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Sweet Chai Breakfast Boi

There’s that nümale gloryhole face again, agape and waiting eagerly for the buckcock to jam the back of his throat. It’s the contorted grimace of fear and submission, and why not? The sweet chai breakfast boi with his soylent grin is the emasculated, aromatase product of a globohomo world order which prefers its consumerist cogs in a state of asexual surrender.

This buttplug generation can’t pass from the scene soon enough.

Related: The national emasculation is evident wherever you look. The latest trend is the “soyboy sit“, or the “soy sit”. Also called “cuck leg”.

The demasculinization of young men is a phenomenon that is pressured by a variety of outlets, namely feminist movements and college campuses. Since the ’80s, which famously marked the decline of the alpha male, the public idealization of masculinity has declined as far as traditionalism is concerned. Consider the icons of past decades (e.g. Clint EastwoodRobert ConradBurt Reynolds) with media stars today (Robert PattinsonHarry StylesJustin Bieber). There is something about a “feminine” man that succeeds in the current social paradigm.

“Succeeds”, only if loosely defined to mean “gets airtime on house organs and has to molest manjawed coworkers to get any action”.

Feminine men can only succeed in small numbers, by exploiting tiny sexual market niches as sneaky fuckers stealing women who’ve been emotionally abandoned by their chad lovers. But a society full of these feminine men, as we have now, is destined to fail, and fail spectacularly. The sexual polarity will return with a force. The natural order will resume. The God of Biomechanics doesn’t slumber for long.


Gay Mulatto used to say after a school shooting that “this just doesn’t happen in other countries”. Various leftoid media outfits picked up on it and the like-minded chaimchorus kicked into action, singsonging the Big Lie that mass shootings are a peculiarly America phenomenon. After the de Jesus Cruz shooting, NPR apparatchiks slipped into hysteria, challenging guests who were insufficiently anti-2nd Amendment with references to “this one study, and so many other studies if we had the time to cite them, that proves mass shootings only happen in America”.

Lies lies lies lies lies…all in service to the ultimate goal of disarming law-abiding White Gentiles who are the ONLY group in America capable of organized revolution against the globohomos.

John Lott already researched this issue, and concluded that the US, on a per capita basis, falls in the middle of the mass shooting pack when compared to European nations. Remarkable, considering that most European countries are….wait for it…”gun-free zones”.

The US is NOT uniquely violent in the world. Shitlibs are lying through their teefs.

The Leftoid Lie is even more pronounced when one controls for race. Nearly half of the mass shootings in the US between 1982 and 2017 were perpetrated by nonWhites, (and this number could go higher if we account for the disproportionate number of mischling mass shooters), which means that the native White mass shooting rate compares even more favorably to the mass shooting rates in European countries most of which are still predominately White populations.

So the next time one of these anti-White bigot haters sheds a Fake Tear…

…for the chillun, just remember that Chicago has had 60 murders by gunshot in 2018 to date, almost all of them the result of black-on-black or black-on-nonblack violence. Where are the Fake Soros-Funded Marches against the 2nd Amendment for all of those Chicongo murders?

America doesn’t have a gun problem; America has a n[REDACTED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES] problem. We need n[REDACTED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITIES] control, not gun control.

But this is a raw uncut truth that doublespeaking shitlibs…

…would rather hide from the public because it undermines their Get Whitey Narrative.

A conspiracist book written in 1991 by a former Naval Intelligence member gets much closer than the Gaystream Media to the truth behind the leftoid push for national gun control:

So far, the White middle class has held strong in defense of 2A. But the anti-Whites have turned up the heat following Parkland High, and the puppeteers and their puppets spy an opening to take on lawful gun ownership and mold the nation in their vision: an unarmed impotent babel of squabbling tribes rules over by a gated community elite.


I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.

But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.


What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

  • Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
  • From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
  • Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.

The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.




It’s not a coincidence that female obesity and miscegenation are rising in lockstep in post-America.

If the country is filling up with more nonWhites of undiscerning taste, and more White females of unrecognizable shape, then the predictable outcome is Halfbreed Hamerica.

Fat White women take what they can get, which is usually either solitude or sooty coal.


What Is Love?

Reciprocal obsession.

(a lovely lady asked)


Exhibitionist’s End

Entertaining field report from Capogambino about his night almost stealing a sexhibitionist from her borefriend.

