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Another Convert

An American friend, let’s call him Phil, has discovered the bounties of East European girls.  After a lifetime of drama dating compatriots of every known taxonomy, he recently hooked up with a cute Polish chick and, in his words, “there’s no going back”.  We had an IM exchange where he explained his revelation:

Phil: she gave me a BJ in the park
Phil: behind a tree
Me: how long have you been going out?
Phil: a few weeks
Phil: she is completely sexually uninhibited
Phil: have you ever had a girl lick your asshole?
Me: she’s already doing that for you?
Phil: well, not quite. i didn’t want her to. so she licked the taint.
Phil: that’s not the half of it
Me: your game must be exceptional
Phil: actually, i used very little game on her
Phil: she said she was going for a walk and i said “why don’t you join me for a walk near my place”.
Me: and two weeks later her tongue was on your taint
Phil: as if it was the natural progression of things
Me: no shit tests?
Phil: not a one. her sincerity actually confused me at first.
Me: how old is she?
Phil: 23 [editor’s note: considerably younger than my friend]
Phil: i told her i was going to tell my friends about her, the sex stuff and everything
Phil: and she said “it’s OK to share our joy with your friends”
Me: wow
Phil: she treats me like a king
Phil: she loves sex
Phil: you should see her smile when she sees me.
Me: is she shorn?
Phil: yep, and she offered to shave mine
Me: i hear wedding bells
Phil: i can’t believe what i’ve been missing all these years
Phil: no more yentas for me

And so another red-blooded American male urbanite has succumbed to the sweet nectar of foreigner love, forever turned off to the idea of dating the homegrown talent.  Phil said that if, in the future, he found himself in the company of an American girl his expectations for her would be much higher.  Thanks to the eye-opening experience with this girl, there are certain behaviors and outlooks on life he just won’t abide anymore.

I asked him, as good as things were with his Polish girl, if he thought there was a catch.  His answer?  “When is there not a catch?  At least with her, getting caught doesn’t feel like a power struggle.”

Phil is now a big proponent of importing into the US millions of young women from former Communist countries.


Big Fat Phony Smile

If the eyes are the window to the soul, the smile is the neon vacancy sign outside the motel.

I don’t *feel* high maintenance.

Girls love to smile, whether it’s justified or not.  A broad smile illuminates the face and makes the world notice her.  There is probably some Freudian oral delights aspect to it as well.  The next time you are walking outside, try counting the number of people you see smiling or who smile at you as you pass.  It’s usually no one.  For a girl during her peak beauty years, every waking minute is a good reason to smile and advertise her exalted place within humanity.

There can be too much of a good thing.  The smile’s impact wanes when it becomes a fixture on the face, like the nose.  It loses any meaning and begins to suggest mental vacuity.  So many American girls (European girls seem to be immune to this affliction) have such inflated self-esteems that they flash insincere smiles constantly lest anyone forget to be entranced by them.  The impossibly wide phony smile is the tool in trade of the attention whore.  Now when I see a girl like the one in the photo above smiling like a prom queen I conclude she is a vapid girl with a non-existent inner world who will need to be gamed high-energy style.  The problem with dating girls who smile obsessively is that if you ever give them a reason to drop the smile they will hate you for life.

True sexiness is a lost art.  A woman is incredibly sexy when she balances her time smiling with the detached expression of a relaxed mouth.  She lets her eyes pick up the slack left by the smile.  When I’m talking to a girl whose eyes do most of the subcommunication I get the sense the hamster has not fallen off the wheel in her head.

You won’t see guys smiling as much because the pursuit of women is serious business.  Or maybe they think a straight face looks tough, cool, and emotionally self-contained.  In the dating field, guys who smile just a bit too much are approval-seekers rather than approval-givers.  They want the girls to notice how good-natured and fun-loving they are.  In other aspects of life, men who smile too much are looked upon with suspicion.  In fact, there is a word for perpetually smiling guys — used car salesmen.

One thing the naturals do well is the friendly smile when approaching women.  This automatically sets them apart from most men.  But they drop the smile before it gets stale.  The smile alternates with the serious face and is punctuated with the occasional cocky smirk — it all plays into the girl’s desire for an unpredictable man.  If she’s smiling because of some deliberate action on my part, all is good.  If she’s smiling like a retarded billboard ad, I tell her she has a piece of food stuck in her teeth.


