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2016Avowed polyamorists are almost universally VLSMV (Very Low Sexual Market Value). This is especially true of polyandrous arrangements. The male facsimiles who volunteer to be shared by one (ugly) woman are so wretchedly unlovable that only the mentally diseased leftoid webzine Salon can identify with their cause.

2010Maxim #109: Consensual polyamory is a contrived hookup service for undesirable sexual market rejects.

2014Open relationships are almost never two-way.

One party to the “creatively ambiguous” polyamory agreement is getting the metaphorical shaft, and the other the actual shaft. The shafted is typically, but not always, the male (no need to sully the word “man”), whose role is as the eminently mockable “beta bux” (or beta hugs) available for service during those three weeks of the month when the female’s libido goes into hibernation. That he may live with his openly open-legged girlfriend doesn’t mean he’s getting the lion’s share of her vagina. But he is getting the lion’s share of her feelings and tantrums and moodiness. […]

Genuine, egalitarian, open polyamory for all practical purposes doesn’t exist among white Westerners. There’s always one or another party out in the asexual or anhedonic cold, nursing feelings of rejection and traumatic self-doubt. And if that party is a willing participant to his or her sexual/romantic exclusion, it’s a good bet he/she is psychologically broken, mentally unstable, physically repulsive, or suffering from clinically low sex drive. In other words, human trash.

Open relationship participants are almost always hideously ugly.

Polyamory is a mating ground for human rejects. Whatever else it offers, the open relationship ruse assists the comically low value sector of humanity to live amongst each other and experience pleasures of the diseased flesh.

True open relationships are predominantly polyandrous.

The general complexion of contractual open relationships — where all participants are voluntary and aware of proceedings — is one ugly to mediocre-looking woman on the pre-Wall fast track lavishing in the flaccid attention of two or more omega males. Invariably, the more masculine (and it’s all relative, so maybe it’s better to say “the less androgynous”) of the males would be the one who is actually porking her.

Illicit open relationships are predominantly polygynous.

“Open” relationships that form organically from the unspoken (and initially unacknowledged) impulses and romantic decisions of one or another partner nearly always manifest into polygynous arrangements: That is, illicit open relationships are distinguished by one high value alpha male discreetly juggling multiple concurrent female lovers. Pickup artists call the illicit open relationship the MLTR: Multiple Long-Term Relationship. Genghis Khan called it Tuesday. […]

In the real world, the openly polyamorous nirvana of ‘sex at dawn’ is really the circus sideshow abattoir of ‘sex before personal hygiene’.


“…polyandry generally seems to be a reproductive strategy mostly used by lower status males, likely as a last resort…“less socially competitive males may be willing to share a wife and make an attempt at achieving paternity, rather than risk never reproducing.”” https://t.co/OtMWAGm7B5

— Darwin’s Finch (@FinchesofDarwin) March 28, 2018

Thank you, SCIENCE, for once again taking my balls on the chin.


PS If our society seems to be efflorescing with more openly proud polyamorous arrangements connecting ugly bluehairs with low T soyboys, that is likely because our society is filling up with more lsmv losers desperate for love and affection. Look around, is America currently an HSMV or LSMV nation? Obesity, pussyhattery, sluttery, and soylent grins are an epidemic.

HSMV men create good times.
Good times create LSMV men.
LSMV men create hard times.
Hard times create HSMV men.


imo this is the most bizarre unreported fact to come out of the Parkland shooting: Unedited video of David Hogg coaching a girl, as they’re presumably hiding in a closet during the shooting, to say “we need diversity”. Creepy af and hints at a much larger scandal looming.

Interviews @davidhogg111 conducted during the #Parkland shooting were reported in the @MiamiHerald. In the clip, Hogg asks a peer “what’s your message?” She answers. He then asks, “do you want to say anything else?” She declines. Then he whispers “come on” & “we need diversity”? pic.twitter.com/aM4fpOXcmR

— Richard Armande Mills (RAM) (@RAMRANTS) February 21, 2018


Many prominent leftoids are now calling for repealing 2A. I can’t think of a better turn of events for GOP fortunes in the midterms than Democrats going hogg-wild with calls for repealing the 2nd Amd. Instant right-wing voter turnout surge!

If Trump continues baiting the Dems into running on 2A repeal and coddling illegal aliens, he could raw dog every porn whore in LA and still see his favorability polls go up.

Dems and their invasive kudzu pets are overreaching on the gun issue, calling for repeal of 2A, but one can understand why they make this mistake: recent history shows huge and rapid gains for the degenerate freak mafia on issues such as tranny bathrooms and gay marriage. The typical Dem sees how easy it was to take a mile, so…


The Left’s ultimate goal is the restriction of free speech for their political & social opponents, by creating for themselves the power to deem what is and isn’t acceptable speech.

