Feed on

You will read the following thinking it a biting satire of Down’s World. And, once again, you will learn never to assume, in this day and age of raging insanity, that the unreal can’t be real.

This is insane! Being in shape is now considered offensive? We are normalizing being sick and it’s truly disturbing pic.twitter.com/Am9BieI0l5

— Dr Shawn Baker ©️ (@SBakerMD) December 31, 2018

The censorship and TOS violation warning come from Facebook.

Excuse me, Faceborg.

No wait, Facecock.

One more try, Fakespeak.

You get the idea.

Look at this Faceschlock warning again. Revel in its malice, soak in its abject nonsense, imbibe its assault on truth and common sense, and TREMBLE at the thought of our future under the rule of propagandists like those at Faceberg.

As CH has prophesied, giving The Fuggernaut an inch would inevitably lead to a mile of Fuggernaughtiness.

When the ugly, defomred, and repulsive are “accepted”, we are only a few short societal hops to their glorification, and finally to the demonization of Truth and Beauty.

The Ugly and Demented can’t rest being merely tolerated. The very existence of universal truths and beauty belies their agitprop, so they must destroy that which mocks them silently but powerfully. It was always going to end this way: Uglies in Power outlawing the true and the beautiful, and gaslighting a world into believing shit is chocolate ice cream and pearls are poison pills.

Objective standards of beauty — as timeless as the cosmos — are now deemed “hate speech”, because “hate speech” has come to mean anything which makes a Fugnut feel bad.

It’s past time to turn back the clock on the encroaching dementia gripping the West.


The Romney

Bronze Age Pervert has a brilliantly funny “thesis” explaining the decision by Mitt Romney to shit in Trump’s face just hours before Romney is sworn in for his insufferably long six-year term as Cuck Supremo from the grate state of Utah.

As promised I release a dark secret on New Year’s Eve…the most grotesque plans in motion revealed to me by mole inside Karl Rove office, regarding what he, Huber, the Utah deep state, and establishment GOP is planning …what Romney thinks he has masterminded
strap in…
— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) January 1, 2019

The Romney poses as a “principled conservative”, but let’s face it, that’s just code word for “do the bidding of Globohomo”.

The Romney has no principles beyond revenge against Trump making a fool of him during the campaign.

This cowardly morcuck would throw America under the bus if it meant gimping Trump’s presidency.

Reminder that The Romney was elected based on the very tribalistic impulses he disingenuously decries — by a horde of Mormons who love their King Mormon.

From a reader, on the “first principles of cuckservatives”:

a simple border wall:
• “too expensive”
• “big government”
• “won’t work”
• “against Our Values”
never-ending war against people who didn’t do anything to us:
• “worthy of infinite dollars”
• “primary government function”
• “will work, given enough centuries”
• “accords with First Principles”

I read that Afghanistan costs Americans $38 billion per year to unsuccessfully pacify that country’s “natural conservatives”. Meanwhile, back home, Trump is about to “cut a deal” with Dems and Romneys to get a cool $5 bil to fund a few miles of fencing in exchange for granting citizenship to millions of invader DACAritos.

A year ago, Trump was angling to swap DACAs for $25 billion in Wall funding.

Forgive me if I fail to appreciate the negotiating genius at work.


Your Daily COGDIS

The shitlibs who will chastise you for using a tranny’s birth sex name are the same shitlibs who snap at you for calling their cat by the wrong sex.

As if the average person should ignore the obvious difference between human males and females but should readily see the difference between male and female cats.

Shitlibs: Insane about human sexuality AND cat sexes.


Prelude To Civil War 2

Reader Monday Blue sends along this graphic which is the best indicator yet that America is on a course toward Civil War 2.

The source is from this September 20, 2018 Economist article. M Blue adds,

I’m old enough to vaguely remember 1980… remember Reagan back then thought he was fighting commies… holy shit look how far Left the mainstream Left has gone… the modern Left would be unrecognizable radicals to an average Jimmy Carter Democrat

From 1980 to 2018, the bulk of liberals have moved much farther to the Left, while the bulk of conservatives have only slightly moved rightward (and bunched up more in the middle, suggesting a bunker mentality in the face of an aggressive left-wing that is becoming more intolerant of opposing views).

