Feed on

From this ‘umble hot tub jive machine, circa 2007:

Does she have a large trashy tattoo anywhere near an erogenous zone?


Today, from SCIENCE:

…a new study has revealed the effect that having tattoos has on your sex life.

Researchers from the University of Miami have found that people with tattoos are more likely to have a higher number of sex partners in the past year.

In the study, the researchers surveyed 2,008 adults – some of who had tattoos and some who didn’t.

The survey revealed that people with tattoos were more likely to be smokers, to have spent time in prison, and to have had a higher number of sexual partners.

Worryingly, these individuals were also more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health issue, and to report sleep issues.

Professor Karolin Mortensen, who led the study, said: “Previous research has established an association between having a tattoo and engaging in risky behaviours.

I read somewhere that in America, women with tattoos have begun to outnumber men with tattoos.

As the tattoo is associated with high sociosexuality (willingness to go all the way right away, frequently, and indiscriminately), it stands to reason that women are reacting to a sexual market which is careening toward an r-selection dynamic: fewer dads, fewer damsels, more cads, more tramps. Women are going crazy with tattoo fever because they’re subconsciously advertising to less dependable but aggravatingly charming men that their vaginas are open for business, no questions asked.

Unfortunately for women with tats who are looking for loving commitment, men don’t want sluts except as sexual playthings. And the lsmv men who must settle for sluts will resent them for the duration of their short-lived simulacra of normal relationships.

What men want when looking to invest in a woman for longer than a night is clear to anyone without an agenda or a butthurt ego:

If you’re a low-option beta, you might have to choose 2 out of 3.


As a commenter suggested, your next pickup venue should be a tattoo parlour. Easy pickuppings!



In case you haven’t heard, the Great Media Purge of 2019 commenced this week.

PuffedHo laid off 15% of its propaganda team, most of them women.

Do you remember PuffHo? They’re the digital media cistern which gave us this, after Steve Bannon was fired:

Take a moment to retinally breathe that in, because the wails of poverty from recently fired PuffedHobags will lift your spirit into the stratosphere.

“talented and lovely” = talentless and ugly.

“literal PhD in romantic comedies”. LMAO. 90% of women in the workforce are dead weight.

Don’t call us, we’ll call you…..to laugh in your face!

One might say….aborted!

A culture/gender/politics reporter….I bet she brings a unique perspective! HARD PASS

Journowhores losing their jobs en masse?


How many of these laid-off globalist girl tweets are there? I think i’m falling in love with the feeling. Science will now have data to determine if prolonged jizzing uninterrupted by a refractory period is possible in those under the influence of acute schadenfreude.

backpage shutting down right before the buzzfeed layoffs really is a 1-2 punch

— tantum (@QuasLacrimas) January 24, 2019

Here come the desperate unemployment line camwhores! Sadly, this isn’t an attractive bunch. We can all do without the deluge of softcore pics from starving, ex-journowhores soaking thirsty soyboys for ramen noodle money.

G.V. suggests,

A mockup of the PuffHo front page with lay-off tweets prominently displayed around the text ‘GOY: “BYE”‘

I love the cut of that shiv.

Cornelius Rye dishes,

On this morning’s Fash the Nation, McFeels and Halberstram predict the end of National Review this year

rumors are going around that they really pissed off the last of their supporters/small donors with the Covington debacle

huge if true

My erection can only get so big.

A reminder that the media is shitty and in bed with Big Tech, licking the digital taint:

A longtime tech exec emailed me: “You guys are the lifeblood of Twitter right now. A huge part of Twitter’s current value is journalists creating content for the site.” https://t.co/Bbv8qM2gKv

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 24, 2019

From MPC Status Updates,

the tech exec on his boat calling the journo in his rat-infested apartment “You guys are our everything”

Pman on media woes,

PMAN in CHANPOASTING format on the loss of media jobs:

> it’s true that google and facebook are gobbling up all the ad revenue, although craigslist started it years ago

> lots of newspapers got ruined by loss of classifieds

> none of these self-styled “digital journalists” cared about any of that stuff

> only now that they are losing their jobs are they having tantrums about it

> in fact, most of them were quite chipper as older reporters got retired early, finally they could replace those white men

when in reality it was just them moving up in the line to the wood chipper

An anon channer explains how modren media works: they take the “moral” low ground:

There is not enough misfortune that could befall lying, malevolent media propagandists which would satisfy my bloodlust.



