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Sigh Ops

Comment from Leonard, on how to reply to screechy shitlibs demanding vows of conformity,

Back when I actually had a lunch-room and the PC platitudes were on display I would just say “I disagree” without even looking up from the paper. Of course it was like blood in the water, and the NPCs would move in.

“What do you mean?”

“Cant say”, I’d reply, still paying more attention to the paper than the shrews. “Voicing my opinion violates state and federal law (Australia).”

Watch the old harpies croak and the young panties soak.

What kind of bigot am I? Never shall they know, and it was like a splinter in their mind.

How dare he!? Muh consensus!!!

Heh. This is good.

Even better, the thrust of Leonard’s shiv can be redirected for seductive Game practicality.

Girl: Are you hitting on me?

Keyser Sayoc’s MAGAvan: Can’t say. Voicing my opinion violates state and federal law.

Girl: *sigh*

You want to be a “splinter in a girl’s mind”, poking, pricking, penetrating her limbic lens to a reassuring reality, distorting the comfortable ego bubble she ensconces herself in, until her body presses against the perimeter, aching for a clear resolution.


A great comment from jimmy h has earned him the coveted Chateau COTW. He hits on many CH themes, including the danger to leftoids of breaching their own disgust threshold when bringing too many degenerate freaks into their moldy fold.

the left was always the uncool kids – the freaks, the nerds, the underclass, the useless dumb kids, the arrogant smart kids, the mystery meat, the broken families, the sissies and the tomboys

at one point they learned how to band together and bully the normies and even some of the more beta jocks, but since they lacked any kind of social skills, and their only basis for sticking together was to protect “victims” of the cool kids, they had to keep adding more and more victim groups in order to stave off the inevitable group fractures

the left hasn’t really changed at all, people are just seeing it for what it really is, partly because it lost control of the narrative and partly because the victim groups started expanding way beyond the disgust thresholds of even the less-cool kids

evangelocons aren’t cool either and are never going to be, but progressives are no longer going to be able to claim that status for themselves either. bill maher is a washed-up has-been. john oliver is a joke himself. hollywood celebs are increasingly seen as the vapid fame whores and actual whores that they are.

Every time I see Jennifer Lawrence all I picture is sticky schmata dribbling off her blotchy face.

and the latest comediennes can’t even get the new york times to pretend they’re funny, they have to try to redefine humor in order to make them look good.

it’s over for the left, culturally. the question is whether or not they’ll succeed in suppressing alternatives. history suggests they will fail.

We know the Left knows it’s over for them, because they are frantically trying to preserve their cultural influence NOT by being cleverer or insightful or interesting or cool but by silencing those who are clever, insightful, interesting, funny, and cool.

And that rarely works. At least, not without a tyrannical crackdown on, first, dissidents, and then on normies who become dissidents in the wake of the initial crackdowns.


Tourette’s Game

This is hilarious. An emailer links to a video of Tourette’s Guy, with the following note:

Tourette’s game. This is up there with $2 big towels.

lol yeah I remember $2 big towel guy. Girls sends him an epic post-argument love letter, and he replies “JC penny have 2$ big towels” (garnished with the requisite insouciant anti-grammer). The astute reader will note that the girl did not say she broke up with him after that. In fact, she sounded rather proud of him. Wanted to show him off to her social media girlfriends.

How is there such a thing as Tourette’s Game?, the naive newb asks. TG is real because it’s the purest form of outcome independent, ZFG attitude you will see in a man. Take supplication and appeasement and sappy romanticism, and do the opposite. That’s the M.O. of $2 Big Towel Boyfriend and Tourette’s Guy. Distilled Uncaring Asshole Game.

Bonus vid: More Tourette’s Guy hilarity, plus a cameo by Santa Claus aka Tourette’s Guy’s Dad.

Tourette’s Game examples:

Girl: Where do you see us going?

Tourette’s In Bed: Does this look like the ass of a man who knows where this is going?! *moons her*


Girl: I love you.

Tourette’s In Bed: I could shit a better sentiment!


Girl: You never listen.

