Stunning: 67% of Republican Voters Think Arrival of Massive Numbers of Immigrants and Refugees is Harmful — Only 16% of GOP Leaders Agree
Both the D and R Parties need to be destroyed, but I’d start with the GOPe, because the traitor at your back is more dangerous than the enemy at your face.
If you wondered why
then look no further than your GOP representative. They have been jamming up Campaign Trump’s agenda from day one.
Yes, the GOP elitists who can afford to wall (heh) themselves off from the third world diversity they eagerly invite into the country are unconcerned about the harm caused by something they don’t personally experience.
There isn’t a satirist alive who could skewer Clown World better than Clown World already skewers itself.
Understand what Maricon does here. He knows the native stock French are fed up with the Diversity™ and he knows the Notre Dame fire steels hearts against the invading horde. His using this incendiary language right at the moment his subjects are inflamed with nationalist passion is a deliberate provocation: Macron rubs his Globohomo depravity in the faces of White Frenchmen, and pushes their noses into the filth.
This is humiliation porn for globalist traitors like Maricon. That’s all it is. Immediately returning, without a hint of shame, to the “diversity is our strength” mantra in the wake of a powerful symbol of the failings of multiracial diversity is nothing less than a flexing of Globohomo power meant to intimidate White Frenchmen to cower before their New World Disorder.
It is to say that even when your most cherished civilizational masterpieces are burned to the ground, you have no recourse to stop globalism and to restore the cohesion of your nation. In your moment of greatest indignation and moral justification, you still must bend the knees to your effete Globohomo masters and take the diseased cock of their nightmare dystopia.
When you realize that every minute of every day your elites are engaged in active demoralization campaigns against you and yours, you begin to stop caring what they have to say…and to start thinking of new ways forward, and through them.
For a long time, a super majority of Americans opposed increased immigration.
And yet, they got it, good and hard, against their wishes.
1/n Updated immigration-level preferences graph with some data from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Interesting that support for increasing immigration was so low the very year (1965) that Congress loosened immig. restrictions, which led to one of the largest immig. waves in US history
Support for increasing immigration was flat and low for decades until around 2000, when it slowly rose among cucks and shot upward among Democortezes.
Support among Whites:
Wow. Amazing to think that as recently as 1995, less than 5% of Whites OF ANY POLITICAL AFFILIATION supported open borders.
So…what the fuck happened?
First, note that a majority of White Americans STILL oppose open borders, even in this age of runaway virtue sniveling. Don’t let the insular chaimstream media gaslight you.
Second, the slow increase in open borders support began during Dumbya’s first term, just around the time of 9/11.
This makes no sense until you consider that a proper virtue signal needs a self-discrediting calamity to signal against. Whites in happy homogeneous nations don’t conspicuously virtue signal until there is Diversity in place to start the sanctimony feedback loop. It isn’t until status-striving Whites have a little misbehaving Diversity to exploit as props that they begin to posture against “racist” Whites who bitterly cling to outmoded concepts like wisdom and common sense.
9/11 wasn’t a wake up call; it was a woke up call. The worst of the White race — the benighted, self-righteous universalists — received a lesson from 9/11 that was the precise opposite of the obvious lesson intended. Instead of limiting the invasion of the types of people who plan, cheer, or otherwise excuse gross atrocities against Westerners, White shitlibs took it as an opportunity to “welcome” more of them here, just so they could ham-fistedly sneer about their elevated moral worldview.
Viewed this way, it’s not a surprise, then, that moslem migration to the US in the fifteen years AFTER 9/11 was HIGHER than moslem migration before 9/11. The Runaway Virtue Signal Train was hitting its straightaway stride.
Between the early 2000s and now, open borders hysteria and border denialism among Whites have steadily increased. It really increased in Dubya’s second term (a result of the constant cuckservative agitprop about “religion of peace” and “hard working mexicans”?). There was a faint pause in the rise of open borders support when gaymulatto was elected in 2008 (“What have I done” White anxiety?), but then it shot up again during the remainder of the gaymulatto years, most pronounced among White shitlibs. By the end of obama’s 2nd term, White cucks and moderates were having second thoughts about open borders, but White Dems…they were gonna ride their nation-wrecking religion right to the End Times.
