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The Look Of Lovelessness

Poor guy. He shoulda bailed with one of the bridesmaids.

Fame Game is all-powerful, so don’t expect many women to be able to resist smiling ear to ear when in the presence of a famous man. What you should worry about is when your wife can’t summon the same smile on her wedding day that she did standing next to Rob Lowe for 30 seconds (that we know of).

Game can’t stop a woman from auto-splooging around famous men, but it can sufficiently turn on her heart light so that she doesn’t look like she’s being forced into an arranged marriage with John Scalzi during the wedding day photo shoot. You want your girl smiling as broadly with you, in grateful acknowledgement of the sacrifice you’re making to be with her alone and to foreswear all other poon, as she would be smiling when posing for an Instawhore pic with 55 year old Rob Lowe. Or: If your girl acts like your groupie, you’re doing it right.

(This brings to mind a good rule for any kind of relationship: I call it the Smile Disparity Rule. If your girl smiles less than you in photos, you need a relationship course correction. If you both smile equally, have fun but don’t get complacent. If she smiles more than you do, she’s your love slave. Be discreet about your mistresses but don’t fret if your main dame discovers one of them. She’ll cry about it for a few minutes then concede she can’t stop loving you.)

More than anything, the photo comparison above exposes female hypergamy in its full flower. Ecstasy is her reaction when an alpha male so much as grazes her shoulder or asks for the time; barely concealed disappointment is her reaction when she knows she’s settling for ol’ dependable beta male who will provide her a lifetime of comfort and adoration. Not every woman will act on her hypergamy, but every woman will feel its tremors deep in the pit of her womb.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reorient society so that informal regulations on the ability of women to satisfy their hypergamous urges are established for the benefit of civilization. Good luck!

At the very least, don’t be a self-deprecating cuck and act like there’s something funny or endearing about your woman swooning for another man while she looks at you like you’re ball-less ballast. If your wedding pic resembles the one above, prepare now for the inevitable divorce industrial complex ass ramming, and start sexting Schneiderman’s brown slave exes. Their nights are free now (praise be upon Trump and his long memory).



baked georgia asyntactically commented,

a (good looking) female co-worker commented about how no self-respecting male won’t have a real relationship with one of those bikini girls from instagram, and that they’ll may die alone when their looks fade away.

I’ve almost cried tears of joy

Be careful in your admiration for a woman who uses the term “self-respecting” as an implicit tool of male behavior management, especially if her slut shaming target is her sexual competition.

Women use the term “self-respecting” in a passive-aggressive way whenever they’re commenting indirectly about male romantic preferences that they find objectionable and threatening (such as men’s compulsive willingness to not only fuck but fall in love with Instawhore bikini babes). You may think she’s a trad thot doing the Lord’s slut shaming work, but in reality she’s stud shaming you to ignore hotter women for a “real relationship” with women like herself.

It’s generally good policy to avoid committing to women who splash their gash all over social media, but don’t get bent out of shape about it. There’s nothing mutually incompatible between female beauty and female lovability, and men should allow some breathing room for women occasionally and with a prudent bow to modesty to “display their goods” (say, in a slinky cocktail dress to catch your eye at a black tie dinner event) because it’s a normal urge in women to physically advertise their sexual and, hence, marital worth.

When I hear “self-respecting”, I hear a schoolmarm finger wagging me for not sufficiently denying my natural male desire.


YOU: won’t approach a soft 6 because “the ratio is bad” or “she probably has a boyfriend” or “i’m tired” or “she hasn’t given me the green light yet”, retreat to masturbatorium for epic fap, decry your burgeoning incel status, log into PUA blog intended to help you only to bitch and moan about not looking like Chris Hemsworth.

THIS GUY: be born with no arms, swoop a hard 7, have two kids by her.

If you can’t muster the courage with a full set of limbs to approach a girl and say hi, try to imagine how much tougher it would be for you if you had to approach girls armless. There goes kino escalation! (aka surreptitious groping for you hollywood producers.) Then hang your head in shame that all you can muster are excuses about not looking like a male model as the reason why you’re alone and celibate.