Tourette’s In Bed: Oh, fuck me!


Girl: Are you dating anyone right now?

Tourette’s In Bed: What is this?! Shit load of personal questions day??


Girl: I have a boyfriend.

Tourette’s In Bed: *leans toward her face* You got some shit on your nose. Little piece of shit right there on the end of it.


Girl: I can’t make Wednesday. Maybe we could try Friday?

Tourette’s In Bed: Bitch!

PS Is it wrong to laugh at a son taunting his Tourette’s Syndrome suffering father?


The FBI “arrested” their patsy in the Great Fake Bomb False Flag attacks of 2018. His name is Cesar Sayoc. He has a criminal history. The Chaimstream Media are labeling him a “White male”. Hmm….

MAGA Bomber? More like Mayan Bomber. Shades of “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman. Florida, again!

CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness saturation of their Cesar Sayoc mug shot. “Blast it to ‘blindingly white’! I want to see Sammy Sosa after a week-long chemical peel!”, yells Jeff Zucker.

His van windows were plastered with oddly fresh Trump stickers. The Deep State went a little overboard with the pro-MAGA signaling.

Naturally, the scumbag agitprop media want us all to think the suspect is

a. a White man

b. a Trump supporter

Except, he isn’t (a), and…whoa what do we have here?…he probably isn’t (b) either.

Sloppy, sloppy, Deep State. Remember, you’ve got a lot more bases to cover in the internet era.

PS Cesar Sayoc is a choreographer for male strippers. We’re just pawing around the lip of this rabbit hole.

PPS There have been 613 acts of media-approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.

PPPS File under: How Convenient! “Sheriff Israel from the Parkland [Hogg celebrity springboard] case is now overseeing this “suspect” in Broward County.”

PPPPS Curiouser and curiouser: #MayaBoomer Cesar Sayoc only follows left-wing accounts on Twatter.


/pol/ on false flags,

Here’s how false-flags work:

>find a non-White unstable middle-aged man

>feed him a steady stream of drugs and encouragement

>help him commit crimes, but ensure nothing actually works so the investigation doesn’t get too hot

>convince him to put as many offensive stickers as he can on his van so the whole world can see

You’d have to be an idiot to believe this guy was a real threat.

Personally, I think this mentally ill patsy was recruited by Deep State operatives and pushed over the edge to distract from the bombshell Rod Rosenstein congressional testimony that was supposed to take place this week. Keep in mind that a tsunami of testimonials are coming that will make Watergate look like child’s play, and top guys — former and active — at the FBI and DOJ are getting veeeerrry nervous.

George Papadopoulos, the low level Trump campaign worker who was the impetus for the Special Counsel investigation into the Russia Collusion Hoax, is now saying he was entrapped and wants to withdraw from his plea deal. This whole attempted coup charade is unraveling at a rapid clip, and Brennan, Clapper, Mueller, Comey, Lynch, Clinton, Obama et al are one or two testimonies away from getting fingered as co-conspirators.

Everything about the Great Fake Bomb False Flag Hoax of 2018 reeks of suspicious provenance and coordination. Purposefully inert Wile E. Coyote ACME bombs. Oddly cavalier behavior by affected media employees.

And it’s a good sign that normies aren’t buying it either.

Talk about Narrative collapse. The ink was barely dry on the media agitprop before normies started mocking them!

Update: Cesar Sayoc self-identifies as Seminole Indian. How will the media spin this malfunction in their anti-Trump message machine? “White Indian”?

Here comes the salubrious mockery. From Based Monitored:

Elizabeth Warren = Native American

Cesar Sayoc = White

Can’t make this shit up.


Cesar Sayoc had multiple identities? We’ve begun our descent into the rabbit hole.


These Fake Bombs two weeks before the elections are so obviously a scam because even the dumbest right-wing patriot would know that mailing bombs to prominent Dems and media would effectively make martyrs of them and tip the midterm election momentum in their direction. So Cesar Sayoc is INCREDIBLY stupid, a dupe, or an agent provocateur. Maybe he should have taken bomb-making tips from Ahmed the Clock Boy.