Then Trump altered the cosmic balance.
A disturbance in the force rocked the White shitlib self-regard. In response, the White shitlibs’ stated (as opposed to revealed) preference for open borders skyrocketed, and now sits close to 60% support. Moderates and conservatives also began to show increased support for open borders during this time, but still at very low numbers overall (<25%).
Don’t be disheartened, patriots. What you see is the death rattle of a wheezing Equalist religion on the cusp of total refutation. The body fights hard right before the moment of death, refusing at the very end, in one mighty spasm, to relinquish itself. Trump was the mortal blow to the reigning orthodoxy of Equalism; his symbology dwarfs that of any recent president. White shitlibs now had their Sith Lord against which to virtue signal like they have never virtue signaled before, and they let it rip with a fury, knowing someplace deep inside themselves that this was the last hurrah for the primacy of their distorted moral framework.
Cucks and moderates got caught up in the hysteria, as well, and one must marvel that they aren’t more converged given the weight of media propaganda and State repression aimed at dissidents to Globohomo doctrine. I am filled with optimism that non-shitlib Whites retain so much sanity in the face of what must be history’s largest gaslighting campaign.
Bottom line: don’t expect those rising trend lines in support of open borders to continue much longer. We may be at, or near, Peak Virtue Signal, and when the bubble bursts on this hyper-inflated market the crash will be, in a word, spectacular.
PS The fact that the American public was dead-set against open borders for decades, but got open borders anyway, is proof that we are ruled by a malevolent elite and avaricious oligarchy that does what it wants and mocks our quaint attachment to “democracy”.
‘Shockingly’ Single Charlize Theron Wants Someone To ‘Grow A Pair’ And Ask Her Out
Somewhat unbelievably the atomic blonde and generally dynamite actress Charlize Theron says her dating life is about as bleak as a “Mad Max” dystopian wasteland.
The Oscar winner revealed she’s had trouble locking down a date of late, and urged potential suitors to “grow a pair and step up” if they’d like a chance with her.
“I’ve been single for 10 years. It’s not a long shot. Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up,” the actress told “Entertainment Tonight” at CinemaCon in Las Vegas on Thursday. “I’m shockingly available.”
Theron adopted two virtue signal props. Two. As if one enfant nuffin wasn’t enough. She forces the young boy to wear dresses because in her twisted mind she thinks it raises her social status even more if her lil’ fudgeball is boy2girl transitioning. (Note: this is child abuse.)
Theron is very close to hitting the Wall, if she hasn’t already.
She is a single muddy mommy with two adopted tokens she pretends to love.
She dresses the boy like a girl.
She’s a pussyhatter who chopped her hair short, as if she was at war with her inherited beauty, now rapidly disappearing. (A short war that will be ended for her on a timetable sure to be resented by her.)
And she lies to herself and everyone around her when she says stuff like this:
“Once you have children, that’s who you are. There is no way around that. That’s who I am,” she explained back in 2017. “Once I had my kids, the first two years you’re so, you turn into such a mom. Your body almost switches off. It’s like I had no desire to date or anything.”
Charlize, dear, you didn’t have children. You adopted two random babies from the third world. You never gave birth. Your body never sustained life. Your vagina never expelled an infant of your own blood and soul. Your body didn’t “almost switch off” because your body never went through the childbirth process and your kids aren’t your own, which everyone including yourself knows but will never say out loud. You “love” your alien-looking kids marginally more than you love a complete stranger. You “turned into such a mom” only in your head, where your fantastical self-conception demanded that you be the mom which in your heart you don’t really feel you are.
You had no “desire to date” because no man who could meet your standards wanted to date a headcase single mom, so you hamsterly rationalized to yourself that it was your choice to drop out of the dating market.