Undercover Niceguy

In this Esquire article (with a very disturbing photo at the top), the author recounts his experience trying to set up his drop-dead gorgeous babysitter on a date.  For some inexplicable reason, she can’t seem to find a man on her own, so her host dad decides to help her out by impersonating her on an internet dating site and sifting through the e-suitors until he finds someone acceptable (to her, not to him, though the line is blurred).

Reading about his efforts, I can’t help but think what a milquetoast this guy is, as exemplified by what he imagines his hot nanny would look for in a guy.  It’s a classic case of beta projection.  But I suppose throughout history LJBF’ed betas have served as male cockblocks intercepting the natural desire of girls to hook up with the kinds of men who stomp all over betas.  If I were him, I’d be working the magic on my nanny, not working to get her banged by someone else.

The best part of the article is when the author has an email exchange with a guy who obviously has some knowledge of the Game.

One writes that he wants to know more about Michelle [the babysitter], but adds, “I can tell from your profile that sometimes you’re a handful.”

That’s annoying.

I respond: “What gives you the idea that I’m sometimes a handful?”

He responds: “I am so right!”

Now the bastard has really pissed me off.

Of course he has.  You are a man.  You respond to cocky flirting from another man by rearing up, flattening your ears, and raising your fur.  A woman would respond much differently. 

I click on his profile. A John Turturro look-alike with a smug smile.

He sees “smug”; she would see “confident”.

His opening photo shows him with his arm around a pretty woman with large breasts, as if to say, “I hang around with hot, large-breasted women, so if you are a hot, large-breasted woman, you should also hang around with me.” He likes to “work hard and play harder.” He is “VERY spiritual.”

Social proof, knows how to have fun, and dabbles in the supernatural.  Well-established tactics in the player’s arsenal of seduction.  His nanny would not react to this the way he is.

Michelle is not a handful. In her profile, she says that she’s very open and will let you know when she’s upset. That makes her a handful?

Too funny.  The author, Jacobs, doesn’t realize it, but the suitor’s seduction tactic worked on him.  He’s qualifying himself here!

Anyhow, Jacobs is clueless.  He must be much older because he can’t grasp the nuance of the word “handful” in this context.  Letting a guy know when she’s upset is, in fact, a leading indicator of handfulness.  The suitor has used a qualification technique on the girl designed to put her on the defensive and convince her he has standards in the women he dates.

But I have a theory. I think the fucker is employing an underhanded strategy. I edited an article a couple of years ago about a book called The Game, by Neil Strauss.

A glowing review, I’m sure.  Note to aspiring authors of player manuals — don’t let a beta review your book.

It’s about a nebbishy guy who decides to become the world’s greatest pickup artist, and it became exceedingly popular with a certain type of single man. One major strategy Strauss talks about is to mildly insult a beautiful woman, lower her self-esteem, thus making her more vulnerable to your advances.

This is a common misperception.  The objective is not to lower the self-esteem of the girl but raise the value of the player relative to her and therefore make her lower her bitch shield and become more pliable for conversation.  Backhanded compliments tell the girl that he is a guy who isn’t dazzled by her beauty like all those other losers.

So I e-mail handful guy as Michelle: “Have you read the Game by Neil Strauss?”

He says, “What makes you ask me that?”

Yes! Busted.

Congratulations, Jacobs, you won a moral victory.  Now go back to limply boffing your dumpy ageing wife, said dumpiness no doubt accentuated and rubbed in your effete face by the constant comparisons to the hot unavailable babysitter prancing around your home.

I respond: “I was wondering if your first email was a neg.” A “neg” is pickup patois for the mild insult.

He shoots back: “No, it was playful teasing. And yes, I have read the book.”

Thus commences a flurry of e-mails arguing whether his line qualifies as a neg. Finally, he brings out his trump card: “Considering that I know most of the people in the book personally from before the book was released, I’m gonna have to disagree.”

The player loses his cool here.  Since he still thinks he’s talking to a girl, he shouldn’t have gotten defensive.  His best play would have been to casually acknowledge the Game as something his girl buddy told him about and then bounced the conversation to the related subject of dating and flirting.  In other words, act like it’s no big deal. 

Aha. I hit the sleazeball jackpot, a longtime pickup artist. I tell him I’m glad my womanly radar warned me against him.

