Feed on

This is the j__iest thing I have ever read. I was just saying to myself that I really want to make it through a single day without getting smacked in the face by j__ish perfidy, and this day was going well until NRO took a steaming matzo ball on it and dashed my hopes. Another day ruined.

There’s so much wrong with this assertion, it’s hard to know where to begin discrediting it.

Europe was economically integrated before WWI. So much for that “shekels before nationalism” argument.

There is all the evidence in the world that shekels DON’T alleviate the problems and antagonisms of disparate peoples living in close proximity. See here and here. I predict NRO wormtongues will not read the truths spelled out at those links. Neolib Egos before Truth.

More revealing is NRO’s tacit admission that Diversity is our weakness. The craven rootless merchants at NRO know, though they are too cowardly or malicious to openly admit it, that Diversity is an obstacle to be overcome with a sprinkling of Magic Moolah. Like Magic Dirt, somehow, someway, economic activity will make all the problems of a multiracial dystopia disappear, and we’ll come together and sing of buttplugs and mocha-colored babies.

Except that has never happened, and won’t happen. At least NROniks have given up pushing the lie that Diversity is inherently good. Now they think it’s not so great but greed will make it moot.

Ann Coulter retweeted:

“who cares if the country turns into a polyglot, multiracial favela wracked by neverending inter-ethnic strife as long as i’m gettin paid.” — a principled conservative at the National Review

Trevor Goodchild adds,

Pretty ballsy to top this off with a portrait of Hamilton NRO, you know he loved tariffs and protectionism and would have probably had your entire editorial board shot for treason right?

ah, a shitlord can dream.


Courtesy of JimJones,

If you love wealth greater than liberty,
The tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom,
Go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you;
May your chains set lightly upon you,
And may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.


The Perfidious Shrew

A tale of horror, from giselle,

My son was completely duped by a filipina.. she cleaned, cooked and loved him until she got pregnant and married him within 2 1/2 months. She turned on him and he is devastated after she called the police on him and lied, telling them he beat her up! he had to go to jail – we got him out immediately. however we are having to pay 10k for a good lawyer. She is fast-tracking her way to a green card now b/c she is a victim. She even has a youtube channel, talking about women’s right. (Rosemarie Aventura – comment if you want to, please -be my guest) I’m debating on creating a gofundme for his legal fees because he wants his baby. Much to be said about women all over the world, not just here.

In this age of PoundMeToo and BELIEVE WAHMEN lies about the infallibility and faultlessness of women, you do a good deed to fight against it with stern reminders that women are capable of perfidy the equal of men. In fact, along certain dimensions of moral depravity, women are capable of MUCH WORSE than are men.


The NY Post has many excellent columnists. Here’s Maureen Callahan, with a topical column about the urgent need to trust bust Jeff Bezos’s Amazon.

When Jeff Bezos announced that Amazon would be raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour last week, the reception was rapturous. The Seattle Times called it “the just thing.” “Good for them,” said President Trump’s chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow. “I’m in favor of higher wages.” Bloomberg called it proof that “an even higher minimum wage is probably safe for big, productive cities.” Senator Bernie Sanders, a chief Bezos antagonist, called it “enormously important.” “Unequivocally good news,” said The Washington Post.

The latter is owned by Jeff Bezos, an all-too-easily forgotten point these days. Because for all the questions to follow this announcement — Why now? What is Amazon eliminating to pay for this? How much praise does Bezos, recently crowned the World’s Richest Man, deserve while paying, as of 2017, a median Amazon income of $28,446? — we are not asking the real one.

$28K? sheesh, what a pennypincher.

When did we become The United States of Amazon?

“Amazonia” sounds exactly like the post-nation we’re careening towards. Lots of jungle, lots of inequality, lots of danger. A place Norman Rockwell wouldn’t recognize.

