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Back by popular demand…

In the last installment, I analyzed the game Rhett runs on Scarlett. This time it’s the game Paul Newman, in the character of Hud, uses to seduce Alma (Patricia Neal).

This scene is between Hud and Alma, his family’s housekeeper, and it’s the first time in the movie Hud makes a pass at her. Hud is a classic badboy in this movie, and Alma does a good job resisting his devilish charms. My comments are in bold.


HUD: Got a cigarette?

[alpha body language straight from the get-go. slow, heavy steps on the approach. both his arms up and hands leaning against the door frame. forceful tone of voice. this is the entrance of an alpha. a woman will know she’s not about to suffer the entreaties of a beta.]

ALMA: Yeah.

HUD: I wish you wouldn’t keep me hanging around on the front porch make me feel like I’m selling something.

[first qualification. with a dash of playful humor, he lets her know he’s unimpressed with her rudeness for not promptly inviting him into the room. really, any excuse will do to qualify a woman.]

ALMA: All right, come on in. They’re a little squashed.

HUD: It’s all right. They’ll do. I see you got things fixed up some.

[betas are overly attentive. alphas are distracted. hud glances around the room as he grabs the cigarettes from her.]

ALMA: I try.

HUD: Looks pretty good, except your sweet potato plant over here has got the blight.

[compliment, followed immediately by mild criticism. remember that formula.]

ALMA: I can’t seem to get one started.

HUD: They need a lot of tender loving care, honey, same as the rest of us.

[an alpha gets the conversation rolling in a sexual/sensual manner sooner rather than later.]

ALMA: I’ll keep it in mind. Could I have a match?

[notice he doesn’t rush to fulfill her request. she walks to him to get the match, and he almost flings it into her hand. DHV.]

HUD: Well, what have we got here? “Jiffy Portable Hairdryer.” “Triple screen.” Automatic toaster. So what’ve you been doin’, a little rustlin’ down at the five and dime?

[NEG #1. making fun of her stuff.]

ALMA: I go in for those prize contests. “How Shinette Shampoo changed my life,” in twenty words or less. They give free two week trips to Europe. But I end up with the fountain pens and the binoculars.

HUD: Won me a turkey raffle once, but it was fixed. I got to be pretty friendly with one of them gals picking the numbers.

[if you can’t physically demonstrate social proof and preselection by women, the next best thing is to offhandedly hint at it in conversation. the way to do this is to ground your verbalized social proof with a backstory so it sounds natural and unforced.]

ALMA: It figures.

HUD: How much you take the boys for tonight?

[notice the change of voice tone. hud lowered the volume and pitch of his voice while he’s distractedly (and seductively) fondling a flower. women are not the only ones who can flirt with the use of props. also: CONTRAST IS KING. playing with a flower is femme, but hud is dripping with so much masculinity that the flower intensifies his allure.]

ALMA: Twenty dollars and some change.

HUD: You’re a dangerous woman to have around.

ALMA: I’m a good poker player.

HUD: You’re a good housekeeper. You’re a good cook. You’re a good laundress. What else you good at?

[when alma says she’s a good poker player, the typical beta, because he is bereft of interesting things to say or the confidence with which to lead a conversation in new directions, would have jumped at the “beta bait” and attempted to capitalize on her measly offering by asking her about her poker skills. an alpha, otoh, uses what a woman says as a springboard to talk about whatever the fuck he feels like talking about. it’s the art of riffing. here, hud challenges her. the challenge is part of the stage of attraction known as “male to female” interest. instead of proving himself to her, he’s coaxing her to prove herself to him. and all with a sly smile.]

ALMA: At taking care of myself.

[nice IOD. this chick is not going to be steamrolled.]

HUD: Shouldn’t have to, a woman looks like you do.

[if you’re going to compliment a woman’s looks, this is a good way to do it — in context. and he’s got his lips on that flower like it’s a labia.]

ALMA: That’s what my ex-husband used to tell me, before he took my wallet, my gasoline credit card and left me stranded in a downtown motel in Albuquerque New Mexico.

HUD: What you do to make him take to the hills? You wear your curlers to bed or something?

[NEG #2. this could come across harsh, which is why it helps to say it with a shit eating grin, as hud does here.]

ALMA: Ed’s a gambler. He’s probably up at Vegas or Reno right now, dealing at night, losing it all back in the daytime.

HUD: A man like that sounds no better than a heel.

[ex-husband destroyer.]

ALMA: Aren’t you all?

[she plays the game well.]

HUD: Honey, don’t go shooting all the dogs ’cause one of ‘em’s got fleas.

[nice. hud nips her pity ploy in the bud by turning it around on her with a mild rebuke. a beta would have vigorously agreed with her and given her a david alexander-style soft hug and a shoulder to cry on. btw, “honey” is a great way to address a woman when the moment is right. it’s a subtle dominance maneuver that chicks eat up.]

