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The Beta Male Greeting

The fastest way to tell if a man you don’t know is a beta or an alpha is by the quality of woman on his arm (if he has a woman).

The second fastest way is by how he greets other men, particularly high status or conspicuously confident men.

The beta male greeting is a slight bow or nod of the head accompanied by a full body lean-in toward the man receiving the beta’s handshake. Usually, the beta male averts his eyes downwardly at the moment the handshake commences. His face is shellacked with a wide, submissive smile.

The head bow/nod+lean-in combo is such a huge indicator of low value that it’s one of the first body language mistakes I teach men to avoid. Anyone, man or woman, who witnesses a man doing that will automatically assume that man is lsmv or, if he looks superficially hsmv, that he has low self-esteem issues and a loser personality.

Another IOB (indicator of betatude) greeting is the side approach plus long-distance handshake. This occurs when the beta can’t summon the will to approach and greet the other man straight-on, torso facing forward, and instead presents his side (as if he’s minimizing the surface area that could be targeted by a threat) and reaches out with his hand from across a significant divide, afraid that he might invade the other man’s personal space. This beta male greeting is abjectly a display of low value, and can border on lsmv absurdity if the side approach, head bow, averted gaze, and stretched handshake are combined with a full-body lean-in at an awkward side-facing angle.

Solution: stop dong this. Approach and greet other men with unwavering eye contact, fully exposed and front-forward torso (preferably donned with Crusader armor), and a firm handshake that isn’t delivered transpacifically. Keep your head up and your body unbowed, and the feeling generated from greeting men this way will imprint your psychology with strength, masculinity, and that glorious outcome independent alpha male attitude that is the fount of a million HB tingles.


Bill Clinton was recently caught leering at Ariana Grande’s tush.

I don’t know anything about this brownish bish, but she has a decent figure, and she’s in her prime nubility years. A reader comes to Bubba’s defense (white-haired knighting?):

I don’t think I ever heard of this young woman before the Clinton leer went global.

A quick look at Google shows she is a top-tier specimen of petite (5’1″), lasciviously appealing womanhood, wearing, of course, extremely revealing clothes.

Ten seconds of the video of one of her hit songs shows that (1) the music is shit, (2) the images are software pornography.

We are supposed be shocked, just shocked, that an adult male notices all this?

Are we supposed to pretend that this talentless, writhing sexpot is, say, a coloratura soprano who is listened to for musical talent? It is to laugh.

The photo below approximates Bill’s view of the show, and his response can be characterized is in the center of the normal range for healthy adult males.

Femcunt man-haters and pussy pedestal polishing white knights labor under the delusion that old men like Bill Clinton lose the part of the brain that finds hot young minxes arousing. Or, they aren’t deluded about this fact of male nature and instead are merely cruel, preferring to shame and ridicule men for having a functioning sex drive past the innocent teenage years when Kavanaugh was a hit with the American sluts at house parties.

Either way, it’s time for these tut-tutting schoolmarms to get off the chodebox. Men dig beauty. Men will always, in all ages and at all ages, desire younger, hotter, tighter women. They may look at their old wives with paternalistic affection, but the white hot-to-flickering embers of their lust burns for the young and bangable. To deny this or, worse, to mock it, is the spite of the bitter sadist who loathes the natural state of maleness.

In Defense Of Bill Clinton’s Leer

September 19, 2018 by CH

Bill Clinton was recently caught leering at Ariana Grande’s tush.

I don’t know anything about this brownish bish, but she has a decent figure, and she’s in her prime nubility years. A reader comes to Bubba’s defense (white-haired knighting?):

I don’t think I ever heard of this young woman before the Clinton leer went global.

A quick look at Google shows she is a top-tier specimen of petite (5’1″), lasciviously appealing womanhood, wearing, of course, extremely revealing clothes.

Ten seconds of the video of one of her hit songs shows that (1) the music is shit, (2) the images are software pornography.

We are supposed be shocked, just shocked, that an adult male notices all this?

Are we supposed to pretend that this talentless, writhing sexpot is, say, a coloratura soprano who is listened to for musical talent? It is to laugh.

