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Gynarcho-Tyranny, Redux

From AntiDem,

Now we get so see the post-credits scene of Fast Times at Ridgemont High where 35 years later that chick you got a little fresh with at a party destroys your career and the reputation you worked a lifetime to build on national television for your family, friends, coworkers, and children to see.

It’s gnarly cuz it’s true.

ps if you’re gonna ride this decline out poolside, make sure you don’t get caught jerking off in the bathroom with a view to the bikini-clad babes. It’ll be used against you when Pussyhat, Inc wants you dead, raped, your kids traumatized, and your family cast to the icy wastelands.

pps Stalinist apparatchiks would have been proud of the remote psychological diagnosis technique Ford used on her political enemies:

Question: Why did everyone you named as witness come out against you? Including your best friend who says she never met Kavanaugh & the party did not happen?

Dr. Ford (literally): “Leland has significant health challenges, and I am happy that she is focusing on herself”

Wow this psychocunt threw her best friend under the bus in the most publicly humiliating way possible. Know who you are dealing with.

ppps a caustic reminder that the four witnesses named by Christine Bludgeoned-Face all deny her allegation. That’s 4-to-1, which in my book reads “YOU LOSE, CATLADY. GOOD DAY TO YOU, LYING BITCH”


Congrats to Angry Gamer and his COTW win, for this thoughtful take on what’s causing the Breaching of the Sexes:

The simple reason why people are having less sex is because people are ALONE less.

Today it’s really rare for high school kids and even college kids to date. They go in a group and “hang out” or some other group activity. And Young men passively accept this situation.

I can’t tell you the number of 20 something men that when I ask “did you take the girl you were chatting up at the party home or somewhere?” They look at me like I’m an alien talking about cow mutilation.

In Asia (Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea) it’s very rare for women to go out with a man. If these women do “hook up” or even marry it’s like after 2 years of being friends and doing things together.

Developed world men are so passive toward women. These Men expect the women to just provide a green light icon at every interaction to proceed. Women are not wired like that. Women don’t want the responsibility of leading the relationship. They want a man to take the lead and move the relationship forward. If a man wishes to be alone and put moves on a woman he has to assert that intention and do it.

Somehow in our equalist society we have lost this very primal fact of human behavior.

Together, but alone, our phones acting as isolation chambers.

Many older post-Wall or Wall-approaching women have the same desires as younger women — to be led by a charming man to romantic abandon — but they don’t have the sexual allure anymore to coax that from men, so they lash out at male figures who flitted in and out of their lives when they were younger, hotter, tighter (and looser), so in their aggrieved spite at the God of Biomechanics they retcon their past sexual experiences that didn’t lead to love and marriage as male predation rather than the sexy male assertiveness it really was and which had stolen their nubile hearts.

PS Related, in the Nature vs Nurture debate, the victor is clear: It’s Nature.

PPS Go long on sexbot futures. Regrettably, sexbots will be doing the job that American women are no longer qualified to do.


Beautiful Truth Of The Day

Women will be led. It’s in their nature. They will be led by their husbands, by the government, or by the media.

Only one of those three will provide benevolent leadership.

In 2018 America, there is more government, more media, and fewer husbands. How’s this working out for us?


Game In The PoundMeToo Era

This is a new series, because let’s face it, we’re in a new era of female man-hating hysteria and media-amplified sex panic. Game isn’t just a helpful seduction system for getting laid; Game has become a life-saving necessity to protect oneself against mendacious psychocunts.

First installment: Preemptive Disqualification Game.

Girl: “Are you hitting on me?”

Lucifer’s Light Saber: “No thanks, I don’t want to be MeToo’ed.”

This should wrest a wry smile from a normal girl, and a scowl from a psychocunt. Now you can screen out the psychos. Doubleplusgoodness: It sets up a challenge that no woman can resist, marks you out as a Quenched Alpha, and seeds the conversation with endless flirtatious possibilities.

Girl: “what makes you think i would MeToo you?”

LLS: “I dunno, you just have that look in your face.”


Girl: “do girls normally MeToo you?”

LLS: “Only if I forget to call back.”


Girl: “what are you scared of?”