In his best-selling book “The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google,”


Galloway cites some arresting statistics: Far fewer U.S. households have a gun than Amazon Prime, by 30 to 64 percent. More Americans have Prime than voted in 2016 (55 percent), or earn $50,000 or more a year (55 percent), or go to church (51 percent). He calls Amazon’s ability to woo Prime subscribers at a $119 yearly cost the equivalent of “entering into a monogamous relationship” with its consumers, who as of 2016 spent, on average, $193 per month. (Non-Prime members average $138 per month.)

From 2006 to 2016 Amazon’s stock price growth surged by 1,910 percent, destroying Sears, J.C. Penney, Kmart, Best Buy, Macy’s, Nordstrom, Target and Walmart.

Perhaps most importantly: Since the Great Recession, Amazon has paid just $1.4 billion in corporate taxes compared to Walmart’s $64 billion.

Eye-popping stat. The southern border Wall is projected to cost $20 billion. If Amazon was fairly taxed, the company could have funded three Walls.

“We have institutionalized a regressive corporate tax structure at the hands of our idolatry of innovators and Amazon,” Galloway says. In 2017, Amazon paid nothing in federal tax.

The bugman idolizes rootless nerd billionaires.

The company is now on pace to become the largest clothing retailer in the country by 2021 and has become the most valuable company on the planet without ever posting substantial profit.

Think about that. Perhaps no other publicly traded company aside from Tesla has convinced the markets and investors of future profitability with such lopsided margins.

And Amazon has made itself such an indispensable part of the supply chain that it sets the price points of just about everything. If you are someone who makes something or sells something, from books to fire pits to flat- screen TVs, Amazon tells you what the market — its market — will bear. Its limitless supply of cash means it can undercut any other retailer in any space it wants to dominate.


In a world where so much is now controlled by so few — there are five big book publishers left, five Hollywood studios, five large health insurers, four phone providers and four cable companies — and this summer AT&T bought Time Warner — Amazon’s reach is terrifying.

We live in a Gelded Age of Oligarchs that would make the robber barons of the late 19th Century blush. This is beyond monopoly; this is rule by deracinated techlord. A corporatocracy.

Its ostensible search for the next city to house its second headquarters has become “the Olympics on steroids,” Galloway says, with state and local governments promising tax breaks that would starve funding for schools, police and fire departments. We have a new national holiday, Amazon Prime Day. Alexa and Echo, Amazon’s cloud-based voice-operated systems, sit in an estimated 40 million homes and spy on us, reporting our moods, tastes, wants, needs and fears back to HQ.

Yet we don’t fear Alexa.

We have become soy-stuffed sheep easily led to the slaughter. Our way of life, our values, our cherished traditions and once-revered institutions, our social accord, our Pleasantvilles….all of it under the butcher’s knife, served to the salivating maw of Globohomo.

I never imagined a time in America when the masses would not just tolerate Big Brother, but welcome the all-seeing eye into their bedrooms. And pay for the pleasure!

Amazon is spending $5 billion on original programming this year and is on pace to outspend Netflix by 2022.

F___ot Doctor Evil (h/t MPC) hates President Trump, as evident by the daily TDS droppings of the newspaper he owns, the Washington Post-Op. If Bezos gets his greedy mitts on a monopolistic stranglehold of streaming video, you can just imagine the amount of anti-Trump, anti-White, anti-American bilge that would spill forth every minute of every day. “93% negative stories on Trump? We can hit 100%! (with no pee breaks)”

Think about that, Galloway says: A retailer in Seattle as content king. And after announcing a vague health care initiative back in January, stock prices for major health care insurers plummeted — such is Amazon’s power that the mere hint of market entry damages long-standing competitors.


Amazon wants to feed, treat, entertain, educate and medicate America — and that’s just what it’s told us. Nothing Orwellian here, right?

The gay Millennial chimes in: “If you have nothing to hide, there’s nothing to worry about” as he hands over his private convos about strapons to server admin bindis and the HR bluehairs they’re trying to impress.

Galloway says that Amazon’s new $15 hourly wage needs to be viewed through a much more cynical lens. “Jeff Bezos doesn’t do anything that’s not the smart thing to do,” he says. “When Amazon raises their wages so publicly, other people are forced to do so” — thus starving out the competition. It’s our new Cold War, he says, and Amazon won’t stop at retail. It will outspend every other entity in pursuit of global domination.