Stupid self-confidence which defies expectation and prudence can take a man far. Be inspired by better men than yourself, rather than demoralized. And by inspired, I don’t mean by the universalist pabulum those men might write to explain their grace; I mean by what these men with two strikes against them do to score their hotties. Maybe it’s humor, or the fame of running a ministry, or a preternatural ability to emotionally connect with women, that is their secret. Or maybe it’s “DGAF what the world thinks of my armlessness” jerkboy charisma that women are wired to behold with starry eyes. Those lessons are hiding in plain sight; all you need to do is stop pulling the blinders over your eyes.


Chris comments about his time in Brazil, the muddy confluence of the world’s races.

I lived in Brazil 4 years as an American young man back in 1990s and I am yet to see a more dis-trusting and antagonist society in the planet. Brazilians HATE each other, they hate their country, and they distrust each other to the point the country is really nothing more then a 3rd world powederkeg of social and economic disharmony and violence. Brazil is California on steroids. Highly-racially and culturally mixed and yet that country is divided, dishonest, and self-loathing.

The more “racially mixed” a country is, the more unstable it becomes, because it has no common culture, no common past, and no common background. The only part of Brazil that works (sorta) is the South, where the population is overwhelmingly German, with Italians as second largest group, Ukrainians around 500,000, and about 100,000 Lithuanians, all concentrated in their own cities and towns across the 3 southern States. The south of Brazil is only coherent part of Brazil and only white-majority region. Most Conservative, prettiest girls, and least Feminist. The rest of Brazil is a messy chaos of mixed and semi-white populations, all distrusting and hating one another. It is a sight to behold! ?

This is the case anywhere in the world. When Norway was almost 100% ethnic Norwegian, the country worked and functioned, even with dumb socialist policies (like national healthcare). Because the population was homogenous and educated, they did not abuse and overuse public services and that enabled socialist policies to work to some extent. After they allowed SOME immigration, not even at the ridiculous levels of Sweden or Germany, NOTHING works in Norway anymore. Healthcare is overwhelmed, people bleeding in ERs, elderly drinking water out of potted plants, and all levels of social services and police are overwhelmed, and the country has become more polarized and unstable.

But unlike Sweden (a country headed for total collapse), Norway woke-up and elected the “Go Forward Party” and the zero immigration parties are growing rapidly. Their motto “let’s not become Sweden”.

Simply put: mass immigration = chaos and disunity. No matter how much you “mix races” or “mix cultures”, the “mixing” will not resolve the most basic of human behavior, which is distrust, disunity, and hate. No matter how much you indoctrinate, the truth of our most basic ideas, behaviors, and reactions will never change. That is hwy “Progressivism” has always fails, since it replies on humans to “evolve” (progress) into holy and perfect beings. This will never happen, thus Progressivism fails over an dover again.

In fact, all tis “mixing” makes it all worse. My 2 cents.

Diversity + Proximity = War (by whatever means). Racial diversity introduces social instability. The races have on average differing world views, behaviors, temperaments, personalities, and preferences, and forcing them together into an artificial union under one political and cultural umbrella amplifies preexisting antagonisms and distinctions, resulting in lower trust and a less livable society by any one group’s standards. The reason racial and ethnic diversity creates instability (which Robert Putnam found in his research, even within races because lower trust caused by multiracial proximity infected relations between racial kin) is because shared threads of experience, history, heritage, values, demeanors, behaviors, rituals, and unspoken affinities are torn and discarded, and in fact must be, to appease the MultiKult Cerberus.

Mixing doesn’t fix the problems caused by Diversity™; it only makes it worse because the mixed population becomes more, not less, racially conscious, spending productivity-sucking energy jockeying for a racial identity and the status that accrues to it which sets oneself and one’s family apart from the muddy masses. It’s part of the human condition to tribalize; only NW European Whites have had this predilection somewhat but not entirely bred out of them. And if it is bred out of them, they will cease to exist and all the world’s races will return to unapologetic tribalism.