The time lapse graphic is starker:

Eyeballing these graphs, the distance between the ideological centers of Democrats and Republicans roughly doubled from 1980 to 2018.

Or, our American fellow-feeling roughly halved in that time.

Bad omen.

There was never nonpartisanship or bipartisanship in America during the past 38 years, but the partisan split has gotten wider and deeper, and mostly as a result of the Shitlib Left lurching evermore leftward.

Shitlib America is racing away from Shitlord America.

Shitlord America is solidifying its defiance of Shitlib America.

The battlefront has been clarified.

What’s interesting is that as the Left Wing has become more comfortable as the Far Left Wing, there’s concomitantly been a flattening in the ideological distribution of Democrat candidates in the House primary elections. I suspect this reflects two social phenomena: Dem candidates trailing the leftward lurch of their constituencies, and older White male Dems resisting the far-left POC ascendancy of the Dem Party.

Soon, very soon, there will be No Dem Party for White Men.


Audacious has the tragic, totally preventable numbers behind the Great White Demographic Replacement.

As it turns out, thirteen states have fewer white people living in them today than they did in 1970. We’re not talking in terms of population percentages here–every state except for the Imperial Capital has seen a decline in its white population share over the last half century–we’re talking in terms of absolute numbers of white people.

Another way of putting this is that 100% of the population growth over the last fifty years in New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Ohio, Michigan, Rhode Island, Iowa, Maryland, and West Virginia has come from non-whites. From 1970 to 2018, California lost 427,000 whites while adding an utterly transformative 20,250,000 non-whites.

The remaining Mexifornia Whites are largely the most cucked of race-cucked Whites, as AE surmises. CA Whites who did not suffer gladly the blowback of Diversitopia skedaddled to other states, leaving behind a rump of libwhites ensconced in their coastal enclaves from where they could painlessly virtue signal while avoiding neighborhoods and schools rapidly filling with the extended families of their peasant serf labor.

I think there’s a second explanation for the inability or unwillingness of CA Whites to adopt a racial consciousness against a dire threat from foreign invasion: Stockholm Syndrome. Lib Whites in comfy, economically gated communities along a coastline that boasts an ideal climate for human habitation don’t want to give up their little elysiums, nor do they want to go the way of White South African farmers who are currently having their lands stolen from them to appease the bantu masses. In a political and cultural sense, CA Whites are kidnapped by a growing and impoverished horde just outside their security checkpoints. These Whites don’t want to anger their captors and risk overthrow, so they pay the Danegeld — in psychological terms, they develop an alliance with their captors — in the hopes of winning their captors’ favor and mercy should the shit really hit the fan.

Until that shit hits the fan, CA libWhites will appease their nonWhite replacements and join them in denouncing and demonizing Whites who retain a racial survival instinct. This would explain why lib Whites have such intense hatred for sane Whites: the latter with their straight talk and refusal to supplicate to the invaders are making life very difficult for the former, who are put into a position, by dint of sharing a racial resemblance with BadWhites, of having to grovel before nonWhites and vociferously insist on the sincerity of their anti-White bona fides.


Birth Of A Meme

Nine days ago, from a slightly larger-than-life CH proprietor,

It would be great if an ambitious meme-maker put together a photo montage of every fence, hedge, gated community, and security check that surrounded the homes of media, academia, and government elites, and then asked why this same courtesy isn’t extended to regular Americans.

Trump REALLY needs to hit the Dems on this angle. He should just tweet out pics of Pelosi’s backyard wall and ask why Dems don’t want the same security and safety privileges for regular Americans. It would be a a nuke on the Dem Party. They will have no response to it.

Today, from President Trump:

Trump, or someone very close to him, reads this blog and its social media subsidiaries.

The Chateau is the place where memes are born and soon after welcomed into the home of the President of the United States of America.


Ron Unz’s Flimflam

Ron Unz lies a lot in an article about the Alt-Right which he penned last year but reposted yesterday. I think the strawman-per-word ratio in his id-shaped rant is higher than anything I’ve read outside of a feminist tumblrrhea screed.

