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A Caravan Of Foreign Invaders

This is what foreign invasion looks like:

Literally an invading army marching under foreign flags.

There are three migrant caravans headed to the United States’ southern border with Mexico, according to top Pentagon official John Rood.

Rood testified to the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that one of the caravans contains over 12,000 migrants.

“Current information shows that a caravan of over 12,000 people — there’s three that we are tracking, that the DHS is tracking en route, one that is over 12,000 by the latest estimate,” said Rood, who is the under secretary of Defense for policy.

Redirect to Nancy Pelosi’s home.

Rood said there are currently more than 2,300 active duty troops at the southern border, down from a high of 5,900 in November.


According to Pentagon officials, more active duty troops are on the way to bolster our border protection forces. I would like to see trebuchets deployed as well. By summer, I want 50,000 troops at the border and 300 miles of CONCRETE Wall completed. We can end all our foreign entanglements and redeploy the soldiers to our own border.

You know what Whites used to do to foreign invaders? Yeah, we need more of that old time school spirit.

PS If the beenlet keeds suffer, PARENTS’ FAULT. Not America’s problem. Not America’s moral crisis. Got that, White women?


Game Can Save Opioid Addicts

In case you didn’t already know that pharmaceutical sales is basically legal prostitution

Former stripper-turned-drug exec gave doctor lap dance while pitching painkiller, witness testifies

A witness has testified that an ex-stripper-turned-drug company executive gave a doctor a lap dance as part of a sales pitch for an addictive fentanyl spray.

Holly Brown, a former sales representative at Insys Therapeutics, said in federal court on Tuesday that her then-boss, Sunrise Lee, had been rewarding the Illinois doctor, identified as Paul Madison, who received the alleged dance for prescribing the powerful product to patients and paying him to speak at events, Reuters reported.

But according to Brown, the events weren’t educational, rather they were held at a Chicago restaurant owned by John Kapoor,

founder and ex-chairman of Insys, and were attended by friends of Madison, not clinicians.

Brown’s testimony came as part of a federal investigation into whether the conduct of painkiller manufacturers and executives contributed to the nation’s opioid epidemic. Lee, Kapoor, Michael Gurry, Richard Simon and Joseph Rowan face charges of racketeering and fraud in relation to conspiring to bribe doctors to push their powerful painkiller.

A few thoughts on Big Killer Pharma.

This Diversity-operated opioid scam skirts really close to the line of genocide. But hey, welcome to Woke America, where clannish cheating schemes, violated trust, and cavalier mass murder Are Who We Are.

Pharmagirls are whores, their pimps are drug makers, and the johns are doctors. The downscale Whites who get addicted to opioids and die young are the cost of doing business.

The crooked system works unhindered (until now) because Diversity Rools and because most doctors are beta nerds who cream their pants at the merest attention from a thot, so that’s why pharma companies load up their sales force with sexy minxes. It’s a repugnant business all around.

Which is why I say Game can save opioid addicts and even Western Civ. If more men become alpha (or at least less beta) and learned to control their thirst around hotties (which is what happens when a Game-savvy man has more sexual market options), then these glorified whores wouldn’t be able to sell their death drugs by the kiloton.

A reader adds,

Inculcating the power of male thirst regulation is the cornerstone upon which we may build this church!

The Power of Male Thirst Regulation would make an excellent title for a social science research paper.

PS OT: The Senate voted 68 to 23 to keep US troops indefinitely in Syria and Afghanistan.

Fucking useless backstabbing Globalism First cucks. Apparently, the realignment is still in its infancy.


The Alpha Male Anomaly

Why do women in the company of alpha males act like anxious beta males? Weimar Republican explains,

I noticed that women uniformly do this beta behavior thing that mimics beta males…if they have an alpha in their midst. They even white-knight for the alpha criminal because that same desperation (fear of lost opportunity that most men experience) uniformly sets in women even more intensely (than any lonely man could possibly experience) because having an alpha is an even rarer opportunity for a woman than for an InCel having a date with a Plain Jane is (pure numbers game: alpha criminals are few, Plain Janes are ubiquitous).

