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Remember when shitlibs were about sexual freedom? Yeah, that’s over now. “Sexual racism” is the latest preprogrammed NPC line, and Globohomo, Inc has decided it’s time to stamp out the freedom of sexual choice in the name of encouraging more miscegenation.

My body, my choice? Not anymore.

Your racist body, our corrective choice.

You think this hyperbole. Oh no, if only. Mongrelization is now the openly stated goal for White nations and White people.

White people prefer white people on dating apps — but that could be changed, study says

Absolutely chilling.

Dating applications can allow users to fall into their own racial biases while searching for a partner, a new study says.

These “racial biases” in romantic preference are inborn and a structural part of human nature. Dating apps no more “allow” users to “fall into” these racial biases than food allows people to fall into a bias of eating for survival. “Racial bias” is what happens when people have freedom of choice; “racial bias” can only be “stamped out” if freedom of choice is likewise stamped out.

And that’s exactly what Globohomo wants to do! It’s totalitarian, baby! It’s not as if a pesky roadblock like human nature ever stopped totalitarians before from realizing their dystopian visions. </100milliondead>

But in their study, researchers from schools like Cornell University say the “sexual racism” that plagues apps like Grindr, Tinder and Bumble can be stamped out with a few simple changes. The end goal, the study says, is to promote more diverse pairings on the dating sites.

Why does that have to be the end goal? Isn’t real diversity promoted by allowing different races to reproductively sustain themselves through in-race preference, adding to the tapestry of human variety in the world?

Screw it, I should stop using logic on <racemix>NPCs. We all know why this is their end goal: they want to erase Wholesome Whiteness from the world.

Jevan Hutson, lead author of the study, said in a press release from Cornell University that “it’s really an unprecedented time for dating and meeting online” — which requires a more thorough look at how we can prevent discrimination on these dating apps.

I can’t be bothered to check, so I’ll assume at least one of the study authors is [a special person].

FYI, for a laugh, the study is called “Debiasing Desire”. These mad scientists are gonna have to figure out how to rewire White limbic systems without anyone putting up a fuss.

“More people are using these apps, and they’re critical infrastructures that don’t get a lot of attention when it comes to bias and discrimination,” he said in the press release. “Intimacy is very private, and rightly so, but our private lives have impacts on larger socioeconomic patterns that are systemic.”

Translating from the Evil-ese: “We can end inequality by mixing White genes with nonWhite genes, lowering Whites and raising nonWhites until everyone is the same, but diverse. Please clap.”

This has to be a put-on. Please let it be a put-on.

Take the case of Sinakhone Keodara for example. He threatened to sue Grindr, a dating app for gay, bi and trans men, because of “sexual racism” he faced on the site, NBC reported. More specifically, Keodara says some users on the site had captions like “Not interested in Asians.”

NOWAGS getting BTFO on gay dating sites, too.

Phumlani Kango, from Johannesburg, South Africa, said in an interview with NBC that the racism is prevalent in his country, too.

“What happens in Los Angeles … where you have ‘no fats, no femmes,’ it happens [in South Africa] as well,” he told NBC. “… They will say ‘no rice, no chocolate, no curry’ — which means no Asian, no black and no Indian.”

As noted by the study — which compiled data from prior research — white people are ten times more likely to receive a message from a black person on a dating app than they are to message the black user themselves. That suggests a hierarchy of attention on racial lines.

I already wrote about this. More precisely, dating app data analysis reveals White women are the most “racist” (ie they prefer to date in-race more than White men), and black men are more “racist” than black women, going by online dating preferences.

The study found other examples of inequality in dating apps, including:

  • Asian men and black women have the lowest chance of receiving a message or a response.
  • White people of “all ages” prefer to go on dates with other white people.
  • College students are most likely to avoid going on dates with black women.

Yes, reality has a bad habit of contradicting leftoid equalist blank slate delusions.

Stephanie Yeboah, a blogger, said that she has experienced racism as a black woman on online dating apps even when people are open to meeting up, according to The Independent. She said that some people ask offensive questions like if they can “get a taste of jungle fever” — and say they want to see if black women are “as aggressive in bed as they’ve heard.”

