Contrary cherished shitlib snark about “toxic masculinity”, it turns out the Real Angry and Moody Men are low T Vox readers.
…paradoxically, it’s often men with low testosterone levels that are moody, depressed, and even angry, while men with normal or high testosterone levels are generally sociable and gregarious.
Dr. Christina Wang of UCLA found that men with low T were likely to be snarkier and more aggressive than men with high T, but once the snarky ones received T replacement, their attitude and anger disappeared (1).
The Exceptions
Improper usage (very high doses) of testosterone or steroids could elicit aggressive tendencies (“roid rage”) in men that might be predisposed to such behavior. Likewise, socioeconomic status can play a role, too.
Experience (and a couple of studies) shows us that a good deal of societal misbehavior comes from men with high testosterone levels but low socioeconomic status. Men who are high in testosterone but also high in socioeconomic status can usually restrain themselves because they know they have more to lose.
The following mood parameters were assessed using a 7-point Likert rating scale: angry, alert, irritable, full of pep (energy), sad/blue, tired, friendly, nervous, and well/good. When compared with the baseline period, T replacement led to significant decreases in anger (P = 0.0045), irritability (P = 0.0009), sadness (P = 0.0033), tiredness (P = 0.0035), and nervousness (P = 0.0291), and significant improvement in energy level (P = 0.0020), friendliness (P = 0.0072), and sense of well-being (P = 0.024) in all subjects as a group.
We conclude that T replacement therapy in hypogonadal men improved their positive mood parameters, such as energy, well/good feelings, and friendliness and decreased negative mood parameters including anger, nervousness, and irritability, and direct correlations between serum T and DHT with mood scores were only observed in the baseline period when serum androgen levels were below the normal range.
Masculine men are typically the opposite of the caricatures of them by envious low T males and spiteful lsmv females.
The masculine man is happy, upbeat, friendly, and energetic.
Low T Fake Men like the fruit cups who work at Vox are bitter, anxious, unfriendly, angry, and irritable.
So low T men are like women then.
Maybe this explains the PleaseMeToo movement? Shitlib women are surrounded all day by angry, moody, sniveling, low T twees.
Not too far off-topic, if you squint: A judge has ruled that a men-only military draft is unconstitutional.
This is great. Heighten the contradictions of shitlib equalism. The best cure for America is pushing the patient to a near-death experience.
An emailer chuckles,
This might be bigger news than I’ve seen in a while. Men may be the more expendable sex, but there is a group of women even more expendable than all of men, feminists.
Squint a little harder, and you’ll see the relevance in this study.
Associations between Dopamine D4 Receptor Gene Variation with Both Infidelity and Sexual Promiscuity
DRD4 VNTR genotype varies considerably within and among populations and has been subject to relatively recent, local selective pressures. Individual differences in sexual behavior are likely partially mediated by individual genetic variation in genes coding for motivation and reward in the brain.
Okay, next step, let’s see if this gene varies by race. HOLY COW SHUT IT DOWN.
Genetic counsellors are the professionals who advise on the results of tests for hereditary conditions, often after samples have been taken from foetuses in the womb as well as from the parents. Consequently they are often the first to know that the father isn’t the father. A study in America found that more than 95 per cent of them would not tell a man that the child wasn’t his. (Around 95 per cent of genetic counsellors are female, and you have to wonder if more men would be informed if more counsellors were male.)
95% of genetic counselors, most of them female, would be willing accomplices to cuckoldry fraud.
Read that again. 95% of genetic counselors (nearly all women) would willingly lie for a lying cunt to imprison a man into eighteen years of indentured servitude to a child which he falsely believes is his own.
The word you’re reaching for is “evil”.
Gentlemen, don’t believe all women. In fact, don’t believe any woman. If you want kids, get a paternity test. And vote for politicians who promise to mandate paternity testing (which can be done prenatally, before the cuck consumes you).
If you go to a genetic counselor, ask her up front, “Would you tell me if the baby wasn’t mine?”. Get her on record. It will be useful in court should you prove her a liar.
Hate crimes against White people wearing MAGA hats are on the rise. That’s a real hate crime category with an exponential growth in numbers of cases since Trump was elected, which the media doesn’t want to cover.
“81-year-old Trump supporter assaulted over his MAGA hat”
“Bully attacks, intimidates, high school Trump supporter for wearing MAGA hat”
J.R. cuts to the chase,
this isn’t about MAGA Hats
this is about race
this is just another Violent Black [and hispanic] attacking a White Kid
the MAGA hat is just the excuse
The MAGA hat has become the symbol of uppity Whiteness, and blacks don’t like a White man who doesn’t automatically bow and scrape before his kangz.
Uppity Whiteness is the real sin. A cowed and defeated White person knows his place, but a White person donning a MAGA hat is telling his putative superiors and tormentors that he kneels for no one. That’s what is driving the rage against the MAGA hat. It’s a symbol of Whites abstaining from submission.
