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Courtesy of a chan prank that memed the OK hand sign into a symbol of White Identity, shitlibs have been driven to the brink of insanity thinking they’re seeing WHITE SOOOPREMACISTS everywhere. Latest example: Zina Bash, a former law clerk for Brett Kavanaugh. She was spotted by paranoiac shitlibs, sitting behind Kavanaugh with her hand resting in a vaguely OK-shaped position.

LOL this is great. OK signs join whole milk and New Balance sneakers as secret society White supremacy symbols. This is complete ownage of the libs. The marvel of the Maul-Right’s meme machine was how it could “corrupt” innocuous images like a cartoon frog and repurpose them as coded pro-White revolutionary messages that would have shitlibs seeing enemies and saboteurs in every cultural nook and cranny.

The best response to the Left’s paranoia is to subtly but deniably feed into it. Never disavow, never avow. Just let the glorious subtext of supremacy assault the collective psyche of shitlibmania.

Which is exactly what Zina Bash (a half hispanic-half jew White supremacist — a matzorro) did:

The day after the shitlib cantina called for her Nuremberg Trial, she again sat behind Kavanaugh, except this time she purposefully flashed the OK sign.

ZIna Bash — /ourgal/


I love this!  Ten years ago,  had something like this occurred, the accused would’ve been falling over themselves explaining how nothing was meant by it and how much they love poz and hate any opposition to it.  I had gotten so used to it that when the video came out of her yawning and throwing the OK symbol out again, I thought for sure it was shooped.  And then I see this.  Zina’s performance yesterday was a masterpiece of the art of zfg.  She looked right into the eye of the globohomo beast and said: ‘My boss is getting this job and there’s nothing you can do about it.  f**k off.’  Aregirl indeed.

Broke: Apologizing to ZOG for giving offense.
Woke: Explaining it was no big deal and that people need to calm down.
Bespoke: Donning a miner’s lamp, grabbing a pick and beating the libs for its salt with a smile.

Falling into the shitlibs’ guilt by association trap was a cuck specialty. Finally, there are some waking up to the futility of playing by the Left’s rules, and fighting back by shitting on every expectation leftoids have of the Right folding like a cheap lawn chair.

Those Days of Grovel are over. The Days of Shivs and Salt are here.


Linguistic Killshot

Sometimes the best thing to do with a gloating, smug, vacantly narcissistic and toxically spiteful gay mulatto shitlib (or ex-president of the United States) isn’t to debate him on the merits of his arguments using logic and reason; it’s to rhetorically stuff him in a locker. And that’s exactly what President Trump did:

President Donald Trump on Friday said he “fell asleep” watching Barack Obama tear into him during a rare public speech that framed Trump as a threat to democracy.

“I’m sorry I watched it, but I fell asleep,” Trump said, during his own speech in North Dakota.

lol Sleep-Inducing Soetoro. There’s no coming back from that. Now every normie and even the starry-eyed negrolatrous neolibs will picture a boring, tedious, boilerplate bullshitter when they think of obama. ZZZzzZZZZ…ZzzzZZ wha what?….did obama drone on about something? I must’ve dozed off.


A pointed comment from Sebastian Hawks, reiterating a common theme here: open borders is the equivalent of foreign influence in our elections, and leftoids are psychologically projecting their own nation-wrecking, democracy-undermining, globalist depredations onto Heritage Americans.

I tend to see this [the JYTimes cuck-anon op-ed] as a psy-ops operation to try to get the Trump regime bogged down with suspicions against everyone in the room. This is just like a CIA disinformation operation we’d run against various 3rd world dictators we were trying to weaken. When the mole is real, we’d never raise such suspicions, and why would someone who is really doing this go to the times and risk outing themselves? On the other hand there have been an awful lot of leaks, someone close in there is an enemy. Of course “The Deep State” is a big, fancy sounding label for a much simpler phenomenon, a certain “Non Heritage America” ethnicity entrenched in our bureaucracy working for their communities radical agenda the plan to final implement due to “foreign influence in our elections” in other words all the 3rd world lowlifes they’ve imported into America over the last couple generations. Real projection with all the accusations against Trump and Russia for “Foreign Interference” at the ballot box vs. their very real machinations with foreigners they imported as a scab electorate.

I’ve been wallowing in some black pills lately, and am coming around to the thought that Trump may be a transitional, rather than transformational, President. My advice to Trump: If he wants to be the latter (and all of us here want that), then he needs to reintroduce Bannonism to his Inner Circle and his Inner Thinking and merge it with Trumpism — the populist policy-making with the Fake News media-demoralizing savvy. But I fear that Trump may have allowed intransigent neocuck Bush operatives into his orbit, and they are sabotaging MAGA.

