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Carlson/Kobach 2024

Or, if things go badly for Trump over the next two years, Carlson/Kobach 2020.

Future POTUS and cabinet pic.twitter.com/IQqYYpSZKA

— Bronze Age Chad (@BronzeAgeChad) December 8, 2018

Tucker Carlson, like the rest of us, is frustrated with the pace of MAGA.

He blames Trump.

I blame the system.

Tucker doesn’t seem to grasp the bind Trump is in. Imagine every day you had to deal with innuendo of impending indictments of your family members. And two parties which hate you. Judges which thwart you. And even your “allies” balk at your style.

Every step of the way, the goal of the establishment has been to hobble Trump, to prevent him from keeping his campaign promises, and to cripple his ability to get even minor executive orders past a black robed terrorist.
Trump isn’t capable?
But an honest man would admit Trump’s enemies have made sure he doesn’t get the chance to prove his worth.

From Heather,

I agree with you.

But hear me out on a little speculation… Everyone knows Trump watches Tucker. Could this be Tucker’s way of cutting through the awful advisers and telling Trump directly that if he doesn’t get the wall going, he’s toast? Lord knows if he met with him or called him everyone would know about it.

What do you think?

No doubt this is in the back of Carlson’s mind, and may even be at the forefront of his mind. Tucker, then, would essentially be playing the role Ann Coulter plays for Trump on Twatter and in her articles: a voice from MAGAland echoing out over the Fake Din of Globohomo and past the cosmopolitan filters of Javanka.

I will never be a demoralization propagandist for the other side. However little of his original MAGA agenda Trump accomplishes, or however much zogcock he fluffs, his election is still a victory for bloodnsoil. Our situation would be A LOT WORSE had thecunt won. Keep your perspective, black pillers. There will be a time to give up on change from within the machine. That time is not yet here.

Check out photos of Trump at Elder Bush’s FUNeral. None of the other ex-presidents made eye contact with him. The discomfort was palpable.

A line-up of D and R former presidents and their families, swallowed whole and then belched out as missionaries for Globohomo, didn’t chum around with Trump. It’s proof (as if it was needed) that Trump legitimately is outside the Washington establishment and he was elected to take a giant steaming turd on the Uniparty’s legacy.

He forgets this at his, and our nation’s, peril. If he won’t accept the mantle of anti-establishment revolutionary, then we’ll find someone who will eagerly take up the banner…and the broad sword.


Bumble Game

Mr. Meaner shows what a cleanly executed chat game looks like, incorporating multiple Game tactics and concepts and moving the convo quickly onto closing the deal.

Thought I’d post this Bumble exchange I had as it’s a good example of a lot of game techniques. Hope I don’t get stuck in mod.

Her: Hey hru

Me: gd u
(Ed: I am so sick to the back teeth of chicks and their lazy-ass openers that I just fight fire with fire now)

Her: I’m alright what you upto?

Me: having lunch; looking at your pics. You?

Her: I’m home sick unfortunately. Haha you like what you see?

Me: i did until you said you were sick (disgust emoji)

Her: Oh

Her: Well that’s kinda awkward

Her: What you got planned for the weekend?

(Ed: neg leads to her asking me my plans. Lol)

Me: thinkin of buyin’ a new car. You’re clearly gonna be in bed all wkend

Her: Oh awesome what sort of car

(Ed: Cue lengthy para about all the made up bullshit she’s doing this weekend)

Me: doing much tonight?

Her: nothing planned think my housemates staying in so might watch a movie, you?

Me: yeah just relaxing at this point. Might open a bottle of something or have a few beers

Her: that sounds amazing. You could go all out and eat cheese too

Me: (eyeroll emoji) fine you bring the cheese

Her: haha it’s a date. What part of town are you?

Enjoy my bros

Well played. I give this Game three out of four Birthday Cats.

There are a couple of highlights from Mr. Meaner’s banter that are worth explaining in full.