And if we ever hope to stop it, we need to understand how we got here.

Our tectonic shift, Galloway believes, was the death of Steve Jobs in 2011. We were already on the path of technology replacing religion, but Jobs, in dying young, “became our Christ, Apple our religion, and the iPhone the cross,” says Galloway.

Big Tech became our sex. And as with all nerd-based sex, no one feels satisfied by the experience.

We have become equally complacent while technology mauls our economy, he says. “We seem to be comfortable, at least in tech, with the 8,000 people who work at headquarters splitting $80 billion in revenue,” while lower-wage workers struggle to get by. Business Insider reported that as of this year, Amazon was among the top companies whose employees relied on food stamps. And that $15 minimum wage? In exchange, the company quietly cut monthly bonuses and stock options.

Creative destruction.

This complicated problem, he says, has a simple answer: Break up Big Tech.

“The key to competitive markets is that no one entity has too much control of the marketplace,” he says, adding that no other company has violated anti-trust over the past 100 years as Amazon and its ilk. Bezos’ recent support for a universal basic income is alarming, Galloway writes, because it means he sees a near future in which Big Tech permanently puts people out of work.

Soynet. (privatize the profits, socialize the costs, personalize the meaninglessness)

“Ma Bell couldn’t have been easy to break up, and we unleashed 30 years of incredible innovation,” Galloway says. “Teddy Roosevelt broke up the railroads. If the Department of Justice hadn’t moved in on Microsoft [in 1998], do you think we would have Google? We don’t break companies up because they’re evil or take jobs or don’t pay taxes. We do it because it’s time.”

President Trump has every reason in the world to break up Amazon. Bezos constantly shits in Trump’s face through his newly acquired newspaper. He crushes the middle class and economically and culturally dislocates more vulnerable White Americans under a tide of short-term cheap, long-term expensive Dirt World labor.

Bezos is the villain who immiserates the “Forgotten Americans” Trump vowed to protect. So why isn’t Trump taking action? What’s staying his hand? It’s obvious Bezos fears an anti-trust suit; he’s busy paying off a small army of congressmen to do his bidding and cuck on cue before the almighty Amazon. Is the weak link Jeff Sessions?

Trump should make anti-trust and the Wall his defining issues in 2019 if he wants to lock up 2020.


The Uniparty, Explained

On the subject of the Globohomo elites “rubbing our noses in Diversity™” agenda, Trevor Goodchild forwarded a screencaptcha from the now-shtetled MPC ‘bate forum which explains the motivation of the Uniparty. (Dox and a $20 will get you in, or you can flash a kippah for restricted access.)

It’s dark, but accurate.

Yeah, I think he overlooked the fact that the coda to his story is the next time Labour finally got power, the mission was to, and I quote, “rub their noses in diversity.” After being punished repeatedly at the polls, Labour came to see the common man as an animal and vowed to rub his nose in shit to get revenge on him for voting incorrectly. And for whatever reason (I’d really like to know), the Conservatives embraced the “rub their noses in diversity” agenda with full-throated approval in the ascent of David Cameron. Labour’s conclusion after getting drubbed by Thatcher wasn’t just “okay, maybe we should give up on outright socialism,” it was, “the British people are beyond redemption and must be abolished.”

I expect our Democrats to do the same thing.

Yes, this is right with regard to the Democrats’ motivation, but it’s wrong in supposing that this is only a Democratic plan and that it hasn’t started yet. The election of a new people in the United States has been underway for some time now.

And this is a thoroughly bi-partisan project–as it is in the United Kingdom–for the same reasons. The Party of Government (Democrats, Labour) gain both client votes and conditions on the ground requiring an ever-increasing role for government, with a concomitant increase in government budgets, manpower, and client public unions, while the Party of Business (Republicans, Conservatives) gain an ever-growing surplus army of the unemployed/unemployable who massively depress labor costs while at the same time sharply increasing the domestic market’s demand without any accompanying fear of labor unrest or organization.

