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Yankee Supremacism

it really is true. it’s why White shitlibs throw around the term so much. They’re airing out the nooks and crannies of their subconscious.

Sanctimony always follows from a feeling of exorbitant self-regard.


From reader WHITE MALE,

OT, besides helping me make more white kids:

The term of art is BUNZ => OVEN.

What does it mean if a girl disqualifies you to herself, e.g. “I would never date a guy who again?” She is otherwise very obviously into me (I have not fucked her and am not going to; we’re both Christian).

Christians make looooooooove.

(also, the syntax of the quoted part of your sentence is garbled, but we get the gist of it)

I ignored it when she said it and it sounds like meaningless blather to me/wanting to slow down, maybe, but please help me out here. What do I say if she brings it up again?

Please consult the “Deflating the Riotously Judgmental Girl” post for the answers you seek:

I have a go-to line that I’m ready to share with you. It’s multipurpose, effective at deflating any [Crisis and Observation Girl], no matter how bitchy. A warning: say it with a nonchalant smirk. Not anger. A hint of anger will cause the line to backfire.

GIRL: You’re too [X].

TRUMP’S RECENTLY HIRED PERSONAL ASSISTANT: I didn’t ask for your approval.

A variation on the line, if it suits you: “I don’t remember asking for your approval/opinion.”

The thematic element, not the precise wording, in the above reply is what’s important; in your case, WHITE MALE, I would reply,

GIRL: I would never date a guy who [X].

Beelzebub’s Tower Of Boner: Phew!

Wipe the back of your hand across your brow for added effect.

Another variation on the same theme:

GIRL: You’re weird.


The lesson is to avoid a desperate defense of your besmirched honor. Anything that smacks of defensiveness is sure to scatter tingles to the four winds. DO NOT TOOL YOURSELF. That means, NEVER reply to a girl’s shit test by insisting you “aren’t that kind of guy” or “I’m not like that all the time”, etc. If you’ve abased yourself to basically pleading for her approval, you’ve lost the mojo.

You may Assume the Sale. You may Agree&Amplify. But you may not immolate your dignity on the pyre of beta thirst.

Keep those magic words always in mind: Zero. Fucks. Given. And the pussy melt.


Your Daily Cortez

I never had a problem showin’ y’all the real me/
Hair when it’s messed up, crib when it’s filthy/
Way-before-the-deal me, work-to-pay-the-bills me/
‘Fore I fixed my teeth, man, those comments used to kill me/
But never did I change, never been ashamed/

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@Ocasio2018) November 20, 2018

Your 116th Congoress, ladies and gentlemen.

Occasional-Cortex had her teeth fixed. I wonder if that was before or after this pic:

Would you risk the hummer?

I’m becoming a fan of Occasional-Cortex. She’s hurling queztlcoatl cocktails at the Dem leadership and pushing the entire party to embrace hardcore socialism and brownism. She’s juuuust smart enough to sense the moment is turning against White Americans, and juuuuust stupid enough to not have a filter on her aggro anti-White drain-the-coffers gibs-eology. What this broad can do for MAGA (either under Trump’s guidance or under a post-Trump heir) is flush with possibility. Once she’s destroyed the Dems as a vehicle for the needs of blue collar Whites (leaving behind a rump of post-grad, insulated SWPLs) — with a little helping push from devious maul-righters — we can crush her credibility by pointing out she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth (which she was).

Personally, I’m even fond of the idea of a President Occasional-Cortex. Battlefield clarity, and all that.

*h/t SteveRogers42 for the post title.


Ukraine Is Wench

A reader had passed along a quick story about his time with a Ukrainian chick, and it was too funny to keep buried in the Chateau vault.

This is a Ukrainian girl who had a notch count of 1 when she left Kiev and she stayed in San Francisco over the summer and fucked 13 different guys and sexted dozens more. The American culture turned her into a mega slut. I found this on her profile page, and I don’t know if this was done intentionally, but it clearly shows she likes to ride the cock carousel!

Would maul.

Reminds me of another mega slut

Best thing about this pic is the cougar in the back chasing after the escaping cock.

What the reader says about American culture corrupting foreign foxes is true. Something happens to these lithe ludmilas once they land on US soil that immediately weaponizes their hypergamy and turns them from tradwives in flower necklaces flouncing through spring meadows into thots with a taste for anal play.