ALMA: I was married to Ed for six years. Only thing he was ever good for was to scratch my back where I couldn’t reach it.

[pause. hud looks her up and down. doesn’t matter if she notices or not. an alpha does these little behavioral things for himself as much as for the woman.]

HUD: You still got that itch?

ALMA: Off and on.

[hud: grin, draw on cig, flower sniff, grin more. nothing is rushed in alphaland.]

HUD: Well, let me know when it gets to bothering you.

[pause. pause. pause. tension. tension. unbroken eye contact. tension building up to the edge of discomfort. unwavering smile half-hidden provocatively by flower AKA labia petals, then… BOOM… hud lowers his smile and flower instantly and — this is important — EXITS FIRST. no lingering for a response. no needy anticipation for her reaction. no goodbye. just gets up off the bed and leaves her to be washed away in the cascading torrent of her lube deluge. that was the money shot. the killer move that greases the skids for a future seduction.]

Next week: How to game Cigstache.


All Lust Same

The results are in from yesterday’s post where I asked the readers to rank the beauty of ten randomly chosen women.

Woman                                             Readers’ Score            My Score
(a) tiaramouth                                            5,6                                  5
(b) mcdormandvsthewall                            3                                     3
(c) lovelysophie                                           9                                      9
(d) redscarf                                                  7                                      6
(e) themask                                                 2                                       2
(f) bridgegirl                                                 7                                       7
(g) alizee                                                      8                                       8
(h) cigstache                                                 1                                       1
(i) perfection                                                10                                    10
(j) morosemetrogirl                                     4,5                                    4

Not much daylight between the readers and myself. This wasn’t a perfect test, nor was it meant to be. Many of the critiques left in the comments were justified.

  • High quality studio shots versus low quality snapshots will skew the results.
  • So will distance from camera and partially concealed faces. Bridge girl and morose metro girl may have scores that are too low or high because of this.
  • I made the mistake of choosing a McDormand shot where she is older. Since we’re comparing female beauty before the ravages of time have taken their cruel toll, a McDormand at her youthful peak would probably clock in a point or two higher.
  • As commenter Agnostic mentioned, there isn’t adequate variability in the photos. It skews toward the higher range. I guess it’s more fun for me to search for hotties than slightly below average girls. (Searching for incendiary warpigs can be fun, like craning your neck to get a better glimpse of a mangled car accident.)
  • People who are subtracting points because of inconsequential accoutrements like a tiara or flip flops are undermining the value of the 1 – 10 system. The 1-10 scale is sacrosanct. Don’t corrupt it with your nerdy pet peeves.
  • Some people complained that I used a picture of Monica Bellucci when she was younger and hotter. Uh, no duh. When you judge Barack Obama’s alphaness, do you use his performance as a bowler for your criteria?
  • Sophie Marceau may be one of the strikingly few women in the known universe who got better looking as she aged into her 20s. The teen pic of her posted in the comments, while certainly meeting the threshold of hottie bangability, shortchanges the breathtaking ethereal beauty that she acquired in her 20s. See: Braveheart. Today, though, she is 42 and not nearly as good looking as she was at her peak. Tragic. Oh well, that’s one way to cure a stalker-crush.
  • You could go through one million 44 year old women before meeting one who could approach Bellucci’s beauty. That is how exceptional she is. Lesson: Don’t get your hopes up, ladies.

Nevertheless, despite the justifiable criticisms of the methodology listed above, and the specter of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, there was considerable agreement on each girl’s ranking. Plus or minus one point and a few wiseguy outliers, most men share the same opinions about where women fall on the 1 – 10 looks scale. Beauty is not an artifact of individual male minds. It is an objective reality. That this should be so and that men are wired with preferences for the more beautiful over the less, proves that men exercise some choosiness when deciding on a mate, just like women do. Pickiness is not gender specific, though women are pickier than men in general.

As I predicted, there was stronger agreement at the tails of the beauty distribution and more fussiness agreeing on the middle rankings. Every man knows a 3 and an 8 when he sees one, but one man’s marginal 6 could very well be another man’s solid 7. Looking at the bar graphs, this observation is confirmed by the wider spread (heh) of the votes for the 4-7 group.

Commenter twiceaday wrote:

What’s interesting, as de Tocqueville alluded to, is that while we don’t necessarily agree on the exact position for any particular woman, we all agree on the range. The bottom 3 (well, really bottom 1 and next 2) are quite clear, the top 3 are a quite clear, leaving the equally clear middle 4. I think it’s safe to say that any normal hetero man would bang the top 3, very few of us would bang the bottom 3 unless we were desperate and hammered, and the middle 4 would be various flavors of “it depends”.