Jacobs is giddy that he can stick it to a guy who symbolically represents every jerk he ever resented for getting the girl when he couldn’t.  Settle down, Beavis.

He says, “I was hoping online dating would introduce me to different girls than the ones I pick up and seduce in bars, clubs and starbucks. So far not.”

Bad move.  Too hostile.  This guy is not a player, he’s a struggling ex-beta.  There is much learning ahead for him.

It was the closest thing to an admission of guilt that I was going to get.

I write, “Just remember as you wade through the dating pool [his lame metaphor, by the way]: we women are not just here to be conquered as part of the game.”

Bitter beta resentment – it’s what’s for dinner!

I’m a magnet for scammers. Everyone wants down my pants. Michelle probably would have sniffed this guy out eventually, but I’m proud that I saved her from a date.

Michelle thanks you by flaunting her luscious goods in front of your ineffectual feeble manhood.


Thought Experiment

Which male in the following list is more likely to be an absolute failure with women?:

  • a felon
  • a drug dealer
  • a dumb meathead
  • an unemployed DJ
  • a jerk
  • a computer programmer nerd

Don’t think too hard about this.  Go with your gut reaction, not the socially sanctioned, peer reviewed answer you want to be true.

What does your answer say to you?


Too easy.  Let’s raise the ante with a tougher comparison:

  • convicted serial killers who have killed, dismembered, and refrigerated body parts and sexually violated the corpses
  • a computer programming nerd who makes enough money to comfortably provide for a family of four in a leafy suburb

maybe they’d find love if they weren’t such social misfits…


Mount Vernon

Although George Washington’s mansion is probably smaller than half the homes in Potomac, there is plenty of history to impress the casual visitor.  Everything is maintained as it was back when George was throwing house parties for French snobs and Late Night Shots ancestors. 

Off to the side of the mansion were buildings housing various estate personnel.  The slave quarters were bigger than my friend’s one bedroom apartment in New York.  Employees dressed in historic garb assisted tourists with their questions.  I’m pretty sure heavy wool coats were not worn by Washington’s servants in the middle of summer, but I suppose the idea was to imbue us with a sense of how tough life was in the 18th century.  I sweated just looking at those poor bastards.

Back then, they called outhouses “the Necessary”.  Makes sense.  I will start calling my masturbation chair the Necessary.

Washington’s shitter:

the Founding Dump

Walking beside me during the tour of the main house was a teenager who looked like he suffered from a debilitating case of big nerdism.  Like Pigpen with his cloud of dust, this kid moved in a miasma of his own putrid B.O. and stank up every room in George’s stately home.  Combined with the 95 degree heat and the 300% humidity I was sure he was in violation of some air quality code.  His mom was with him.  Hey, Mom, tell your kid it’s not uncool to take showers at his age.

There are two excellent seduction spots at Mount Vernon.  One is on the grassy field between the main porch and the Potomac River.  If you hop down the hill (gaily, for effect) the land will slope until you and the tourists at the mansion lose sight of each other.  Grope her.  The knowledge that families with children need merely crane their necks to witness you defaming the sacred grounds of our first president with heavy tongue action will heighten the arousal.

don’t cum till you see the whites of her eyes.

The other seduction spot is at the Necessary.  If you can get a girl to make out with you next to a 230-year-old toilet that is swirling with the ghosts of past constipations you can do with her what you please.

George Washington was our great nation’s first super alpha.  He was there when the first shots of the French and Indian War were fired, leading to the worldwide Seven Years’ War.  In many battles with the British, his forces were badly outnumbered.  Defeat never caused him to waver in his leadership.  His alpha nature was evident in everything he did.  Next to the horse stables at Mount Vernon there is a quote that, paraphrased, reads:  George always chose the biggest horse and jumped the highest hurdles and rode the fastest of any rider.

He was such a rock star that the country begged him to stay on as president when his terms were up.  America was his groupie.  The people and their representatives were ready to crown him King.  Try to imagine that concentration of power.  This will give some perspective when you contemplate what Washington did next.  He willingly abdicated his power in service to his principles.  The nation may not be what it is today were it not for that noble act of betaness.

