This photo captures the totalitarian absurdity of Big Tech better than any other I’ve seen. Taken from inside the hardened bunker of a Faceborg office:

White and Asian Faceborg employee nerds scurry about doing the actual work while murals of crazy-eyed browns and blacks glower overhead, mixed in with messages about the myth of biological sex.
The Empire has no clothes.
The photo is part of a story about a Faceborg executive, Palmer Luckey, who was fired for supporting Donald Trump. (great name btw, both Luckey’s and Trump’s)
[In 2016, Luckey] donated $10,000 to an anti-Hillary Clinton group.
His donation sparked a backlash from his colleagues. Six months later, he was out. Neither Facebook nor Mr. Luckey has ever said why he left the social-media giant. When testifying before Congress about data privacy earlier this year, Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg denied the departure had anything to do with politics.
Perjury. And a violation of CA law against discrimination based on political affiliation.
Internal Facebook emails suggest the matter was discussed at the highest levels of the company. In the fall of 2016, as unhappiness over the donation simmered,
Far left Faceborg executives who donated millions to thecunt campaign were pissed at this one employee who donated $10K to a NAAAAAH QUEEN group. Imagine the intensity of groupthink required to have such a skewed perspective.
Facebook executives including Mr. Zuckerberg pressured Mr. Luckey to publicly voice support for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, despite Mr. Luckey’s yearslong support of Mr. Trump,
Leftoids like Cuckersperg can tolerate “dissent” if it goes no farther than libertarianism. This is proof that libertardianism is an insipid, cowardly ideology that pussy White men adopt when they dare to be different but don’t want to piss off shitlibs.
Tech executives concede that Silicon Valley is predominantly liberal—Mr. Zuckerberg said in Senate testimony that it is “an extremely left-leaning place”—yet they have steadfastly maintained that politics doesn’t play a role in how they police content on their sites.
Psychopaths are good at steadfastly lying.
Mr. Luckey, a Long Beach native who was home-schooled by his mother, has sometimes been out of step with the largely liberal culture of Facebook. A fan of big cars and military gear, he drove a giant tan Humvee with machine-gun mounts and orange toy guns. He once was forced to move it from the Facebook parking lot after someone called the police in to investigate, according to people familiar with the episode.
LOL snowflakes.
Mr. Luckey has been a longtime supporter of Mr. Trump and wrote a letter to the then-reality-television star in 2011 urging him to run for president. Mr. Luckey has told friends that reading Mr. Trump’s book “The Art of the Deal” at age 13 sparked his entrepreneurial imagination.
Damn, this guy was on the Trump Train before anyone but Trump himself!
Mr. Luckey’s fallout with Facebook began in September 2016, when the Daily Beast revealed his $10,000 donation to NimbleAmerica, a pro-Trump group that paid for advertising mocking Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election. At least one billboard paid for by the group featured a picture of Mrs. Clinton and the phrase “Too Big to Jail.”

Mr. Luckey’s donation and the perception that he might be associated with a group that at times traded in misogynistic and white-supremacist messages,
Facebook employees expressed anger about Mr. Luckey on internal message boards and at a weekly town hall meeting in late September 2016, questioning why he was still employed, according to people familiar with the complaints.
“Multiple women have literally teared up in front of me in the last few days,” an engineering director, Srinivas Narayanan, wrote in one internal post following the meeting.
Everything gone wrong with America is summed up in the above sentence.
Some virtual-reality-game developers said they wouldn’t work with Oculus in the future.
After the incident, Mr. Luckey became more, not less, political. One month after he left Facebook, he hosted a fundraiser for Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. He has since founded Anduril, an Orange County-based tech company focused on using artificial intelligence to protect troops, performing search-and-rescue missions and bringing “Silicon Valley thinking and funding to defense,” according to its website.
Someone on the dissident Right should get in touch with this guy about funding a parallel media-monetization universe to undermine Soylicunt Valley’s grip on the information gateways.
From Tam the Bam,
“White and Asian Faceborg employee nerds scurry about doing the actual work”
My liege! I pumped the pic up ctrl++++++, because I was suspicious of the insertion of the term “work” in that context.
And the stereotypes are even more stereotypical.
The Asian gent is stuffing his face with some no doubt infarction-inducing glop while on the go.
Soyboy with the clipboard is esculating his iPhag.
And schlubbing away in the background, shirtsleeve boy .. well just look at the splaying angles of his (flat) dyspraxic feet to the line of motion, as he orbits a business-suit basic-bitch. Can’t tell if that’s a (((hatlet))) or just a premature bald spot there too.
Keen eye. The dysgenic overload hits the lowers and uppers with equal ferocity but in different forms.