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Revolt Of The Revolting

The entire social justice/aggrotolerance/equalism movement is a revolt by the ugly and freakish against the beautiful and normal. The ideology has no morality nor purpose and exists only to substantiate in political radicalization the aggrieved spitefulness of life’s losers.

Every day you can see this dynamic playing out between sexual market winners and losers. The feted Samantha Bee, whose resting and active bitch faces are indistinguishable, called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” for the crime of being a beautiful radiant woman posting a photo on Twatter of herself and her young son sharing a tender hug. (Never mind Bee’s rationalizations — something to do with foreign invaders and their kids being kept in obama-era cages — the real impetus was the hate and envy of an ugly woman for a hot woman.)

Reminder that this is the same shitlibette Samanthe Bee…

…who hypocritically opposed a school relocation plan that would have meant her own kids, rather than the BadKids of BadWhites, were forced to learn their ABCs directly across the street from a housing project of color. tfw your virtue signaling is put to the test:

Samantha Bee is crushingly ugly inside and out. Her incoherent rage against Ivanka is what happens when the unpopular girl in school is given a megaphone and a like-minded loser audience to air her existential butthurt.

Another outtake from the Revolt of the Revolting: a creature by the name of Molly Jong-Fast (externally and internally disfigured sprog of ür-feminist Erica Jong) was brought to a frothing rage by…Melania Trump spending some private time out of the media spotlight.

The portmanteau that comes to mind is snobtuse.

John Rocker slipped the shiv in this bitch with real flair:

Imagine you’re Melania Trump.

Imagine you’ve been a 10 since puberty. You walk into a room and fill it with a celestial glow. You rise through every social strata, winning admirers with your beauty and elegance everywhere you go. You marry a billionaire mogul-entertainer and possibly the savior of Western Civilization. Like a protag in a catlady fantasy e-book, he fills you with his master seed and you bear him a prince. You live in a tower of pure gold.

And then this gremlin ambles up next to you…

…and offers you her pearls of wisdom.

I love America. One reason is because wealthy and influential people, cultural elites like Erica Jong, exhaust themselves. Abominations like Molly Jong-Fast come crawling like swamp creatures out of the primordial cum. This is why we have historically replaced our elites, early and often, with a steady churn of ascendant figures like Trump and Melania.

Our urban elite are fragile. Their offspring are barely holding it together with the aid of SSRIs and wine. On the rare occasion they manage to reproduce, it’s almost always some Habsburg-jawed Quasimodo-looking bundle of neuroses like the goblin above.

UMC and elite shitlibs… it’s only natural that you resent beautiful, fecund, healthy Americans. You can feel your reign coming to an end. And all you can do is impotently snarkpoast about it on Twitter as you recede back into the great unwashed.

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Underneath their feigned indignation and anti-Trump (read: anti-White) hysterics is an inbred, incestuous elite living in a rapidly shrinking bubble and sensing deep in their rickets-bent bones that their mutationally overloaded, flabby freak show is about to get run through by the Sword of Shitlord Physiognomy. The Great Replacement may not turn out to be the one they were hoping for.

A reader writes,

Uncle Ted said as much in his manifesto. Leftism is less an ideology and more a psychology that stems from envy and over-socialization.

Over-socialization is an interesting concept, which I take Uncle Ted [Kaczynski] to have meant that the over-socialized are excessively sensitive to status, both signaling it and losing it. Is that in the ballpark of his thinking? Commenters are standing by to clarify.

Of all psychological motivations, I believe raw envy of their Darwinian betters explains best the compulsion of leftoids to destroy Beauty, corrupt Truth, sanctify Lies, and glorify Ugliness. Harrison Bergeron laid it out: when all are in the muck, the muck can imagine themselves the cream.

In time, the increasingly zealous guarding of opinion boundaries by the degenerate freak mafia results in accelerating expulsions of insufficiently pious devotees, until the synagogue of Lies&Ugliness is distilled to the most revolting of human dregs, producing a pungent bouquet of loserdom that will cause even politically disengaged normies to recoil in disgust and vote in a succession of president Trumps.

The Fuggernaut screeches and shrieks with a fury knowing they will fold to a superior, self-confident force. They don’t have it in them to really go toe to toe with an impassioned, ZFG foe that is never tired of winning. Trump is just the beginning of their pain and eventual banishment to the dreary emo wastelands where they belong, sad but smug till the end.


Al Bundy Game

How to talk to girls pic.twitter.com/BBtT2LqT81

— Duke Nukem Groyper (@DukeGroyper) May 31, 2018

“Hey, hey, eyes up here.”


Why does sexual dichotomy appear to be decreasing or, worse, why are men and women taking on secondary sex characteristics of the opposite sex? emmajoey leaves the following comment in reply,

People really need to go read Neoteny.org and take it in, it’s been sitting there for nearly a decade now with most of the answers.