This booming economy won’t last forever, and when it crashes, if it does so while Trump is President, he will have been positioned by his innumerable enemies in the Globohomo cabal to take the entirety of the blame for it. If he wants a cushion against that possibility, he needs to

  1. build the wall
  2. start throwing employers in jail for hiring foreign invaders
  3. massive anti-trust cases against Big Tech (talk with Bernie about his BEZOS Act, find a compromise solution)
  4. get a healthcare plan out there
  5. consider a debt jubilee for college students
  6. end all student visa programs (they’re a scam, and we have enough smart Americans already)

There’s more, but you get the gist. Trump has no political capital, and his people capital will dwindle if he embraces CoC neoliberal Bushism. Reminder that all these National Cuckview GOPers care about is enriching themselves, enjoying their fruity SWPL lifestyles, and having continued access to the cocktail party circuit. If Trumpism merges with that crowd, he can kiss his 2020 election chances goodbye.


Iron Age Convert

During one workout, I spotted a new guy at the gym. He was wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt. This is an adult man in his mid-30s. Tall, pale and skinnyfat, pockets of adipose unevenly distributed across a slouching physique punctuated by jutting bones. He had long stringy hair that had the telltale crimp marks of having been put up in a manbun. A real lanklet, off-the-shelf soyboy.

He was doing the right exercises, the big compound movement lifts, checking his phone’s workout app in between sets. Obviously, he was hoisting baby weights, but I don’t hold that against a man. Ya gotta start somewhere.

I’m suspicious of workout apps, though. Eager beaver newbs who throw themselves into an endeavor with excessive diligence and overbearing earnestness — acquiring all the apps and supplements and fresh workout gear — tend to be the first to drop out. First desponders, I call them. It’s as if all the fancy gear and accessories are there merely to psych themselves up for the workout, and when that stuff loses its sheen after a couple weeks, so does the workout routine.

Which is why my advice to soys is stay away from all that crap until you’ve gotten at least six months of unassisted, unprotected raw dog benching, squatting, and deadlifting under your belt. Then add an app and new workout clothes. By that time, you’ll have cemented your workouts into a habit. The accessories are best used with they’re superfluous.

So I didn’t have much hope for Harry Potter Puffboy. I figured he’d be there and gone within a month, tops. Just another shitlib (99% likelihood) who thought he’d jack up for the coming Civil War 2. Defying my well-founded skepticism, he stayed the course. I would see him every once in a while, looking different in subtle ways each time. Four months later, he was at the bench station, wearing a plain navy blue t-shirt, his hair cut down to the nape of the neck. He was lifting approximately three times his Day 1 weight.

Harry Potter was gone. The soy was excreted. A newborn man stood in his place.

I can’t say for certain his politics changed, but I can safely assert his worldview and his self-perception changed, and I can bet that down the road it will move his politics away from Potter and toward /pol/.

We need more Iron Age converts like this once-wayward White man, so do your part and persuade a soyboy to ditch marathoning for mauling the squat rack. The survival of your nation depends on it.


Mad Max Is /ourguy/

Recent photo. That choice of footwear wasn’t incidental.

ps Mel don’t ignore leg day.


There Are No Vintage Fatties

A fatty blubbers — what else is new? — that she can’t find any vintage clothes in her zaftig size. (Early-mid 20th Century textile manufacturers hadn’t yet perfected the process of stitching tarps into dresses)

Why It’s So Hard to Find Plus-Size Vintage

Being over a size 12 isn’t new, so why is finding plus-size clothing from the past so impossible?

That’s where our special feeds fatty is wrong. As a demographically significant percentage of the total population (and of the share of customers for the vintage clothing market), being over size 12 *is* historically new. The obesity rate of early 20th Century children was near zero; likely the adult obesity rate wasn’t much higher. Obesity and overweight rates didn’t explode (heh) until 1980.

A size 12 dress on an average-height American woman roughly corresponds to a BMI of 27 — which is overweight according to CDC charts. Note that dress sizes have been inflated (heh) to accommodate the bulbously shielded yet still fragile egos of the rolling tide of fatties shambling into clothing stores and mashing keyboards at online retailers.

So to answer the question sloshing around our fatty’s gullet, she can’t find size 12+ vintage clothes because there weren’t very many vintage fat chicks. Take the Shed Pill, fatty!

re Are No Vintage Fatties

September 6, 2018 by CH

A fatty blubbers — what else is new? — that she can’t find any vintage clothes in her zaftig size. (Early-mid 20th Century textile manufacturers hadn’t yet perfected the process of stitching tarps into dresses)

Why It’s So Hard to Find Plus-Size Vintage

Being over a size 12 isn’t new, so why is finding plus-size clothing from the past so impossible?

That’s where our special feeds fatty is wrong. As a demographically significant percentage of the total population (and of the share of customers for the vintage clothing market), being over size 12 *is* historically new. The obesity rate of early 20th Century children was near zero; likely the adult obesity rate wasn’t much higher. Obesity and overweight rates didn’t explode (heh) until 1980.