Perhaps Whites could wear this MAGA lid instead, to ward off potential hate crime attacks against them:
Things that will never happen: AOC telling Africans to stop having so many babies because she’s hypocritically trying to save the earth from the comfort of her $3,000/month one bedroom apartment in an all-White enclave of DC.
The title of this post suggests a wordy exegesis, but readers may relax because the connections between the thematic elements aren’t difficult to explain.
The cause-and-effect arrows go like this:
War reduces the number of young men in a population
Fewer men skews the sex ratio to favor men’s preferences
A sex skew favoring men means more women available for each man
More sexual market options means increased male choosiness for better-looking women
Better-looking women produce better-looking daughters, ensuring more beauty in future generations.
Conversely, a sex skew that favors women (more men than women) intensifies beta male thirst, because there are fewer women for men to fight over. Men operating in such a parched sexual market will blast online fatties with horrible anti-Game and wife up sluts and single moms. Fertility will collapse from all the men “dropping out” to be one with their fapatoriums, and many ugly, fat, feminist women will find lsmv mates and bear ugly children, ruining the aesthetics of future generations.
Cochran provided a handy dandy graphic to drive home the point about sex skews as an under-appreciated factor in large-scale geopolitical events.
In 1950 in Russia, there were 62 men for every 100 women in the 25-49 age bracket (prime reproduction years). This was the closest earth has come to a Poosy Paradise. An ugly, broke, charmless man in 1950 Russia could pick up 9s and 10s with no Game at all, and have them coming back begging for more of his situational alpha male love because he would have natural Dread Game from his near-limitless options.
In 2017 in Russia, that number had climbed up to 98 men for every 100 women in the 25-49 age bracket. Poosy Party’s over, but a Russia Enlightenment begins.
In 1950, there was a male-favoring sex skew in almost all of Eastern Europe, particular along the Eurasian steppe extending from the Baltics down to Crimea. Post-war Germany, unsurprisingly, also had a sex skew favoring men, although not as pronounced as that experienced by the Soviet Union and its satellites.
By 2017, the sex skew in almost all of Allied Europe has favored women (more men than women), and Russia has bounced back to near numerical reproductive-age parity between the sexes.
Cochran writes,
[The map] shows the sex ratio ( males per 100 females) of the population aged 25-49 [sic] in a number of European countries in 1950 – the adult men that do most of the world’s work. Those that produce more than they consume. In Russia, that number was 62, likely lower than anywhere else in the world.
I think one could truthfully say that one reason for the failure of Communism in the Soviet Union was that the heart of the country had been torn out. Something similar happened in France, in the 1920s and 1930s. People would talk about some problem that need to be solved, or some desirable innovation, and explain that it never happened, because the guy that should have done it died at Verdun. But it was worse in Russia. And it’s not just the dead: a lot of guys were crippled – so many that they made Moscow look bad, and therefore were exiled to Central Asia for appearances’ sake.
In part, the Soviet Union failed because ” an assegai had been thrust into the belly of the nation”. This makes a half-decent excuse: but it would be a better excuse if the Soviets hadn’t done so much of it to themselves.
Still: look at what Khrushchev had to work with. He had released most of the zeks, wasn’t running show trials, undoubtedly wanted to make Russia great again: but the young, strong, independent-minded men he needed were scarce. Some had died of typhus or famine in the Revolution, some had been shot and buried in Kuropaty Forest. More had died at Vyazma,Stalingrad, Kursk, and Berlin.
Back in the 1950s, Russia was a lot weaker than it looked.
Yes, but Russia was stronger in one respect: A new generation of Russian beauties was being born.
Cochran may object on genetic computational grounds, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that today Russia, the Baltics, and the EE steppe countries have famously beautiful native women. Those regions went through a male meat grinder (that’s male privilege for ya), and out of that came rapid and intense sexual selection for an exquisite female beauty that has astounded the world.
As often happens, when men lose, women win. And then the surviving men get to enjoy women’s winnings.
Now that Russia has its core of young men restored, go long on the country’s prospects. Thankfully, once a high average female beauty is genetically established in the population, it tends to stick around for many more generations. Russia, not China, may be the story of the 21st Century.
The male-heavy sex skew in most of Europe and America now is an ominous portent. Excess men, each with no (feminine) woman to call his own, suggests a present and future West dominated by beta male thirst, intra-tribal skirmishing, foreign entanglements, rampant polygyny and a consequent growing incel subpopulation, and ugly unfeminine women acting like hard 10s. Mass migration of third world males into the West only exacerbates the problem.
We have entered the Age of Schisms and Solo Jizms.
Caveat: a population with excess women also needs low rates of out-of-wedlock births and single mommery. After all, the U.S. gr0id population is also woman-heavy… but still butt-ugly.
