriving, is the newly elected lord mayor of Sheffield, England. He is idiocracy personified, and serves as a totem to self-abasing cucked Whites who stupidly cheer on the destruction of their homelands and, now, proudly wear Magid’s retailed raiments.

I don’t know which group I hate more. The ingrate invaders. The smug virtue signalers. The slavish cucks. The snarky soyboys. The seditious globalists. The perfidious special people. The screechy pussyhatters.

I’ll put the question to you readers. Which group do you hate most?

Introducing the Chateau’s inaugural Primary Hate Poll:


PS Happy Talloween!

Note: “Please take 2 pieces”

Lady 1: “I WANT IT ALL”

Lady 2: “No candy, I’M TAKING THE BOWL” pic.twitter.com/3W6wCObeFW

— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) November 1, 2018

PPS Parents’ fault.

A 4-year-old girl collapses from exhaustion and refuses to walk any further.
Powerful photo from the caravan by @vanhoutenphoto. pic.twitter.com/lIMjJzH9VB

— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) October 31, 2018

To: Disingenuous Shitlibs

If you don’t want to fake cry over tired toddlers, blame the parents for taking Soros bucks and forcing their kids to go on a thousand mile trek across Central America.



PPPS One has to marvel that the great deliberative bodies of Western societies and the weighty matters of State have devolved into decisions based on maudlin photos of crying tots posted to social media. This is the logical conclusion of the 19th Amendment and Mass Moshe Migration.


Astute comment from Theodora,

Isn’t Shapiro a NeverTrumper?

Jewish “conservatives” are misleading allies, the same as Black “conservatives”. At some point, when their tribal interests are threatened, they revert to the mean – anti-white animus. Just tell a Jewish tradcon that America should end the billions of dollars in aid to Israel or a Black tradcon that affirmative action should stop and they would freak out and show the Dianne Feinstein or Colin Kaepernick within.

They can be allies of circumstance on particular topics or to attain certain temporary goals, but otherwise their ultimate loyalty is with their tribe.

This is maddeningly true. I can count on one hand the number of jews and blacks who are friendly or at least not antagonistic to nationalist (read: Christian White) interests. Let’s see…

Stephen Miller
Clarence Thomas

Give me a while and I could probably dig up one or two more.

The fact is that vanishingly few blacks or jews are genuinely allied with White European Christendom and its diaspora. I have known quite a few conservative jews (and one or two conservative blacks) who talk a good conservative game on taxes, regulations, Muh Constitution, a strong defense, liberty, rule of law, American dream, etc, but as soon as the topic turns to managing immigration and maintaining a White majority in America it’s OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN and DAS RACISS.

Try it sometime. Have a political discussion with a Benny Shapiro-nik, let it build to a friendly crescendo of mutual agreement, and then drop the implicitly White nationalism bomb.

“We have to close the borders, have an immigration moratorium for a few decades, and then generally favor the immigration of Whites when we gradually reopen the borders.”


Sorry, but that ain’t gonna cut it anymore. The reason I assert there is no conservatism without White Christian nationalism is because White demographic hegemony is necessary to perpetuate the ideals of generic anglo-saxon conservatism, which is a creation of WHITE CHRISTIAN MEN. When White Gentiles lose majority rule, their ideals, values, moral sense, and culture go with them.

There is no Constitutional Conservatism without constitutional Whiteness. It really is as simple as that.


Dramatic Toddler Game

A toddler was professionally photographed throwing a tantrum somewhere south of the border, and now America must impeach Trump and accelerate the nation’s demographic displacement.

I kid you not. This is really happening, in our brave new Down’s World.


Many Chateau commenters had a field day mocking this obvious PR stunt.

Every time they want to emotionally blackmail and sentimentally manipulate the white goyim, they use the image of a brown toddler. Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian boy, started the #refugeeswelcome madness and the mass-invasion of Europe. Than the “howling beanlet” Guatemalan girl started the “children in cages” and “abolish ICE” insanity.

It seems they prepare the field for another “humanitarian” fake crisis with this photo, to shame again the white goyim to accept another “caravan” of invaders.