Naturally, now that your once-hsmv is plummeting through the floor and your increasingly haggard face is made uglier by the swarthlets nipping at your heels, you have trouble finding a worthwhile man who will put up with your mental instability and District 9 home life. And just as naturally, you lash out at men and demean their manhood for not ignoring their own desires to placate your desire, which only adds to the reasons why men don’t want to be within a parsec of you after dropping a perfunctory protein torpedo in your infertile exhaust port.
And that is the truth I hope hurts you badly, because you deserve it.
If you want to know why Theron is so fucked in the head, here’s your reason:
She grew up on her parents’ farm in Benoni, near Johannesburg. On 21 June 1991, Theron’s father, an alcoholic, threatened both teenaged Charlize and her mother while drunk, physically attacking her mother. Theron’s mother then shot and killed him. The shooting was legally adjudged to have been self-defence, and her mother faced no charges.
It always comes back to daddy issues. Beta daddies, alcoholic daddies, violent daddies, weak daddies…..the West is in the midst of a Daddy Crisis, and our traitorous, mentally rekt women are the symptom.
PuffedHo asks,
If she can’t get a date, what does that mean for the rest of us?
The lesson for women is obvious.
Don’t adopt umber props.
Don’t be a single mommy.
Don’t be crazy.
Don’t be dangerously close to your expiration date.
Don’t have a cock count numbering in the hundreds.
Don’t cling to the ridiculously high standards you could afford to have when you were younger, hotter, tighter, and child-free.
Don’t get angry at men for noticing when you break all the above rules.
If God wanted to send a symbolic warning of the West burning, this would be it.
Or maybe it was a warning from the invaders and their cabal sponsors, to the effect of, “We’re here, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us taking command of your countries, retconning your history, and razing your monuments”.
Either interpretation doesn’t bode well for native Westerners.
The White West was the spire of humanity. It has fallen.
We’ll rebuild from the ashes, but first, there is the long overdue separation from the corrupted facsimile of the West that holds us back. It’s time to let go of what we have become.
Not that you would know this from watching chaimstream media news, but there has been a rash of cathedral and church burnings throughout France. One month ago, the second largest church in Paris, the Sulpice, burned. It was instantly memory-holed as an “accident”.
(Shepard Smith of Fairy News actually cut off a French official who tried to tell his viewers that there have been numerous Churches desecrated in France.)
Laugh it up, vibrants, it’s all getting stored to memory.
Twenty minutes into a fire at Notre Dame Cathedral one week before Easter and the French “authorities” said it was caused by a construction restoration accident.
Whenever they frantically rush out the pat Globohomo-preserving excuse that can’t possibly have been the result of thorough investigation, your suspicions should be raised.
It could be an accident, but if I had to put money on it…
You can even see the [head scarf], so this is proof there is NFW this was an “industrial accident.”
UPDATE: We know now there were no construction workers on site, and fire brigade wears bright red. This is a M*slim saboteur.
In islam, it is forbidden and considered a sin to contribute towards the construction of a church. In fact, it is their duty to destroy churches and replace them with mosques.
Who are the workers at Notre Dame?
I predict we will never get an answer to that question, and any intrepid reporter who dares to investigate will somehow find himself smeared by Globohomo media apparatchiks.
Sallust eloquently reminds us of the material and symbolic loss of the Notre Dame fire,
In terms of material culture, the loss of Notre Dame is the biggest hit the West has taken in my lifetime. I can think of nothing destroyed in World War II that compares with it. Taking the long view, today’s loss ranks with the burning of the Library of Alexandria. Yet FoxNews is hosting a Bernie Sanders town hall; Lou Dobbs is talking about flags on the side of police cars in Laguna Hills; and the lead story on National Review is another piece of petty partisan crap by David French about Ihlan Omar. I have seen way too many stories in the European media–published with no apparent sense of self-reflective irony–about how the cathedral has been saved because–although its internal supports, its roof, its spiritual artwork, its interior, and its spire reaching up to heaven have all been destroyed–its facade (so well known to the tourists!) still stands. Is it any wonder that those who do not appreciate or even understand the fruits of our civilization are unwilling to defend the peoples and the lands that gave birth to that civilization?