Women have an even greater affinity for alpha criminal men than any man could possibly have for any woman…because he is such a refreshing anomaly. That is why women get themselves killed so predictably on exotic ‘vacations’ to ‘discover themselves’ or from ‘domestic violence’ or ‘at the club.’

They are seeking a specific (privileged, à la carte) type of sex: violent/degenerate/taboo because it gives them an invaluable dopamine-adrenaline buzz, just like a cocktail of potent alcohols/drugs will give you are variety of inebriation – women are constantly chasing that dangerous high, even long after they have ‘settled down.’ That desire never leaves them. Every woman without an alpha is effectively a dry-drunk jonesing for alpha criminal cock.

She will always forgive his thuggish misbehavior to her busybody friends and concerned family, and even fend off the white knight interlopers coming to her rescue in public (that is why you always hear about how the ‘victim’ joins the ‘brute’ to tag-team the beta interloper every single time). She instantly triangulates that previous ignominious angst with her alpha BF violently onto the beta interloper, which is why she then further channels this new pugilistic energy into passionate sex with her forgiven alpha BF the second they make it back to the car. So the beta gets an accidental assist for prompting this, much to his chagrin.

That is the difference: forgiveness…something a beta never has and never will experience because women existentially HATE beta males. They see them as a genetic threat, an invasive species, a hindrance to their reproductive strategy of mating with a violent Chad and birthing a litter of his bastard hellions.

A beta is a nuisance at best to a woman because every moment a beta is distracting a woman with his bullshit shtick is a second she cannot invest in courting an alpha. Women are time-oriented creatures that literally operate like clockwork depending on the time of the month, what age they are, and even syncing up with the hive-minded female collective at work to form a blood moon during their fertile years – their entire genetic existence hinges on timing, so they are bound to be irritable with any man they have to ‘deign’ to even acknowledge.

Women get so defensive of their ‘abusers’ (alpha lovers) that they will shield him from deadly alligators, cops etc. (the only time women cease to be dovish cowards and openly display legitimate self-sacrifice) because they are displaying the same chivalry towards perceived high-status value as a beta male/white knight/nice guy – the difference is men are attracted to this submissive, supplicating, protective-territorial (soothing) behavior, while women are rightly abhorred by this unbecoming, effeminate beta-signaling because it is deigning value and deferring status – no woman will tolerate such déclassé, unless she is slumming for a night at the club, the ghetto etc.

Women hate beta males more than the forces of Natural Selection do in gradually erasing them from the sexual ecosystem because Darwinism is not fast enough for their IRL Tinder binary minds. If a woman is not attracted to a man, she wants him to either be perpetually invisible to society, while still being a productive worker-bee/’shrapnel-collector’ (literally saw a ‘conservative’ woman refer to the male collective as that)…or she wants him to just die on the spot.

That is why the comments you read suggesting that a man kill himself, ‘leave women alone,’ ‘please do not reproduce’ etc. stemming from the tiniest disagreements online are almost exclusively from women – women have a eugenic mind even for anonymous flame wars.

They literally want beta males to disappear and die instantly. They want them to be executed for the crime of not being alpha. They want to free the violent alpha criminals from death row, and imprison the beta male goody-goodies instead. That is how women think and operate, and they never stop or discriminate because they have a one-track mind of reproductive success with the most violent kingpin.

The way that society sobered these junkie hypergamous creatures (even before their first intake) was through strict patriarchal religion. The more pious the woman…the hornier she is. She is just holding it all back and channeling it into the abstract: a faithful love of God, the ultimate alpha (in her mind).

When alpha males are in short supply and rapidly decreasing in number, the few alphas left become anomalies women will treat like kings. Women operating under these conditions of extreme alpha male scarcity will also agitate for the mass invasion of rougher men to fill their groin void.

The head-knocking, swaggering, attitudinally criminal alpha male scarcity among White men is leading to a peculiar social dysfunction: White men are becoming the nurturing, vulnerable women they want, while White women are becoming the aggressive alpha males they need. This is why the chasm between the Western sexes is wider now than it has been in historical memory. The sexual polarity has been corrupted.

