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Prepare to be enriched. Or rather, impoverished.

A Mewllennial bartender-turned-Hugo Chavez wannabe just won the 14th District in a NY Dem primary, in a shock upset over the fourth-highest ranking Dem Representative, Joe Crowley.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (hyphenated mystery meat who prefers the genderfluid ethnic identifier “latinx”) advocates

  • elimination of border control
  • free healthcare (read: paid for by Whites)
  • free college (read: paid for by Whites)
  • universal jobs guarantee (read: paid for by Whites)
  • justice system reform (read: allowing browns and blacks to freely prey on Whites)
  • housing as a human right (read: Section 8 coming to a bucolic White suburb near you!)

You hear that sound? It’s the Democreep Party splitting into two factions: the predominately White Establishment that used to champion the working class, and the Socialist Brown Power Freak Show that wants to gnaw on the bones of the carcass formerly known as America.

Ocasio-Cortez isn’t some Bernie-Trump hybrid. She might be called distilled Bernieism, if Being Bernie means full-throated support of demographically swamping Whites with nonWhite imports and handing out gibs by the truckload to every third world vagrant who shows up at the American trough, until the system collapses into debt-loaded financial ruin.

Oh, she does hate Israel, which should hearten the black pilling Trump-hater contingent.

The traitorous mick she beat, Joe Crowley, isn’t some Dem moderate. He’s a wacko leftist, too, and ran his campaign farther to the Left than he ever did before, and nearly in sync with the half-baked venezuelan slop Cortez was selling.

The reason Cortez won is easy to grasp: NY’s 14th Congressional District recently became predominately latino, thanks to the two-decade tidal surge of south of the border migrants into the big blue cities.

18.41% White
11.39% Black
16.24% Asian
49.80% Hispanic
0.45% Native American
3.71% other

American politics is careening into unprincipled will-to-power Tribalism right before our eyes. Once the nonWhites get a chance to flex their demographic muscle, guess what happens?

“Goodbye White Man, we run the show now, and the name of this show is GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND FUCK YOUR HERITAGE.”

There will be more Cortez’s, until eventually straight White men with a little too much soy in the blood wake up and realize there’s no home for them in the Democortez Party. A commenter at Steve Sailer’s put it well:

The one little minor teeny weeny tiny little flaw in the Democrats’ plan to use minorities to turn America blue is that before minorities come to comprise a majority of America they will first come to comprise a majority of the Democratic Party. That means that a whole lot of white Democrats will be out of jobs.

For much of the political class politics is just about where you can find work, and which party gives you the best shot at climbing the ladder into elective office. Setting aside my personal political beliefs and looking at it just from a rational perspective, if I were a few years younger and just graduating from college right now and wanted to aim for elective office there is no way in hell, as a straight white man, I would want to attach myself to the Democratic Party.

I know that securing the border all seems pretty hopeless right now, with 100% of Democratic politicians in favor of erasing our borders. But a few more victories by wise young Latinas over tired old white guys like Crowley and perhaps a few Democrats will start to come around. After all, they’re doing their best to pander to the Hispanic vote and it ain’t doing them a whole lot of good. Crowley’s NumbersUSA [immigration security] grade is an F-.

Diversity + proximity = No Home For White Men. When races compete for representation and power under a shared political system, politics becomes a referendum on race. White men with impeccable socialist credentials will lose to bartender browns. It’s already happening.

The Cortezization of the Democrat Party will accelerate the transformation of the Republican Party into the Trump Party. More and more White men of a Dem disposition will quickly grasp that they have no future with the Dems, and they will be encouraged by Trump’s appropriation of populist ideas traditionally espoused by Dems to switch parties and join the Trumpening.

Or: what I and others have been predicting all along will materialize. The pressures of increasing racial diversity will sever historical ideological ties to the two main political parties and replace them with tawdry racial ties as the binding ingredient, de facto morphing the Democrats into the party of nonWhites and the Republicans into the party of Whites.

