Feed on

You can judge a man by his enemies, and on that accounting, Trump comes out a champion. A veritable avatar of Light and Goodness.

ed: had to turn sideways because the ballot wasn’t big enough to conceal the blubbery nethers.

Absolutely sexually, mentally, physically, and psychologically worthless. Terminal velocity impact. The Wall can only admire its destructive wake.


Are we all done vomiting? Let’s proceed.

Older catladies have lost what few marbles they had left. The younger ones are teetering on the edge of babbling lunacy. These miserable losers plaster their ugly naked bodies all over social media and imply anyone would want to grab their lumpy hagflesh. They think a point is made, that Trump and his supporters — aka normal humans — will cower before their aggrofuggery, and repent. Or feel impotent before the combined might of flapping wizard sleeves.

They think they are influencers, as if human nature has changed overnight and suddenly sane people with working disgust thresholds will forget to be repulsed by the sight of them, and join their gross, sweaty hugbox to beat back the bad orange man.

And of course, the middle finger. Can’t forget that. The degenerate freak mafia deliberately makes themselves as disgusting, repugnant, grotesque, and unlikable as possible, pursuing the dual objectives of warning predators of their toxicity and of signaling to other freaks a safe harbor to…let it all hang out.

The Fuggernaut has no purpose but to revel in their fuggery, and shove it in our faces, recapitulating the acts of ritualistic humiliation the Soviets would visit upon suspected dissidents from communist orthodoxy. “Look upon our hideousness, and dare not flinch, or we will screech like banshees for your soul on a platter!” “Our tits hang to the floor! Feel our empowerment, cishet White man!”

(From a Gabber, “Please, pass them out more ballots.”)

Or a flammenwerfer.

From Garth V., a pithy bit of insight revealing the shared motivation of ugly shitlib broads accosting people with their ugliness and totalitarian marxists forcing subjects to swallow their propaganda,

They get off on making you repeat their big lies. The more obviously false the lie is, the more you debase yourself in repeating it. When you instead affirm the truth, you’re letting them know that you will not be their slave.

The lie here is, “These are strong, empowered women. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.” The Fuggernaut wants us to abide this Big Lie, and in so abiding we debase ourselves. We bring ourselves down to their level.

I say no to that. I will affirm the truth. I will tell these immodest creaturas that their ugliness is epic, their hearts black, their souls possessed by demonic forces. They are gutter filth.

Our enemies are ridiculous. And they are poison. They must be unlatched from the body politic before their venom seeps into the heart and arrests civilization.


Commenter Double E coming in hot,

these shambling hogbeasts are always finding some random excuse to get naked to squeeze whatever drop of validation is left to get from their wasted bodies,

Yet they are the first to shriek anytime the body of a woman who is actually attractive is shown or appreciated in any way.

Feminism, and now its current year version pussyhattery, is the means by which ugly broads neutralize the competitive edge of pretty women. Naturally, it fails, because the god of biomechanics is not easily fooled.


Gaymulatto and Trump held rallies yesterday. Here are photos of both, for comparison purposes.

My my, Trump filled an arena to overflowing while gaymulatto struggled to fill half of the floor of what looks like a high school gym.

Naturally, the Chaimstream Media only presented camera angles that deceptively enlarged gaymulatto’s crowd size, but someone (a mole, perhaps?) got hold of another camera feed and posted this pic of the crowd from a different, more honest angle.

In contrast, Trump’s crowd size was so large that the shitlib media, despite yeoxir efforts, couldn’t find a camera angle to reduce its size. Thousands of Trump supporters ringed the sullen press pen. 360 degree MAGA!

Shitlibs must HATE HATE HATE that their fantasy figure, their numinous neolib, their cult leader, their GOD, is OVERSHADOWED by a real hero, a real fantasy figure come to life, a real transformational leader….President Donald J Trump.

And gaymulatto….poor nancyboy, you just know it eats him up that Trump can fill arenas with energized followers while he speaks to hotel rooms of bored, politely clapping lumpenlibs. It burns him up inside so much he goes home and hollers impotently about kunte kinte, kangz, and Wakanda to Reggie Lover.

PS I’ve gotta say, Trump’s timing is perfect. He drops the triggering “nationalist” proclamation right as shitlibs are getting BTFO by their churlish chalupas massing for an attack on the US border. Trump’s Curse and Trump’s Blessing, working in unison.