These 3 tiers relate pretty clearly to the dating world. The top tier will attract alphas easily and ultimately be able to hold onto one. The middle tier will attract the occasional alpha, but not for very long, and will wind up with a beta. The bottom tier will attract no alphas, the occasional beta, and ultimately wind up with either cats or an omega (is there really any difference?).

This is mostly correct. I’d separate the middle tier into two subgroups: Lower middle (4,5) and Upper middle (6,7). The distinction is important, as there is a critical and abrupt change between the two groups that has important implications for how men treat these women.

This is how it breaks down:

Bottom tier = beta and omega pump and dump, invisible to alphas.
Lower middle tier = mix of beta pump and dump and beta commitment, still invisible to alphas unless really drunk.
Upper middle tier = beta commitment of the “profess my undying love” variety, alpha pump and dump.
Top tier = alpha commitment, occasional beta stroke of luck with tight game.

I enjoyed doing this exercise, so I plan to do another one in the future. Except next time, you, the readers, will offer photos of girls for judging. There will be a page at the top of the blog for you to leave a link in the comments to a pic of a woman, along with the ranking you give it, and I will choose from among the reader suggestions ten women representing 1 through 10 on the beauty scale for a reader vote, like I did in yesterday’s post. This way, you can see how your taste in women matches up with the general consensus. No celebrities allowed; I want to keep it to everyday girls. All races allowed.

Easter Egg

One of the girls in the photos is a former fling of mine. The perceptive among you (hi, PA, Seeking Alpha) may be able to figure out which.

To people who think I’m in the top photo: I’m not.


The Neg As Opener

I’m coming to the conclusion that the best opener is a neg straight out of the gate. In order to set the right tone as soon as you begin talking to a girl, you want to establish alpha cred immediately before any of her beta-sniffing circuits have had a chance to subconsciously dress you down. The quickest way to sear alpha grill lines in a woman’s heart is through the neg. 8s and above require a neg no matter what, 6s and 7s may require them depending on your relative attractiveness to your target, and 5s and below should not need them unless you are so hideous it’s all you can do to prevent her from dismissing you outright.

Here are four neg openers I regularly use, in descending order of proto-assholery.

1. “Bad hair” opener

This is an original.

ME: [looking disapprovingly at her head] Doing your hair like that is only going to attract the wrong kind of guy.
GIRL: [if she’s cool and witty] Are you saying you’re the wrong kind of guy?
ME: Since I noticed that hairstyle, I must be.


ME: Doing your hair like that is only going to attract the wrong kind of guy.
GIRL: [if she’s not cool or witty] What’s that supposed to mean?
ME: You hair covers half your face, like you’re trying to hide something. The wrong kind of guys love that. [turn my back]

2. “You suck” opener

Unless the environment is chock full of interesting goings-on that I can use as situational openers, I borrow openers from PUA material I read on the net or have heard from friends. The “You suck” opener is one of those.

ME: [walking up to girls after hanging back for a while] Do you know why you guys suck?
GIRLS: [usually looking shocked] Excuse me!?
ME: [smiling] Because you’ve been checking me out for ten minutes and you didn’t come over to say Hi. Bad manners. And a little creepy.

3. “If you wanted to meet me” opener

Another PUA classic.

ME: [after girl bumps into me] Whoa, if you wanted to meet me, you could just say Hi.

4. “Hi” opener

ME: Hi

OK, this isn’t a neg. But I use it all the time as a fallback. Looking back over the years on my many cold approaches, the more asshole-y my opener, the likelier I was to get the girl into bed. There’s just no getting around it — bold, even offensive, openers work best for cold approaches in competitive mating environments. (Day Game needs a subtler touch.) While “Hi” is a safe, all-purpose opener, it’s not high impact like the others; you’ve got to climb uphill from “Hi” to prove to the girl you aren’t like every other boring guy. With an edgy asshole opener, you’ve proven it from the first words out of your mouth. After an asshole cluster bomb rattles her beaver bunker, she’ll be much more receptive to your game.

I found this Brad P opener on the net:

The Weird Horse Girl opener

YOU: “Hey do you like horses?”
GIRL: ”HUH? ummm yea i guess.”
YOU: “Hmm, I thought so. OK check this out, when I was in the 6th grade, there was this girl who loved horses. She used to run around the playground for an hour straight at lunchtime. She’d be galloping and making horse noises. We used to call her the weird horse girl.”
GIRL: “Yeah, so?”
YOU: “well…you look JUST LIKE HER!”

Then if she responds well you continue by saying you’re sorry about what you did back then, because you used to make fun of her but now you are older and more mature and feel bad about it, etc. etc.

I like it. What a mindfuck of a neg! Although this isn’t exactly my style (a bit too wordy for an opener), I’m going to give it a trial run. Many girls really do appreciate creativity, as long as it doesn’t sound like you’re trying too hard to impress her. Keep the obscure literary references to yourself, professor.