If Trump plays his cards right and doesn’t cave to cuckservative policy boilerplate about free markets and colorblindness, he can lock up the Rust Belt and Upper Midwest for generations to come. But he has to be willing to accept, internally if not explicitly, that he is the head of a political movement that will restore America for the benefit of her native Whites. Once he accepts that, and what it means, his policy prescriptions will follow suit.


that one guy (the MPC-celeb?) emailed a NYBetaTimes article with a link to a study finding that….SHOCKER…White liberals aren’t so keen on open borders when the borders open directly into their wealthy homogeneous superzips.

SCIENCE: putting pseudo-“immigrants” into super white liberal communities makes the shitlibs favor immigration restrictions.


Ryan Enos, a political scientist at Harvard, published a book last year, “The Space Between Us,” suggesting that the ideological commitment of liberals in these and other similar communities may waver, or fail entirely, when their white homogeneity is threatened.

Not only is the upscale wing of the Democratic Party an unreliable ally of the left on economic issues — as I have noted in this column before and as Lily Geismer and Matthew D. Lassiter eloquently pointed out in The Times last week — but Enos demonstrates that the liberal resolve of affluent Democrats can disintegrate when racially or ethnically charged issues like neighborhood integration are at stake.

When the self-aggrandizement of the signal is challenged by the consequences of the virtue, the signal retreats.

Six years ago, Enos looked at nine townships southwest of Boston that were “overwhelmingly racially and politically liberal.” As such, these communities were a “test of the power of demographic change because these were people who, we might think, would be unlikely to change their attitudes in the face of immigration.”

There’s nothing more satisfying than getting a liberal to betray her own principles.

Enos and his colleagues conducted an experiment, which is described in detail in a 2014 paper, “Causal effect of intergroup contact on exclusionary attitudes,” published by the National Academy of Sciences. The results are thought provoking.

Testing the signal-to-lawnboys ratio.

Enos described the experiment as:

a randomized controlled trial testing the causal effects of repeated intergroup contact, in which Spanish-speaking confederates were randomly assigned to be inserted, for a period of days, into the daily routines of unknowing Anglo-whites living in homogeneous communities in the United States, thus simulating the conditions of demographic change.

Libs preen
Beans stream
Now not so keen
on a vibrant scene

To achieve this goal, during the summer of 2012, Enos dispatched “a small number of Spanish-speaking confederates to commuter train stations in homogeneously Anglo communities every day, at the same time, for two weeks.”

The stations were on two Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority commuter rail lines into Boston — one starting in Worcester, the other in Forge Park — at nine stations in upscale, mostly white towns.

Enos reported that the Anglo commuters he studied had an average income of $143,365, and 88 percent had college degrees, compared with 30.4 percent nationally that year. The median household income for the country at large was $51,371 in 2012, according to the census.

Shitlibs act, despite their professed ideals, as if credentials and money are the traits of the virtuous GoodWhite.

Subjects were exposed to the same Spanish-speaking persons in a location near their homes for an extended period, as would be the situation if immigrants had moved into their neighborhood and used the public transportation.

The Spanish-speaking confederates reported to Enos that:

persons noticed and displayed some unease with them: for example reporting that “Because we are chatting in Spanish, they look at us. I don’t think it is common to hear people speaking in Spanish on this route.” After the experiment, the confederates reported that other passengers were generally friendly to them but also reported that they felt people noticed them for “not being like them and being Latino.”

After the perfunctory nervous niceties that shitlibs excel at when their all-White dreamscape is suddenly rattled by invaders from their nightmares, we get to the juicy stuff leaking from the lib-id:

Members of the treatment groups and control groups were surveyed before and after the two weeklong experiments in an effort to identify the effect of exposure to Spanish-speaking people. In both surveys, respondents were asked three questions about immigration along with other more general questions […]

How did the respondents’ answers change?