2A has to fall before 1A, to get the people accustomed to losing their cherished Rights, and ofc to remove the final obstacle to realizing their totalitarian dreams.


WHITE PILL: Trump’s Commerce Dept just added a citizenship question to the 2020 census. This move could significantly cut into California’s representative apportionment and electoral power.

Big deal: The Commerce Department just announced that the Trump administration is adding a question on citizenship to the 2020 census questionnaire pic.twitter.com/5wTRsABdnW

— Andrew Restuccia (@AndrewRestuccia) March 27, 2018


Judeo-Christian heritage. From DEUSVULT: Norway is still a very homogeneous white European society “so there is a job to done” says Ervin Kohn, President of The Jewish Community in Oslo and the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism.

tick tock it’s 1:10 o’clock.

The Semite’s lack of self-awareness is necessary to their success as a diasporic tribe. If they understood the consequences of their malice and showed empathy towards those it hurts (Gentiles), they’d not be as powerful as they are because good will and empathy work against the accumulation of raw F YOU power.

Atavator writes,

More importantly, it would probably work against their continued existence as a tribe. They would continue to exist as people, but not as A people. They’d simply get along with those around them, and then intermarriage would basically erase the identity, subsuming it into the surrounding group of goyim.

Listen closely to Jews, and you’ll occasionally hear this: intermarriage is feared nearly as much as a shoah.

This is why the state of Israel is such an interesting experiment. You’d think if the primary interest of Jews was to survive as a group, they’d all go there. But they’re evidently splitting their strategic chips, as it were, not fully trusting the way of other groups. Whether this is conscious or subconscious is hard to say.

My opinion has always been that Israel is necessary for this reason. Played correctly, it allows us to force Jews to make a choice: assimilate or go there — you can’t have it both ways. Nobody else gets it both ways.

Game theory experiments have proven that ethnocentrism defeats humanitarianism as a survival strategy, so…


The high IQ and educationally accomplished of the nonwhite races will clink glasses with elite Whites, but when tribal push comes to immigration restrictionist shove those articulate, well-to-do nonWhites will post-haste ally themselves politically with their dumb brutish co-ethnics to stick it to Whitey. There’s no whitewashing blood.


I’m still looking incredulously at this pit crew of mutants and wondering how in the hell the british decided it was a good idea to invite them in by the millions. hey brits, it would be a lot faster if you put the gun in your mouths. Right-o chap, you banned guns. Try throwing yourselves in the Thames then.

These gargoyles are no more “Oxford men” than I’m a shogunate man.

Soul cleanser and loin girder: “What do they know of England”:


The reason this meme…

…has triggered leftoids so hard and emboldened the Right is because it hitches the Boomer-friendly Constitutional Crisis angle to the face of a brown dyke, hitting that subconscious reptilian part of our brains that lights up when our way of life and our values are under threat from foreign invaders.


One of those 56%er Parkland narcisshits admitted to bullying school shooter Nikolas deJesus Cruz.

Emma Gonzalez admits to bullying School Shooter Nikolas Cruz And Says She Was Justified In Doing So.#ParklandShooting #MarchForOurLives pic.twitter.com/bgJg9gD4FY

— ??Meme America?? (@Millenniel_Matt) March 26, 2018

J.R. quips,

so wait – we have to give up our guns and tear up the Constitution cause some Bald Brown Dyke bullied an autistic kid until he went postal?

that doesn’t seem fair

Heh. Memed:

Double barreled heh:


— Crazyslutmagazine the sequel (@HomoFreemasons) March 27, 2018


The Senators should be asking these mini-tyrant tech reptiles why they routinely ban the speech of users with differing political views. And then smash their companies to bits and turn them into common carrier utilities.


How about that! Another thot-for-teacher caught banging her underage charge. (As always, we here at Le Chateau wonder if the lucky boy was a colorful lad.) Wait for the sequel: hubby makes a tearful announcement that he will “support and forgive” his wife “during this challenging time”.


White power couple Martin and Brittany listened to my advice and released a photo of themselves with the harmonious dominant alpha/submissive female body language. That’s the spirit!


Henry Mueller (this guy again!) discusses an important Game concept, relating to the post about a girl sending a text pic of her newly painted goth nails as a ruse to fish for a compliment from a man.

“Red would’ve gotten my attention better.”

Even if you like the black.

There’s a subtle art to teasing a woman’s ego while still dangling the carrot to keep her interested.

