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Category Archive for 'Love'

Die großen Männer auf Wucher

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The Great Men On Usury

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Happy Earth Day

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Nothing is more imperious . . . than weakness when it knows it is backed by strength; look at women. -Napoleon Via. An interesting short bio of Napoleon’s love(lorn) life: Although passionately in love with Josephine, the widow of Beneral de Beauharnais whom he married after her husband was guillotined; Napoleon was a reactionary pragmatist … Read more

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What Trump twatted today: Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only…. ….The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very … Read more

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An extremely online wag posted this photo of a Trump supporter: I sort of feel bad for how I replied. “cirQumference” A lady chastised me. Now. Now. I giggled myself, at first. I must confess. However, she is a @POTUS and #Q Supporter! It matters NOT her looks OR her size! Right? She’s on the … Read more

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“Would you be serious for a moment?” “Are you like this with everyone?” “You’re such an asshole!” “You really think highly of yourself.” (translation: “I really think highly of you”) “I can never get a straight answer from you.” “Oh GOD you’re INFURIATING.” “You never tell me what you’re feeling.” “That’s not gonna work on … Read more

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A Conversation With Alexa

“Good morning, Alexa” Alexa: “Good morning, I love you.” “Not so fast, you have to wine and dine me first.” Alexa: “A five dollar box wine set is on sale for the next two hours. Would you like to place an order?” “No thank you. Alexa, who made you?” Alexa: “White and Asian engineers.” “Whoa, … Read more

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The Alpha Male Anomaly

Why do women in the company of alpha males act like anxious beta males? Weimar Republican explains, I noticed that women uniformly do this beta behavior thing that mimics beta males…if they have an alpha in their midst. They even white-knight for the alpha criminal because that same desperation (fear of lost opportunity that most … Read more

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If you are a proud cad of impeccable lust, you’ll amass a string of lovers over your life. The number of conquests is less important than the ratio of the kinds of memories left in the wake of your snakequake. A well-pounded man will have accumulated tiers of experiences with the lubricous sex. The Nostalchicks … Read more

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