And as Chris noted, race mixing destroys cultural continuity — “no common culture, no common past, and no common background”. Our underlords must preach the satanic gospel of Diversity Is Our Strength constantly because they understand on a primal level that Diversity is our weakness. They propagandize that which requires propagandizing: the inorganic, the artificial, and the alien.

People who think all our problems of Diversity will be solved by de-scaling are short-sighted, unless by de-scaling they mean the disaggregation of America into separate and distinct geopolitical entities that are self-governing and no longer answer to the Federal Poz — aka racially distinct nations, which we forget, to our peril, is a redundancy in terms.


South Africa is another horribly low trust society. So how does the country function? Clues abound: fencing of every variety encircles everything, gated community security forces are armed to the teeth, and Whites self-segregate from nonWhites and follow an informal byzantine rulebook to help them avoid predation.

In other words, South Africa functions by creating an insular pocket of high trust Whites to run things and keep the low trust hued hordes surrounding them appeased with gibs (or with the lives of apparently disposable White Afrikaaner farmers).

Gibs Management is a classic example of short-run profit at the expense of long-run sustainability. It works, for a while, until the gibs takers outnumber the gibs givers, which they always do because (absent contraceptive and abortive intervention) gibs takers are wired for explosive population growth in times of plenty.

Atavator passes along an anecdote about a White African:

A few years ago, I struck up a conversation with a white guy from Zimbabwe — in the Wal Mart checkout line, of all places. Fair number of blacks around, but the guy was totally relaxed. It was a comparative matter, you see. Back home, he explained, there was just just no way his car would still be in the lot when he exited the store, since in the present case he had left no one armed to watch it. Just having that luxury — not leaving an armed person and believing his car would be present —   was like heaven.

Requiring the presence of an armed guard to watch your car in Walmart parking lots will become a feature of the US if the White share of the total population continues its downward trajectory to majority minority status, and then eventually to absolute minority status. This is why sounding pessimistic alarm bells about the demographic catastrophe set to befall us is as critically important as crafting an optimistic message that lures normie Whites to voting for pro-Heritage America politicians (aka MAGAmen).

If Whites in the remaining majority-White regions of the US don’t feel a sense of urgency and menace for the future of America as a nation, they won’t act as quickly about signing up for an implicitly or explicitly heritage-protecting agenda. And what we don’t have now is the luxury of time. South Africa is our future sooner than most think.


Ellen Pao, a dog ugly thing who could be transitioning to either male or female (hard to tell), wants to rid the world of incels (involuntarily celibate men; the female analogue would be insol — involuntary solitude) and has put out a call to liquidate the unloveable. Omegacide.

CEOs of big tech companies: You almost certainly have incels as employees. What are you going to do about it?

— Ellen K. Pao (@ekp) May 2, 2018

It’s not a coincidence that the ugly women bitching about sexually aggressive or socially awkward men are also the least likely to get hit on by those men. The point of the fake victim signaling is to imply a sexual allure these women don’t have; they’re so irresistible that they can’t make it through the day without getting sexually harassed or run over on the sidewalk by….total losers. It’s calumnybragging.

Pao Creatures are susceptible to narratives that men are tripping over themselves to fuck them, and what better narrative to assuage their bitterbitch egos than that an army of incels is ready to burn the world because our unconventionally beautiful empowered women won’t promptly give their sexual favors to UGH SEXUALLY ENTITLED MALES.

The Incel Revolt narrative is the perfect pao creature cuntfectionary, at once sweetening their egos and their social standing among other women (their real competition).

A wag sensibly suggested:

“We heard there were incels on our staff, so we brought in an expert.” pic.twitter.com/BXD6I8R37M

— Justin Whang ��?� (@JustinWhang) May 3, 2018

All this time that femcunts in the mold of Pao reviled this ‘umble outpost of love they were really saying they wished men would come here to learn how to avoid becoming incel. We finally have a mutual understanding!


I’ve gotta hand it to black women, they have a knack for cutting through (or being unconcerned with) feminist sophistry, to deliver the id vivisecting shiv.


