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Ugly Truth Of The Day

There is no assimilation; there is only miscegenation.

Our ruling clowns have figured this out, which is why they’re hard at work pushing mixed race couples in media, entertainment, and advertising. They see the writing on the Diversity + Proximity = War wall, and they know that mixing up the gene pool into an indistinguishable slurry that ironically strips all human diversity from the world is the only way to prevent their deserved ousting by the people they have for too long exploited as disposable consumerist widgets easily replaced by imported scab consumers and wage gutters.

They won’t win. Blood is thicker than shekels.


Overrepresentation Matters

Link to a zoom-able image.

Specifically, overrepresentation of market dominant, subversive, nepotistic, tribalist minorities with interests diametrically opposed to the interests of the native stock whose ancestors built their nation from the ground up matters.


Spot The Beta

Paris Hilton is back in the news (her reappearance strangely feels like a breath of fresh air after the deluge of degeneracy that followed in her culturally quaint wake). One of the first pathologically narcissist women with a sex tape and a media happy to elevate her to the status of celebrity famous for being famous, Paris is up to her usual Dark Triad BPD antics in this photo hand-delivered by Gabber @cnair, who comments on the sexual power dynamics between Paris and her fiancé evident in their PR announcement photo:

Classic beta pose. He’s consumed with her, she’s consumed with the camera.

Though admittedly the bigger tell is that he’s even willing to be the public boyfriend of a notorious camwhore.

Some men who have mistresses and run in party circuits with lots of willing quasi-whores are the kind of men who JDGAF about the sexual histories of their chosen martial imprimaturs. I bet that’s what’s going on with Mr. Beta Cocksa Number 175. He looks like the sort of douchebag who’s already mapped out his extramarital affairs.

One the other hand, as cnair noted, this is a classic beta pose by the fiancé, and any man willing to PUBLICLY announce in photographic format his intention to make an honest woman out of a notorious cock gobbling slutstress is the sort of man who likely is riddled with self-doubt and anxiety about his ability to snag a more valuable chaste woman of equal or hotter facial configuration.

Or it could be that this beta is in it for the money, and is doing what Paris wants him to do to keep that gravy train flowing.

Christmas with my love. ?? #LifeisBeautiful pic.twitter.com/DgluKUFeVW

— Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton) December 26, 2017


Merkel LEGOs

Do not adjust your screen. This is not a prank. It’s your new reality. Diversity blocks — aka Merkel LEGOs — have been popping up all over Germany for the past few years, at Christmas markets and airports, tourist spots and campuses. This is the fruit of mass muslim colonization into Western countries. Your high trust society and expectation of enjoying a public space free from jihadis in trucks ramming pedestrians is a luxury of the pre-globohomo past, when white bigots roamed the earth.

If you can’t see anything wrong with these pictures, please self-deliver, to honor your ancestors.

Mutter Merkel should be remembered as a traitor to her country, but having these 2 ton anti-monoculture blocks named after her is an acceptable legacy. I first heard the term listening to a Europa Weekly podcast on Soundcloud. The men who run that show — a Finn, a Frog, and a Spud Famine Survivor — are funny, and their accents make the show even funnier.


In my view, an unresolved mystery of human evolution is why women would bother engaging in status jockeying competition with other women when men choose mates primarily based on physical attractiveness and youth (but I repeat myself), traits which women have little control over and which are hardly altered by direct competition with other women. It’s obvious why men compete with other men….women are attracted to high status men who can provide resources and social connections for them and their children. It’s not so obvious why women compete with other women given that no man who wasn’t a scheming gigolo marrying an older rich widow to finance his gay twink lifestyle ever gave a rat’s ass about a woman’s social station.

And swaggering in to add the weight of natural world evidence to the evolutionary mystery of intra-female status wars, is our old friend ¡SCIENCE!: (via rman2017)

CH, here is a documentary about wolves.

I’ve forwarded to the part on topic. The females go into heat and the alpha has to choose which one he will mate with. He has 2 choices, who happen to be sisters. The assertive, aggressive Grey Female Alpha (GFA). Or the shy, submissive Black Female Omega (BFO). A few interesting bits:

1. The beta is disciplining the females, and being especially aggressive towards GFA. The Beta acts like the court eunuch keeping the harem in line.

Lupus orbiters.

2. The Alpha DGAF. He’s playing in the snow. (If you watch the full documentary you will see at the beginning that he establishes himself as alpha not because of his size or age, but because his attitude.)

no matter what happens, his claws are a-tapping’.