The photo below approximates Bill’s view of the show, and his response can be characterized is in the center of the normal range for healthy adult males.

Femcunt man-haters and pussy pedestal polishing white knights labor under the delusion that old men like Bill Clinton lose the part of the brain that finds hot young minxes arousing. Or, they aren’t deluded about this fact of male nature and instead are merely cruel, preferring to shame and ridicule men for having a functioning sex drive past the innocent teenage years when Kavanaugh was a hit with the American sluts at house parties.

Either way, it’s time for these tut-tutting schoolmarms to get off the chodebox. Men dig beauty. Men will always, in all ages and at all ages, desire younger, hotter, tighter women. They may look at their old wives with paternalistic affection, but the white hot-to-flickering embers of their lust burns for the young and bangable. To deny this or, worse, to mock it, is the spite of the bitter sadist who loathes the natural state of maleness.


Spot the signs of dystopia in the above wedding photos. (zoomable link)

  1. Where’s the groom? Oh right, he’s hiding behind the attention whore bride. A mere afterthought.
  2. The bride is racially ambiguous and kind of a slut (you can almost see her panties in the bottom pic…she doesn’t care if her dress flies up (in fact, that’s the goal)), not to mention a world class camera hog.
  3. Everyone is probably drunk on wine and double IPAs.
  4. Lotta fatties, men and women. I spot one bangably thin girl (she also gets the most air in the photos, haha). One of the fatties in the back can’t even get off the ground.
  5. The men have hops guts and soyfaces. The two thin men loudly ping my gaydar.
  6. The groom himself looks to be bi-swishual. Beardgroom alert.
  7. All the men have gloryhole face and soft, plump cheeks suitable for storing cocks for the winter.
  8. And finally, the crowning omen: the black chick on the far left doing her best Serena Williams bodybuilding pose impression. In the second pic, she looks like she’s uppercutting the White chick. The first pic is pure lulz. That grimace:

Goodbye, America? Ha, we’re past that. It’s Please Come Back, America now. What we need more than ever is Turn Back The Clock, America. Or, Bust The Clock and Build A New One, America.

I’ve found that wedding photos analyzed over time provide a window into a nation’s character, revealing which way the culture drifts. 2018 wedding photos (or in this case, a 2013 photo) are the equivalent of peering into the abyss; the dystopia gazes back, gleefully, unapologetically.

it’s a nice day to shame yourself
it’s a nice day for a blight wedding
it’s a nice day to shame yourself, ow!

The emailer who sent the photos provides context:

This picture was posted to Reddit today, front page. The OP posted it with this title: “5 years ago, I was told I single handily ruined a some wedding photos. I think I made them better.. I’m the one on the far left.” I’ve gotta say, all the dudes look pretty effeminate? The only one who looks out of place in this picture is the black girl, and she looks the most masculine here. I’m guessing all the dudes are holding the flowers because the girls needed their hands free to control their dresses during the jump? (If it was me, I would have left the flowers on the ground, hell, I’m not sure I’d do much more than the black girl). Even the groom looks fairly effeminate. Digital cameras have created this jump picture trend (pre-digital cameras you wouldn’t be bothered wasting precious physical film to get a dumb jump picture). And sure, celebrities are right in saying that a picture is just a moment in time and you can capture a ridiculous celebrity facial anytime of the day, something which doesn’t convey the actual emotions of the person, but these men are actively and knowingly setting themselves up to be captured like this. This is a far far cry from Trump’s jump picture. Just look and be wowed: http://i.imgur.com/a3myhio.jpg – hands in pockets, looking away from the camera, not too amused (mouth closed too, heh, although it looks like he is mid-speech), open crotch pose. To be honest, considering this was taken during the days of physical film, I doubt Trump was even expecting this picture to be snapped. It looks like someone dared him to jump, or he is making a joke about cheerleaders perhaps – his lips seem to indicate he is talking.

It’s one thing to be caught unwittingly making a weird face by a quick draw snapshotter; it’s quite another to act like an effete slop of soy (over and over) for all the takes a wedding photographer requires to get that just-right pic. Former: momentary shame. Latter: lifelong shamelessness.