Very true. A male selection pressure acting on an abundance of females would have to include 1. male standards, 2. a social stigma against polygyny and 3. an innate disposition toward monogamy (and the concomitant male investment) in order to beautify proceeding generations of women. Otherwise, men will just pump and dump more women instead of invest in higher quality women, and leave a hellscape of single moms in their wake.
Eurasian men meet all three preconditions (generally, with some exceptions for high sociosexual men at the margins).
zeta male pondscum cracked me up with this sardonic aside,
Well, since a weak man like me is unlikely to last long in the coming civil unrest, i want you all to know that i bequeath to you all the beautiful young ladies whom i wouldn’t have stood a chance with anyways……
Is it possible Woods shivved three generations of Clintons with one strike?
I’d like to see him, Trump, Warren Beatty, and Jack Nicholson hanging out. And I’ll throw Mel Gibson in there.
Hell, make it into an Entourage-like show.
Must see T-vee.
Bonus James Woods:
Alex Of-Color will I’m sure respond with a sassy tweet quoting Cardi B.
Evie Magazine is the female version of Chateau Heartiste, written by women who have taken the concepts explored at this ‘umble abode and softened their presentation to appeal to a more delicate audience.
Gaypal CEO Dan SCHULMAN is proud that his company censors and demonetizes political dissidents.
PayPal CEO Admits Partnership with Far-Left SPLC to Blacklist Conservatives
After being asked by the Wall Street Journal what “values” PayPal identifies with,” Schulman replied, “Probably the most important value to us is diversity and inclusion.”
J.R. summarizes,
Diversity means Fewer Whites
Inclusion means Excluding Whites
Why do anti-White terrorists commit hate hoaxes? Four reasons:
positive attention and instant fame (As Greg Cochran quipped, we no longer glorify heroic deeds, we glorify heroic suffering)
Feminists have been taking it on the man-chin ever since Le Chateau busted on the scene, so it’s no wonder they react like scared little rabbits scattering before the predator sexbots. For all their bravado, feminists intuit the existential threat that sexbots pose to their (already low) sexual market value. And Swedish feminists are the most femcunty of femcunts who have a lot to lose should their small pool of self-abasing beta male lickspittles dry up as sexbots offer a superior alternative.
Sex robots and sex dolls reinforce the view that women are objects and normalise men’s violence against women, three feminist Swedish organisations claim. They’re demanding legislation targeting technology that “reproduces ideas about exploiting women’s bodies”.
Translating from the feminist poopytalk: “Sexbots appeal to men in ways we can’t, and that hurts our feelings.”
First, sexbots don’t “reinforce” anything because male desire needs no reinforcing. It is a force of nature unto itself.
Second, I hate to inform dumb feminists of this stone cold truth, but women *are* objects. Men are visually stimulated by a host of sexy female physical characteristics, which can be objectively measured against an ideal. In fact, women’s personalities are also objectively measurable. It’s also a false premise to claim that objectification is the purview of one sex. Men are objectified, but under different criteria that aren’t as tidily conspicuous as female youthnbeauty.
Third, sexual relief doesn’t “normalize violence” against women, unless feminists want to argue that every time a man has an orgasm his mind drifts to thoughts of gendercide. If anything, studies have shown there is a decline in rape-y violence where men have alternate sexual outlets.
Finally, they misspelled “reproduces female biological forms which trigger male arousal”.
The debaters noted that today’s sex robots often have the “appearances and attributes typical of the objectifying, sexualised and degrading attitude to women found in today’s mainstream pornography”.
Note the typical femcunt bait and switch: a man’s desire, typified by his boner, is the same as a “degrading attitude to women”. More accurate: a man’s desire is a degrading attitude to fat, ugly feminist shrews who are neglect raped by never being the object of that desire.
“Why are men willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a robot that obeys their smallest command?” the feminists asked rhetorically. “A female robot cannot say no to something that the man wants, if she is not programmed to do so”, the feminists complained.
That’s a feature, not a bug. This statement is very revealing. It’s as if feminists want a romantic landscape in which they can giddily and endlessly reject and deny men’s wants. This state of affairs is a power trip for the bitterbitch feminist.
The leaders of the women’s organisations claimed that fantasies stimulated by such technology may lead to real violence against girls and women.
Only in Latin America.
They also drew parallels with pornography, whose consumption, they claimed, leads to sexist attitudes and actual violence. The dehumanisation of women justifies slavery, and the exploitation of the female body through new technology is part of this, they claimed.
So many claims, so little evidence.
The ardent feminist considers a woman “humanized” when she’s loved for “her mind” and chained in slavery to a corporate cubicle farm and exploited by an academia-to-career pipeline that deprives her of the chance to have more than one non-autistic child who is itself farmed out to daycare run by third worlders who drop her kid on its head and laugh about it.
The three organisations demanded that an inquiry be made to produce proposals on “how technology and activities that normalise abuse can be restricted and prohibited”.