If I can get a girl into bed starting with just “Hi” then I know she’s a potential quality girl. I mentally bump her up into my Tier 1 girls. It says good things about a girl if she has enough control over her feral instincts that being a dick isn’t needed to capture her interest.

When I need to get in the right frame of mind for opening girls, I recall this scene from Bad Santa:

Billy Bob Thornton is sitting at a bar wearing his Santa outfit and drowning his misery.

Hot Chick Bartender: So Santa, do you have a real name?
Billy Bob: Yes.

He never tells her his name. All the right attitude conveyed in one word and one unspoken word.


Obama’s Women, Part 2

Here’s this link to a New York Beta Times story about SWPL perimenopausal women having dreams of Barack Obama — psychosexual fantasies and stalkerish glorifications of the Obama family. The NYBTimes has been churning out some truly vomitus copy as of late, but for sheer sickening nausea this story may very well spew the farthest.

One woman wrote that when she couldn’t get to sleep at night, she “lay in bed and thought about the Obama girls in their rooms at the White House. I thought about Marian Robinson up on the third floor. And about Barack and Michelle, a couple who clearly have a ‘thing’ for each other, spooning together in bed. It helped me relax.”

When, generations from now, our Islamic and Mexican overlords have gathered to discuss the exact moment the American empire fell to pieces and reverted to a pre-civilizational Mad Max tribal wasteland, someone will point to this quote in the ancient tablets of the New York Times, and heads will nod in agreement.

I’ve already written about Obama’s women, and the sexual mores of girls who voted for him, so there aren’t many new lessons to glean from this article that haven’t been discussed before. This story has made the rounds, and been roundly ridiculed by many other bloggers. If there were any remaining doubts that giving women the right to vote has been an unmitigated disaster for America, this article should dispel them. Most women, especially single SWPLers and undersexed hausfraus bitter about being married to quisling betas, are simply unserious creatures who will let their emotions guide them to vote away the political and social arrangements that created the modern yenta-fied culture that affords them the luxury of voting like vapid teenage girls. If history is any guide, and if fortune should shine upon the United States before the point of no return is reached, a cooperative, horizontally structured patriarchy will reemerge and supplant the suicidally insane matricentric sick culture and stateless citizen of the world globopuppeteer elites playing “let’s you and him fight” currently running the show. I think it will happen soon, perhaps within five years. It may be violent as the authoritarian sanctimonious Boomer pricks and Gen X lackeys are overthrown.

The other day a friend of mine confided that in the weeks leading up to the election, the Obamas’ apparent joy as a couple had made her just miserable. Their marriage looked so much happier than hers. Their life seemed so perfect. “I was at a place where I was tempted daily to throttle my husband,” she said. “This coincided with Michelle saying the most beautiful things about Barack. Each time I heard her speak about him I got tears in my eyes — because I felt so far away from that kind of bliss in my own life and perhaps even more, because I was so moved by her expressions of devotion to him.”

BOTY candidate right here. Imagine being this bitch’s husband and reading this quote from your wife in the paper. I bet she showed him the article, proudly pointing out where she was quoted publicly humiliating him. “Here, honey, check this out. I’m in the New York Times!” The poor, wretched beta would probably work double time to win his wife’s approval, when he should be doing just the opposite — kicking her cottage cheese ass to the curb.

Relatedly, I was talking to a typical urban slut machine and she asked who I voted for. I said I didn’t vote. She reeled back, shocked. “You didn’t VOTE?!?” “Nope,” I repeated. “Voting is a useless exercise.” She leaned over to her girlfriend and spoke in her ear. They made OMG faces. Both of them looked at me suspiciously, frowning. Their reaction was as if I had told them that I killed a pregnant woman and dumped the body in the Potomac. The Obama Age scales of moral opprobium are completely out of whack. She returned. “What are you registered as?” “Independent.” “Independent? Hmm.” Girls know that when a man says Independent he means “Non-Democrat”.

I got the bang and marked her number in my phone as a “Tier 2″ number.


In other news, I nearly interrupted a mugging in progress. I was literally five feet away walking down an alley that serves as a makeshift parking lot when an early 20s black dude, thugged out to the max, stuck a gun in the gut of a 50ish well-dressed white man (soft target) walking in my direction, and barked at him “You know what to do”. The middle-aged guy yelped when he apprehended what was happening. I broke out into a half-run and turned a corner off the alley about a hundred feet from the scene. Since this was a city hood on a weekend night, I expected to see a cop car nearby I could flag down. No such luck. No cops anywhere to be found. Did they take the night off? Way to be available, guys. What are we paying you for, again?

After a few minutes, I gave up trying to locate a cop and dialed 911. As I’m standing on the street in the middle of the nightlife crowd giving the description to the lady on the phone, the mugger casually strolls right by me on the sidewalk. He’s walking with a buddy. He’s got bills in his hand that he’s flipping through, and his buddy is cackling with glee. I relayed this information.

