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Game Can Finance The Cause

Bronze Age Pervert as usual has his finger on the pulse of ancients culture. Gaming shitlib careerist shrikes to fund a pussyhat-crushing neofascist movement isn’t so far-fetched. We’ve all known that asshole who manages to soak a parade of smitten chicks to fund his party and drug habit. (One guy I knew got a girl to buy him a car).

Game a rich libchick out of her money and funnel it to The Cause. Bonus: You will have diverted money from cat litter companies, box wineries, and Clitflix. Redistribution of stealth!


From a Gabber,

The hysterical thing is that the first 2 are only 1 year apart.

And have you seen the beta husband! LOL!

Most women are ignorant of the Wall’s quickness of approach and ferocity of impact. The Wall can shatter nubility in one year, demoting a woman to post-catcall status. Many such cases!

The female rationalization hamster (coined at this e’er-humble blog) originally described the thought processes of women who fall in love with badboys and then post hoc rationalize their badboy lovers as good men, often using terms such as “he’s misunderstood”, “you don’t see what I see in him”, or “xoxo you got me Skittles for my birthday!”.

The term has come to encompass the broader mental template of Woman, and now includes any kind of backwards rationalization to help a woman feel better when reality is doing its worst to make her feel bad. Sour Grapes (insisting a good thing one can’t have is bad) and Sweet Lemons (insisting a bad thing one is stuck with is good) are examples of logical fallacies that feed the Rationalization Hamster.

Jessica Valenti gives us a tour of her rationalization hamster.

“The end of hisses, whistles, and stares: we need to walk the streets without fear”

==> she wants alpha males to notices her, and (vibrant) omega males to keep to themselves because they disgust her.

“Men rarely catcall me anymore. I hate that our culture makes me miss it”

==> she misses the male attention, but blames culture instead of her necrotizing sexual worth, which leaves her ego to entertain the possibility that culture can be changed and she can be desired again (aka blame shifting)

“One perk of older age? Fewer catcalls”

==> Sweet Lemons. AKA polishing a turd.

The female ego is loathe to admit to itself that its biological status is uncompetitive in the sexual market. The denial is so strong that you will see women like Jessica Valenti contradicting themselves from moment to moment in a vain effort to avoid honest self appraisal.

Unfortunately for her, she gets honest self appraisal every time she wearily rests her eyes on her catch of a soyhubby.


PS Trump is reshaping the notoriously shitlib 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. It may be that Trump’s greatest legacy is recapturing the judiciary for MAGAmerica.


Open Borders: An Analogy

Minnesotans are among the most cucked Whites in America. They could use the lesson of this open borders analogy from Wilkey.

With open borders the numbers essentially become unimportant. What would the USA be like with open borders? Well, move to northern Minnesota and, on the coldest, windiest day of the year prop all your doors open. While you’re at it open up all the windows, too. Feel free to crank up the heating system to max and throw a couple dozen logs on the fire. Your heating bill will skyrocket, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it, because you’re going to freeze to death soon, anyway.

That’s the United States with open borders. People will keep coming until eventually it’s so bad that life here isn’t much better than life in the worst country on the planet. Our “heating system” – i.e., our government and (more importantly) our other forms of social capital, won’t be able to keep up, and their costs will go through the roof. But that’s ok, because the nation would soon be dead, anyway.

How many invaders would come to the US if they could? As many as can be stuffed in our homeland until we resemble their homelands. Then they’ll stop coming, because what would be the point? Gibs Heaven is gone.

It’s Open Borders in perpetuity until the cost of travel for the invaders exceeds the benefits of America’s largesse.


Comment by God is Laughing,

Immigrants are scabs, our borders are picket lines, and the elites are management.

The irony is that our union dollars go to breaking labor’s back.

Reality is it’s own analogy.


Remove Boot, Break Narrative

A great comment from Davy Holmes, on why creating a parallel information network that competes with Globohomo is so difficult, and on why Trump is hated so much by the elite (answer: he exposed their cowardice).

Wealth for the last hundred years or so must not only be earned, it must be given. As we have seen, time and time again, it will only be allowed to flow into the coffers of those who have been deemed sufficiently submissive or controlled. As an excellent example, look at Trump.

He supported liberal policies, he gave millions of dollars to the democratic machine, he married his daughter off to the son of one of the most filthy [special people] you can find on the east coast, and he has been a constant and vocal supporter of blacks, here in America.

He was, in a word, bought. The problem with Trump – for them – is that he didn’t stay bought.