Funny, I was under the impression that Western societies have so abnormalized “abuse” to the point that a shy betaboy can’t look sidelongs at a girl in an elevator without getting fired and cast off from polite company.
Note that the only way these empty, vapid assertions by femcunts are anywhere close to reality is if one redefines “abuse” to mean anything a man does to a woman other than promptly and deeply bow before her arrival and transfer the contents of his bank account to her favored refugee resettlement NGO.
The feminists also want Swedish authorities to make it difficult for “brothels with sex robots and dolls” to open in Sweden.
FYI Swedish feminist “leaders” are actually pissed that Hungary has pro-natal policies which would increase the number of births of White Hungarians. To the Swedish cunt, this is unacceptable. All White women must be made available for race mixing. Link:
Sweden’s ambassador to Hungary has received protests from the Hungarian government following Social Security Minister Annika Strandhäll’s incendiary tweet against Budapest’s policy to completely exempt mothers of four from taxes.
Strandhäll wrote that Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s demand for “more genuine Hungarian children” was offensive, “reeked of the 1930s” and effectively offset the benefits of feminism.
“What is happening in Hungary is alarming. Now Orban wants more ‘genuine’ Hungarian children to be born. The policy reeks of the 30s. A right-wing populist you need smokescreens for what this type of policy does to the independence women have been struggling for”, Strandhäll tweeted.
Swedish feminists are offended by White Hungarian children. I wish I was making this up. To the Swedish (and American) feminist, “independence” for women means encouraging them to get knocked up by Q’antavious Sh’aazaam.
Based Hungary responded to the Swedish shrews,
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto called Strandhäll’s statement “unacceptable” and noted a big difference between Sweden and Hungary in terms of politics.
“Hungary spends money on families, while Sweden spends it on migrants”, Szijjarto said…
Where is the lie?
Viktor Orban’s call for “Hungarian children” didn’t resonate well with the Swedish press, either. Sydsvenskan‘s columnist Sofia Nerbrand wrote that Orban “should be ashamed” of steps to stimulate childbirth in Hungary.
“Viktor Orban’s stated goal is that the Hungarian people will increase with the help of white Hungarian offsprings, not migrants,” Nerbrand wrote, calling this approach ‘unsavoury’. “Rhetoric and politics that put one’s own people first and shut out the others should have no place in today’s Europe.”
Swedes are mentally ill. Swedish feminists belong in a funny farm. These awful cunts are on record demanding more migrant births at the expense of native White births. Yet, they now run Sweden:
In 2014, Sweden received its first “feminist” government, which puts a special emphasis on women’s rights.
Sweden will be the first Western nation to collapse in a conflagration of orc invasion and pussyhat misrule, unless Swedish men wake the fuck up and kick these termagants out of a power which does not suit the female temperament and which is consequently ABUSED by feminists who have no earthly idea how to sustain civilization.
The Chateau comes out against any attempts to ban sexbots, unless there is simultaneous banning of fat chicks and caustic feminists, otherwise you’re just gonna create a massive black market fueling illegal profits that would make El Chapo blush.
I wonder what it is that made these sycophants want to see their people, their history, and their homeland be destroyed. There’s feelz over reals, but these are modern day Tarpeia’s.
How is what Swedish feminists bitch about indistinguishable from mental illness? It’s sheer lunacy.
I have a suggestion for Swedish feminists. If you fear the threat from sexbots taking your place in the game of romance, stop being feminists. Lose weight, stick with your kind, respect your role in the home, and drop the battlecunt attitude. You might find Swedish men sharing their way with you.
The best thing about the Smollett Libel is that it also smears the media, because the gears of the Anti-White Hate Hoax Machine are as much lubed by the Narrative agitprop of credulous whorenalists as they are by attention whore gayjewlattos. You can tell this shames media shitheads as much as it does Smollett by how sheepishly the usual suspects are reporting the story.
The Chaimstream Media, as is their nature, are treating the Smollett Libel as a one-off. But it’s not. Anti-Whitehate hoaxesare the norm rather than the exception in Clown America.
Neither was it a ruse by Smollett to coax his Empire producers for a salary raise. That’s just his lawyers’ squid ink to distract from the real, underlying motive. Smollett may have thought the insta-fame from being a hate crime victim would shine his Challahwood star (“see, randos on the street know who I am!”), but the compulsion came from a deeper place, where raw tribal instincts boil in a hindbrain stew.
Let’s be clear about this, Smollett’s Blood Libel carried with it some very serious consequences, if he had pulled it off. The sociopath narcissist was ready to condemn two innocent White men to prison to preserve the believability of his faked anti-black and anti-gay hate crime. Had the security camera been pointing in the right direction, he may have succeeded. Realize what this means. A pumped and primed media running a 24/7 weeks-long propaganda blitz featuring a grainy video of the two masked Nigerians wearing MAGA hats in a choreographed beating and noosing of Smollett would have set Chicago ablaze in race riots. There would have been multiple deaths, billions in property damage, and even greater State hounding of dissident White men.