3. The Alpha makes his choice. It’s the BFO. Social rank within the female group has no bearing on the Alpha, as he completely disregards their status. He goes for shy and submissive. He knows that the mate he chooses will automatically become the Alpha Female in the pack by association, not the petty games the females play between them.

Among wolves, female social rank is irrelevant to alpha male mate choice.

Among humans, same. If you’re a hot babe, you’ll attract the attention of alpha males, no matter your social or occupational status. But human society is a bit more complex, so there must be a reason intra-female competition evolved.

One theory: women compete to demoralize SMV-comparable competition into ceding the playing field. Men won’t date women they don’t ever see or meet.

Another theory: A woman’s male partner isn’t the only provider of resources for her and her children by him. Other women can act as proxy providers by cajoling or otherwise influencing their own male partners to redistribute their resources to the highest status woman in the tribe/suburban neighborhood. Under this hypothesis, women compete to earn the favor of not just men, but of everyone so that they are looked favorably upon when times are tough and favors are needed.

Consolation prize theory: women compete intrasexually to scratch their itch for drama that they aren’t scratching with all the boring beta males sniveling around them for a piece of pity pussy.

Bottom line: there’s a lot of misunderstanding about the nature of the psychosexual differences between the sexes that needs clarifying before we #MeToo ourselves into Darwinian oblivion. One major source of misunderstanding is the mass psychological projection that men and women, but particularly women, engage in when they delude themselves into believing what attracts them to the opposite sex is also what attracts the opposite sex to them.

Koanic gave one sterling example of female projection feeding into false female beliefs of a societal double standard holding The Woman down:

If women can indiscriminately hit on all men by dressing like whores, then men can indiscriminately hit on all women by propositioning them like whores.

This gets at the heart of moderin confusion: sex denialism obfuscates differences between men and women, notably ignoring the fact that men are visually aroused and women holistically aroused. So in effect women dressing like whores IS hitting on men.

A lot of man-hating cruelty and female unhappiness could be avoided if we all accepted the biological truth that male desire is focused through the eyes while female desire is focused through the ego.

Similarly, the false consciousness that female social rank matters a whit to male arousal thwarts the budding of a lot of potential romances, while wasting in the rogering trenches the prime birthing years of women afflicted with the delusion of male desire for empowered careerist tankgrrl shrikes.


MAGA Christmas, Everyone!


Inner And Outer Hajnalia

Jayman writes in a comment to this post,

Hajnal line. It’s all about late vs early marriage. Northwestern Europeans married late (average age for women 23) for centuries. Eastern and Southern Europeans married much earlier (often in early teens for Russians, for example). This is a pattern that continues to this day, albeit at later ages across the board (the rank order remains fairly unchanged).

Right, and the Hajnal Line is now colloquially associated with differences in a bunch of other inter-european characteristics, such as clannishness, familism, nationalism, passivity, and fondness for watching from the corner stool. (Paradoxically, fertility rate is unusually low in Outer Hajnalia.) Anyhow, I wonder when the trend of Inner Hajnalia late marriages will bang up against the biological reality of the Wall. That is, given a choice, men aren’t really happy about marrying women with only a few years left of supple fuckability in them. Preference for younger virginal women is universal among men. And there are many biological reasons men prefer virgins over road worn sluts who’ve spent the better part of their salad decade warming up for their ludicrously ostentatious wedding day.

At some point the raw Darwinian calculus will re-emerge and there will be a pendulum swing back toward younger marriages with hotter, tighter babes who have oodles of residual reproductive value left.


COTW winner is Leonard D Neubache, extracting a source of the love women have for jerkboys, and holding it aloft like the 17th Poon Commandment.

Women don’t like jerkboys because they call them out on their bullshit. That’s just the expression of what’s truly valuable about the jerkboy.

The actual substance of value is his will to power.

If he has no will to power then how will he protect her or her children? If he has no will to power then who will protect and provide when things get tough?

The conformist nice guy is humanity’s dodo. He survives in good times but when things get bad (and they inevitably do) he is worthless.

Women are fundamentally hardwired to accept this, no matter what they say. Look at the state of white men and look at how many white women are welcoming foreign conquerors.

The will to power is the only imperative worth a damn.

Hard times create jerkboys.
Jerkboys create good times.
Good times create niceguys.
Niceguys create hard times.

We’re at Stage Four now. Over the horizon, Generation Jerkboy shimmers into view. Shit’s about to get interesting.


Comment of the Week runner-up is gunslingergregi, with this oldie but goodie from 2009,

Problem with american woman they treat their job like they should treat their man and treat their job like they should there man.

