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“Lifestyle Choice”

I’ve seen it all wtf pic.twitter.com/bQztD7wGrA

— Meninist (@MeninistTweet) January 28, 2019

Symbolically, it works, as a microcosm of the West collectively shitting its diaper.

The reaction memes had me in stitches.

Once you crack open the “lifestyle choice” and “love wins” Pandora’s Box, the radical individualist demons are released, and there’s nothing — no argument, no logic, no coherent emotional appeal — to stop the culture from spiraling down toward man-babies and 10-year-old drag queens. The slippery slope is a cliff, and the West has vaulted itself over it.


Aquinas notes,

Globohomo is shilling Kamala Harris as hard as they can.

Trump will be the last authentic presidential candidate of the historical America era, until nonwhites are demographically powerful enough to elect one Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho after another (but by that time America will be a nation in name only, having transmogrified into a District 9 outpost).

The Left will never admit it but they are so fucking pissed that they didn’t have a Trump of their own (obama was a diversity shell entity wholly coopted by Globohomo). In their desperation to capture Trumpian lightning in a bottle for themselves, every effort the Left makes to identify and mentor a Trump-like figure for their side will come across try-hard and insincere (see: komodo harris).

This is why the left hates Trump so much and spends every day trying to destroy him: they are really trying to destroy the source of their seething envy.


You can buy a sweet Trump ring at Skull Jewelry.

Commenter Corinth Arkadin bought one,

Speaking of Toxic Masculinity, I got my Trump ring today (you know, the one we talked about earlier this month). Guess what it came with?

Anyone? Anyone?

A bag of SKITTLES.

I’m pretty sure the folks at SkullJewelry.com are fans of CH.

Do they know about Skittles Man? Is this real life?

Oh yes, and it was NOT subtle, like “Oh here’s a bag of skittles in thanks that we were late with your order he he Drink Your Ovaltine” type-ebay shit, NO, it was like:

“Here’s yore bad ass, YUGE ring (it is, BTW, holy living fcuk!), Good Luck pulling HB8 tail, remember to Be Skittles Man”

Ah I feel a preen coming on…


From KL,

D.C. metro recently decriminalized fare evasion, noting 90% of citations were issued to blacks. Here is a wrinkle: D.C. students, who are primarily black, get free Metrocards. They lose this subsidy after finishing school, and D.C. is an expensive city. I would favor subsidizing youth, but this gets lost in the broader racial issue.

In all the big blue cities, mass transit fare hikes for declining quality of service is a perennial complaint of the locals.

The richer, nicer White parts of those cities don’t mind the fare hikes too much, though, or at least they don’t agitate for fare control or fare reductions. Obviously, Whites can afford the higher prices for getting around town, but the real reason Whites are ambivalent about or even supportive of fare hikes is that expensive public transit — or missing public transit — has been used for a long time by urban shitlib Whites to control access to their nice neighborhood sectors of the city.

When there is talk of expanding subway lines or bus routes, or of decreasing the fares — or in the case of DC, NYC, and San Tranny, talk of decriminalizing fare evasion, which is tantamount to a fare price reduction subsidized by law-abiding pale riders — the shitlib Whites will complain that the loss of revenue (or the cost to taxpayers) will bankrupt the mass transit system. You have to read between the whines to know what they really mean: fare reductions and fare evasion decriminalization make it cheaper for vibrants from the bad parts of the city to travel to the White parts of the city to bless the gentrifiers with some vibrant vibrancy.

In a very real sense, controlling geographic mobility of the underclass is the urban White shitlib’s substitute for a wall separating White neighborhoods from the ghetto. Expensive housing, physical distance, and transportation inconvenience are the equivalent of Trump’s Wall for urban shitlibs.

You will never hear louder screeching than that from well-off Whites in a nice part of a city fighting against a proposal to extend a new bus route or subway line into their guarded elysium, especially if that extension directly ferries shitholies from an across-town shithole.