We dodged a huge fucking bullet thanks to Smollett’s idiocy and the media’s eager overreach.
People lament it’s as if the media learned nothing from the anti-White UVA and Covington Boys hate hoaxes, but that misses the point. The media ARE NOT INTERESTED in learning any lessons; the media WANT to push these blood libels against White Christian men. Do you think leftoid media apparatchiks don’t already know most of these “hate crimes” are hoaxes? They know, and they don’t care. They abide one journolister ethic: GET WHITEY.
The blood libeler exploitation was a mutually reinforcing feedback loop. Smollett exploited a credulous media that so badly WANTED TO BELIEVE IN AND PROSELYTIZE the myth of structural White racism, while the media exploited a narcissistic racist Smollett who so badly WANTED TO MAKE EVERYONE BELIEVE IN the myth of structural White racism.
The media is disproportionately, veering toward predominately, staffed, operated, and owned by [special people], who harbor a visceral hatred and spiteful envy of White male Christians. It is what it is, I don’t write the cosmic laws. As long as the media is in the grips of this small but powerful minority, the GET WHITEY prime directive will remain in place. The only solution is mass firings from media outlets and substitution with Heritage Americans. I’m looking at you, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, BEZOSPOST, CARLOSSLIMTIMES, AP, REUTERS, YAHOO, AXIOS, PUFFEDHO, FEEDBUZZ, and EVERYONE AT FOX EXCEPT TUCKER CARLSON.
Smollett let down the media because he was such a dummy that he exposed the Anti-White Hate Hoax Industry and the media’s role in it to Nice White Americans who would normally give these “victims” the benefit of the doubt. No more. A killing blow has been delivered to the Hate Hoax Machine. The media will try to move on from Smollett as if nothing much has changed, but they will find their hope outraces their accelerating disgrace when, in future hate crime cases, regular White Americans shrug and ask for hard evidence first before giving their credulity.
Smollett fucked up this cushy gig the media (and their Uniparty allies) had going, and for that we should thank him. Ironically, Smollett has done a world of good for MAGA.
Smollett revealed two simultaneous, interdependent operative cultures: The Lie Culture and the Anti-White Blood Libel Culture. These are real cultures, as opposed to Fake Cultures like Patriarchy or Rape Culture or White Privilege which White shitlibs cling to for ego gratification and guilt amelioration.
The hot take from National Review is instructive. Smollett is the consequence of a “victim culture” in which social status is gained through victim “faming”. While not entirely meritless, this typically cuck-preferred argument is misleading. If a victim culture were the primary motivating force behind all these hate hoaxes, why is it primarily White Christian men targeted by the victim mongers? A true victim culture would feature a more random assortment of perpetrators to boost the opportunities available to the victim whore.
The truth is that the fundamental motivation of these hate hoaxes, and the nature of the culture which exalts the hate hoax mentality, is HATRED OF WHITE PEOPLE, and specifically hatred of White Christian men.
This is the alpha and the omega of modren day America. NO COUNTRY FOR GOY WHITE MEN.
Until and if “mainstream” conservatives acknowledge this reality, we will continue losing the war, and our nation, to the degenerate fuggernaut Left.
PPS Jussie-the-tip is demanding presumption of innocence for himself. Well, isn’t that funny how a freak’s tune changes when the shoe is on the other foot. Same Jussie, before his hate hoax blood libel: “Brett Kavanaugh did not deserve presumption of innocence“.
Can you stomach these lowlifes anymore? I can’t. Mockery is my medicine.
PPPS This is a good time to collate the tweets of all the Democreep candidates who came storming out of the gate to express solidarity with Smollett. These screen captures will prove useful during the 2020 campaign as reminders to White Americans of the kinds of evil, malicious, scum of the earth anti-White bigots and sanctimonious cunts currently posing as legitimate presidential candidates (yeah, I’m looking at you, too, Bernard).
James Woods, based&whitepilled: “This should be on a billboard throughout the entire election cycle. A constant reminder of your lust to spew hatred of white people without any respect for the facts.”
The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe.
To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.
Cory Booker (D-Downlow) employs the DARVO tactic. Via Kelly, “Excellent example of DARVO – a tactic of abusers when confronted where they deny, attack, reverse victim and offender – used by a politician:
Sen. Cory Booker was one of the first politicians to jump at Jussie’s story and used it to push his anti-lynching legislation in the Senate. Even though no lynching occurred, even if Jussie had been telling the truth, Booker quickly related it to his own agenda anyway. When confronted by a reporter after the story of the hoax broke, Cory Booker immediately went into denial by saying “information is still coming out.” Then he went on the attack by saying, “Bigoted and biased attacks are on the rise.” This switched the roles of the actual victims of Jussie’s crime, Trump-supporters, to victimizers, when he implied that the problem isn’t hate crime hoaxes, but “right-wing terror attacks.” Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
“racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia…you name it” Krist, they all sound like Hillary Clinton clones.
