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Millennials are causing the US divorce rate to plummet [ed: “plummet” is hyperbole]

Americans under the age of 45 have found a novel way to rebel against their elders: They’re staying married.

New data show younger couples are approaching relationships very differently from baby boomers, who married young, divorced, remarried and so on. Generation X and especially millennials are being pickier about who they marry, tying the knot at older ages when education, careers and finances are on track. The result is a U.S. divorce rate that dropped 18 percent from 2008 to 2016, according to an analysis by University of Maryland sociology professor Philip Cohen.

Sometimes superficially good news conceals much worse news. This is the case with the latest divorce rate statistics.

The Shrillennial divorce rate is lower than previous generations because

1. they are getting married later in life when they have fewer sexual market options to tempt them,

2. fewer of them are getting married (marriage has become a signifier of UMC membership) and

3. PoundMeToo has scared them to retreat to their fapatoriums.

These are not good developments from a society-wide perspective.

From Doom Chesterton:

in the year 2050 the last economically viable unmarried heterosexual man will have his career destroyed by vague, decades old accusations from the last non-lesbian female, and the divorce rate will go to zero

women hardest hit

haha. Delayed marriage is really the killer tell of a culture in decline. Delayed marriage works to everyone’s benefit in one context: when women are kept (relatively) sexually pure during their premarital years, largely to avoid the “alpha widowhood” syndrome which occurs when a woman has supped of alpha male staffs and consequently can never fully commit her love to the beta male with whom she will inevitably settle.

What’s the difference between a woman who marries later in life after her body has been spent by a decade or more riding the cock carousel, versus a woman who marries young, divorces, and remarries? If anything, the latter likely has spread for fewer cocks than the former. In this case, a higher divorce rate could signify an emotionally and genitally healthier marriage market.

And the latter likely has more kids. A dried up husk of a careerist battlecunt shrike at the ripe old age of 37 would be lucky to pop out 1.2 non-autistic sprog with her soypplicating beta hubby.

If you’re interested in making America great again, what you’d look for is an egalitarian trend in marriage — more long-lasting marriages in the middle and lower classes — and more younger marriages with larger families. You’d also do like Based Italy and make it harder for women to initiate divorce, since women are responsible for 70% of family breakups.


The Real Resistance

If this photo of President Trump taking on the UN bugpeople doesn’t put hair on your chest, steel in your spine, and white hot pride in your heart, nothing will.

Trump gave a rousing “America First” speech at the UN, to gales of laughter from the assembled.

Naturally, stateside shitlibs (cf, VOX) are giddy that the UN globohomoists laughed at Trump, as if this is a strike against Trump’s character and makes him look bad.

Shitlibs live in a bubble of highly concentrated soysoap. They have lost all touch with reality. Trump comes out looking like a winner to Heritage America for standing up to these sneering UN insects.

The real Resistance is Trump and his Deplorables facing down the combined might of globalists, UN apparatchiks, Chaimstream Media propagandists, academia water boys, Deep State subversives, the Challahwood entertainment cesspool, the entire worldwide bureaucracy of unelected poz dealers, and the crushing power of Big Tech.

And, despite that amassed weaponry pointed at us,




PS Anyone else notice that the Chaimstream Media can’t get through a news story inimical to their egos and narrative lately without inserting their editorial “without any evidence”? I take it as proof that they are on the defensive and scrambling to regain command of their precious Anti-Trump, Anti-White Narrative.


Your Daily Text Game

From POTUS Groyper,

Text Asshole Game

(a girl you playing a little hard to get within text, she feeds off of)

Her: some mudane shit that may be implying that you send her some attention to inquire.

You: Was this meant for me?


Her: I’m going to hawaii with some friends in Oct.

You: Was this meant for me?

Her: Yes you ass!

Grammar issues notwithstanding, I think we all get the gist of this pitch perfect asshole Text Game.

So if a girl plays hard to get (they all do, it’s the Prime Pussy Directive) and baits you to lavish attention and earnest flattery on her, try replying “Was this meant for me?” instead.

As you can see from this girl’s indignant response — “Yes you ass!” — it will cause an irresistible efflorescence of labial meadows.

The beauty of the line comes from it working on two female hindbrain levels: it is a mild disqualification of the girl (implying her bait isn’t juicy enough for your prompt attention), and it suggests you, The Cadman, are currently distracted by so many women in your life that this one girl’s manipulative ploy has landed with a thud before your depleted cock.


From a Gabber,

Twitter – 2006

Facebook – 2006

Iphone – 2007


I’d add one more insult to human dignity to that list: Diversity™. It’s all interconnected. The stress of losing own’s homeland and the sense of trust, security, and aesthetic familiarity that goes with it to invading hordes of alien ingrates, plus the stress of having one’s social and sexual status constantly and instantly evaluated on social media platforms as public humiliations are preserved for eternity in digitas, combine to push an increasing number of fragile teenagers to inner peace at any cost.

It’s all so fucking tragic, made worse by the fact that the grievous evils inflicted on our nation were preventable.

PS I’d like to see this graph controlled for race and generational cohort. Is the rising teen suicide rate of the last decade anomalous? Higher than the teen suicide rate of previous generations? And which race is hit hardest? A chart extending back one hundred years would better illuminate if the current trend is a distant early warning or a five alarm fire.


A Prayer For President Trump

From an emailer,

CH: pray for him, our president is besieged by evil forces …

This is the prayer I say for the President every day. I heard some minister at a Trump rally before the election say the bit about 12 legions of angels encamping, and I have used it ever since:

Lord, send twelve legions of angels to encamp about President Trump, to protect him from his enemies, and to thwart their evil plans.