Demography Is Destiny

Heritage America can survive and thrive on one condition: If our single White women stay relatively close to the White reservation.

If, on the other hand, single White women continue drifting into the arms of Schlomo-Swarth, LLC, as they are currently doing, then nonWhite population replacement will necessitate the end not only of the GOP, but of America as it has been historically constituted.

It’s that simple. Race matters. In the big picture, ideology barely registers.

We could afford to lose the single White woman vote if we weren’t besieged by mass Dirt World dispossession. But not anymore. As the nonWhite share of the total US population increases, the existential betrayal by our single White women grows in proportion. We need that total White vote to be reliably 60% and preferably 70% to neutralize the electoral power of nonWhites until such time as we have a sane immigration policy, closed borders, and lebensraum for the White fertility rate to naturally rebound as housing and good schools become more affordable and available.

To get to that 70%+ White vote, White men either have to vote as a bloc, or single White women have to STOP voting as a bloc for the Democortez Party. The stakes are established; time to find solutions.

PS Here is an amusing parody of Democreep political ads.


Beta O’Rourke

I dare you to watch this Beta O’Rourke campaign ad without violently retching.

Jeeez, I wince with embarrassment for them.

The lack of shitlib self-awareness is astounding. Do they not recognize how cringingly puerile they come across?

It must be a Fuggernaut thing. When you’re amongst fellow fugs, swaddled in mutually supportive fugliness, you let it all hang out because no one will judge you. All it would take is one Chad to show up and point at them, laughing, for the fug facade to crumble and the catladies and soyboys and noseringers to scatter, red-faced, for their underground dwellings.

Anyhow, it appears Beta O’Rourke is the new cult leader to fit the bill for shitlibs’ need to be part of a cult. A know-nothing, zero-accomplishment, effete catboy who plucks the feels-strings of hippie retreads, bitter spinsters and snarling sluts. And he has a hit-and-run DUI on his record, which fulfills another shitlib need: to spend inordinate mental energy rationalizing away the flaws of their godheads.


From DavidTheGnome,

The left has entered 90’s, rapping preacher territory as far as “coolness” goes. I don’t see it turning around anytime soon. In fact I suspect the harder they try and reclaim it, the worse it will be. It makes me think of the chapo trap house guys and their reddit stream in particular, which has all the cultural energy of a super popular guys terminally dorky younger brother.

That’s really the heart of it: the Left has become uncool. Utterly, totally, uncool. They are now the alliance of very uncool people with massive chips on thier shoulders about the popular kid Trump’s inherent coolness and the Chads and Beckys he attracts to his social circle.

And of course, the Left is now trying way too hard to seem cool again, but as DTG notes, when you have to try to be cool, your failure is inevitable. The spiral downward into uncoolness intensifies, as the try-hardness strains to recapture a charisma that was lost long ago.


Two-Faced Paul Krugman

krugging: to speak with forked tongue.

Paul Krugman One:

Trump’s lies about Soros funding the caravan are a further mainstreaming of an alt-right conspiracy theory: Jewish financiers are scheming to replace you with brown people 1/ https://t.co/spalnV5F7R

— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) October 21, 2018

Paul Krugman Two:

So which is it, Duping-Krugman? Are White Americans losing their country to swarths, or is it an alt-right conspiracy?

Sailer commenter Olorin adds,

I keep thinking that Cholera Paul can’t get worse, then he does.

A prevailing cultural myth is that once upon a time, “journalists” were professionally fact-diggy people who wouldn’t sneer at their readers about how certain people were wrong about their assumptions or assertions, but instead would have curiosity about the issue, go out and investigate it, and present corrective or corroborating information.

The vapors-having bodice-heaving Krugman is so predictable and content-impoverished, it can do nothing but attest to the correctness of those at whom he snipes.

It tends also to offer additional evidence of something long observed by our host regarding LimoLib Paul:


One visual I did not need is Krugman in a bodice.


This article is so good I pass it along with minimally invasive commentary. The author, Angelo Codevilla, discusses how America now historically resembles other nations and city-states from the past which endured revolutionary spirals of cultural division and heated partisanship that ended grimly for the native populations.

