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This is what a date in 2018 looks like: pic.twitter.com/dYSzBo1ajN

— 5th Year (@5thYear) January 30, 2018

Ok, gentlemen….what do you do?

Best answer will be featured in a follow-up to this post (along with my preferred table-turner).


SOTU, Brute?

What I want to see tonight: SOTU, Brute?
What I will likely get: Unity pabulum
What reaction this will cause: Accelerated disunity
What this will mean for 2018: plausible cover for Trump to continue clotheslining cucks and Dems.


Ricky Vaughn names the cuck,

List of traitors:







I really hope Trump hits these fucking traitorous cucks right where it hurts in his SOTU tonight by mentioning how unrestricted immigration hurts blacks the most. Hang them by the penumbras of their own cuckery.


The best thing that could happen for Trump (and by extension for America) is if prominent Dems just come right out and start yakking about the benefit of making America less White. Stay tuned to those SOTU responses from the Treason Party!


I’m pre-jizzing at the happy thought that Trump stares down the CACA Caucus Dems and says, while pointing at the family members victimized by MS13 invaders, “their blood is on your hands.” (Won’t happen, but should.)


Trump getting co-opted in any way by the “polite” establishment has NO benefit for him whatsoever. He’ll lose his base and he’ll never get the support of the Left. He might be able to shave off a few nevertrump cucks, but that number is already low. He should stick to being Trump: a man called upon to wage war against a corrupt genocidal globohomo elite.


I really hope Trump doesn’t start blabbing about offering an amnesty as part of a “deal”. The word alone is kryptonite to his supporters. I’ll know this SOTU didn’t go over well if I see Lindsay Gayham clapping in the audience. I understand the need for CYA “unity calls” and vapid cucknoise of that nature; I just hope he doesn’t go overboard and get used to the applause from the enemies of Heritage America.


If time permits, I’ll be live-shivving cryin chuck schumer’s sweating merchant brow tonight.


Time did not permit. However, I read all about it. This is the best analysis of Trump’s SOTU:

It was a fantastic speech, though, and one that I’m making sure to spread to any independents I know that have negative or undecided opinions about Trump. My blue dog boomer parents are getting the transcript emailed to them this morning. (Actually, send this speech to every boomer you know, if only for the prescription drugs section.) This speech exists to drive a wedge between sensible moderates and democrats and their radical elements. This was pure divide and conquer. The more Trump doubters and haters you convince, the more effective the MAGA agenda becomes.

Look at the numbers for this speech that were posted online. Basically every republican, 1/2 of democrats, and 3/4 of indies liked this speech. That’s an election winner, every time. This is a winner’s speech. This has to be our tone, both in our lives and in our politics. This is the winning approach. As promised, Trump is teaching us how to win.

no_poz reminds me why sometimes the slow play — rather than the sick burn — is the better long-term strategy,

CH I get the desire to chew on the raw red meat of dems and cucks getting shiv’d by GEOTUS in front of millions. But I have noted you prodding readers to think outside the box and I’d encourage you to do it here. Surely you haven’t forgotten the three rules of Trump?

Give it time. He will not let us down. He is driving multiple wedges around the dems. They are being isolated and exposed as un-American, alien life forms. You are witness the complete decimation of a political party in slow motion. Schumer looked like fucking Golem and Pelosi is a Tales From The Crypt lich.

We’re just getting started here.

What I wanted to see for purely selfish reasons — shivs galore — was not necessarily best for Trump or Trumpism in this moment. He did the right thing by playing it down the middle. Now I hope that when the time comes to cash in the good will and leverage he’s built up for himself, he doesn’t go and ruin it with any permutation of a mass amnesty. In the end, it’s policy that matters. The road to get to the desired policy is great theater, but inconsequential when the costs and benefits are finally tallied and we are staring at either a rejuvenated America or a demographically doomed America.

Trust in Trump….but verify.


Moby is “excited” about raw dogging Miss Manjaw and leaving behind a few disfigured blanks to wither and die out of sight of her womb. I’m not sure how anxiety or challenge figures into the future that follows this decision for alpha excision, but it must have something to do with the proper rhetoric to virtue snivel for their equally androgynous shitlib friends and broken-hearted family members.

