Feed on

It’s defies credulity how brazenly treasonous the Democortez Party has become to satisfy the demands of their anti-White virtue sniveling hysteria and pathologically misdirected Fake Altruism.

To ask is to answer: because the Democreeps want to disarm White America and arm foreign invaders, under the assumption that anarcho-tyranny in a cutthroat diversitopia is what keeps them in power forever.

The Democatladies know their future as a contending party is with the immigrant hordes, so they will stop at nothing to safeguard the flow of vibrant spice.

The Jussie Party isn’t acting alone in their plan to overthrow Heritage America. GOP buttboys for the cheap labor business class are doing their part as accomplices to the Dems’ anti-American treason.

America’s foreign-born population is at its highest level in over a hundred years, at 45 million. Half of these colonists are latino, the other half a mix and match of various nonwhites. We are being terraformed into an alien culturescape.


Kelly adds,

Republican normie politicians are so cucked and asleep and stupid and complacent that maybe they need to be voted out in a clean weep first before they can be replaced by realist Republicans.

“Clean weep”. Perfect typo.

It’s difficult to overstate the vile treachery of our putative elites. Historically, what is happening now is comparable to a state-sponsored ethnic cleansing, accomplished through population transfers instead of forcible expulsion. There is no less-charged way to describe a country that has gone from 90% majority population to 60% in forty years. Unprecedented betrayal by our leaders.


No Jussie, More Peace

Jussie Smollett lied on national TV with a straight face.

He gave cops his younger brother’s name when he was pulled over for a DUI.

He was willing to send two innocent men to jail to perpetuate his anti-White hate hoax crime.

He was willing to risk race riots that would leave Chicago burning for weeks, just to be noticed.

We need to have a national conversation about sociopathic homosexuals.


J.R. quips.

his J** side came up with the idea
his G** side handled the flair and costumes
and his Bl*ck side decided to pay by personal check


Flashback: ADL Said Jussie Smollett Attack Showed ‘Homophobia and Racism that Plagues our Society’

The caricatures write themselves.


James Woods bringing the White hot heat:


Cognitive dissonance isn’t just a glib insult to taunt reality-averse shitlibs; it’s also a serious mental disorder which our shitlib brethren could manage with many years of therapy.

Cognitive Dissonance and the Liberal Mind (via Kevin MacDonald)

Liberals are nothing if not morally smug and self-righteous. So they engage mental gymnastics to avoid changing their beliefs when confronted, e.g., with Muslim treatment of women. This article nails it.


Dissonance produced when holding mutually exclusive beliefs is actually nothing short of a form of mental trauma. Facts that challenge one’s self-identity as a morally righteous person can result in agony, producing a feeling of desperation akin to starvation or intense thirst.

Unsurprisingly then, the resulting discomfort can push the sufferer to great lengths of irrational and extreme behavior in order to obtain relief. Understanding cognitive dissonance, therefore, may go far in explaining our opponents’ aggressiveness and, given the growing unreality of today’s society, their increasingly toxic and desperate behavior.

Ironically, the smarter shitlibs tend to be the ones most afflicted by acute cogdis. They have to do something useful with those superfluous IQ points, and reconciling their false beliefs with reality, utilizing an increasingly complex and byzantine system of ego-assuaging rationalizations, allows them to “blow off” some insula-dominant steam.

For this reason, I don’t think the shitlib cogdis problem will resolve itself any time soon. There’s too much at stake for shitlibs, and in fact a number of them get a thrill from concealing and warping reality behind a funhouse mirror of sophistry. Many shitlibs love the feeling they get from “getting one over” on normals, and to do this convincingly shitlibs have to first get one over on themselves.

Shitlib cogdis is therefore both pleasurable and painful to them. More painful for some, more pleasurable for others. The smartest shitlibs feel something akin to accomplishment when they can successfully reorient a commonsensical framing of a simple issue into a twisted degenerate over-complicated facsimile of the issue.

The only permanent solution to shitlib cogdis is societal cataclysm that drives them underground, where they can freak to their hearts’ content without subverting healthy society. Hypothetically, there is a threshold of mental anguish and self-abasement beyond which even a shitlib with a PhD in poopytalk can’t tolerate, and we may be reaching that threshold as evidenced by the unhinged attacks of shitlibs against plain speaking heretics, and the stepped-up intensity of gaslighting and deplatforming of dissident realtalkers.

The crazy person is craziest right at the moment of therapeutic breakthrough.


How long has Conservatism, Inc. been controlled opposition? Is there a single legacy conservatism outlet that isn’t up to its eyeballs in dirty donor money? At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn National Review is partly funded by Soros bucks.


Deep State Update

This looks like Rod Rodentstein set Trump up for an “obstruction of justice” investigation by assisting Trump in firing Comey, and then using that firing as a pretext to sic Mueller on him.

If you think this implicates Rosenstein in an obstruction of justice charge, just know that Rosenstein was likely in cahoots with the rest of the deep state to initiate the Mueller investigation against Trump.