Treated subjects [ed: subjects exposed to increased diversity on their daily commutes] were far more likely to advocate a reduction in immigration from Mexico and were far less likely to indicate that illegal immigrants should be allowed to remain in this country.

WOMP there it is.

[The experiment] demonstrated that exclusionary attitudes can be stimulated by even very minor, noninvasive demographic change: in this case, the introduction of only two persons. […]

The good liberal people catching trains in the Boston suburbs became exclusionary.

Exposure to two young Spanish speakers for just a few minutes, or less, for just three days had driven them toward anti-immigration policies associated with their political opponents.

LMAO. When shitlibs virtue signal, the signal is typically a few orders of magnitude more powerful than the claimed virtue.

Segregation and White voting behavior was examined:

A white voter in the least-segregated metropolitan area was 10 percentage points more likely to vote for Obama than a white voter in the most-segregated area.

These voting patterns, according to Enos, reflect what might be called a self-reinforcing cycle of prejudice.

In the mid-to-late twentieth century, Enos writes, “whites — spurred by forces including their own racism [ed: aka pattern recognition] — abandoned the inner cities.” But, he goes on, that “is not where the story ends. Attitudes do not remain static.” In practice, the very fact of being segregated creates an environment in which hostile views “become even more negative and their political consequences even more severe.”

That’s not it. What happens is that Whites who have found their all-White elysium will want to protect it from the very real negative social consequences of Diversity™.

Prejudice may have helped cause segregation, but then the segregation helped cause even more prejudice.

The segregation reminded Whites just how good life can be without Diversity™, so their attitudes toward racial overrun hardened. ftfy.

Liberal democracies endorse diversity, Enos writes,

indeed, it is often considered one of our strengths and liberal individuals usually favor diversity as a matter of ideology and public policy.

The Equalism Ideology is a religion of secular degeneration, and should therefore not be used as the premise of public policy.

We often support diversity out of a genuine ideological commitment and because we rightly perceive that diversity can improve the performance of many organizations, such as universities and businesses.

Rightly perceive? There’s Enos’s (and his liberal friends’) problem right there: they have constructed a worldview based on a false premise. Namely, the false premise that diversity of race and ethnicity “improves performance”. Every real world observation and replicable study has found otherwise.

But, he continues, “looking across the world and even across states and cities within the United States, most of us would rather not live with some of the social, economic, and political consequences of diversity.” This is what Enos calls “the liberal dilemma.”

Or what I call “the liberal delusion”.

Not all of Enos’s findings are bleak. Group hostility, he writes, grows as the size of the immigrant population grows until it reaches a certain point and then begins to recede:

The relationship between the proportion of an out-group in an area and group-based bias is curvilinear: it becomes greater as the out-group proportion increases until reaching a tipping point and then starting to decrease. This means that when a group makes up a large portion of a place — for concreteness, say 40 percent — each additional person above 40 percent actually decreases group-based bias.

LOL is this guy pulling our legs? No shit intergroup hostility decreases when the outgroup becomes a majority; the beset-upon ingroup must trade in their hostility for appeasement when their numbers are insufficient to protect the homogeneity of their turf.

Ryan [Enos]’s book is brilliant and his findings dovetail with my belief that we’re in for a tough road ahead as the country diversifies, at least in the short term.

Liberals are very sanguine about the eventually of a happy, functional diversitopia. It’s always a “short term” tough road until we reach nirvana. 400 years of black dysfunction and inability to assimilate to White norms and values belies the shitlib hope of a “short term” bump in the road. Now of course, the smarter shitlibs know there will be no short term tough road, that instead it will take tens if not hundreds of generations of racial mixing to bring about their vision of a White-Asian elite ruling over a muddy peasantry of braindead consumerists. This is why the elites have begun pushing miscegenation so hard in entertainment, media, and advertising. They are acclimating Whites to accept their racial dissolution.

