Meeting a girl in a bar is considered quaint in the age of online dating. There’s a nostalgic and even rebellious quality to it now, as if you and her are subverting the dominant digital culture in a desperate act of Philistine defiance.
Bar girls get a bad rap, some of it deserved, most of it not, but the bar girl is elevated in stature compared to the damaged goods that swarm the vast thirst expanse of online dating. Now it’s fair to say that a girl willing to go out to a bar and meet men in person and risk the possible social awkwardness and judgment that entails — when most girls log on to have their id-clits diddled in a sanitized small screen environment under their complete control — is the kind of nonconformist girl who’s demonstrating real depth of character and a willingness to be vulnerable in an age when vulnerability before men is a capital crime.
The bar girl is the new church girl.
Deter Naturalist comments,
We’re screwed if the only place to find women is bars, clubs and workplaces. I admit to absolute zero experience in the “dating market” such as it is, but if a man actually would like to find a woman with whom to share this life, all observation informs me that fishing in a bar, lounge or club is akin to fishing in a septic tank. Neither bar nor cesspool has even carp to hook.
Maybe I’m always missing the point. Maybe the West is already a headless chicken running and all that matters is a man getting his pole greased. But from my perspective, if my descendants have a 0.00001% chance of avoiding a descent-of-Man retrogression from tall/blond/blue-eyed to short/black/brown prehistory, the boys and girls better develop a venue to find actual MATES (neither of whom are short/black/brown) and do so before the communicable disease called Popular Culture causes them all to ruin themselves with embedded memories.
I guess it’s time to start a real church, or prepare to do so when the Poz Police fall apart enough to stop murdering any such in its infancy.
Retrogression to the bleak.
Deter has a point. The duty of any Chad should be first and foremost to #resist the retrogression himself, then to convince his women to resist it for their own good.
The (theoretical) downside of bars in the coming majority-minority Blight America is that they are liable to be filled with Retrogressives who by sheer force of number will drag some part of evolved America into prehistory. Their very presence in public mate markets can alter the pH balance of eons of evolutionary courtship preferences of the Transcended, and poison relations between the advanced sexes.
But that is a warning for a problem that has been, so far, self-correcting. Bars are the last frontier of de facto segregation. The Eloi have their bars, and the Morlocks theirs, and everyone knows which are which. The few mixed bars are notable, and people who go there are of a particular type. Easy enough to avoid them if retrogression is on your mind.
It’s been remarked that the most important job of parents is peer group oversight. That is, parents have the biggest influence over kids’ futures by locating the family in a neighborhood with well-mannered peers who would make good friends to their kids.
Likewise, men should join solid, respectable social circles with the kinds of friends who will take them to the…culturally compatible…bars and other meeting places where the Ascent-of-Man women go.
Instead of asking kids “what do you want to be when you grow up?” perhaps we might as them, before puberty nudges them toward deal-breaker behavior, what kind of life they wish to lead? Selling kids on the “common life” early, rather than waiting for the girls to be ruined by Pop Cult and the boys to learn to orbit them, might make more sense than waiting until the girls have Done Dallas and the boys think wearing pussy hats will land them a wife-to-be-mother worth having.
That’s a pretty good paragraph with a gem of advice for parents worried about the baneful influence of the Poz.
PA adds,
I’ve been out of the dating market for a decade and a half but going by observation, the scene is not good. My office is in a premium nightlife district and the revelers come out on Thursday and Friday evenings. The average early-twenties girl, if she’s not otherwise an upper class superficially assimilated brown or yellow, is a 5. As someone observed, the guys don’t even look for a pretty face any more; her merely not-being-chunky lights up everyone’s radar.
On the other hand, girls in middle school and high school are no different than they were three decades ago, across all (White) social classes. Too young for the single adult man to go after, but that’s where a teenage boy has to stake his claim: until we again have the social structures for healthy pairing and marriage, the 17-year-old boy is best advised to knock up and wed his high school girlfriend if he has a good one, and have both sets of parents help financially.
— avoiding a descent-of-Man retrogression from tall/blond/blue-eyed to short/black/brown prehistory
Preventing that retrogression is the material purpose of man on this Earth.
Online dating is a parched desert of beta male thirst and ego-stroked plain janes. Strike one.
Online dating weaponizes female hypergamy, where 80/20 (less generously, 90/10) is the law of the land. Strike two.
Online dating emphasizes crude male SMV metrics such as height, at the expense of equally enticing male SMV criteria such as charm, body language, and social dominance. Strike three.
Online dating in the Current Year selects for BPD women and coalburners, who can be good pump and dump material but not viable LTR candidates. You’re out!
Play around with online dating, but don’t lean on it to fill your pussy platter.
Don’t expect much, especially now, because online dating is converged and The Woke are turning it into a hypergamous funhouse where men have no leverage and women enjoy all the benefits. To wit, Tinder is adding height verification for men.*
#Tinder reveals plans for new height verification tool to bring back ‘truthfulness’ to dating.