The racist and homophobic attack on Jussie Smollett is a horrific instance of the surging hostility toward minorities around the country. We must come together to eradicate all forms of bigotry and violence.
Racism, homophobia, & all forms of bigotry & hate have no place in this country. The fight for equality isn’t over – no one should have to live in fear of being beaten on the street because of who they are.
It’s amazing how many blood libelers are running for president on the Democrat ticket!
What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.
We track hate. In 2017 alone we counted 51 anti-LGBT groups in the US.
The violent attack on Jussie Smollett, albeit despicable, is not unique. POC & the LGBTQ community are most commonly targeted – especially those at the intersection of both identities.
This list wouldn’t be complete without checking in with our [special friends] at the $PLC. Maybe they should try tracking hate hoaxes instead. It would keep them legitimately busy.
I need some good news. Here’s something: Nick Sandmann — the iconic Covingtonlord — is suing the Bezos Post for defamation in the amount of $250 million. Word has it the case will go before a Kentucky court, so there’s a good chance the Bezos Post will lose and have to cough up a huge chunk of change and a groveling apology as part of a plea deal.
Spare me a moment to preen. My predictive power is pretty good.
I said way back when it first broke that the Smollett saga would wind up being akin to gay role play. Not far off.
I said right after Inauguration Day that Javanka would be Trump’s Achille’s heel. Spot on.
Now I’m saying Bernard “Bolshevik” Sanders will win 2020 if Trump doesn’t make a course correction soon. Details to follow.
[…] According to the death investigation, officials say Burrous worked his shift at KTLA, and then left early for the day complaining he felt ill.
Instead of going home, he set up a meeting with a man at a motel in Glendale for an afternoon of hardcore sex. The two allegedly met on Grindr and had hooked up multiple times in the past.
When the companion arrived, Burrous allegedly answered the door fully nude, and had set up the room with “DJ style” lighting, S&M toys, lubrication jelly and a massage bench. The two men allegedly engaged in various forms of sexual activities, including anal and oral sex.
At some point during the meeting, 43-year-old Burrous allegedly inserted a “rock” of crystal meth into his anus and stated it was supposed to make him “high and loose”
He then allegedly gave his companion a syringe full of GHB and a bottle of Gatorade. The two became intimate again, and Burrous allegedly inserted another “rock” of meth into his anus before putting on a mask while his companion allegedly inserted his hand into Burrous’ backside.
The report states Burrous also used “poppers,” an alkyl nitrite inhaled that produces a euphoric effect.
Burrous began getting fisted while laying face down on the bed, and allegedly told his companion he was feeling fine until the man noticed him making a grunting noise, and flipped him over to realize Burrous had vomited inside his S&M mask.
The man called 911 and began to perform CPR on Burrous until emergency responders arrived. He was transported to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead in the emergency room.
I can’t believe how much sordid detail is in this news report. This is like the opposite of Fake News. Too Real News.
During the death investigations, officials were told Burrous, who leaves behind a wife and young daughter,
Unfathomable. You’re this gay man’s wife or daughter. You wake up to read this in the news. What do you do?
Why, exactly, was all this detail released to the press? Did the cops have a vendetta against Burrous and spilled every bean to the media? Is this par for the course in suspicious death investigations? You’d think the family would request discretion about the circumstances surrounding the death. Or maybe the wife hated her gay husband and his secret life.
Last question. How many gay homosexual men have children? Is the wife-beard a common occurrence? I would think the more out-and-proud gay men there are, the fewer gay men in sham marriages who might pass on their theoretical (theatrical) gay genes.
This is Chris Burrous, reporting for KTLA….today’s story: butt meth and gay fisting. Should it be included in the Common Core curriculum?
To clear thing up, we need to speak of White Elite Privilege.
The US is really about White Elite Privilege, not White Privilege.
White Elites really do have privilege and work hard to justify & keep it by spouting PC cliches about fighting ‘white privilege’, thus spreading the blame around to ALL whites, most of whom don’t have privilege. It’s a trick of spreading the blame to stay in the game.
We have to stop talking of ‘White Privilege’. The term is too broad and genetic. Too often, the debate is about ‘there is white privilege’ vs ‘there is no white privilege’.
The problem is ‘white’ is too expansive and inclusive a category, including everyone from Bill Gates to toothless hillbilly in W. Virginia. So, ‘white privilege’ is pointless as it includes even dirt poor whites with nothing and are often victimized by black thugs.
