Shitlibs sure do screech loudly about the virtue of tolerance which they themselves don’t possess. The soyboys and clitdicks doth protest too much.
Another way to look at this: conservatives and independents are more generous of spirit and normal of socialization than are shitlibs. The former can handle political disagreement like adults; the latter runs to HR and tattles like a bratty child to get the bad person fired, that is when they can actually function and aren’t curled up in the pillow-biting position.
(yeah i know D, I, and R aren’t perfect proxies for lib, moderate, con, but it’s close enough for a shivisection.)
Shitlibs are also less charitable than cons, despite agitating for more of other people’s gibs. What’s going on? Psychological projection, for one thing. Lib status is wrapped up in their lifestyle and morality megaphoning, so they can’t bear to grapple with their own flaws, preferring instead to imagine those flaws in their ideological enemies. If you live as if everyone around you is beset with the very vices that beset you, it becomes difficult to tolerate let alone enjoy the company of political foes, because their good-natured presence would constantly remind you of the bankruptcy of your worldview and how far you hypocritically fall short of your professed beliefs.
Another angle to this is race. Comparatively more nonWhites are Democrats, and there are broad racial differences in ability and willingness to tolerate opposing views and those who hold them. See, for an example of this, any recent CNN or MSNBC roundtable discussion. However, I would bet the bank that White Dems/libs show a similar disregard for the tenets of their Tolerance Religion, even if they are not quite as intolerant of the “intolerant” as are tribalistic nonWhites.
Finally, there is the disjunct between a shitlib’s virtue signaling and reality, a disjunct which doesn’t bedevil moderates and conservatives nearly as much because on the whole the latter have a more concrete and intuitive grasp of reality and aren’t constantly trying to abstractify the world to fit the beliefs and commandments of a preconceived equalism religion. I think this disconnection between belief and reality explains best the shitlib intolerance of people who are ideologically different than themselves. If you are a shitlib your waking life is spent in an acid fog of cognitive dissonance, always harshing your mellow, threatening your sanity; to keep up your self-deceiving mental health initiative requires a hard separation from those who would only aggravate and amplify your dissonance. Thus, the shitlib must ensconce xirself in a monastery, away from the temptations of a reality-based enlightenment.
PS Heh:

PPS Heh heh (bottom far right):