If you say it looks nice, that’s alright. Not a fatal error but not terribly interesting. If you say “that looks like sh!t”, you run the risk of sabotaging it.

I say things like this in a “yes, but…” way so there’s always an implied compliment within a criticism, and vice versa:

“You look good now as a blonde but I prefer brunette.”

“The black nails look nice but __ would be better.”

I dated a beautiful Southern girl for 3 years who was obsessed with girly things like taking thousands of pictures of her nails and hair, and I used this kind of thing effectively on her whenever she was fishing for compliments.

It sets a win-win frame: I’m attracted to you, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Done in the right way, women will happily fall into this like a hypnotic subject.

She’s asking you for an opinion on her beauty. You can act indifferent, but why not use it to your advantage? Even if I have no opinion, I always give girls specific instructions and frame it like it’s self-evident that it’s all being done to please me.

A woman who will dye her hair or change her nail color at your whim just to please you is a woman who will do damn near anything to please you.

Related, from the world of highbrow literature: In Story of O, O had her labia pierced with a heavy dangling chain for her man, and gave herself over to another man on her own man’s insistence. Lesson: Women will only love you with wanton obsession if they are working to earn your approval. So keep them on their painted toes.

Fashion photographers and sleazy professors know this “yes, but…” compliance test trick and exploit it to great personal benefit. “This shot of you is great, but if you did this or moved there or smiled like so, the photo would be much better.” “You have a lot of creative ideas, but if you edited your thoughts you would persuade me better.”

In PUA lingo, this Cockiavellian tactic is called Compliance Tests. Similar and related concepts are Hoop Theory and Qualification. All have the goal of altering the usual courtship dynamic to one in which the woman is seeking the man’s approval. Old timers would call it “chasing the carrot”. The idea behind it is that women who do something for you, by being subtly encouraged to self-improvements to please you, are psychologically groomed to think that you are higher value and therefore worth pursuing as a lover.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to please a woman….if you already know she wants you and the act of pleasing her will validate her feelings for you. Men who are over-qualified to women will want to make a few sincere efforts at complimenting and pleasing them, so as to increase their attainability. (Surprisingly often for very HSMV men, women will bow out of a conversation early on with them to save their egos the frustration of potentially getting pumped and dumped or overlooked for a hotter friend.)

But trying to please women in the conventional sense is self-defeating when the dynamic is uncertain and unstable, and your efforts liable to be perceived as the try-hard supplication of a lower value beta male. Before she has fully opened for you (in every way), you want to keep her guessing, chasing, and pleasing you, so that she goes to bed at night eagerly awaiting your next date and all the ways she can impress you, instead of bemoaning the dullness of humoring another cut-out average joe who tells her nice predictable things and vouchsafes his submission to her whims.

“Yes, but…” is a devious sales technique that works as well in seduction — the arena in which you are selling yourself to women — as it does on the car dealership floor. As you persuade your woman to do things for you, over time you increase the frequency and intensity of your demands until wake-up BJs are given without waiting to be asked, just as a message to you that she is always ready to take her next order.


An army of child soldiers groomed by their media handlers and sent into battle under the Soros banner are descending on deep blue cities today to march for their limelight. The playbill says it’s about gun control, though, so a few words of wisdom for this callow mystery meat generation:

Guns are not the problem; people, culture, and policy are the problem.


Authorities missed the warning flags cropping up like kudzu about Nikolas Cruz multiple times. The FBI got 39 tips to investigate this guy, and they followed up on ZERO. The local police called to the scene hung around outside the school browsing porn on their phones, afraid to go inside to neutralize the shooter because that’s not their job or anything. And Ann Coulter stuck the biggest shiv in this steaming pile of leftoid anti-2A agitation when she rightly noted that Gay Mulatto’s “school-to-mass-murder pipeline” policy recommendations were directly responsible for mentally unhinged killers like Cruz slipping through the gutted school and law enforcement disciplinary nets, to do as he pleased. (Coulter advises Republicans to beg the Democreeps to bring up their “school to prison” initiatives; they will not take her advice because they love the smell of losing in the morning.)

Per 100,000 US residents, the rate of mass shootings was higher in the 1920s and 1930s than it is now; yet few back then were marching to repeal the 2nd Amendment or for draconian gun restrictions. Today, the Left mounts impressive shows of noodle-armed force against the First and Second Amendments, predominately because the internet has globalized local news and because anti-Gentilic jews didn’t yet control the information gateways in the 1920s-30s. Americans had freer minds ninety years ago, unpolluted by rank innumeracy or media sensationalism and propaganda.