Commenter P.K. Griswold,

Whole bunch of beta-exes just got a random text.

Back to that ol’ dependable well for the roadworn shrews. It’s gonna be funny when betaboys sack up and stop making honest women of these slatterns.


As always with shitlibs, male or female (but especially the female), it’s psychological projection from here to eternity.


Comment from Angry White Old and Privileged,

She cannot get this kid off of her mind because that smirk, that posture, and that defiance in the face of a weak man using his “indigenous” genetics to bully and intimidate… Well, it gets her going and makes her think, “Why can’t I get with a man who is as strong as this teenager instead of these milk toast soyboys?!”

Then, like many on her side of the ideological spectrum, both male and female, she begins to wonder, “Is it really so bad to be turned on my this teenager? I mean, he’s a young adult, after all, and age /is/ just a number, right?” As she secretly considers she should have become a teacher.


She saw the handsome guy from high school who didn’t ask her out in that smirk.

So true.

Valenti’s epic RBF is what happens to a woman who has imbibed a lifetime of shrill feminist cuntery, bittersweet pump and dumps, weak unconfident attention from periphery beta males, and finally marriage to a wrist-flapping soyboy with the right credentials but zero charm.


Commenter Pbar divulges Valenti’s courtship which landed her the Hubby Soy,

From an NYT article about JV’s first date with future husband; ‘Here also was a woman that he found impossible to say “no” to — as he learned that night when she insisted he try the ceviche. “I soldiered on,” said Mr. Golis, who has always detested “fishy fish.”…he held up his end of the conversation as the ceviche soured his stomach to the point of nausea.

They shared a cab from the restaurant, but he bolted as soon as they reached the apartment where he was staying, fearing that he might vomit.’

So on their first date, she insists he eat something that he hates. Instead of leaving immediately and meeting his friends at a bar, he does as she says. And spends the rest of the evening trying not to puke. Then he marries her. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Modern Woman and Modern Man.

The sexual polarity in that marriage is inverted, upside-down, and turned inside-out. No wonder Jessica dreams of smirking smirklords.


Ace of Spades richly deserves the Shiv of the Week award for this post in which he takes a steaming dump on Brian Stelter’s penishead and notes that transparency has starkly exposed the lying, malicious, corrupt, leftoid shills which populate every tier of the chaimstream media.

As Mollie Hemingway has said several times, Twitter did improve transparency, and that transparency in turn reduced trust in media.

You showed yourselves for what you really are. We noticed. We adjusted our estimates of you according to the new information.

The thing is, what twitter exposed was not that you were leftwing. We already new that.

What twitter exposed was that you were also dumb, easily duped, eager to believe self-justifying conspiracy theories, thin-skinned, arrogant, incompetent, disgracefully lazy, psychologically (and almost certainly physically) inadequate, dunderheadedly unimaginative and unwilling to consider any idea not within the braindead leftwing Incela Corridor Conventional Wisdom Bubble, prone to the most cowardly go-along-to-get-along sort of groupthink, and weak.

Before Twitter, you were removed from us. Anyone who’s removed seems exalted. We knew you were leftwing political operators, but, and I hate to admit this, your remoteness made you seem like you were… elite.

Now we’ve seen what you really are. You’re C- minus students and fat-assed pencil pushers with a nose for sniffing out the right dicks to suck.

You’re fucking pathetic. You’re Salon Commenters with a personal makeup budget.

That’s what Twitter revealed.

Ace is proof that a person becomes a better writer and thinker when the veil of lies is lifted and forced politeness and aversion to hard truths is abandoned. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Ace was on the precipice of tangling with the [Special Person] Question.

I like to believe I had a positive, osmotic effect on all these newly minted shivlords.