Prior to the 2016 election I explained how America had already “stepped over the threshold of a revolution,” that it was “difficult to imagine how we might step back, and futile to speculate how it might end.” Regardless of who won the election, its sentiments’ growing “volume and intensity” would empower politicians on all sides sure to make us nostalgic for Donald Trump’s and Hilary Clinton’s moderation. Having begun, this revolution would follow its own logic.

What follows dissects that logic. It has unfolded faster than foreseen. Its sentiments’ spiraling volume and intensity have eliminated any possibility of “stepping back.”

We crossed the Rubicon with the election of Trump, an event which shitlibs have been unable to countenance or reconcile.

Regardless of these elections’ outcome, however, this “resistance” has strengthened and accelerated the existing revolutionary spiral. We begin with a primer on such spirals, on the logic of mutual hate that drives them, and on their consequences; move to a general description of our evolution’s driving logic, describe the 2016 elections as the revolutionary spiral’s first turn and the “resistance” thereto as the second. Then we examine how the “resistance” affects the other side, and how this logic might drive our revolution’s subsequent turns. […]

Thus does Thucydides’ account of how revolutionary logic manifests itself in personal behavior echo through the ages—an account that strikes Americans in October, 2018 as all too familiar: “men too often take upon themselves in the prosecution of their revenge to set the example of doing away with those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity, instead of allowing them to subsist against the day of danger when their aid may be required.”

The more freely to harm enemies, “words had to change their ordinary meaning and to take that which was now given them.” […]

The American republic’s essence had been self-restraint toward fellow citizens deemed equals. The Constitution of 1787 had been its paradigm. Under its words and by its laws, Americans had enjoyed safety and predictability for themselves and their way of life. But Progressives’ subordination of the Constitution, laws, and institutions to their own purposes and for their own primacy ended all that. The rest of America’s increasing realization that only fire can fight fire has followed naturally.

This is our revolution: Because a majority of Americans now no longer share basic sympathies and trust, because they no longer regard each other as worthy of equal consideration, the public and private practices that once had made our Republic are now beyond reasonable hope of restoration. Strife can only mount until some new equilibrium among us arises.

The question we will want an answer for soon is this: HOW will the new equilibrium arise? History is made in the foregoing tumult.

The logic that drives each turn of our revolutionary spiral is Progressive Americans’ inherently insatiable desire to exercise their superiority over those they deem inferior. With Newtonian necessity, each such exercise causes a corresponding and opposite reaction. The logic’s force comes not from the substance of the Progressives’ demands. If that were the case, acquiescing to or compromising with them could cut it short. Rather, it comes from that which moves, changes, and multiplies their demands without end. That is the Progressives’ affirmation of superior worth, to be pursued by exercising dominance: superior identity affirmed via the inferior’s humiliation. It is an inherently endless pursuit.

The logic is rooted in disdain, but not so much of any of the supposed inferiors’ features or habits. If it were, the deplored could change their status by improving. But the Progressives deplore the “deplorables” not to improve them, but to feel good about themselves. Hating people for what they are and because it feels good to hate them, is hate in its unalloyed form.

One of the more astute descriptions of progressives and their motives. It’s why I, and others, have written that shitliberalism is essentially humiliation porn.

Once people no longer see any good common to all, justice for each becomes identical with advantage. The only good or justice that prevails is the good or justice of the stronger. As Plato points out in Book I of The Republic, far from being a rare phenomenon, this is mankind’s default state.

America has regressed to the unexceptional default state of mankind. Perhaps it was fated.

Hence, among us as well, subjection by force is replacing conviction by argument.

Doxing, deplatforming, demonetizing, and de-personing are subjection by force replacing conviction by argument. The Left, in command of nearly all the pathways of information flow, has gleefully abused their power to silence the oppositions’ arguments.

[The big bank bailouts of the 2008 financial crisis] forced the recognition that there exists a remarkably uniform, bipartisan, Progressive ruling class; that it includes, most of the bureaucracies of federal and state governments, the judiciary, the educational establishment, the media, as well as major corporate officials; that it had separated itself socially, morally, and politically from the rest of society, whose commanding heights it monopolized; above all that it has contempt for the rest of America, and that ordinary Americans have no means of persuading this class of anything, because they don’t count.

Steve Bannon has remarked that the seed of Trump’s rise to power was the 2008 bank bailouts.