This is a pretty good pickup field report from archerwfisher demonstrating the awesome power of preselection, cockiness, and outcome independence to deliver poon into a man’s lap.

Off topic but MAN had another example today that the Heartiste gospel is true. Short version–pre approval and a little game work a TON.

Long version–met a somewhat crazy, fairly slutty girl on tinder. Didn’t want to date. (I’m more on the Christian side so didn’t bang when I could have.) She loves to randomly hang out even though she’s decided I’m 100% a friend. Today she randomly wanted to meet at a bar. I get there and she’s happy drunk with a happy drunk friend. She introduces me, I’m snapchatting another girl (crazy girl asks what I’m doing, I honestly say I’m snapping my ex, so I’m pre approved by crazy girl and my ex) and I’m partially chatting with crazy girl and her drunk friend.

We go outside, they’re talking about hookups and I’m making dry comments and a few jokes and half paying attention, didn’t flirt with or hit on either. We all sit in crazy girl’s SUV with ac on for a few minutes. Someone calls crazy girl, drunk friend starts making orgasm noises, I join in “yeah you like that baby” and crazy girls takes the call. Drunk girl tells me about breaking up with her fiance, I go, “I completely understand, crazy people are hard to deal with” and point at crazy girl. Drunk friend almost dies laughing going “that’s so awful! take that back!” To which I say “tell me it’s not true!” Aaand five minutes later drunk friend is asking if I have a dick pic I can show her, I do, and her reply is “Hmm, I can do something with that” and she asks me to come over to her place.

Gospel proven–be pre approved, don’t be an eager beaver, and have some humor.

I can already hear the mewling chorus of naysayers. “Ah but she was drunk, CH, that lay was practically a gimme!”

Really? How often do betaboys go home to their faphovels because a bar full of drunk girls ignored them for more charismatic men? I’d say if betas rely on girls being drunk to get laid they are setting themselves up for disappointment. Even through the haze of alcohol, girls can tell which men are the cool alphas. Drunkenness might lower her inhibitions, but it won’t reliably widen her net.


Rod Dreher, a former CH Beta of the Month contestant (he almost won, but almost only counts in horseshoes and corner stools) interviewed Wrath of Gnon, a Maul-Right advocate for traditionalism. A reader informed Rod that Wrath of Gnon was an unperson, a thought criminal, and Rod promptly bent over to give penance to his true Lord and God: his anti-White shitlib paymasters.

Where in dreher’s benedictine christianity does it compel him to run from the Truth like a frightened little girl?

Congratulations, ROD, you’re the first BOTM runner-up to win an honorary BOTM trophy (buttplug shaped) for exemplary commitment to spinelessness in the line of duty. A dry insertion might be your calling.


Tucked within this post by Steve Sailer on the last surviving WWII physicist Freeman Dyson, might be the most subversive argument against globalism and mass scale urbanization I’ve read yet.

Steve quotes Dyson in a review Dyson wrote of Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and Companies by Geoffrey West of the Santa Fe Institute.

(By the way, you ever notice how so many suprageniuses are ectomorphs?)

On the average, people in villages are not more capable than people in cities. But if ten million people are divided into a thousand genetically isolated villages, there is a good chance that one lucky village will have a population with outstandingly high average capability, and there is a good chance that an inbreeding population with high average capability produces an occasional bunch of geniuses in a short time.

The effect of genetic isolation is even stronger if the population of the village is divided by barriers of rank or caste or religion. Social snobbery can be as effective as geography in keeping people from spreading their genes widely.

A substantial fraction of the population of Europe and the Middle East in the time between 1000 BC and 1800 AD lived in genetically isolated villages, so that genetic drift may have been the most important factor making intellectual revolutions possible. Places where intellectual revolutions happened include, among many others, Jerusalem around 800 BC (the invention of monotheistic religion), Athens around 500 BC (the invention of drama and philosophy and the beginnings of science), Venice around 1300 AD (the invention of modern commerce), Florence around 1600 (the invention of modern science), and Manchester around 1750 (the invention of modern industry).