I’m sure female weight, age, and N count verifications will be added soon. /rhetorical
Online dating is only going to get worse for men. My advice to men is to get off your phones and hit the streets, bars, clubs, etc. Old school is coming back.
Doug gives the best advice for under-90th percentile men who insist on squeezing the last bit of sour juice from the online dating lemon rind,
Just lie and turn on the charm when you meet.
Men can get away with blatant, easily exposed lies, because they have the possibility of winning women over with their confidence and jerk na sais quoi. A man who lied up about his height online can expertly reframe the initial meat space awkwardness and win the girl over, but a girl who lied down about her weight will never reframe a man’s turtling cock into a boner for her.
I’ll leave this post with a fantastic comment on this topic, by J. Y.,
Only 13% of men are 6′ tall or greater. And in online dating sites, men under 6′ tall are LITERALLY invisible to women, because nearly all women use selection criteria that excludes 87% of men.
This means online dating is a waste of time, money, effort etc for any man under 6′ tall unless he’s on a millionaire dating site.
Therefore, with the notable exception of the one dating site I support, men under 6′ tall and with a net worth under $1M should ABANDON dating sites altogether.
However, @AnonymousFred514 brought up an important addendum: being over 6′ tall and therefore at least *visible* to women on dating sites does NOT mean you will be treated with basic human decency, or even meet women suitable for relationships.
So this brings me to my point. Men need to develop themselves to be their best and approach women IN PERSON.
I know this is not easy and I know rejection will happen — but it is the only way. And it WORKS. It has worked for thousands of years.
Don’t cringe at the word “develop.” The only reason we still exist is because for thousands of years men just being what they naturally were … WORKED. A LOT of this “development” is really UNlearning bullshit, propaganda and brainwashing.
Yes, by all means, drop extra lard, don’t run up debts, get regular physical exercise and stop swilling garbage. Reorient from consumerism to self-sufficiency and a future orientation. Dress decently (not metrosexually) — clean clothes that fit properly. But these were in fact the natural state of things not long ago. Once you make the transition, maintaining that will be easy.
I’m one of the Amorati — a graduate of the Ars Amorata program, during which you literally approach over 100 women as part of your training. (You can get an overview in the book “The Alabaster Girl.”)
I’m not here to shill for that particular program. Read @rooshv (Game, Lady), read @Heartiste , even read Simon Sheppard ( or Athol Kay (married man sex life primer) and wrap your mind around the essentials of male-female interaction and UNLEARN all the bullshit and lies you’ve been taught about “what women want.”
A woman wants a man. Anything else is a deliberate perversion of her desires by artificial means. But at her core, her instinct is to want a man who is masculine.
And the KEY to bypassing tons of garbage is for you, as a man, to BE what nature made you to be, and to stand right in front of a woman, hold her gaze, and invite her to join you.
“Develop yourself as a man” is another way to say “Game”.
Oh sure, there’s more. If you can swing a splitter and chop wood for five hours, you’re more mentally, physically, and yes emotionally developed than 90% of American men.
But there’s nothing quite like the ROI of Game.
De-betafication will be the story of the 21st Century, which is another way to say (cribbing PA), Identity, not Ideology, is the future. Men need to reacquaint themselves with their long-dormant masculine identity.
*Possibly this is an April Fools’ joke by Tinder, but the advice stands. All trends are pointing toward online dating becoming less useful to men.
The absolutely WORST plan of action a rebel leader like Trump could pursue is TALK BIG, ACT SMALL (or not at all).
The big talk energizes both his enemies and allies.
But the constant retreats from action only energize his enemies and demoralize his allies.
We are getting the worst of both worlds.
Amon Ra says he knew the moment MAGA was DOA,
The various arguments here on whether Trump was lying from the beginning, a Trojan horse, or co-opted later, through threats to his family or of jail time, are missing the point and unnecessarily complex, so lets simplify as Trump gave you the answer before he even won.
” At a meeting with the New York Times on Tuesday, Trump said he is not taking an investigation into Clinton off the table, but that he “doesn’t want to hurt the Clintons” and that he is “not looking to go back and go through this.”
Once those few words were spoken, I subconsciously knew it was game over, although, I kept denying reality to myself for awhile afterwards. This was before Mueller, before the election, before resistance from the Republicans and congress. So logically we are left with two options:
1) He’s a Trojan horse always working for the ((( other ))).
2) He was already co-opted at that point through whatever means.
Its that simple gentlemen.
Or maybe he just didn’t have the heart for that kind of fight, which would explain why he doesn’t have the heart for a real nationalist populist MAGA fight. His heart belongs to Boomercon staples like low taxes and inviting more invaders to enrich the wallets of the 1%.
Anyhow, I remember that quote from Trump. In hindsight, that was way more ominous than it seemed at the time.
PS A based, nativist, populist upstart right-winger could primary Trump in 2020, capitalizing on the oaf’s constant retreats from MAGA. Tucker, you reading?
I grew up in a 100% white nation.
We had a peaceful idyllic childhood.
No racism, no non whites, no ‘careful what you say’, no white guilt, no affirmation action, no freedom of speech issues…little crime.