There was a lot of good discussion about the larger motivations behind this move in the United States here not too long ago. While I don’t think I can say it was the consensus view, the leading view was that the massive failure of integrating blacks in the aftermath of the civil rights era—most clearly seen in the unprecedented crime wave this failure caused in the 1970s-mid 1980s—left the then-dominant Blue Tribe with the stark choice of either admitting failure on one of it most treasured ideological positions or resolving the matter by submerging the White character of the United States. If the black people couldn’t be integrated successfully into White America, then the only choice left them was the erasure of White America.

I really believe the biggest stumbling block to national harmony is the White shitlib ego. Shitibs, aka universalists who profess faith in the religion of equalism, can’t ever own up to their Big Ideal — their religion’s core tenet — being founded on a lie, so they’ll burn the nation down before admitting the failure of their belief. If reality works against them, then reality must burn to assuage their egos. If Truth & Beauty belie the shitlib faith, then Lies & Ugliness must supplant them.

This attitude stems from shitlibs priding themselves on their self-perceived smarts. If that goes, they have nothing. No muscles, no charm, no aesthetics, no integrity. If they aren’t as smart as they think, as evidenced by the real world discrediting their ideals, then there’s nothing left to recommend them. They’re just dumb nerds, the lowest of lsmv losers.

Related, anonymous echoes this theme in a comment at Sailer’s blog:

Yeah… somehow I just can’t find myself getting worked up into a real fear of the party of trigger warnings, safe spaces, and p*ssy hats. It’s what comes after, when you ‘useful idiots’ are the first to be sent to the gulags that’s frightening. There’s a reason why you and your ‘allies’ fly into a hysterical fit whenever you’re presented with a hard look at facts and it’s because at the core, you have to deny reality. No matter what happens in the short term, in the long run, Leftism always fails, even when it’s run by steel-toed men with a spine. It would be nice if we as a nation could recognize what a colossal failure it always winds up being; 100 million deaths and many more suffering through starvation, terror and impoverishment across the 20th Century- it probably kinda sucked to be living under it. But I guess there will always be fools who like to shoot holes in the bottom of the boat they’re in, so we all get to suffer from your stupidity. So thanks for that. It may take a village to raise a child but it takes resentment, naivety, and willful delusion for him to become a leftist after the 20th Century.

Leftoid rhetoric is unprincipled by design; it’s constructed to constantly evade facts, twist facts into facsimiles that superficially buttress the leftoid’s beliefs, and project malice onto the bearer of facts to undermine the power of those facts. All of this is necessary to the leftoid because xir knows, deep down inside, that reality is at odds with xir’s conception of it. Sophistry is an ego protection mechanism.

The leftoid ego is immune to a lot of attacks but two: carrying vessel annihilation and mockery.

We’ll do mockery…as long as it works.

PS What’s going on at the MPC Improv? I haven’t checked in since PurimMan instituted a tithe to keep out the riff raff and punslingers. Anyhow, I encourage CH denizens who foolishly think they can trust PedestalMan with their personal info to cough up the dough and visit. The forum is a valuable node of dissident thought.


The Empty Threat

Thousand cock stare. She went cross-eyed from all the shofars pushing her face in.

Let’s hope her threat is a promise. Dodged a shameful garbage hour hookup there. This is what winning feels like.

PS You don’t even have to ask.

PPS a comment by greinaurora that puts the kippah on a pike:

When the [special people] accept that the almighty gave them their chance at redemption and they went with “kill dat sucka”, felt no remorse about it, and rewrote their ancient religion to revolve around hating christians…

… when they really come to terms with the fact that they’re NOT the chosen people…

…they go atheist.

Because narcissists would rather God not exist than stop being the literal center of the universe.

Israeli Jews love President Trump, and I’ve read that they aren’t too keen on the idea of mass migration of American Jews into their homeland. Makes you think.