It could be a selection effect: foreign femmes who leave their family behind for a few extra shekels are the kind to be ruthlessly pragmatic about cock-laddering their way to an American alpha male who will pay for their leopard-print lifestyle. Plus, once these girls are out from under the patriarchal oversight of their steely-eyed native men, they go crazy exploiting the naive soyium in America.

And maybe we have to concede that American culture is rotten, and corrupt, and dismally dehumanizing, capable of pushing psychologically fragile but still relatively chaste foreign girls to the slut side.


The Great Men On The Wall

Excerpt from John D. MacDonald’s 1966 mystery novel, The Last One Left (h/t Burton):

_[She] was one of the great broads, years past the peak of it, but hanging in there so well, you had to marvel at what it had to be costing her in time and effort to keep the illusion of youth. Not only the masks and packs, and the oils and skin foods and lotions and the careful measuring of sun to keep that flawless brown gold of the expensive tennis-club tan, but on top of that, the daily measurements of every dimension to the quarter part of an inch, followed by exercises that would exhaust a stevedore. Then, once you had the pretty machine all assembled, you had to imitate the unconscious tricks of youth, no matter how tired the flesh. You had to walk pert, more trimly and quickly, smile saucy, exaggerate all expressions and all gestures, move the head quickly, and run the voice up and down as many notes of the scale as you could handle._

_But, baby, the years are written on the backs of your hands, in bulged veins and thickened knucklebones, and written in the horizontal lines across your throat and in the little striated patterns on the slightly puffed flesh under the eyes._”

Christine Ballcutter-Fraud must have been fighting the advance of the Wall during her Fake Testimony. It’s disconcerting to see an older woman who hasn’t aged well at all hit every note on the valley girl register in a transparently lame effort to sound like a vulnerable teen girl. Shitlibs, naturally, fell for it.


Bonus quote, this one credited to Hemingway, although I haven’t been able to confirm the source:

You could never remember the exact moment she was in love with you – but you knew the instant she wasn’t.

All to true for so many men, but for the few who have earned their stripes, the moment a woman falls in love with you is detectable when she inconveniences herself for your favor. (More romantically, it’s the moment her eyes do the talking.)

PS In case I hadn’t mentioned it before, the Hemingway short story “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” is an absolute must-read for any student of the crimson pill. Hemingway knew the truth of female hypergamy and its attendant vindictiveness toward beta males who dare to rise above their station.


A fantastic comment from Make, about the current state of Finland politics (and why a “Western Warsaw Pact” is at present inconceivable to native Finns with long memories of the Winter War):

Greetings from Finland, Mr. Heartiste.

I’ve been reading American dissident blogs, including this one, for several years in order to understand, what’s going on at that side of the Atlantic. Mainstream media in Western European countries are simply mindlessly parroting whatever nonsense New York Times and CNN come up with, so they are utterly useless in this regard. While these dissidents often offer useful insights, many of them seem to be too quick to jump to conclusions, especially concerning what’s happening in Europe. (To be fair, most Europeans don’t have a very nuanced understanding of America either.)

For example, in Finland the Winter War and stopping the Soviet grand offensive in the summer of 1944 are still among the most fundamental building blocks of national identity. Even nowadays, when there aren’t many veterans alive anymore, this David and Goliath story has a significant emotional appeal for most people. We also still have universal conscription, and it’s pretty fucking clear for everyone serving in the army that we aren’t afraid of Norwegians invading our country. So the idea of Russian threat is still something pretty tangible for most Finns, and the idea that they could see Russia as any sort of ally is just downright absurd. Sure, we can pragmatically cooperate with them when it’s useful for both sides, but Russia will nevertheless be seen primarily as a threat for decades if not for centuries to come, and in countries which actually had to live under the Soviet occupation this feeling is probably even stronger. And the whole Ukrainian mess sure as hell didn’t make anyone feel less suspicious of the Russkies.

Now, judging by your reply to a comment above you seem to understand this, but I don’t know where did you get the idea that Finland is among the countries currently fighting against the “Globohomo”. The reality is quite the opposite. Like during the Cold War when Finland had to balance between the Eastern and Western blocs, its situation is again quite unique. In most Western European countries both the cultural marxist undermining of the foundations of society and the population replacement began already in the 60s and 70s, whereas in the former Eastern bloc countries both developments were stopped before they even seriously got underway. In Finland both really started only in the 90s, so while Finland is currently following the same path as rest of the Western Europe, we are few decades behind them, and that may very well end up saving us from the most disastrous consequences of this globalist ideology.