LOL I bet liberals write these articles to titillate themselves without risking social ostracism.

“Comments such as these are extremely dehumanizing to myself and other black women who are only looking for companionship,” she told The Independent. “It seems to suggest that black women are only good for one thing,

Ruining the DMV experience?

Even Christian Rudder, founder of OK Cupid, said that “when you’re looking at how two American strangers behave in a romantic context, race is the ultimate confounding factor.”

Race and sex are the alpha and omega of humanness.

But researchers behind the Cornell University study say they have some ways to push back against the racial biases of users.

Are [the special people] just pissed that their outmarriage rate is so high, and they want everyone else to join them in their festival of deracination?

The study’s authors noted that OK Cupid itself experimented with pairing up users and saying they were “highly compatible” — even though they weren’t considered good matches — and found that the conversation between the two people often went well.

Sy ops.

In other words, it appeared that just the mere suggestion that two people were compatible made both users more likely to give the connection a chance. The study’s authors wrote in a press release that it proves “the strong power of suggestion” that can be used to bridge the gap between people of different races.

“A chance” isn’t the same as “a realistic chance”. What do these reeducation camp kommissars think will happen when a White and black meet IRL and discover that they really aren’t as compatible as OKCupid lied to them they were?

Another potential solution could come from 9Monsters, a gay dating app from Japan, that allows people to describe themselves without explicitly revealing their race, according to the study’s authors.

A lot of these race-nullifying experiments are done with gay dating apps for a reason: gay men are less picky about their hookups.

Another gay dating app, called Hornet, prevents people from using their profile to mention race at all.


And a final solution might come in the form of “Kindr,”

“final solution”

 a campaign from Grindr that seeks to stamp out prejudice on its app by promoting inclusion.

NPC mantra alert.

The study’s authors said positive writing about diversity may help promote more diverse couples on the apps.

If Diversity™ needs positive PR, then perhaps it isn’t intrinsically positive.

The new guidelines from Kindr, for example, suggest that users describe “what you’re into, not what you aren’t” to avoid offending others.

“I’m into White women.” Experiment destroyed.

“These guidelines exist to let you express yourself freely while also helping us maintain the safe, authentic, and accepting environment we strive to cultivate,” the guidelines read.

“Kindr is not going to solve racism by any means,” Zumwalt said, according to GQ. “These issues have been present in our community long before Grindr, but we hope to increase conversations around it and have a dialogue about what constitutes sexual racism.”

It must be cohencidental that these “dialogues” always focus on White “racism”, when in fact a sexual preference for one’s own race is evident in nonWhite races as well.

The study’s authors concede that sexual racism is a hard thing to conquer

Like trying to conquer appetite.

Or love.

— but Keodara, who threatened to sue Grindr, said fixing the problem would improve the mental well-being of people of color looking for a chance at love on dating apps, according to The Guardian.

Somewhere, right now, a nonWhite feels bad. White nations must be genetically diluted out of existence to help this person cheer up.

“Over the years I’ve had some pretty harrowing experiences,” Keodara told The Guardian. “You run across these profiles that say ‘no Asians’ or ‘I’m not attracted to Asians’. Seeing that all the time is grating; it affects your self-esteem.”

Here’s a thought: you could move back to your homeland where there are only other asians who won’t affect your racial self-esteem.

You laugh now, “how preposterous!”, but this Orwellian/Bergeronian nightmare is coming for us if we don’t crush these power-tripping globohomos before they can fulfill their dehumanizing, dystopian wish list.

Sexual racism = love doesn’t win, when it’s discriminatory love. It won’t be long before all (White) romantic standards are deemed racist or unfaaaaaaaiiirrrr. I’ll admit I morbidly relish the thought of virtue signaling SWPL White women coming under attack by the shitlib swarm for “discriminating” against short men, poor men, black men, and furries.

No White vagina, no peace!

Love trumps consent!

Bang a minority for equality!