As the Trump pic proves, jump shots aren’t necessarily ghey (though they usually are). A stone cold ladyslayer like Trump could make any stupid pose look alpha. But, for most men (and lanklets) the pom pom photo is yet another opportunity in the path of their lives to memorialize their screamingly womanish and callow characters. Compare and contrast:



Via Lovekraft, one of the most grimly humorous news stories I’ve read recently: GoodWhite hotel guests get an up-close and personal education in the reality of living proximately with foreign rapefugees.

you guys are gonna love this one I found on reddit. Toronto hotel reviews by guests who didn’t know it was turned into a refugee camp.


Here’s a gem:

“I will start with the worst thing that happened, we were on a packed elevator shoulder to shoulder with people. There were two mid teen residents of the hotel there. They were constantly staring at my 7 year old daughter and her friend who was 6. They looked them up and down and then turned to each other and said something. They then turned to my daughter and said you look very good, very pretty girl here (oh did I mention she was in her bathing suit). Completely unacceptable conduct. Encounters like these continued to the point I kept the girls in the room.”

Toronto is Shitlib North, so you can assume most of these red pilled reviews are written by SWPL shitlibs who hate Trump and love Truvada. Their cogdis must be, in a word, delicious. More:

Less than a 3rd world hotel.

It was full of refugees their children playing in the lobby , unattended.., skateboarding.in the lobby…staff did not seem to care….The kids playing on the elevator, pushing all the buttons…the lobby was very dirty..especially in front of the elevators….The drive way was partially broken up , with half gravel..half pavement…I was afraid for the safety of my car , as there was several refugees sitting on the curb watching us arrive…then staring at us… the wife was nervous…The staff should have told us that it was a refugee camp….. the ownership show no interest in upkeep..SAD…


Hotel was hot. Air conditioning was blowing loud but not cold. The hotel seems like its falling apart. I ask the front desk to look at the A/C no one came to fix it. The alarm clock wasnt working. I didnt pay to stay at a refugee center.


Had I known I’d be paying over $200 a night to stay in a refugee camp I may have stayed elsewhere. Crying kids, broken elevators, everything was dirty. I feel sorry for the staff that have to work there. Our tax dollars are being spent to house these refugees in hotels. They seemed so ungrateful and walked around like they owned the place with no courtesy for paying guests. Are these the future doctors and engineers our PM told us about or future welfare recipients? This is a textbook case of “import the third world, become the third world”, because this hotel has gone downhill so fast since my last stay.


Absolutely disgusting at this hotel. They are housing refugees and it was a mad house with kids running wild in the lobby and no respect for other people trying to use the elevators. My family were book to stay for 2 nights and left a night ealry due to the condition and atmosphere in the hotel


I have stayed at this hotel off and on, for over 16 years. It used to be a great hotel. All that has changed since it has become a refugee holding center. I’m sorry but it’s dirty, loud the AC barely works. There are kids running the hallways, messing with elevators. People are actually living in this hotel, one employee some people have lived there for over one year. This is NOT a place to stay for a business traveler or anyone else for that matter. Go elsewhere.


My cousin booked this hotel after reading and seeing great reviews. We were so excited to stay here and couldn’t wait. However let me just say don’t do it. When we arrived we pull up and outside there’s a bunch of people playing soccer in the parking lot. We almost hit some guy as he runs in front of the car and start yelling at us. We felt horrible and thought nothing of it and apologized like crazy to him. Inside the maintenance and front desk start screaming at kids who honestly were disrespectful and yelling in the lobby. Only two elevators were working and it legit took us 40 minutes to go up with our stuff as a lot of people pushed us and our luggage out of the way. Ok we think nothing of it it’s a travel week people are just tired from driving. We get to the room finally and it is HOT. Not warm. But HOT. We start sweating in a couple minutes. The bath won’t drain so we can’t even shower. After ten minutes of waiting for the air to turn on we call maintenance and they send someone up. They tell the other room we have that they will bring two fans up and we can deal with it. They come into our room and the guy basically starts yelling at me. He says the air is on and I should shut up because he brought fans. My husband who works in air quality and inspects air conditioning units says he can tell it’s not on. But can they at least switch us to a room with an opening window so we can get a breeze. The guy then yells at me, my husband, my cousin and his wife saying “wtf do you expect it’s a hotel full of refugees. Shut your mouths and be happy they even tired”. Screw that within 45 minutes of being there we checked out and went to the nearby delta hotel who were awesome. I legit understand that yes they were upset with other guests who were staying there. But as a paying guest they should never scream at someone because you are upset. We aren’t idiots. We understand the situation but the guy took a crappy situation and turns it into a worse situation. To top it off as he’s leaving he makes the comment” you better hope they don’t break in here or your car to steal your valuables” WOW just like WOW. Go somewhere else I’m telling you. The staff doesn’t care