PPPS A poem, by Hugh Jenniks,

There once was a yenta named Vershbow,
Who hated Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

She said “I won’t fuck”
& She said “I won’t suck”

And everyone just laughed at the stank ho.


Threads are tied, chess pieces are maneuvered into place, rope is knotted…the Deep State actors who attempted a silent coup of President Trump are about to face their reckoning.

FBI’s smoking gun: Redactions protected political embarrassment, not ‘national security’ […]

There is now a concrete storyline backed by irrefutable evidence: The FBI allowed itself to take political opposition research created by one party to defeat another in an election, treated it like actionable intelligence, presented it to the court as substantiated, and then used it to justify spying on an adviser for the campaign of that party’s duly chosen nominee for president in the final days of a presidential election.

And when, nine months later, the FBI could not prove the allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia, unverified evidence was leaked to the media to try to sustain public support for a continued investigation.

The conclusion drawn by the accumulating evidence is essentially buttressing the same theory I’ve put forward over the past year and a half: anti-Trump, pro-thecunt elements in the Deep State intelligence and “anti-terrorism” agencies actively and deliberately attempted to sabotage the Trump campaign, and then the Trump Presidency, with false charges of Russia collusion, using various plants and moles to provide superficial pretext, in what amounts to a coup d’état. These traitors leveraged concealment afforded by a complicit media which would hide their illegality and skew reporting on the story to allow the coup to proceed unhindered by investigative thoroughness. The media does more damage omitting the truth than it does passing off lies.

But now, finally, the dam is bursting. Trump’s smile is the only thing not fake in the DC Swamp. I’m more convinced than ever that Trump knows, and he’s about to unravel this moth-eaten sweater just before the midterms.

Related, a Gabber asks,

Anyone else notice there has not been a single news story/leak/procedural event/rumor/opinion piece about Robert Mueller and the Russian Witch Hunt these past 2 weeks?

We can spin a lot of (competing) theories for why this is so. My bet: Trump has the Deep State dead to rights, and Mueller is spending his remaining weeks quietly trying to provide his allies an escape route.

Clearing out another Deep State tributary, Trump has announced that he believes, like I do, that Christine Bitchqueen-Fraun is a crone cold LIAR.

President Trump said that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was the victim of a Democrat Hoax, and that allegations of sexual assault levied by multiple women were “all made up” and “fabricated.”

In comments made to reporters on the White House driveway, Trump addressed rumors that the Democrats will investigate and attempt to impeach Kavanaugh if they regain control over the House or Senate during midterms.

“So, I’ve been hearing that now they’re thinking about impeaching a brilliant jurist — a man that did nothing wrong, a man that was caught up in a hoax that was set up by the Democrats using the Democrats’ lawyers — and now they want to impeach him,” said Trump.

The President then suggested that the attacks on Kavanaugh will bring conservatives to the polls for midterms:

“I think it’s an insult to the American public,” said Trump. “The things they said about him — I don’t even think he ever heard of the words. It was all made-up. It was fabricated. And it’s a disgrace. And I think it’s going to really show you something come November sixth.”

Trump is right.
Ballcutter-Fraud lied.
Straight up lied like a rug to ruin a man she hates.
She belongs in jail, sentenced for the crime of false sex assault accusation.
Along with all her enablers.
Drain the litter box.

We can’t let these agents of the Dweeb State off. If we’ve learned anything in the Year of Our Trumpening, it’s that the Left will hound you to the end of time if you don’t first destroy them. There won’t be compromise. Not anymore.

That means following up on all the evidence of NeverTrump, DeepState, Clinton, DNC, and Chaimstream Media perfidy. It means NAILING THEIR HIDES to the wall and making an example of them. If it tears our country apart, so be it. The expulsion is necessary for, as a snowflake might say, the healing process to begin.

Find, arrest and prosecute the anti-Trump coup ringleaders in the DOJ, FBI and CIA, past and current administrations.
Find, arrest and prosecute the anti-Kavanaugh ringleaders in the FBI, CIA, and DNC.
Find, arrest and prosecute members of the media who willfully abetted Deep State seditionists.