Mock these people, but don’t sweat them. It’ll all shake out in the Darwinian stew in a generation or two. More anti-natalist shitlib Whites choosing to go childless (or the 1.2 child route) means a lot less of their full spectrum snark pervading society. Maybe that’s what’s giving these two anxiety about the future. They’re the last of their non-breed.

PS Dollars to donuts The Chinster dumps Moby for a blackity black to birth a squad of gargroidles. And then poor Moby will be left with his de-privileged, powerless pud and his estrogen-boosting double IPAs to burnish his emasculate bona fides. Luckily for him the procedure is reversible, although complications are possible, such as suffering the tut tuts of his barren lib friends for daring to reconstruct a faint shadow of his masculinity.


A chimp shows the fear grin gesture of submission to a dominant male:

A human male displays the Nümale Grimace (aka the Soylent Grin, the Moneyshot Face, the Human Gloryhole):

The soyboy lives in a constant state of fear and automatic deference to his dominant superiors, which include the women in his life. He spends his waking hours gesturing his submission to anyone who will tolerate his company. If no one is available to accept his submission, he submits to himself, in a final act of plaintive onanism that ends with his seed mixed in edamame crumbs and spilt 120 minute IPA.


A vasectomy is the equivalent of an alphaectomy because it communicates in no uncertain terms that the man snipping out the channel of his life force has no intention of ever leaving his current termagant to trade up to a hotter, tighter, younger woman who might inspire him to load her belly up with heirs.

The vasectomy is therefore the surgical inverse of Dread Game: it’s Indebted Game. It tells your girl that you’re hers forever, she will never have reason to feel anxious about you leaving her for another woman, and that if she were to leave you it would be a graver blow to your dignity and fortunes because you’d be stuck having to find another woman willing to accept your fizzless jizz. And usually the women willing to agree to that deal are older, low sexual market value women who can’t have any (more) kids themselves. So your lady gets to walk off into the sunset with her options relatively unrestricted compared to your options, beaming as she no doubt will be knowing that it would be difficult for you, Beta, Esq., to find a better looking and hotter woman than herself….in your emasculated condition.

The vasectomy would leave the man victim to the vicissitudes of his girl’s hypergamous tingles. It would render him defenseless, psychologically and seminally. Instead of his girl delightfully dreading his allure to other women and putting in the effort to keep him entertained, she will insightfully appraise his allure as the groinvoid it is and put in zero effort to contain the God-given peripatetic masculinity that he surrendered to the butcher’s scalpel.

Maybe that demonstrated devotion sounds romantic to you, but as regular readers of Le Chateau know, it plays out quite differently in women’s hamster cages, where abjectly domesticated men tied by a whoredeon knot to their women from lack of options on the free sexual market are irretrievably less sexy to those women. Over time, that de-amplification of the sexual polarity will erode the woman’s love and jump start her concubine protocol.

In sum, it pays a man to have his plumbing in working order so his main dame always knows he has the arsenal at the ready to seed the earth with the help of another woman’s welcoming womb. Even if his current girl expressed no interest in having children, the thought alone of her man’s romantic freedom will electrify her hamster-vagina axis of tingle and awaken her suppressed femininity to the job of doting on him exclusively so his wanderlust stays focused on her.


More of this, please. Shitlibs on their turf should start feeling anxiety, dread, and fear. The public spaces they thought were theirs are no longer safe havens. The front lines are everywhere.


A thing is offended. Good.

“…disgusting…” pic.twitter.com/PmWQaJHNVD


— The Polok ??????? (@PeterPolok) January 28, 2018


One reason, if not the primary reason, jews slobber over blacks and happily use blacks as weapons against Gentile Whites is because jews pride themselves on being the motivating force in the “liberation” of the American negro. Therefore, if inherent black characteristics, rather than White VeryBadNess, is blamed for black dysfunction, jewish pride in their outsized role in the civil rights movement is tainted. Worse, it’s negated.

(A secondary explanation for jewish infatuation with blacks is a neurotic obsession with the “primal buck” starkly revealing by comparison their own physical and sexual insecurities. I’m not convinced of this theory, though, because in private many jews will let slip what they really think of “the schwartzes”. jews may be neurotic and theatrically self-obsessive, but that doesn’t mean they’re incapable of feelings of superiority and of lording it over their true hated enemy (not blacks)).