Aged 10 in the summers we would be out on bikes from 10am to 10pm.
Women seemed happy too. Raising families, spending the days with other housewives.
My parents would have been married 51 years this year if my Dad was still here.
All their neighbors have been married the same.
Different universe to today.
I recall someone explaining that the goal of Globohomo is to get us to forget that there ever was a beatific, brightly White America. If we are slowly indoctrinated by agitprop and the grind of daily immersion in globalist miseries to the idea that Lichthof’s paradise was a myth and not the reality of just two generations ago…that our present dystopia “was always thus”…then we won’t have any sense of loss of a time and culture that was so much better than the Diversitopia under which we currently labor.
If we don’t feel the loss of something good, then we won’t fight to get it back. If we believe that something so good never existed, or was exaggerated to mythological status by “racists”, then we’ll believe it’s impossible to bring back that goodness. It’s a bigger psychological hurdle to create a reality from a fantasy than it is to recapture a fading reality stitched together and kept alive by still fresh memories.
Hold fast to those memories of day-long bike rides that continued on into the warm summer nights…carefree, exuberant, happy, accompanied by a chorus of crickets and a dazzling firmament. Smiling housewives and proud fathers. Cheerful neighbors. Muted yellow glows from outdoor garage lights that welcomed you home to unworried parents. A backyard of soft damp grass you could sit on for hours, staring at the sky, and never having to glance around for signs of danger.
If you remember, you fight harder to preserve what made those memories.
If you forget, you accept the gloom into your life, and into the lives of those who follow you.
A new study has replicated the findings from a two year old study which had concluded that gayface is real and machine learning algorithms can accurately predict from facial characteristics alone which human subjects are gay or straight.
From the abstract of the more recent study,
Recent research used machine learning methods to predict a persons sexual orientation from their photograph (Wang and Kosinski, 2017). To verify this result, two of these models are replicated, one based on a deep neural network (DNN) and one on facial morphology (FM). Using a new dataset of 20,910 photographs from dating websites, the ability to predict sexual orientation is confirmed (DNN accuracy male 68%, female 77%, FM male 62%, female 72%). To investigate whether facial features such as brightness or predominant colours are predictive of sexual orientation, a new model trained on highly blurred facial images was created. This model was also able to predict sexual orientation (male 63%, female 72%). The tested models are invariant to intentional changes to a subjects makeup, eyewear, facial hair and head pose (angle that the photograph is taken at). It is shown that the head pose is not correlated with sexual orientation. While demonstrating that dating profile images carry rich information about sexual orientation these results leave open the question of how much is determined by facial morphology and how much by differences in grooming, presentation and lifestyle. The advent of new technology that is able to detect sexual orientation in this way may have serious implications for the privacy and safety of gay men and women.
A description of Deep Neural Networks and Facial Morphology,
Two of their models used ML techniques to predict sexual orientation from a photograph of a face. One used deep neural networks (DNN) [1, Study 1a] to extract features from the cropped facial image (see Figure 1.1). The second study used only facial morphology [1, Study 3]. Facial morphology refers to the shape and position of the main facial features (such as eyes and nose) and the outline of the face (see Figure 1.2 for an example of the information available in the facial morphology studies). The images were gathered from online dating profiles and from Facebook. The data was limited to white individuals from the United States.
Briefly, DNN is a zoomed-in version of facial morphology analysis. One wonders if the gayface researchers only studied White faces for fear of offending the thin-skinned POCs.
For comparison, W&K [1] also ran an experiment in which they tested humans’ ability to detect sexual orientation from the same photographs. They found that humans are able to predict sexual orientation with modest success, achieving an accuracy measured by the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of AUC=.61 for male images and AUC=.54 for female images. Both their ML models outperformed the humans. The deep learning classifier had an accuracy of AUC=.81 for males and AUC=.71 for females [1, Study 1a]. The facial morphology classifier scored AUC=.85 for males and AUC=.70 for females [1, Study 4].
Humans have pretty good gaydar, but AI beats them. Coincidentally, AI is more racist than humans.
I suspect that human gaydar accuracy would improve if only urbanites who lived among lots of gays were studied. Gayface is one of those things — like Specialface — that you can’t miss once you’ve become accustomed to seeing it and familiar with its peculiarities. Flyovers who rarely see a gay or a [special] can have trouble identifying some of the marginal cases, which is why, for instance, South Carolinians missed Lindsey Graham’s light loafers and why so many evangelicals can’t tell that their preachers are obviously gay and/or low T cucks.
W&K note that their second model can predict sexual orientation from the individual components of the face, such as the contour of the face or the mouth. In particular, the facial contour predicts sexual orientation with an accuracy of AUC=.75 for men and AUC=.63 for women. Based on this outcome, W&K make the claim that this validates a theory of sexual orientation called prenatal hormone theory (PHT) [4, 5, 6]. PHT predicts that gay people will have “gender-atypical” facial morphology due to their exposure to differing hormone environments in the womb. They argue that this finding is unlikely to be due to different styles of presentation or grooming because it is quite difficult to alter the contour of one’s face [1].