Our time’s sharp distinction between rulers and ruled, the ever decreasing interchange and sympathy between them, is rooted in the disdain for ordinary Americans that the universities have sown since the Civil War. Ordinary Americans and their rulers are alienated now in ways unimaginable to the Northerners and Southerners who killed each other a century and a half ago, but who nodded when Abraham Lincoln noted that they “prayed to the same God.”

It should be of great concern that the divisions prior to Civil War I pale in comparison to those we have today. The ingredients are already in the mixing bowl; all that’s left is to add the explosive reagent to set off the chain reaction to Civil War II.

Donald Trump was out of central casting—seemingly a caricature of what the ruling class said about its opponents. But the words he spoke were less significant than that he spoke with angry contempt for the ruling class. That—and the crowded field that never allowed a head-to-head choice—is what got him the chance to be the alternative to the ruling class. And that is what got him elected President of the United States.

Trump capitalized on elite infighting and status jockeying.

Those who voted for Trump believing or hoping that he would do a, b, or c, were fewer than those who were sure that he offered the only possibility of ending, or at least pausing, the power of an increasingly harmful, intolerant, disdainful, socio-political identity. In 2016 one set of identities revolted against another. That was the revolution’s first turn.

The ruling class’s “resistance” to the 2016 election’s outcome was the second turn. Its vehemence, unanimity, coordination, endurance,and non-consideration of fallback options—the rapidity with which our revolution’s logic has unfolded—have surprised and dismayed even those of us who realized that America had abandoned its republican past.

The “resistance” subsequent to the election surprises, in part, because only as it has unfolded have we learned of its scope prior to the election. All too simply: the U.S government’s upper echelons merged politically with the campaign of the Democratic Party’s establishment wing, and with the media. They aimed to secure the establishment candidates’ victory and then to nullify the lost election’s results by resisting the winners’ exercise of legitimate powers, treating them as if they were illegitimate. The measure of the resistance’s proximate success or failure would come in the 2018 elections.


Non-governmental parts of the ruling class are full partners in the “resistance,” often in partnership with government, from which they draw money directly or via special treatment, with the support, of course, of the media. Planned Parenthood, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, and countless other such groups have helped restrict the 2016 election’s effects by an unending stream of lawsuits and “reports,” amplified by the press, that have intensified attacks on the politically incorrect.

The People’s voice will be silenced. It’s for their own good.

The revolutionary import of the ruling class’ abandonment of moral and legal restraint in its effort to reverse election results cannot be exaggerated. Sensing themselves entitled to power, imagining themselves identical with legitimacy, “those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity“—here the US Constitution and ordinary civility—are small stuff to them.

Their ruling class’s behavior regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh’ nomination to the Supreme Court has been a further, epochal step in this regard.

The Kavanaugh character assassination will turn out to be a critical event in the lead-up to Civil War 2. I doubt Kav himself understands the importance of what he suffered.

In 1919, a member of the Russian Duma had asked: “Comrade, is this just?” Lenin famously answered: “Just? For what class?” Forty years later, in similar circumstances, Fidel Castro delivered the dime store version: “Within the revolution, everything. Against the revolution, nothing.” In 2018 our ruling class, in unison, set out to destroy all but the biological life of a political adversary. It substituted vehement assertion for truth, cast aside argument, foreclosed questions, celebrated its own deed and vowed to persist in it. Asked whether what they were doing was right, Senators Booker and Hirono answered directly—the others did so indirectly—that this was the right way to proceed with a person whose jurisprudence was so objectionable. Whether they know whose footsteps they are following matters little.

Who, whom? It’s happening again.

In short, the “resistance” has begun to radicalize middle America. It redoubled millions of Americans’ sense of siege, their fear of unbridled rule by unaccountable powers, of being accused of “hate speech,” of normal life made impossible by Progressive socio-political demands. It confirmed the sense that Donald Trump and such as he, whatever their faults, are all that stands between themselves and having an alien way of life imposed upon them.

Unlike Kavanaugh, I believe Trump understands all too well his historical significance, what he stands against, and the hopes he embodies. And so we pray for an encampment of twelve legions of angels to shield him from the evil which has cloaked America.