But there really is White Elite Privilege. Paradoxically, in order for White Elites to keep their own considerable status and privilege, they must denounce ‘White Privilege’. It’s so very convenient for them because they, as the clever educated and affluent, get to pretend as agents of ‘social justice’ against the white working class and ‘deplorables’ who resist ‘change’. (Diversity also favors the elites over the masses. In a homogeneous society, the elites with MORE are at moral disadvantage to the masses who have less. But in a diverse society, the haves can hug Diversity [mostly as tokens and peons] and accuse the have-nots of their own kind of ‘racism’ and ‘xenophobia’. Thus, moral advantage goes to the elites.)
To expose and bring these a**holes down, we need to use the term, White Elite Privilege. Or White Comprador Elite Privilege because white elite privilege is in service to Jewish Super-Privilege. As Jewish Power has rigged the Narrative to make Jews holy & pure while making whites sinful & guilty, white elites must appear to atone for their past sins in order to justify and keep their privilege. Jews exploit this psychology by steering guilt-ridden white elites to serve Jewish power and Zionism, and the white elites play along because it isn’t too difficult to shout out ‘Long Live Israel’ and wave the Israeli flag. Sure beats being dragged to labor camps for re-education.
We need to talk of White Elite Privilege vs White Mass Problems. Change the terms of the debate, and people will think differently.
Reframing is a core Game concept for a good reason: it’s a powerfully effective persuasion technique, of women, of voters, and of gathering revolutionaries.
Audacious Epigone is currently on a social media hiatus (hopefully for reasons that aren’t too serious). In this post about Middle America finding within itself the will to survive, a comment jumped out at me.
First, the highlighted comment from Screwtape:
George Washington lost at least three major battles before he was able to secure a victory.
I’m trying to grasp for a silver lining in the dark clouds over Trump, but yes, he looks to be maneuvering toward the status quo.
The thing is, he is surrounded by enemies. He has no true side from which he can direct his forces.
Did he underestimate the landscape? Probably. Did his base? Probably.
He got his mandate at the ballot box and has done some good things, some mediocre things, and some bad things along the way.
But what did all of those voters do after they pulled the lever?
How many scattered back into the shadows because “pussy grabber”?
How many were unwilling to risk a hit to their social status as granted by the Prog death cult, so they held their tongues and let the darkness creep?
How many are willing to step into the parent teacher conference, the church, the little league game, the boy scout troop and speak the truth? To step into the overton themselves, to drain the swamps in their own back yards?
How many are looking for a proxy to joust for their honor in the dc swamp while they let their wives emasculate them in their own kitchens?
The war is not just decided by a man in the DC swamp.
We are in a culture war, one we have been losing – nay, may have already lost.
No one general is going to take down a hundred years of rot without pitchforks and torches in every town square.
What we need more than ever is a “Million MAGA March” to the Capitol steps. Pitchforks and torches announcing its arrival. If Nancy Pelosi isn’t peeing her depends and Alex Of-Color eye-bugging like a chameleon, nothing is changing.
Achmed E Newman responds,
Right now, the costs [of rebellion] are mostly just social and occasionally economic. People had better just quit being worried about being called names and un-LIKED, before they have a lot more to lose.
I wrote this under one of the Sailer threads on the Covington kids, but I think all it will take is one particular incident in which no-one on our side backs down, and we have enough brave-enough souls to support a cause in reasonably big numbers, to embolden a whole lot more people. There’s a whole lot of tactics that patriotic Americans could learn from the 1960’s, and I don’t mean old chants and not bathing for weeks.
People will learn that at a certain numerical level of like-minded people that they can’t arrest all of us, they can’t fire all of us, and all their nasty tweets in the world don’t mean a damn thing. The patriots have a very distinct advantage in being the people that make the world go ’round.
One of Globohomo’s battlefield tactics is to isolate and ostracize dissenters, so that like-minded allies are led to believe they are alone, and few support them. The judicial torture of a handful of C’ville protestors since that fateful weekend, plus the kid glove handling of pantifa shock troops, was Globohomo’s reaction to White rebels catching them off-guard. It’s head games all the way down.
MikeatMikedotMike presents the “costs are too great” side of the argument:
I suppose I could stand up like the article says; it’s well written and I agree with its theme, but reality has a way of rearing its ugly head. If I stand up, I will be out of a job, lose my house, and be unable to support my family. My former co-workers and most of my family will shun me because they will think I’m insane, as they make up what is the majority of middle America that has absolutely no idea what’s coming. Now I’m unemployed and alone. Can I move in with Screwtape at that point?
The change (read: violence) will begin when either the welfare entitlements and government pensions start to dry up and those fokes begin to loot and burn in the urban areas, or when economic collapse drives the working class out of their jobs and puts them into a position of nothing left to lose.
If the kind of populist driven reversal of course is going to happen absent those two things, it will have to be started by a group of individuals who have the resources to sustain it through the beginning stages (the FF were not middle class, they were the rich guys.)