The researchers go on to explain that their new machine learning algorithm controlled for factors like photo angle, facial hair, makeup, and eyewear, and still accurately predicted sexual orientation from facial morphology, bolstering the hypothesis that gayface is the result of a prenatal influence on the developing fetus. Or: Swishiognomy is real.
FYI, in a tangential discovery that will shock no one, straight women have a greater preference for wearing makeup than do lesbians.
The composite male faces:
I bet every reader here could have easily identified the gayfaces from the chadfaces without knowing beforehand. There’s just something in the way gays loooooook…….
A great comment from dolph9, earning him the coveted COTW.
There is no stopping the 4 way racial battle and 4 way class battle going on in America. It’s terminal guys and you know it.
Racial battle:
1) [special people]: want total financial and media control, permanently
2) native whites: still have numbers and power but feel themselves threatened and slowly slipping away
3) native blacks: continually promoted by the powers that be but never really stood a chance and they will get really, really pissed off
4) immigrants from all over, but particularly mexico, china, and india: zero awareness of american collapse, combined with striving, uppity attributes, will bulldoze everything in their way to achieve the american dream
Class battle:
1) working class: fucked without any hope for redemption, boozing and mid life suicide is the way out
2) middle class: surviving but only if they make all the right moves all the time, high stress and some are starting to question if it’s worth it
3) upper middle class: totally protected and clueless, servile to the rich and scared shitless of the poor, they become more irrelevant by the day
4) upper class: long ago stopped giving a shit, just printing money at this point so their dollar wealth keeps increasing to infinity.
Where is the lie?
Runner-up COTW is heartily awarded to Kelly, who warns that the worrier-warriors should fear the coming warrior-warriors.
Quote [CH]: “The purpose of the lib fear-mongering amongst themselves is 1. to juice their virtue signaling score (the more fearful, the more valuable one’s moral posturing against the thing causing the “fear”) and 2. to provide a phony justification to ram their shitlib agenda down America’s throat.”
You sure got that right. I seldom listen to NPR, but every time I do, I hear the word “worry” over and over again. Those chicken-shit reporters (almost always women, it seems) worry about everything! “He’s worried that…,” “She’s worried about…,” “They’re worried because…” Once you notice it, you realize that it’s the bedrock foundation of their existence.
They are AFRAID. They are all basically children, scared of everything in this big bad world. I think a lot of that is due to their massive incompetence. They really don’t know how to do anything but talk, push buttons, and be afraid.
Meanwhile, we Heritage American Men keep designing, building, and maintaining everything in the real world because WE are competent. We know how things work, and have actual talents and problem-solving skills, so we are NOT afraid.
What we are is ANGRY, and God help those worriers when enough of us decide that we have had enough of their bullshit.
Shitlibs who continually intone “I worry about…” are engaging in passive-aggressive defamation of their enemy (us). To constantly “worry” is to tacitly impugn the character of those who are causing the shitlib to worry. It’s childish, but it’s also effective rhetoric and deadly dangerous to societal health. Call it out whenever you hear it.
Ray tells of a time in America that will, soon enough, seem like the ravings of a fantasist to our future Woke Americans who can’t conceive of such a heaven on earth.
I was born in the late fifties into the same small Kansas town where my mother and father grew up. My grandparents all lived in that same town. Everyone was basically German, with a smattering of other northern European ethnicities thrown into the mix. The Main Street had everything anyone could possibly need to buy, from groceries to hardware. There were several Protestant churches that were always packed on Sundays, and one Catholic church on the edge of town, as well. There was no crime to speak of… we had one policeman, who spent most of his time bringing groceries to shut-ins. (He was a friend of my father’s, and my dad would joke about it.) We kids (and there were tons of us!) were outside from sun up to sun down, playing and fishing and riding bikes and building things. Every family had a garden out back, and sometimes a small orchard, and some folks raised a steer for winter beef, or kept chickens. That was in town! Every holiday was an opportunity for everyone in the family to get together and have some fun and good food. It was a warm, safe, sunny, idyllic way to grow up.
That all began to change in the seventies. People became much more materialistic, thanks in part to Mom taking a job outside the home and having all that extra cash. The new color television encouraged people to buy buy buy. Parents began divorcing and all my friends’ families disintegrated. People began staying inside from sun up to sun down. Where were all the kids? Inside, playing those new video games! The gardens went to weeds.The first black family moved into town. Hey, where’s my bike?
After college, I moved to another state for a job. When I returned home for a funeral last summer, I didn’t recognize the place. It was like that scene from “It’s a Wonderful Life,” when George Bailey gets to see what his small town was like without him in it. The streets had all been widened, there were cars everywhere, and the town had become mile after mile of shopping and fast food joints. Main Street was dead and boarded up. There was a new GIGANTIC shopping Mall, though. It had been built on top of the land where my grandparents’ farm had been.
I sat at a table outside of one of the Mall’s restaurants, sipping a coffee and watching the people as they came and went. Most were fat, poorly dressed, and had a generally unhealthy appearance. They all looked so sad and stressed.