I’m at the local pub on a Friday, and a guy walks in with two girls dressed for the club scene. One girl is a bit chubby and totally forgettable. The other, his girlfriend, is a solid 9, full slut uniform, hair, makeup, tight stretch black dress barely covering her ass. At several times during the night, as she’s walking around the bar or dancing, her dress rides up, revealing a juicy crescent of ripe cheek for a few moments before she pulls it back down. All the guys in the bar are staring at her, waiting for the next wardrobe malfunction.
At one point, the group I’m with is sitting at the table next to theirs, and I overhear her say, “I can get any guy in this bar to buy me a drink.” Her boyfriend and the other chic are doubting her, so she calls over to our table, “I need a drink, who wants to get me one?” The guys at my table are staring at her, not sure how to react, the girls looking like they want to set her on fire and feed her ashes to dogs. I chime in first, “Depends. What are you drinking?”
“Ginger snap.”
“Aw, a foofy drink. We should do shots. I’m thinking tequila.”
She looks surprised, and mildly intrigued.
“No, I want a ginger snap.” She’s testing me.
We go back a forth a bit but she won’t come off the ginger snap, so I turn back to my table and start chatting.
I glance over and her friends are looking at her like “ha-ha told you so”, and she’s looking disappointed. She sees me looking over, so she tries again. “So you’re not gonna buy me a drink?”
I stand up, walk over, stand close to her looking down, take her by the hand, and say, “Let’s go to the bar and pick something out.”
Her eyes light up like she’s been hit by lighting. She gets up, takes me arm-in-arm, pulling me close so my arm is pressed against the side of her tit, and we start walking to the bar.
I’m thinking I don’t really want to get into a fight with her boyfriend and get kicked out of my favorite pub, so I pull away a little. She looks me in the eye with a mischievous twinkle, pulls me back in, and starts rubbing my arm against the side of her tit.
At this point I’m wondering whether this girl has any boundaries, and thinking mischievously myself about how to test them. We get to the bar and she still has my arm locked against her tit. As we’re waiting for the bartender, we banter back and forth about what drink I’m getting her, with me teasing her about her wimpy girly drinks. I pull my arm free and move it to her lower back and stroke it slowly. She turns to me, presses her tits into me and puts her hand on my chest. At this point I’m in the bubble and completely forgetting about the boyfriend. I imagine he must have been seething back at the table watching our little scene.
I think maybe my stroking gets her dress to misbehaving again, and she reaches down and starts pulling it back into place, commenting about how she keeps flashing everyone. I snicker and tell her she’s got a great ass, and that all the guys in the bar have been staring at it all night. I give a couple gentle tugs on the back of her dress and say, “Why don’t you give ‘em all a show?” She gives me a naughty girl look, and says, “Go for it.” I pull slowly on the back of her dress. I can feel it coming up, but I have no idea how much, because I’m eye locked with her, and she’s staring back with a look like she wants me to throw her across the bar and ravage. Then she giggles and says, “Not that far,” and starts pulling her dress back down. That’s when the forgotten boyfriend shows up.
He pushes us apart, turns to me and yells “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING!”
Part of my brain is telling me to get ready for a fight and start thinking about how to calm him down, but I can’t help just laughing. Then the girl shouts, “Leave us alone!” She starts trying to claw her way past him to get back to me. He turns to her, pushes her back, and yells, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!”
“Go away! He’s buying me a drink!” They’re in a little wrestling match as she’s still trying to wriggle around him and he’s holding her back.
I figure this is my chance to exit stage left before things get ugly, so I retreat to the bathroom. I take a piss, then I’m washing my hands as he storms in. “Dude, that was so uncool!” I back up, ready for a fight. I look at him for a moment and decide he’s not gonna fight over it. So I do a weak mea culpa, calm him down, and he leaves.
When I get back to the table a WK friend of mine hits me with “That was just so wrong, you shouldn’t have done that.”
So I say “She asked me to.” I tell the story of what we said at the bar, and we all have a good laugh about it. I can feel the stares of the two of them boring into me. When I glance over, I see them looking at me, him with daggers, her with tingles. They pay their bill and leave, so no chance to seal the deal.

Mate guarding when the whore is out of the barn is never a good look; it’s bound to push the girl even further away. The boyfriend in this tale of ho should dump her post haste because she’s gonna cheat on him soon if she isn’t already.

This girl is a particularly noxious genus of exhibitionist, the “let’s you and him fight” variety who uses the public display of her dripping sexuality as a red cape for any alpha males nearby who could conceivably challenge her boyfriend’s ownership of her and provide her with the ferocious tingles that only two men fighting for her glans can coax.

Similarly, her exhibitionism could have been motivated by relationship trouble (her bf ignoring her, for example) and she was keen to enlist Mr. Stranger Danger to ignite her boyfriend’s jealously so that he’d appreciate her again. Either way, the recruited interloper is playing with fire; he gets the bf’s fury or the slut’s retconned rejection.

Copagambino had some ZFG fun and played his hand well, but in the end an exhibitionist got the drama she needed and Copa narrowly avoided the drama he didn’t need.


DEUSVULT wonders,

what is the lefts obsession on hating Christianity, but going balls deep in love with islam?

Less complex answer: Leftoids are cowards. It’s easier to insult people who won’t fight back.

More complex answer: Leapfrogging loyalty (a term coined by Steve Sailer iirc).