Men have lost connection to God and purpose.
Women have lost connection to men and their own femininity.
Children have lost connection to their parents.
Families have lost connection to their relatives.
Neighbors have lost connection to each other.
Countryside has lost connection to towns, which have lost connection to cities.
And Westerners have lost connection to their ancestors.
The unraveling of Western greatness is a story of disconnection. Of a Great Severing.
Zman writes of the by now banal double standard which applies to the defilement of White glories,
Imagine instead of a masterpiece of Western civilization, it was a mosque or a synagogue that caught fire and burned to the ground. Big tech would already be de-platforming all of us. The EU would rush through laws banning us from the public space.
Instead we’re going to get a week of stories about how accidents happen.
*Whites utterly dispossessed from their homelands*
“Ah, well, accidents happen!”
I would bet that the crews working on the Notre Dame Cathedral were mostly immigrants. Probably Tunisians and Algerians. The few French working the project would have spent their time making sure the Algerians and Tunisians did not try to kill one another.
The price of cheap labor is your heritage.
J.R. quips,
Any sufficiently retarded immigration policy is indistinguishable from terrorism.
the best case scenario is that the fire wasn’t set on purpose, it’s just that all the @r@bs and @fric@ns doing the work were so stupid, lazy, and indifferent to quality and safety standards that it caught fire anyway.
There’s frequently some animus inherent in gross incompetence, especially when the mercenary laborers are so alien to their employers. Yeah, an african “left” a lit cig on the floor, and that will be recorded in the books as an “accidental fire” but there would have been a callous disregard motivating that “accident”.
When one small church in rural France burns, “accident” is a plausible cause.
When a hundred churches and cathedrals all over France and particularly in its biggest city, Paris, burn during Christendom’s holiest weeks, ya gotta start thinking something other than a series of “accidents” are responsible.
PS Some indie news outlets are reporting that Macron ordered that half the work force on the Notre Dame restoration should be Middle East migrants. I can’t vouch for that bit of news, but honestly would anyone here doubt it?
PPS On a hopeful note, the Cross in the center of the Cathedral was untouched:
When WTC Building 7 finally collapsed in the afternoon.
When they found a parking spot with money still on the meter.
When the US pledges another 3 billion in aid to Israel
When you successfully subvert a culture.
When Rammstein’s music video gets taken down social media.
Try to roll a penny on the floor and look what’s going to happen
When you destroy the USS liberty and try to blame Egypt
Leftoids lost their humor when they gained power. There’s a lesson there.
PS Ethnic and racial humor is long overdue for a comeback.
This is a very good blog post by an anonymous author, about current and ongoing geopolitical tumult. In it, the author wonders why Trump appeases [special people] who so clearly despise him and his constituency, and who tirelessly work to undermine his agenda and his presidency.
The latest hate-driven operations by the Iron Cross-seeking Gaulieters Nadler and Schiff will lead to nothing substantive, but they will harass and defame the president, while robbing the republic of two more years of its life. What is it that has driven Jewish-Americans, seemingly as a whole, to hate a president who, despite their united and virulent opposition, has improved American living and economic conditions far more in two years than the Jewish-American-loved Obama-Biden regime did in eight?
In part, it is because of their disregard, even contempt for all Americans who are not part of their community, as well as those Americans who oppose the policies that the community’s spokesmen, media, celebrities, and political leaders make clear they love best; namely, abortion/infanticide; identity politics like those of Nazi Germany; Islamophobia; ending the electoral college,; open borders; minority rule; sexual deviancy redefined as normal behavior; white people, the climate-change hoax; demented feminism; neutering the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments; hating Americans from the southern states and the Midwest; and, most of all, Israel.