There have been more than a few others who attempted to buck the yoke, one way or the other, and wound up recanting. I think of Rand Paul, who refused to clap during the visit from NetanYAHOO during the Obama years – and then spent the next three months on an apology tour of Israel. Or Winston Churchill who warned the entire nation against getting involved in World War II, only to plunge headlong into it when exterior pressure was brought to bear.

Men with money in today’s world – and I mean BIG money – are too invested in the machine to buck the system, and even if they did, it wouldn’t do them any good.

There have been a number of alternative platforms that have been started, and were viable alternatives. Guess what happened to them. They were defunded, banks pulled out of the deal, VISA and MC refused to work with them at all, contracts were illegally broken, and the courts refused to give satisfaction – the list goes on and on and on. In a nation that held the rule of law to be paramount, these kind of things wouldn’t be possible, but we haven’t lived in that nation for a VERY long time, if ever. In the nation we live in, laws are only sticks used to cudgel a very specific group of the masses back into submission, and are easily and readily broken whenever the opportunity arises.

I’ve spoken a lot about going after certain people legally, although perhaps not here. Yes, I think we should do that, but not because I think it’s going to do any good. I think we should do that so that the ‘normies’ who are left can continue to be given concrete, substantive proof that there are no – and I mean NO – viable alternatives to what is coming. That, and to simply irritate the [SP]MC’s ([Special People] in My Country). They really don’t like it when you question their authority.

[Special People], clawing for power: “Question authority!”
[Special People], in power: “Don’t question authority!”

There won’t be any alternative platforms, not real ones. They won’t allow it. As soon as there IS a platform that could truly challenge their ability to control the flow of information, it WILL be shut down. Or probably something sneakier, like ensuring that users searching for the platform are redirected to a different, more sinister, site. The SPMC’s, after all, don’t particularly care for confrontation. With the exception of when God has clearly stated that He was on their side, they’ve lost.

Somehow, I don’t think He’s got their back on this one.

The theme of Davy’s comment dovetails with a snipe by commenter BRUH, who works for the benefit of masters s/he may have no conception of but masters whose skypistry is mirrored in BRUH’s words,


Nah just righteous anger. I don’t envy my lessers. The truth is pretty much the opposite of BRUH’s hackneyed drive-bys. I have it on good authority that leftoids and cucks employed by these illicitly-funded rags read this humble blog and seethe with envy at the talent and insight and freedom of thought expressed here FOR FREE that they can’t muster WITH BILLIONS THROWN AT THEM. That’s gotta sting.


Emmanuel Maricon’s Big Lie

Today, Macron took a swipe at Heritage America,

As Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and dozens of other heads of state and government listened in silence, French President Emmanuel Macron used the occasion, as its host, to sound a powerful and sobering warning about the fragility of peace and the dangers of nationalism and of nations that put themselves first, above the collective good.

“The old demons are rising again, ready to complete their task of chaos and of death,” Macron said.

“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism,” he said. “In saying ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others,’ you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: Its moral values.”

When you e-race a nation, you erase its moral values. Patriotism and nationalism are mutually beneficially linked because both protect and lionize the people who are the source of the cherished moral values.

Maricon, like all post-nation globalists who read the Camp of the Saints as an instruction manual, inverts reality for a feelgood lie. He believes race as reflected through national borders and immigration controls is irrelevant to morality, which exists in the ether separate and distinct from the minds of different human groups. The truth is that the race comes first, the moral values follow. I wonder if Maricon seriously believes France’s moral values would survive the replacement of the native French with Pakistanis, Eritreans, Nigerians, Moroccans? If he does, then he is worse than a fool. He is an annihilationist.


From commenter AM,

Men used to have a moral education (if they were educated); they understood that virtue – “values,” in castrated newspeak – is not so much a matter of opposing one good value to another “bad” value, as it is a promontory rising above two crevasses of excess and deficit on either side… i.e., the “golden mean.” It’s not that anger is a “bad” value and meekness is a “good” value; it’s that you should be as angry and as meek as a given situation requires.

There’s also obviously an order and harmony amongst the virtues, just as amongst what few, legitimate rights there are, such that they are never in conflict – indeed, the philosophers have always said that one doesn’t really possess any single virtue unless he possesses them all; they are a participation in true being – in God, and are therefore as wholly One as He must be. Yes, even the pre-Christian, pagan sages knew that.