As America becomes more brown and black and less White, she will become more violent. Blacks and browns have violent criminality rates that range from two to eight times higher than the White American rate. FBI stats don’t lie (though give it time, I’m sure the Derp State is working on a fix to that). This will spill over into mass shootings, where the hard and fast numbers already prove that nonWhites are disproportionately represented.

Then there is the problem of broken families (Nikolas deJesus Cruz was the product of a broken family) and fatherlessness. 26 of the 27 deadliest mass shooters came from fatherless homes.

Do you want to reduce mass shootings? Ban moslem immigration. moslems commit mass murder at a rate far exceeding their share of the total US population.


We live in a Gynarcho-Tyranny. Boys aren’t properly socialized into manhood; instead, they are forced into disavowing their toxic masculinity and embracing their feminine side. This thwarts the natural male development process, producing a breeding ground at the extreme margins for psychotic boys to lash out by taking up arms. If boys aren’t allowed to compete in the natural way for dominance, their suppressed urge can explode with deadly violence. Add Big Pharma to the mix — we drug our boys because their natural boyish rambunctiousness is ill-suited for the modren prison school system run by and for women and girls — and it’s no wonder most mass shooters are later discovered to have been taking a cocktail of SSRIs.

Further, cosmopolitan and geographic rootlessness pushes some boys at the margins over the edge. Transplants are unmoored from nourishing social, familial, geographic, and yes ethnic grounding. Open borders adds a constant source of transplant churn to society that doubtless contributes to mass shooting events. But the (((media))) doesn’t want to hear about this, because they prefer their host nations shaped in the image of their diasporic rootlessness.


So there ya go. Banning bump stocks isn’t gonna stop mass shootings. All that does is whet the Left’s appetite for more restrictive bans. You will never compromise with the Left; you can in the end, only lose, unless you fight back and “turn back the clock” on their inhuman agenda.

I am a big supporter of both 1A and 2A, because without 2A we don’t have 1A (cf: Britain). I’m not a gun nut (I hunt infrequently and enjoy target shooting), but I know when the civil war SHTF (and no one can honestly guarantee it won’t….did you predict President Trump ten years ago?) I want my kin and countrymen armed against a despotic, embrowned federal government. When you strip away the right of free citizens to own guns, you fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between government and the governed, and not in a good way.

Again, look to Britain for a vision of a disarmed citizenry future: a White British man was just thrown in jail for humorously teaching his pug to seig heil on yidtube, while pakistani moslem rape grooming gangs are permitted to operate unchecked for decades in bucolic towns throughout merry dead England.

Make no mistake, the March For Their Limelight is the first nationally organized feeler to accustom the populace to repealing the 2nd Amendment. Agitprop will be in high gear today; women will be pushed to tears with a cavalcade of sob stories. Challahwood fruitcakes are naturally attracted to a movement of narcissists, identifying strongly with stupid, pissy brats hogging the camera reciting shitlib boilerplate to a doting jewitan media, hoping to distract from their sexual perversions.

Only a nauseating little despot like David Hogg can deep six this whole operation by getting on camera and cursing and stamping his wee feet to the tune of “It’s a Soros World After All”.

What America needs isn’t guncontrol.exe, it’s Punk Control.


Speaking of twig-armed pillow biter scions of FBI hillary suckups, the real point of this post is to discuss the phenomenon of le crooked face. It’s everywhere you look.

What’s causing this efflorescence of crooked faces in Shrillennials? Theories abound. Fluoride. Soy. BPAs. Estrogens in our water supply from urinated birth control pills. Chemicals and preservatives in our packaged foods and goods.

I think it’s genetic mutational overload. Greg Cochran has talked about this, and I believe it’s related to the catastrophic drop in sperm levels and quality in men throughout the industrialized world. (I also think it’s related to the increase in manjaws and snarly attitude among Western women.) The natural culling mechanisms of unviable conceptions and infants have been thwarted by modern medicine, allowing degenerate freaks to live to reproductive age. Over generations, crooked genes proliferate, until phenotypes assume the crookedness of their underlying genetic enfeeblement.

Basically, we’re chinless-deep in the “Weak men create hard times” part of the civilizational cycle.

And David Hogg, you are one weak manlet.


As we all could have guessed, this anti-White man, anti-2nd Amendment march was funded by wealthy New York and Challahwood jews.

Follow the money.

It’s a strange political fact, but nearly every major anti-gun group has been a front group. The NRA is maligned 24/7 and yet it’s completely obvious whom it represents. Despite the efforts to tie it to everyone from firearms manufacturers to the Russians (if you can’t tie any random Republican thing to the Russians these days, you won’t be working at the Washington Post or CNN for very long), it represents its five million members. Anti-gun groups tend to represent shadowy networks. […]

The March for Our Lives permit application was filed by Deena Katz, a co-executive director of the Women’s March Los Angeles Foundation. This wasn’t just a little bit of professional activist assistance.