Even his personal life was a testament to his unique character.  He could have had a harem of beautiful teenage colonists and a mistress quarters built on the grounds overlooking the river.  Instead, he chose to marry a widow his age who had children from a previous marriage.  It doesn’t get much more beta than that.*

I think a lot of Americans have trouble relating to Washington today because he was such a great and honorable man of unassailable character.**  They want their leaders flawed in some way so that they can personally identify with them.  Hence, W and Bubba.  I don’t.  I want the most principled self-sacrificers serving my country, not a guy who shares my hedonistic outlook on life.

*Note to those who think this means alpha males who have trouble getting women are still alpha — Washington COULD HAVE gotten women if he wanted.  It’s potential energy as well as kinetic energy that defines the true alpha male.

**Yes, slavery.  He turned against it.  It was an unquestioned feature of life back then, kind of like outhouses.

Hottest Lovemaking Ever

according to a girl whose opinion I value.

Set the scene.  A man is returning home after having been away for months, maybe years, sacrificing his body in war or his comfort in third world charity work.  He is scarred from his experiences but has kept the memory of his lover close throughout his ordeal, giving him the strength and willpower to complete his mission and fulfill his duty to his principles.  All he could think about during his lonely nights that stretched into lonely weeks without end was the face of his lover.  Sweating under a hot sun and surrounded by suffering he had imagined her soft kisses and the light touch of her fingertips.  In moments of despair he visualized himself home, racing into her arms, lifting her up as her hair tumbled around them.

But now, the reality is even sweeter than his dreams.  They rush into each other, kissing until they are short of breath, grasping and clenching so tightly there isn’t a shard of daylight between their pressed bodies.  He carries her into bed, his hunger from months of forbearance suddenly released in a cataclysm of desire, his heart pounding so hard she can feel it through the sheets which have twisted into knots between them.  Overcome by his lust, she falls back and lets him soak her in.  She has never felt more feminine.  To be loved so absolutely that every worry vanishes and happiness shrouds her in serenity makes her feel almost ashamed.  They drift off in bliss.

Me, personally… I like it on top of the kitchen counter.


Woman-Hating Betas

Most women, and some men, believe that the bitterness and misogyny of beta males accounts for their failure with women.  That betas are their own worst enemy.  It is a common human compulsion to want to believe that the tortures of the sexually damned are self-inflicted — unlike poverty or gender discrimination, the first instinct of the moralizers in matters of unequal distribution of sex and love is to blame the victim.

To me, it’s a chicken and egg argument.  Betas and omegas are certainly bitter and their retreat into self-pity and sour grapes only worsens their predicament.  But I don’t believe bitterbetas started out that way.  They got that way through repeated failings in the dating scene.  Here’s an illustration of how that happens.

Imagine two men, one a beta with low dating market value and the other an alpha with high dating market value.  By dating market value, I am referring to the aggregate of traits the men possess which either move them closer or further away from the general attractiveness standards.  Some of these traits are beyond their power to remedy, such as stature and looks, while other traits, like humor and charm, reside in the gray area of innate attributes that are somewhat changeable through deliberate effort.

Their respective suite of traits means that Beta is attractive to 1 out of 1,000 women and Alpha is attractive to 1 out of 10 women.  (The absolute number values are not important in this example; what matters is the relative disparity.)  If both go to a club that has 100 women in attendance, 10 of those women will be attracted to Alpha while Beta would be lucky if his 1 out of 1,000 woman is even there.

If Beta and Alpha begin their careers of hitting on women it’s likely that Alpha would have banged 100 women before Beta even lost his virginity.

Over time, the repeated failures of Beta and the repeated successes of Alpha would mount.  Both may have started their journeys to poon wide-eyed with optimism and hope, but after a few years it’s easy to picture what kinds of attitudes each would develop as a consequence of his dating market value.  Alpha would embrace dating; he would see it as a playground full of excitement and fun and adventure and joy.  Beta would dread the dating scene; he’d go to every date with a feeling of frustration, expecting the rejection that he had become accustomed to experiencing.

Success breeds success.  A surfeit of pussy means Alpha would acquire discriminating taste in women.  He would learn how to screen for what he wants and how to qualify women for the values he looks for in a mate.  This, of course, would make him even more attractive to women.  But poor Beta… he’d take what he could get.  Beggars can’t be choosers.  After many years of their divergent paths, Alpha would achieve great knowledge in the ways of women and romance while Beta would know next to nothing.

What do the unsympathetic beta-haters think would result from this illustration I’ve laid out?  It’s simple.  Alpha would be a very happy dude and Beta would be embittered.  So for those whose advice to a loser in love is to “just be himself” around women remember that that is exactly what brought him to his miserable condition.