A size 12 dress on an average-height American woman roughly corresponds to a BMI of 27 — which is overweight according to CDC charts. Note that dress sizes have been inflated (heh) to accommodate the bulbously shielded yet still fragile egos of the rolling tide of fatties shambling into clothing stores and mashing keyboards at online retailers.

So to answer the question sloshing around our fatty’s gullet, she can’t find size 12+ vintage clothes because there weren’t very many vintage fat chicks. Take the Shed Pill, fatty!


This eye-opening video wound its way to me via TOG, the internet’s moast riveting poaster.

Anyone up for a nation-saving body language analysis?

The clip is from Juan McAmnesty’s funeral service (MPC wags call it a FUNeral). Lindsey Gayham gets cozy with More Huma Than Human Abedin, while Generals Mattis and Kelly keenly watch from a few feet away. At the end, Kelly looks to have passed a nonverbal signal to Gayham.

The critical moment starts around 1:12. Kelly’s lingering stare is not a friendly expression. It’s an alpha male dominance move. Gayham knows Kelly is staring at him, and Gayham reacts sheepishly, looking away, then glancing back briefly to see if Kelly still had eyes locked on him (he did, and Gayham, noticing this, fusses with his jacket like a nervous beta bitchboy).


I also detect a very quick nervous glance from Huma toward Kelly as she walks past him.

A few questions come to mind.

First, what the living hell is Huma doing at Songbird’s FUNeral? She should be in jail, not cavorting with establishment elites. How many of those unsecured classified emails Hillary was forwarding to the Chicoms were on Huma’s husband’s laptop that the FBI never bothered to look at? Oh, right, 30,000, give or take a few thousand.

“IF HE WINS, WE’LL ALL BE HANGING FROM NOOSES!!” — thecunt, presciently.

Second, why is Gayham so friendly with Huma, thecunt’s rumored longtime lesbian lover? To which party again is he supposed to belong? Remind me.

Third, did Kelly send a signal to Gayham, or was it just a coincidental itch that needed scratching? If it was a signal, was it a cue to activate a sequence of Deep Fried State events? Was the signal one between furtive allies or between enemies? If the former, what did it mean? If the latter, was it a warning to Gayham that Kelly has all the facts and a storm is about to blow back hard on anyone still keeping relationships with Hillary universe lackeys?

Gayham has been surprisingly charitable toward Goad Emperor Trump lately. He’s largely dropped the anti-Trump cucking. /ourgay/? Or did someone from Trump’s orbit have a talk with him about the shit that was set to hit the fan, possibly implicating Gayham in the splatter?

That’s my take, judging from the body language in this video. Gayham knows that Kelly knows, and Abedin doesn’t know. A big change in Swamp standard operating procedure is on the horizon; Huma might be doom’ed, and Kelly is signaling to Gayham that if he doesn’t cooperate, the cleansing fire will be licking at his plush pedoface too.



It’s topical, so I’ll chime in. The JYTimes cuck-anon is:

a. wholly made up by their editorial board (40% chance)
b. piss pimp nevertrump headcase loser Rick Wilson catfishing as a “senior Trump official” (30%)
c. a real person who has admitted the Deep State exists and is actively engaged in sedition against a duly-elected President. (30%)

Pro-tip: the punishment for seditious conspiracy is up to twenty years in jail. Make it happen, AG Sessions.

White walkers

For you photography phreaks, the alternate title of this post is “White balance”.


LOL, Alex Jones told Marco Foam Party Rubio to “go back to your bathhouse”. What a time to be alive! FYI, shortly after this exchange Twatter perma-banned Alex Jones. Did Foamboy run to Lil’ Lucifer Jack Dorsey and ask for a favor? Could be!


Your Daily Game: The Box Out

The Box Out — a nonverbal physical disqualification maneuver — is a repurposing of a move that you’ll see little boys do when little girls encroach on their turf. It involves the boy boxing out the girl with his back and butt forming a perimeter shield, pushing her off and away from whatever action is in front of him.

It drives the little girls crazy, and it’ll drive the grown girls crazy too.

You know who does the box out to squeals of feigned indignation from chronologically adult women?

When I do it, I like to season the effect with taunts such as,

“stop bumping into my butt”

“don’t be a nosey parker”

“hey, mind your own business!”

“no no no no no no no no”


“man talk, darlin’”

A nuclear DQ like this one plays on women’s FOMO (fear of missing out). All women are attention whores, ergo all women can’t stand thinking they’re outside the scene looking in, like Tiny Tingle.

The Box Out is also a sneaky way for your glutes to cop a reverse feel.