His main contention is that the “alt-right” are being deplatformed and de-personed because representatives (whoever they are) exaggerate the criminal threat of latino immigration, and the Soylicunt Valley nerdos who have been thrust into the role of Speech Police can’t tolerate the lies.

This is an utter inversion of the reality, which is that the Big Tech Poindexters can’t tolerate the truths which dissident outposts daily level against the corrupt Globohomo worldview and nation-dissolving agenda.

The “alt-right” (really, a constellation of realtalkers who refuse to parrot neolibogisms) is silenced because they write truths that the masturbators of the universe don’t want to read.

Simple as that.

Censorship has historically been used as a tool by the powerful to suppress the views of the powerless who threaten the former’s hold on power. That Unz can’t or won’t grasp this ineluctable fact of no-holds-barred status jockeying between antagonistic groups says a lot about what kind of resentful agenda motivates him.

KenH puts it best, in a reply directly to Flimflam Unz.

Unz: Okay, I guess all my [hispanic crime rate] “numbers & stuff” just make your head spin, so I won’t bother citing them.

LOL. No, it was pretty straightforward stuff as I recall. I just got the whiff of a political agenda that is absent in most of your other work, but I could be wrong.

First, the alt-right are damnable liars but in the case of The Daily Stormer it’s a paragon of truth? I can barely keep up with your ever shifting narrative about the wicked alt-right, but it’s good you have a high opinion of the Stormer. There’s still hope for you.

Breitbart is a civnat site, not alt-right. They do lead their readership to believe that America is awash in Hispanic illegal alien crime while mostly ignoring the high crime rates of blacks which is far worse and much more of a threat than Hispanic crime in many cases.

The available evidence proves that on a per capita basis whites have low crime rates while Hispanics have higher crime rates than whites while blacks have significantly higher crime rates than both whites and Hispanics. This is borne out by the prison statistics which is the only reliable source since local, state and federal authorities conceal data or resort to shell games and often times count Hispanic offenders as white as demonstrated by other posters.

Now if we put some of the data through the Unzian spin cycle along with a sprinkling of Reedian subterfuge we can claim that whites and Hispanics have comparable crime rates and conclude that Hispanics are simply brown skinned Swedes contrary to what some doomsayers on the racialist right say. So let em all in and breed with them since they’re really……us!

Even if, for the sake of argument, you and Fred Reed are correct it wouldn’t matter because whites have a right to exist as whites and exclude whomever they wish from their nations and societies for any reason. Hispanics vote for the anti-white Democrats anywhere from 65% to 72% and polls consistently show majorities of them support bigger government (which means taxing whitey), restrictive gun laws and speech codes. There’s other reasons.

So we are not the same people and it’s most definitely not in our racial interests to have such a large and growing population of Hispanics within our borders.

Well stated.

Crime rates are bracing and all, but it evades the central thesis:


Unz, for reasons which I may explore in a future post, has a chubby for amerinds, or more precisely a chubby for imploring Heritage Americans to sit idly by as they are swarmed by the tens of millions with genetically, socially, culturally, behaviorally, and psychologically alien invaders from the south, and then chiding Woke Whites to shut up and accept it lest they feel the wrath of Cuckersperg, Inc.

His evidence for holding this view? Hispanics have lower crime rates than blacks, and it’s gauche to talk about race.

Yeah, ok. Those are wonderful non sequiturs.

It’s gauche to talk about anything which upsets the reigning orthodoxy, but talk about those things we must if the reigning orthodoxy is malevolent. Politeness never saved a nation from civ-death.

Hispanics have a lower crime rate than blacks. True, and Whites lower still. (Unz’s cooked books say the hispanic crime rate is about 25% higher than the White crime rate; the FBI says it’s about 100% higher. Unz ignores misattribution sample bias and the known generational regression toward higher crime rates among the children of first gen hispanic migrants. So let’s split the difference and say hispanics are roughly 1.6x more likely to commit crime than are White Americans.)


No dissident writer I’ve read has ever claimed hispanic crime is as apocalyptic as black crime.

No dissident writer I’ve read has ever claimed every invader hopping the border was a rapist or murderer or drunk driver.

Sensationalist reporting of hispanic crime isn’t a lie. It’s an attention grabber. Sensationalism may be distasteful and ethically suspect, but it isn’t the same as directly lying about the hispanic crime rate.