Ode to Bicyclists – A Poem

City streets to drive are harrowing
frustration mounts all red lights
no room to spare lanes are narrowing
oh fuck there’s a biker in my sights

he’s on the street obeying the law
no bikes on sidewalks where people roam
but this potholed lane can’t fit us all
i hit the brakes he ain’t armstrong

cars to the left of me biker to the right
i want to smash his sweaty face in with all my might
no room to maneuver there i stare
at this fat fuck’s plumbers crack in spandexwear

i’m late for work driving slower than idle
my sanity will suffer in a short while
this sidewalk policy is dumb and dumber
bike nerd needs to get off the road before i run him under

finally an opening to get around!
it’s a tight squeeze his ass is profound
i hit the gas and pass unopposed
then spew my carbon footprint right up his nose.


Scenes From the Sexual Market

I shared space (acreage) on the elevator today with a woman pushing 300 pounds.  One of the VPs, a portly middle-aged man with strong body language, got on with us.  She exchanged a pleasantry with him and he briefly acknowledged her with a head nod.  She began telling him a story about her weekend when the elevator door opened and an attractive, slim Asian woman stepped in.  Right in the middle of the fat woman’s friendly conversation with him he promptly turned his attention to the Asian woman and offered up a big smile, eagerly asking about her week and flirting with her like he was a schoolboy with a puppy crush.

I watched the reaction of the fattie.  She looked chastened, forced to cut her own conversation off, and lowered her head looking at her shoes which were two sizes too small for her porky hooves.  I understood her pain, but I did not sympathize with it.  At her age, she should know how the world works.  If she wants to be treated better, she needs to lose a lot of weight and stop being a self-made sideshow freak.

Losers in life have to suffer in big and small ways every day, every hour, and every minute of their miserable existences.  Most of us don’t notice their suffering because we’re too wrapped up in our own dramas.  But suffer they do, their worthlessness as human beings getting shoved in their faces daily by others who aren’t even aware of their hurtful actions.

Welcome to the jungle.  There’s no opting out of this reality. 


Fame, wealth, and charisma have made Jack Nicholson the heartbreaker of 2,000 women.  At the age of 70, and looking every bit of it, he spends his leisure time in boats with a tumbler in one hand and a bevy of young women draped around him like his royal concubines.  This means Jack is The Man.

I’ve got the biggest tits here.

I can already hear the female chorus of unctuous naysayers.  “Oh, I would *never* sleep with him.  He’s gross!”  “Fame and money don’t matter to me. It’s the man inside that counts.”  “If Jack Nicholson came onto me I’d turn him down.”


You don’t know how you’d act in the company of a major male celebrity, but I can guarantee you it wouldn’t be anything like you say you’d act from the comfort of your bedroom where there is no chance of ever meeting Nicholson.  Virtue is easy when you have no other choice.

A face-to-face meeting between Jack and a good girl who scoffed at the idea that she would submit to his charms would be a sight to behold as she gradually abandoned every one of her principles. 

First, her heart would race.  But she’d try to remain calm and aloof.  After all, she’s not like those starfucking sluts.  Then, Jack would speak.  And it would sound just like all those movies she watched with him in it.  He might even drop a quote or two.  *sqeal*!  Oh boy, her composure is starting to crack.  Maybe Jack might lasciviously angle his body so that his hot Oscar-winning breath blows across her neck and his belly brushes her arm.  He does this with his trademark sunglasses reflecting the light and his shit-eating joker grin exuding total unstoppable confidence.  She no longer notices his belly and man boobs.  Her loins feel like a rainforest. 

She looks around and something she does notice is how many beautiful women are languidly caressing Jack’s body, laughing at his every word, blatantly aroused to the point of orgiastic explosion.  For some inexplicable reason, noticing this turns her on even more.  Parrots and monkeys are swinging through her snatch.  Jack pats his lap.  No words exchanged; she walks over and sits in it.  He smells like drunken old man, but all she can think of is how attractive his eyes are when he squints from the sun.  Minutes later, in the cabin, Jack’s wang is driven in to the hilt.  Heeeere’s little johnny!

A woman’s principles are like an impressionistic painting — beautiful to contemplate from a distance but all over the place once you get up close.


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