The Trumpening angle:

“But the polarizing rhetoric of politicians ‘politicizes’ the places where Americans live,” Sides, Tesler and Vavreck observe,

and people who live in places with a recent influx of immigrants then become more concerned about immigration. This unfolded in 2016: white Democrats voted for Trump in the highest numbers where the Latino population had grown the most.

Diversity + Proximity = War (by political means and then, later, by violent means if the political solution has failed).


The Schlomo-Shitlib Axis convulsed themselves into a heavy menstrual flow this past week over the Fake Atrocity of bawlin’ beanlets being temporarily separated from their beaner parents for processing by border control officials. The real atrocity is of course the child abuse committed by the parents for hauling their leetle darleengs across hundreds of miles of hot desert, beset by child smugglers, cartel murderers, rapists, and pedophiles at every pit stop, passing through the non-shithole country of Mexico en route to invading the oppressively racist country of America, to live la vida loco.

Naturally, Trump and his supporters are to blame for being Nazis or something. The media said so. It’s all connected. You just have to abandon your senses of sanity and hyperbole.

So many leftoid crocodile tears shed for bawlin’ beanlets dragged by their parents thousands of miles away from their homelands, while not a single tear spared for poor White kids who live a few towns over. Tears for the former are grace and empathy personified, while tears for the latter are gauche. That’s how moral enlightenment looks once refracted through the twisted shitlib mind.

“How dare you?” shrieks the anchorshitlib in high dudgeon when her Void-Cunt Conformism Test is defied by a wompin’ White man whose sympathies are more realistically and sincerely situated closer to home. “These poor (brown) children are being separated from their parents! IT’S A NATIONAL DISGRACE,” she screams through red face and eyes bulging with fire and brimstone. To which the only needed response is, “lol suk a dik, you leftoids are off your rockers. ‘Tender age’ kids are separated every day from their parents…it’s called elementary school!”


But the shitlib won’t stop her descent into infantilism. There’s too much at stake, such as the much better moral high she can get from effortlessly sympathizing with faraway people who don’t look like her. Sympathizing with kin closer to home comes with expectations of real assistance, and why work for her hit of methamphetapreen when she can emote ineffectually over illegal aliens who can only trip her guilt from a distance.

The poster beanlet for this virtue signaling mass hysteria is a toddler girl who was photographed…wait for it…crying. Yes, stop the presses, a toddler was crying. It’s the next Watergate. Or Waterworks.

The aztot immediately became iconic to one half of the country. She was even featured on a Time fagazine cover:

The suspiciously coordinated Chaimstream Media moved quickly to action to give their shitlib audience what it craved: a narrative injection about no good, very bad, horribly racist BadWhites and the evil Trump Administration tearing a little crying girl from her mother. Never mind that the separation policy is twenty years old, enforced by Gay Mulatto and Trump alike.

Yellow journalism isn’t the right term for what’s going on today with the media, which is much worse than mere sensationalism. The media is now into passing off lies and suppressing truths to whip up fervor among their remnant shitlib followers in the hopes of inciting either an impeachment or an assassination of Trump. It’s that bad.

Manufactured emotionalism is the Chaimstream Media’s sole purpose now. Truth? Objectivity? Journalistic ethics? Sanity? Toss it in the bin, because the only thing that matters is winding up a bunch of hysterical cat ladies, urban sluts, and soyboys over the phony plight of foreign invaders who use their kids as “get into the US free” props. The media’s mottos can be condensed to “Anything to Get Trump” and “No Lie Too Big”.

It only took a day of media fluffing to give Shitlib America wood. Protests erupted. Celebrities jizzed themselves in ropes of self-righteous indignation. Trump officials were hounded out of restaurants and leftists threatened ICE patriots with bodily harm on Twatter (account suspensions delayed pending review of what level of incitement to violence is permissible if the threat is carried out by a leftoid…turns out, quite a lot).

But a funny thing happened (again) during this combo platter two minutes hate + two minutes sanctimony: the central figure — the core conceit — of the shitlib narrative collapsed, and made a farce of what was already a sham.