As I wrote, back when I could see this day looming on the horizon,

It’s no more racist to prefer the opposite sex of your own race for dating and fucking than it is to prefer brunettes to blondes. If sex preferences are racist, then we need a new word for *real* racism; racism that includes things like forced segregation (superracism), racial violence (superduperracism) or slavery (goddamnthat’ssomebadassracismrightthere). But our sexual preferences are hardwired, and if the free expression of those preferences are racist, then racism itself is hardwired. Woops. Cat’s out of the bag!

Yes, the cat’s out of the bag, and globohomo has some ideas about how to stuff the cat back in.


Post title courtesy of Trevor Goodchild. (I laughed)

Fauxcahontas is back in the news. She secretly hired a university geneticist (aka a Democrat) to sample her DNA (which was done privately in case the result wasn’t what she wanted). She wished to confirm for the world and for Goad Emperor Trump that she was, indeed, American Indian and thus eligible for affirmative action bennies. Trump had successfully goaded Warren into desperately seeking external validation.

Aaaaaaaaand, the envelope please….

99.8% White European!

0.2% Wigwam (best estimation)

Except even that 0.2% is misleading, as it turns out the analysis didn’t test for Native American DNA (it used samples from Peru, Mexico, and Colombia, a very loose genetic proxy for, say, the Cherokee that Elizabeth Warren has claimed for herself).

(A wag over at Sailer’s teepee calls her “Picohontas”.)

Warren has been lying about her heritage since she could move her lips, and this “revelation” is no different. The very readable Sean Davis amply documents Warren’s lies, in a series of twats:

Every Time Elizabeth Warren Has Lied About Her Native American Heritage:


1. Elizabeth Warren self-identified as a “Native American” in the The Association of American Law Schools Directory of law professors in every edition printed between 1986 -1995.

2. After becoming a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Warren demanded the University change her faculty listed ethnicity from “white” to “Native American.”

3. Warren was identified by Harvard Law as a “woman of color.” Harvard promoted Warren’s hire as expanding their campus diversity by hiring a woman with “minority background” onto their faculty.

4. Here is video of Warren telling this story: “My mom and dad were very much in love and they wanted to get married. My father’s parents said ‘Absolutely not because she’s part Cherokee and Delaware.’ After fighting it they eloped.”

5. Warren submitted multiple recipes for the Indian cookbook “Pow Wow Chow” and signed her name, “Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee”

LMAO thank you Trump for pushing your enemies into making one own-goal after another!

6. Warren used offensive, racially charged language to defend her claims of Native American heritage, declaring that her family had “high cheekbones” like “all the Indians do.”

Here is video of that moment. [ed: missing numbers 7 and 8 in the series of tweets]

9. Warren’s DNA report did not measure actual Native American DNA. The report actually measured Colombian, Mexican and Peruvian DNA. Of which Warren *may* have a tiny, tiny fraction – possibly.

FYI the Cherokees don’t recognize Warren’s claims to American Indian heritage either.

Bonus lulz, Warren has less Indian DNA than the average White American. There’s a chance Trump has more Indian DNA than Warren!

Naturally, Trump is dog-piling on Picohontas in his Twatter feed (too funny that these Trump tweets will be archived for posterity).

Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is getting slammed. She took a bogus DNA test and it showed that she may be 1/1024, far less than the average American. Now Cherokee Nation denies her, “DNA test is useless.” Even they don’t want her. Phony!

Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!

She owes the country an apology. What is the percentage? 1/1000th?

TRUMP says he will only pay 1 million dollars to charity for Warren if he can test her personally: “I will only do it if I can test her personally. That will not be something that I enjoy doing”

Everyone’s getting in on the mockery! It’s a party! Or should I say, powwow.

Trump should drop a nuke on shitlib egos and tweet “All these libs defending Fauxcahontas, sudden believers in DNA evidence. But I thought they said race was a social construct? BWA HAHAHA.”

Reality: White shitlibs are the BIGGEST SECRET BELIEVERS in the relevance of race and racial identifiers like DNA and genealogy. This is why they push idiotic ideas like “race is a social contruct”; they’re trying to run away from their own illicit thoughts, and they want to confuse their mortal enemies, the RealtalkWhites.

Warren is a liar who used her false claim of Indian blood (greater than what the average White American possesses) to get into Ivy League schools and boost her career prospects as a “nonWhite minority”. She exploited a shitty system for her own shitty selfish reasons.