Our current political establishment is full of shitlibs and cuckservatives, to use the American terms, who are hellbent on following every whim of the Brussel’s Politbyro, but as I explained above there is still a healthy sense of patriotism among the hoi polloi, and most people are opposed to the mass immigration from shithole countries. Unfortunately, for most people immigration is not the most urgent question when they go to the voting booth, since the number of immigrants is still relatively small compared to Western European countries. Merkel’s insane decision to open the floodgates three years ago did wake up many people (including me) and made them realize that mass immigration from the third world is not just an idiotic policy but an existential threat, but not enough people.

So when it comes to cultural marxist indoctrination and levels of third world immigration, in the 80s Finland was basically where Poland is today (both were close to nonexistent). However today Finland is pretty much where Sweden was in the 90s. Both are starting to have serious consequences, but we are still in a position, where we can stop this lunacy before it destroys the whole country.

Fortunately, both the domestic political situation in Finland and the international environment today are very different compared to Sweden in the 90s. In the 90s the globalist ideology achieved a hegemonic position all over the West, and in those halcyon days the shitlibs and cuckservatives triumphantly assumed that there was no alternative to their worldview. Now their ideology is as moribund as Soviet communism under Brezhnev, and they are in full panic mode because of the rising tide of nationalism. This of course helps nationalist politicians here in Finland, and thanks to the internet, more and more people are seeing what a disaster mass immigration has been in Western Europe, whereas in the 90s the main stream media would have been able to sweep most of that information under the carpet.

And unlike in Sweden few decades ago, there is also already a viable alternative to the establishment in the form of the Finns party. They started as an all round populist party attacking especially the EU and the general unimaginative blandness of the consensus politics of the establishment parties, but immigration critics also joined the party and used it as a vehicle to make immigration a part of the political discussion. Under the leadership of Timo Soini the party managed to win about 19 % of the votes in the elections of 2011 and about 18 % in 2015, which thoroughly shocked the establishment parties and the main stream media.

However, there was always a tension between those loyal to Soini, who is really just a common snake oil salesman, and the immigration critics in the party. After the 2015 elections the Finns party became part of the government, and when the “asylum seekers”, who had traveled through the whole Europe, started pouring into Finland from Sweden in the autumn, the party was in a position to demand the government to close the border and let the Swedes enjoy all that cultural enrichment. But Soini did nothing, because he was too afraid to lose his comfy post as the foreign minister, and so 30 000 Muslim invaders simply marched into the country, most of whom are still mooching here. After this betrayal the support of the party collapsed, and it was clear to everyone, that Soini was nothing but an opportunistic piece of shit. In the 2017 Party convention leader of the immigration critics, Jussi Halla-aho, was chosen as the chairman of the party, which led supporters of Soini to leave the party and found their own. This earned Soini the nickname Judas Soini.

While this farce was hardly good publicity for the party, in the long run it was a good thing, because the spineless traitors are now out of the way, and under the new leadership the party has now a clear direction and stopping immigration is their most important goal. According to the polls the support of the party after the split has been steadily around 8–9 %. This is the hard core of the supporters, who think immigration is the most important political question of the day, but the party has potential to gain much more support. Halla-aho is a very intelligent and principled guy who started his political career as a blogger and is known for his sardonic mockery of the multiculturalist ideology. He is really the first internet age politician in the country. He has of course been dragged through the mud in the media for years and called every possible -ist and -phobe, so he has grown a very thick skin and definitely won’t cuck like Soini. However repairing the reputation of the party after all that’s happened during the last few years will take some time. There are elections next spring, and I would guess they are going to get something between 10–15 % of the votes. Not enough to change the course of the country, but enough to be a constant thorn in the side of the establishment. If the party doesn’t screw up, I think in 2023 there’s a real chance that Halla-aho will be the prime minister or at least the interior minister, and if that happens, then you can really count Finland among the based countries that oppose the evil schemes of the globalist cabal.

And given the principal subject matter of this blog, I think it’s appropriate to mention that while Halla-aho looks like a pencil necked nerd, he has four kids with his wife and one with his former concubine, so the guy is a real alpha in disguise. I guess razor sharp intelligence can supplant the missing muscle mass.

Look first for the peripheral Hajnal nations like Finland and, maybe, Norway to push hard against Globohomo. Sweden is a lost cause unless the pain of vibrancy gets so great that they execute a 180 and the consensus breaks to kicking out the foreigners. When that happens, IKEA will be renamed to VIKEA.