The application lists Katz as the “Person in Charge of Event”.

Katz is a former Dancing With the Stars and current Bill Maher producer. She’s also the former owner of Talent Central, a Los Angeles talent agency, The leaked application lists her as the president of the March for Our Lives Fund. […]

March for Our Lives is funded by Hollywood celebs, it’s led by a Hollywood producer and its finances are routed through an obscure tax firm in the Valley. Its treasurer and secretary are Washington D.C. pros. And a top funder of gun control agendas is also one of its directors.

None of this has much to do with Parkland. The mass shooting by a mentally ill man who should have been committed and arrested long before he carried out his massacre was a political opportunity.

Now that opportunity is being exploited to the hilt by a professional class of political activists.

I’ll be brief here. “Gun control activism” is spearheaded by jews who wish to disarm White Gentiles. Don’t believe me? Take it from the whoreson’s mouth:

armed goyim are always bad news for us, duh. https://t.co/ASRYGmO0PX

— Philip N Cohen (@familyunequal) February 25, 2018

I baited a shitlib I know who was going to one of these marches. “Pretty big national turnout and coordination. I wonder who paid for it? These things cost money”.

Shitlib: “The kids put this together.”

Me: “Nah, no way kids have this kind of organizational skill and money. Had to have been big players behind the scenes, no?”

Shitlib: *sound of silence*

There isn’t a child alive the Professional Left won’t promptly try to turn into a soldier for the cause. It’s in their DNA to corrupt the impressionable. So tell shitlibs they’re child exploiters, one step removed from child rapists. Tell shitlibs they dance to the tune of the rich. Tell them they’re useful idiots for international financiers.

If you really want to shiv a shitlib, tell xir “you’re a puppet for greedy fat cats”. Gets em every time. Added bonus: it’s true.

Forget about reasoning with a shitlib. It’s a losing proposition. Libs don’t operate logically, they’re emotional creatures first and last. The way to hurt them is to hit them in the feelz plexus by making them doubt their self-righteousness. A reader had a great comment about this:

This is why I don’t argue with them anymore. I just accuse them of being child rape deniers and blast them with righteous indignation and disgust. It’s the only thing they understand. The only thing that can reach them, if anything can, is moral condemnation, the recognition that they are not the ones who judge, but are the ones being judged.

REFRAME. Stop allowing yourself to be judged by leftoids, and START JUDGING THEM. If this reminds you of Game and the nature of women, you’re on the right track. Women can’t resist a man who swats away their womanly judgmentalism and replaces it with his own list of qualifications.


Shitlibs don’t really care about “saving lives”. Via MPC’s Regime Loyalist,

To put this crisis into perspective, the number of people killed in mass shootings by AR-15s over the past decade is practically equal to the number of people who die from drug overdoses every day. Thanks to the explosion in opioid abuse, fatal ODs are now up to 64,000 per year, or 175/day.

The dismembered bloody body parts of vacuumed third trimester fetuses don’t move the compassion needle on shitlibs at all. If anything, it incites them to more bloodthirst. Remember that libs have a much higher disgust threshold than cons, so libs can better tolerate disgusting things like gore, puke, shit, piss, and skull crushing forceps. A mass die-off of working class Whites from opioid overdoses usually wrests a gleeful cackle from your typical ultracompassionate shitlib.

Libs are using guns as a cop-out to avoid confronting the illimitable damage they’ve done to society through their lies, policies and poz. That’s the Right’s cue to hit the Left hard with both facts and emotional appeals that paint libs as subversives attacking basic American civil rights. From Shitlord Policy Analyst:

It’s not that they’re ever going to disarm us totally, it’s that they are going the tobacco route to try and make guns socially uncool while getting the government to do as much as possible to grind away at all things guns except actually banning them outright. That’s why internet media companies (Google, Youtube, Reddit) have started cracking down on guns. It’s why big merchants have voluntarily adopted new regulations about guns the left couldn’t get legally. That’s why we you see certain states starting to push very modified AR’s, mag limits and other laws instead of banning them outright. This would have been a good time for the alt right (or whatever you want to call the broad grassroots online movement that supported Trump 2016) to flex their muscles and help change the rhetoric, but I’m still seeing so many circa 1995 stale talk show radio host lines about “Go after Planned Parenthood!” or what have you. We should be able to hit the left with better emotional rhetoric (make the party of civil rights own fighting against a civil right) while also matching them on pure facts, such as who is actually doing the shootings and where. There’s also the greater internet censorship issue which should bring together a coalition greater than gun owners to fight back against.