Organizing your paper clips and preventing your kids from overeating are both “values.” I’m judgmental enough to say they are both good values. But a mother who starved her kids because she refused to compromise her “moral values” as regards paperclip-propriety would rightly be publicly executed. It shouldn’t require any particular moral genius to understand that the balancing act between the common and particular good on the global stage is just as naturally resolvable as on the domestic: most people manage to cooperate with their neighbors and towns without feeling like they have to invite all the local hobos to move into their own kids’ bedrooms. Piety requires us to love our kith and kin, our country, before we love others; justice requires us to tender the offices of piety to our kin and country first, and to help others only from our excess, and never in a way that disproportionately, adversely affects our kin and country.

Time was nobody could have sat still to hear a grown man like Macron speak such nonsense; somebody would be compelled to smack him and say “How the hell did you live past puberty with so much shit impacted in your brains!?” The fact that our elites applaud piously and bask comfily in his wisdom, is proof that God is preparing for destruction. Quos vult perdere…

Repent! One assumes that such a call must be tongue in cheek, but I’m afraid it’s not, fellas. By all means, continue to act prudently for change in the world, because that is a moral duty. But don’t delude yourselves into thinking that God will stay His hand without real repentance. For yourselves and others: repent, repent, repent.

“Piety requires us to love our kith and kin, our country, before we love others; justice requires us to tender the offices of piety to our kin and country first, and to help others only from our excess…”

Good times create weak men.

Is this what it is, after all? Our collective insanity a product of excessive prosperity? We can’t abide the easy life without an urge to throw it away for the purpose of a difficult life?

If this is the kernel of the White Western soul, then nothing we do here will make a difference. Decline and collapse has to happen, just as rebirth has to happen.


Shitlibs are of course seeing this as proof that Trump is in Putin’s pocket.

Reality: Putin and Trump hate globalists, and are greeting each other knowing that they are surrounded by globalists, and share a smile of common understanding.

The paradigm is rupturing. What we may see in foreign relations is the development of an alliance akin to a Western Warsaw Pact, as nationalist (read: sane) countries like Poland, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Russia, and the US ally against Globohomo, and push back on the entire internationalist project, from open borders to fiat money. Cucked nations like France and Germany and the UK will be left in the cold.

NATO won’t make it another five years. History is full of strange realignments. The emergence of a US-led Warsaw-esque Pact would be one of the stranger ones.



Thucydides was describing today’s Democortez Party, and the partisan animosities that are driving us toward another civil war.

“thoughtless act of aggression now a mark of courage” = “punch a nazi”, excuse pantifa political terrorism.

“thinking of the future is cowardly” = electing a new people

“moderation disguises unmanly character” = MeToo sex panic

“plot against an enemy behind his back is self-defense” = Kavanaugh show trial

“family relations were a weaker tie than party membership” = shitliberalism

“these parties felt confidence in each other…because they were partners in crime” = Deep State

To better understand our present, we need to return to the Great Men of the past. They had the wisdom we lack today.

*da GBFM sheds a lone tear*

Similarly, I like to feature great womanizers and philosophers from the past, because they too had wisdom on matters of women and sex that our modren soyboys woefully lack.

Why do modrens lack the wisdom of their forebears? Maybe we have gotten stupider. Maybe less masculine and therefore more gullible as women are of passing fads in thought. Maybe we are less trusting of each other, and therefore more suspicious of wisdom that doesn’t come from ourselves.

Maybe we have been victimized by decades of anti-ancestors agitprop by perfidious forces seeking to undermine our venerated shared history and sever our family and social bonds to their personal advantage.

Whatever the cause, the solution is clear: read the warnings from the Great Men of our glorious heritage, and heed them as if our lives depended on it.


This photo captures the totalitarian absurdity of Big Tech better than any other I’ve seen. Taken from inside the hardened bunker of a Faceborg office:

White and Asian Faceborg employee nerds scurry about doing the actual work while murals of crazy-eyed browns and blacks glower overhead, mixed in with messages about the myth of biological sex.

The Empire has no clothes.

The photo is part of a story about a Faceborg executive, Palmer Luckey, who was fired for supporting Donald Trump. (great name btw, both Luckey’s and Trump’s)

[In 2016, Luckey] donated $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton group.

His donation sparked a backlash from his colleagues. Six months later, he was out. Neither Facebook nor Mr. Luckey has ever said why he left the social-media giant. When testifying before Congress about data privacy earlier this year, Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg denied the departure had anything to do with politics.

Perjury. And a violation of CA law against discrimination based on political affiliation.