Bomb facsimile passed off as clock to scare Whitey.

Media: “It’s a clock, racists!”

Fake Bombs that people are taking pictures of in their offices.



Any MAGAmen worried about optics, needn’t. Nothing changes with the arrest of our Dances With Wile E Coyotes suspect. How much more energized can “orange man bad” leftoids get? The only effect from this will be to cause each side to dig in, and a few of us to seize the opportunity to troll the media about jizzing over a cartoonish van and studiously avoiding mentioning the suspect is an American Indian. Just keep hammering your shitlib frenemies with reminders that the media largely ignored reporting on the story of Hodgkinson, the Bernie Boomer who shot Steve Scalise and would’ve shot a lot more Republican congressmen if he had better aim.


From commenter Captain John Charity Spring MA,

So he’s an darkie ethnic minority, lived in NYC and Miami, with a violent criminal record, a swindler, a soccer coach (pedo), stripper choreographer (childless?) and we are asked to believe he’s a devoted Republican White Supremist, because of some decals…

He’s defying every single demographic if he is a Right winger.

We’re being played again. But the flim flam sham is so amateur that it will not swing one independent away from Trump.


Update: Readers are saying Cesar Sayoc is a Filipino who was pretending to be an American Indian for the social status cachet. Either way, #MPCStatusUpdates put it best:

Trump is building a fascist army of swarthy bomb-throwing musclebound gigolos



Since when did the shitlib rallying cry “question authority” become “conspiracy theory”?

Answer: When shitlibs became the authority.


The Confound Of Silence

From “posts only tweets”, an anecdote that shows how thin-skinned shitlibs have gotten from living in their insular SWPL proghouse culture bubbles, and how badly they need their fragile egos stroked.

Libertardian: My first thought re: the “suspicious packages” sent to CNN, $0r0$, Clinton, and BHO was “false flag.” I don’t know why they would also send one to the WH, but the MSM – big surprise here – is trying to cover that part up.

The n*gress and skype at work were talking about that. The n*gress then added “People are evil” line.

Up to that point, I was having the usual office talk with the googlette. On occasion her ghettoness was on display and I just smiled and kept it simple.

It’s amazing that without saying anything contrary to what they were both talking yet simply staying silent informed them about my opinion on the matter.

And boo-hoo for me: I didn’t get a “bless you” when I sneezed. I’ll manage

Silence is now interpreted by shitlibs as opposition. If you aren’t full-throatedly supportive of the shitlib, parroting his or her “orange man bad” incantations, then the shitlib regards you with suspicion. That’s how bad the NPC groupthink has gotten. You have to shout your allegiance to the One True Faith, or it’s off to the breaking wheel with you.


Try it the next time a shitlib acquaintance gets political. Don’t answer in the affirmative. Stay silent. You’ll notice the shitlib is confused by this, and then quickly rouses to huffy terseness when she realizes  YOU MAY NOT BE A GOODWHITE .

Mace Dindu quips,

And make sure never to be the first guy to stop clapping when celebrating a tranny’s stunning and brave transition.

From mendeaux,

Precisely. This touches on their need for validation and if you don’t give them what they want, they’ll short circuit.

The kicker is when they talk and talk and without that validation, they’ll utter–in a defeated tone–“I don’t know. . .” which just negated everything they said up to that point

That’s the fuck-I-may-have-just-come-off-like-a-raving-loon-to-an-unfriendly-so-I-better-walk-it-back “I don’t know”. I hear it all the time from shitlibs because I never validate their neuroses. I love the deflated sound of it. Like a balloon hissing air.

I’ll return to what Garth V. wrote,

They get off on making you repeat their big lies. The more obviously false the lie is, the more you debase yourself in repeating it. When you instead affirm the truth, you’re letting them know that you will not be their slave.