The only positive I’m seeing from all this is that there are a lot of Trump supporters who have had a hatred of the left inculcated in them and are buying guns out of spite.

At the very least, if libs are gonna demand raising the gun purchase age to 21, we have to answer them by demanding the voting age be raised to 21 as well. This will eat into the Left’s electoral base.

Satire, but accurate:

Not satire, still very accurate:

Wew, that’s a lot of Democrat mass shooters!


Less than 10% of the crowd in the wholly political and staged anti-2A march in washington dc were under the age of 18.

Generation Zyklon is not yet converged.


Drudge is taunting Trump with a “Fake Veto” headline. It’s a fair shiv. Trump teased a veto of the bloated globalist omnibus bill, then signed it anyway. What it doesn’t include is more important than what it does: no funding for The Wall. Thankfully, it’s only a six month spendgap, so we revisit this stinking trillion dollar pile of GayMulatto-era crap again in September.

Politically, though, this is a loss for Trump. Finger to Heritage America wind, my take on the 2018 midterms and beyond:

He just lost the House.

Possibly the Senate too.

And 2020 is looking real shaky.

☑️ Signed Worst Budget Deal In American History
☑️ Planned Parenthood Fully Funded
☑️ Banned From Building U.S. Border Wall
☑️ Hired Iraq War Fanboy John Bolton
☑️ Demanded Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
☑️ Tweeting Leftist Gun Control Talking Points

Did Hillary win?

— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) March 23, 2018

But six months is a long time in politics. A lot can happen that vaults Trump back to the high ground, smiting cucks and Diversicrats.

The stakes cannot be higher. If Congress flips, impeachment and the destruction of Heritage America are all but assured. As Eleutheria puts it,

When one (both) chambers flip, they will stall him for 2 years. No more wall funding. No tightening of immigration.

Then whatever half-baked token candidate the Dems field will wipe the floor with him, and commission diversity themed art on his wall prototypes.

Imagine a nation of bald lesbian dykes stomping on a Chad’s face, forever. Oh and we’ll get this, too:

This is the not-so-far off future for everyone if Trump and Trumpism are defeated.

Jack McKrack writes,

the bill for his protection by the Military Deep State came due. and boy was it a doozy. let’s pray he gets something out of it.

look, Trump has limitations. i hate this bill. HATE it. there’s nothing good about it. but what’s the alternative? T has every Deep State scumbag breathing down his neck and the MSM pulling out all the stops 24/7. getting this shit bill out of the way buys him some time to deal with Mueller & Co and plan The Next Big Shakeup. he’s mortal. but he’s the best we got.

This might be the window Trump needs to fire Mueller and end the witch hunt which was always intended to hobble him for the full four or eight years. He’s given the DoD State what they want and now he has a brief moment to leverage his payment into real action by firing Mueller. We’ll see if the Drone State doesn’t turn on him as well.

The bill preserves untold numbers of GayMulatto diversity grant programs and includes Democreep-approved language that the 1.2 billion earmarked for border security applies only to fencing and not to any wall prototypes introduced after 2017. I’m sure after a close reading of this encyclopedic monstrosity we’ll find that the 2nd Amendment was repealed. As Ann Coulter twatted, “Congratulations, President Schumer”.

This is who won today:

There is no “minority”; there is only the Globohomo Uniparty (vs Trump and the People).

Cackling Merchant.


There’s no way Trump comes out looking good in the immediate aftermath of signing into law this giant middle finger to heartland america. But maybe there’s a midterm election strategy, outlined by J.H.,

Omnibus expires in 6 months.  He probably WANTS this fight, but wants to do it closer to the election.  Make the 2018 election a referendum on The Wall, immigration, etc.  6 more months of omnibus is no big deal if he has a plan.  He’s earned some trust and a right to be flexible.

Trump’s hands were tied. The GOPe pukes dumped this Globobus spending bill on him just before their two week recess. He knew a gov shutdown for that long would blow back hard on him, given the helping hand of the media to redirect blame away from congress and to Trump. Still doesn’t excuse it; Trump should’ve been involved in this bill sooner. I hate to say it but he may have been outplayed….just this once, ZOG unwilling.

AJP adds,

I don’t know if it’s possible at this point that Trump understands how and why he was elected.

In my black pill moments, I wonder the same. Bannon was right. “Let Trump be Trump”. If only Trump had taken his advice to heart.