Internal Facebook emails suggest the matter was discussed at the highest levels of the company. In the fall of 2016, as unhappiness over the donation simmered,

Far left Faceborg executives who donated millions to thecunt campaign were pissed at this one employee who donated $10K to a NAAAAAH QUEEN group. Imagine the intensity of groupthink required to have such a skewed perspective.

Facebook executives including Mr. Zuckerberg pressured Mr. Luckey to publicly voice support for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, despite Mr. Luckey’s yearslong support of Mr. Trump,

Leftoids like Cuckersperg can tolerate “dissent” if it goes no farther than libertarianism. This is proof that libertardianism is an insipid, cowardly ideology that pussy White men adopt when they dare to be different but don’t want to piss off shitlibs.

Tech executives concede that Silicon Valley is predominantly liberal—Mr. Zuckerberg said in Senate testimony that it is “an extremely left-leaning place”—yet they have steadfastly maintained that politics doesn’t play a role in how they police content on their sites.

Psychopaths are good at steadfastly lying.

Mr. Luckey, a Long Beach native who was home-schooled by his mother, has sometimes been out of step with the largely liberal culture of Facebook. A fan of big cars and military gear, he drove a giant tan Humvee with machine-gun mounts and orange toy guns. He once was forced to move it from the Facebook parking lot after someone called the police in to investigate, according to people familiar with the episode.

LOL snowflakes.

Mr. Luckey has been a longtime supporter of Mr. Trump and wrote a letter to the then-reality-television star in 2011 urging him to run for president. Mr. Luckey has told friends that reading Mr. Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal” at age 13 sparked his entrepreneurial imagination.

Damn, this guy was on the Trump Train before anyone but Trump himself!

Mr. Luckey’s fallout with Facebook began in September 2016, when the Daily Beast revealed his $10,000 donation to NimbleAmerica, a pro-Trump group that paid for advertising mocking Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election. At least one billboard paid for by the group featured a picture of Mrs. Clinton and the phrase “Too Big to Jail.”

Mr. Luckey’s donation and the perception that he might be associated with a group that at times traded in misogynistic and white-supremacist messages,


Facebook employees expressed anger about Mr. Luckey on internal message boards and at a weekly town hall meeting in late September 2016, questioning why he was still employed, according to people familiar with the complaints.


“Multiple women have literally teared up in front of me in the last few days,” an engineering director, Srinivas Narayanan, wrote in one internal post following the meeting.

Everything gone wrong with America is summed up in the above sentence.

Some virtual-reality-game developers said they wouldn’t work with Oculus in the future.


After the incident, Mr. Luckey became more, not less, political. One month after he left Facebook, he hosted a fundraiser for Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. He has since founded Anduril, an Orange County-based tech company focused on using artificial intelligence to protect troops, performing search-and-rescue missions and bringing “Silicon Valley thinking and funding to defense,” according to its website.

Someone on the dissident Right should get in touch with this guy about funding a parallel media-monetization universe to undermine Soylicunt Valley’s grip on the information gateways.


From Tam the Bam,

“White and Asian Faceborg employee nerds scurry about doing the actual work”

My liege! I pumped the pic up ctrl++++++, because I was suspicious of the insertion of the term “work” in that context.
And the stereotypes are even more stereotypical.
The Asian gent is stuffing his face with some no doubt infarction-inducing glop while on the go.
Soyboy with the clipboard is esculating his iPhag.
And schlubbing away in the background, shirtsleeve boy .. well just look at the splaying angles of his (flat) dyspraxic feet to the line of motion, as he orbits a business-suit basic-bitch. Can’t tell if that’s a (((hatlet))) or just a premature bald spot there too.

Keen eye. The dysgenic overload hits the lowers and uppers with equal ferocity but in different forms.


Answer: Left-wing billionaires.

How does Fatty Matty Yglesias, who writes uninteresting Oy-lerplate for Vox, the world’s foremost site of punchable shitlib faces, afford a $1.2 million condo in the Whitest part of DC?

For that matter, how does Steve Inskeep, leftism regurgitator for Non-Player Radio, make over $300K per year? At a nonprofit?

Who is paying the bloated salaries of all these trite leftist dorkwads and keeping their vanity projects afloat? The free market?

HAHAHA Shenanigans incoming…

P.S. Vox is accused of being funneled money by YouTube* to make “educational videos” to the tune of about $20 million. Propaganda outfits like Vox are kept in business despite not being profitable by billionaire and corporate fake investments and payments for services rendered. A bit like Mike from Better Call Saul getting laundered money through a fake job.