  • Bumblegirl’s total word count is 71. Mr. Meaner’s word count is 56. That’s about a 9:7 word count ratio, which is heading in the direction of the golden give-and-take ratio described in Poon Commandment V:

V. Adhere to the golden ratio

Give your woman 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts; two nights out. Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more. When she speaks, you reply with fewer words. When she emotes, you emote less. The idea behind the golden ratio is twofold — it establishes your greater value by making her chase you, and it demonstrates that you have the self-restraint to avoid getting swept up in her personal dramas. Refraining from reciprocating everything she does for you in equal measure instills in her the proper attitude of belief in your higher status. In her deepest loins it is what she truly wants.

  • Meaner wasn’t a stickler for syntax. Abbreviating words is the slangy equivalent of Skittles for her birthday. ZFG all the way (Zapped Furburgers Greased).
  • The neg (technically a Takeaway or Indicator of Disinterest) prompted her to ask about his weekend. Chaser-chasee script flipped.
  • “thinkin of buyin a new car”. Minor, but effective for its spontaneity, DHV (demonstration of higher value)
  • “you’re clearly gonna be in bed all wkend”. Vheeky jerkboy bantz. Sutble but powerful disqualification. She hears, “this guy doesn’t think I have a life”.
  • Her: “you could go all out and eat cheese too”. Funny shit test. Most betas would balk and get defensive. Meaner passes it easily with the eyeroll and opportunity for a weekend slamfest by telling her to bring the cheese.

Well done.


Reframe Of The Day

I came up with a powerful reframe in the course of arguing the merits of decentralized dissidence. The upstart social media platform Gab, the free speech alternative to Totalitarian Twatter*, remains one of a rare few internet outposts willing to allow offending speech. This means the pressure on it to bend to Globohomo demands will be enormous. A lone target attracts more firepower. But multiple Gabs across media niches will scatter Globohomo’s fire and help each individual dissident node survive the fusillade.

Which leads to my reframe.

It’s not offensive speech, or offensive speakers, or an offensive ideology.

It’s offending speech, offending speakers, or an offending ideology.

The small semantic adjustment makes all the difference.

offensive: the moral onus is on the accused.

offending: the moral onus is on the accuser.

Offensive speech, speakers, or ideology targets everyone.

Offending speech, speakers, or iedology targets the person claiming to be offended.

Shitlibs prefer the former, because they are indicted by the latter. Offensive speech must be roundly criticized, but offending speech connotes a breaking of taboos held dear by sanctimonious guardians of acceptable discourse. The latter draws attention to the motivations of the accuser rather than to the accused.

*my first twatter account lasted about two years.
my second: six months
my third: two months
my fourth: three days
a revealing look at the increasing intolerance of Shitlib Media.


A study with a decent sample size (N = 274 female participants) found that the index finger to ring finger ratio (2D:4D) in women predicts their potential risk of cheating.

Being more exposed to the sex hormone oestrogen in the womb leads to women’s index fingers growing longer than their ring finger.

By contrast, being exposed to more of the male sex hormone testosterone in the womb has a more ‘masculinising’ effect – and results in a longer ring finger and a shorter index finger.

Men with longer ring fingers than index fingers have been found to be better sportsmen.

Eiluned Pearce of Oxford University carried out the research which has been published in a Royal Society Journal.

She took measurements of the finger lengths of 274 female volunteers and also sampled their DNA.

They also completed psychological tests on their relationship quality.

She found that ‘women with higher (more feminine) left hand digit ratios are more impulsive and rate their romantic relationships less favourably.’ She added that the finding is ‘intriguing, because the opposite might be expected’.

Ok, a few words of caution. As with any sociosexuality research that relies in part on self-report surveys, take it with a grain of salt. Women lie, and women lie a lot when the question has to do with their romantic longings and sexual history. Women as a sex will “lie down” (heh), meaning they will undercount the number of men they have slept with and will reclassify non-vaginal sex as platonic friendship.