I never saw cops arrive. No doubt the guy got away scot free. The US is heading for a meltdown if criminals feel they can act with such impunity and fearlessness that they can blithely walk away from the scene unconcerned about being caught. I wondered who the victim voted for.

As a friend of mine said, “After a certain amount of time living in the city, you either settle down or move to a new city.” He’s right. It’s starting to feel like Groundhog Day. A move is on the horizon.


Hypothetically speaking, if average human population group differences in aptitude, temperament, personality and decision-making exist and are immutable over generational timespans, and those group average differences are greater when the population groups being compared are larger (i.e. ethnicity versus race), would anything change about principal economic theories and concepts (e.g. free trade, externalities, free movement of labor, comparative advantage, public choice theory, opportunity cost, rationality of players, labor force growth)? If so, how would they change?


Trial Texting

The phone is dead, long live the text.

For culturally paradigmatic reasons that escape my ken at the moment, speaking on the phone with a girl is going the way of the dodo. A crucial tipping point has been reached — over 50% of my contact with girls on the cell is through text instead of voice. Even when I call and leave a voicemail, she will reply via text. If you are in the market for a new carrier and rate plan, the number of bundled texts is more important than the amount of free minutes.

Texting has become an integral tool of game, so you’ve got to know how to use it to maximize your personal advantage. One of those ways is by trial texting. This is where I will send a short, casual text to a girl, making some funny, irrelevant observation about something, to test her for her level of interest in me. If you’re like me and you collect a lot of numbers, it’s in your interest to streamline operations. You don’t want to waste time and money going on first or second dates with girls who are dragging their feet because they are unsure about you. It helps to have a system whereby you can screen out the lukewarm chicks in favor of the highly attracted girls who are ready to rock down to rawdogging avenue. Trial texting is much more efficient than face-to-face dating for avoiding indecisive girls who want to dally around while they mull over your worthiness in their heads.

When you trial text a girl you will send her a feeler text either later that same night you met her, or you will send it the afternoon of the day after you went on your first date with her. Trial texting becomes pointless after the second date, because by that time your hand should be down her pants diddling her twat.

Here is an example of a trial text I have sent:

I just finished building the world’s smallest snowman.

You can use this example as a guide. Keep it short and insubstantial. You’re not asking her questions or offering a time to meet up. The relevance of your text is immaterial. I’ve found that I will get one of three reactions to a trial text.

  1. She will not reply. Don’t bother setting up a date. Her interest level isn’t strong enough. You’ve just saved an hour of your time and $20 for drinks.
  2. She will reply a few hours later, or the next day. She’s on the fence and probably dating other guys. Use your discretion to decide whether to give her the chance to enjoy the pleasure of your real live company on a date. If you’re juggling a lot of girls and getting laid already, you may want to skip these wafflers.
  3. She will reply within ten minutes. She’s into you. Take her on a date and bring a condom.

Naturally, girls will balk at this devious system because it deprives them of the dates they need to accurately assess the men they meet. But we don’t care about their goals. Men’s and women’s goals are incompatible. This is war and our job is to win, not fight to a draw or serve as pussy fodder.

Some common counterarguments to trial texting:

  • She’ll know what you’re up to.

Doesn’t matter. Girls don’t normally practice inductive reasoning. She knows what you’re up to when you’re running game, but she still likes it.

  • It’s cheesy.

If you really think about it, inserting your penis into her vagina is sort of cheesy. But both of you still want to do it.

  • She’ll think you’re beta for not having the balls to pick up the phone and call.

This is one of those claims that women *think* they should believe, but in reality don’t. I hear this assertion a lot from women on blogs and yet in the real world I rarely observe girls thinking this way. In theory, sending a feeler text is more beta than calling with a firm reason and an intention to set up a date, but in practice it works. Girls who are into you won’t wonder if your trial text is beta, and girls who aren’t into you are ambivalent for reasons that have nothing to do with your trial text.

You’ll find that girls who replied to your trial texts right away are much more enjoyable, and pliable, on dates. I have had no trouble getting these girls into bed by the third date. Girls who delayed replying to my trial texts were a more difficult ho to hoe.

Trial texting is an efficient and effective method for screening out girls who aren’t emotionally and physically anticipating the feel of your member hitting their walls and working the middle.


Google is introducing software for cell phones that allows people, through a complicated system of rope and pulleys, to track each other.

“What Google Latitude does is allow you to share that location with friends and family members, and likewise be able to see friends and family members’ locations,” Steve Lee, product manager for Google Latitude, told CNET. “For example, a girlfriend could use it to see if her boyfriend has arrived at a restaurant and, if not, how far away he is.”