From Heather,

You did, but no one will ever admit it. But don’t feel bad, you escaped Cassandra’s fate. She had the gift of prophecy but was cursed because no one would listen to her. People have listened to you but your curse is, you’ll never get the credit.

If I have helped birth a revolution, I can live without the credit.


PS It’s all on-topic, every last jot and tittle. Pat Buchanan had a couple of great articles this week, one on the separation of political victories from policy victories, and the second on the Democreeps’ descent into nauseating pandering to their black voters, and slandering of America’s heritage.

PPS Dems today:

PPPS media self-awareness MIA:

My heart breaks. No really, it does, I swear it.



Aaaaaand Alexandria Of-Color comes out in favor of stealing wealth from Whites to pay reparations to browns and blacks.

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stated on Monday that the United States should pay reparations to the non-white communities who were negatively impacted by America’s New Deal.

“I think the first thing that we need to do is realize that there’s a balance between this more universal struggle for racial, social and economic dignity, but at the same time, not erasing the individual stories of different communities,” Ocasio-Cortez responded when asked how government can create a just outcome among its citizens.

“You and I are in the same struggle. That does not give me a pass to not talk or acknowledge the black experience and that does not give you a pass to not acknowledge or talk about the plight of Puerto Ricans and people overall,” Ocasio-Cortez told interviewer Ta-Nehisi Coates. “It is in that exchange, and to say ‘you are distinct and you come from a distinct community that is valued and uplifted’ and vice versa.”

The only struggle I hear is AOC struggling to convincingly parrot the intersectionalist bullshit she picked up in college.

The self-proclaimed Democratic socialist contended that while people tend to associate reparations with slavery, instead, they should be associated with the effects of The New Deal, which, she argues, disproportionately impacted non-white communities.

Under the new rules of the United States of Alexandria Ocasio-Camacho, Whites will pay the GIBSgeld until the last White person’s bank account is emptied. Given enough demographic power, nonwhites won’t need the imprimatur of long-past slavery to justify robbing Whites blind.

The New Deal was a series of public works projects, financial reforms and government programs that were enacted in the 1930s by Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a response to the Great Depression.

“People think reparations is reparations for slavery, but really, economically speaking, reparations are for the damage done by the New Deal and redlining because that is where we saw a compounding of the existing inequity from the legacy of slavery, where we drew red lines around black communities,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

Racial policies like redlining had very little lasting impact on the status of blacks. Redlining was a reaction to black dysfunction, not a cause of it. The arrow of causality is messed up from decades of propaganda, which Alexandria Of-Polychromatic has dutifully absorbed. Black biology ===> redlining to avoid black biology.

Btw, the worst case of “racial discrimination” (according to shitlib standards) occurred in Japan — two nukes were dropped on two cities, leveling them both to the ground — and today both of those cities gleam with life and vitality. Funny how “keeping the jap man down” didn’t keep him down for long.

“We said white communities will get home loans and they will get access to the basic bedrock of wealth in America and this will be your heirloom and we gave white America the heirloom that appreciated overtime, that people still benefit from today and we did not give to African-American and Mexican communities, Puerto Rican communities.”

Did AOC pick up that “heirloom” touch-phrase from a Dem (((handler))) or during a Woe Is Woman 101 lecture?

FYI the United States was 90% White and 10% black in the 1930s. Other races were a tiny fraction of the total population. The Mexican and Sassy Reekin’ communities were practically nonexistent during the New Deal era.

The New York congresswoman also compared the treatment of non-white communities in America’s past to the Holocaust, urging the United States to follow Germany’s example by paying reparations and acknowledge the suffering that occurred during Nazi occupation in order to move forward.

More blacks were killed in the last twenty years in Detroit than blacks who died from lynchings over the entire history of the United States.

And just lol that somehow White America has failed to “acknowledge the suffering” of blacks. Holy fuck what planet is this ditz on? The last six DECADES have been nothing but a daily cuckbeat of pandering to blacks and begging their forgiveness.