The Jewish-Americans’ deep-seated hatred for President Trump has existed since he announced his candidacy and today is broadcast far, wide, and daily. Starting with Bill Kristol’s anti-Trump obsession – yielding the destruction of his own magazine and, currently, his own hilariously self-demeaning role on CNN – leading members of the Jewish-American community in all walks of life have heaped hatred, vitriol, and lies upon Trump, his administration, and his family. Under this downpour of Jewish-American hate, Trump has conducted himself with more of the actions of a true Israel-First shill than almost any of his predecessors. The president has moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: he has recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; in his campaign to significantly reduce wasteful and often stupid foreign aid, he has made no mention of reducing the $38 billion in taxpayer funds that Israel is extorting from the U.S. Congress it owns; he has lavished praise on an apparently corrupt Israeli prime minister; and he has used his son-in-law to do Israel’s bidding in the farce known as the Middle East Peace Process. In other words, short of converting, Trump could not have done more in terms of behaving like an Israel-Firster – the direct opposite and deadly enemy of America First — and kowtowing to Jewish-Americans and Israel. Nor could he have done more in less time to solidify hatred for the United State in the minds of Muslims in America and around much of the Islamic world.
Which leaves two questions: Why do Jewish-Americans and their leaders and journalists so universally hate Trump? And why, in response to their mocking, scurrilous, and lying hatred, has the president continued to act as their pathetic yes-man?
I have no definitive answer, but I do have a speculation. The blazing hatred for Trump from Nadler, Schiff, Bloomberg, Wasserman-Schultz, Kristol, Durbin, Finestein, and so many other leading Jewish-Americans in politics, the media, the academy, and Hollywood could well mean that these creatures believe Trump will ultimately stop his slow application of an America First foreign and military policy by lethally turning on his, America First’s, and the republic’s greatest domestic enemies, of which there are five main groupings.
The first four are (a) the mid- and senior-levels of the federal bureaucracy, (b) the Democratic Party, (c) the academy, and (d) almost all of the media. The federal bureaucracy is already being culled of its richly verminous manpower – note the panic of Brennan, et. al — and the pace of that delightful process seems ready to pick up considerably. The Democratic Party is being destroyed by its socialist majority, and before long many dozens of its leaders will be facing the splendid pain inherent in the coming return of equal treatment under the law. No longer immune from the law that applies to all other Americans, these Democratic grandees will be humiliated, incarcerated, and forever vilified. The academy, too, will soon be imploding as a consequence of the 1st Amendment being restored to campuses. The academy’s hoard of two-bit, badly educated professors will confront the end of their courses on righteous feminism, anti-American U.S. history, gender studies, statue destruction, Antifa-sanctifying, the glories of sexual deviance, pedophilia, multiculturalism, and diversity, and a host of other useless topics once classrooms are again open to students who know these subjects are worthless and can be debated into oblivion by a bit of commonsense and the 1st Amendment’s ironclad protections. Not much needs to be said about the media. These Bloomsbury-like, faux intellectuals and sexually-uncertain weaklings have destroyed their own credibility, and will, if there is any justice, drown in the stinking cesspool they created and call home, all the while shrieking about Russian interference.
The republic’s fifth lethal enemy, unsurprisingly, is…
Click the link for the rest of the story!
Ok, one more bit. The author is optimistic about Trump’s hidden game plan.
But, if my hunch is correct, President Trump knows the depth, breadth, and power of these corrupting [specials].
My bet is that President Trump will make the disloyal [specials] and their country of first allegiance the last target on the above list of the five deadly enemies of the republic. The president seems to have insulated himself – through his butt-kissing praise for Israel and such Neocon stupidities as his decisions on Jerusalem and the Golan Heights – from any accusations of anti-Israeli thoughts, words, or behavior. When the time comes, Trump will have massive, and massively persuasive, data that will disclose to Americans the details of Israel’s longtime corruption of the U.S. Congress; campaign of espionage against the U.S. government and military; and practice of sharing U.S. technology and other classified information with the republic’s enemies. When Trump does this, Israel and Special-American Israel Firsters, together with the extraordinary damage they have done to U.S. foreign policy and the republic as a whole, will be, at long last, just an annoying memory.
The soytoff at that snarky website thinks our swole Chad won’t get any takers, but he has no understanding. I predict OopsMyTracksuitPants will swim in snapper in no time.
