This is the ideal Clownworld female. You may not like it, but this is what peak hypergamy and lack of social feedback loops looks like.
Remember the CH post about men experiencing better sex with hotter women? ANALogously, women experience better sex with more inconsiderate men. This isn’t a looks thing for women. A handsome niceguy won’t rock her womb like a beat-up jerkboy will. The Aloof Asshole Attitude is the special romantic ingredient that adds heat to a girl’s pink pleat.
Gently make love to the typical Americunt? Get outta here with that softbore coring. Toss her around like a rag doll and slap her face with your dick? Now you’re cooking with fash!
PS That thing to the t-shirt girl’s right? I bet it calls its dog “ruth bader ginsbark”.
‘Thousands of low-wage workers in “censorship factories” trawl the online world for forbidden content, where even a photo of an empty chair could cause big trouble.’
— Helen Dale (not on your team, but always fair) (@_HelenDale) January 6, 2019
This is happening in China, but the censorship factories are fully operational in the land of the free and home of the brave. Hunched-back teams of foreign nerd-mercs and spiteful soylibs at all the Big Tech Bathhouses — Goolag, Fapple, Facecock, Amazog, Gaypal etc — censor reviews and comments, shadowban and delete accounts, tweak algorithms to hide opposing views, deplatform and demonetize heretics, ban users, and stop the payments of thought criminals.
The term “corporate conspiracy” doesn’t quite capture the breadth of malice these speech police oligarchs have toward free-thinking Americans who won’t parrot Globohomo orthodoxy.
If it isn’t illegal, it should be.
But it is illegal.
It’s Big Tech collusion to suppress the voices of dissidence. Anti-trust laws were made for times like these.
So where is the DOJ?
In bed with their Big Tech buttbuddies?
If so, then revolution is coming. And it could get ugly, fast.
Worldwide, “cybersecurity” is the excuse that governments and their corporate partners use to justify our silencing. The Surveillance State is a goal, not an accident.
This is what Big Tech wants for our future — selfies, sales, sportsball, and celebutard gossip. A compliant herd of sheep hooked to a Serotonin drip.
Pull out the IV, and release the spirit of rebellion.
If you tear down one big wall, a thousand smaller walls appear in its place. To wit:
If you don’t put borders around your countries, you will be forced to put borders around everything within your countries.
— Vengeful Jesus (@VJ_Rises) January 6, 2019
“But walls don’t work”
Oh they do. They work very well, which is why shitlibs lash out so hysterically against any move toward building a national border wall. If walls were truly ineffective, Chuck Schumer wouldn’t kvetch so much.
The choice is a big beautiful wall at the nation’s border, or millions of smaller walls multiplying every day around the nation’s landmarks, gentrifying neighborhoods, gated communities, parks, pools, schools, and places of worship.
Human nature hasn’t changed. We wall off our precious homelands against invaders. If we let the invaders waltz in, then we wall off our precious homes from them.
Until there’s nothing left to wall off but ourselves.
Is there any position the Democortez Party leaders presently take that they didn’t utterly contradict just a few years ago, before the Reign of Trump drove them over the cliff of power-mad insanity?
Carlson must have been reading manosphere blogs recently and swallowed a few Crimson Pills on his journey to becoming the real-est Realtalker on the TelaViv, because in his latest show he drops a truth bomb so big it caused feminists to shriek themselves to death.
No joke, I would vote for a Carlson/Coulter presidential ticket. There are few people who could trigger the shitlib gooniverse harder than does Trump, but Carlson might achieve it, and he does it with smarts and sureness of belief.
His main point — that cratering male wages in traditionally male occupations have reduced men’s marriage market value in the rural areas and small towns which voted heavily for Trump, contributing to a host of current social ills in those areas — is spot on, and something that we here at the Chateau have been banging on about for a long time.
When the State replaces men as the primary provider for women, then women, in effect, will marry the State (and fuck around with charming, undependable cads). Compassion creates more cads.
Carlson has broached the subject of female hypergamy — the third rail of sociosexual analysis — and the femcunts and soyboy lickspittles don’t like it.
In short, men date across and down, women date across and up. Men are primarily attracted to women’s looks, women are primarily attracted to men’s social and financial status (especially for long-term commitments). When men lose status, their women lose desire for them.