Decriminalizing fare evasion, like many coastal shitlibopolises are considering in the name of “racial justice”, will encourage a flood of enrichment and the attendant criminality into White urban enclaves. I would not be surprised if crime rates shoot up in the near future in these cities currently experimenting with “remedying” the black-hispanic-White disparate policing impact.

This is the abandonment of the Broken Windows Theory, which states that cracking down on small crimes creates an environment which prevents bigger crimes. But BWT was too successful; violent crime fell, because loads of blacks and hispanics were arrested on minor charges before they could graduate to committing worse crimes. Now that the aPOCalypse is taking over America, the racial fault lines in criminal behavior are once again front and center, with the AOCs and Corey Bs and Omar Sharias enthusiastically calling for retrograde 1970s high crime era policies that would warm a blue-haired SJW’s vape-clogged heart.

It’ll be interesting to watch the contortions that urban White shitlibs twist themselves into as they scramble to find socially acceptable reasonings to justify opposing the anti-White political and social momentum toward decriminalizing black and brown criminality. Or maybe they’ll just bend over and take it, as the country replays Escape From New York one more time. The lessons never take with shitlibs. They have to keep relearning them at the point of a mugger’s gun.


Investigate Mueller

Josh Campbell — the baby bird kicked out of the nest — was the CNN reporter outside Roger Stone’s home when the FBI sent in the third cavalry in a predawn raid to arrest the unarmed and unthreatening Stone. Campbell used to work for….wait for it…the FBI, and was the assistant to….wait for it….James Comey. (Fact Check: TRUE)

Campbell was obviously tipped off by Mueller or one of Mueller’s underlings. The shitlib media universe has been acting as a field agent for the rogue FBI. The Chaimstream Media and the Deep State are partners in crime, collaborators in a, so far, bloodless coup.

Mueller’s thuggery is revenge for comey and thecunt. That’s all this Russia Hoax is, and all it has ever been about.

Mueller’s mobsters include CIA, FBI, and DOJ seditionists from both the gaymulatto administration and thecunt clan.

Mueller and Wray are orchestrating a slow coup to take down a duly-elected president.

We should be discussing treason trials, not amnesty for third world trash that makes Javanka’s eyes well up with nation-wrecking bathos.


In a secular age it’s difficult to define absolute evil, but I think we’ve found a concrete example in the Sackler family. The fewer meaningful contacts wealthy individuals and groups have with the broader citizen body, the greater their capacity for evil.

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 27, 2019

Urbanized shitlibs in general have fewer meaningful contacts with the broader citizen body, and cosmopolitan [special people] in particular are about as severed from regular Americans as a group can be.

Bill Maher rhetoric constitutes 90% of the affluent liberal’s politics (he’s problematic on the Islam Question, but that’s because he’s a Jewish chauvinist). The other 10% is handled by an NPR/NYT/Patreon Brahmin caste that tortures data to fit the empirical world to the rhetoric https://t.co/F4M8ytC3jZ

— Second City Bureaucrat (@CityBureaucrat) January 26, 2019

TeeVee has become a wasteland of regurgitated shitlibboleths.


Our future, if we don’t change course.


The future of shitlib media.

From Z-Man, “The God of Fired Media”:


Have we returned to a feudal system?


The Left has succeeded in radicalizing the White.


1939 Marital Rating Scale

Zoomable link here. The rest of the 1939 Marital Rating Scale sheets, including the ones for the husband, are here.

A sample of traits that are a mark against a wife:

“Doesn’t like children”: -5 points!
“Slow in coming to bed–delays till husband is almost asleep”
“Wears red nail polish”
“Flirts with other men at parties or in restaurants”

A sample of traits that recommend a wife:

“Has meals on time”
“Dresses for breakfast”
“Personally puts children to bed”
“Religious — sends children to church or Sunday school and goes herself”: +10 points!