Righteous Disqualification Game recognized!
This is how you spark girls’ curiosity. You judge them. If you allow a girl to judge you, she will always judge punitively. If you instead flip the script and judge a girl, she will judge you favorably because she is psychologically groomed by her investment into pleasing you to consider you higher value than if you were trying to please her.
Also, it’s just good policy to put single mommies, mudsharks, and gold diggers on notice.
TheGopnik comments,
Saw this over at the Daily Mail, the usual comments are as expected , “he’s gay” , “look how short he is” etc, usual snarky feminist responses and soyboys “apologising on behalf of all men” . The only positive comment in the top 100 was “Why are people having a go at him? Tinder is equally full of pathetic women with similar requirements. The women asking for men’s salaries, height, with six packs etc”
Western culture is so lost, debased, and deluded that basic Game concepts have become revolutionary tracts and punishable thought crimes.
It’s hard to believe the Anglo sexual market has gotten WORSE since the advent of Game and realtalk blogs like this one, but one has to accept that the market for pretty lies is much larger than the market for ugly truths. Only exceptional men and women find their way to the Chateau.
Feral Sigma presents his old school Craigslist Personals Game:
‘Bout five years ago, I posted this ad on craigslist personals. It was the only ad I ever posted that got a decent number of responses. Of course, it was taken down eventually by the censors:
Seriously, don’t open this ad….
Well, it looks like you opened the ad. That was stupid. But you can still save yourself by not responding to it.
I’m a SWM, 39, with bipolar schizoaffective disorder. I own several guns and even sleep with one in the bed at night. I hoard ammunition. I pace the floor muttering to myself. I have been declared insane by the state of Arizona and involuntarily committed. I have also been in jail more times than I can remember. I am a life member of the Gun Owners of America, which is the gun lobby for people who think that the NRA is not extreme enough. I think that the black helicopters are going to come and take me away any minute now. I have not had a steady job in over ten years.
You don’t want a man like me in your life. You don’t need a man like me in your life. But you’re going to respond to this ad anyway, even after having been warned, aren’t you? Because, after all, you opened it after having been warned, didn’t you?
Can’t wait to hear from you. Bye for now…
This is classic Self-Disqualification Game aka Be A Challenge (and be a little bit clever).
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only….
Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only….
….The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
THIS is the Trump we voted for! How do I know? Well, one, forcing xenophilic shitlibs to choke on their hypocrisy is always good policy.
Two, it triggered the HOLY FUCK out of shitlibs. Many sly shitlords descended in the Twatter thread to innocently ask rattled shitlibs why it’s a problem if Trump relocates illegal aliens into their Orwellian-named sanctuary cities?
I thought shitlibs would welcome their “gifts of love” into their own neighborhoods? What’s that, Nancy Pelosi? Alyssa Milano? And the rest of you virtue sniveling phonies? You have a problem with Trump’s suggestion? Are you……RACIST?
Of course, this being Trump, we’ve been teased before. I hope this goes somewhere, redux.
Word has it that Stephen Miller is now calling the shots on all things related to the border and immigration, and was responsible for this latest proposal by Trump.
Homeland Security officials said the sanctuary city request was unnerving, and it underscores the political pressure Trump and Miller have put on ICE and other DHS agencies at a time when the president is furious about the biggest border surge in more than a decade.
“It was basically an idea that Miller wanted that nobody else wanted to carry out,” said one congressional investigator who has spoken to one of the whistleblowers. “What happened here is that Stephen Miller called people at ICE, said if they’re going to cut funding, you’ve got to make sure you’re releasing people in Pelosi’s district and other congressional districts.”
Stephen Miller saves America.
Stephen Miller is /our-number-one-guy/.
Stephen Miller is more Trump than Trump.
Kind of ironic, doncha think?
The investigator spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect the whistleblower.
Whistleblower, or bureaucratically entrenched #resistor ph@ggot? You be the judge!