There are many psychological factors that explain leftist virtue sniveling, but one that I don’t see getting much airplay is this: virtue signaling is a way for leftoids to morally preen without actually having to act morally.

It’s a lot more work to be manifestly charitable toward your White neighbor than it is to profess empty charity toward a far away foreigner you will never see nor interact with except possibly at political protests against HURPHLE DRUMPH. Leftoids don’t want to do the hard work of charitable giving, they just want to emote about how charitable they are, and the best way for them to do that is by directing their phony piousness to alien hordes who are kept out of leftoid neighborhoods by restrictive zoning laws and high housing costs. The leftoid who claims the mantle of the xenophilic priesthood is careful to choose distant Others as the objects of her mouthed generosity, because if she made the mistake of speaking charitably about her countrymen and neighbors there’s a chance she’d have to put her signaling into concrete action.


Lawrence Auster passed away a few years ago, but his stamp on maul-right discourse lingers. In my estimation, he was a Jew of sufficient based-ness that I’d put him in the same rarefied company that includes Stephen Miller and Mickey Kaus. Here is Auster explaining the reason for Jewish support of mass nonWhite and nonChristian immigration into Gentile host nations:

That’s a highball of truth right there. The peculiar Jewish psychological profile of neuroticism coupled with psychopathy predicts this exact sort of behavior toward the majority culture. From a historical vantage, it’s incredibly short-sighted.

And we see this jewish predilection playing out in every imaginable way. Today, Jewish provocateurs assemble groups of child soldiers in Florida, following the de Jesus Cruz shooting, to agitate for gun control, which is really goyim control.

If the thesis that diaspora jews are most paranoid about a White Gentile uprising against them is true, then OF COURSE jews would want their Gentile hosts completely disarmed.

Yet instead of wisely reflecting on their own motivations and simmering resentments, jews prefer to take the moon shot of rendering the goyim toothless and impotent.

RIP Auster, you had a critical word or two to say about this blog, but you are honored here because your writing will be looked back on as prescient during a time of turbulence. You were one of the few jews who could cast a judgmental eye at the flaws and foibles of your own tribe. If only there were more like you in positions of influence.


Given that this post meandered a bit into the topic of gun control, a word from your esteemed host:

Trump should not concede an iota to the shrieking shitlibs on their “gun control” issue.

As sure as snide follows gay, that first tiny concession will lead to more concessions, and bigger concessions, until the 2nd Amendment is a historical relic.

This is because the goal of shitlibs is total disarmament of Heritage Whites. If it was about stopping violent crime, shitlibs would be all for effective methods like racial profiling and long prison sentences. But they aren’t. So they’re lying about their real motive.


If you have what you think is a smoothasfuck line or routine to try on girls you hit on, first practice it by saying it aloud to yourself. Not kidding. Every idea we have sounds better in our heads than it usually does IRL. It may seem gay to you chadwicks, but speaking aloud a thought in private is excellent practice for refining one’s Game. When you hear (and see) yourself as others hear and see you, the biofeedback loop between your mind and body is exposed to tinkering, and by making slight adjustments in your voice and body language you will coax adjustments in your mental state and self-conception. You’ve just rejiggered your biofeedback mind-body axis into a positively reinforced SMV signal boost.

Steve Keaton adds,

Record it and play it back.

Less is more, and think of the words as being a carrier signal for the real communication: Your face, your voice, your body language.

Self-recording is also a good idea. Everyone is a little shocked when they first hear a playback of their own voices (we all think in our heads that we sound like a Hollywoodian Zeus or Aphrodite). A man can work on his tone and delivery speed this way, training himself to sound sexier to women. Generally, you want a lower pitch, slower delivery, and fewer words. Almost all beta males in their natural conversational style speak at too high a pitch, too fast, and too loquaciously.

If you want a good rule of thumb governing vocal delivery, shorter is sweeter. Anything you say to a girl will come across sexier and manlier if you can say it with fewer words. Exegeses are never sexy. Quips are sexy.

Quips and teases and taunts are the meat and potatoes of the beginning of a seduction, which is when attraction is created. Storytelling and value sharing — the longer-winded stuff — comes later, during the comfort stage.

There is a notable exception to this rule: storytelling (and embedded DHVs). If you have a nimble tongue, you can pull a lot of ass by flaunting your talent. But even a silver-tongued devil can bore a woman in an ocean of voluble smoothtalk. The best approach is a balanced diet of jerkboy quips sprinkled with intimate sit-close-togethers sharing deepest dankest thoughts.


I was standing near a couple who appeared to be navigating the psychosexual thickets of a second or third date. White girl and Street Shitter. He was chatting incessantly. She looked depressed. Every so often I caught her checking out my Great Whiteness. I could see the redirected sex thoughts and the rue mingling on her face.

If current dating market trends hold, there’ll be a lot of ruing in post-America. The Rue Side of History.


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