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The Dark Side Of Alpha

Pedro Espinoza, the illegal alien murderer of Jamiel Shaw, was dropped off at the killing location by his girlfriend:

A woman testified Wednesday that she drove the alleged killer of a high-school football star to the victim’s street at the time of the shooting and heard a gunshot after her friend got out the car to run an errand.

Yisenia Sanchez said she did not see her friend [editor’s note: by “friend”, she means a guy who has fucked her in the ass], Pedro Espinoza, 19, fire a gun or see whether anyone was shot, but said soon after Espinoza got out the car, a shot sounded, then he came running back in an agitated state.

I’m sure after he breathlessly relayed the details of his dirty deed to his secretly admiring girlfriend, she scolded him for his evil while her wet vagina belied the words coming out of her mouth. Later that night, Pedro got some, and shot a load into her happy face.

Here is a fact for those of you still laboring under the rapidly withering illusion that women are the fairer sex with superior moral guiding principles and emotional intelligence: There are many MANY MANY more young, cute women willing to fuck the likes of Pedro Espinoza, Alpha Killer, than the guy who avoids brushes with the law, dutifully goes to his 9 to 5 McJob, and saves money for the future purchase of a home to start a family.

This is a question for my female readers. What do you feel, at a gut level, when you know that more of your kind go for guys like this:

18th street gang coming soon to all the other street numbers.

than for guys like this:

“maybe if i learned how to shoot computers instead of build them.”

I can already hear the protestations to the contrary. “Yeah, but only low class girls go for cold-blooded killers and criminal filth like Espinoza.”

From a penis’s perspective, what is the difference between a low class young, cute girl and a high class young, cute girl?

Answer: Nothing.

Marriage and the attendant class considerations are end game, not start game. Sexual attraction must come first, and a woman’s social, economic, and educational status have nothing to do with that. A girl’s class is irrelevant to her ability to excite a man. For every thug complaining that all he bangs are whores as he facefucks his girlfriend and her sister, there are a hundred betas complaining that they can’t bang anything at all.

I’m glad to see men are reawakening to the reality of women’s depraved animal natures.


Girlfriend Or Fling?

Unlike the last edition of girlfriend or fling?, this one is at a lower difficulty level. Ignore their Sex And The City impersonation and focus on the interplay and body language of these grown women girls.

The woman on the right is obvious girlfriend material. Let’s count the ways she would make a faithful and low drama girlfriend — restrained lips-closed smile, modest dress (skirt is short but that is balanced by the lack of any cleavage), minimal makeup and accessorizing (is that a necklace or a wisp of hair?), arms close in to body, zero sexual availability displays like jutting breasts or arched lower back. This woman looks like she was born to walk down the aisle. She may in fact already be married.

The middle girl is a total fling. Not just any fling, but a wild, crazy, torrid, self-destructive, public sex, screw the condoms and press the record button kind of fling. Sure, her dress is a toga easily ripped off in one move, her eyes are in bedroom mode long before she gets to the bedroom, and her mouth is open in the shape of a cock, but what really clinches her status is the scarf around her neck waiting to be grabbed and pulled for pleasurable choking effect. She is clearly ovulating and needs the hard fucking of a dominant alpha male. She’s so horny she’s backing her ass up into her friend’s imaginary strap-on.

Strap-on girl on the left is a potential girlfriend (notice she has camera responsibility), but judging by her wicked smile showing both rows of teeth and her visible black bra under her blouse she will need to be broken and tamed like a bucking bronco before she can be considered a quality girlfriend. She looks like she has eaten men alive and left a trail of broken hearts and scrotums behind her. I sense manipulative bitch. This is just the type of woman who leads with her ego and shit tests for sport. She is practically begging for a worthy man like myself to jizz in the face of her reality and reduce her to a softly whimpering submissive love slave ready to drop to her knees at the snap of my fingers.

Once broken, enjoy her utter devotion. She will build a shrine to your cock.



Not A Love Song

See the video here. (Youtube embedding disabled. Hat tip to finefantastic.)

Jacques Brel said in an interview this was a song about cowardice. A lot of women will imagine him getting handsomer as he sings.

give me five minutes to talk away my ugly face and i can bed the queen of france.
– voltaire


Girls Who Lie

flowchart love

I was listening to a morning talk show and the subject was about local area bars cheating customers by using false pint glasses with thicker bottoms that only hold 14 ounces of beer, and leaving too much head on top. Since this is a major breach of bar patron trust many irate callers offered opinions on what to do, which basically boiled down to stiffing the bartenders on tips, informing the manager of your displeasure, or choosing a new bar. Stiffing a bartender is not usually a good idea since it’s the bar manager who sets policy, and most bartenders are on your side.