What I love most about this fauxcahontas real time satire is how it utterly undermines the whole corrupt affirmative action system and anti-racism agitprop in one fell swoop. “So, wait, race IS real and I can game the system by claiming 0.2% nonwhite blood?” This rotten house of cards is close to falling down. If Warren can claim oppressed minority status with 0.2% redman DNA, then everyone can leverage the background noise in DNA tests to angle for freebies from academia and the government. In fact, everyone should do this, because it will cause the scheme to collapse from too many claimants on limited reserves.

PS One more visual shiv:

Who made this? pic.twitter.com/YoxaFbvJhU

— Red Pill is 1024/1024th white (@rektredpill) October 16, 2018


Who Horseface This Is?

Stormy Daniels will go down in history as a garbage human.

Trump will go down in history as a transformational president of the United States.

And that’s today’s lesson in “who bitch this is?“.


Stormy Daniels will go down.

That’s about the best you can say about her. While she’s down there, strap a feedbag on her and say “hi ho, Stormy!”.


Background: A judge ruled that Daniels-Avenatti’s defamation lawsuit against President Trump was frivolous, and ordered her to pay Trump’s legal fees. Trump got a refund from a whore. #winning

Then Trump twatted this,

“Federal Judge throws out Stormy Danials lawsuit versus Trump. Trump is entitled to full legal fees.” @FoxNews Great, now I can go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer in the Great State of Texas. She will confirm the letter she signed! She knows nothing about me, a total con!
8:04 am – 16 Oct 2018

She really is a Horseface. (Double plus goodness that Trump capitalized “Horseface”)


The latest revelation of Deep State perfidy evident in the connection between a Pakistani immigrant limo driver who killed twenty White Americans in New York and Christine Blasey-Ford’s longtime FBI friend Monica McLean would have shocked me a mere few years ago.

Today? I shrug. Business as usual. Totally expected.

Mystery as Christine Ford’s FBI Lawyer Pal Is Linked to Owner of Limo Company That Killed 20 People in NY

Monica McLean, the best pal of Kavanaugh-accuser Christine Ford, is linked to the case of the limo company owner tied to the recent deaths of 20 people in New York.

McLean’s name turned up in a FBI filing where the owner Shahed Hussain [ed: does not pass the “American-sounding name” citizenship test] was an FBI RAT in a case to help the bureau charge Muslims in “a plot to detonate explosives near a synagogue in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, New York, and to shoot military planes located at the New York Air National Guard Base at Stewart Airport in Newburgh, New York, with Stinger surface-to-air guided missiles,” according to public records.

Hussain was also an FBI RAT in New York criminal cases.

The limo company owner is reportedly also on the lam for a murder in Pakistan, but why should that stop the FBI from paying him as an informant? […]

McLean is listed on one of the DOJ’s case files where terrorists Hussain ratted out were pinched.

I guess the knowledge the FBI was harboring and paying an accused murderer who was on the run sort of shatters her credibility as a fact witness against Kavanaugh.

Here is the filing from the DOJ as warehoused and compiled by the Investigative Reporting Project.

The same players keep resurfacing in bad things as does the FBI. And the Southern District of New York, a breeding ground for domestic problems and skulduggery stemming from its federal law enforcement apparatus’.

Monica McLean is the missing piece in a lot of these Creep State puzzles, and it’s a wonder (it’s not) the Chaimstream Media doesn’t investigate her or peer into her motives. This Paki limo driver connection is probably a weird coincidence, but it speaks to McLean’s character (not good) and suggests she’d be the type of power-tripping catlady who’d gleefully write a phony false sexual assault letter for her catfriend Ballcutter-Fraud, and pass it off under oath before Congress, knowing well that her FBI and media NeverTrump buddies at the head of the silent coup to oust Trump would cover for her.

PS Isn’t it funny how quickly the media and their lackeys dropped any further investigations into Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh once their fates were determined? It’s a moral crisis to the media-Dems until the accused are no longer useful to the Cause.