As woman follows man, feminism follows beta male. Hackett to Bits explains in this pithy comment that wins him COTW:

Feminism flows from excess Beta. Make men man up and the problem dissolves.

Feminism is a consequence of weakening men, *not* of strengthening men as feminist propaganda claims. Weak men create a sexual polarity void which is filled with spiteful hags and bitter careerist shrikes who subconsciously resent their empowerment. The solution to feminism, therefore, is to Make Men Dominant Again.

hard times create feminine women
feminine women create good times
good times create feminists
feminists create hard times

America is at Stage Four. Come to think of it, America is at the chaotic Stage Four of a lot of cyclical societal trends.


COTW runner-up is Wild Man, with these two comments. The first accolade he shares with Matt King; it’s a muse on the “White mean” of social organization.

King: “striking the golden mean between individual and group. Neither the “army of one” nor the ant-hill horde model suffices for whites. That’s what Shitlourde is lobbying for — a little more tribalism in the recipe to neutralize the excesses of both radical individualism and totalitarianism to which we often succumb.”

Yes – aka responsible individualism. Which is valuing one’s self-agency above all else, and expecting others to as well. Self agency = the belief in the personal power to make meaningful non-deterministic decisions that therefore implies personal responsibility for the consequences of said decisions.

The second comment is about the disruptions and repercussions that the West is still experiencing since the full liberation of women, (because women are less capable than are men of striking the necessary balance of individual freedom and personal responsibility), and how non-Western colonization and subversion are preventing the emergence of a needed accommodation between Western men and their women.

courtesar: Such a mindset [ed: Outer Hajnal clannishness of the type exhibited by Sicilians] could never build any successful society or civilization
Look no further than Sicily itself
Now in these days it is certainly better than atomized individuals scattered all over the wasteland pleading allegiance to nobody but the the shekel god they serve and worship
That I can give you

Yes – something alot of people (non-NW Europeans, as well as alot of NW European women) seem not to grasp. NW European men are killing machines. But it takes a lot to provoke that. But once provoked ….. well, look at history.

NW European women have been given freedoms (in keeping with their requests along these lines) as per the western mindset that emphasizes the ascendancy of the responsible individual as the prime cultural organizing factor. NW European women are still sorting out the ‘responsibility’ end of that deal. They are struggling with that, alot right now, because of the non-western influence that is running interference on the western man/woman dynamic. Part of that interference has been to convince western women that their men are devoid of aggression, or alternatively … that their men are malignantly deficient because of said aggression. It’s all a bunch of hogwash of course. And there are other interference tactics at play as well (as well discussed here – encouraging western women along their natural proclivity to see morality in shorter term time frame contexts than is appropriate, ….. encouraging western women to adopt the pleasure principle lifestyles, ….. encouraging western women along their natural proclivity to be prone to jealousy over the emotional steadiness of their men …. etc. etc.)

It’s the primary problem right now. The western agenda can’t progress while this condition still exits. What this means is that the non-western influence impinging upon western culture must be discounted ….. like that has to be the normal cultural outlook on these matters in the west …… that non-westerners are entitled to their opinions and all that (which of course is a standard western sentiment), but that it stops right there – an opinion that counts for very little, in the whole scheme of things, western-mindset-wise. Now how is this going to occur when non-western influence targets the weak point in the western experiment at this juncture – which is that our women are still struggling with the ‘responsibility’ end of the ‘western individuality’ deal?

So how to we eventuate the necessary condition whereby non-western opinion on western matters is discounted as worthy of very little consideration with respect to the continuation of the western endeavor? Imo, first order of business …… re-introduce and re-popularize the precepts of the western mindset within western culture. The understanding of what the western mindset even is, has been badly eroded by the non-western cultural interference, as I have alluded to above. There is a positive way forward out of this temporary western setback.

Easier said than done. I’m afraid the only way forward out of our morass is by excising the necrotic flesh that prevents our full civilizational recovery. The excision can occur through multiple means, but the result must be the same: a culling of anti-Western elements from positions of power and influence over the Western mindspace.