California shitlibs are NOT happy with the hispanic invasion, despite Unz’s assertion to the contrary, as evidenced by the alacrity with which those White shitlibs retreat to gated communities and pen themselves off from majority-hispanic enclaves.

Even if the hispanic crime rate were a fraction of the White crime rate, it would still be true that a closed border means at the very least one less criminal act committed in America. “But Whites commit crime too!” isn’t an argument, it’s a vapidity.

Finally, crime is just the technicolor tip of the society-wrecking spear of mass nonwhite migration into America. The disruption of mass amerindian migration extends to lower social trust, more welfare exploitation, less comity, higher housing costs (driven by White flight and the subsequent White fortressing), less competence and productivity (relative to Whites), and, not to be undersold, ruined aesthetics. In short, less of this:

And more of this:

So to Unz I say, I think we’ve had more than six decades of evading stone cold truths, and now it’s time to give truth a chance. The alternatives — appeals to class (that don’t work in a multiracial pressure cooker) and polite economic arguments — haven’t done a damn thing to reverse America’s collision course with Diversitopia.

We need a full scale, shock and awe attack on Globohomoism.

That means hitting the tikkun olam universalist religion from all angles, economic, classist, social, environmental, and racial.

The salvageable slender reed of Unz’s tirade against his fantasy of the alt-right, such as it is, is that race should be forbidden from pragmatic political discourse about border policy because it turns off too many normies (and reading between the lines, it offends Unz’s sensibilities). If we don’t want to have our speech silenced, we should stop talking about subjects which anger the censors.

That’s Unzianism, in a nutless-shell.

I have a less cowardly view. The censors should be defied and punished, their houses of anti-American heresy razed and replaced with services that actually benefit native stock Americans and uphold the letter and the spirit of the First Amendment.

To give that slender reed its due, pragmatically I can see the need in the present time (when an enemy media controls the horizontal and the vertical) for camera-ready politicians to couch race-based arguments in thinly-veiled class-based rhetoric, but this says nothing about policing free-thinking outposts of dissidence. The former does not necessitate the latter. These proposals aren’t mutually exclusive. The “realtalk-right” should continue telling it like it is, and Unz-sponsored candidates for office can avoid racial truths while pursuing policies that essentially abide those racial truths.

If this is what Unz argues, then he should say so without resorting to unmerited attacks against his perceived dissident competitors enemies. Otherwise, readers will rightfully suspect him of ulterior motives, (such as suspicions which include cynically interpreting his “American Pravda” series as a plausibly deniable shield against valid accusations of anti-gentilism).

If, on the other hand, Unz nurses a deep-seated bitterness about living as a minority in this country, and has some kind of primal compulsion to visit that bitterness on the majority by reducing them to a minority in their own country, then nothing I write here will resonate with him, and we should thank him for giving Steve Sailer and Audacious Epigone a platform, and no more. TBH, that would be enough to recommend Unz.

In the meantime, contra Unz’s concern trolling, Whites will no longer be the witches. The Narrative will die and be replaced by a new, more truthful narrative.

Since we’re on the subject, CH once again will clarify its stance on the National Question:

All illegals and their anchor babbies should be deported.

The Wall should be built to prevent future waves of foreign invasion.

Birthright citizenship should be ended.

There should be a 60 year immigration moratorium, followed by (if wanted) immigration quotas that favor NW Euro countries.

The White Christian population should be restored to 80%+ of the total US pop.

If the latter is impossible, America should — correction, WILL — in time separate into distinct ethny- and race-based geopolitical entities. It is inevitable.


A chick was giving me a hard time about my motives for talking to her. (Confession: they were impure motives.)

I replied: “Unlike Harvey Weinstein, I won’t offer you a movie role for your company.”

Verdict: an effective flirtation coup de grace.

You’re welcome.

(Game principles in action: Self-disqualification, outcome independence)


Merry Christmas


Hackett To Bits pithily reveals a behavioral tic that indicates a woman is deeply, truly in love with a man.

Geez check out bikini chick Tatiana and her letter. Talk about trying to qualify herself to a dominant man, every sentence she writes is an apology for possibly boring him.
Let that be a reminder: never be deferential and never apologize.