This hotel was recommended to us by the Delta Toronto East, after they had a water main break, and could not have travelers stay there.

When we pulled up to the Radisson, we could tell that something was wrong immediately! Curtains in the windows are all crooked, tons of people loitering around every nook of the hotel, and other guests were completely uncivilized towards us, pushing past us to cram into an elevator, yelling to each other, kids laying down in the hallways, etc.

We did a search on this hotel over dinner and turns out the Canadian government is using this Radisson to house hundreds of refugees there, since they ran out of room at their refugee shelters.

If you want to use the hotel as a refugee shelter, great, but you should not be advertising it for personal and business travelers too!

We felt very unsafe based on the interactions we already had with the other “guests”, and immediately checked out.


All the bad reviews. Bang on. Check in was great fast and friendly. 10 ft to the elevator and it all goes down hill. About 20 refugee families packing in to elevators. 1 elevator broken. 10 min later finally get on one. Packed in with about 15kids. Made sure to touch every button. Get to the room check and no bugs so thats good. Oops shampoo is used and soap. Gross. Then it finally gets better. The fire alarm goes off. Have to walk down 9 flights because some kid pulled the alarm. 30 min later dont even think about an elevator. Walk up 9 stories. Ridiculous. Nice welcome to canada a free room at the Radisson. My parents landed in the 60s and had to find a place to live and find a job immediately. Make this a hostel. Not a Radisson.

LOL Schadenfreude: when virtue signaling liberal Whites who preach open borders and the wonders of Diversity come in rude contact with the consequences of their sanctimony. I wonder if they’ll put two and two together? Nah.

The hotel responds, robotically,

Please accept are most sincerest apologies that your stay was not up to your satisfaction. We are sorry that other guests mad you feel uncomfortable. We are currently have upgraded and are upgrading several areas of the hotel. We do hope that you will give us another chance once complete.

Reads like the refugees have taken over customer service duty. The hotel management is probably getting a subsidy (aka hush money) from the Truvadian government, and are content to robo-reply to irate guests until the government refugee checks fund their retirement plans. What else are they gonna do?

A parting shot, the obligatory cuck review,

Hotel with Refugees — this is a good thing!

I have stayed at this property on several occasions due to business needs nearby. The hotel is busy with refugee families who are awaiting placement in communities. This humanitarian gesture is a good thing.
There are lots of kids running and playing in this hotel – as kids should do – and for this time the hotel is their home and i am the guest for 2 days

Who knew that one stupid corporate hotel in Gaynada could be a microcosm for the Declining West?

Here’s my suggestion: WHITE PEOPLE, WAKE UP. The politeness of your families, the obedience of your White children, and the consideration you give to others IS NOT SHARED BY THE OTHER RACES OF THE WORLD.

Magic Dirt is a myth.

The Rapefugee Radisson is the reality.

Learn this lesson soon or pay a heavy price for insisting on believing stupid lies.


Catfish Game

An emailer asks me for the details about how I run Catfish Game.


I want the details about the fake profile pics and pulling girls. You basically catfish them?


Basically, yes. Sometimes. Or the fake pic is so obviously fake that it’s not really a catfish, but an opportunity to wildly flirt with the girl and issue increasingly brazen challenges to her to overcome her “weird suspicions”. It’s what I call Gaslight Game, and the objective is to corrupt the girl’s comfortable grip on reality and make her think she’s going a little bit crazy believin’ her lyin’ eyes and her gatekeepin’ thighs. It’s akin to the advice I have given to men who get caught cheating: deny deny deny, until your woman starts to question her sanity.