When you catch a girl you are dating in a lie that matters you are presented with a few alternative ways to respond. Although it’s fun to think of a girl as “tapping a keg”, she isn’t a bar and doesn’t have a manager you could complain to, so that option is not available. You don’t want to call her out on her lie because that will accomplish nothing; if she’s comfortable lying in the first place calling her out isn’t going to reform her character. You’re not the first man she lied to, and you won’t be the last.

In my experience, you have two acceptable courses of action:

  • Ignore the lie, but know who you’re dealing with.

Knowledge is the key to managing a woman. If you catch her in a serious lie you will feel like she isn’t treating you with the respect you deserve and you will want to dump all over her, but before you do remember that you’ve gained some very crucial leverage over her — you know her character. Now you can handle her appropriately. Have some fun, enjoy her company (read: sex), but move her to your second or third tier of women. You owe her nothing. Maintaining a code of silence on your discovery of her lie is a form of power that will allow you to hold her at arm’s length and remove all her tools of manipulation.

Identifying a bad seed is important so you don’t waste too much time and energy trying to find her nonexistent inner beauty.

  • Leave her.

Character is destiny. A woman who lies about serious shit will not make a good long term girlfriend, wife or mother for anyone, so if you are a man looking for that you may want to streamline your dating efficiency and drop her like you would drop a bar serving pints in 14 ounce glasses. But don’t tell her exactly why you are leaving. As I wrote above:

Maxim #13: Calling a girl out on her lie accomplishes nothing.

Instead, cut through the ego bullshit and tell her the *deeper* truth — she is free to do whatever she wants with her life but you expect loyalty from the women you date. Say no more. Just stop calling.


Do men or women lie more? I finally have the answer to that player’s pickup question.

Men occasionally lie about the big things. Women lie about everything all the time. Like gossip, it’s just another tactic for them to manufacture the drama they so desperately crave in their lives. Your goal should be to find that quality woman who lies about the big stuff less than the average woman.

I don’t advocate lying to get into a girl’s pants, not for ethical reasons but because it isn’t necessary. Good game will get you there without the lies, and you’re less likely to get busted in the future. I do lie by omission sometimes, like not telling a girl my oversized member might hurt her, or that I’m dating around, unless she asks. I might even lie if she asks, because if I’ve just started dating another girl on the side I don’t consider that “dating another girl”. In my moral calculus, “dating” means more than five dates and you’ve banged her more than once. Anything less is “sampling”. This system has worked for me so far.

If you cross paths with a weak woman given to lying, don’t try to save her from herself. And don’t use her natural weakness as an excuse to get in the mud with her. Instead, look out for number one and do what’s in your best interest. Adopt a 1 to 10 sliding moral scale and place the women you date along that scale based on how you judge their characters.

All else equal, the closer she gets to 10 the more you will want to invest in her. She is worth it.

The closer she is to 1, the less you will want to invest in her. She is a succubus and will own your soul if you let her. Devalue her and let the good times roll. Your sperm will likely be mixing with another man’s sperm in her vagina.


If you want to build a relationship with a girl you’re dating I’d suggest you move out of the big coastal cities. Either escape the city with your girl (you might have to abduct her) or find a girl in a small town, rural backwater, or suburban outpost. There is a portal of anti-love negative energy that issues rays of casual sex and polyamory from the nightlife bowels of DC and works to tear apart any couple stumbling their way toward deeper commitment.

Think about the ways this happens:

Options = Instability

Where you have options, you have trouble sticking by one person. A man dating a girl (or girls) will feel on top of the world and suddenly all those single women traipsing around the city look like much easier targets to approach. His loins will quiver with excitement. A woman transplanted from a less populated region of the country to the big city will become enthralled with all the extra attention from men who are probably much better at playing the game than the men she left back home. Her ego will quiver with expectation.


Christ, how simple it is to maintain a dating carousel when hiding all the people you are banging from each other is as easy as scheduling dates on different days and in different bars, sometimes separated by only a block. When there isn’t a social network of family, friends, and people who generally give a shit about decorum to shame swingers, sexual depravity results. This truly is the golden era of genitalia.