I thought of that YouTube video “Never Forget,” showing archival footage of daily life in a small town in South Dakota in 1938. A town filled with happy, healthy, well-dressed people. My home town used to be that way, too.
But now it is gone. The modern way of life is a curse, for sure.
I want you to listen to this song while you read Ray’s story:
You’ll be reminded of your ancestral spirit, long dormant, now awakened. Allow that feeling to energize you. A reckoning is coming.
I think this is the video about 1938 South Dakota which Ray referenced:
Something’s missing. Where are the fat women?
The diversity?
The poz?
So strange, this faraway land.
Commenter realone fast forwards to the present day, when he stumbled onto a rift in the time-space continuum, and for a brief moment that faded, beautiful America appeared in front of him, crystal clear, and he was inspired by it.
I was traveling in a very blue part of a very blue state recently. I popped into a McDonalds to grab some coffee and take a break. I was up at the counter when two little girls ran up. The older girl was likely big sister and asked for something like extra ketchup or napkins. The younger girl was an adorable White brunette, maybe about four years old.
The younger girl said “I want orange juice.”
She wasn’t whiny or complaining in her voice or the way she was standing. She wasn’t demanding. She was simply stating.
Something struck me to my very core, to my heart. I walked up to the teller and said “give her the orange juice, and I will pay for it.”
The mystery meat teller looked at me with a blank stare like he didn’t understand what I was saying. I repeated myself. A manager looking type (young White woman) came over as I repeated again that I would pay for an orange juice for the little girl. The manager looked at me, looked at the precious little girl and then went and poured an orange juice. She signaled to me that I didn’t need to pay and gave it to the little girl who said “thank you” and scampered off.
Later I reflected why I had ordered the teller to give the little girl an orange juice and offered to pay. I came to the conclusion that what I saw in that little girl at that moment in time was a radiating innocence that resonated with me. I have also felt a profound sadness from knowing that the little White girl’s innocence was transitory, and that it would most likely be ripped away from her by brutish others because of the “diversity” in that area.
The greater point is that, while (((they))) may have pathologized and preyed on our White altruism, our greatest weakness could be turned into our greatest strength.
Properly harnessed, White altruism for our own people, and only our own people, is an awesome power. No wonder (((they))) have corrupted it. I recently got a small taste of what it is to love our own altruistically.
Hate will be necessary. Hate for what has been taken from us and to the constant offenses and harms placed upon our people. But I don’t think Hate will be enough. Hate will only take us so far. We need to regain and purify our altruism, our capacity for Love of our own people and reforge our ethos with Love for our own and Hate for the other who would do us harm.
It seems such a small and insignificant thing, if you weren’t there you might call it trivial, but it wasn’t to me. It was like finding a sunflower in a brown and black wasteland, a breath of fresh air in a polluted sky, carefree days riding bicycles with your friends from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m in a bygone time.
I Hate (((them))) for what (((they))) have done to us, but I LOVE our people, and our ways, and the innocence of our White children.
Hate is as natural as love.
Hate protects the things we love from that which would destroy it.
To never feel hate is to never know the fullness of love.
To feel hate only for those who protect what’s loved is the center of evil.
Adolf Joe provokes a simple hypothetical about a world without online, often anonymous, dissident voices,
Make no mistake, if it wasn’t for the internet, Donald Trump would have been run out of town for “Russian Collusion.” The scheme to remove him would have worked if the Strozk/Page texts and other pieces of evidence weren’t crowdsourced by the public and alternative media.
You have to ask yourself what else these schemers have been lying about.
At least six decades of lies, and probably a lot more.
Joe replies,
After seeing how the media blatantly lies, it really calls every historical event into question.
As well it should. The curtain is pulled back, the mask is slipped, and the id is exposed, pulsating and panicking. We are justified to question any and all media and deep state narratives going back to the beginning of mass market news.
We need more diversity in our media executives and staff and pundits and investigative reporters. The media landscape is dominated by one group and one ideology, and that’s bad for America and bad for the Truth.
Quackbusters writes,
Unz had a really good article awhile back about the “great purge” of isolationist America Firsters from the media back in the 1940s; that entire swathe of very popular opinion on American involvement in the war was completely memoryholed by the media and Roosevelt administration.
I was blindsided by how a) this even happened in the first place, b) I had never even heard of this, and c) I never WOULD have heard of this were it not for the internet. The main takeaway of the article (for me at least) was that they were able to essentially erase all the isolationists from the public mind because the media was so concentrated in the hands of just a few newspapers that these isolationist columnists depended on to spread their beliefs. The internet is the great equalizer in our day and age because it allows entirely decentralized dissent that cannot be purged, or at least is exceedingly more difficult to purge.
Concentration of power in just a few newspapers and just one clan. This problem has festered for a LOOOONG time, and only now is it being properly addressed with sunlight and straight talk. Hence, the panic at the mitzvah.
Where are we at with Trump and the MAGA agenda, as the clock ticks down on his first term?
I have some thoughts to share.