The bawlin’ beanlet was never separated from her mother.

The morbid humor doesn’t stop there. In the midst of the anti-Trump frenzy, ethical journalists at the Daily Caller and Breitbart reported a host of details that put the lie to every cherished mythology of the Left in their manufactured crisis du jour.

Trump was right. They really aren’t sending their best.

(left unstated: the toddler grows up to be a fat waddling adult bean who gives birth to five ms-13 gang members. #GenesMatter #RaceMatters)

Even when the Left thinks they have scored a battlefield victory, their delusions are exposed by the countervailing facts that inevitably surface a few sanity-check days later to put the lie to their anti-White narrative.

It’s almost clockwork-like now:

  • a propaganda photo of Browns Behaving Heartwarmingly goes viral
  • shitlibs celebrate their good fortune at getting the chance to once again paternalistically emote over a nonWhite while denouncing Trump and TrumpWhites who insufficiently grovel before the Equalism Monolith
  • a disingenuous moral panic ensues, recharging shitlib batteries depleted by the Trumpening and the creeping realization that their noble savage worldview is on the verge of implosion
  • as shitlib menstrual cycles are synchronizing, a trickle and then a deluge of contradicting facts escapes from dissident media outlets, destroying any slim justification for the shitlib hysterics
  • shitlibs and their media symbiote ignore the contradicting facts, pretending their entire narrative wasn’t just discredited (but enough realtalk pierces their bubbles that another bout of cogdis pushes them one step closer to the funny farm)

That last item is important, because it’s proof that shitlibs don’t really care about the bawlin’ beanlets. If they really cared about the leetle crying beanlet, they would express relief that she wasn’t actually separated from her mother. They would be happy that their worst fear wasn’t realized. Instead, they ignore the heartening news to continue slandering Trump with the melodramatic blood libel that he’s building concentration camps for the saints.

The Great Bawlin’ Beanlet Hoax of 2018 was always about Trump and what he and his followers represent: a disturbing lack of faith in the value of histrionic anti-White moralism. It was, yet again, a theatrical piece of agitprop around which shitlibs could coalesce into an uptalking choir of smarmy self-righteousness revealing an increasingly fragile superiority complex over those deplorable Whites who don’t commute to work via bike lane. Every modren day madness roiling the Hajnalsphere is just another front in the IntraWhite War.

It’s virtue signaling all the way down. Don’t let the torrent of tears fool you. (For one, shitlibs cry over anything. They aren’t known for emotional continence.) The tears aren’t for the children; the tears are for other shitlibs: briny droplets of estrogen that serve as club membership dues and backstage passes to polite society. When the tears streak in unison, shitlibs experience something akin to a mass hypnotic event; their atomized striver existence is, for a brief window, mutually connected to a larger community and social purpose that evokes a feeling of religious transcendence and earthy authenticity which they commonly lack and consequently endlessly try-hard to achieve.

In truth, children have always only ever been one of two things to the typical White shitlib: inconveniences, or soldiers to recruit for the cause. Satanic, really.

The scum who pushed the Bawlin’ Beanlet blood libel on gullible Whites by exploiting a bug in their high trust, guilt-based, empathobesic code should be reminded up front and as often as possible that America is not the fucking daycare center of the world. Beanlets separated from their parents because the parents tried to invade a foreign country? PARENTS’ FAULT. Claiming anything else is simply opportunistic moralism leveraged to tactical advantage by SWPL elites and sub-elites desperate to keep out of their halls of power and striver circles any incursions by declassé Whites riding a wave of revolutionary churn.

A slim majority of Americans is sane enough to understand the moral calculus, but a disconcertingly large minority prefers moral inversion, because the goal here isn’t moral clarity. It’s battlefield advantage. Precursors to Civil War 2…


Escoffier, reacting to the following news story about an exhibitionist University of Cambridge professor (via /pol/ News Network)…

Welcome to Ivy League universities: where professors walk around naked, and if you ask them to cover up you’ll be expelled or fired.