Game Game

Sometimes, a girl will call you out if you’re using well-known Game tactics that she may have read about second-hand in Cosmo. Or, she’ll call you out because your execution is sloppy and transparent. She might say, “Are you trying to run your player stuff on me?” if she’s not intimately familiar with Game concepts but suspects you’re using them on her.

An example provided by CalvinDecline,

Last night a girl told me some dude she was chatting with on a dating website was running weak game and trying to “neg her about her day”.

I wasn’t aware girls were that fluent in game terminology heh… was a solid reminder to keep my material fresh and tailor it to myself as best I can.

Now that I think about it… I’d wager most women spend way more time online than most men, so it shouldn’t surprise me if any have stumbled across it.

I’ve noticed that the only Game idea women know about is the Neg. For whatever reason, this relatively trivial Game ploy was the one that percolated through the Damestream Media, and now girls have their hackles up for any appearance of a neg. Women are so neg-defensive that they’ll label any pickup ruse that makes them suspicious of being a neg. This means you as a man should personalize your negs (avoid online favorites), learn to deploy them with more subtlety, or drop them altogether from your patter.

This trend of women calling out Game when men hit on them opens up new possibilities in…Game! (A smart, horny man is nothing if not resourceful.)  Captain Obvious gives it the name “Game Game” and humorously explains its application,

You can always run “Game Game” on them.

“This is me negging you.”

“This is me going radio silent on you.”

“This is me flirting with your best friend.”

“This is me getting you pregnant…”

Like Marlin Perkins narrating Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom”

I laughed. She’ll laugh. We’ll all laugh straight to the orgy chambers.

FYI, CO’s Game Game has been discussed here at the Chateau, under a different name: Self-Acknowledgement Game.

Self-Acknowledgement Game — the art of verbalizing the technique and timeline of your seduction to a woman as it’s happening — has a storied pedigree here at the Chateau. A skilled practitioner can perform miracles with Self-Acknowledgement Game, because it’s at once flirty, edgy, jerkish, charming, and all while maintaining just enough running narrative emotional distance to avoid triggering a girl’s anti-slut defense or bitch shield.

Commenter Thoroughbred writes,

In the category of taking social risks, I’ve been using an opener for awhile now that works like dynamite because it’s so straightforward: “Hi… Wanna flirt and talk about sex?” At a minimum it gets a laugh just about every time, and most of the time it gets an enthusiastic “Sure!”.

The reason “Hi. Wanna flirt and talk about sex?” is so potent an opener is not because it’s direct, but rather because, despite the apparent directness of the message, it’s obviously humorous and therefore ambiguous in intent.

Other names for this type of Game are “Running Narrative Game” and, in old school PUA/NLP parlance, “future pacing” or future projection. More specific applications include the “Time Bridge” and “Time Distortion”.

In the semen-al 2009 CH post, “Telling a girl how you will seduce her“, the basics of Game Game were illustrated with a real life pickup attempt.

A while back on this blog Chuck left a comment suggesting a new type of game routine to run on women.

“Chuck” is Chuck Ross, a once-regular Chateau guest who, through a winding path leading from the comments here to his own blogs and eventually to the offline world, now works as a star reporter for the Daily Caller, America’s most foremost online journalism paper of record. (Not kidding. Daily Caller is co-owned by Tucker Carlson and is imo the best realtalk news site out there. Better than Breitbart.) I’m proud of him, feeling like an e-lucifer who sent his shitlord demons to the normie plane to wreak havoc on the pharisaical establishment.

It involved telling a woman exactly how you plan to seduce her, in step-by-step detail. I thought this idea was nifty so I tried it for myself. The following conversation is not verbatim (who can remember their conversations in minute detail?) but it’s close enough to the spirit of the interaction.


ME: Hair twirling is a sign of romantic interest.

GIRL: Or maybe it’s just a habit.

ME: Maybe, but not likely. After the kiss, if I’m feeling it, I would invite you back to my place to admire my photographs.

GIRL: And if I declined to go?

ME: I would take your phone number instead.

GIRL: And I would give it?

ME: You would give it.

GIRL: And you wouldn’t call.

ME: Who knows? But you would relish the anticipation.

You can read the rest at the link provided.