It’s pretty clear that Trump is, if not reneging, ignoring or at best blowing hot air about his campaign promises to shut down the southern border, stop illegal immigration, and deport the invaders who have already crossed. There have been a smattering of small forward incursions in the battle against globalist open borders, but by and large the border deniers and whackjob nation-wrecking universalists are winning. The border is a sieve like it hasn’t been in years. By some measures, obama was tougher on border security than Trump has been to date.
Latest stats suggest that "family units" using asylum claims as a means of illegal immigration are being released w/o even having to pass the first-cut "credible-fear" test. This will only accelerate the Merkel-style migration crisis brewing at the border.
And I don’t remember Trump promising to INCREASE *legal* immigration during his campaign stops, but here he is doing just that:
DHS to double seasonal guest worker increase
Homeland Security will dole out an additional 30,000 seasonal guest worker passes this year as it pushes to make good on President Trump’s new promise to bring in more foreign labor amid a strong economy.
There’s no way to interpret this move except as a betrayal of MAGA. Maybe Trump really was made an offer he couldn’t refuse? The Deep State backs off if he commits to open borders aka [specialed] borders.
Trump didn’t win any votes on a promise to further lower native Americans’ wages. He won on a promise to curb immigration and allow working class wages to rise as well as allow towns and rural communities groaning under an overload of racially and culturally alien migrants to have some respite from the onslaught.
Trump’s SOTU this year was the first time I heard him blurt that he’d like lots more legal immigrants to come here and pillage America. If he mentioned that during his campaign, I and many others missed it.
Trump is doing nothing to rectify or even acknowledge the aggressive throttling of free speech for Whites, by Big Tech and Big Media.
Dangerous, unconstitutional precedents are being set, and Trump is silent. An ominous tyranny shrouds America and Trump’s DOJ has no response, other than to continue virtue signaling about “zero tolerance for White soopremacy”.
Globohomo is pushing its anti-White agenda hard. If it were to make inroads, say on a pitch to allow the world to vote in America’s elections (Democrats would not object)…
…would Trump do anything but bloviate about it on Twatter? Or would he sack up and send the US marshals into every judge’s chamber that ruled against American national interest? I don’t know anymore.
Whites are becoming victims of overt discrimination in large states like CA.
DEUSVULT comments,
This is systemic discrimination by the way. So if any antiWhite should happen to level their typical, “Whites have it so good they’re not oppressed” bullshit you can just remind them that institutional acts of discrimination against Whites exist. Regardless of how they deny it, this is precisely what institutional discrimination is and it’s been levied against White children.
Also, a bill that was supposed to help segregation is now being used against Whites.
Again, silence from Trump. This is a ripe target for his DOJ. Yet…..nothing.
We got Campaign Trump and Twatter Trump, but if we’re honest we have to say President Trump has been MIA on the core tenets which powered him into office. I won’t make excuses for him here, but I will say now that the Mueller Russia Hoax boot is off Trump’s neck, he has more political capital than he ever had, and there’s an opening to use it. Hopefully soon. Because each day another 5,000 pintos swarm our bucolic neighborhoods and terraform America into a facsimile of the Dirt World countries out of which these invaders stream forth.
More reasons to worry:
Trump said he would cut aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and some other mayan toilet.
Trump says a lot of things.
Has he?
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn two months from now the aid is still flowing freely, no strings attached.
I heard an interview with some Federal Reserve guy Trump just hired. The dude was basically a globalist free trader, shitting all over the idea of Trump’s tariffs.
Tell me again why Trump hires people who conspicuously and loudly disagree with his campaign agenda?
I don’t think Trump was flim flamming us during the campaign, so I don’t believe he’s knowingly hiring these globalist stooges.
I think Trump is either too lazy to vet anyone, or he’s getting misinformation from traitors within his administration.
The evidence mounts that Ivanka and Jared Kushner have a lot of pull over Trump’s decision making.
"Trump had vowed during his campaign that he would end DACA. But here was Kushner advocating for the exact opposite."
So disappointed. But I predicted this would happen. You don’t let family close to the MAGA throne unless they have proven themselves loyal servants. It was clear early on that Jared is a garden variety globalist [special] and Ivanka is a shitlib cosmopolitan.
I did predict right after the Inauguration that the main obstacle to a successful and effective Trump presidency would be Javanka. Even Steve Sailer has come around to embrace my foresight.
party1981 adds,
you might like this post about 1 year ago from someone claiming to be FBIanon (the original FBIanon transcripts are a goldmine of knowledge and can be found by searching ‘fbianon pdf’).
In the post, FBIanon identifies Ivanka as the problem holding Trump back.
A more recent CIA anon also made the same claim, that Jared by way of Bibi is actually the one pulling the strings in this presidency, and that their deal with Trump is to make Ivanka president later down the road so long as he toes the line. Trump will not be allowed to build the wall or do anything else of significance for Whites. He agreed to the deal because he wants a family dynasty, like the Bushes. The anon called this presidency “the most expensive case of ‘daddy I want a pony’ in history”.
Trump has to understand: No wall, no dynasty. End of story. End of legacy.