Universities are Leftist indoctrination camps, nothing more.

…earned a coveted COTW with this response:

When Women are allowed to become feral, everyday is a battle to get naked in public and create plausible sounding justifications for it…

Sadly, it’s rarely the women with naked bodies worth ogling.

Even the most lunatic feminist subconsciously knows female worth is tied up with female physical allure, so when feminists go feral they have a strangely self-contradicting habit of stripping naked to denounce “sexual objectification”.

In the subset of the female population that is neither ugly nor feminist, women spend a lot of mental energy rationalizing their urge to show skin in public. They want men to notice them, but they don’t want men to think they’re allowed to notice them. Try and square that circle! (forget it, jake, it’s vaginatown)


Runner-up COTW goes to CMC for this volcuck twist on a popular meme:

Your great-great-great Grand dad was part of an army that essentially said, “we’re sick of this shit,” marched right through the enemy’s homebase beating the crap out of them, burning their cities towns and homes, destroying their INFRASTRUCTURE, freeing their slaves and winning war.

You go to comic con and let race mix older woman marrying professional pretender from Obama islands to cup your wife’s milker and slap your face and memorialize it in photo.

You are ghey.

Celebrity and sportsball athlete adoration was always kinda self-cuckingly ghey. Don’t do it. And express disgust when your buddies or your girl do it.


Camel Cock comments,

*** Submission for comment of the week ***

Good show, kid, but ya came up short. This week’s COTW has already been awarded (details soon). Dry your eyes, though, because you submitted excellent Game-related content.

If you are half-way good with girls and live in a smaller city you will eventually run into the same ones especially when you are out on dates. Some girls will wave, some will come up to you and your date and say Hi, and the trully daring will even come up and give you a hug.

The girls (on your date rotation) who hug you when you’re out on another date are the ones who want to fuck you, but only if they can feel like they’re besting another girl to get to your pole position. Prepare for a lifetime of Dread Game if you decide to LTR one of those bitches.

Almost every girl I’ve gone out with has asked “Who was that?” or “Who is that?” The hotter the girl, the quicker my date asks about her.

Of course. This is classic female preselection. Girls judge men by the number and quality of women who keep his company. This is because girls can’t get most of the mate value information they need about a man just by looking at him, so they use a short cut: if other girls like him, he must be hsmv.

Before I used to be vague and say “a friend” “drinking buddy” or “just some girl” but I’ve been inspired by CH’s recent tingle generation talk and a few weeks ago when I was feeling especially zfg I responded, “Your competition.”


I’ve tested this on a few girls and it’s tingle dynamite! It’s mostly in the delivery. When they ask about the other girl. I turn my head slowly, I look them in the eye and with a jerkboy smirk I say “Your competition.”

I believe the reason it’s so great is bc your dating asking you about the other girls is a shit test and most guys justify or play down the other girl…not what a true jerkyboy does.

There is a way to provoke the same effect in your girl without explicitly revealing your game plan. In fact, I’d argue that feigned dismissiveness can be a more powerful intoxicant on the female hamster than can pulling back the curtain and announcing her place in the pecking order. For instance,

HER: who was that?


Leave it hanging right there, and she’ll be spinning her wheel for days wondering what your deal is (aka whether you have a harem), which means she will only find satisfying resolution in sex.

But there is a class of girls for whom a stone cold stunner like “Your competition” will work wonders. These are the kinds of girls who need bold, unmistakable displays of drama to begin lubing up for Act 2.

Oh and if u get shit tested, your delivery or eye contact was off. Most of the times I’ve said it girls get those anime eyes and their jaw drops. They can’t believe u just dropped such a massive tingle bomb. Some trash talk and qualify themselves and try to justify why they are better.

A girl in the defensive crouch is a girl with a torrential pouch.

One caveat, make sure the girl saying hi is slightly more attractive or at least on par with date girl.