Anything short of this will only mean more globohomo sedition in the future.


Un-mccained Melody

The Trump Effect, or the Dead McCain Effect? Or both?

It’s easy to get the impression that Lindsey Graham (R-Trending Straight) is really enjoying the heft of his freshly descended testicles.

Next thing you know, Graham will be haranguing reticent GOPe cucks to “fund the wall or lose your balls!”. I look forward to that Lindsey.


LRV: Liberal Radio Voice

More people like Major1 are noticing that leftoid males and females have speaking voices that belie their sexuality. Or more precisely, defy their sexuality.

Off topic.
Pertaining to the recurrent “physiognomy is real” topic.
Just got back from antelope hunting so spent many hours in the truck driving across the state and back. Got rid of satellite radio a few months back so I just had regular radio to listen to. Weirdly, even in those forlorn places where I couldn’t pick up any other stations, I could frequently pick up public radio.
Just as physiognomy is real, so are voices. There is without question a liberal voice. At least a liberal radio voice (LRV).
The male LRV is high, thin and reedy. It originates in the throat, and is inflected with bursts of vocal fry and uptalk. It soothes. It’s the way one talks to a troubled child or menacing pit bull.
The female LRV is low and sonorous. All traces of humor and independent thought sandblasted away by SSRI’s and hours of diversity training and womyn’s studies.
There’s a quite subtle patronizing undertone to the female LRV, as if she is patiently explaining something to a person of limited intelligence. The listener can vividly see her straight medium brown hair, no makeup, problem glasses, frumpy tan blouse and faded jeans that are too tight in the ass and too loose in the thighs.
Now go over to you tube and find clips of Lee Marvin or Gregory Peck. Why don’t men sound like that anymore?

The male LRV may soothe fellow soyboys and shrews, but it grates on my ears no end. I think that’s true for any man who isn’t an effeminate milksop, and likely true as well for feminine women who don’t hate their own sex. Masculine men and feminine women are repulsed by uptalking phaggy males of the NPR (Neutered Pantywaist Radio) variety.

Likewise for the female LRV, which is equally creepy as the male LRV, but in the other direction: it’s a de-feminized voice that attempts (badly) to mimic a paternalistic male voice, by scrapping any vocal peculiarities that could identify the speaker as a biological woman (except for the higher natural pitch of women, which is hard to lower without hormone therapy and surgery).

All the shitlib males on public radio — the reporters, the anchors, the guests, and the callers — have LRV. The story is more complicated on the female side, where the reporterettes and anchorettes have adopted that androgynous voice of discomfort with their female-ness, while the female guests and callers maintain the vocal fry and uptalking that likely influences the shitlib male orbiters to acquire by osmosis.

The LRV is the uncanny valley of vocal robotics: vaguely human, but just inhuman enough that the listener’s hair stands on the back of his neck. My teeth clench when I hear it, especially from males, and it’s so ubiquitous now that those rare occasions when I hear a throwback masculine male voice anywhere — low, gravelly, self-controlled, rich, active voice — my mind is eased and all seems right with the world.



This video of Trump shaking hands with Emmanuel Maricon back in 2017 stands as Trump’s greatest handshake battle victory. The alpha on display here is almost absurdist. This is Trump bringing the WWE to international relations (and these globalist pussies are steamrolled, flailing for a face-saving escape from His Alphaness).

The best part is Trump pulling Grandma Bridgette into his body, literally KISSING HER while still shaking Macron’s hand. This is level 99 cuckoldry. THE CUCKSHAKE.

I believe Maricon was permanetly scarred by this handshake, which explains why he has regressed to a closet case running to darkest black French territories to be a bottom for “all of the Republic’s children”.

PS Trump has (finally) named the Soros:

The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2018

“not made in the basement from love!” Aaaaand there’s your latest Trump Trigger. Meme it, send it, enjoy the shitlib squees.