Problem with american men. They treat there woman like their boss instead of like their subordinate.

A person who does not have enough expected of them at work will quit.
American men are not expecting enough out of their woman.

I left GSG’s original syntactical and linguistic collage as is, because it’s a part of his persona and if you have the dedication to puzzle together the full, intended meaning of his comments, consider yourself a learned man. Rearrange and swap a few words above, and you are staring at a scintillating gem of wisdom.


The Schizophrenic Sh*tlib

Via. (direct link)

Shitlibs are children. Emotionally stunted, psychologically scarred, and physically androgynous, the schizoid shitlib deserves nothing more than dismissive contempt or sadistic trolling (Trump’s specialty). They are best treated the same way a parent would treat a misbehaving brat: with firm paternal discipline and withholding of their allowance.

Shitlibs aren’t really schizoid…not all of them, anyhow. I’m taking artistic license. They’d like to be called schizo, because it would excuse them of any personal responsibility for their elemental dishonesty. What they are is more sinister: unprincipled, disingenuous, double-talking sophists who will say anything, however self-contradictory or hypocritical, if it hurts their enemies.

Why bother reasoning with these emotionally incontinent headcases? They won’t argue in good faith, ever. The winning response to shitlibcanery is mockery and public shaming, until they crawl away to impotently fume with their fellow losers.


Confounding The Cocktease

If you’ve been around enough women in your life, you’ll have come across a most frustrating subspecies of the sex: the manipulative exhibitionist, aka the cocktease. Anonymous writes,

Happened to a friend of mine. She let him touch her everywhere but nothing more. When he gave up, she lured him back, only to play the same game again, for months. Don’t waste your time with such women, or improve your game to prevent these games.

The worst reaction a man can have to the unique predations of the cocktease is gullibility. Like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football Lucy is holding for him, the cocktease will never let you make solid contact. Keep hoping for a different outcome with her, and keep getting stymied right at the moment your blue balls have hit maximum pressure.

You have to stop pulling her toward you, and start pushing away from her. Redoubling your efforts to get in her pantsuit will only lead to the same detente: her stringing you along by the short and curlies, and then giving you the Heisman when you think you’ve breached her perimeter defenses.

A few CH words of wisdom on the cocktease, which should help clear any man’s mind about the nature of his antagonist.

The worst of the Manipulative Exhibitionist girls are power-tripping narcissists who love inciting sexual arousal in men, but especially in men with whom they have no reciprocal romantic interest. I.e., the classic cocktease, on roids. This is important, because the ME girl’s feeling of control and power over men would be harder to sustain in the presence of a man who likewise aroused her own curiosity.

The Power Tripper ME girl loves the reaction of sex-struck beta males driven to catatonic impotence, but she loves even more the consequent opportunity to put those betas in their places. This is why more than a few Power Trippers are past-peak women in their late 20s and early 30s; she is the woman in dire need of reassurance that she still has the slut stuff to play bumbling betas for marionettes.


The cocktease’s ideal man would be someone she approaches first, but who doesn’t flirt back. He just stands there being amused by her antics, making her work harder and harder for his attention, until his value is outsized in her mind. One step forward, two steps back, is his motto for dealing with cockteases. And then when the time is ripe, he pushes hard for the close, leaving her little head space to rationalize yet another coquettish escape.

The cocktease doesn’t want you to chase her; that will only embolden her to greater depths of cockteasery. The only intervention that breaks the cocktease’s spell is non-intervention.

When she lures you back….don’t bite. Brush her off and later offer a rescheduled meeting on your timetable and at the place of your choosing. This will screen out the cockteases who truly have no interest in you and are just using you for ego thrills. What the cocktease least wants to do is make an effort, so if you have made her work a little for you she’s more likely to drop her act and get real.

When she lets you touch her….don’t bother. Your active disinterest will drive her crazy, and she’ll overcompensate by coming onto you harder to provoke a flirtatiously sloppy reaction from you. State control is your best friend when in the company of a cocktease.

When she’s coming onto you to provoke your ardor…..push her away. “Whoa, not so fast. I like to be wined and dined first.” Or, “What are you running here, a brothel?” You get the idea. You want to frame the situation as one in which you’re the prize and she’s the ho who can’t control herself around you.

The Confound the Cocktease strategy is basically flipping the seduction script. The better you are at psychologically manipulating a cocktease to believe she’s chasing you for your approval (and romantic interest), the quicker the cocktease will stop manipulating you for external validation.

Tell your friend to give it a go, and report back to us.


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