J.F. also says the turning point for MAGA was the blowout between Javanka and Steve Bannon,
It was a watershed moment when Jarvanka had the big blowout with Bannon. Bannon started chiding them on Breitbart, and very quickly after that he was ousted from the White House AND from Breitbart. That sequence of events was full of meaning, and it’s when everything changed.
Watch for Bannon to endorse Sanders or Gabbard, maybe even Buttiegay.
Trump started out strong, he had big goals, but he was stymied by a cucked GOPe the entire first year of his presidency. I first sensed the change in him sometime around the raid on Cohen’s law office. Trump is currently in “blink three times” mode. I would be delighted to be proven wrong.
It’s nearly inconceivable, but what are the chances that Trump legitimately remains unaware of his base’s opinions on policy?
We already know uberglobalist Gary Cohn deliberately withheld information from Trump which resulted in a no-show on an important EO. It’s likely other saboteurs have tirelessly worked to keep Trump ignorant of MAGA reality.
Chuck writes,
At this point Trump knows they are withholding info. Allowing it is complicity.
Bannon has many flaws, but he was a trustworthy conduit to the “forgotten Americans” of Trump’s Inauguration speech. Bannon kept Trump grounded with his base. Then he was ousted. And it’s been a steady drift away from Trump’s base ever since.
Heather says that Trump’s team has internal polling numbers suggesting a big movement of White Dems to Trump:
They are telling him everything is great. His people were on the tv after the Saginaw rally bragging that 32% of the attendees were registered Democrats. Their internal numbers are showing a huge shift right from working class dems.
Hopefully he remembers why he is getting that support and why he won.
We know Trump A/B tests policy during his speeches. The biggest applause came when he talked of closing the border. He could not have missed that.
It was encouraging. They are doing lots of data analysis. Basically, the used the phone numbers of the attendees which they freely provided in order to get tickets and then compared the names against the voter roles. They harvested all kinds of demo info that I doubt they will reveal for strategic reasons. Suffice to say, there is a reason the left is freaking out. I also think the border issue dragging on helps Trump because the Democrats own these caravans, the voter fraud, the obstruction and everything else.
I’ll say it again.
Trump can guarantee his 2020 reelection if he does three things:
– expands medicare
– builds the fucking wall
– imposes a moratorium on *legal* immigration
If Trump isn’t reading me, he should be.
The Dems have gone crazy, and normally that means the opposition incumbent sails in for a 2nd term. But these are strange times of upheaval and discontent. We have glimmers of bad omens for Trump in polling out of the Rust Belt from a month ago. I don’t think Trump wins *on his current course*. He needs to recapture the spirit of his campaign agenda, and put it into policy.
Maybe you don’t like the idea of expanded Medicare or single payer, but it will ensure Trump’s victory in 2020, which will give us more breathing room to address the demographic time bomb. He should do it.
Unfortunately, I see Trump retreating from the Wall and embracing the anti-MAGA, Boomercuck notion of open borders *as long as it’s legal*. He hasn’t proposed an alternative to gaymulattocare, yet.
He’s going backwards. A cynic would say he’s been co-opted. Converged. I’m more sanguine. I think he’s lazy and prone to trusting people who don’t have his, or his supporters’, interests in heart.
It’s obvious to me that Trump has pivoted to Reaganism 2.0. If so, he will lose to just about any clown show the Dems nominate for 2020.
Cuckservatives are feverishly pushing Trump into Reaganism, and act astounded that some on their side “don’t defend conservative principles like free markets, individual liberty…” ad nauseam. I swear I can’t tell if cucks are more stupid or subversive. TIMES HAVE CHANGED CUCKS. GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM.
These shills for an antiquated ideology really think that if “their side” just hammers harder on TrueCon talking points, the electorate will see the light. To them, the only thing holding back a conservative Reaganite renaissance sequel is a lack of PR.
The Wall
The recent surge of chalupas at non-port of entry borderlands proves that the only real, long term, effective solution is a great, big…dare I say it…YUGE reinforced concrete WALL along the border which can withstand tonnes of invader flesh pressing futilely against it.
Ok, there’s one other effective, long term solution, but the stomach is weak.
The Black Pill
What if, after four years, all we get out of the Trump Presidency is a tax cut and sweet tweets?
Plus a record number of foreign-born “Americans”?
Did anyone imagine that possibility in November, 2016?
Of course, that’s still better than a president thecunt.
But so unsatisfying. A liberating moment in history, wasted.
Check that. Trump gave us Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. No minor accomplishment. Gorsuch may be the real deal. (Still unsure if Kav will wilt like a southern summer flower.)
The White Pill
From gameninjasteve,
What I’ve gotten out of the Trump presidency:
1. MASSIVE red pilling of the general populace of just how corrupt,underhanded,and evil the mainstream media is. Only the most deeply apathetic and out right commies still believe anything the media says. Their primary control system is in shambles.
2. Proof upon proof of interparty collusion towards destroying the country. Pretty much everyone in government is an Israeli agent.