The modren alpha male does not even have to be a criminal to attract a swarm of attention from women. Noncriminal alpha males are becoming such a rarity that simply projecting an attitude of devil-may-care, aloof and indifferent ZFG entitlement will ring the bells of women who, as Weimer R wrote, are biosocially primed to identify, capture, and keep that kind of man, often going so far as to supplicate like a mewling beta male to prevent his leaving her.


I remember watching the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

I kept asking myself “Why are the protestors so Asian??” pic.twitter.com/gsxuOSQmDh

— Porter (@porter14159) January 28, 2019

One of the replies in that twatter thread,

I wonder what @jordanbpeterson thinks about these “identity politics” protests in France? He must be horrified and sickened to his very core! To think that native French are rallying around identity politics in order to free themselves from their conditions. Individualism is key.

PS (((Alice Kantor)))?


Hooey comments,

Here is an amusing thought experiment. Imagine a journey into the future for the typical white, urbanized, shitlib. Say he jumps ahead about four generations or so, to visit to his great-grandchildren. He will be shocked to see how racist they have become. He will be dismayed that the values on which he has based his life: diversity, inclusion, and tolerance, have so eroded in the moral hierarchy of his own family. The difference lies in the social situations of the present white man and the future white man. He had the luxury of egalitarian fantasies, because his education, position of (temporary, short-lived) demographic majority, and his location in a gentrified enclave have kept him far from his beloved POC. In his office at Globocorp, the only brown people he sees are the talented tenth of affirmative action hires who have passed through the disqualifying filters of natural intelligence, ambition, and academic hoop jumping. “They’re no different from me!” he assures himself with confidence. On his imaginary journey into the future, he will see that his lineage harbors no such illusions. They view his beloved diversity from the defensive position of a beleaguered, embattled minority, hated and resented. Their cities, now populated by a majority of Africans or Arabs, are afflicted by all the same chaos, dysfunction, and violence of Africa or the Middle East. Our hero will be shocked to see that his progeny have completely dispensed with the gospel of racial harmony and equality that he held so dear, for the simple reason that it is too naively dangerous for him to do so. There is a reason that open racism among whites is most prominent among Southern whites, and that is because the proportion of black populations is highest in the South. In the future, all whites will be Southern whites. Preventing this future, and sparing the delicate feelings of our poor time traveling shitlib friend, is what we work for.


Williams Syndrome is the hyperfeminized cousin of autism. The former predisposes to excessive sympathy while the latter stunts the sympathy response. Very generally, Williams Syndrome is a disorder of TOO MUCH FEMINIZATION of the brain and autism is a disorder of too much masculinization of the brain.

While autism gets the media attention, the real threat to modern Western civilization is the cultural, biological, and, possibly, genetic expression of increasing numbers of Whites suffering from an incipient variant or precursor of Williams Syndrome.


There is very strong evidence that altruistic behavior is under genetic control. The genetic abnormality known as Williams Syndrome has been called “the pathology of overfriendliness,” and people who suffer from it are excessively trusting and sympathetic. They are somewhat retarded and easily become victims of sexual abuse. They have abnormalities in the part of the brain known as the amygdala, which is involved in reading facial expressions and assessing threats. They are perhaps the only known group of people who show no racial bias.

“The pathology of overfriendliness”….except toward less naive Whites.

It’s WilliamsWhites vs FreeWhites, and from the current vantage it appears the WilliamsWhites have the upper philtrum.

We all know how this sad story ends; there’s no need for an exegesis. The Williams West succumbs to its pathological sympathy for the Other, the Other exploits the stunning naivete and empty-headed sanctimony signaling of the natives, and the Williams West becomes the Wasteland West.

Appendix: Once the WilliamsWhites are culled from power and influence (and perhaps from their land), the remaining FreeWhites are poised to recapture the West and rebuild it to its former glory. These remnant FreeWhites will be honed by natural and social selection pressures to be the baddest badboys which swooning White chicks have ever beheld, and a torrent of tingles unleashed by the oppressive patriarchy that follows will bring them to their senses…and knees.

But before all that happens, the shitlib Left will try their damnedest to afflict as many White Westerners as they can with a form of Williams Syndrome as part of their campaign to terrorform the White West into a dystopia populated by amygdalopped Whites who show no racial bias.

Naturally, all nonWhites will get to keep their racial bias, and even exult in it, and if any White man dares object, it’s off to the amygdalopping chamber with him.