Having said that, we can assume, since women will lie in one direction (to socially signal more chasteness than they in reality possess), that the differences in sexual behavior or relationship satisfaction between high and low finger ratio women would hold as a valid finding, despite the magnitude of those differences possibly skewed by social expectation bias. This would only not be the case if, for some reason, high finger ratio women and low finger ratio women lied at different frequencies. That is, if high 2D:4D women lied more about their romantic lives than low 2D:4D women lied about theirs, we could not trust any uncorrected self-report data that attempted to compare the two groups.

This isn’t an idle misgiving. It’s plausible that very feminine women are more disposed to lying about their chasteness than are masculinized women, given that femininity is in general associated with a greater sensitivity to social pressure and with affinity for emotional manipulation of others.

One more word of caution: the researchers appear to have used “impulsivity” and “dissatisfaction with relationship” as proxies for “higher likelihood of cheating”. These aren’t equivalent, despite the former two characteristics being a leading indicator of the latter risk. Dissatisfied women in relationships can conceivably control themselves and resist infidelity……


….but that’s not the way to bet.

Still, based on my experience with women, I believe this study has touched on a truth about women that would be more brightly illuminated with better methodology.

In the research paper, she speculates that women with the higher index finger to ring finger ration are likely to be ‘more feminized’ and more highly sought after by males.

Because they know they have a lot of options, ‘this might be associated with dissatisfaction with current partners’ and this might lead to flings – or as the scientists call it ‘opportunistic mating’ and ‘impulsive’ mating with men who are not their husband or partner.

The two main strategies in sex are ‘opportunistic mating’ – in other words having lots of flings – and a strategy ‘focusing on long-term commitment’.

She writes that ‘If females with more feminised morphology [body shape] have higher ‘mate value’,

SMV: sexual market value.

The Chateau isn’t an outpost of the world; the world is an outpost of the Chateau.

this might be associated with dissatisfaction with current partners, leading to impulsive extra-pair matings and seeking alternative mates.’

Finger length ratio is a well-tread topic at the Chateau. There has been debate whether masculinized or feminine women are more likely to cheat (proponents of the former reasoning that women with high T are hornier and thus cheat risks), but this study says more feminine women are the cheat risks, which validates a classic Chateau pearl necklace of wisdom:

Options = Instability

The researchers also looked at the ratio of index finger to ring finger lengths in males, but did not find any connection with relationship quality.

FYI, there is very little discrepancy between the finger ratios of gay and straight men. If anything, gay men have slightly more “masculine” ratios.

That last bit about the dearth of evidence for a digit ratio-to-relationship quality correlation in men is very telling. It indirectly supports my observation that women make holistic assessments of male mate quality, seeking out a panoply of hsmv traits in men, some of which contradict each other. As such, the playing field is open to men of varying masculinity and femininity — think on, for example, how common it is to see brooding artist soyboys and musclehead jocks with cute girls — and how that might manifest biologically in a natural selection process that neither favors nor disfavors for long high 2D:4D men over low 2D:4D men.

It’s interesting to speculate on the existence of Darwinian balances that keep lower digit ratio men in the game, and further to speculate that this is the reason why there isn’t a connection between a man’s digit ratio and his relationship quality.

That connection is easier to see when looking directly at the source of a man’s happiness: his woman’s beauty, or lack thereof. Forget male finger ratios; if you want to know if a man is satisfied in his relationship, just ask yourself if you would eagerly fuck his girlfriend or wife. If yes, he’s happy.


Vicarious Female Submission

This is a great Game vajnette from VinnyVette, illustrating the concept of vicarious female submission.

Current girlfriend of four years…
First night I met her, on the second beer at a local drinking establishment. Was talking about a crazy freak I was banging who was stalking me. Grabbed new girl by the hair, pulled her to me, looked her in the eyes and said “and I slapped her in the face and told her to look at me while I’m fucking you!” The look in new girls eyes said I’d be fucking her that night, and I did. Been my love slave ever since…

Clever, clever. Allow a girl to experience that intoxicating submission to a dominant man, while maintaining a MeToo-proof plausible deniability by expressing that dominance through the alibi of a remembered fling with another woman.