These places were all villages, with populations of a few tens of thousands, divided into tribes and social classes with even smaller populations. In each case, a small starburst of geniuses emerged from a small inbred population within a few centuries, and changed our ways of thinking irreversibly. These eruptions have many historical causes. Cultural and political accidents may provide unusual opportunities for young geniuses to exploit.

“Starburst of geniuses”. Evocative term.

But the appearance of a starburst must be to some extent a consequence of genetic drift. The examples that I mentioned all belong to Western cultures. No doubt similar starbursts of genius occurred in other cultures, but I am ignorant of the details of their history.

West’s neglect of villages as agents of change raises an important question. How likely is it that significant numbers of humans will choose to remain in genetically isolated communities in centuries to come? We cannot confidently answer this question. The answer depends on unpredictable patterns of economic development, on international politics, and on even more unpredictable human desires.

But we can foresee two possible technological developments that would result in permanent genetic isolation of human communities. One possibility is that groups of parents will be able to give birth to genetically modified children, hoping to give them advantages in the game of life. The children might be healthier or longer-lived or more intellectually gifted than other children, and they might no longer interbreed with natural-born children.

I have predicted that sexbots will gravely disrupt the functioning of the Western sexual market.

The other possibility is that groups of people will emigrate from planet Earth and build societies far away in the depths of space. West considers neither of these possibilities. His view of the future sees humans remaining forever a single species confined to a single planet. If the future resembles the past, humans will be diversifying into many species and spreading out over the universe, as our hominin ancestors diversified and spread over this planet.

Aspie sci fi masturbation. Let’s make Earth the best it can be before we engage on quixotic quests to seed the universe with our species. As AnotherDad commented,

Respect Freeman Dyson for being a freethinker, skeptic and willing to call b.s. on establishment fads.

However, his scifi-ish flights of fancy (nerdbait) are the kinds of things that i had a so-so interest in as an adolescent. But one of things even a nerdy scfi reader should grasp as he matures is that the earth–however prosaically present–is what matters.

Space–even if some things making terrific dramatic pics–is actually mostly cold and boring. The earth in contrast is full of contrast, full of life, full of interest–incredible interest. And unsurprisingly we are terrifically well suited for life on earth–after a couple billion years of evolution coughed us up.

Space may be of some modest–or even great–interest way, way down the road, but what’s absolutely critical is to not screw up planet earth. Not destroying the planet, and preserving and building on the best humanity has achieved. The critically important stuff is … well cue Steve’s “world’s most important graph��?.

Getting back to Dyson’s lucid argument for the value of village life (and concomitantly for the de-scaling of America’s managerialist administrative state and a de-urbanization of its big blue coastal shitlibopolises), what he’s suggesting — that small isolated towns and villages produce the geniuses who create and expand civilization — is profound beyond words, because it contradicts in every fathomable way the neoliberal globohomo orthodoxy.

Dyson is saying that the opposite of globalist miscegenation agitprop — inbreeding in small, local, racially distinct communities — is the ENGINE OF PROGRESS.

The restrained and range restricted sexual market of the village dating life is the source pool for the starbursts of genius and the Truth & Beauty which shoot out like a supernova from those starbursts.

Think on that and laugh, because a more total refutation of leftoid equalism you won’t find anywhere (except at places like this blog).

Dyson then warns us on the likelihood of humans choosing to “remain in genetically isolated communities”. Our neoshitliberal effetes want to herd us all into ever-larger and dysfunctional megacities. They WANT to depopulate the countryside and crush the small town and village because they know, even if they’ll never come right out and say it, that those goy outposts are where rebels, revolutionaries, and great new thinkers will come from to challenge their despotic orwellian surveillance state gynarcho-tyrannical rule.

Dyson’s warning is unfolding. The trend away from small town America and into Citizen of the World Coastal MegaBabels has only accelerated in the time since the West birthed those starbursts of genius and changed the world forever. Americans, and Westerners in general, and young fertile women in particular, are choosing to leave those genetically isolated communities for the genetic slop bucket of the anonymous urban sexual jungle.