From commenter TSD (possible sock of TSW),

I looked this up and apparently only 20 to 30,000 people in United States are affected by this, and they are easily identifiable due to facial deformities.

This can’t possibly account for the general acceptance of liberalism, considering the fact that Hillary Clinton literally won the popular vote from millions of people, not 30,000.

Read the post more closely. I didn’t write millions of shitlibs have Williams Syndrome; I wrote that they have something akin to a Williams Syndrome precursor or variant, which means by studying the genetics of Williams Syndrome we can theoretically unlock the genetics of whackjob shitlibs.


A pic of a real Williams Syndrome sufferer:


tteclod draws the obvious conclusion:

“They have abnormalities in the part of the brain known as the amygdala, which is involved in reading facial expressions and assessing threats. They are perhaps the only known group of people who show no racial bias.”

…providing one more correlation between mental defect and absent racism.

Racism is normal, natural, and healthy. Antiracism is abnormal, unnatural, and self-eradicating.


From a reader,

The group of genes responsible for this also appears to be at work in explaining differences in socialization between dogs and wolves (dogs have Williams Syndrome, wolves are German).



The America Collusion Scandal

America is colluding with an opposition party candidate to meddle in Venezuela’s elections.


PS Why does Trump surround himself with die-hard enemies of both MAGA and of himself? Gary Cohn, Rex Tillerson, Elliott “ORIGINAL NEOCOHEN” Abrams? W. T. F.?!

I can understand keeping a lynchpin mover-and-shaker enemy inside the tent, pissing out, but not encircling oneself with a veritable battalion of Globohomo enemies. Is Trump that confident in his ability to fool and exploit so many enemies at once that he happily lets them into his inner circle?

It’s a bad look on Trump, and leads an observer to wonder if he is a. too lazy to bother vetting people, b. masochistic, c. starting to lose his marbles, d. playing a game of 24D chess that got out of his control, or e. is at the mercy of a zog state that has dirt on him and his family.

Kelly adds,

Trump has enemies nearby to keep the [special people] happy. He is not entirely dependent on them, as I said, but he’s not entirely independent either. He may yet decisively out maneuver them at some point. A clear sign of that would be banishment or emasculation of Kushner. Until then, he does most of their bidding and in return gets to do some – a little – of his own agenda. A tough balancing act. He learned this maneuvering within the Jew York City real estate market.

Who else is champing at the bit for that long-awaited and hoped-for “fuck it” moment from Trump? You know, for an appearance of the lion we voted into office?

PPS On the topic of crassly hypocritical puppeteers like Elliott Abrams…

You ever notice how the Jewish vision for America is the literal EXACT OPPOSITE of what they practice in the self-styled “Jewish State” of Israel? pic.twitter.com/bk5Dy5gU0f

— Charles Lindbergh (@WholesomeRight) January 10, 2019

PPPS End of Days:

“Sacrificing our children to Moloch” used to be a tongue-in-cheek meme to mock generic degeneracy in the West.

Hmm, not so tongue-in-cheek anymore.


PPPPS Trump tweeted today about Venezuela.

Spoke today with Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido to congratulate him on his historic assumption of the presidency and reinforced strong United States support for Venezuela’s fight to regain its democracy….
1:58 pm – 30 Jan 2019

….Large protests all across Venezuela today against Maduro. The fight for freedom has begun!
1:58 pm – 30 Jan 2019

Does Trump fail to realize that the same justifications for leveraging American Deep State power to insert a puppet into the Venezuelan presidency could be used against him?


PPPPPS Steve Sailer on “The Scramble for America“.

Similarly, the 21st century is witnessing the Scramble for America and Europe as technological innovations boost the population of the Third World and also make migration easier. In particular, the recent spread of the smartphone has emboldened the young men of the Global South to set forth on the adventure of a lifetime crossing the Mediterranean, with the payoff in mind of the most famously beautiful women in the world awaiting them on the northern shore.


Of course, if African fertility control doesn’t happen, and soon, much of this vast population will, if allowed, leave Africa. The disruptions caused to Northern cities such as Detroit in the second half of the 20th century by the Great Migration of 7 million rural Southern African-Americans offers an eye-opening preview of the effects of what promises to be a Greater Migration two orders of magnitude larger.