I’d be smugging, too, with that firehose of money coming from rich left-wing patrons at the helm of social media companies.

It’s a vast interwoven network of media shitlibs, tech shitlibs, and soros shitlibs surreptitiously passing big bucks between them to sustain an enormous universe of leftoid equalism anti-White propaganda.

The point of this exercise has nothing to do with the free market and giving the people what they want, and everything to do with ignoring the bottom line to blast nonstop “browning of America” agitprop to any ear and eye in striking distance.

Are there any filthy rich right-wing nationalists in America? If so, what the fuck are you doing with your money while America burns? Blowing it on your sportscuck hobby and exotic buttplug collection? Here’s a thought: how about instead you help fund parallel Maul-Right media, entertainment, and payment processor outlets that can compete with The Well-Financed Fuggernaut of the Tactical Left. Bonus: It’d probably be a profitable venture on its own, unlike Voxlet.com. All you’d need to get such a venture off the ground and running is a refusal to cuck out and apologize to the wad mob for your writers’ heretical ideas.

If there aren’t filthy rich uncucked right-wingers, then I suppose we can safely conclude greedy fat cats and robber barons are members in good standing of the Democrat Party. Dems: The party of rapacious Big Brother Ingsoc CEOs.

PS A free-thinking, bold reporter could really cut his teeth on a thorough exposé of the illicit streams of money that go to prop up left-wing sites like Vox, Bezos Post, and National Review.

*Youtube CEO: Susan Wojcicki.

She’s a special person. She takes care of her family.

PPS Heh.


Trust The Phyzz


New Acting AG Matthew Whitaker and DHS Kirstjen Nielson have just suspended the right to claim asylum at the southern border. https://t.co/HNbsJHTxr7 pic.twitter.com/ylZ1nj7pSk

— Red Nation Rising (@RedNationRising) November 8, 2018

Matthew Whitaker:

I knew we couldn’t go wrong with a physiognomy like Whitaker’s.




PS Sessions has been early retired for ONE DAY and already the happenings are happening. Trump should’ve nominated Whitaker for AG on his inauguration day. Jeff Sessions…nice guy….did right by his momma….but he just didn’t have the rock-splitting phyzz we need in the MAGAmen era.


I’ve posted a few comments here to stir the debate about how Jeff Sessions should go down in history.

From Tipsy,

Before you bag too heavily on Sessions, remember that he has teed everything up for Whitaker. The brought in the big guy to hit the ball 300 yards. Good cop, bad cop.

From Sentient,

From the prior thread…

Time for a history lesson.

Listen up…

During the campaign Trump was being attacked by his own party even through the convention. Sessions was one of the very few sitting Senators who were willing to support Trump. That support was crucial to getting more of the GOP machine behind him and getting other big hitters as well. Recall Manafort was brought in for the precise reason of getting convention delegates on board with nominating Trump.

Shit is not like the movies…

Making Sessions AG was quid pro quo for his support. Sessions dream was to be AG. Trump thought Sessions was a believer and was shocked at his recusing himself on Day 10…

A Leopard won’t change it’s spots…

They call all this stuff “politics” btw…

see things how they are, not how you want them to be. else you end up with Q like ex post facto rationalizations.

From stg58animalmother,

Sessions did what he needed to do. How do you think he got the nickname “Silent Executioner” back in Alabama? We are operating off of a sliver of information on the whole picture. Sessions has been annihilating the child porn and pedophile rings across the country. And immigration too. He’s done his job, now it’s time for open warfare.

In defense of the pro-Sessions crowd, a telling window into Sessions’ loyalties was opened during his exit interview:

In an interview just after being forced to resign as attorney general on Wednesday, Jeff Sessions stood by his decision to recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller probe, while acknowledging that the length of the investigation has proved “unhealthy.”

Sounds like a man with some regrets. This confirms my judgment of Sessions as a lieutenant of the MAGA revolution: overly principled in an age when principles are mocked and the principled are bulldozed. He probably thought Mueller was a man of integrity who would clear Trump in short order. I think he sees America for what it is now, and it has stolen his spirit. I bet he left his post relieved, knowing the time had come for men hungry for open warfare to replace principled genteel conservatives like himself.

Sessions did do a lot of “silent executing” behind the scenes to gut the open borders bureaucracy. But his recusal from the Russia Hoax was a blow to not only Trump, but to the MAGA agenda, and it was a costly mistake. I think this bothers him. And I think he was a Trump loyalist. He deserves an honorable goodbye, but it’s time to move on.


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