So far it’s working.

I’m not a prayerful man, but when I do pray, it’s to guard and guide MY PRESIDENT. This prayer is short, sweet, and full of MAGA love.

ps not ironic, glib, or sarcastic. I give you this post in the spirit of utmost sincerity.




…and to trigger the yenta within to queef out her last dusty spore.


We are all James Woods

Twatter brownflakes and sjws appear intent on cratering the share price of their platform. Today, Twatter locked James Woods out of his account. For being too based, basically.

Hey guys, @Twitter has locked @RealJamesWoods’ account.

His statement: “You are a coward, @jack. There is no free speech for Conservatives on @Twitter.”#JamesWoods pic.twitter.com/zGVOnxP0D6

— Sara Miller (@Millerita) September 21, 2018

The tweet which @Jackboots found offensive is mild by Maul-Right standards. But whatever, Woods has a lot of followers and he’s dangerously heretical to the neolib equalist orthordoxy, so that’s reason enough to silence him.

Trannyslation from the Tweetspeak: “We received a report from a DNC operative about one of your tweets which includes text and imagery that has the potential to be misleading in a way that could impact the Democrats’ chances in the upcoming midterm elections.”

It used to be shitlibs would plug their ears when they heard realtalk. Now they plug your mouth.


PS You can add James Woods to the very short list of Left Coast shitlords which includes Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn (and the street artist SABO). Unsurprisingly for this fact, Woods’ girlfriend Sara Miller is a hot young piece of shitlordette. You know how chicks dig nonconformist rebels.


DOJ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein* wanted to wear a wire to secretly record President Trump in his duties as the chief executive, and then use those recordings to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. A hint of scandalous revelations to come.

I won’t get into the flowchart thickets again detailing how the Deep State-DNC-Media Axis of Agitprop colluded to take down Trump. Instead, I’ll simply post a face shot of Rod Rosenstein and remind everyone that everything you wanted to know about the soft coup attempt on Trump’s Presidency could be had with a quick glance at Rosenstein’s physiognomy.

Would you trust this *squeak squeak* man?

*EST: ExtraSensory Talmudism



cankle-ogical projection.

skypological projection.

It really is appalling how happy these (((assholes))) are to destroy the moral and cultural foundations of the country for ratings, a quick buck, or some tribal edge.

Fatty Matty, like many in his tribe, doesn’t play well with others, so to him the moral and cultural foundations of chaos and distrust (vibrancy and economic opportunity in Nüspeak) seeded by mass diversity are more agreeable to his tastes. Fatty Matty has a Middle Eastern market bazaar moral sensibility, which he dearly wants to import into America.

Two related psychology concepts — projection and negative transference — explain almost everything about the motivations and implicit intentions of leftoids. Once you know to look for these cognitive biases, you begin to see them playing out everywhere the anti-White orthodoxy is challenged.



Christine Blasey Ford said she “would be prepared to testify next week,” so long as senators offer “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.” – New York Times

“terms that are fair and which ensure her safety” = she gets to freely slander a good man, no questions asked. Please clap.

A reader notices,

Yesterday the Democrats said “she must be believed!” not just heard. They are literally trying to shut down ANY questions into the accusations. They are literally demanding that the world simply BELIEVE all of it.

This is the leftoid M.O. about every other tenet of their idiotic anti-white equalism religion. It’s a totalitarian update on declarations of faith.

We’ve gone from:








Next stop:


Big Taint Taleb has said the false accuser of a crime should be subjected to the same prison sentence that her victim would have received. This would remove the moral hazard of unequal repercussions for the accused and the false accuser. Quim in the game.

A significant number of rape accusations are fabricated (or, charitably, “misremembered”). The number varies anywhere from 40-60%. FBI and DOJ and State level court case stats paint a startling picture of female mendacity. An even higher number of sexual assault accusations are false. Women sometimes lie, deal with it. And the way a healthy society deals with it is by making the punishment equal for accused and false accuser alike. The rate of FRAs would dry up overnight.

It’s a perfectly just solution. If a rape conviction can land a man in jail for a decade and ruin his reputation for life, then the false rape accuser should suffer the equivalent punishment. Only in Clown World is this sensible position deemed misogynist hate speech.

“You must believe.”

“But she waited 30 years to dump this flimsy accusation in the news. It reeks of a political hit job.”


“But she’s lying.”






ps tangentially related, it’s time to play “count the kippahs”:

While you’re eyes-deep in this horror show, count the weirdly colored hair and pussyhats too.


When plain jane women misremember the details of an alleged sexual assault against them from decades ago, they will tend to fill in the perp blank with an hsmv chad lacrossist, because this satisfies their desire to be desired by high value men, aka “I’m so hot I made an alpha man lose control”.


From Ace:

Woman Who Claimed She’d Heard About Kavanaugh Attack Recants and Admits She Lied; Says She Felt “Empowered”

The woman cries out that you’re victimizing her as she victimizes you.

ps I see Ace has been hanging around this blawg.

pps reminder from williamk that women aren’t constitutionally wired for higher order morality:

Women’s instincts are suited for status jockeying in 200 person tribes. Expecting higher ideals from them like truth and justice is a great folly of our age. Notice why she recanted: she realized peddling these lies beyond her dried up yoga foodie clique might make her look bad.

Serious question: how much better off would America be today if the 19th Amendment never existed?


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