There was a show on TeeVee about a child getting a sex change operation, with the full support of parents and doctors, all of whom indoctrinated by the satanic “love wins” zeitgeist.

I’ll put the entire Twatter thread here. Read it, recoil at the horrors revealed, and realize we are much further down the path of culture death than you imagined.

(thread) on what happened on TV last night. The first recorded “celebrity” sex change and its horrific aftermath. Republican twitter may be upset about the governor of VA today. But this is happening all over the country and we need to talk about it pic.twitter.com/ZxdbsmPudr

— wyatt (@wyattbased) January 30, 2019


Context. This person has been suffering under this fake ideology since a child. Was put on drugs. And didnt have enough “meat” to make a “normal” sex change happen. So they did experimental surgery. The childs first exclamation is how “deep” its vagina is


The surgeries are BRUTAL. Plastic surgeons do these but the reality is its mutilation. Its moving parts of the body to where they do not belong to create something that isnt real or functional. Complications are nightmarish and end in suicides often.


The strain it puts on a family unit is intense. Even if a father consents to it or “believes” in the ideology his whole life. Its is not normal and in this case both the father and the grandparents flee the scene despite knowing complications could occur.


nd just 36 hours later disaster strikes. Because this is not a normal surgery. Complications are often NORMAL. You are cutting off skin and re-attaching it other places. In this case , loss of bloodflow would cause necrosis. Skin death


The doctor knew ahead of time there would likely be complications. This isnt okay because a doctors job is to do no harm. This person is in serious danger of massive infection and cell death. And if they survive , suicide from failed transition/mutilation


But the ultimate truth is this is the parents fault. The doctors are only complicit. This person was indoctrinated since 7 years old that it was an appropriate life choice and the parents allowed it. Soon the government will step in if you interfere


Currently nobody is fighting this. The GOP has not fought this. Nobody has. We are marching towards a very sick world and nobody is speaking up. Contact your representatives and educate yourselves. Its going to get worse.


When a parent is unable to tell their little boy or little girl who they are because of political or even legal consequences. This country will be beyond saving. We have seen how the LGBT mafia operates. But they are now targeting your kids. Pick a side. Pick your childs side

The degeneracy is accelerating. We are exponentially approaching complete social collapse.



tbone earns a richly deserved COTW award with this gem,

An orc taking the red pill would just realize that he is an orc.

And it wouldn’t change a thing about the orc’s behavior.


Dave Weigel, propaganda typist for the Bezos Post, called Trump supporters “rubes“.

This is Dave Weigel, on the right:

He looks like a lump of vaginal yeast.

Weigel wasn’t always this repulsive. The Trump era has not been kind to him. The stress is causing these shitlibs to drown their misery in donuts and disco shirts.

From Wow, Just Wow, Literally Shaking,

LOL. This fat-gutted, mop-headed, acne-plagued slob just called Trump voters “rubes.”

At least I can dress myself, Mr Failed Porn Mustache. Oh, my God what a disheveled mess of triglyceride soaked estrogen this loser is.

We should just post pics of shitlibs to demolish their arguments. It’ll save us a lot of energy.

PS Generation Zyklon living up to its moniker.



When toxic masculinity ruled the world…

From Empa Froga III,



From the link,

Now would be a good time to point out that Pier was seven feet tall, carried a six-foot-long greatsword that weighed approximately fifteen pounds, was so strong that he could bend a coin between his thumb and his forefinger, and was such a fucking maniac berserker in combat that he allegedly once decapitated seven enemy soldiers with one swing of his weapon.

The White Aryan quotient of this post should hit DEFCON WAN.

America needs less intersectionality safe space and more zweihänder.

Froga adds,

How many men in this age can use a weapon half the size of that sword?

How many men in this age can use their micropuds without crying in shame?

Read the bio of the guy. He was a quiet farmer until Saxons killed his two kids and his wife, then he turned into a berserker and the blood flowed under his feet.

Today, we have American “men”, whose daughters and wives were killed by illegal immigrants, going on social media to mewl that not all immigrants are like that.

The fall from grace has been, in a word, precipitous.


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