Fast forward to 2019…

The bad wife:

“Is really a victim of a bad husband”

The good wife:

“Dresses her son like a girl, turns her husband into a kitchen bitch, demands cunnilingus despite HPV pussy smelling like a rotting animal carcass, is “With Her”, has a trail of mudshark baggage and a mystery meat bastard, has a sphincter tattoo, thinks men are ‘intimidated’ by nasty old skanks with resting bitch face”

Is there really any question that America was, culturally and psychologically, a healthier, better, SANER nation in 1939 than it is today? We trashed all that was good about America and replaced it with smartphones and a gynarchic dystopia. Are the gadgets worth the trade-off?


From plumpjack,

this wasn’t a very one-sided social contract. the patriarchy had rigorous expectations of men also. lets see a picture of a 1939 draft card for comparison.

I linked it. I couldn’t save the pic locally for an upload, which is why it’s not included in the post. For the record, from what I read of the husband’s marital rating scale, there wasn’t much I disagreed with. You have to keep in mind that in a culture in which the large majority of wives are deferential to husbands and faithful to the end, there really isn’t much need for dread-style “married man game”, and so the cultural norms of the time reflect the acceptance and expectation of chivalrous husbands who don’t flirt with other women. As always, it takes two to tango.


Hey, Chuckie Schumer

Even when you win, you’re still the loser. And you’ll always be the loser.



Facial-detection technology that Amazon is marketing to law enforcement often misidentifies women, particularly those with darker skin, according to researchers from MIT and the University of Toronto.

Privacy and civil rights advocates have called on Amazon to stop marketing its Rekognition service because of worries about discrimination against minorities. Some Amazon investors have also asked the company to stop out of fear that it makes Amazon vulnerable to lawsuits.

The researchers said that in their tests, Amazon’s technology labeled darker-skinned women as men 31 percent of the time. Lighter-skinned women were misidentified 7 percent of the time. Darker-skinned men had a 1 percent error rate, while lighter-skinned men had none.

“labeled darker-skinned women as men 31 percent of the time”

There are a couple factors involved here, and neither has anything to do with “racism”.

The AI uses human inputs, at least at the start, so it’s subject to human perception. Across all races, men tend to be darker than their same-race women. The AI is picking up on this, misidentifying some dark-skinned women as men.

And, more darkly, the darker races of women may not be, how to put this nicely, as….feminine…as the lighter-skinned races of women. The AI is also picking this up; the less feminine dark-skinned women are being misidentified as men because they are mannish looking.

Reality has a racialist bias, but that doesn’t make it false. Shitlibs are just gonna have to deal with the fact that race is more real than their feelings.


Roger Stone, a political operative and former Trump campaign associate, was arrested in a pre-dawn raid by a battalion of FBI agents wielding automatic weapons, because Stone was a dangerous threat as evidenced by the cheesy process crimes he is charged with committing. Fake News CNN was there to film it, obviously tipped off by the FBI. I’ve no doubt Mueller himself directed a subordinate to tell CNN about the raid, because this piece of shit wanted his handiwork broadcast live and in color, as a message to those who thwarted the ascension of his Queen Hillary to the throne. He’s Still With Her.

29 agents, 14 vehicles. “Terrorized family, pointed automatic weapons at me

All this for an old man who posed a threat to no one and may have fibbed about the exact date he asked a radio host about a WikiLeaks dump.

I used to have some reverence for the FBI. Not anymore. They’ve become the Gestapo we were all warned about as kids. This Stone raid was a blatant intimidation tactic to strike fear into anyone left in Trump’s orbit who might remain loyal to him.

Mueller and the rest of the Deep State are Hillary friends, Hillary associates, Hillary lackeys, and Hillary protectors. Mueller’s Mobsters are Hillary’s Gaytorian Guard. They serve at the pleasure of the Cunt Queen, and their “justice” is nothing less than political vengeance. There is no rule of law left in America; there is only rule, with the law shifting to accommodate favored groups and punish disfavored groups.