Not primarily genetic, mostly epigenetic, the pill, delayed pregnancy, environmental factors, etc.
Bio/physiological swapping over of sexual/psychological traits, likely exacerbated by poor diets.

The later a woman gets pregnant the higher the T in uterus.
High T pregnant women produce high T girls and low T boys.
Feedback cycle increases effect in each generation.
Personalities are broadly built-in during development, not learned in later life.

I have my doubts about epigenetics as a science; (fatties like to cite it as settled science to explain their bulbosity and race deniers like to cite it to cling to hope that innate racial aptitudes and dispositions are malleable to later intervention). But I don’t doubt that historically novel environmental influences like the Pill and delayed pregnancy can fuck up the prenatal and early development ecologies, creating some equally novel freak shows like we have today shambling through the remnants of our civilization.

emmajoey’s synopsis is interesting to me because if, indeed, high T older mothers birth high T girls and low T boys, then this would establish a negatively reinforcing feedback loop with successive generations of high T manjaws and low T soyboys less and less attracted to each other and putting off for greater lengths of time marriage and children, in an infinite spiral of cat litter, infertility treatments, and gimp sperm.

I have more to say on this topic, but for now I toss out this tasty chum so readers can encircle it and tear off chunks of polemic. Bonus points to the readers who explore a consilience between bioteleology and self-domestication.


Behold Liberal Tolerance

Shitlibs sure do screech loudly about the virtue of tolerance which they themselves don’t possess. The soyboys and clitdicks doth protest too much.

Another way to look at this: conservatives and independents are more generous of spirit and normal of socialization than are shitlibs. The former can handle political disagreement like adults; the latter runs to HR and tattles like a bratty child to get the bad person fired, that is when they can actually function and aren’t curled up in the pillow-biting position.

(yeah i know D, I, and R aren’t perfect proxies for lib, moderate, con, but it’s close enough for a shivisection.)

Shitlibs are also less charitable than cons, despite agitating for more of other people’s gibs. What’s going on? Psychological projection, for one thing. Lib status is wrapped up in their lifestyle and morality megaphoning, so they can’t bear to grapple with their own flaws, preferring instead to imagine those flaws in their ideological enemies. If you live as if everyone around you is beset with the very vices that beset you, it becomes difficult to tolerate let alone enjoy the company of political foes, because their good-natured presence would constantly remind you of the bankruptcy of your worldview and how far you hypocritically fall short of your professed beliefs.

Another angle to this is race. Comparatively more nonWhites are Democrats, and there are broad racial differences in ability and willingness to tolerate opposing views and those who hold them. See, for an example of this, any recent CNN or MSNBC roundtable discussion. However, I would bet the bank that White Dems/libs show a similar disregard for the tenets of their Tolerance Religion, even if they are not quite as intolerant of the “intolerant” as are tribalistic nonWhites.

Finally, there is the disjunct between a shitlib’s virtue signaling and reality, a disjunct which doesn’t bedevil moderates and conservatives nearly as much because on the whole the latter have a more concrete and intuitive grasp of reality and aren’t constantly trying to abstractify the world to fit the beliefs and commandments of a preconceived equalism religion. I think this disconnection between belief and reality explains best the shitlib intolerance of people who are ideologically different than themselves. If you are a shitlib your waking life is spent in an acid fog of cognitive dissonance, always harshing your mellow, threatening your sanity; to keep up your self-deceiving mental health initiative requires a hard separation from those who would only aggravate and amplify your dissonance. Thus, the shitlib must ensconce xirself in a monastery, away from the temptations of a reality-based enlightenment.

PS Heh:

PPS Heh heh (bottom far right):


Personality, like nearly all human traits, is heritable. There remains debate about how much of personality is genetically predetermined versus how much is formed and shaped by interaction with the environment, but unlike IQ which is hard to change at all over the long-term with intensive intervention, personality is “spongier” and less resistant to active efforts to change it. One can adapt and alter one’s personality to suit certain social contexts, and though personality tends to rebound to one’s genetic default over time it’s possible through repeated efforts to make nontrivial and long-lasting improvements in one’s character and demeanor where one sees fit to do so.

Since personality is an umbrella term for human relational characteristics that include charisma and coolness, Game falls under its rubric. Game is, essentially, cultivated personality.

I bring this up because yesterday’s post about psychological biases links to research that strongly suggests the old Game maxim “fake it till you make it” really works.

10. If you think of yourself as flexible, you will do much better.

People’s own theories about who they are influence how they behave. One’s self-image can therefore easily become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Carol Dweck of Stanford University has spent much time researching such effects. Her takeaway: if we view a characteristic as mutable, we are inclined to work on it more. On the other hand, if we view a trait such as IQ or willpower as largely unchangeable and inherent, we will do little to improve it.