Will has a Game question regarding two common refrains a man might hear from a woman he is boffing or pre-boffing,

2 things I will pay big money for CH

define big. (pesos don’t count)

when a girl asks “what are you looking for” and you have fucked already

“How old are you”
Will donate

“What are you looking for?” is classic beta bait. The girl saying it doesn’t want the implied goopy beta romanticism. She wants electricity, which means a reply that defies her expectation. Beta bait is anything a woman says which traps beta males into exposing the soft core of their weepy hearts.

The CH archives are loaded with posts delving into these topics, and in particular the two scenarios Will mentions here. Acceptable replies to a pre-sex “what are you looking for?”:

There is only one way to answer an early game, pre-sex “what are you looking for?” stinky-ass beta bait:

“A delicious ham sandwich.”

Do try and say it with a straight face for maximum amusement.

Answering any other way will only make the bang more difficult to achieve. Why construct unnecessary obstacles to yourself? If she presses the matter, then you will have to get serious with her. But there is a right way and a wrong way to patronize a woman’s shit testing.

Wrong way: Play into her frame.

  • “I’m not looking for anything serious right now.”

Why give her an excuse to stop seeing you?

  • “I haven’t thought about it. Why do you ask?”

Why give her an excuse to continue harping on the subject?

  • “I’m looking for something serious.”

Lying is unnecessary in this situation, as I will demonstrate below. Also, saying this risks turning her off if you miscalculate and she’s *not* looking for something serious.

Right way: Control the conversation.

  • “I’m dating around until I find that one woman I really click with. I think anything serious should develop naturally, and not be forced. Don’t you?”

If the girl asks you this after sex, then you will need to employ more tact. Assume she has bonded to you in some meaningful capacity (jizz is lady glue); this means you can easily overplay glib responses that make her sad.

You can start with the ham sandwich joke, but if she asks again, you’ll want to initiate strong eye contact and say through a dreamily contented grin, “We’ll see”. Girls interpret this reply to mean “we’ll see if I’m good enough for him. ooh, exciting!”. Just as good: “I don’t know, but when I find it, you’ll be the first to know”.

If she’s really sincere and earnest in the asking, but you aren’t *there* yet, then assuage her anxiety with a calming “Let’s take this slow. There will be time for heavy talk later.”

If she’s there, and you’re there, and you are confident this isn’t stinky beta bait, then let ‘er rip:

“I’ve already found it”.

Big Quip Energy!


Part Deuz. “How old are you?”

This is a shit test. Usually, much younger women will ask it of older men. Sometimes, older women ask it of younger men. Not nearly often enough, men ask it of women (they should ask more often to put the girl in the defensive crouch where…all together now…poosy perturbations are born.

As with all female shit tests, the objective is to pass them by not trying to pass them, if you catch my drift. Reworded: don’t play into her frame. Blow it up, or reframe to a conversational path that is more beneficial to you.

The general rule is to never act defensive, or sorry for what you may perceive to be an unbridgeable age gap. Instead, you want to turn the tables, and refute the tacit premise of her question by making her think she ISN’T UP TO YOUR STANDARDS.

This could mean disqualifying her as a prospect, or disqualifying yourself. Ex:

GIRLY: How old are you?

LINDSEY GRAHAM’S FANTASY FUEL: Too young/old for you.

or, assume the sale and then DQ with a set-up to a challenge:

“If you’re flirting, forget it. You’re too young. I like sophisticated women.”

She won’t be able to resist chomping down on the male version of beta bait: waif bait.

It’s also helpful to set the frame early, before she veers into airing her concerns about the age difference:

“I’ve noticed some women are nervous in the company of older men. It’s like they get intimidated and feel they aren’t good enough. You’re not like that, are you?”

More Game goodness: there are “Age Negs“:

Her: How old are you?
You: You first.
Her: 25.
You: Oh oh.
Her: What?
You: I don’t normally date older women. They have too many issues in my experience.

This neg is especially effective when the girl is considerably younger than yourself. Imagine a 35 year old guy telling a 22 year old girl she’s too old for him. It quickly reverses the frame in your favor.


Her: How old are you?
You: Guess.
Her: 28.
You: Close. And you’re… 27.
Her: No, 23.
You: Oh no, really?
Her: Yeah, why?
You: I like to date older women. Everyone knows they’re more mature and classy.

Notice I used the term “everyone knows”. It’s a bit jarring in the context of this short conversation, but that doesn’t matter. Girls are very sensitive to groupthink, so my words will have the intended effect — to put her in the role of the one seeking approval.

Finally, you can simply evade the question with a sneaky rhetorical trick:

HER: how old are you?

YOU: guess

HER: 32

YOU: wow! you’re good at this.

Then change the subject. She’ll think you’re 32, but you never actually answered her question. All you said was that she was good at guessing your age, which could mean she guessed correctly, plus or minus ten years.

PS Here is a list of effective tactics for overcoming any possible age objections from a girl.


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