First, there’s the DHV and hamster-stroke table setting: he’s so irresistible he turns girls into “crazy freak” stalkers.

Then, there’s the kino escalating hair-grab delivered with a built-in, face-saving retraction should it be unwelcome (he’s just demonstratively recalling a story about a girl who was crazy for him).

The physicality of the move is pure pulp romance rape fantasy fuel. Gentlemen, if you really want to heat up the bedroom, skip the roses and sweet nothings and go straight to the hair grab and head-pull toward your face.

Strong eye contact is critical when attempting a power play over a woman’s hindbrain. Don’t break the spell by glancing upward thinking about what you’ll say next.

The follow-up line slyly embeds “Look at me while I’m fucking you!” within a larger, at-a-remove narrated context. You obviously won’t say this to a girl on the first night you meet her, after the second beer. But you can get away with arousing the same feelings in her as she would have swooning under the throaty delivery of that line from an actual lover in an actual bedroom situation, by saying the line within the safe space of a recalled romance with another girl.

This is a version of NLP — embedding trigger words (the good kind of triggering) into a conversation to lead a girl to imagine scenarios, transactions, with you.

It’s unrealistic to say to a girl you just met, “Look at me. Look at me! I’m the pussy smasher now”, but you can get away with it if you frame it as a retold story: “and I slapped her in the face and told her to look at me while I’m fucking you!”.

Note that final pronoun. Not, “…told her to look at me while I’m fucking her”, but “…told her to look at me while I’m fucking you”. YOU. The girl sitting there listening to this is now an active participant in the story. She is the girl from his story, getting wet for the pimp hand.

Finally, the romantic slap. You don’t have to do it, you only have to say you’d do it, or that you’ve done it, to elicit similar feelings of feral, pre-orgasmic submission in a woman. Words are their own form of hyperconsensual foreplay.


Name three features of modrenity that are colluding to destroy Western Civilization.

Men’s penises are half-an-inch SMALLER if they are exposed to high levels of chemicals in non-stick frying pans and fast food packaging while in the womb, study finds

Men could end up with penises half-an-inch shorter than usual if their parents were exposed to high levels of a chemical used in non-stick frying pans.

Scientists have found the chemicals, called PFCs, can interfere with male hormones and lead to sexual organs being ‘significantly’ shorter and thinner.

And this effect is not only seen in the womb, the researchers said. PFCs could have toxic effects in teenagers, too.

The chemicals, also found in waterproof clothing and greaseproof packaging for food, get into the bloodstream and reduce testosterone levels.

Scientists found young men who grew up in an area polluted with PFCs have penises 12.5 per cent shorter and 6.3 per cent thinner than healthy men. […]

The chemicals, officially called perfluoroalkyl compounds, are also a health hazard in Dordrecht in the Netherlands, Shandong in China, and West Virginia in the US.

The Italian researchers found PFCs will bind to testosterone receptors and reduce levels of the male sex hormone used in the body.

As a result, men grow up with smaller penises, less healthy and mobile sperm and a shorter distance between their scrotum and anus – a sign of lower fertility.

‘As the first report on water contamination of PFCs goes back to 1977, the magnitude of the problem is alarming,’ said the researchers, led by Dr Andrea Di Nisio.

‘It affects an entire generation of young individuals, from 1978 onwards.’

PFCs come in hundreds of forms and are widely used to make everyday products more convenient and longer-lasting.

They are found in fast food packaging, paper plates, stain-resistant carpets, windshield washing fluid, fire-fighting foam and waterproof clothing.

PFCs are also in some glues, cosmetics, medicines, electronics, cleaning products, polishes and waxes, insecticides and paints.

Endocrine disruptors are a bigger threat to humanity than any virtue signaling catastrophe du jour beloved by shitlibs. This toxic stew of chemicals that has powered the modern consumerist economies of the First World is a silent killer of masculinity and femininity.

Big Chem is an enemy of the penis.