The shitlib demand for conspicuous validation by others in their social circle (and often beyond) is related to a couple of interesting sociological peculiarities blossoming in the diversitopia known as Post-America:

  1. White SWPL libs secretly, deep down, don’t believe their own bullshit. This creates massive cognitive dissonance which can only be alleviated by continual affirmation of their false beliefs from fellow Whites who also labor under a heavy load of cogdis. Misery loves company. It’s the equivalent of a codependent relationship, except both partners are addicted to the virtue signaling drug. See, for example, any NPC doxxing swarm targeting heretics, or Twatter blue checkmarks all liking each other’s inane anti-White pabulum.
  2. White libs in cities are surrounded by diversity, (although urban Whites mostly self-segregate by neighborhood zone and city block, the Diversity still slaps them in the face on mass transit or walking alone from the bar at 1AM), and have to constantly stifle their real thoughts about the goblins who roam amongst them. If they don’t stifle their thoughts, they might make the mistake one day of lashing out at a Gift of Diversity, and that could cost them social status and, possibly, their good health. This is tiring to the enlightened urban White shitlib, and validation from other tired urban White shitlibs lifts their spirits. It helps to know others like yourself are part of the struggle (the real struggle of pretending Diversity is grand — not the Fake Struggle of, say, BLM that shitlibs vicariously live through). Forcing presumed compatriots to join the White shitlib in a self-preserving lie is like a dose of antacid. Sweet relief. Now back to overeating at the buffet of gassy neolib boilerplate.

This is really a critical point for rural and suburban Sane Whites to understand about urban Shitlib Whites. The latter live in the midst of Dreary Diversity in ways that the former don’t usually. When you are encircled by belligerents, you can go two ways: Keep a clear head about the threats, or placate the hordes and bury your dark thoughts. Shitlibs are cowards, so they choose the latter, fearful that indulging their Inner Voice might cause them to occasionally lose control of it as it leaps off the tongue on the walk over to an evening cocktail party through a vibrant part of town. So White shitlibs have decided, en masse, like victims of a runaway hysteria, to kill their Inner Voices. To spare their Outer Prestige.

Hence, the full embrace of the thoughtless, automaton leftoid NPC lifestyle.

And this is why wry silence confounds them, and why refusing to give the urban White shitlibs validation when they go off on one of their snarky anti-White lectures upsets them so much. Your shitlord silence is worse than complicity; it’s mockery. It reminds the shitlib of her cowardice, and how much of her integrity she sacrifices to keep up the equalist facade. The shitlib isn’t upset that you might be a closeted deplorable as much as she’s upset that your judgmental silence reminds her that she’s an emotionally brittle, dictatorial charlatan who CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH and who must cripple herself with mental contortions and demand vows of loyalty to groupthink to hide that fact of her fragility from her consciousness.

Atavator condenses,

Truth stands of its own accord. Lies need constant propping up.


This late-stage republic phenomenon of shitlibs desperately seeking and even demanding external validation of their internal lunacy has Game pertinence, too. A reader explains,

“Silence is golden” applies in so many ways. It works wonders with women too. Like lefties, they need constant confirmation that they’re right or they’ll lose their minds. Often to the point of agreeing with you, just to get you to speak with them again.

Strategic silence will nuke a girl’s shit tests. It is also a powerful tactic during more intimate moments, when she’s getting to know you (or getting you to know her), creating a veneer of mystery about you that you might be hiding something bad (which is good) or she is not worthy of some secret joy or pain from your life, and she’ll have to earn your trust to learn about it.

When a girl flirts, or is in the pregnant pre-flirt stage (she hasn’t yet closed herself to your solicitation), her sassiness can sometimes take the form of an urge to ego gratification. She might corner you into an admission that flatters her or gives her reason to reject you (the default state of girls when interacting with most men who aren’t automatically socially proofed by fame, status, or extreme wealth). That’s when your grinning silence is helpful to the cause of mutual romance; your denial of the validation she seeks flips the seduction script. Unvalidated, she now assumes the role of the active solicitor, probing for a supportive comment or two that will re-inflate her ego to its normal “SURROUNDED BY THIRSTY BETAS” size. The psychological reorientation will have the knock off effect of raising your SMV relative to hers (and to the beta males who failed with her) because of the cognitive bias of imputing more worth to a person in whom we invest our emotional energy to acquire that person’s approval.