I’m also more genuinely concerned about the idea of firearm confiscation becoming a real possibility than ever. Here in Shillinois, Pritzger seems pretty intent an making a legit attempt at doing so (btw his brother is a former army colonel who served for 26 years, retired, and has since become a transsexual who splits his time between Chicago and Israel.) So then if it happens, who are all of these so-called red pilled police going to side with at that moment of truth? The people and the 2ndA? Or their own pensions? To ask is to answer it. The police in metro areas, as we have seen in all of these LARPing dust ups the last few years, either take the antifa side or remain out of sight. Any attempt for a dissident group to organize would be shut down by the SWAT teams made up of “conservative” cops.
The larger point is the police are not on our side, and won’t be if there is violence. They will serve their masters in the state on the promise of comfortable salaries, OT, healthcare, and pensions. They will shoot us down in a heartbeat if we organize or refuse to give up our guns. If you want an example as to why I believe this, visit the Second City Cop website and see how these two “conservative” cops feel about pensions. They feel as emphatically entitled to them as any garden variety negro does about his LINK card. Has anyone here actually known of a commenter to identify as a police officer at UR? I’ve been reading here for over 2 years and haven’t run across a single cop (that I can remember.) They probably are here but keep it to themselves. That speaks for itself. Cops are paid legionaries; their loyalty is to the man who gives them coin.
Ironically, 2A has given conservative White Americans an “illusion of power” which has lulled them into complacency about the Left’s scorched earth policy toward American institutions.
Now for the “benefits are too great to ignore” side of the argument, a commenter over there offered his personal story of rebellion. I reprint it in full here.
I agree wholeheartedly with AE’s post. There definitely needs to be more standing tall out there. Coulter has said the same thing. The only show of public support and respect Trump gets is when he’s in Israel. We shouldn’t be surprised if his actions reflect that.
In December, I was visiting my hometown of Norfolk, Nebraska and was drinking some home distilled “shine” with four or five local guys–fathers and grandfathers–farmers–in the machine shed one of them has rigged with a wood burning stove, refrigerators, still, and home-made compressed-air automatic beer can crusher.
All were very strong supporters of Trump. So I showed them a banner I had made and intended to display at the busiest intersection in Norfolk the next day, which was Saturday, wearing a yellow vest.
This was what the banner was supposed to look like:
My spray painted canvas banner was much cruder but it was something like 3′ x 12′ and said “DON’T FUCK WITH TRUMP” with a menacing Stuey from Family Guy brandishing a hand gun. They liked the slogan, helped me mount the canvas, but none would join me the next day for my stab at displaying support for Trump.
I don’t blame them, really. It’s scary for us to do something like that. There were a couple of comments about not wanting to go to jail.
The next day, I drove to 1st St and Norfolk Ave and began putting up the banner by pounding pointed stakes into the ground. Before I was finished pounding the stakes into the ground, three cop cars arrive and park and two approached me–a young white cop and an older white cop.
Young cop as he’s walking up: Hi, what’s going on?
Me: Putting up a banner.
Young cop: You got any ID?
Me: Yep.
Young cop (after standing with his hand out): You wanna show me that ID?
Me: Why?
Young cop: We just like to know who we’re talking to.
Me: You’re going to have to arrest me in order to see my ID.
Older cop (breaking in): OK, no, you don’t want to go there. What are you doing with this sign here?
[meanwhile, more and more cars are pulling over to stop and watch]
Me: I showing my support for our president.
Older cop: OK, well of course you have the right to free speech. But you have to hold any signs like. You can’t pound them into the ground.
Me: I can’t hold it by myself. I don’t have anyone to help me, even though everyone around here supports Trump.
Older cop: Well, you have to take it down.
Me (growing angry): You know why I don’t have anyone to help me hold it? Because of you. They were afraid they would go to jail. You are the problem.
Older cop: No one is going to jail for holding a banner.
Me: Well that’s what they said, so YOU guys ARE the problem. Trump’s fighting all the power in DC. He’s got George Soros with his billions doing everything he can to destroy him, and here I am, one lonely puny guy out here with my homemade banner, and you are shutting me down. You are out here helping George Soros, for the love of God.
The older cop just stood there for a minute. Then he turned and walked back to his car without a word. The young cop followed him, and all three drove away.
Now some of the cars that had pulled over to watch this highly unusual spectacle for the Midwest honked and gave me thumbs up and yelled they liked the sign, and one lady ran over and asked if I would take her picture with the sign.
It was the most exhilarating thing I’d done in a very long time.
Here’s me just after the cops left:
The fact is, if it came to it, the ONLY group capable of the organizational skill, smarts, and righteous fury to challenge a corrupt US elite is WHITE MEN.
And this is why Globohomo tirelessly works to snuff out the first signs of defiance from rebellious White men. They are scared of what we can achieve.
Now Trump has to take the lesson to heart, and fight like it’s 2016 again.