Zero Consequences

Who’s gonna stop you from boffing your girlfriend’s hotter sister? Dad? HA. It is to laugh. Welcome to Plunderdome.


No problem running a stable of regulars when meeting places are within walking distance of central giggity headquarters. Out in the sticks it’d be a pain to meet a second girl when she’s a 50 mile drive away.

Poland here I come. Dzien dobry!


I get this occasionally from some girls I date, usually after they have dumped a major shit test on me and I am forced to respond with advanced game:

“Why does everything have to be a test with you?”

I thought about this and reflected on my history with women. It was partly true. With certain girls I’ve dated, I was in game mode all the time. One girl even said that she knew when I would return her calls because I would always wait the requisite 20 minutes.

Dispiritingly, dogmatic game — press this button, pull that lever — will work as intended. You can never truly BE YOURSELF with women because almost all men being themselves will regress to lounging on the couch in their underwear as long as their basic needs are met. Literally, you could put a feeding tube in a guy’s mouth, a drainage tube up his anus, a playstation controller in his hand, and a girl’s mouth on his cock and he’ll lay there like that until he spontaneously self-combusts.

And women too. Look what happens to women who have totally given up on finding a man — they blow up like whales, wear flip flops all the time, and cut their hair short. When you see a frumpy, charmless, fat woman you know she is BEING HERSELF.

So why do I overgame with some girls and not others? It’s not a looks thing. Some of the prettiest girls I’ve been with were a breeze to handle once in a relationship, even though during the first crucial dates they were the toughest to game. Hot girls tend to frontload their gameplaying, so if you breach their beachhead it’s a clear march to center city.

I think it’s an ego issue, or maybe one of intelligence. Very smart girls are always on the lookout for Machiavellian maneuvers in their men because they do it themselves. The world is our mirror. Combined with a powerful but sensitive ego, a girl like this will be hyperaware of manipulation and deathly afraid of getting hurt. Stephane of Ideagasms calls these types of women (and men) Interrogators — a subspecies of Energy Vampires:

Interrogators are (initially) difficult to detect, because
they are perfectionists; These people see the life as a
competitive GAME and they are quite masterful when it comes
to manipulating others.  

Their philosophy?  “Life is just a game – You either play
by the rules, or you’re a loser.” They see the world as
Win/Lose instead of Win/Win.

That’s a great metaphor for explaining what Interrogators
do to people, because when you spot an Interrogator and try
to gently point out what he or she is doing, they too will
pretend that they are innocent and that this heavily
ingrained and entirely OBVIOUS pattern of behavior does not

Then they will turn around and casually remark that there is
something wrong with YOU. They’ll go, “Why would you say
that? Why are you so PARANOID, huh?” (Notice they are not
really asking a question, but rather, making a statement
about you.)

Or they will accuse you of being “too sensitive”… as if
*sensitivity* was a bad thing!

MANY of the top “seduction community gurus” are simply
INTERROGATORS. This is why they “play the game” and have
all sorts of complicated “chess moves” and strategies for
interacting with women. They have a HIDDEN AGENDA.

Interrogators ask a lot of rhetorical questions, and often play
“Devil’s advocate”. But, the questions they ask are not
questions at all! It is their attempt to break down your
reality in the form of negative presuppositions about you.

Overgaming can be caustic to forming a relationship with a girl you really like. The best relationships are built on a foundation of sincerity, not mutually asssured deconstruction. It’s a tragedy when the couple really like each other and the mutual gaming undermines the potential for a deeper connection. Game and ego-protection will always be a necessary component of any interaction you have with quality women, but it should be relegated to a supplement after a certain amount of bonding has occurred. At some point, you have to open your heart and let the chips fall where they may.

So when I game too much for too long, it’s with the girls who deserve it. If I’m getting shit tested all the time, or she’s in Aloof and Indifferent mode every other day, or I sense that she’s hiding something, I will respond in kind. We calibrate our actions and behavior to match the other person’s. Women, being the gatekeepers and mate choosers, are responsible for how men strategize to get in their pants and their hearts. If a girl makes it hard for a guy to be sincere by playing Miss Scheming Queen, he will react with more game. If she’s letting him know how much she loves him, he will be real with her.

You get what you give.

Make no mistake, this is not an anti-game screed. Game is absolutely essential in the beginning stages (See: Mystery Method’s A1 – S3) for every women you want to sex, unless your value is so much higher than hers that you can do nothing and she’ll throw herself on your junk. Relationship game is also important to keep the embers burning.