So why didn’t Trump shutter the government and ride the hate, like he’s done so expertly since the day he announced? I think he realized he was stuck between a cuck and a hard place. Optimistically, he signed because:

1. Trump is flushing out the cucks to weaken their hold on the GOP

2. Trump had to pay the Drone State for having his back on the Russia Hoax witch hunt

3. A veto would have made an enemy of everyone on Capitol Hill, effectively ending Trump’s Presidency.

But still I think he would have been better off striking a blow against the swamp. Wounds to his base of support this deep — and don’t kid yourselves the Chaimstream Media will blare 24/7 how Trump “caved” on his demand for Wall funding — don’t easily heal.

Therajraj sneers,

How about a simpler explanation : Trump never believed anything he said and just wanted to put another notch on his bed post of achievements?

Wrong. Trump would not have risked sacrificing everything — including the financial viability of his brand name — on a lark. Go back to old interviews of Trump. He’s been pro NatPop for a long time.

Trump is not the enemy. He is our ally in a fight with incredible odds against him, and an implacable merciless conniving enemy intent on destroying his Presidency and the hopes of the Good Half of America who voted for him. He will backslide. He will make mistakes. He will occasionally tactically retreat in the face of a massive enemy offensive. And he will hate doing it, because he truly does care about the Forgotten Americans who made him their emissary.

So what do we MAGAmen do come Nov? Oy, there’s the rub. The GOPe is full of traitors. The Democreeps are full of anti-White tyrants. Trump was the answer.

I’m not counting him out yet, but we’re at a nadir. A MAGAbyss. All things considered, we’re still far better off than with president thecunt, but if Trump doesn’t want to go down a loser, he’s gonna need to fight harder, and smarter, because his enemies — and by the transitive property, AMERICA’S enemies — are legion and animated by demonic energies.

DEUSVULT sends us off with a positive suggestion that beats wasting time endlessly black pilling disingenuously about Trump,

If people want to be angry, turn that anger at your congressmen and senators that created and voted for this bill, this political trap to turn us against POTUS. Show that anger through local elections.

This WAS a realignment. It’s now a whirlwind. Chaos will save us.

More of this, please, and soon:


The Stakes

Logic writes,

One way or another, the next ten years are going to be a turning point for the US and by extension for the rest of the western world. There is no middle ground moderate outcome left. One side will prevail. I am just hoping that no blood will be shed but I am not optimistic about it.

Allow me my daily impudence allowance: there are three ways our current year impasse ends:

  1. The Left capitulates
  2. The Right capitulates
  3. Secession and separation

There’s no compromise solution, because the Left has proven over the decades that it’s uninterested in compromise. Purimtan Leftoids will take a compromise on Tuesday and agitate for more by Thursday. They believe in power, and in humiliating their enemies. They won’t rest until they have consumed everything, including themselves.

The Real Right has been capitulating, and we got Trump. If the Right continues to capitulate, we will get Trump^2. Then Trump^4, etc until there are no more Trumps, no more words, no more secretive midnight deals that shaft the common man. When that day comes, the curtain falls on this grand national experiment.

We have to face facts: Antagonistic White groups, ideologically different with different value systems that are biologically bound to different ethnicities and sub-ethnicities, can no more live side by side under the same laws than can Whites and nonWhites. The insatiable White thirst for domination and dominion extends most ferociously and predatorily over other Whites, and this drive to dominate is primarily found among Leftoid Whites.

There is a chance the Left capitulates if immense Trumpian pressure is administered, but so far what I’ve seen in the Era of Trump is a Left unhinged, violent, and committed to an increasingly deluded orthodoxy that defies Truth & Beauty and spits on it for good measure.

So I predict secession and/or separation, formal or informal, is America’s not-distant future. In our lifetimes, in fact, we will likely see the partitioning of America into geographic and administrative cloisters that actually represent the people living within them, and give them their voice.

Timestamp this post for posterity. It will truly make you heartsick with nostalgia, and proud to have been a guest at the Chateau, seeing what others did not.



Don’t write off Steve Bannon yet. The man is smart as a tack, and has the moral worldview the Left hasn’t had since abolition. Here he is talking about how social media empires debase “digital sovereignty”. Via:

“Central governments debase your citizenship, central banks debase your currency, and the central, technocratic state capitalism we have with Google and Facebook take your personhood, and basically take away your intellectual property, your digital sovereignty” Bannon continued.

“Right now, you’re serfs. You’re well-paid serfs, but you’re serfs. They’ve debased your currency, and so you’re continuing to underwrite debt for sovereign governments at zero interest rates, so you’re always on the spinning wheel like a little hamster, trying to get ahead,” he told the audience.

“Because they’ve destroyed the ability of thrift, of you to save, to get ahead. It’s the same thing on your digital assets, your intellectual property: They take it all for free.”