I’m so sick of this strategy.

I coined it “The Great Bawlin’ Beanlet Hoax of 2018“.

As some have noted below, the clothes and shoes look pretty pristine for having “trekked unto exhaustion”.


It looks more like a spoiled kid who didn’t get any of her favorite candy for Halloween.

It’s a nicely paved road FFS!!!!

Has anyone actually BEEN to Central America? Paved roads without wear, tear and potholes are like snowballs in Kalgoorlie.


Who walks thousands of miles in hot pink patent leather ballet flats?


I’m pretty sure that would be the result of making any child that age walk more than what half a mile or maybe three quarters for the tougher ones or if there is ice cream or something at the end? You can probably go to any shopping place and see this several times a day.


That’s some brand spankin’ new looking Target gear she’s got on there. Nary a sweat stain or dust from all the trekkin’ across the jungle and desert! Fresh off the 50% rack?

Clean face too, no dust or soot at all. Very clear to see all the fresh tears.

BTW, no kid sinks to their knees from exhaustion. They pass out on their feet and fall the hell out.

That staged pic is some prime time movie-of-the-week drama right there.

Is anyone else sick of this gaslighting bullshit? Apparently not women and [the special people]!

She looks pretty well-fed too. Look at those chubby arms.

And mom’s shoes got a nice sheen on ’em too… don’t look too walked in.


The pose is reminiscent of Willem DaFoe in Platoon. Very dramatic!

Poor choice of footwear for ‘trekking’ across central America…and horrible taste to boot…

Seriously though, that pic was taken outside some Target/Wallmart parking lot in the US while the kid was throwing a tantrum. I’de bet next weeks paycheck that was taken anywhere but in the caravan.


Yeah, they could find better agitprop photos. Is this supposed to look like a long-suffering, exhausted child who walked half a continent crossing mountains and valleys? She seems more like a girl throwing a tantrum at the toy store because her mother didn’t want to buy her all the dolls on the shelf.

Hey, Chaimstream Media, if you are permanently in propaganda mood, at least do it intelligently. You are not even trying anymore.

Read through the comment thread at that Twatter link. Have a vomit bag at the ready, because the bathos has curdled into lumpy-throated schmaltz.

Women, of course, are hardest hit by this agitslop. Are women really this gullible and manipulable?

YES. Resoundingly.

Which is indirect proof that Game works, because women will fall for anything that tugs at their emotions, whether maternal or libidinal.

I figure the savvy player can repurpose this nation-wrecking sy ops into fruitful courtships. I’ll call it Dramatic Toddler Game. You can fib to a GloboAmeriGirl that you spent last month helping migrants cross the border, and one day you had to literally carry an exhausted toddler across the border into the waiting arms of crying US Marines. Everyone was touched. Please impeach. Go the extra mile and pantomime yourself carrying an invisible toddler. Look deeply concerned and sympathetic. Stroke the invisible toddler’s forehead. Say a few cooing words in Spanish. mi pobrecito…

Or, if you prefer the shock and awe approach, cast yourself as a sort of grown-up toddler throwing a dramatic fit because the girl you’re hitting on won’t laugh at your jokes (or some other suitably humorous pretext). Drop to your knees just like Dramatic Toddler, clutch your breast, wrest a few Fakes Sobs, and look heavenward while lamenting out loud, “I JUST WANT TO CROSS THE BORDER OF YOUR HEART”.

PS A funny video:


#Nigeria, Lagos: The true love! BBW finally meets her dream man! He says, “Her stature is kind of bigger than I expected, and she looks older than the pictures.” HAHA! pic.twitter.com/mqKYfcAn8P

— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) October 25, 2018

From CH commenter Bucky,

That can be said for almost every POF profile

FACT: most mudsharks look like this whale. Old, blubbery, and desperate.

FACT: despite the above fact, our 30 year old Nigerian can STILL DO BETTER (and he knows it)

“I’m happy. I’m overwhelmed.”

Can we make #DisappointedNigerian a meme?

From commenter clarence boddiker,

90 day fiance is the basic cable television warehouse of the most beta cringeworthy soys out there.