I don’t trust Russians, either (Russians don’t even trust each other), but I will welcome an alliance of expedience if it helps crush Open Borders Gaymulatto Yglesiasan Neoliberalism (OB/GYN).

PS A story about a Finnchick in America.


[T]he killing of the male lion by the mother of his cubs at the Indianapolis Zoo on Monday, Oct. 15, has him perplexed.

“The attack that occurred took everyone by surprise; it surprised me,” he said. “I’ve never heard of a female attacking a male.”

He said there have been observations of groups of females attacking strange males if they are seen as a threat, but the females generally just wound and chase away the males, not kill them.

“Extreme aggression of females to males is definitely unique,” he said.

The incident occurred before the zoo opened to the public, when zoo workers saw lioness Zuri acting aggressive to 10-year old Nyack. They attempted to separate the pair, but Zuri held Nyack down by the neck until he suffocated to death. […]

Packer said Indianapolis Zoo President Rob Shumaker called him to discuss the incident, and he was told that Zuri was almost the same size as Nyack. Packer thinks it might have happened because she was domineering over him, and called this an “odd combination” because lionesses are generally submissive to male lions.

“If it’s a question of who feeds from a carcass first, the female is annoyed with the male, but she has to defer,” Packer said.

The way that Zuri killed Nyack was also quite vicious, according to Packer.

“That’s the way they kill their prey,” he said. “The fact that it’s such a lethal thing, right at this throat, again that’s surprising. When (lions) usually go after each other, they are happy to just wound each other.”

“All of these animals are unpredictable moment to moment,” he said. “The main lesson here is…that it’s something that can happen. If you have that combination of an aggressive female and submissive male, it might not be the ideal configuration.”

Inverted sexual polarity for the loss.

From the commenter who passed along this story,

All females, at least all mammalian females, despise weak males and will even kill them.

There’s a lesson there as it regards our hysterical, nation-wrecking single White women.

Women despise the gimp hand.

Women crave the pimp hand.

If women have only gimp hands to caress them, they will revolt, either directly through confrontation and attack, or indirectly by welcoming pimp hands from afar to come invade their undefended homeland and cast the gimp hands to the icy wastelands.


Commenters had plenty of solid suggestions for a reader who wanted to know what to do when a grown ass woman wedges her jerk ex-boyfriend into the conversation. (From PBR Streetbang: “At 25, it’s a sympathy play – at 35, it’s baggage.”)

Reader LOL had the best idea, and one I would personally use on a broad trying to rattle me with a sneaky non sequitur about her asshole ex.

This was an interesting one.
It’s easy to feel discouraged when they start talking about an old flame, but
i’ve found that if she’s speaking longingly or forlornly then she’s projecting those past feelings onto you….in which case, you’re probably in her by evening’s end.

If she’s trying to bait you, then as CH says, return frame as quickly as possible to you…
her: “what an asshole…blah blah blah”
you (smiling): “if it makes you feel any better all my exes hate me too”

In one sentence, you basically sidestep her bait, return frame back to you, and as an extra little bonus qualify yourself with the “all my exes” abundance bit. It also shows ZFG aloofness as you’re not afraid to admit you’re an asshole. Finally, it will allow her to project those bitter sweet feel feelz she has of her ex onto you.

Every point LOL makes is true: that line expertly reframes her shit test/beta bait, gilds you with the aura of amused mastery that chicks love, slyly implies you are preselected by women (and hot women, who are the kind of women most drawn to hate-worthy badboys), and most importantly casts you as the kind of jerk she has a history of falling for over and over. Now all those tingles the jerk ex inspires in her find a new conduit through you.

That line also CUTS HER ENTRAPMENT NON SEQUITUR OFF AT THE KNEES. She has three choices: bang on about her ex (which will sound defensive, and which you can mock), drop the subject, or inquire about your past (which allows you to DHV to the high heavens). If she opts for the third option, congratulate yourself, because you have just flipped the courtship script so thoroughly that you may as well start unzipping your pants.


This suggested reply from LB is comedy gold:

Her: “I once dated this guy from Montreal and… ”

You: (interrupting) “Congratulations on your upgrade.”

Assume the sale.


Felix Krull,

I like the illustration. The girl is being hit on by a brown guy, does the WP-thing with her left hand.



From Hermes,

Maybe assume the sale on the therapy angle and give her a mock accent, pretending to be Freud.”uhuh, uhuh, and how does zis make you feel”. Look over pretend glasses, scribble on imaginary notebook. Really sell that she’s fishing for sympathy and you’re not buying it.