For decades we Westerners have ingested an onslaught of unnatural chemicals under the comforting belief that the conveniences of easy living were cost-free.

Instead, we are paying a price so large it threatens to destroy our homelands, through the inversion of the sexual polarities, leading to unmarriageable pussyhat women and prostrate soyboys genuflecting before a suicidal universalist worldview.

This goes beyond our shared Inner Hajnal inheritance, which has bequeathed us with a high trust altruism that is beneficial only out to a geocultural radius of our racial kin. Beyond that, our Hajnalleles are cyanide pills waiting to activate when the first swarth enters our sanctum demanding our largesse.

But, in my opinion, Inner Hajnalianism cannot adequately explain this degree of White Christian self-abnegation.

Poll Shows Huge Democrat Bias Toward Muslims Over Christians

Sixty-eight percent of Democrats say employers should grant a request for prayer space by Muslims — but only 45 percent say employers should grant a similar request by Christian employees, says a survey by Grinnell College.

In contrast to the Democrats’ 23-point anti-Christian bias, the November poll showed only a ten point gap in response from conservatives.

Thirty percent of Republicans say employers should provide a prayer space for Muslim employees and 40 percent say employers should support a similar service for Christians, according to the Grinnell College poll of roughly 500 people.

The same poll showed a three-point pro-Christian skew among Donald Trump’s voters and a huge 20-point pro-Muslim skew among Hillary Clinton voters.

The massive bias among Clinton voters towards Muslims is a huge contrast to Trump voters’ more principled approach to religious requests on business.

A principled approach would be to recognize that nations are extensions of race, which are affiliated with specific religious traditions, and that a nation’s government should privilege the race and religion of its native stock. But we are far from that sensible and historical understanding of the purpose and particulars of nationhood.

Conspicuously and eagerly bending the knee to foreigners and an alien religion, while also gleefully disavowing one’s own heritage, is an abasement of such demonic proportion that it points to an environmental insult for its source. The Hajnal gene template combined with the sexuality inverting toxins released en masse into our homes and water supplies by Big Chem is the lethal one-two combination that best accounts for the lunacy of Clown World.

Big Chem, small penises, shitlibs: it’s all connected.

We need brave researchers to examine this connection so that we can find solutions.

  • Where are these penis-shrinking chemicals most concentrated?
  • Who is most affected by them?
  • Do shitlibs and shitlords differ in average penis size?
  • Does urban population density trigger a cascade of endocrine disruption?
  • Is shitlib lunacy partly the result of the nature and scope of the chemicals they unknowingly absorb?

We may need to grapple with the reality that the only cure for what ails us is turning our backs on materialist modrenity, and embracing de-urbanization, localism, and a reinvigorated solidarity among racial and cultural kindred; and finding our way to a painful self-awareness that we Whites carry within us a divine spark that is also our immolation if we are reckless vessels of it.

The time for a radical new vision of the Good Life has arrived. We can hope it’s not too late.


PS The way to fight the penis-shrinking effects of teflon-coated cookware is to constantly fantasize about your favorite harem girls naked and writhing under your patriarchal gaze so that you have a chubby every minute of the day.

Or you could cook on stainless steel or cast iron*.

*Cast iron isn’t so good for men past the age of puberty. Iron stores build up in the blood and aren’t easily expelled. High ferritin level is associated with higher risk of heart disease.


Argumentum Ad Technicalitum

This is argumentum ad technicalitum, a favorite pastime of disingenuous shitlibs and scaredy-cat libertarians. Sure, a well-tanned White person won’t get stupider, but skin color has always colloquially referred to a genetically inherited trait, and yes darker skin IS associated with intra- and inter-racial lower IQ and higher aggressiveness.


S.K. adds,

There is a basket of other traits anecdotally observed to be racially different. Aggression, time preference, maturity, pair bonding, and so on. None of these seem to be directly associated with simple IQ. I’m idly curious whether those differences will ever be defined.