It’s hard to give too many revealing details, what with the heat around every corner, but a couple of commenters provided personal techniques that are similar to what I do. From Chris,

I did exactly this all throughout 2012-2015 when I was on POF.

I used to hate being seen by locals on that sewer of a site, and so always used fake pics (that were, admittedly, a reasonably close resemblance to how I actually looked). I used to hunt for someone like me on Google Images.

The thing is, 50% of chicks never remarked on anything untoward when they met me, and when the other 50% mentioned me not looking like my photos I shrugged my shoulders and said “photos can be funny like that”. I actually had a girl I had been seeing on the regular (for around 4 months) finally discover one afternoon I had used fake pics; she was really upset that she had been duped, but it didn’t stop me from continuing to plough her.

One of the other reasons I used fake pics was that I could run no-holds-barred asshole game on these girls with the confidence of anonymity.

Those were my best years in game.

100% cosign. I use two methods. The one Chris describes here (similar looking photo and nonchalant dismissal of the woman’s suspicions) and a supplementary method where I choose a fake photo looking nothing like me and then challenge the girl to see past the pic and ask herself what kind of sexy asshole would think he could get away with this *wink*. Or, like I mentioned above, I’ll turn on the gaslight and make her think she’s nuts for even questioning my moral rectitude. The overall effect is a positive one: “who does this guy think he is?

From HEM, a reminder that if you’re gonna try Catfish Game, you had better have command of your frame,

I like to do this when I get bored. I actually prefer not even using a pic at all. But, sometimes I’ll use a scenic pic of some exotic place. Put something interesting in the profile bio (eg something that illustrates you’re intelligent and witty, as well as explicitly state that you’re alpha; the alpha can also be referenced in the screen name) and prob about 30% will respond. Of those, half will immediately ask for a pic. I usually trash them. The other half are receptive to what you have to say. Be straight-forward, brash and cocky. Never compliment their looks. Never apologize for something jerky that you say. You’ll be amazed at the results.

These are generally useful rules for online and offline dating. Truth is, there is plenty of overlap between the techniques advised for each realm of pickup.

No Pic Game is a cousin of Fake Pic Game, and the tactical payload is the same: zero fucks given sexiness combined with an enticing challenge to a woman to rise above her lameness. Plus, follow the general rule that a big component of any online pickup is radical pre-screening. The numbers are there, so there’s no good reason not to screen.

Final note. I can drop one vagnette from my worldstar. If I meet an online prospect for a first date who has not seen my real pic, she naturally will be stunned once our faces are inches apart. I immediately move to reduce her anxiety: “Yeah, I know, you’re pleasantly surprised. Even better in real life than in photos.” This gets a laugh. If it doesn’t, I follow up, “If you keep acting weird, I’m gonna think you’re a serial killer. Some guys are into that. Not me.” See what I did there? What would normally be a defensive position is upturned and the onus to act like a normal person is placed on her.

If she bites on all this, she will get around to asking me why I chose a fake pic. I measure her buying temp and use that to decide wether to continue whimsically gaslighting her or to get real and confess that the fake pic is there to a) evade the feds or b) screen for really shallow women. Now she’s feeling a need to prove she’s not shallow. Off to the races!


Faces Of Twitchy Evil

Jewish economist Paul Krugman: “They [white people] are…in the end…are not the future [in America]”.

Remember he is not predicting the future, he Is telling you what the plan is. Looks like at 0:30 he’s itching to say “become obsolete” but catches himself. #WhiteGenocide

— Will IV (@adangerousgoy) September 18, 2018


don forwards a study finding a correlation between declining sperm counts and the breadth of a man’s taint (wish i was kidding). Source.

Testosterone levels have also dropped precipitously, with effects beginning in utero and extending into adulthood. One of the most significant markers of an organism’s sex is something called anogenital distance (AGD)—the measurement between the anus and the genitals. Male AGD is typically twice the length of female, a much more dramatic difference than height or weight or musculature. Lower testosterone leads to a shorter AGD, and a measurement lower than the median correlates to a man being seven times as likely to be subfertile and gives him a greater likelihood of having undescended testicles, testicular tumors, and a smaller penis.

don adds: “Sometimes science is funnier than comedy. AGD bwahaha!”