“It’s important to tell the story of where we’ve been and what others are doing as well because we look at, for example, Germany, and how they’ve been able or they’re attempt to try to heal after the Holocaust,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Germany paid reparations and they went through that process and they had that truth-telling process. And until America tells the truth about itself, we’re not going to heal.

Yes, America needs more truth-telling about racial realities like disparate aptitudes, behaviors, preferences, and temperaments. But that’s not what AOC means. She means White America hasn’t prostrated itself enough to the swarming aPOCalypse. “Heal” in her context means “bend the knee, White man, or we will bend it for you”.

She’s a right proper puppet for Globohomo. Such an accomplished liar, BSer, and tribalistic shell entity.

The truth about AOC is this: she’s a garden variety anti-White bigot. Nothing special about her beyond that.

A reader objects,

In fairness she has a pretty sweet set of milkers?

She’s one of these chicks who looks kinda pretty from a distance, but up close it’s a WHOA MYSTERY MEAT moment.

Another reader,

I can’t wait til she’s president and we go into full Rhodesia mode.


AOC gives interviews like she used to bantz as a barmaid: loose, unstructured, vapid, and immune to facts, logic, or coherence.

In other words, the typical middling IQ solipsistic thot.

From a White man,

Funny, though, she’s dating a white guy named Riley Roberts… I’m sure he’s a self hatin cuck but regardless, I find it hilarious that these white-hating individuals talk so much shit about whites yet still want to fuck us.

Don’t let the media tell you otherwise. The White man is still the apex sexual market prize to the world’s women.

Sure, she has decent milkies. She better served America as a bartender.

From Nate,

Anytime somebody seriously talks about implementing reparations from whites to blacks, we should counter with proposing that blacks should have to pay higher taxes to support the extra police required due to their higher crime rate. Shift that overton window rightward.

It’s insane that white->black reparations aren’t immediately dismissed and laughed off whenever brought up. It’s straight-up race-based theft, and 90% of people have been conditioned to view it as within the acceptable bounds of policy discussion.

America has turned into an outdoor insane asylum. The lunatic fringe is everywhere.


Crossing my fingers that AOC is “our girl” and Mobster Girl Nancy P is being forced to play a role. Less optimistic on the latter after the MLK weekend shenanigans

AOC has her usefulness. She gives shit to Dem hacks and can’t be touched because “woman of color with little girl sociopath voice like Blasey-Ford”. I hope AOC continues discombobulating the Dems like Trump does to the Cucklicans, but the inescapable reality with her is that she’s just another Al Sharpton with an updated poopytalk lexicon.

Every AOC in America right now:

Is anyone else sick of this anti-White man shit? I sure am.

PS Steve Sailer’s excellent effortpoast, “Identity Stalinism“.




From MPC Status Updates,

I have nothing legal to say about journalists anymore

The combined forces of the media are taking out their anti-White Christian wrath on a boy.

A White boy.

Who shows more courage in his young heart than a hundred thousand cucks will show in a lifetime bending their knees to slob the zog knob.

Imagine, as Audacious E suggests, the roles were reversed. A 14 year old black boy surrounded by adult White men hurling insults at him and beating a drum in his face as he stood there stoically enduring the provocation.

Within the week, there would be statues erected to that black boy, and the witch hunts against wrong-thinking Whites would intensify.

The future is one megacorp media company employing POC shock troops to entrap Whites in the few remaining outposts to make a facial expression that is anything but abject submission, whereupon they, their families, and any White children within a ten mile radius will be banished from school and employment and forced to live on tubers and lichen.

Unless we stop it.

When vibrant inner-city youths kidnapped that white boy with autism and tortured him on Facebook live there was less commotion, concern, and media coverage than when a white boy smirked.

Remember that and never forget it.

— Brett MacDonald (@TweetBrettMac) January 21, 2019

Whites are remembering.
All of it.
And that’s what our enemies fear.

Reminder that Globohomo lackey David Hogg is on his way to Harvard while Nick Sandmann has to deal with media-approved death threats and will likely be blacklisted from every college in America.

Can you feel your righteous hate rising?