Related: the “mass mind“.


The Globohomo Corporatocracy is the unholy union of rootless, deracinated corporate fat cats with academia and the bureaucratic State. It is a tri-headed beast with three objectives:

  • make boatloads of money on the backs of cheap labor
  • endlessly saturate the airwaves with neoliberal pozpaganda
  • silence dissent from their rule

War in some form will come later, but for now the best recourse of dissidents is to ruthlessly mock the Corporatocracy. Belittle their presumptions, shatter their hubris, discredit their rule. And for the love of Heritage America, avoid stuffing their wallets when you have alternatives available.

To wit:

Better names for our putative overlords:

Clitflix, Fapple, Goolag, Twatter, Faceborg, Amazog.

Use these terms wherever and whenever. If enough dissidents get these words into the public consciousness, the globalists will catch wind of them, and they will feel the sting. We will have hurt them. And that, most importantly, will prove to themselves that they are vulnerable.

They can be brought to heel.


An emailer sends along an excerpt from a book written by the Frenchman Rabelais on the subject of, paraphrasing, “gamed wife, happy life”.

Just came across a redpilled book from the Rennaissance period written by the Frenchman Rabelais.

Project Gutenberg has online copies.

There is a very good section on maintaining frame in a marriage.

It’s a bit difficult to read given that he didn’t use modern grammar and writing style but I have no doubt you will understand the wisdom.

Also, you will find a portrait of the author toward the top of the document. Physiognomy is real. Interesting, when you consider this document also contains a chapter titled: “Rondibilis the Physician’s cure for cuckoldry”.

Here is the section on marriage I refer to (he didn’t use paragraphs).


After that Gargantua had most affably saluted all the gentlemen there present, he said, Good friends, I beg this favour of you, and therein you will very much oblige me, that you leave not the places where you sate nor quit the discourse you were upon. Let a chair be brought hither unto this end of the table, and reach me a cupful of the strongest and best wine you have, that I may drink to all the company. You are, in faith, all welcome, gentlemen. Now let me know what talk you were about. To this Pantagruel answered that at the beginning of the second service Panurge had proposed a problematic theme, to wit, whether he should marry, or not marry? that Father Hippothadee and Doctor Rondibilis had already despatched their resolutions thereupon; and that, just as his majesty was coming in, the faithful Trouillogan in the delivery of his opinion hath thus far proceeded, that when Panurge asked whether he ought to marry, yea or no? at first he made this answer, Both together. When this same question was again propounded, his second answer was, Neither the one nor the other. Panurge exclaimeth that those answers are full of repugnancies and contradictions, protesting that he understands them not, nor what it is that can be meant by them. If I be not mistaken, quoth Gargantua, I understand it very well. The answer is not unlike to that which was once made by a philosopher in ancient times, who being interrogated if he had a woman whom they named him to his wife? I have her, quoth he, but she hath not me,—possessing her, by her I am not possessed. Such another answer, quoth Pantagruel, was once made by a certain bouncing wench of Sparta, who being asked if at any time she had had to do with a man? No, quoth she, but sometimes men have had to do with me. Well then, quoth Rondibilis, let it be a neuter in physic, as when we say a body is neuter, when it is neither sick nor healthful, and a mean in philosophy; that, by an abnegation of both extremes, and this by the participation of the one and of the other. Even as when lukewarm water is said to be both hot and cold; or rather, as when time makes the partition, and equally divides betwixt the two, a while in the one, another while as long in the other opposite extremity. The holy Apostle, quoth Hippothadee, seemeth, as I conceive, to have more clearly explained this point when he said, Those that are married, let them be as if they were not married; and those that have wives, let them be as if they had no wives at all. I thus interpret, quoth Pantagruel, the having and not having of a wife. To have a wife is to have the use of her in such a way as nature hath ordained, which is for the aid, society, and solace of man, and propagating of his race. To have no wife is not to be uxorious, play the coward, and be lazy about her, and not for her sake to distain the lustre of that affection which man owes to God, or yet for her to leave those offices and duties which he owes unto his country, unto his friends and kindred, or for her to abandon and forsake his precious studies, and other businesses of account, to wait still on her will, her beck, and her buttocks. If we be pleased in this sense to take having and not having of a wife, we shall indeed find no repugnancy nor contradiction in the terms at all.