Right, IQ isn’t the only important human trait under the sun, but IQ does appear to play a modulating role for all of those traits S.K. listed. There are apparently correlations of varying strength between a simple g factor and a host of well-researched psychological traits, but none are perfectly mutually predictive, which is why we occasionally come across smart, impulsive people or dumb, conscientious people.

And of course these correlations must be controlled for race, because there are large average racial differences as well as intra-racial differences along all those behavioral and cognitive dimensions.

It’s time for otherwise smart men like Molyneux to stop cravenly abiding shitlib nostrums. Cowardice is more costly when the hour is late.


Deep State Update

The Hill and Daily Caller (hi, chuck!) have been publishing fantastic reporting on the criminal syndicate known as the Deep State. At least someone is doing the investigative work that the leftoid media won’t do.

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet


The email exchanges included then-FBI Director James Comey, key FBI investigators in the Russia probe and lawyers in the DOJ’s national security division, and they occurred in early to mid-October, before the FBI successfully secured a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The email exchanges show the FBI was aware — before it secured the now-infamous warrant — that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it: the Christopher Steele dossier.

The exchanges also indicate FBI officials were aware that Steele, the former MI6 British intelligence operative then working as a confidential human source for the bureau, had contacts with news media reporters before the FISA warrant was secured.

The FBI fired Steele on Nov. 1, 2016 — two weeks after securing the warrant — on the grounds that he had unauthorized contacts with the news media.

But the FBI withheld from the American public and Congress, until months later, that Steele had been paid to find his dirt on Trump by a firm doing political opposition research for the Democratic Party and for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and that Steele himself harbored hatred for Trump.

If the FBI knew of his media contacts and the concerns about the reliability of his dossier before seeking the warrant, it would constitute a serious breach of FISA regulations and the trust that the FISA court places in the FBI.

That’s because the FBI has an obligation to certify to the court before it approves FISA warrants that its evidence is verified, and to alert the judges to any flaws in its evidence or information that suggest the target might be innocent.

We now know the FBI used an article from Yahoo News as independent corroboration for the Steele dossier when, in fact, Steele had talked to the news outlet.

If the FBI knew Steele had that media contact before it submitted the article, it likely would be guilty of circular intelligence reporting, a forbidden tactic in which two pieces of evidence are portrayed as independent corroboration when, in fact, they originated from the same source.

These issues are why the FBI email chain, kept from most members of Congress for the past two years, suddenly landed on the declassification list. […]

Sources tell me the email chain provides the most direct evidence that the bureau, and possibly the DOJ, had reasons to doubt the Steele dossier before the FISA warrant was secured.

But a coup was underway, so the FISA judges had to be deceived as part of the plan.

Sources say the specifics of the email chain remain classified, but its general sentiments about the Steele dossier and the media contacts have been discussed in nonclassified settings.

“If these documents are released, the American public will have clear and convincing evidence to see the FISA warrant that escalated the Russia probe just before Election Day was flawed and the judges [were] misled,” one knowledgeable source told me.

Congressional investigators also have growing evidence that some evidence inserted into the fourth and final application for the FISA — a document signed by current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — was suspect.

Nunes hinted as much himself in comments he made on Sean Hannity’s Fox News TV show on Nov. 20, when he disclosed the FBI email string was added to the declassification request. The release of the documents will “give finality to everyone who wants to know what their government did to a political campaign” and verify that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia during the election, Nunes said.

As more of the secret evidence used to justify the Russia probe becomes public, an increasingly dark portrait of the FBI’s conduct emerges.

The lawlessness of the FBI, CIA, and DOJ beggar belief. I’m not kidding when I say creeps like Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Strzok, Rosenstein, and Mueller should be in the docket to answer for their crimes of treason.

One screen, two movies, and the movie shitlibs are watching is pure fiction.


From the official United Nations website, a discussion paper that proposes using memory of the Holocaust to press for more multiculturalism and globalism.

The future of Holocaust memory and education lies in its ability to be relevant to the students of coming generations. While study about the Holocaust is important in and of itself, it is even more important to learn from the Holocaust in terms of promoting global citizenship, human rights, religious tolerance and multiculturalism to ensure that such evil does not occur again.