Note that this isn’t social priming (which deserves more study but to date hasn’t been very replicable). This is about adopting a mentality that encourages practice, and people will do better at any task or skill if they have practiced it. Not everyone will achieve the heights of facility with the skill they practice, but they will get better than not doing anything at all.

In Dweck’s studies of students, men and women, parents and teachers, she gleaned a basic principle: people with a rigid sense of self take failure badly. They see it as evidence of their limitations and fear it; fear of failure, meanwhile, can itself cause failure.

Some people (we call them black pillers, mgtows, and feminists) enjoy wallowing in failure and pessimism because, as I wrote, “The men who swear up and down [self-improvement] is impossible are usually the men who daren’t try. Fear of success is as strong in the human condition as is fear of failure, because success, unlike failure, sweeps away the refuge of excuses and rationalizations weak men flee to for comfort.”

In contrast, those who understand that a particular talent can be developed accept setbacks as an invitation to do better next time. Dweck thus recommends an attitude aimed at personal growth. When in doubt, we should assume that we have something more to learn and that we can improve and develop.

President Trump’s secular religion is personal improvement. I think it worked out for him.

But even people who have a rigid sense of self are not fixed in all aspects of their personality. According to psychologist Andreas Steimer of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, even when people describe their strengths as completely stable, they tend to believe that they will outgrow their weaknesses sooner or later. If we try to imagine how our personality will look in several years, we lean toward views such as: “Level-headedness and clear focus will still be part and parcel of who I am, and I’ll probably have fewer self-doubts.”

If you think you can change — better yet, if you think you WILL change — then you’ll be more eager to set about doing those things which help bring about the change you seek. It’s a psy op that denies the genetic overlord his tribute in predetermination by creating a cognitive loophole that evades (if not entirely) the helical straitjacket.

Overall, we tend to view our character as more static than it is, presumably because this assessment offers security and direction. We want to recognize our particular traits and preferences so that we can act accordingly. In the final analysis, the image that we create of ourselves is a kind of safe haven in an ever-changing world.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: create an image of yourself as a charming mofo irresistible to girls. THAT should be your safe haven (safe for you, not so much for the delicate hearts of your conquests). Create it till you make it.

And the moral of the story? According to researchers, self-knowledge is even more difficult to attain than has been thought.

This explains why the majority of men who come here for guidance fight tooth and nail against the lessons imparted. Self-knowledge eludes them, because it’s frightening to contemplate the abyss at the center of our souls. Very few will heed my wisdom, but if even one man is saved it will have been worth it.


Of Soyboys And Manjaws

Is the sexual polarity reversing? And if so, what does it mean for society?

The science and social observation bear out a strange and creepy merging of the sexes in America toward an androgynous unisex of masculinized females and feminized males. I am on record as perhaps being the first among dissident thought kings to notice the emergence of a cultural hermaphroditism (a touch of the ‘ditism).

Every which way you measure the health of America, she is declining, except for the stock portfolios of the 1% ruling elite. One is tempted to draw a connection between the flowering androgyny of the Anglosphere people and the loss of confidence and faith in the historical Western project. The ubermensch is not a Nordic warrior; he is a doughy whiner and a shrieking termagant begging for annihilation at the hands of the uruk hai. […]

A world of ballbusting manjaws and pudding pop nancyboys is about as far from divinely inspired beauty as fallen man can sink.

Note that John Scalzi’s bra is unpadded.

While research is scant, I believe based on what I see happening around me that this cultural androgynization has a biological component as well. Unfortunately, it’s hard to fund research exploring possible biological changes in the sexes without running afoul of the Phalanx of the Foul. Data on generational sperm count levels are relatively simple to collect, but what about the enlargement of women’s jaws or the narrowing of women’s hips? Just try and get a grant for that study.

I bring this subject up again because I’ve noticed the androgyne phenomenon is getting worse, and goes beyond desexualizing or uni-sexualizing fashion statements. Something profoundly disturbing is going on with the bodies of, in particular, American Millennials. Sexual dimorphism is flipping; the sexes aren’t just converging on an asexual norm…they’re swapping body types!

I see so many 20s and 30s women with the broad shoulders and narrow hips natural to men, and so many men with the narrow shoulders and broad hips natural to women. It’s as if the sexual market turned upside down and switched sexes. Manjaws lumber cityscapes on africanized pelvic fulcrums as their cantilevered shoulders cut swathes through cowed crowds. Their vaginas seem misplaced on them.

As unsettlingly, soyboys swish and swivel on bulbous pear-shaped haunches, supporting droopy unmuscled flesh that recedes upwardly to strangely child-like clavicles and diminutive shoulder spans, upon which soft rounded heads jerk fearfully out of the way of the manjaws with snapping vaginas.