The law that the FBI follows and enforces now resembles the TOS selectively enforced by Twatter shitlibs:

#Hillary case: lawyers allowed to destroy documents & servers. #Trump case: lawyers offices raided.#Hillary case: no search warrants for homes or offices.#Trump case: pre-dawn raids of old folks homes. #Hillary case: free immunity for life#Trump case: swat arrests live @CNN

— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) January 25, 2019

Why is Wray still head of the FBI? He had to sign off on Mueller’s circus acts. When will Trump fire these fifth column seditionists? Why is Trump’s DOJ allowing this rogue FBI to continue operating as it pleases?

In other Deep State news…

Exculpatory evidence about Mike Flynn was kept secret by the intel community, including by the Pentagon which stonewalled requests by the Republican committee chairmen.

The Most Successful Coverup.

Since Watergate, the Washington wisdom has always held that it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup that sinks a politician. But that’s only the case when the coverup fails.

But what if the coverup succeeds?

It’s horribly simple. The crimes are never uncovered and the perpetrators are never brought to justice no matter how serious their crimes may be. That is precisely what has happened because of the FBI and Justice Department’s coverup of their abuses of power and illegal actions during the 2016 election.

In this case, the FBI and the Justice Department have succeeded in the most significant coverup in American political history. The abuses of power and crimes they have succeeded in covering up are not only against the law: they are crimes against our system of law and government. They were perpetrated by employees of the government, under color of law, with the intention of affecting the outcome of an election.

New documents suggest the Steele dossier was a deliberate setup of Trump.

While the allegations from the July 19 memo regarding the Page-Sechin meeting are included in all four FISA applications, the dossier’s allegations of Page’s crime are apparent in neither the original nor the three renewals. Either the warrants failed for some reason to include sensational allegations of a potential crime in connection with the clandestine intelligence activities of a FISA target, or the allegations are redacted. Perhaps that was to conceal evidence that Steele’s October 18 memo secured the FISA three days later.

The rapid turnaround is not typical, says Judicial Watch’s Farrell. “An act of espionage may not be reportable for years. By its nature, you’re talking about clandestine activity, so you may not find out about it until long after it’s happened. Here the operational activity is identified almost immediately. And then it’s followed by a warrant. It suggests that the scenario may have been directed by the FBI.”

Joseph Misfud. Keep that name in mind. He’s the FBI-CIA-DOJ plant sent to entrap Trump associates into false allegations of Russia collusion.

One question that congress has failed to force those responsible to answer:
Which western intelligence agency was Joseph Mifsud working for? That answer will force a halt to this entire dark chapter in American history.

— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) December 30, 2018

Gaymulatto has his delicate fingers all over this silent coup. Emails reveal Obama Admin’s push to create Russia scandal hours before Trump’s inauguration.

Newly released emails show the Obama administration scrambling to create the “Russia” scandal within 24 hours of President Donald Trump taking the oath of office in January 2017. The desperation of the Obama administration is evident in the emails, in which the Obama team tries to involve Democratic senators Warner and Cardin and Republican senator Corker in the plot.

Close observers know that the Operation Crossfire Hurricane strategy surfaced during the 2016 presidential election and continued well into Trump’s presidency, with General Michael Flynn getting snared in a Peter Strzok/Sally Yates ambush play in the early days of the Trump White House. Now, Team Obama’s documented effort to cook up the Russia story before Trump’s inauguration emboldens a narrative already proved by text messages (presented below) involving Obama official James Clapper: the Obama people actually thought they could stop Trump from getting sworn in.


[James] Clapper discussed blocking the inauguration on the grounds that Trump was an illegitimate president due to alleged Russian interference in the election, according to the sources. It is not known whether Clapper ever actually convened a meeting with a Supreme Court justice to discuss the Russia case, or whether he simply discussed the idea of doing so. By the time Trump entered office on January 20, the Russia narrative was already underway.

A high-level member of the intelligence community who witnessed the meeting said that Clapper discussed going to one of three female Supreme Court justices to make the case that alleged Russian interference could invalidate Trump’s claim to the presidency.

They’re just flaunting their sedition in our faces now.


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