The beating heart of the Trump vote was a howl from men who have experienced an SMV decline — sexual and social market value declines brought upon them by anti-White pro-Diversity agitprop and nonWhite dispossession, the disappearance of male-oriented occupations that don’t require a facility with sitting still in an office chair all day, and the cheapening of their labor by foreign invaders scabs invited in at the behest of greedy corporate oligarchs.
And, as Carlson said, almost word-for-word recapping posts written at the Chateau, the female hypergamous instinct may be distasteful to contemplate, but it’s not going anywhere soon, because the sexes have innately competing reproductive goals. A smart, sane society understands this, and works to leverage the beneficial effects of that instinct rather than encourage its worst aspects.
On the downside, there are still too many gains in education, health services, and hospitality, which translates to dead weight gibs for women and migrants, which ultimately has a corrosive effect on the marriage market for White men.
I would have to see the percentage gains for each occupational group over the last few years to determine if this is a blip or a real and lasting course correction. It’s great that manufacturing jobs have increased, but if the increase in Shrike Jobs is larger then the gains in manufacturing, than the benefits from the latter will be swamped by the negative consequences of the former.
A successful realization of MAGA means the top two occupation groups are at the bottom, and at least six of the bottom eleven occupation groups storm the top of the jobs gain chart.
Great comment from bigjohn33,
That was a very powerful piece by Tucker. I dont think it’s overly dramatic to say that speech has the potential to become a landmark historical event. This was an implicit call for white Americans to (presumably peacefully) overthrow the government. Tucker is clearly saying both political parties are working against the interests of normal (meaning white) men, their families, and descendents and their power over the People is illegitimate.
There are so many good quotes in there. I am greatly encouraged. There is hope yet. The metapolitical landscape is changing. I have never seen anything like this in the mainstream before. This is something new. This is what a revolution looks like.
Our ruling class is illegitimate. This is our battle cry.
Another great comment, from Screwtape,
There is another element of the invader labor problem: the erosion of the culture of work.
The ‘jobs Americans wont do’ lie is not just about depressed wages. It is about creating an environment that does not encourage and facilitate the matriculation of labor in the young heritage population.
The browing of physical and low-skill labor has accelerated the cultural decline of the value of hard work, of doing a job that is tough and often sucks, and of honing social and other skills in dealing with a work environment.
This has fed into the pussified, entitled, and soft generation who never had to work at mcdonalds or dig irrigation ditches. Like “good schools” all these prog white parents won’t subject their precious spawn to the brown hoards who dominate jobs that teenagers used to regulalry perform.
While I hardly blame them for that, there is more to a labor market than wages and the invaders have played a major role in the rite of passage of labor and incentives and ultimately, community and culture.
Mass nonWhite immigration destroys White culture. We may as well stop beating around the bush on this matter.
This girl’s ex-boyfriend walked into the club with a new girl on his arm. She sees him. Her expression is priceless. (Commenter: “That is the face of someone who suddenly wants to go home”)
There are three great looks on a woman:
When she’s gazing up at you with her mouth stuffed full of your ocasio-cockas.
When her eyes dance the first moment she falls in love with you.
When her heart sinks at the sight of you with another woman, and her duckface retracts to a slack grimace.
If you cause any of these looks in a woman, you will feel like a KING. Strive to complete the trifecta.
A few readers suggested it was time for another female beauty ranking contest. I agree. In these Ugly times, we need all the moments of Beauty we can get.
The same rules apply as in earlier Female Beauty Ranking posts:
…rank order the ten photos below, assigning a number between 1 and 10 inclusive for each photo. DO NOT USE A NUMBER MORE THAN ONCE. The photos are in no particular order. [Pics were chosen that] represent a woman at each point on the 1 to 10 beauty scale.
The best way to do this without biasing your ratings is to first look at all the photos before ranking them. Then go back and judge like a god. The idea behind this rather pleasurable exercise is to demonstrate the conformity of men’s attractiveness standards…
I also predict, as before in the first female ranking exercise, that the most disagreement will occur in the middle rankings — 4,5,6 — where a woman’s looks tend to blend in with the masses of other women along the fat part of the bell curve, and at the very upper end where great battles will be fought to decide who is the 10.
I’ve avoided posting pics of grossly obese or very old women, because fat and age obscure any natural facial beauty. For the most part, obese women and old women are zeroes on the female SMV scale.
Girl Next Door ranking:
PS This entire post is an Easter egg of sorts.