While it is by no means clear how these voters will respond in 2018 and 20, surely, the “resistance” sharpened in them the revolutionary logic that dictates repaying outrages with compound interest, and revived the question that drove the 2016 election: what does it take to counter all this? Countering the ruling class as it has evolved through the resistance is the third turn of our revolution’s spiral. […]

Trump’s rousing speeches feed the body politic as empty calories feed the human body. Bluster followed by surrender has political legs both short and shaky. Trump’s tone has lifted his constituencies’ expectations. But tone does not give substance to public opinion, poses but a flimsy barrier to the ruling class’s concerted power, and does not begin to satisfy constituencies threatened by the ruling class machine that came of age in the anti-Kavanaugh campaign.

I have predicted that Trump will act more forcefully on his agenda in the second half of his presidency, when, presumably, the Russia Hoax albatross won’t be hanging around his neck.

Were the Democrats to regain a majority in the House of Representatives in 2018, there is no doubt that they would redouble the “resistance,” and that a substantial portion of the Senate’s Republican majority would be friendly to it. That would leave the 2016 electorate’s defense to Trump—who would be forced to fully deploy Presidential powers in that task or to abdicate it to whomever would campaign credibly to fully exercise those powers after the 2020 election. Such leadership having become necessary—by Trump or whomever—it would carry with it the conservative side of both Houses into sociopolitical stasis for the next two years. Whether Trump were the candidate or not, the 2020 elections would bid for a historic national clarification, and make the 2016 ones appear to have been for low stakes.

Were the Democrats to win the presidency in 2020, even Republican Congressional majorities—made up as they are of substantial “soft” elements—would be no barrier to an agenda about which no speculation is necessary.  The revolution would flow along classic, predictable lines.

The consequences would depend on the extent to which the conservative side of American life rejected that presidency’s and its agenda’s legitimacy—and on how the ruling class would abide “resistance” to itself. What would a fully re-empowered ruling class that had tasted the possibility of dis-empowerment do to preclude anything like that ever happening again? How would it use the massive power that defines it and by which it defines itself? How would it marshal corporate power? How would it use the educational system? To what levels of demonization and repression would it descend? What license would it give to its affiliates to do what, to whom? […]

Nor does any side in our time truly believe in and practice self-restraint. For the Progressive side, it is anathema in principle as well as in practice. The conservatives, among whom the zealot’s taste for taking the speck out of the neighbor’s eye is not widespread, revere self-restraint in principle, but are learning to transgress against it in practice.

The Left has become intolerant from decades of cultural power. Uncompromising. If they win now, and again in 2020, they will crush dissent. If they lose, they will refuse conciliation. Either way, war in some form is coming to America. Once the anti-Left loses faith in their own restraint, the battlefield will finally erupt.

But, perhaps, after their offensive resistance’s failure, they might be reconciled to govern themselves as they wish in states where they command a majority, while not interfering with other Americans governing themselves in their way in the states where they are a majority.

It’s best for all of us if we are permitted to go our own way. America is a collective of separate nations; it’s just a formality to codify the fact.


It’s all fun and virtue signaling until nonWhite numbers grow dangerously beyond the bounds of a novel minority. From kawaiisis, a lewdly bracing report from the German field that anti-White cucking is beginning to lose its curbside appeal.

Observation from Germany: While the girls are still eager to demonstrate for diversity in the streets, their enthusiasm for brown cock has lessened considerably since the invasion in 2015. It’s almost like the sudden abundance of shitholers has depreciated their value as signalling-pets and economics are real.

In 2014 a majority of women would not have hesitated to couple with a big sambo buck and thereafter signal about it on social media; “His name is Sammy N’Tufo and he’s a prince in Ghana and he’s the love of my life.”

Since 2015 that kind of signalling has come to a hard stop. Sure, there’s still all kind of interracial nonsense going on, but the radio silence about is new. It’s almost as though the girls consider their couplings with the third world low rent and aren’t eager to broadcast them to the world.

Social shaming works!

On the other hand, if you’re a non-soyed white man in Germany, the pickings have never been as good as they’ve been since 2015. I’m 41, not rich, half of my hair has fallen out and the other half is greying, but I carry some muscle and never switchface. Just being white and normal in a 1950s sense is enough to have the pick of pretty & younger ladies these days and specifically since the 2015 invasion.