But in time the doubt has to ease and the soul has to breathe. Anything less would be… uncivilized.


Thought Experiment


Man (B) is worth more.

Man (A) will get more pussy than his intrinsic worth would suggest.


Which person is worth more?

a. an overweight, balding, dull-witted man who is self-confident.

b. a good-looking, smart, rich man who is insecure.

Now ask yourself, which person will have more success with women?

How far can inner game take you? Is manufactured self-esteem — I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people want to bang me — an essential psyche-out or a chimera? Is it deceptive advertising or better marketing? Are all those pickup business models right in emphasizing getting a handle on your inner demons before tackling your outer battles, no matter the actual reality of your station in life?

Ultimately, mental calisthenics in service to ego-propping and conscious affirmations of self-confidence are acts of self-delusion. This is a rational choice, for the ability to delude oneself is a survival trait. For instance, we all live in a fantasy world concerning the real horrors of old age that await us.

Self-delusion or a depressive spiral ending with a gun barrel in your mouth. You choose.

And, thus, this is why so many instinctively recoil at the “ugly truths”. The abyss is too deep and too dark to contemplate.


What She’s Really Thinking

FYI: “What She’s Really Thinking” will be a regular feature here. Content may vary.


Think about some of the worst insults you could call a woman:


These words are powerful because they strike right at the thermal core of a woman’s self-conception — they are reputation-killing words, and in the shark-eat-shark waters of the sexual market a woman’s reputation can mean the difference between getting pumped and dumped by the man of her dreams and getting him to commit. The best way to get a man to propose marriage is to be a virgin.

Who deploys these words in vengeful anger and spiteful slander? Not men. For example, when men use the word “slut” it’s usually with their male buddies as an exercise in identifying the women most likely to put out on the first date. Men will almost never call a woman a slut to her face unless it’s a bitter, jilted ex-boyfriend looking to score points, nor will they tell the woman’s girlfriends that she is a slut. Why kill the loose goose that lays the golden lays?

Women use them against other women. It’s women whispering gossip and innuendo in the ears of whatever female node on their social network is willing to listen, subconsciously calculating that the souldiss will find its way to the intended target. Why do they do this? Because sluts, whores, and skanks make it harder for other girls to use sex as a bargaining chip to extract commitment from quality men and keep it once it is made. Sluts are traitors to the sisterhood, undermining the prime directive and making it more difficult for the commitment whores to get what they want.

It’s all supply and demand, and right now the supply is saturating the market (for qualified buyers).

Note that words like “cunt” and “bitch” don’t cut with the same eviscerating precision when used by women. A cunt or bitch can often be very sexy and still get what she wants from men. Calling a girl a cunt is most effective when wielded by men because disparaging a woman’s personality carries more weight when it comes from a man. For this reason, women (especially “tankgrrls” like the aging cougar brigade and sassy sister soldierettes you see infesting DC) co-opt cunt and bitch for themselves in a feeble and transparent attempt to neutralize the words of their explosive power.

The thermonuclear 1,000 megaton bomb of female-targeted insults is the word UGLY. It is so powerful you will rarely hear women use it against even their worst girl enemies, and most men are loathe to launch this verbal missile. It isn’t a misogynistic word since it is gender neutral, but given the double standards of human nature it doesn’t pack the same wallop when used against a man. Timing, context, and delivery are everything if you decide to detonate this MOAB.

The male equivalent is LOSER.


Rock Band Audition

Do you dream of stardom as you sit at your desk planning yet another dull event for your corporate master? Does the adulation of five drunk bar patrons millions thrill you? The rock band that Roosh and I have started — Heavy Sack — is looking for a female singer. (Male singers are kindly asked to stay home and send their girlfriends and sisters instead.)

Technically, our band is part of the Rock Band video game, but that’s OK because from a distance our fake plastic instruments look real. And we have groupies. While we want a girl with some singing skills, don’t worry if your voice isn’t up to American Idol standards — the computer that measures the pitch of your voice is more forgiving than Simon Cowell.

The audition is this Tuesday night, 9PM at Reef. (They hold a Rock Band Night every Tuesday.) Cute emo chicks with sad eyes will be judged more favorably by me, at least.


not eligible

Any agents who interfere too much with our selection process will be sweet-talked into submission by our band manager.


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