Do hot chicks dig murderous jerks? You bet!

You slave and struggle to earn a keep
Give roses and vows and profess love so deep
But rarely a night do you share your sleep
with a woman who isn’t a 20 stone heap
While murderers bask in the lust of lithe sexy babes
and no effort spent to earn their unfolding labes
It all comes back to a question you evade
“What if all I am is a sexless chump to raid?”

Now let’s look at those love letters from Tatiana:

Women have a lot of compassion for murderers….yet so little compassion for betaboy incels. Funny, that.

Hackett To Bits is right. That letter from Tatiana to the killer “only she can understand” reads like a long form apologia for being a lovestruck woman intruding in an alpha male’s safe space. I mean, this line alone…

“If you’ve gotten this far without throwing my letter in the trash – thank you

…reads like a woman scared to death that her 20-year marriage to the man she loves is on the brink of ending. Except this is a posture of supplication from a woman to a complete stranger who just happens to be in jail for murdering his pregnant wife and two daughters.

She underlined “thank you” to emphasize her gratitude that a murderer had read that far.

When was the last time a doting, supportive, beta male feminist received a letter with anything underlined in it that didn’t say “STOP CALLING ME”?


It’s what’s been missing for so long in America, and particularly from American women.

Make Amerimuffs Grateful Again.

“You to tears yet? That was my goal! Kidding, of course.”

She’s so afraid to lose his interest and approval. Would she ever be this afraid to lose the interest and approval of a law-abiding beta male?


She was so nervous her joke would fall flat that she promptly clarified for him that it was a joke.

“(I would love to tell you more about me. I’m extremely lonely and can use a friend)”

Again, have you ever heard a woman talk like this to a reliable, law-abiding, salt-of-the-earth man? She’s throwing herself at a murderer, begging for his attention. She YEARNS for his friendship *wink wink*. The non-murderous man, at best will hear a, “I can’t do Thursday, but get back to me next week and we’ll see”.

“My brother was incarcerated for a long while.”

The genetic matrix here is fascinating. Are the genes which predispose to criminal men the same genes which, in females, predispose to loving criminal men?

“I hope I’ve put a smile on your face.”

I hope I haven’t bored you.
I hope you’re still reading.
I hope you will be my friend.
I hope I can send you more half naked pics of myself.
I hope you like me.
I hope you will fill my belly with your psychopath champions.

What the typical beta male in her life hears instead:

“I hope you don’t think I see you that way.”

“Please know that there are strangers out there (like me) who care about you.”

Incels would love to know there are random hotties who care about them, too, but they aren’t very lovable. They need more blood notches on their belt before random hotties will care about them. Killer preselection.

Hackett To Bits is spot on. This love note is a woman ENDLESSLY QUALIFYING HERSELF to a dominant man with whom she has fallen in love.

Self-qualification — or supplication — is the number one sign that a woman is deeply, truly in love with a man.

If a woman’s words to you are the equivalent of “I AM NOT WORTHY”, then she is your lovething to do with as you please.

Every angle of your Game should be directed toward provoking self-qualification from a girl, because once she’s in that psychological head space she’ll subconsciously imbue you with much higher romantic value than you would have as just another man who wants to get in her panties.

The corollary to this, as Hackett wrote, is never qualify yourself to a girl. Never defer to her, never apologize for yourself, never get defensive when she presses your buttons, and never try too hard to impress her.

The simple act of NOT being a supplicating man pushes a girl into the role of the supplicating suitor. Script flipping is essentially turning the usual seduction dynamic — qualifying man, judging woman — on its head: qualifying woman, judging man. This is the way of the desirable man.

It’s interesting peering into the soul of a woman in love. You readily observe that such a woman sounds and acts EXACTLY like a run-of-the-mill beta male. That’s not an accident. Love for an alpha male confuses and intimidates women the same way that lust for a hottie confuses and intimidates beta males.


Christmas Spirit

Amon Ra bitches,

Come on CH its Christmas time. Lets all take a break from the usual.

Ok. In the spirit of Ra’s suggestion, which Christmas song is most triggering to non-Christians?


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