Google claims your privacy is protected because the service requires people to sign up for it. Right. If you are a man who would willingly sign up for a service that allows your girlfriend to follow your every movement, please go to the nearest woodchipper and surrender your testicles for mulch. They are no longer being used by you. And if you need this service to track your girlfriend because you’re insecure about her faithfulness, you deserve to see her little red GPS dot blink over the local biker bar at 2AM.

There’s a reason I use dogpile.com. Google is a totalitarian unAmerican left wing behemoth with delusions of Soviet grandeur. I hope it fails.


Email #1

Enjoy the blog- you are a philanthropist indeed.

Anyway, a great post would be this- (I am in the midst of a tough decision):

Give up a (low status, enjoyable, kicked back) job, for (top 5 ranked lawschool) after three years of big city penury as a student again.

For various reasons, the road forks exactly at this point in my life. Any general thoughts you have on the role of career/$ vs. everything else in improving game would be welcome.

Good looking, game potential.

And no, I’m not above paying for it (I’m a quality not quantity guy)

Which path through the yellow woods holds the greater bliss?


The answer to your quandary isn’t as obvious as most people would presume. The typical mediocrity would, of course, tell you to go to law school and slave away, sacrificing the last ounce of your soul for the “prize” of landing a quality woman who will be the perfect wife and mother of your future children. But I look around and see CEOs and captains of industry with frumpy, fat wives, and contrast them with the mangy, dirt poor DJs I see at the local indie hangout boffing cute young chicks. You observe enough of this and you begin to wonder if the conventional wisdom has it wrong.

All else equal, a guy with a high status job and big bucks will clean up better with women than a guy who doesn’t have those things. Rarely is all else equal, though. The biglaw douche will, in time, begin to coast on his career status as substitute for game, eventually attracting the sort of scheming women for whom status and money matters more than anything else. Since I am a man who truly loves the company of women and loves being loved by women, I have no interest in a coldly calculated barter arrangement where I trade my resources for her love. I’ve seen the matrix and know that undefiled love is possible, despite the cultural inertia and constant drumbeat of societal directives to the contrary.

If you want to play the averages, then go to your top 5 law school and game a bunch of cunty lawyer chicks into bed, followed by the unceremonious dumping they so karmically deserve. You will be doing the Lord’s work. But know that you’ll always be looking over your shoulder — at the date trying to tease out your salary, the wife whose pussy dries up when your black AMEX does, the ex-wife whose love for you runs as deep as the best divorce lawyer she could hire — and sinking deeper and deeper into moribund cynicism. At least when you pay for a professional whore, you know she’ll have the integrity to deliver the goods. Bottom line: you will need the best Game at your disposal to avoid this fate.

Email #2

I recently found your blog and think it’s terrific. Your points are right on target, especially concerning the state of women in US coastal cities. The sense of entitlement some of these women have is mind boggling.
I know you’re not a fan of marriage, but what other choice do men have a we get older? The ‘sweet spot’ of women aged 22-27 will become less attainable as we age and therefore the single life will become much less appealing. It will be a sad state of affairs when my only market is women aged 30+ who hold enormous psychological baggage.

And what about loneliness? As friends become married and have kids, the social circle of a single guy becomes smaller. I feel like marriage becomes the only choice, by default. As Chris Rock stated ‘Married and bored, or single and lonely’..

I appreciate your thoughts and advice. Thanks.


Hookers and liquor. That’s how I plan to live out my old age.

If marriage wasn’t such a brutal ass maiming for men; if it wasn’t an institution as currently constituted so intrinsically opposed to men’s interests; if it wasn’t so damnably evil and buried up to the neck in a shitpile of its own making, I’d say go ahead and get married, no worries mate. Just grab yourself a little mistress loving on the sly. No truly good and honorable wife would deny her husband that pleasure. A good wife understands and accepts the reality of the male sex drive.

But we don’t live in that world, so you’d be a fool to get married. You can have all the benefits of marriage in a loving, long term relationship, without any of the negatives.

If, like me, you want to experience the incomparable pleasures of young women’s flesh for as long as possible, you won’t reach that goal through marriage. In fact, getting hitched will only hinder the fullest expression of your manhood, unless you routinely run wedding ring game. Tight game and staying in shape will expand the age disparity within which you can successfully seduce.

Email #3

A bit of fodder for your ongoing hilarious experiment in creative writing:

What’s up with Ashton Kutcher marrying a has been like Demi Moore? On one hand, you have a guy who is tailor made to be an “alpha” who should by rights line up all the hot “poon” he could possibly handle for the next 30 years, at least.

Instead, he marries a once hot-but-now-not has been actress 15 years his senior?  Sure, there’s more to life than screwing an endless line of hot movie starlets (I guess).  Why, however, wouldn’t a guy with his kind of options settle (if he must) for someone younger, hotter, richer, more successful instead of washed-up, w/o kids, etc. etc.?