The idea of releasing immigrants into sanctuary cities was not presented to Ronald Vitiello, the agency’s acting director, according to one DHS official familiar with the plan. Last week, the White House rescinded Vitiello’s nomination to lead ICE, giving no explanation, and Vitiello submitted his resignation Wednesday, ending his 30-year-career.
Faster, please.
According to both, there were at least two versions of the plan being considered. One was to move migrants who were already in ICE detention to the districts of Democratic opponents. The second option was to bus migrants apprehended at the border to sanctuary cities, such as New York, Chicago and San Francisco.
Prominent Democrats lined up to hammer Attorney General Bill Barr for testifying Wednesday that federal authorities had spied on the Trump campaign in 2016, with one top House Democrat charging that Barr is not acting “in the best interest of the DOJ or the country.”
“I think spying did occur,” Barr said during the explosive hearing before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. …Spying on a political campaign is a big deal.“
Barr later clarified in the hearing: “I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred; I’m saying that I am concerned about it and looking into it, that’s all.”
Dems rage. They are indignant. What I hear are the squeals of fear.
Stuck pigs. Cornered rats. They know the walls are closing in on them and their allies in the media.
I, and others in the FreeThought Community, were on top of this from the moment Trump won the election. Just do a global search on this blog for “Deep State Update”. Anyone who wasn’t blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome and by faith in a dying and soon to be dead Universalist religion could see that the DOJ, CIA, and FBI had been compromised by corrupt Gaymulatto holdovers and Clinton lackeys, and weaponized into a secret police force that took a shit on civil rights and Constitutional protections to attempt to oust Trump from office in an illegal coup.
Bigger Than Watergate is understating it. The scandal here is so huge and monstrous that in saner times there would be many seditious heads getting fitted in the latest neckware.
Everyone who isn’t braindead from a Woke stupor understands the portentousness of Barr’s testimony. As usual, this guy gets it,
There’s no disputing Barr’s first point: Spying on a presidential campaign is a big deal, especially when it was authorized by a rival administration. Imagine if, a year from now, the Trump administration allowed the FBI to surveil officials in the Kamala Harris for president campaign. Imagine if, when caught, Trump pointed to opposition research generated by the RNC as justification for that surveillance. How would the media react to that? Like it was a major, jaw-dropping scandal. And this show would heartily agree. We wouldn’t defend it. Law enforcement should never be used as a partisan political tool, no matter who it benefits.
But the media doesn’t feel that way about Obama’s spying. They refuse to admit it was even spying. Professional dumb person, Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post, attacked the attorney general for daring to bring up the topic at all. She called Barr ‘Trump’s toad.’ CNN, meanwhile, assured it’s viewers that there is ‘little evidence’ that spying occurred. But that’s a lie. There is plenty of evidence. We’ve had it for months. In 2016 and 2017, the FBI wiretapped Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman. Former Trump aide Carter Page was spied on extensively, even though it was obvious from day one that he wasn’t a Russian spy. Last year, we learned that the FBI used an informant to feed them information from inside the Trump campaign. This is all spying. There’s no other word for it.
I sometimes wonder how shitlibs will react when their lies, false beliefs, and mythologies come crashing down around them? How will they handle it when they realize their sworn enemy, the “alt-right” (note: not “conservatives”), was right all along, and they were wrong? That they have made of themselves fools, idiots, villains, and dupes?
I hope for a mass self-deliverance event, but shitlibs are too cowardly to take that honorable course of action. Most likely, they will double and triple down, descending ever-more rapidly into their own personal lunacies, until they disappear from public life, medicating themselves on the offal of shrinking niche shitlib media cesspits and cat nuzzles. They will go to their unremarked graves shrieking at the sky, sad and pathetic, and constantly reminded by the reality which enshrouds them of their wrongness, and this will be the Endless Ego Death from which they will find no respite, owing to their aforementioned cowardice.
The accumulated filth of all their shitlib lies and depravity will foam up about their shattered egos and all the whorenalists and blueticks and pussyhatters and virtue signalers will look up and shout “Bring back civility!”…and I’ll look down and