Remember, Rosenstein plotted to secretly record Trump and colluded with Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment on no grounds whatsoever other than personal dislike for Trump in order to execute a coup d’etat (sedition by any other name). Rosenstein laughs this off as “a joke”, but we know better. Except Trump, who apparently took Wormtongue at his word and let him stay on at the FBI until recently, when it became obvious after the McCabe TV interviews to everyone including Trump that the Rodent was actively seeking to remove him from office.

I’m reeling from disbelief that a deep state actor involved in the seditious plot to oust a legally sitting president — McCabe — went on national teevee not once but twice to brag about his role in it…..and the gallows still collects dust. This is how you know the Deep State exists, and is so entrenched that it practically calls the shots from one administration to another — active colluders can go public with their treasonous plans and remain above the law.

Reader Kelly wonders,

Why don’t MSM reporters ever ask such intelligent questions? Why is it private citizens from all social and economic backgrounds – except when they are “journalists” – are the only ones asking probing questions?

Because the media is an adjunct of the deep state. They don’t ask questions they’d rather you not have the answers to.


The Backup Country

“People are beginning to ask the right questions”


A reader asks,

How on earth can you expect someone to do what is best for their country, vote for the best of their country, when they have a BACKUP country to go to?

An exceptionally fair question which does not slavishly taint-lick the implied subject of the question, so you and your family will suffer banishment from canaanite society, driven to penury and isolation.


A reader has used Gimp Dog Game with a chick.

Why not? It’s funny af. If a girl is giving you a hard time, or she’s fishing for your thirst, send over Gimp Dog to dance on her un-stroked ego.

Gimp Dog is the equal of Birthday Cat in the non sequitur department, he’s just as baffling to girls expecting a predictably boring beta male response, and he carries an air of subtle condescension and amused mastery.

PS This nuclear neg Trump gives to Bernard Sanders is pretty much how I imagine Trump picked up all of his women.

PPS Stool Wars


The Race To Self-Disgrace

I couldn’t hold my lunch down reading this anecdote from mendo,

On the subject of shitlib talking points:

I’m in the elevator, getting ready to leave for the day. it stops on on floor and two guys enter: one a whiteish looking dood with dreadlocks that would rival Bob Marley and some brit limpwristed bloke.

Dreads is yapping away about his kid or some such as they enter. He also stinks. Limpwrist then adds that his daughter doesn’t like boys or girls; that she’s really asexual. Dreads agrees in that tone of agreement that accompanies such dialog.

Limpwrist says it makes him feel better that she’s asexual. Says it like a normal man would talk about the fact that his six year old son wants to plough his female teacher.

We all exit the elevator at the lobby and Dreads adds that he’s been married six times and he hopes his son is gay. Both men laughed. Dreads says he oughta put it on a shirt. This was normal to them. All of it.

Soyborn White males have so debased themselves, and live within the constraints of such a malignantly corrupt culture, that they ostentatiously display their fealty to the most undignified tenets imaginable.

Status signaling about hoped-for asexual daughters and gay sons is how soyborns “fit in” to the reigning Whitegeist. It’s public profession of faith in a religion which teaches the ultimate good is the social and genetic annihilation of their own race.

They don’t have to really believe their signaling for the constant vows of faithfulness to Globohomo to rot their brains. If you say something self-evidently stupid enough times, you’ll either start to believe it yourself or you’ll actively seek allies to the cause in order to avoid a second of self-reflection. Sad!

Related, I’ve noticed an increased effort by shitlib friends to draw others into “alliance” with whatever their cause du jour happens to be. It’s a try-hard recruitment push that coincides with mass red pilling among White normies, and which I think is the best evidence that the country is nearing a political and social inflection point.


Johnny Redux comments,

I’ll say it again, they want your White sons gay or dead, and your White daughters pimped out to browns and blacks.


He’s not handsome but, you know, chicks dig a man who’s killed a mountain lion with his bare hands.


According to news sources, he wrestled the puma to the ground and got the big cat on its back, pinning it with his body, and from that position he was able to grab a rock and bash the cat’s head.

PS There’s the Thousand Cock Stare, and then there’s the One Cock In A Thousand Stare, which this woman has for him.


Deep Scoffs, With Jack Shanky

I’m fed up with America’s remote sanctimony and civic indifference.

Just two examples from the millions available:

Marco Rubiobots: “The poor suffering Venezuelans. We must invade!”
Marco Rubiobots: “White advocates getting kicked out of banking services? Free market man.”

Anti-White spigot AOC wipes a tear away from her cum-stained cheek…not for the working class White man whose town is ravaged by cheap immigrant labor and alien way of life, but for the bawlin’ beanlet who died because its momma was stupidly negligent to take the kid along on a thousand mile trek through desert to storm America as an invading force.

Fake piety for distant outsiders and genuine malice toward neighbors is the shitlib M.O., and it’s time it was exposed, ridiculed, and driven back into the abyss from where it was belched up.


Cuckservatives love to chest-beat about “the American mainstream”.



Shitlord: “they have to go back”

Shitlib: “you have to go black”


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