I just find it odd, and a bit confusing.  Simple Oedipus complex issues or mayhap the alpha vs. beta duality of men isn’t quite as simple and clear cut in all cases?


For every Ashtun Kutcher there are a hundred Donald Trumps trading in their has-beens for the latest and greatest still-got-its. Don’t get hung up on the glaring exceptions. They exist to give desperate cat ladies a sliver of hope.

Also, we don’t know if boy toy Kutcher is banging sweet young things on the side that Demi conveniently ignores. You’d be surprised the kind of indignities a soon-to-be wall victim cougar like Demi will endure to keep up the delusion that she’s still primo pussy estate to the vast majority of men who matter.

Email #4

You’re a prolific and committed blogger– almost every post shows real insignt and obvious writing skillz.  Why do you put so much energy into this?  don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy reading what you have to say and would be more than a little sad if you stopped writing but I can’t help but wonder what’s in it for you?


Personal amusement. Oh, and I don’t put much time and energy into this. On average, each post takes me a half hour to an hour to write. I type fast. Since I don’t watch more than an hour of TV per week, I have plenty of free time to indulge my sadistic delights.

Email #5

You seem to have really great insight into the male mind (and that of women, as well). I love reading your blog.
I wanted to ask you a question and it’d be great if you could give a bit of advice, no matter how brief as I’m sure you’re busy.
I’m 22 and I’m pretty sure (as bad as this may sound, at least I’m being honest) I’m attracted to intelligent, older men with means.
I am interested in getting married and (sorry to say, it’s true) being taken care of to some degree. I have no fear of committing this young.
I’m finishing my degree soon at a top Ivy League, and would like to pursue a career. I have no shortage of abilities to be successful on my own. But the idea of being a homemaker and mother is equally appealing, albeit an educated homemaker, to a strong, older, and successful man.
What should I do to accomplish this?
I took your dating value test and scored “nascent alpha female.” I get regular attention and looks, I speak French as well as English, and I have modeled, as well. I have been told by many, male and female, that I’m very attractive and well-dressed / put together. I know my being a black female is a drawback. I’m not picky about the man, and I don’t go for looks as much as I do for intellect and ambition… although I am more attracted to white / European men in general.
I’m 5’7”, slim, and I dress well. I have long, straight hair, have been told I have a “perfect” nose and most men compliment me on my legs, lips, and smile.
I’m not afraid of commitment at this age and I am not really interested in men in my age range who seem to only offer sex and / or companionship.
I would like to marry an older guy with means, yes an alpha male in that sense, and I don’t have qualms about his infidelity.
Ultimately I would just like love and stability, as the wife of an accomplished man.
What is your advice?

a regular reader

Were you raised in Eastern Europe by any chance? Foreign girls, particularly East European girls, love the allure of older, sophisticated men. It’ll be my destination before the grim reaper of sexual obsolescence calls my number.

If you are the nascent alpha woman you claim you are, i.e. 8 or higher, then you will have no problem accomplishing your goal. The fact that you’re black pales in relevance to the beauty you bring to the table, so don’t worry that your race will get in the way of you finding and attracting a successful white/European man. Men look first at beauty, then at everything else, and race is down there around “obvious personality defect” in terms of importance. Now there will be some men, especially those for whom family and social status matter immensely, who will balk at marrying a woman of a different race (though they will have no such issues when contemplating you for bang worthiness). Since your window of highest sexual market value is short, it behooves you to filter those types of men so that you don’t waste time on pump and dumpers. Focus on entrepreneurs, business owners, and other similarly situated men. They will be more independent-minded than the suck-up corporate lackeys who infest the law firms and boardrooms. Screen for men whose parents are dead, or who don’t have much extended family. They are less beholden to anyone else’s judgment of their choice in women. You might want to date Scandinavian men, as I’ve heard they are especially enamored of the chocolate love.

One more thing: keep your legs closed for at least three dates. Easy pussy access devalues a woman’s marriageability. Let the man know you are into him through your flirty coyness. Only lower quality women with limited options have to turn to the hard sell to capture a man’s attention. No man, not even the feminist beta males who go by the designation “man”, wants to marry a slut.


January 2009 BOTM Winner

The Beta of the Month award is given to those “men” who best exemplify the loser qualities and weak character of the beta male. Loathed and unloved by women, their suffering, like their sexual release, is often self-administered.

It was a tight race, but in the end the sniveling beta who supported and continued to obsess over his ugly hag wife after she tried to have him killed edged out the chump beta who spent his best years doggedly pursuing a fat slut who cried on his shoulder about all the guys she was banging only to be rewarded by him with a garish princess wedding. The January 2009 BOTM Winner and finalist for the 2009 Beta Of The Year is Mr. Kenealy, AKA Mr. “Put a hit on me but please don’t say you’ll leave me”. Let’s take another look at this ball-less wonder:

Mr Kenealy, a 51-year-old catering worker, did not comment as he left the court today, but he said recently that he would remain faithful to his wife. “I still love Zoe dearly. She’s the love of my life and I want to be with her for ever.” [editor’s note: foreva eva?]