There’s a new trend now, highlighted on the show, dudes who are trying to get 3rd world 4’s to marry them even though neither one speaks the other’s language. So, this dude travels into South America to marry some 20 year old meh chick and their married days and engagement are spent speaking into an iphone’s translator feature.

So we’ve got obese catladies marrying disappointed dindus who will love them until they get the green card, and we’ve got soyboy betas traveling to jungly paradises to meet schwarzenegger’s maids and coo at each other through iphone translators.

A dystopian prophet like Houllebecq could not write stranger fiction if he tried.

The post-modren West is the story of deeply ugly people, inside and out, trying to escape the reality and demands of the sexual market. I have coined it….The Fuggernaut. And it will consume us if we don’t beat it back to the abyss from where it was belched.



After that last post, I thought we’d all welcome a retinal cleanser, spirit lifter, and soul nourisher.


Idiocracy Comes To The UK

Meet the new lord mayor of Sheffield, Magid Magid.

The new lord mayor of Sheffield, Magid Magid, announced his tenure to the world on Twitter in a font only marginally better than comic sans. At his mayor-making ceremony, Darth Vader’s Imperial March from Star Wars played over the speakers, followed by the Superman theme tune as invitees made their way to the seats. And thanks to his suave, unofficial inaugural photographs – showing him squatting on a marble staircase in the Sheffield town hall, clad in his livery collar and Dr. Martens – he has been pronounced a “zaddy” (a sexy, fashionable man who could be your “daddy”.

But the reality is that Magid, who came to the UK aged five as a refugee from Burao in northern Somalia (now in Somaliland)…

That’ll be all, Britain. That’ll be all.

Countries that are unsalvageable:


No chance any of those countries will walk back from the abyss without societal ruptures that basically carve out new White nations from the decay and detritus.

PS The author of that glowing hagiography of Magid Magid and his quest to destroy Heritage Britain is Charlie Brinkhurst Cuff:

It’s almost as if tribalism crosses national borders and sets up shop wherever it goes!


Via Passerby, a bombshell 2010 research paper that found shitliberalism is a product of a feministed matriarchal system, while shitlordism is a product of a traditional patriarchal system.

CH, this is interesting. Young people raised by single mothers or from families where the mother had more influence are more likely to be lib/left (egalitarian), young people raised by their father or from families where the father had more influence were more likely to be more right wing (anti-egalitarian).

Definition of egalitarian in this case: support of racial and social equality.

Additionally, males were more right wing than females.



Using 4 samples of adolescents from 3 nations (Australia, Sweden, and the United States), the authors explored whether the gendered nature of the family socializa-
tion environment affected young people’s level of group-based social egalitarianism. It was hypothesized that the greater the father’s influence in the family, the greater the children’s level of group-based social anti-egalitarianism. The results were consistent with the authors’ expectations. Children from father-headed households had the highest level of group-based social anti-egalitarianism; children from mother-headed households had the lowest level of group-based anti-egalitarianism; and children from dual-parent households were in between. Similarly, children from homes in which the father had the greatest decision-making power tended to exhibit the highest levels of anti-egalitarianism, whereas children from homes in which the mother had the greatest decision-making power displayed the lowest levels of social anti-egalitarianism. Family structure did not interact with either the nationality or gender of the child.

Single moms produce soyboys and pussyhat sluts.

Single fathers produce warriors and tradwombs for the West.

Don’t you love when science affirms your gut instinct? It’s like, why bother with painstaking methodology and securing grant money when you can just open your door and step outside for a front row view of the world?

THAT MEN HAVE HIGHER AVERAGE LEVELS of social dominance orientation and group-based anti-egalitarianism than women is one of the most thoroughly and consistently validated research findings in contemporary social and political psychology…

…the relative influence of male and female parental figures should influence the general group-based anti-egalitarianism of their children. Specifically, because of the relatively higher level of social dominance orientation and group-based anti-egalitarianism found among men, the greater the overall relative influences of male versus female parental figures, the higher the average level of group-based anti-egalitarianism children would have.