PPS Sweden’s anti-White virtue signaling is hitting a fever pitch. The Swedish Catlady government is preparing to expel a 6-year-old orphan to Ukraine while granting amnesty to 9,000 Afghans. Pure malice motivates Swedish cucks.

PPPS maybe you missed it, because the media wouldn’t cover it, but the Russia Hoax imploded today:

Mark your calendars, today is the day everything changed. SHITLIBS BTFO

PPPPAmazonPrime Not Deep State related, but may as well be:


Sublime NPC Meme Art


The NPC is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a SJW, soyboy, dangerhair, cuck, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an NPC and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Heh. This meme is really getting under the skin of conformist suckup shitlibs.

More NPC art:


Is Avenatti a hired stooge to make Trump look good?

From MPC Status Updates (which had to be relayed to me through ten degrees of separation, thx Privateforumman),

President Trump is the only human being on the planet to ever get a refund from a hooker.


Why is Hollywood going berserk about Trump and his supporters? One theory I have: Trumpism and the culture of realtalk that have surrounded his rise to (even more) power have thrown into stark relief just how freaking emasculated so many Hollywood actors are, and how slutty the actresses are. This is “howls from the shivved id” stuff on display.

Heather points out that Hollywood is reacting to its loss of allure (i.e., loss of SMV):

Hollywood has gone insane because deep down they know, the mystery is gone. We’ve seen behind the curtain, and nothing is ever going to be the same. Americans can’t escape reality for the price of a ticket anymore, because they allowed real life come in & it killed the fantasy. They have no one to blame but themselves.

This is it, on a hindbrain level. The mystery, the glamour…it’s gone. These celebs will never awe anyone again. We see them for what they are — dumb, entitled, mentally weak leftist conformists who take Weinstein cum to the face and throw pedo pool parties. This kills them inside, and they blame Trump. MeToo revealed their degeneracy and depravity (from both sexes), and they lash out at the world, finding in Trump a locus for their impotent butthurt rage.

It doesn’t help that Trump is “one of them” who managed to earn the REAL power they so desperately envision belongs to them.

Couldn’t happen to a viler bunch of people.

Do you think there is a chance for the actors that didn’t get political & who stayed on that higher ethereal plane where the public can project their own dreams/desires on to them, can come out ahead if they adapt early to a new medium?

Closet cons can manage that old school fame allure because they have to hide their politics to work. Celebs have allowed their egos to get too big and now think the public wants to hear them yammering about politics. Actors who stay circumspect about their off-camera opinions will be positioned in this highly volatile and caustic pre-civil war 2 environment to recapture the public’s imagination.


Springboarding off this post by AE, I remembered a funny little thing I saw recently at a traffic light. Two pickups were idling in adjacent lanes. The drivers were White men. The driver on the right had his arm dangling out of the window, lightly slapping against the door. He looked over at the other driver and made a very unmistakeable OK sign and smiled. The other guy laughed and nodded, which I was able to see through the windshield glare.

It may have been nothing. Just two dudes who may or may not know each other passing an innocent greeting between them.





See this smirking, chortling sociopath Ballcutter-Fraud…

…I want her humiliated in the eyes of the public, of her peers, and of her family, for what she has done to Brett Kavanaugh and his family.

I want Blasey-Ford destroyed and her cat turd worldview crushed until no one will follow her anywhere and her name becomes synonymous with lunatic man-hating pussyhat shrews.

There is Evil, and there is Good, and you can easily see both in that comparison graphic above.



Zoomable link. For some ungodly reason, Gaynadian immigration authorities want to increase Gaynada’s population to 100 million by 2100, by filling the country up with Dirt World detritus, despoiling their environment, crowding their roads, making their cities unlivable and their housing unaffordable and their schools warehouses of the worst sorts of social dysfunction…

…all to make Justine Truvada and his army of catladies feel a warm fuzzy in their fuzzboxes.

PS Canada, take note, this is what progress looks like:

Protester demands that GOP Senator @BillCassidy “apologize to my children for ruining their futures.”

Cassidy looks at the kids: “Guess what? Your parents are using you as tools. In the future if somebody makes an allegation against you & there’s no proof for it, you’ll be OK.” pic.twitter.com/y6WKtPhpYO

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 12, 2018


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