3. Public outing of the [specials]. More people than ever are aware of AIPAC and [special] organizations like SPLC and ADL. Even Trump bending over for them came with him naming exactly who was telling him to do it. Everyone knows (((who))) Trump was winning favor with when he moved the embassy to Special-rusilum and came out in defense of [special] occupation of the Golan Heights. How many people knew about what was going on there and now everyone knows.
4. Internet censorship is a major issue. Before this presidency,people would just rabble around a false flag like TPP and “internet neutrality”. Now the [special people] are desperate to control the internet and being very obvious about it. And everyone with half a brain is watching.
So we haven’t gotten our border wall. Yet. But you can’t argue with the fact Trump’s done a lot of good.
I’m OK with a White Pill that essentially amounts to “Trump is the physical manifestation of a national Sunshine Law”.
The Verdict
Right now, it’s possible to rationalize Trump’s anti-MAGA actions, or inactions, as character glitches, feints, or bribes to buy time.
But there are a few actions Trump could take that would cement his Globohomo convergence and remove all doubt about his intentions to betray MAGA.
One of those is invading Venezuela.
If Trump doesn’t relocate himself squarely in the nationalist populism heart of MAGA, his base will drift off, soured by scorecards like this:
A perception of weakness is beginning to overshadow Trump. PA writes,
Much was said about the world’s leaders not respecting America under Obama’s presidency, but that’s not entirely correct. Obama the figurehead himself was a dork. The world sure did respect the obviously determined and unified deep state power behind its weak-mulatto mascot.
It’s the opposite with Trump, a strong and charismatic man but also a president that’s left out to hang by his own state apparatus.
Atavator gets the last word,
Trump is looking increasingly like a historical figure who was granted a shot at greatness, but failed to rise to the occasion.
We all wanted Trump to prevail. Well, those of us who aren’t depressive backstabbing assholes. I like the guy on a personal level. His straight talk cutting through swaths of cucks and Dem tardos filled me with joy. His womanizing and alpha characteristics were a breath of fresh air in the stale, staid gynarchic catlady hell that America has become.
But I arrive stubbornly at the conclusion that Trump may not live up to the promise of those heady days of 2015 and 2016. Now I just hope that whatever follows Trump completes the promise of him.
Atavator replies,
I hear ya man, and I know that feelz.
My way of putting it was that Trump was the one guy who was willing to walk into their temple, drop trou and piss on their idols. I still think that the Russia collusion hoax — while it was a conscious deep state calculation — resonated as deeply as it did because we were not watching a conventional political loss, but a religion being challenged. They were (and to some degree still are) crying out to their false gods to take vengeance on the blasphemer. And the gods remain silent.
This is why I think no matter what happens next, I’m still glad he was elected, and a person like him was a necessary step, just to crack the spell.
Well said. We challenged a religion, Equalism, and a horde of earthly demons was released.
2016 was a minor miracle. It was epochal, and I will always recall it fondly. I hope that I can recall it in the glow of a redeemed America, instead of in the ashes of a collapsed empire.
Janey Ungodly rubs her nipples in a public post office. Sounds creepy. And at her advanced age, a husky crone voice is a given.
Time for a phyzz check.
Fat, ugly, and unfunny is no way to go through life, ma’am.
All the remarks about her beauty diversity got to her. Defensively, she lied,
Thank you am quite happy with my looks – am as ordinary looking as everyone else – and loved and getting banged harder than a faulty washing machine door.
“as ordinary looking as everyone else”? Ah, no. Janey, you are extraordinarily ugly, a bearer of profound physical ugliness only matched in the sheer horror of it by the inner ugliness of your character. Your immigrant props gag at the sight of you, when they aren’t stealing your jewels or making you lose your bloated witchy head on an EatEatLove sojourn.
I have to laugh at these grotesque old hags who think the world believes them when they brag about their sex lives. No one’s banging Janey Godley who isn’t a subterranean quasi-human dreg. The banging is the washing machine door vomiting her old lady tunastank underwear. Certainly, no one loves her. Whatever loser is dumping a diseased fuck in her doesn’t love her and tries to hide from her when they’re out in public.
The lameasfuck virtue signaling is just the curdled icing on the turd cake. This cancercunt dreams of “freaking out” “racists” (she does this every day leaving the house) but wouldn’t dare offend a vibrant immigrant, before whom her strident cuntery would promptly and thoroughly temper itself as she assumed the submissive posture to an invading tribe of men more racist than she could ever imagine.
You ought to consider a www boys crying group – how’s the wall coming along?
The wall? Direct hit, Janey. The Wall is completed…for you.
Comment Of The Week: Terminal America
Apr 3rd, 2019 by CH
A great comment from dolph9, earning him the coveted COTW.
Where is the lie?
Runner-up COTW is heartily awarded to Kelly, who warns that the worrier-warriors should fear the coming warrior-warriors.
Shitlibs who continually intone “I worry about…” are engaging in passive-aggressive defamation of their enemy (us). To constantly “worry” is to tacitly impugn the character of those who are causing the shitlib to worry. It’s childish, but it’s also effective rhetoric and deadly dangerous to societal health. Call it out whenever you hear it.
Posted in Comment Winners, Goodbye America | Comments Off