“Social dominance orientation” = a great trait for players and pappies alike.

But how exactly was social dominance orientation measured in this study? This way (fyi left unmentioned but safe to assume: most of the test subjects were White):

This [anti-egalitarian/social dominance orietnation] scale assesses the degree to which one supports or rejects social equality. Because two of these four items specifically refer to race and were also embedded in a series of other questions referring to race and social class (see Sidanius, 1976), this scale has a distinctly group-based flavor. The respondents were asked to indicate the degree to which they agreed or disagreed with each of the following four stimuli: (a) White superiority, (b) racial equality, (c) increased social equality, and (d) social equality. Each response was given on a 7-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly disagree). All responses were then coded into the direction of anti-egalitarianism.

That first stimuli goes right for the id, eh? I’ll guess that, paraphrasing, the responses broke down to “men invade, women invite“.

Swedish families tended to have slightly less male-dominated family decision-making patterns; Texas families tended to have slightly more male-dominated family decision patterns.

Stereotypes R Us!

And from the Conclusion:

Though the strength of the effects was relatively weak, the data indicated that the greater the father’s presence and decision-making power within the family, the greater the child’s level of group-based anti-egalitarianism. However, consistent with the invariance hypothesis (see Sidanius & Pratto, 2001), these family structure and family power variables did not interact with the respondent’s gender. In other words, these environments had essentially the same effects on boys and girls. Thus, the gendered-environment effect appears to be relatively constant across both the gender of the child and nationality, at least within the restricted populations sampled here.

Altogether, these results suggest that group-based anti-egalitarianism is not only affected by one’s own gender, but is also a function of the gendered nature of the family environment. Not only do men have a tendency to display transsituationally higher levels of group-based anti-egalitarianism than women do, but one’s degree of group-based anti-egalitarianism will also increase as one is exposed to male parental figures, regardless of one’s gender. […]

…these data were collected in the 1970s and 1980s, an era when paternal custody of minor children was less common than it is today….a contemporary sample of paternal caretakers would most likely have more typically male social attitudes than a sample of paternal caretakers from the 1970s and 1980s.

Will it be single fatherhood that saves European Christendom? Or will it be single mommyhood that destroys it? The race, so far, is a losing one for Team Patriarchy, but that last lap is where the warriors show their mettle.

Naturally, this paper being the product of social scientists, genetic influence is given no quarter. It could simply be that the issue of single moms inherit their pathological pussyhattery, while the issue of single fathers inherit their tribal protective instincts, and these inheritances get confused for attitudes resulting from the “gendered nature of the family in which one is raised”. Nevertheless, it confirms for everyone who doesn’t have their senses numbed by SJW screeching that there is something intuitively dangerous about ordering one’s society around matriarchy at the expense of patriarchy. You simply can’t entrust your nation and its posterity to the political preferences of women or feminized men.

To be fair, the authors did skate close to mentioning the possibility of causative mechanisms unrelated to self-survey responses:

Second, because these are correlational and self-report data, one is faced with the perennial direction-of-causation problem. Thus, rather than family structure’s affecting social attitudes, it is possible, on the one hand, that the respondents’ social attitudes were affecting their recollections of family life. On the other hand, this direction-of-causation problem is much more of a potential issue for the family-power, rather than the family-structure, variable. It is possible that those with high levels of anti-egalitarianism, for whatever reason, recalled their fathers’, rather than their mothers’, making most of the family decisions. In contrast, it is unlikely that respondents’ anti-egalitarianism attitudes also affected their recollections of family structure, regardless of whether they were raised in a single-mother, single-father or dual-parent household.

How about we play it safe and orient our society around discouraging single mommery and encouraging Father Knows Best?


Rise Of The Amazons

I am on record stating my observation that American women are becoming more masculine, in appearance, physicality, and attitude. (And, parsimoniously, that American men are feminizing.)

The sexual polarity is reversing. Societal ruptures are inevitable as the poles switch places.

Further, there are archived posts on this blog in which the category of women called “Amazonian Alphas” was identified and discussed.