True dat. If a fatty comes over to say hi, acting like she’s one of your plates, heisman that hambeast with the quickness.

HER: who was that?

THE WOOD OF WOMP: one of my obsessive admirers. poor girl. so sad.


The Superbugman

Sam Lavigne (((?))) is a far-Left, pantifa supporting NYU professor (it is to laugh) and active enemy of European Christendom who doxxed a bunch of patriotic ICE agents on Twatter via their LinkedIn profiles. Doxxing law enforcement agents into a readily accessible dossier and distributing it to anti-American pantifa activists is an implicit threat of violence against those agents, which Lavigne knows, and why he did it.

Naturally, you’re wondering about Xir Lavigne’s physiognomy. You won’t be surprised.

Shivthots and shitlords, I give you…the superbugman. There is no cure for this strain. I bet the fine volk at MPC would agree. This is the physiognomy of the ür-bugman, fit only for mockery and tubal ligation.


Spot The Volcuck

“I told my husband I wanted a picture alone with Jason Momoa, but he wasn’t comfortable with that.”

LMAO that Momoa scribbled his initials right over the volcuck’s face. LMAO^2 that Momoa’s left hand is practically cupping her tit. It’s all in good fun, you see, but good fun often reveals deeper truths.

The volcuck — voluntary cuckold — is the lowest social and sexual status a man can achieve. Even incels have more dignity. Regular cuckolds — men who aren’t aware their women have been unfaithful and gotten pregnant by another man’s seed — are less contemptible. The volcuck debases himself so completely he may as well lop it off and become a house eunuch to fat cat oligarchs.

The volcuck is a symptom of an acutely diseased sexual market. When you see his kind growing in number and cavalierly disgracing himself for social media yucks, you will know there is a great disturbance in the whores. The Snark Side is winning. The world has become farce. Women hold all the cards and fat pink-haired skanks can casually humiliate their neckbearded soyfriends and experience no consequences for it.

But there is salvation, and it can be found in the Good Book of Heartiste. Game will redeem Western Man.


The Big Lie of Leftism, exposed. Courtesy of Jay in DC.

PS what man in his right mind would PoundMeToo that thing? (bill cosby) okay, besides him.


This is real:

Daily Mail reports that Melania Trump boarded her plane to Texas wearing a jacket that said on the back, “I really don’t care, do u?”https://t.co/SeNGeux5jB pic.twitter.com/owHqTAyPdO

— Tim Mak (@timkmak) June 21, 2018

Beautiful on the inside as well as the outside, Melania wore this jacket on her way to visit border babbies. She was obviously sending a message to phonyfuck virtue signaling self-righteous sanctimonious shitlibs screeching hysterically about a twenty year old border apprehension policy that temporarily separates children from parents until the parents’ fake asylum claims have been reviewed…AND FOUND WANTING.

For this epic troll, the MOAB of trolls, I award Melania the coveted Shiv of the Week.

*hands golden shiv to melania*

*melania lightly grips it in a delicate feminine hand, running the pointer finger of her other hand along the edge of the blade, the sparkles of the shiv matched in luminescence by her hot rod red fingernail polish*

“do you think i didn’t pick up a thing or two watching my husband deal with scum in rat-infested new york?” she purrs.

Melania is the only First Lady about whom I’ve wondered what she’s like in bed. Sensuous, I bet.

Between Corey Lewandowski’s WOMP WOMP and Melania’s triggerjacket, it almost feels like we’ve turned a corner in the battle between the degenerate freak mafia and the MAGAmen, and we shitlords are now on offense, beating the freaks back to their hug boxes.

I’m not the only one to notice the change in momentum:

Between Melania’s grotesque jacket (which is confirmed by @Acosta as real) and the sudden desire of Trump’s top racists to eat in Mexican restaurants where they will inevitably get yelled at, it’s as if this administration is trying to drive the whole country out of its mind. pic.twitter.com/6FB5rYdlXk

— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) June 21, 2018

The snipdick blue ticks accounted for.