He told the Sunday Mirror: “When Zoe was arrested I was heartbroken, but I never stopped loving her. When I exchanged wedding vows with her I meant every word, for richer for poorer, till death do us part [editor’s note: i was never a fan of that clause], but little did I know those words would come back to haunt me and land the love of my life in jail.’

And he said that they became closer while she was on bail.

He added: ‘She said she couldn’t understand how I could love her after what she’d done. I told her I wouldn’t give up on her, and in those months waiting for the police action we became closer than we had been for years.

“Ironically, it was like we were back to normal – we were soul-mates again.”

Pathetic. Who let the dork out? If you ever doubt the capacity of human beings for self-delusion, look no farther than this guy. (See also: Cougars. Suicide bombers.) He was so abjectly beta that it disgusted his wife to the point where simply leaving him would not provide her with the soul nourishing satisfaction that killing him would provide her. Remember, women don’t just ignore betas; strip away the social niceties and you’ll see they despise them.

The saddest part of this tragifarce is how easy it would have been for this guy to turn it around. All he had to say to his hater hagwife was “You dumb crazy bitch. Fuck off.” and her pussy would have tingled in spite of herself. Six simple words. Let them roll around the mouth and launch off the tongue in slo-mo: YOU DUMB CRAZY BITCH. FUCK OFF. Six words, and his life would be utterly changed for the better.



But that would have required some balls.


Even though I’ve beaten the odds and had success with online game the few times I’ve ventured onto the internet to score pussy, I don’t recommend it. For most guys, the odds are too long, and the playing field too tilted in favor of women, mostly fat BBBWs. Examining the dynamics with cold logic will lead to the conclusion that online dating is futile.

The one big advantage of online dating is convenience. You can mass approach a hundred women while sitting in your underwear in your squalid apartment. Perfect for the lazy man who can’t be bothered to make himself presentable for the bar. If you want to spend a few minutes each week trying online game, you’ll need a strategy. Approaching girls online is not much different than approaching them in the flesh. The game remains the same. Following is an example of successful online game I have used. Don’t copy/paste this into your next email. This is a template only, and will give you an idea of the flow and attitude you need to project in your emails.

Note: I only answer W4Ms that have pics included. I know a guy who posts a profile in M4W and has some success with it, but I find that method too haphazard. I can’t imagine sifting through 100 responses from moocows to get to the one or two gems in the bunch.

Her original email paraphrased:

I’m looking for a [insert suite of alpha traits]. You must be [insert more alpha traits]. I’d like to go out this weekend with a man who knows what he wants in life. Suggest a restaurant or a movie and let’s get together. Pic a must.

[soft focus pic of a cute chick]

My response (with pic):

Subject line:

It’s interesting that your…

I’ve captured her attention with a leading subject header.

photo looks like a perfume ad from a magazine.

Neg. She can’t tell if this is a compliment or a put-down. That is the beauty of the neg.

movies are for couples who don’t mind not talking with each other for two hours.  restaurants are anhedonic.  all that food gets in the way of the romantic vibe.

Reframe. I’m not letting her lead the interaction, and I’m challenging her demands. Also, I threw in one five dollar word — anhedonic — to establish intellectual dominance. This is sexy to girls in measured doses. Just don’t go overboard and nerd out like you’re an epileptic thesaurus. Rule of thumb is one impressive word embedded in a casual streetwise conversation. Contrast is king.

now a chill lounge draped in crimson curtains and the soothing sounds of jazz over martinis… that hits the mark.

You must balance the negative with the positive. After snubbing her lame suggestions, I offered a more enticing alternative. This is where you will limber up your brain and write descriptively, lushly. You want her picturing the scene in her mind, and feeling the ambience.

We will meet at XXXX tomorrow night, 10pm.

Lead, pig!

She responded to this within a half hour, agreeing with my choice of venue. She also included her height and weight (5’7″, 108 lbs. Perfect.) but not a second photo. A 30 minute turnaround response rate is excellent for online game. Most girls will reply two days later, if they’re so inclined. In her next email, she asked for my “basic stats”. I gave her a brief physical description, followed by silliness.

occupation: international man of mystery

favorite color: green

ideal woman: golddigger

We set a time to meet, but I flaked. I had another date that night with a girl whose looks I was confident about, since I met her in real life. Options = freedom. Also, I’ve found that it’s a fat red flag when a girl doesn’t follow-up her initial photo with another photo of herself. This usually means that out of all the thousands of pictures taken of her, she only has one that shows her in a good light. Unfortunately, on a face-to-face date, you will be seeing her from multiple angles.

Maxim #55: If she’s hot, why would she bother with online dating?


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