Phyzz test, the younger Rabelais:

Rascally rogue. You know this dude was the first man in history to reply “I know” when a woman professed her love for him.

Rabelais’ advice (through Gargantua) is primarily a florid reiteration of Chateau Poon Commandments III, IV, XIV, XVI.

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.


IV. Don’t play by her rules

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest woman and the most strident feminist wants to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the core of a healthy loving relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as a bulwark against her tempest. When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be there… strong, solid, unshakeable and immovable.


XIV. Fuck her good

Fuck her like it’s your last fuck. And hers. Fuck her so good, so hard, so wantonly, so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more. Kiss her all over, make love to her all night, and hold her close in the morning. Own her body, own her gratitude, own her love. If you don’t know how, learn to give her squirting orgasms.


XVI.  Never be afraid to lose her

You must not fear. Fear is the love-killer. Fear is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear. You will permit it to pass over and through you. And when your ego-fear is gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain. You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you, controls you. Don’t give her that power over yourself. Love yourself before you love her.

Don’t sacrifice your manly pursuits for your woman.

Don’t supplicate to your woman.

Don’t let your woman make your decisions for you.

Don’t neglect your woman’s need for a dominant man in her life.

Don’t place your woman on a pedestal of incontinent affection.

Fuck your woman good, because that is her prime directive, to be fucked good.

These are the attributes of a man who holds an unshakeable frame with his woman (or women).

Have your wife, but don’t let your wife have you. That is the key to marital happiness.

And to think there are tradcon ignoramuses who assert Game is a modern device of incels or a repackaging of dindu muh dickism. Nope, the great White men of European history knew about Game, practiced it, and preached it, even if they used a different jargon that basically expressed the same ideas in, say, the Mystery Method or at this ‘umble blog.


Manifest Depravity

Lowe objects to my characterization of the people in that cringe-worthy Beta O’Rourke campaign ad.

Why is uncool to do a dance? You sound like a crazed dork, talking about fuggernauts, when it’s just a video of people dancing.

They’re ugly, they’re blobby, they’re unsexy, they can’t dance, they have stupid cultish instincts to latch onto any soy-drenched nancyboy who mouths the right universalist platitudes, and they’re singing out a gay man’s name to the tune of a very gay song. It’s more that just a video. It’s manifest depravity.


Study: People with fewer sex partners report happier marriages

The Shitlantic is just now getting around to reporting on a subject which was discussed extensively years ago on this very ‘umble blog. Yes, Virginia, sluts really do make bad wives. Sluts are unhappier in marriages, which makes them higher infidelity (and cuckoldry) risks.

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a slutty woman your wife.

Inevitably, the femcunts of muffstream media will bend the knee(s) to Chateau Heartiste, and take all of my lovefacts. (It’s a mouthful)

The more interesting part of this particular sociological affirmation of Chateau teachings is the finding that men with a lot of premarital partners aren’t as unhappy in marriage as are women with a lot of premarital cockas.

Over at the Institute for Family Studies, Nicholas Wolfinger, a sociologist at the University of Utah, has found that Americans who have only ever slept with their spouses are most likely to report being in a “very happy” marriage. Meanwhile, the lowest odds of marital happiness—about 13 percentage points lower than the one-partner women—belong to women who have had six to 10 sexual partners in their lives. For men, there’s still a dip in marital satisfaction after one partner, but it’s never as low as it gets for women…

In fact, men with 6-10 premarital partners report the same level of marital happiness as men with 2-3 partners. (It seems men who aren’t virgins are happier if they have sampled more than five pussies. For men, a point is reached when quantity becomes its own quality.)

Women with 6-10 premarital partners are the unhappiest in marriage.