From old school commenter Clio,

This woman [the Amazonian Alpha], along with the Eternal Ingenue, is the most likely of all femme fatale types to be perceived as an Iconic Woman. But whereas the Eternal Ingenue inspires dreams of perpetual love and happiness, the Amazonian Alpha inspires, in those who fall in love with her, dreams of glory, of being raised above all the ordinary people who mill around on the face of the earth. She is the Maverick Alpha’s natural mate [Editor’s note: think John and Cindy McCain], although she may choose a more ordinary Classic Alpha. Often she is unable to find a man she considers worthy of her, and may remain single.

Keep that last sentence in mind as you continue reading this post.

The Amazonian Alpha is usually very intelligent and generally beautiful or at least physically impressive, being statuesque of build, like Maud Gonne, the Irish nationalist who made Yeats miserable, and often athletic as well.

And then, another detour into clear-sighted personal experience which would be vindicated by SCIENCE:

My experience with Amazonian Alphas I have dated is that many of them have striking facial bone structure and an often exotic beauty. They are never “cute” or pretty in the dull, washed-out, southern sorority sister way. They have the kind of angular looks and prominent features that a sizable minority of men will not find attractive. They are usually taller than average and wear heels everywhere and know how to walk in them. You will never see an Amazonian wear flip-flops. She’d sooner submit to a beta male like yourself.

Because Amazonians are the product of the union of a successful alpha male and his beautiful wife, they often inherit their fathers’ blazing intelligence, cocksure attitude, and ambition. If they are lucky, they will inherit their mothers’ beauty, but this doesn’t always happen. More than a few alpha females look like drag queens in pantsuits.

And now, a word from our ¡SCIENCE!:

Tallness in women correlates with masculine ambition. […] Researchers theorize the higher testosterone which contributes to taller female height also masculinizes the female brain.


Height in women predicts maternal tendencies and career orientation. […] In pre-reproductive women (aged 20–29, n = 679), increasing height related to decreasing maternal personality (lower importance of having children, lower maternal/broodiness) and decreasing reproductive ambition (fewer ideal number of children, older ideal own age to have first child). Increasing height also related to increasing career orientation (higher importance of having a career, and higher career competitiveness). In post-reproductive women (aged over 45, n = 541), increasing height related to decreased reproductive events (fewer children, had first child at older age) and increased career orientation. Results provide further support for previous studies that show physical masculinisation is associated with psychological masculinisation.


Tall women with masculine traits seldom have children.

How do I do it? SCIENCE, sometimes years later, will reaffirm nearly every drop of knowledge and pearl of wisdom from this blog. I haven’t hijacked the minds of the labcoats. I simply observe the world as it is, instead of concocting a world as I wish it were.

What about the field? No doubt, the deep blue slutopolises are filled to the lip with tall amazonians whose pugnacious personalities are only matched in stridency by their heavy-heeled purposeful marches through the corporate battlefield.

The blue city beyotches are tall, and getting taller. And broader-shouldered. And narrower-hipped. And thinner-lipped. And bitterer of quip.

So if you want a feminine woman with babbies on the brain, stay away from amazons.

If you want pump and dump fun with perpetually contracepted fuck machines who foot their own bills, a tall girl is your squeal ticket. Bonus: Those belle towers have long vaginal throws, so if you’re packing in length what she’s stacking in height, take it to the hilt and leave a cream pie at her bolt-locked cervical door.

PS Maybe, given the lower fertility of tall women, the continued existence of short men can be explained by the higher fertility of short women. It’s Darwinian trade-offs all the way down…


The usual suspects love to belittle their enemies by casting them as fearful and threatened of change. They say, through a girlish giggle, “Trump supporters fear the browning of America tee hee”.

It’s pointless to answer a charge like this. These anti-White genocidal maniacs are immune to logic, reason, and principles.

Better reply is to reframe the entire premise so that the scumbags are, for once, on the defense.

“Shitlibs like yourself fear a White America. Why do you fear a majority White America? Do White people scare you?”

If Donald Trump Jr is reading today (I know he reads occasionally), can you post this to your Instawhore and Twatter feed and get a “national conversation” rolling?

Hope this helps,



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