LLS: “ruining your reputation”


When a relationship has become so toxic that you can’t stand to be around each other and are dreaming of being with someone else, it’s past time for a breakup. Don’t bother salvaging it for the small benefit of a few extra bangs and the continuity of your shared social circle, because you’ll pay more for it with your sanity and well-being in the long run.

That’s where I am with America now. I no longer want to share a country with the dumbfuck lunatics who believe a lying psychoyenta like swetnick and wave their rage against everything I hold dear, in my face, every day, all day long.

Break it up. America is overdue for a separation. Do it. It can be amicable now, or ugly later. But the breakup is coming either way.


Reminder this is the Cantina of Emotional Cripples I want to be unshackled from:

Post-Clownworld State-Mandated Mental Institution Holding Cell (Colorized)

— McFeels (@JMcfeels) September 26, 2018


Fantasy Vs Reality

Fantasy: Gang rapist White frat boys
Reality: Cradle robbing sex fiend female teachers


Things That Make You Go Eww

Why are so many sex assault accusers ugly women? Noel ponders,

Is it just me, or are the three accused — even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and engage in romantic reverie — homely beyond belief? Brett in his yearbook pic clearly looks the Chad and would even without game have pulled a least one to two points higher than these accusers. At least accusers one and three (are there pics out there of accuser 2?). Accuser one, for sure, given the unflattering black and white photo of her as a teenager. Shudder. I speculate here but there is a whiff of ‘I envy the Stacy; because I can’t have the Chad I will instead destroy him.

The answer to your question is simple, and partly answered by yourself: these homely women have to create a fantasy world of rapist White Chads preying on their virginal innocence to feel at all desirable. The men may ignore them, but the world won’t, and all the YOU MUST BELIEVE Grievance Unit supportiveness is the next best thing to affirming their desirability as irresistible women who provoke alpha males to sexual assault. After that, it’s just garden variety resentment, spite, and envy coming together in a stew of toxic feministery to crush an innocent Chad in the eyes of his much prettier wife and his children.

Just a helpful reminder that leftoids are evil to the bone.


A little psy ops I like to do with a woman I bring back to my place is ask if she wants a water or a cold glass of milk.

You chortle, but hear me out. Most girls expect a man will try to (further) liquor them up once back on his turf, a few exquisite steps away from his mattress of muffstuffing. This isn’t necessarily a deal killer; women expect this, and so are emotionally ready for it, having geared themselves up for the coming payload.

But sometimes a woman is tentative, or reconsidering the propulsion of her lust. Promptly dangling a glass of wine in front of her as she sits on your couch cross-legged and looking like she’s turtling with incoming anxiety could shut her down for the night. She won’t be receptive to the alcohol solicitation, framing it in her head it as a pretext for her to prematurely relinquish her number one asset (vagina). She might then begin to feel you’re pushing too hard, too soon (and then the PoundMeToo beast breathes its hot breath on your bedroom door).

You have to take stock of the type of girl you’re with, and adjust accordingly. If she’s suddenly nervous, make a tactical retreat.

It’s not that rare for a girl in your place to flash signs on her face of having second thoughts, even if you’ve gamed her right and set the stage. Women are slaves to their caprice. So I prefer to sidestep that possibility by offering water or (ridiculously) a glass of milk. And I offer it with utmost sincerity and seriousness. No cracked grins or just-kiddings.

If she’s like most women, she’ll laugh at the suggestion and either take you up on it as a form of shared frivolity that bonds you two tighter, or she’ll audibly sigh and welcome the excuse to drink stronger stuff, replying something along the lines of, “oh that’s ok…..buuuuuut if you have some stronger stuff I might be down for that”.

It’s then that you have hurdled her anti-slut defense and given her free rein to indulge the swelling abandon of the moment without the burden of regret.


James Woods, actor, lover of young beauties, and MAGAman, was banned from Twatter. He responds:

It’s good to continually remind Big Tech Shitlibs that they are The Man, The Establishment, and the Witch Hunters, and to remind them that true rebels speak Truth to Power by fighting for the freedom to speak on their monopolistic information mediums.

The Neoliberal Establishment has lost any coolness factor it may have once had, and now they are the authoritarian despots stomping on free expression and crushing dissent.

PS Your Chaimstream Media, ladies and gentlemen:


Watch What Women Do…



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