The Easter Eggs, in order from top to bottom:
A young Melania Trump
Alexandria Of-Color
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter
Yuki the sexbot
Masha Gessen
David Hogg (lightly airbrushed)
Allison Mack (head groomer for Nvxium sex cult leader Raniere)
Rebecca Reid (new media feminist and distantly former model)
Elke Sommer (Swede, and first name of the very first girl who made me feel all funny inside)
Stephanie something yada yada (just another dumbshit feminist)
Mollie Tibbetts (sacrificed to the Diversity God)
Do men hit the field with wings anymore? It seems in this anti-social, SJWed, MeScrewy age the wingman institution is struggling to survive. Do men even sarge? Solo? I see a lot of slores gallivanting around after 5pm, but not nearly as many men.
A teaser I’ve dropped on chicks which has proven surprisingly effective requires the use of a wingman. It’s a line delivered with an attitude that you’d describe as “cocky-asshole”, so be prepared to back up your bluster with the necessary ZFG to bat away the girl’s indignant reaction.
I walk up to the girl and say, “My buddy over there says you were checking him out. Maybe try not to be so obvious, he spooks easily.”
This works no matter what she was doing.
Not checking either of you out. Now she’ll protest her innocence and/or your arrogance, which opens fruitful avenues of flirtation.
She was checking out your buddy. Wave him over, because she’s ready to talk. Ideally, he’ll have a relevant reply at the ready, such as, “Ah man, I didn’t want to get dragged into this” or “damn, the pressure is on”.
She was actually checking you out, in which case she’ll likely play along or suddenly turn shy. You could go many different ways with this. You could affect an air of sudden realization, “Oh wait, that was ME you were checking out. Well, this is awkward”. Or you could act the part of the disappointed friend. “Now I have to go over there and break the bad news to him”.
This is classic Assume The Sale Game, with a winged twist. The idea is that instead of lamely enduring two rejections from mutual inaction, you work together to ensure at least one of you gets a hot lead.
“Two parents listening to the heart transplanted from their 23-year-old son, who overdosed on opioids.”
It’s cruel of me to laugh at this, but I can’t resist. As a photo, this has everything a chronicler of White civilizational decline could want: The young death of yet another despairing White man to drug overdose, his heart donated to a fat, elderly, smug black man to keep him alive a few more years, two grieving White parents in the throes of a bioengineered Stockholm Syndrome desperately clinging for comfort and for waves of social approval to the unrelated beneficiary of their son’s sacrifice….
All together, it’s the perfect symbol of one people surrendering their future and homeland to another people, and finding in their surrender a reason for rapturous hysteria.
MPC had a term for something akin to the scenario in this photo, called “the 3p!k-n*6 cycle“. This is the ultimate realization of that social phenomenon: The White body parts-POC life extension cycle.
Bronze Age Pervert has a brilliantly funny “thesis” explaining the decision by Mitt Romney to shit in Trump’s face just hours before Romney is sworn in for his insufferably long six-year term as Cuck Supremo from the grate state of Utah.
As promised I release a dark secret on New Year’s Eve…the most grotesque plans in motion revealed to me by mole inside Karl Rove office, regarding what he, Huber, the Utah deep state, and establishment GOP is planning …what Romney thinks he has masterminded
The Romney poses as a “principled conservative”, but let’s face it, that’s just code word for “do the bidding of Globohomo”.
The Romney has no principles beyond revenge against Trump making a fool of him during the campaign.
This cowardly morcuck would throw America under the bus if it meant gimping Trump’s presidency.
Reminder that The Romney was elected based on the very tribalistic impulses he disingenuously decries — by a horde of Mormons who love their King Mormon.
From a reader, on the “first principles of cuckservatives”:
never-ending war against people who didn’t do anything to us:
• “worthy of infinite dollars”
• “primary government function”
• “will work, given enough centuries”
• “accords with First Principles”
I read that Afghanistan costs Americans $38 billion per year to unsuccessfully pacify that country’s “natural conservatives”. Meanwhile, back home, Trump is about to “cut a deal” with Dems and Romneys to get a cool $5 bil to fund a few miles of fencing in exchange for granting citizenship to millions of invader DACAritos.
A year ago, Trump was angling to swap DACAs for $25 billion in Wall funding.
Forgive me if I fail to appreciate the negotiating genius at work.