Game Game, Self-Acknowledgement Game, Running Narrative Game….whatever you call it, it’s essentially a form of the more fundamental Game concept “self-disqualification”, and its effectiveness comes from not just the humor but the relaxation it induces in women’s bitch shields. Game Game simultaneously heightens and relieves sexual tension — heightens it because the verbalization of sexy ideas will imprint in the girl’s thoughts; relieves it because it removes the possibility of social awkwardness from the interaction.

There’s a spin-off of Game Game that involves narrating the woman’s contributions to her seduction. I’ll call it “Pussy Pacing Game”. bigjohn33 explains,

I’ve gotten into the habit of just calling my wife’s shit tests out as shit tests. It works pretty well. I’ll even give her a chance sometimes to agree and amplify to her own shit tests.

Her: You didn’t call to let me know you were going to be late.

Me: Is this a fucking shit test? Yes I didn’t call you because I was fucking another woman.

Her: Yeah. You should have said a younger hotter tighter woman.

Then we bang later. Women being game aware doesn’t hurt anything. It’s kind of fun, actually.

Agreed. I’ve narrated my pickups on numerous occasions, broadcasting my own moves as well as her reactions. Once, over drinks at a rooftop bar, I threw skepticism to the wind and hit on a girl by announcing at what times of the night she was gonna start falling for me, when she would move closer, when she would pretend to be coy, when I would reach in like I was going for a kiss but then at the last second reach around her to grab a napkin, etc….she lapped it up like a dehydrated kitty at a milk bowl. (That last part I also foretold, which intensified the lapping.)

williamk adds,

Some game terminology is actually fairly intuitive.

I’ve said “stop shit-testing me” to girls when I can’t think of something witty. They take it in stride and just laugh. They know what they’re doing.

Never be afraid to call out a woman on her bullshit. This is Jerkboy 101 advice. Run out of bantz? Flip the script. Put the “moral” onus on her for stalling the convo. Girls love men who are aware of the girls’ manipulations. It indicates a learned facility with women, which is preselection.

Captain Obvious, with more Game Game routines,

Hold out your hand, and pretend like you’re holding a remote control, and your thumb is mashing up and down on what would be the “Fast Forward” button, and you say, “Let’s just fast forward through the shit-testing and get to the baby-making.”

[Be sure you’re pointing the imaginary Remote Control at her mouth when you say it.]

If a girl doesn’t laugh and shine after hearing that, she’s hardly worth the bother. (Note: fatties and uggs will be least likely to laugh, so no loss to you.)


Hackett to Bits is rightly unconcerned about women achieving Game-sentience,

‘Women being game aware doesn’t hurt anything….’

On the contrary, they love it. Recent jerky remark to a plate:

“You’re alright…I don’t care what [her female friend X] says about you”.

“Lol! Hey, are you negging me?”

We had discussed the Neg before, but she couldn’t care less about understanding it; she only cared about feeling it.

Women’s feelings are paramount and supplant all other cognitive processes, such as logic, morality, self-awareness, and even self-preservation. If she feels good, it’s all good. Game on, soldier of pink poon.


C. S. Lewis, Christian extraordinaire, knew a thing or two about Game. From his Mere Christianity,

Very often the only way to get a quality in reality is to start behaving as if you had it already. That is why children’s games are so important. They are always pretending to be grown-ups—playing soldiers, playing shop. But all the time, they are hardening their muscles and sharpening their wits so that the pretence of being grown-up helps them to grow up in earnest.

Now, the moment you realise ‘Here I am, dressing up as Christ,’ it is extremely likely that you will see at once some way in which at that very moment the pretence could be made less of a pretence and more of a reality. You will find several things going on in your mind which would not be going on there if you were really a son of God. Well, stop them. Or you may realise that, instead of saying your prayers, you ought to be downstairs writing a letter, or helping your wife to wash- up. Well, go and do it.

Great quote, and I left the second half in as delicious Matt King bait.

The Great Men of Christianity were well-acquainted with the mind-body-penis reinforcing feedback axis, and though Lewis likely would have disapproved of yer ‘umble host’s lifestyle, he would have spared a gentleman’s respect for our shared worldview and perspicacity, though he arrived to our point of confluence via the Light and I via the Dark.

The pretense of being a ladykiller alpha male will help you grow into a ladykiller alpha male in earnest.


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