This would be laborious for lesser men and terseboys, but those of us with a taste for flair and the heart of a showman can appreciate the improvisational skill needed to pull this off (and more importantly, to know when to end the skit on a high note). If you are creative and enjoy extended play flirty banter, then Hermes’ suggestion is perfect. Even better, if you have a real notepad and pen on you, use it to draw a cartoonish stick figure of the girl as you’re pretending to jot down your therapist notes.

Old school PUAs used to suggest bringing along props for just such occasions. Be wary of “forcing” the props into a conversation (that will seem try-hard and clumsy), but pounce when the opportunity presents; if she asks why you happen to have a notepad on you, tell her you’re an aspiring novelist and need to be prepared any time inspiration strikes.


I’m sure we all woke up this morning hoping to see a visualization of the Original Wall through the lens of botox appointments. Your prayers are answered:

Botox is a neurotoxin produced from the most acutely lethal bacterium known, Botulinim, and it has the effect of paralyzing and relaxing muscle cells. For this reason, it is used in the cosmetic treatment of age-related wrinkling. Results are temporary and fresh injections must be administered every three to four months to maintain the waxy rictus of Fake Youth.

Scheduled botox appointments can therefore be interpreted as warning flares of looming Wall impact (aka sexual worthlessness).

Women are 92% of cosmetic procedure patients, so we can safely assume the above chart primarily reflects the anxieties and priorities of women.

The chart above reveals that for most women concerned about the first conspicuous signs of aging of the face, interest in botox intervention skyrockets between the ages of 30 and 39. Interest remains high through the 40s, then tapers off in the 50s and beyond.

From this, we can conclude women are aware of their impending hit with the Wall, and that this hit will take place sometime in the mid 30s, on average. Once first contact with the Wall is established, women spend the next ten to twenty years in a tragic denial of the Wall’s wake of destruction, going for monthly and then weekly “touch-ups” and draping velvet over all the mirrors in their homes to delude themselves of their sexual invisibility.

Once a woman hits her 50s (never in stride), she gives up on the dream and lets nature take her course (abject defilement of the body by soulless biomechanical forces). Self-delusion is therefore strongest during and around the time of Wall impact, when memories of the dew-dappled rose she once was can still be seen in the rearview mirror, to cruelly suffuse a woman with ill-bethotten hope.

But the very act of making the botox appointment is, on the deepest level where even the hamster dare not spin, awareness by an aging late 20-something beauty that her salad tossing years were in the neighborhood of 15-22, regardless of statutory laws implying the contrary.

Most depressingly, women as young as their 20s will feel the first sting of Wall anxiety. The rose is still fertile, but a petal or two has fluttered to the ground, and the chyron song of botox calls to them at this early age. It is at this age we see “Other Appointments” at its highest rate, which likely includes such noteworthy SMV boosters as nose jobs, tit jobs, and acne peels — the cosmetic procedures of ugliness-concealment rather than age-defiance.


Nicole Kidman has had a lot of work done. (h/t Corinth Arkadin)

Does this look like Nicole Kidman, or like the sexbot version of Nicole Kidman?

Humanity Status: Imperceptible
Lady Status: Desperate leg-spreading aging ho
SMV Status: Altered and airbrushed



Kids standing on side of the road in California holding an American flag as President Trump’s motorcade drives through Chico, Ca.

This is an instantly iconic photo, imo. Fires ravage central California, where remnants of Heritage America live, a White family breathing through face masks stands roadside to greet the only champion they’ve had in their lives, the American flag is held aloft but has descended a bit down its staff, and they are huddled for warmth as father proudly takes a photo of Trump’s motorcade.

I wonder if Trump realizes his significance as a vessel for Real America’s aspirations and longings, and if that realization is enough to remind him what he promised “the forgotten Americans”? If he truly grasped his meaning to blood and soil Americans, would he be stronger against the undertow of cucks and globalists pulling him back into the neoliberalism slipstream? He has no friends in the Capital. His true friends stumble over scorched earth, wheezing through hospital masks darkened by soot, to welcome the promise of him.

He should learn this if he hasn’t already, and know that negotiating toward a middle ground and making friends of Globohomo scum is not his way forward. The way forward for him is gripping the hilt of a sword and driving the enemies of Heritage America off the battlefield.


On a lighter note, Mark Cuckersperg really does have the eyes of a reptile.


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