Even funnier, from a biomechanical point of view, marital happiness actually ticks up a bit from men with 11-20 sex partners to men with 21+ partners.

For both sexes, entering marriage in a virginal state provides the happiest outcome.

This all makes complete sense looked through a “cheap sperm, expensive egg” filter: men are wired to compartmentalize sex, to better spread the seed. All else equal, a man with hangups about casual sex won’t be as reproductively successful as a man who can love em and leave em, and live to settle down with a marriageable woman when his rigor has mortised.

So for men, past performance is not as indicative of future marital satisfaction as it is for women, who are psychologically scarred a little bit more with each cock that carves their sugar walls. Women aren’t wired to “spread the egg” (they don’t have that many to spread, and they can’t walk away from a pregnancy like men can do); they are wired to hoard the egg and save it for high quality seed. This explains why sluts are unhappy in monogamy; they have given their eggs away so often and so profligately that no man they marry could possibly register in their hindbrains as the zenith of penis. Too many cocks have come and gone that it has messed with sluts’ ability to bond to men.

Virginal brides, by contrast, will explode with lovingtightness upon surrender to the nuptial cock, because they have no other cock with which to compare their husband’s cock. By default, the virgin perceives marital cock to be the finest quality seed she could get. Some call that love.

“Contrary to conventional wisdom, when it comes to sex, less experience is better, at least for the marriage,” said W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociologist and senior fellow at the Institute for Family Studies (and an Atlantic contributor). In an earlier analysis, Wolfinger found that women with zero or one previous sex partners before marriage were also least likely to divorce, while those with 10 or more were most likely. These divorce-proof brides are an exclusive crew: By the 2010s, he writes, just 5 percent of new brides were virgins. And just 6 percent of their marriages dissolved within five years, compared with 20 percent for most people.

5%? So you’re saying I have a chance! (I wonder how the percentage of new bride virgins tracks over generations. I’m willing to bet ours is the least virginal era in all of Western history.)

Only 6% of virgin-bride marriages dissolved. Well, no kidding. Given the dearth of virgins in Post-America, the man who locks one down would be a fool to let her go.

Let that be a lesson, ladies:

If you want a loving man for the rest of your life
Never take a cocka before your wedding night.

By the way, the fact of modrenity that virgins are as rare as unused buttplugs in CNN anchor desks portends horrible outcomes for civilization, as it has formed in the American miasma. As age at first marriage increases, the number of female virgins approaches zero. Few women will hold out until age 30, so if women aren’t getting married until then, good luck finding a virgin whose vagina is a Chinese finger trap instead of a hallway. Many MANY more marriages will be miserable for both parties because

a. the wrinkled newlywed bride is past her nubile peak and

b. she’s corrupted by a caravan of cocks.

(a) will reduce a man’s ardor to provide and protect, and (b) will induce a woman’s ardor to cheat and eject.

You can thank shitliberalism and the Pill for this slutty state of gnawingly empty affairs.

It doesn’t matter in practice whether sluttiness causes marital unhappiness, or is correlated with marital unhappiness. If you are a man seeking to enslave yourself in bonds that you think will sit lightly on your limbic limbs, then your best bet is to wife up a woman who doesn’t have a variety of sexual experiences. That is, go for the virgin, or near-virgin, before choosing the “woman who knows what she wants in the bedroom”.

You can teach a virgin to be a better lover; you can’t teach a slut to be a purer lover.

In the final analysis, once-frequent commenter Man Who Was Thursday condensed all these lovefacts about virgins and sluts and marital unhappiness into a pithy phrase:

Success with women is more disillusioning than failure.

PS The lead author of this study is Nicholas Wolfinger. Not a J_w? (If not, it would explain the mass droppage of realtalk.)

PPS Relevant:

Ha! An otherwise perfect meme marred by one flawed assumption: that slut grandma wouldn’t have died childless, in the paws of her adoring cats.

Heather asks the questions the legacy won’t,

Is a slut’s chance of dying alone with cats eating her eyeballs, equal to the chance she has mystery meat grandchildren?


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