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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

In my travels far and WIDE, I have seen fat people do some really funny shit, usually unintentionally, or have funny shit happen to them on account of their abnormal size, weight, girth and texture. Can’t forget texture. – Unknowingly dribble food bits and drink down their chins. A fatty completely oblivious to the organic particulates … Read more

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…is keeping her away from her fat friends. I’ve seen it happen too many times, the slender girlfriend of the happy man — attending an endless procession of house parties with an expanding (heh) circle of girl friends slowly but surely piling on the pounds month by month, year by year — suddenly wakes up … Read more

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Answer: What kind of man ruts with a land whale?A gay manA black manA betaAll of the aboveVoteView ResultsPolldaddy.com A clue to the sorts of “””men””” who willingly date human tubas is in the photo attached to this fatso’s confessional about getting befuddled stares from people when she’s out in public with her thin boyfriend. … Read more

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hbd chick asks, if you were jason richwine, how would you have reframed the “discussion” about his thesis? wanna learn more about this reframing business. For those readers who don’t know, Jason Richwine is was the Heritage Foundation data cruncher who got metaphorically burned at the stake (a witch hunt in all senses but for … Read more

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GLPiggy has a post about fat customers at his restaurant joking about their weight and putting wait staff in a difficult spot. A co-worker at the restaurant came looking for my wisdom the other day.  “What do you say when a fat customer jokes about their weight?”  This happens a lot in booth sections, by … Read more

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Is there a bigger shit test than a woman getting fat and expecting her man to put up with it? In the anals of shit tests, this has to be among the stinkiest. One year ago, Pamela Doyle was busy preparing for her fairytale big day, which would be held in a stunning Scottish castle. … Read more

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New research shows that fat shits who are offered a financial incentive to lose weight… lose weight! And keep it off. The research study by researchers at Mayo Clinic suggests that weight loss study participants who received financial incentives were more likely to follow the weight loss program strictly, and they noticed a reduction in … Read more

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Remember that meta-analysis study that came out about a month or so ago which purported to show that overweight people live longer than thin people, and remember hearing the groans of joy from diabetic, foot-chopped fatties with zero romantic prospects jumping two centimeters into the air in victory celebration? Remember thinking, “Hm, this study totally … Read more

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CH, what is best in life? To mock your enemies, see them driven to hysterics before you, and to hear the mooing of the fatties. That is good! You’re damn right that is good. This post will continue a proud tradition. *** If someone told me, “Hey, did you know fat women married to in-shape … Read more

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Sometimes, in moments of deep reflection, I wonder… just what delusional depths can the typical American woman plumb? I thought I’ve seen it all… attack lawyers bitching off the shoulder of sensitive niceguys… I watched cockblocks glower in the bar near the target babe. All those delusions will be spun in time, like hamsters on … Read more

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