Social conditioning can’t do this to bodies. Something evil lurks in our environment, in our ecology, that’s responsible for the sexual polarity reversal. I suspect that the same evil is responsible for the xenophilic anti-White virtue sniveling insanity currently gripping the White Left, and which left unanswered and unchecked will mean the end of America as a nation distinct from the vast dirt and dystopia fields of the Hued World.

If the March of the Manjaws and the Mewl of the Micemen proceeds apace, what consequences can we expect to see unfold in our society? Here I speculate, based on experiences dealing with both types in my day to day life.

Masculinized women are the worst of both men and women, stridently aggressive and competitive like men but lacking the instinct of loyalty, cooperativeness, and duty of men, and cruelly subversive and passive-aggressive like women but lacking the nurturing vulnerability and intoxicating femininity of women.

Somewhat the reverse applies to feminized men, who have the submissiveness and avoidance mentality of women hitched to the single-minded focus of men, and the indiscriminate nurturing of women weaponized by the tribal boundary patrolling of men.

Within a few generations of this grotesque circus side show we will likely see society eating the last of its seed corn as once-admired institutions succumb to abject corruption, in-fighting, vapid credentialism, even more vapid moral preening, and finally systemic breakdown of basic civilizational functions.

Executive summary: nothing good can come from entangling the masculine and the feminine in physical and psychological bonds each was never meant to accommodate.


There is more accumulated wisdom in one day’s worth of /pol/ posts than there is in decades’ worth of Carlos Slim Times agitprop.


This isn’t a new insight to regular guests of Le Chateau, but it bears repeating as we descend swiftly into the leftoid abattoir where the blood and bones of murdered civilizations are collected.

The photo and quote from Dr Unabomber above illustrate the insight nicely: leftoids have a strong submissiveness urge, which is why I liken the male leftoids to women. Part of the desire to submit is a desire to “feel alive” through masochistic suffering. Aggressive or active submission, you could call it, and it is an innate quality in women who evolved the urge so that they are maximally attracted to powerful dominant men. Aggressive submission is also an evolved strategy of the weak and puerile, who must resort to it in place of the direct confrontations which they can’t win.

In leftoids, this urge has turned pathological, and because of its inherent womanly nature the males of the Left are often feminized, emasculated passive-aggressive brats like David Hogg. In the females of the Left, the masochistic compulsion manifests as a spiteful hatred toward the weak males of the Left who are the primary opposite sex company of leftoid females. Unrequited submissiveness can make a woman very hateful against the males incapable of satisfying her primal sexual and romantic desires, (and very confused when the leftoid female is aroused to sudden surrender by the tonic masculinity of a Trumpian Chad).

Kaczynski called this self-hatred, but in fact it’s very much self-love; the twisted self-love of the weak who protect their egos by summoning power from the supine position.

The way to defeat the armies of aggressively submissive leftoids is to cut their rhetorical gordian knot and defang their street theater with unremitting, merciless mockery. Deflate their pretensions, and with their social status robbed from them the allure of strategic submission is dispelled.


SpyGate: The Scandal

Let’s cut to the chase: The Democrats and the Deep State, under the aegis of President Gay Mulatto and with the knowledge and assistance of the Clinton Crime Family and select GOPe traitors, authorized and administered the spying, surveillance, infiltration, and evidence planting of a political opponent’s campaign, motivated by the desire to ensure that opponent’s election loss or to delegitimize his election win.

Only in Clown World is this not a huge scandal that dwarfs Watergate.



From a Gabber:

Decent people view an apology as a positive gesture and usually reciprocate with the same level of generosity and good faith.

Leftists however view any apology as (1) an admission of Guilt and (2) a sign of Weakness that needs to be exploited.

Never apologize to Leftists.

This is one of the big reasons Donald Trump drives the Left into such a frothing rage. He never apologizes, never admits guilt and appears to have no sense of shame whatsoever — and he keeps getting away with it no matter how loudly they scream and stomp their feet. Their entire schtick revolves around shame and guilt: when the Commander in Chief refuses to go along with their show trial, it shows just how impotent they really are.

In Game terminology, what Trump displays is the attitude known as Amused Mastery. It’s the demeanor of a man who brushes away impertinence from his lessers, shit tests from women, and screeching indignation from the media. He answers shaming tactics with shamelessness, phony opprobrium with ridicule, and smarmy moralism with Chad-crafted nicknames.

What he doesn’t do is get defensive, apologize, or supplicate to his would-be inquisitors to gain their favor (or a brief reprieve from their hate). Trump’s attitude is all alpha, with the tiniest of beta morsels occasionally thrown in to utterly disorient his detractors and, more crucially, to peel away more fence-sitters to his side, the kind of disengaged normies who can’t understand why the media is crying hitlerwolf for the millionth time because Ivanka posted a touching photo of herself cuddling with her little boy.

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