Shitlibs should come with the automatic “disingenuous” qualifier, because they are phonies through and through. Case in point: I was amazed (but shouldn’t have been) that shitlibs thought Christine Ballcutter-Framejob was “credible”. To my eyes (and ears), she was nothing of the sort. Kavanaugh’s authentic unguarded emotion stood in stark contrast to Ford’s scripted artifice, and made him seem the much more credible of the two.

Are shitlibs lying to themselves and everyone else about their inability to read human emotions, or are they getting stupider and more psychotic from decades being insulated in their UMC shitbubbles?

I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only one to notice that Bitch-Fishwife was an oddly emotionless drone. From emailer Brown Berry,

Like many, I’ve been following the confirmation hearing of BK (mostly on youtube). I was interested enough to even listen to the complete testimonies of BK and CBF while I worked last week. I also watched quite a lot of commentary including the body language examination you’ve sited.

From all this, I had some hunches about what might be true vs. what might be utter bullshit, but frankly I didn’t have enough data points to be at all certain about anything substantial.

So I decided to get some more…I re-watched (actually watched, carefully) their testimonies in full. I was interested especially in what would trigger emotional responses. To my delight, the video showed plenty more than what’s been reported on and more that what the audio I previously heard conveys. I wonder if you see the same as I…


She showed absolutely zero emotion, none, in her prepared statement and throughout a majority of the questioning. It’s very strange because many people I talk to say how emotional she was, how she was crying, etc. I saw no such emotion. Even quite the opposite – she was working very hard at something beyond her abilities. Excepting for a few moments of trying to “cute” herself to Senators and some moments where she felt relief or familiarity and cracked a smile, she was ice cold.

Even when the Senators acknowledged that she is doing her “civic duty” (her own words!) her body doesn’t agree/vibe with that at all. I don’t think she even nodded in the slightest at the saying of the words “civic duty,” ever. Only when they spoke about her being a “hero” did she, for the first time, show emotion, and it really poured out every time they praised her as a hero, watch for it. [ed: classic pathological narcissist tell.]

Does she see herself (have they convinced her) that she is an anti-trump messiah? Inside, she tells herself that she’s inferior to BK, that her husband is inferior to BK, that her kids are inferior to BK’s kids, and that her party is a loser party. What’s even worse is that martyring oneself for that loser party gets you nowhere. Watch KH and CB dismissively thank her for “telling the truth” as she leaves the room. She’s a nobody to them.

When they held her up as “heroic” all the dissonance, her desires, the pressure to please all her omega friends, her marital problems, makes her explode. She believes she’s a loser, but they tell her she’s a hero, but she’s still actually a loser, in life and in the party. That’s a shitty ride to be on.


BK shows emotion when people insinuate that he’s not a good man. He probably beats himself up inside over every sin he’s ever committed and tries in earnest to be a better man every day of his life. He probably wants his father to be proud of him. He cries when the Senators amplify his “inner critic” (conscience) and simultaneously devalue all the hard work he’s put into being a good, ever-better, man. This is a big simultaneous shit on his father and family name. Everyone has a button and BK’s is his family. If he had taken some darker paths in life (like maybe rape-fucked and roughed up a few girls, even consensual, or stole from the collection plate, etc.) then I reckon he wouldn’t be offended at all and would have sat there with perfect manners…

The whole “CBF was credible” talking point has been gaslighting by an enemy media. She wasn’t credible; she was robotic. Coldly sociopathic. Coached by her (((handlers))).

Most pleb-libs swallowed that line whole (it’s what natural conformist suckups do), but I suspect the shitlib power movers in the media and government felt the same cold sociopathy radiating from CBF that I and other sane people felt, but all must be sacrificed — including their integrity — to prop up a faltering Anti-White Man Blood Libel. Who knows, maybe the Dems identified with CBF’s sociopathy.

Does a nation becoming stupider also become less adept at reading faces, tones of voice, and other cues of genuine feeling? I think so. Which will mean these clown shows aren’t ending anytime soon. They’ll get worse, and the dwindling contingent of sane White men will think themselves crazy for being out of step with the growing number of easily gulled Narrative regurgitators.


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