My AGD is yuge. Just tremendous! I’m releasing the unredacted version of it tomorrow. Tiny tainters are nervous! MAGDA!

btw if women didn’t like surprize buttsecks, why is their anus so close to their vagina? I prefer to follow, rather than ignore, God’s signposts.

“What you are seeing in a number of systems, other developmental systems, is that the sex differences are shrinking,” Swan told me. Men are producing less sperm. They’re also becoming less male.

FYI it’s not a coincidence that subfertile soyboys and Gynarcho-Tyranny are contemporaneous. The feedback loop is aggressively degenerate. Too few sexy high T alpha males means too many bitter MeToo shrikes lashing out at the weak betas who can’t even manage a patriarchy of one.

I assumed that the next thing Swan was going to tell me was that these changes were all a mystery to scientists. If only we could figure out what was causing the drop in sperm counts, I imagined, we could solve all the attendant health problems at once. But it turns out that it’s not a mystery: We know what the culprit is. And it’s hiding in plain sight.

Answer: It’s the endocrine disruptors. My Chemical Bromance. A River of Birth Control Pills Runs Through It.

The Prophet Ted Kaczynski had it right: the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. We only had to listen.

I’ve predicted on these pages that the 21st Century will be the story of forswearing the modernity of the 20th century. De-scaling mass society will save more than a nation; it will save maleness itself.


Tipsy comments,

Isn’t it amazing that in every article about endocrine disruptors no one mentions hormonal contraception? It’s like it’s the third rail or something….

Any uncomfortable truth that is perceived to place blame on sacrosanct women is verboten, so the lies shall continue until the last sperm is tepidly dribbled from misshapen micropeen.


More from Tipsy,

I’m convinced that the biblical injunction for men to do hard physical labor and women to give birth in pain is not a punishment so much as it is a how-to manual. After the fall, that’s simply how we’re built.

And yet our society is veering towards the opposite: soft men swaddled in blue screens, and C-sections for drugged up pregnant women. We have banished toil and pain at the peril of our humanity.


The Salvini Salvation

The verdict is in: Matteo Salvini is more than Italy’s Trump. He’s Trump’s Trump. In this video, he “spits fire” (as a commenter put it) at leftist Italian pols, saying to one of them, “I need to tell this beta leftist from Tuscany… WE CAN’T FILL ITALY WITH AFRICA”.

Watch the whole video, it’s great. Pay close attention at 1:45, when the camera pans to the beta leftist from Tuscany as Salvini flays him on live TV. The leftoid’s phyzz is EXACTLY what you’d expect. That pissant, cowardly, sneering, phaggoty bugman look is an international phenomenon.


Merda santa, Salvini is Heartiste!

It’ll take HuWhyte men to rescue White men. BREACH THE HAJNAL! EAST AND WEST UNITE! CRUSH THE CUCKS!

PS Salvini living up to the beautiful stereotype of Italians talking just as much with their hands as with their mouths.


Thousand Coal Cock Stare

Psycho sanpaku eyes? Check.
Chubby cat lady face? Check.
Feminist whackjob? Check.
Rootless cosmopolitan (“Irish in London”)? Check.

This is a subcategory of the thousand cock stare: the thousand coal cock stare.

Because you just know this toxoplasma infected dumpling has had to settle for a chain gang of black cock, given the exigency of needing a substitute for the ultra grade White cock which wants nothing to do with her.

PS From a Gabber:

lel, she’s at a vagina museum because her pussy is ancient history

PPS ¡SCIENCE!, shitlibs:

Totally related to the topic of this post.


The clearest analysis of feminist psychology is that it’s egocentrism driven by raw envy, and psychological projection is how they obfuscate that fact about themselves.

“I know you are but what am I!” It’s the mentality of a child.

FYI the guy who posted this got personally banned by Lil’ Lucifer Jack Dorsey. (It’s his company, after all. The buck stops at his bugdesk.)

The surest way to get kicked off Twatter is to post stone cold truths.


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