FYI it’s very easy to push the already mentally ill over the edge. A WOMP WOMP here, a jacket there, and a ‘umble blog outpost of realtalk dedicated to opening hearts and minds playing the background score, and mass shitlib suicides are not far off.


— Mel Gibson fan 9 (@MelGibsonFan9) June 21, 2018

PS Monkfish adds,

Nothing a woman wears is by accident. Now we’ll be spending the next week’s news cycle talking about Melania’s jacket instead of Mexican children in dog kennels. Do our enemies never learn?

White shitlibs aren’t as SMRT as they like to imagine themselves. Their abstraction-weighted intelligence leaves them vulnerable to the reality-grounded concrete intelligence of the Chad. Cucks are beginning to learn this lesson: be more like Trump and less like an insecure lackey trying to win the admiration of your enemies.


There’s no need for a contest in this edition of Beta of the Month; Joe Scarborough wins it running away.

You’ve seen this before, in previous Chateau Heartiste Beta of the Month posts. Uxorious Joe Scarborough is the beta, Bleeding NipAndTuckface Mika the repulsed woman spurning his ingratiating, conciliatory romantic gestures.

Painfully beta, but did you expect anything more from this anti-Trump nancyboy?

Watch the vid. None of this is staged. You can tell by their body language and vocal tone that real aggravation bubbled to the surface on live TV (that nobody watches).

0:16: NipAndTuck admits they’ve been fighting “over issues” (they’re an off-screen couple). One can only guess what those issues were, maybe “I got tired of being the man in the relationship” or “Honey, I secretly think Trump is getting unfair press coverage on this Beaner Baby story” or “Your prostate doesn’t need *that* much stimulation”.

0:20: Uxorious Joe cloyingly objects, “No we did not”. NipAndTuck immediately shoots him down, “Oh yeah we did.”

0:21: Uxorious: “We never fight”. Nip: *sarcastically* “Uh huh”.

0:22: Watch this sequence closely, it happens fast, but slow enough that you can see Nip’s pussy turtling on air. Uxorious gently reaches for her hand, and Nip’s whole body convulses backward to get away from his slimy touch. She promptly assumes the cadence of a careercunt shrike, scolding him, “No, no, don’t do that. Ok, not on the air, NOT ON THE AIR”.

0:26: Nip: “What are you doing?! It’s 6:03.” She’s publicly shaming him, rejecting his romantic ardor in front of an audience now cringing with vicarious embarrassment. Notice her body language: she’s sitting ramrod straight, turned toward him to face him down, jaw jutting. This is the aggressive posture of a woman expanding her personal space, building a defensive perimeter to warn the beta male to stay away or get the stinger again.

0:29: Uxorious is trapped. He tries to change course. “Willie, can I ask you a question.” It’s not a change of topic, though. It’s worse. He’s trying to enlist other men to persuade his ice queen to thaw out a little and spare his on-air dignity. It’s an example of “let’s you and her make my case for me”. Passive-aggressive betahurt to the max.

0:31: Uxorious: “We’re engaged. We’ve been engaged for like 13 years. Now you think I should be able to hold her hand at this point in the engagement with her consent?” Special (needs) pleading.

0:41: Nip then delivers the ballcutting slice. “If you’ll be quiet I’ll hold your hand.”


The JooTube comments are gold (and so very very woke):

these two clowns made fun of Trump countless times about Melania supposedly not wanting to hold Trump’s hand


she obviously finds the man repulsive. maybe hillary would let him hold her claw


Why doesn’t she ever ask Shmoe what really happened to his intern? Isn’t she worried???


Why talk about baseball when you can’t seem get to first base yourself?

Heh. Poor Joe. None of Trump’s lessons in life rubbed off on him, so he gets to suffer public humiliation as his heavily scaffolded girlfriend slaps his limp wrist away.


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