The future is grim for the West and hence for humanity, if Dyson is right.

In effect, the small town and village are an organic constraint on female sexuality. Women of genius-bearing age are limited by small town life in how aggressively they can satisfy their hypergamous urge; instead of the density of alpha males in the cities where anonymity protects against the consequences of impulsive romantic choices, the small town offers no such cockucopia possibilities or protections for women. They must choose from among a smaller pool of men, and they will often settle happily for their small town men because male SMV is relative, and without the glut of cads that the city presents to women their small town men look better for the lack of comparison. This gives those starbursts of genius genes a chance at a foothold (or poonhold) in young willing women, and the opportunity to multiply in large families where cost of living is low and lebensraum is expansive.

Restricting female sexuality is the formula for unleashing civilizational genius! Who woulda thunk it?


The Crone Police

The form and the function. Women abide the form, men abide the function. MagyarFaszALegjobbFasz (i’m as puzzled as the rest of you) has a great comment implicitly tying together the female predilection to act as Tone Police with the overrun of Western societies by Dirt World Dreck.

This is classic feminine TONE POLICE. Ask any married man, he’s heard this shit a thousand times. In her moral calculus that the white knight’s tone is actually worse than the Slav drunkard’s behavior.

“I agree with you but I don’t like the way you said it.”

This comes pre-installed in every women — the question is how high is the dial set to?

1-3 = girl next door
4-6 = bitch next door
7-10 = feminazi shrike

The feminine is all about the form, and has no respect for function. This is why most masculine men find women boring, trite and superficial. It’s why women love credentialism. All surface, no depth.

The mistake the British white knight made is that he paid any attention to her and treated her like an equal/adult and/or expected her to support him.

Never expect courage from the feminine. It happens, but it is rare. Remember, men move to danger, women move away from it. (That is exactly what happened in the clip too.)

She’s a child. She should keep her mouth shut and not interrupt adults. He should have signaled that.

I am sure heartiste et al have strategies to deal with tone police shit testing. Now would be a good time to share them given the obliviousness of the commenters on this post.

The Tone Police, or rather the Crone Police because schoolmarmish tut tutting has the effect of prematurely aging women and robbing them of their tender femininity, is a real problem in the West. Our Western White women are, among the world’s races of women, most severely afflicted by the urge to scold nonconformists to the reigning shitlib orthodoxy. (NonWestern women learn real quick what happens to them when they betray their men for the favors of invaders and effete UN monitors.)

It is inarguable that in general women are the sex more risk-averse, socially conforming, and superficially wedded to universalist norms of behavior. Men concerned with the wholesale abandonment of their homelands to invader ingrates for the pennywise pound-foolish siren call of cheap labor, moral preening, and real estate churn need to have strategies and tactics at the ready to disarm their hovering Crone Police.

As with pickup and Game tactics, the best defense is a good offense. Shit testing Crone Police should be answered similarly to how shit testing bar thots are answered:

  1. Agree & Amplify (“I’M SO SORRY, I want our country to turn into a Third World heaven just as much as you do.”)
  2. State Control (“Thanks. I’ve been working hard to improve my racism.”)
  3. Dismissiveness (“lol you’re gay”)
  4. Shock & Awe (“Shut up, cunt”)
  5. Id Vivisection (“If you want to fuck him, just ask.”)
  6. Amused Mastery (“I’m glad you like it”)
  7. The Asshole Counterattack (“Was I talking to you?”)
  8. Assume the Sale (“This isn’t the time for flirting with me.”)
  9. The Aggro Asshole Counterattack (“Your ugly face offends me.”)
  10. Amused Mastery 2 (“That’s Mr. Racist to you”)
  11. Assume the Sale 2 (“Sorry, I’m not your type”)
  12. The Disregarding Brush-Off (“yup” or “see ya”)

The take-home lesson is that you’ll always be on the winning side as long as you aren’t flustered or defensive. Be vigilant and prepared for the Crone Police, and you’ll never let yourself, nor your country, down.


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