I notice the same thing about the people around me: There’s a whole new appreciation for white+male+unsoyed.

Bonus points for race hating power level 57 and above: Even the women who hate your politics will have sex with you just out of curiosity.

Be white.
Do not switchface. Ever.
Work out.
Straight posture. Always.

Now you’re a unicorn.

Anyone know the meaning of “switchface”? I’d guess it refers to supplicating to women to earn their approval, ie two-faced.

This is a positive development, but really we all should’ve predicted it. It’s easy to virtue signal (and even put your virtue to the test by mudsharking) when no one has the facts about nonWhite dysfunction and predation, and nonWhites are still a small number of the total population. It’s “edgy” to take on a swarthy lover when everyone else is stuck with their humdrum White beta males who make the country a pleasant place to live, but the allure of it isn’t so clear when the swarths have overrun towns and cities and everyone knows at least one White girl who experienced Diversity in all its bloody vibrancy.

It’s market saturation of downscale products coupled with renewed appreciation for hand-crafted local merchandise. The cheap gadgets that explode in your hand have passed as a fad, and now the White women are scrambling to lock down the increasingly rare and fine-tuned machine known as the White man.

Interesting inferences can be drawn from such changes in the sexual market culture. For instance, as Diversity™ overwhelms European societies and ruins their aesthetics and livability, a sexual market subculture may emerge in which heightened competition by hsmv White women for White men creates a parallel society of the purest blood Whites with self-conscious feelings of racial IDENTITY, something that Whites historically have not much had in their possession. There then could follow a “boiling off” of the less racially cognizant Whites who slip into the diversity effluvia, lost in its murky depths forever. Eventually, small but incredibly self-aware White outposts mark off territories within Europe for their own, and the far future features waves of marauders from these outposts retaking lands of Europe that had been ceded to the invaders.

Did I just script an award-winning Clitflix series?


My goal with these SCIENCE posts is to push shitlibs over the edge. I know how much shitlibs base their worth on scientific validation of their priors, so it’s always funny when I can poison the beta orbiter relationship shitlibs have with SCIENCE by exposing them to real science that discredits their worldview, their glowing self-conception, and their feelings all in one fell swoop.

The latest science AMOG is this study, which found that…

Contrary to popular belief, conservatives’ political attitudes are less consistent with each other and more diverse than those of liberals.

So liberals really are the NPCs that the NPC meme mocks. No wonder they’re so butthurt over it! No one likes to have their underbellies exposed to fang and claw, or to have their carefully steered ship of self dashed violently against the rocks of realtalk.

Republican party activists’ attitudes are less ideologically consistent with each other than are those of Democratic party activists.


Existing literature shows that Republicans in the mass public demonstrate greater ideological inconsistency and value conflict than Democrats. That is, despite a commitment to the conservative label and abstract belief in limited government, Republican identifiers’ substantive policy attitudes are nonetheless divided. Conversely, Democrats, despite registering lower levels of ideological thinking, maintain relatively consistent liberal issue attitudes. Based on theories of coalition formation and elite opinion leadership, we argue that these differences should extend to Democratic and Republican Party activists. Examining surveys of convention delegates from the years 2000 and 2004, we show that Democratic activists’ attitudes are more ideologically constrained than are those of Republican activists. The results support our hypothesis and highlight that some of the inconsistent attitudes evident among mass public party identifiers can be traced to the internal divisions of the major party coalitions themselves.

So, liberals are:

  • more conformist than are conservatives
  • less ideologically diverse than are conservatives
  • more intolerant of different views than are conservatives
  • less open-minded to alternative views than are conservatives
  • more susceptible to groupthink than are conservatives
  • more prone to rigid thinking than are conservatives

You ever get the sense that modren shitliberalism is just a mass exhibition of psychological projection?


Look closely. (zoomable link)

FYI, the photo is unaltered. There’s even video of the scene.

President Trump asks, “Who is funding this invading force?”.

Who is funding? It starts with “S” and is five letters long.

Exodus 23:33

Do not let them live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you.


Fred Reed’s Mexico

Bullet-riddled dead bodies wash ashore in Acapulco as sunbathers, apparently numb to these occurrences, continue soaking up rays nearby.

Taking bets on when Fred Reed will hightail it out of Mexico for his native state of Virginia, hollering about the virtues of open borders the whole way.


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