He added that Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg’s “entire business model” is based on these activities, “taking [your] data for free and monetising it, and then writing algorithms behind a wall that treat you like hamsters on a wheel.”

Barber was keen to steer the conversation to more comfortable topics, trying to suggest Bannon was an admirer of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini and proposing that U.S. President Donald Trump’s plans for a military parade in Washington D.C. made him a kind of latter-day Julius Caesar — but failed to land any telling blows.

Hold on, people.


is da GBFM!

It all makes sense now.

GBFM is Bannon drunk-poasting!


Watch this video and you tell me if Tucker isn’t woke to the White Question.


Henry Mueller concludes his special counsel investigation and astutely notes that the men who are hostile to women are often the ones claiming the mantle of gentleman supremacy.

A funny thing that confirms what we’ve been saying for years is that feminists like to strawman by saying men who run game are fundamentally hostile towards women. When in the actual [Seinfeld] episode, the point of “the Opposite” is that George becomes magnetic only when he totally gives up caring what women think of him.

It’s the Supreme Gentlemen who have the real seething hatred towards women, because they actually care what women think. It takes a new level of confidence to tell the beautiful blonde “this probably isn’t going to work” when she asks why you didn’t shave.

I always regretted that after such a spectacular transformation, the George character in Seinfeld returned to being a nebbish nerd. It always felt to me like that episode was the series peak, and after that it became a little looser at the seams.

This helps explain all those rape-y shitlib males in the news recently. They’re lsmv chinless dweebs who appease, supplicate, and dance like lackeys for the manjaws in their midst in the hopes that one of them will look kindly upon their obsequiousness and toss them a pity fuck. When the libwomen decline the anhedonic offers on display in their open office bughives, the shitlib males freak out and become angrier than Elliot Rodger after watching another yellow pearl fall into the hands of a White Chad. “Why doesn’t this blue hair feminist with the blowjob enhancing tongue stud appreciate my male feministery? THE BITCH”, wails the shitlib male, psyching himself up for an awkward tit grope at the HuffPo retreat.

If you, as a member in good standing of the male feminist Castrati, care a lot what women think of you, then when women inevitably let you down after all the effort you put into giving them what they claim to want from men, your reaction is likely to be seething resentment. It’s the Real Entitlement Mentality that femcunt women complain about, located most centrally in their own weaselly lib “niceguys”.

Of course, libchicks are practiced in the art of negative transference, saving themselves the discomfort of looking closely at exactly which types of men make them horny. In the leftoid universe (a smelly place rapidly contracting to a twinkularity), a misogynist is “a sexy White man I want but can’t have” if the accusation is hurled by a woman, and “a popular White chad who used to stuff me in lockers” if the accusation is hurled by a soyboy mangina.


Gentlemen….Game 101:

Never EVER take a woman to dinner before you’ve fucked her. You’re begging to be resource exploited. (aka economically objectified)

If the girl wants you, dinner isn’t necessary to coax her across the consummative threshold.

If the girl doesn’t want you, dinner won’t change her mind.

Save your money, sup her honey.

Stick with bottom shelf sugary drinks for those first crucial dates. Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Food only gets in the way of alcohol absorption, and no girl feels sexy gnawing rack of rib in between talking about herself.

If anything, buying expensive dinners to impress a woman will turn down her thermosnatch. One, she’ll perceive (rightly more often than not) that you’re desperate and trying to pry her legs open with lavish payments up front. Two, if she thinks she can soak you before soaking your hog, she will.

Sperg Alert draws up the timeline:

What happens when you take out a #Modern #Wamen to a fancy dinner, and achieve… The #Friendzone.

…But don’t worry! She’ll suddenly have #Sex with you when she’s 35, and #PostWall after #Chad stops returning the phone calls, and you can have maybe 5-10 years of #Marriage before she #DivorceRapes you.

There is no end to the ways in which being in the bangzone is better than being in the friendzone.

PS What kind of dingbat spends $400 at an Italian restaurant? It’s fuckin pasta!


Henry Mueller is positioning for a COTW nomination:

Seriously. In the wake of #reetoo, I can’t count the number of “bad date” articles by complaining women that have appeared: “His choice of guacamole felt really problematic to me.”

If a lsmv man dares to even approach a woman, it’s “entitlement” rape. But if a decent guy she didn’t click with disappoints her, she feels obligated to write up a novella about it.

It’s a bizarro world we live in where a man seeking sex with a woman is taboo and a woman seeking to syphon off everything she can get while giving nothing in return is celebrated.

The term of art is Gynarcho-Tyranny. And only Game can defeat it….and save the West.


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