In related news, the lawyer preparing to sue all the media scumsuckers for defaming The Courageous Covington boys has received a bomb threat.


Civil War isn’t coming.

Civil War is here.


The Progressive Solution

It starts with stoic endurance…

then progresses to defiance…

which leads to open rebellion…

Be careful Leftoid America. Your final victory is not yet assured, and we are very close to the last panel of this triptych, and to what lies beyond.


Gonna start referring to every old white person as “white tribal elders”


— ‘Based Anglo’ Uber | ᚢᛒᛖᚱ (@URefollow) January 21, 2019

The Real Right has gotten much better at Rhetoric.


Alexandria Of-Choppers was placed on a powerful investigative House committee. Why? She’s reviled by the DNC brass.

My take is that the Dem Party leaders know she’s an idiot liable to shoot her mouth off and make a fool of everyone within hearing distance.

These Dems also know the Russia collusion story is a made-up hoax. They’ll never admit it, but they know it.

AOC is their commie red herring. Her purpose is to distract from the Mueller nothingburger. She’ll sit on that committee and drop one unsubstantiated Trump-Russia Hoax bomb after another, day after day, and the unrelenting noise will keep the public’s attention away from the total failure of Mueller to find anything criminal. The AOC sassy rican show will occupy so much air time that Dems can use the ruckus to segue from their culpability in the Russia Hoax they helped perpetrate, to an offensive posture thanks to AOC’s squid ink. Dems will guide their media allies toward reporting on the irrelevant gossip of the Four Viragoes who now sit on the committee overseeing the impeachment of Trump.

And, bonus, if AOC is bogged down by Russia nonsense she can’t spin up momentum for her Five Year Plan. The Dems’ Wall Street and Big Tech patrons have gotten word out to the party’s tribal elders to throttle AOC’s brand of socialism.

The next two years will be the make or break years for America. Mark my words.



It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.
1984, G. Orwell

It’s been said before, but bears repeating. Leftoids read 1984 not as a warning, but as an instruction manual.

On-topic: The Surveillance State is alive and well and consuming our last liberties: “Is Big Tech merging with Big Brother? Kinda looks like it“.

A FRIEND OF mine, who runs a large television production company in the car-mad city of Los Angeles, recently noticed that his intern, an aspiring filmmaker from the People’s Republic of China, was walking to work.

WHEN HE OFFERED to arrange a swifter mode of transportation, she declined. When he asked why, she explained that she “needed the steps” on her Fitbit to sign in to her social media accounts. If she fell below the right number of steps, it would lower her health and fitness rating, which is part of her social rating, which is monitored by the government. A low social rating could prevent her from working or traveling abroad.

China’s social rating system, which was announced by the ruling Communist Party in 2014, will soon be a fact of life for many more Chinese.


Big Brother is an emerging reality in China. Yet in the West, at least, the threat of government surveillance systems being integrated with the existing corporate surveillance capacities of big-data companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon into one gigantic all-seeing eye appears to trouble very few people—even as countries like Venezuela have been quick to copy the Chinese model.

Still, it can’t happen here, right? We are iPhone owners and Amazon Prime members, not vassals of a one-party state. We are canny consumers who know that Facebook is tracking our interactions and Google is selling us stuff.

Yet it seems to me there is little reason to imagine that the people who run large technology companies have any vested interest in allowing pre-digital folkways to interfere with their 21st-century engineering and business models, any more than 19th-century robber barons showed any particular regard for laws or people that got in the way of their railroads and steel trusts.

Survey after survey has shown that Americans — and Millennials in particular — are blasé about their privacy being stripped from them by a corporate-government behemoth harkening Big Brother from the dystopian novel 1984. I have heard a variation of “if you’re not doing anything wrong, what are you worried about?” more times than I can count.

I’m flabbergasted by this indifference to the existential threat posed by a Globohomo Surveillance State. But then, I’m reminded in so many ways that Millennials are by far the f@66iest generation in the history of the world, and I begin to understand how a soy-addled and rectum-invaded mind can rationalize its own docility.


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