How does multiculturalism prevent genocide? It would seem commonsensical that the best way to prevent genocide of the Holocaustian flavor is to keep different peoples apart.

In many locations worldwide, the Holocaust has become a universal symbol of evil. Just as the story of the Exodus from Egypt from the Bible, and the catch cry “Let my people go” epitomises moving from slavery towards freedom, the Holocaust is now the defining symbol of the most terrible denial of basic human rights—an evil that we struggle to comprehend.

Paradoxically, we can transform teaching about the Holocaust from a subject of despair to a subject of hope. We can convey to our students the message that the option of preventing the next Holocaust is in our own hands. Our students can take specific steps to counter racism and hatred on a local, granular level and this will impact at the universal, international level.

In this way, adolescents can become agents of change. The most important educational message of tikun olam,repairing the world, is that we must not be indifferent, we must not be bystanders, because indifference is lethal.

Get them while they’re young. (Although, it’s a good bet [the special kids] don’t fall far from the olive tree.)

We have to act! We must be agents and facilitators against the evils of discrimination, prejudice, hatred and violence. All teachers need to equip their students with the intellectual and practical tools to deal with complex historical situations.

Why do [the special people] and UN apparatchiks (but I mostly repeat myself) feel the need to ACT? Act on what? Rejiggering human nature? Yeah, that won’t end yet again in an abattoir of the victims of failed universalist ideologies. /s

The growing strength of populist and far right groups in Europe must concern us all. The worldwide wave of anti-Semitism in which innocent Jews are attacked solely for being Jewish while walking the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, Brussels, Paris and Rome has to worry us.

Disingenuously left unstated is that most of those attacks are

a. by moslems and assorted vibrancy invited into those places by people like Zehavit Gross and

b. hate hoaxes by a sociopathic israeli-american 20yo

Over the past two decades, Holocaust awareness globally has become a new form of collective remembrance.

I’d call it a familiar form of collective indoctrination.

Holocaust education enables exploration of human rights literacy in different social contexts from cognitive, social and practical perspectives. It acknowledges the need to develop a new cosmopolitan consciousness transcending national boundaries: a memory connected not only to the past but also to the belief in a common future. The cosmopolitanization of Holocaust awareness and the need to avoid such a tragedy occurring again is connected to post-national processes.

Thus, educating about the dangers of racism and extreme nationalism can become an icon for a new cosmopolitan future.

“I didn’t sign up for this”

At the same time we must be careful. There can be no doubt that the transformation of the Holocaust into a universal symbol of evil has made it possible to address it in different cultural contexts. But there is a substantial, inherent risk that this approach can “normalise” the Holocaust and thus diminish it. Normalisation can lead to “soft” Holocaust denial. Not aggressive, explicit denial, but denial of its core Jewish elements.

“Hey hey let’s all remember who the primary victims are!”

Summarizing, the United Nations has implicitly endorsed, by allowing on its website, a call to exploit Holocaust remembrance to advance the goal of post-national multicultural cosmopolitanism.

*somberly shelves tinfoil hat* I won’t need you anymore, good friend. This is our reality, now.



I chuckle thinking about Melania and Don’s marriage. They are in love with each other, but there’s gotta be some friction that heats up the bedroom. For instance, Melania is dressed to kill in Paris, living the dream, trying to impress Frenchies, soaking up the adulation…then her husband tweets the next day about the French almost speaking German.

She’s exasperated, All her good will, politesse, and carefully chosen fashion statements for naught, because Don had to lay the smackdown on Maricon. Later that night, when they’re alone, she slaps him, maybe playfully, maybe not, a tear beginning to form. Don takes her in his arms….sympathizes, assures her he’ll be better next time…she straddles him.. “oh mr president….”


What am I doing wasting my time delivering Truth and Beauty to the benighted when I could just slap together pulpy romance ripped straight from a compilation of my Best Of Comfort Stage seductions and make out like a bandit?


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